HomeSpring BanquetChapter 49: My Habitual Ways, What's Wrong with Them?

Chapter 49: My Habitual Ways, What’s Wrong with Them?

The official’s daughters in the room were all stunned, their gazes fixed.

Just moments ago, Lord Ziyang had been lying on the bed with a solemn expression. Now, he suddenly rose to his feet. His jet-black eyes flashed with a chilling intensity as he glanced at Cheng Xu. Without a word, he reached out, grabbed his outer robe that was hanging nearby, and draped it over himself before heading out.

“Your Highness, your injury…” Cheng Xu began nervously.

Ignoring him as if he hadn’t heard, Jiang Xuanjin stepped out, his azure silk robe fluttering in the wind that greeted him. He gathered it swiftly, cinched his belt crisply, and asked in a cold voice, “Where?”

“On Chongde Street,” Cheng Xu followed closely behind, explaining as they walked, “Lingxiu rushed back and found Madam in a confrontation with someone. She doesn’t know the current situation.”

Lingxiu returned alone? Jiang Xuanjin furrowed his brow, feeling a trace of anger rising within him.

How could a servant leave her master behind? Even if Bai Zhuji was skilled, as she claimed, her abilities were nothing extraordinary. If she encountered any real trouble, she might not be able to handle it!

Feeling a slight tension, he quickened his pace, had someone fetch his horse, mounted swiftly, and grasped the reins as he headed towards Chongde Street.

Feeling anxious and unsettled all the way, he had to calm himself down, trying to think positively. Perhaps it was just a matter of dealing with simple ruffians, something she should be capable of handling.

However, when he halted in front of a clothing store, his gaze couldn’t help but darken.

The storefront was in disarray, decorative floor vases shattered on the ground with faint traces of blood, and a long piece of wood used for closing the door was skewed at the entrance. Inside was dark and silent, devoid of the sounds of struggle.

Had he arrived too late?

Staring stiffly at the bloodstains for a moment, Jiang Xuanjin dismounted and stepped over the broken porcelain as he entered.

Numerous garments were strewn haphazardly on the floor, curtains hanging from the ceiling were torn, the counter collapsed, and racks for hanging clothes were broken and splintered, leaving no place to stand. He looked down, his breathing becoming increasingly shallow.


Seeing no one within his line of sight, he pursed his lips, looking around and calling softly, “Bai Zhuji!”

There was a slight movement behind the collapsed counter. Jiang Xuanjin’s eyes brightened, but upon closer inspection, he saw it was the shopkeeper, trembling as he stared at him.

“Where is she?” His expression darkened with displeasure.

The shopkeeper had no idea who he was asking about and stuttered nervously, “I-I don’t know anything… Someone suddenly barged in and harassed Madam. Oh, my shop…”

“Where is Madam?” He demanded sharply.

The shopkeeper shook his head. She had been avoiding him the whole time. How could he know where she was?

Growing increasingly impatient, Jiang Xuanjin felt his frustration mounting. He was filled with an unsettling anger as he searched the shop twice over. Just as he was about to lose his temper, Cheng Xu called from the doorway, “Master!”

He turned around to see Bai Zhuji leaning against Cheng Xu, her clothes disheveled and her hair in disarray.

His pupils contracted. Stepping forward in large strides, he supported her and asked, “Are you injured?”

She leaned into his embrace and muttered, “I’m alive. Just… scared out of my wits.”

A person who feared nothing and no one was trembling in his arms from fright? Jiang Xuanjin took a deep breath, gently patting her back. “Let’s go home.”


Bai Zhuji, who had always been quite chatty, was unusually quiet today. She clung tightly to him all the way, her fingers gripping his clothes tightly.

Jiang Xuanjin’s face was grim as he rode back to the residence. Without a word, he closed the door after dismissing the guests, then placed her on the bedside and asked in a low voice, “Where are you hurt?”

Li Huaiyu lifted her sleeve with a pitiful expression to show him the bruises. She pouted, “I could handle them normally, but there were four of them. It’s infuriating!”

Already not unscathed, she now had several new bruises, but luckily no bleeding. Jiang Xuanjin stood up and fetched a bruise-healing ointment, massaging it onto her bruised hand as he asked, “Did you get a good look at their faces?”

Huaiyu shook her head, “They all had their faces covered. They were skilled fighters too. I don’t know why they targeted me. Lingxiu and I were just looking at clothes. We didn’t provoke anyone.”

Massaging her bruised hand, Jiang Xuanjin lowered his eyes, “You are the Lady Ziyang. Even if you didn’t provoke anyone, there will always be people who don’t get along with you.”

“I thought it was broad daylight, and no one would dare to be so bold. But it turns out there are still those who dare to attack openly in the street,” Huaiyu muttered.

Looking at the large bruises, Jiang Xuanjin’s tone was stern, “I told you to bring Yu Feng with you, but you didn’t.”

“Yu Feng may be skilled, but she’s still a young man. Always accompanying me in and out isn’t convenient,” Huaiyu pursed her lips. “I should find a maid with excellent martial skills to accompany me outside, and take Lingxiu along. I need to protect her too.”

That was true. Typically, noblewomen and young ladies had maids with some martial skills, but given Bai Zhuji’s current status and situation, none of her maids had sufficient skills to ensure her safety. Finding a highly skilled martial artist among women was difficult, and he couldn’t watch her every moment. He needed to find a solution.

Just as he was contemplating this, there was a sound of chains at the door.

“Shui,” Qing Si entered with a basin of water, speaking only that one word. She placed the basin aside and handed over a cloth.

Jiang Xuanjin glanced at her, reaching out to take the cloth, but she frowned and evaded his hand, stubbornly handing it to Bai Zhuji instead.

“Thank you, but I’m currently…” Huaiyu gestured to her injured hand, asking for her help.

Qing Si nodded, biting onto the chain hanging from her hand, she twisted the cloth in the water and gently wiped Huaiyu’s slightly dirty face.

Ever since Bai Zhuji released her, Qing Si, the Eldest Princess’s peculiar-tempered maid, seemed to have developed a fondness for her. Despite being accompanied by Yu Feng for so long, apart from noticing her affinity with Bai Zhuji, Qing Si had shown no unusual behavior. She hadn’t even attempted to escape.


Ever since Bai Zhuji had released her, Qing Si, the Eldest Princess’s maid with an unusual temper, seemed to have developed a fondness for her. Despite being accompanied by Yu Feng for so long, apart from noticing her affinity with Bai Zhuji, Qing Si had shown no unusual behavior. She hadn’t even attempted to escape.

“Has she started seeing Bai Zhuji as a benefactor?” Jiang Xuanshen pondered silently.

Though Qing Si was ruthless in her own right, one of her merits was her clear distinction between friend and foe. Once she identified someone as an enemy—like himself—she would stop at nothing to eliminate them. Conversely, if she considered someone a benefactor—like Bai Zhuji—she would treat them with great tenderness, even performing tasks befitting a maid.

“What are you looking at?” the person on the bed curiously asked him.

Jiang Xuanshen refocused his attention and set down the ointment. “Rest for a while. I need to speak with Qing Si.”

“Speak with Qing Si?” She looked nervous. “You’re not going to lock her up again, are you? She doesn’t want to kill you anymore!”

Her anxious demeanor amused him. “Who said anything about locking her up?”

“In that case, what’s there to talk about?” she muttered.

Jiang Xuanshen shook his head, gently pressing her back onto the bed. Then, he got up and pulled the curtain separating the chambers, leading Qing Si out to the outer room.

“Unlock her shackles,” he instructed.

Yu Feng was startled beside them. “Right here?”

“Yes.” Jiang Xuanshen found a chair and sat down, pressing his arm where he was injured, observing Qing Si closely.

Qing Si remained indifferent as Yu Feng unlocked the shackles on her wrists. Although her eyes lacked murderous intent, they were far from friendly.

“What do you want?” she asked.

“I want you to do something,” Jiang Xuanshen replied.

“Do something?” Qing Si frowned, eyeing him warily.

“At Moju, there’s no place for idle hands. Now that your wounds have healed, follow the Lady,” Jiang Xuanshen continued. “With your skills, protecting her should be easy.”

Qing Si blinked, a hint of brightness flashing in her eyes before she quickly masked it, suppressing her joy as she asked cautiously, “Are you not afraid I might try to kill you again?”

“If you have the ability, you’re welcome to try,” Jiang Xuanshen said coolly. “But if I catch you again, I will send you straight to the Ministry of Justice’s dungeon. I won’t intervene in the old cases of Danyang again.”

Threaten her? Qing Si was surprised. Jiang Xuanshen hadn’t resorted to such tactics when he tried to extract information from her earlier. Yet now, he was openly using them just to ensure she followed the Lady.

Looking at him with a complicated expression, Qing Si couldn’t help but wonder how Jiang Xuanshen would react if he knew that his wife was actually her mistress.

Seeing her lost in thought, Jiang Xuanshen furrowed his brow slightly. “Will you comply or not?”

“I will,” Qing Si nodded.

Satisfied with her answer, Jiang Xuanshen stood up. “Then go find someone to fetch the maid’s clothes from Jiang Mansion. Starting today, you’ll follow the Lady.”

After saying that, he turned and lifted the curtain separating them, then leaned down towards the eavesdropper and said, “From now on, whenever you leave the mansion, take her with you.”

Caught red-handed eavesdropping, Huaiyu felt embarrassed, but upon hearing this, his eyes instantly brightened.

“Are you worried about me?” she chuckled, reaching out to embrace him. Huaiyu tilted her head up towards him and blinked innocently. “You want to keep Qing Si with me; isn’t she an important witness?”

Allowing her to hold him, Jiang Xuanjin replied nonchalantly, “Everything has its use.”

Huaiyu burst into laughter, genuinely amused this time. She had wagered during this whole charade, betting on how much Jiang Xuanjin cared about her, and it seemed she had won! Qing Si could finally stay by her side!

Overjoyed, she jumped up and planted a kiss on his chin. The shiny drool even drew out a strand.

Jiang Xuanjin looked at her with disdain, pulling his sleeve to wipe it off.

“Hey, I thought you liked cleanliness? Why wipe it on your clothes?” Huaiyu stared at him wide-eyed.

He cleaned it up leisurely, then returned her sleeve, lifting his eyes. “Liking cleanliness means liking cleanliness for oneself. This is your clothes.”

In other words, ‘I stay clean while you get dirty.’

Huaiyu was speechless, and playfully punched his shoulder.

It wasn’t a strong punch, just for fun, but Jiang Xuanjin acted like he’d taken a blow from a heavyweight boxer, grunting in pain and holding his arm in agony.

“Oh, I forgot you’re still injured!” Huaiyu exclaimed, hurriedly helping him to the edge of the bed, anxiously asking, “Are you alright?”

Jiang Xuanjin quietly sucked in a breath of cool air, murmuring, “When I was riding just now, the wound got irritated again. You’re not very good at holding back…”

“My bad, my bad!” Huaiyu apologized quickly, nervously watching him, “I’ll call the doctor right away!”

With that, she lifted her skirt and rushed out in a panic.

Yufeng watched from the side, seeing the pained expression on the bed turn into a smile the moment his wife turned around. Jiang Xuanjin straightened up, relaxed his furrowed brow, and casually leaned against the bed to continue flipping through the official documents as if nothing had happened.

This was definitely a set-up!

Yufeng sighed. It seemed like his master had truly been influenced by her.

However, playful antics aside, Lord Ziyang’s ability to hold a grudge was top-notch. If it weren’t for his wife’s agility and the crowd’s intervention, who knows what the consequences would have been when she encountered danger on the street. In the capital, under the Emperor’s gaze, such incidents couldn’t simply be brushed aside.

The official responsible for patrolling the capital, Yibeng Centurion General Yi Yang, would naturally be the first to face Jiang Xuanjin’s inquiry.

“It was my fault,” Yi Yang wiped his sweat, “I was patrolling the western part of the city at that time and did not notice the disturbance on Chongde Street.”

The capital was vast, and with him alone—even with the city guard—it was impossible to monitor every corner. Simply blaming him for this seemed overly harsh.

Jiang Xuanjin asked, “According to the patrol schedule, there was no city guard at Chongde Street at that time?”

Yi Yang hurriedly presented the documents with both hands, saying, “This is the patrol arrangement drafted early. Please review it, Your Highness.”

The document clearly outlined that he was to patrol from the west to the north of the city that day, while another deputy was responsible for the south to the east. Coincidentally, at the time of the incident on Chongde Street, the city guard there was in the process of changing shifts.

With this evidence, Yi Yang felt assured that he wouldn’t be blamed.

However, Jiang Xuanjin casually skimmed through the document and unexpectedly noticed the previous patrol arrangement.

“On the day of the incident at Chang’an Street, were you the one who sent the two young masters of the Bai family to the prison?”

Why the sudden question? Yi Yang didn’t understand, hesitating before nodding, “Yes.”

With slender fingers pointing to the patrol arrangement from over a dozen days ago on the document, Jiang Xuanjin narrowed his eyes. “According to the arrangement, you were supposed to be in the south of the city that day. Why did you go to Chang’an Street?”

Yi Yang was shaken. It was only now that he realized Lord Ziyang had noticed something. He quickly explained, “At that time, the deputy had urgent matters, so I swapped shifts with him.”

Glancing at Yi Yang’s flustered expression, Jiang Xuanjin closed the document and said to Yufeng, “Summon the deputy of the city guard here.”

“Your Highness,” Yi Yang shook his head, “I’m patrolling the capital today as well. It was just a temporary absence, why involve the deputy?”

“You make a valid point,” Jiang Xuanjin replied, “Continue your patrol, but bring the deputy here.”

Yi Yang hesitated, his face darkening. Yufeng stepped forward and after some hesitation, Yi Yang reluctantly followed him out.

As soon as they left, Huaiyu emerged from behind the screen nearby, curious. “What did you find out?”

Pulling her close, Jiang Xuanjin’s eyes gleamed with depth. “Yi Yang lied.”


Handing her the document without any reservations, Jiang Xuanjin explained, “If it was a temporary swap, it would have been noted. Yi Yang panicked and couldn’t cover his lie.”

Glancing at the document, Huaiyu tossed it aside disinterestedly, muttering, “I don’t know about that, but his daughter is quite pretty.”

Jiang Xuanjin lowered his gaze at her. “So, what’s the matter?”

Pouting, Huaiyu tilted her face up at him. “Am I pretty, or is she prettier?”

“You are quite pretty,” Jiang Xuanjin replied honestly.

Her face wrinkled in anger, Huaiyu turned around and straddled him, reaching out to pinch his cheek. “Do you know what it means for an inferior wife to not stay in her place? We’ve only been married for a short while, and you’re already saying someone else is prettier than me?”

Allowing her to pinch his face, Jiang Xuanjin calmly said, “I didn’t say she’s prettier than you.”

“But saying it like that implies she’s prettier!” Huaiyu retorted.

“No,” he said, “I only know your appearance. As for others, I haven’t paid much attention.”

Huaiyu sighed in exasperation, loosening her grip on his hand. She smiled wryly and said, “Next time someone says Lord Ziyang never speaks kindly, I’ll make them properly clean out their ears!”

“That wasn’t a kind remark,” Jiang Xuanjin stated seriously. “It was the truth.”

Not feeling angry anymore, Huaiyu hugged him and laughed, rubbing her cheek against his. “I love hearing this ‘truth’!”

Feeling her gentle warmth against him, Jiang Xuanjin’s throat tightened slightly. He reached to hold her waist, preventing her from slipping off the bed, and whispered softly, “Someone else will be coming soon; behave yourself.”

“But they’re not here yet,” Huaiyu teased, looking up to see a slight blush creeping over his ears. Unable to resist, she leaned in and kissed him there.

A shiver ran through his body from his ear to his toes. He took a deep breath and pushed her gently away. “Stop teasing!”

“Who’s teasing? I’m serious! Don’t move!” Holding his hand firmly, Huaiyu raised her eyebrows. “Have you forgotten about the injury on your arm?”

He realized she was aware of his injury. Jiang Xuanjin was becoming increasingly exasperated, struggling to push her away. However, as soon as he exerted some force, she exclaimed in pain.

“What’s wrong?” he stopped abruptly.

Rubbing her leg, Huaiyu buried her head in his shoulder, groaning, “It’s cramping, my leg! Ah don’t move!”

Jiang Xuanjin refrained from moving, looking concernedly at her leg, afraid he might accidentally make the cramp worse. But… why was this person, suffering from a painful leg cramp, still blowing hot air into his ear?


“Ouch, it hurts! Don’t move, don’t move!” Her face pressed against his ear, Huaiyu couldn’t see his expression. She grinned widely, alternating between calling out in pain and taking advantage of him.

In the past, she hadn’t particularly liked Jiang Xuanjin’s cold aura. It always felt chilly. Yet now, getting closer, she found his Buddhist fragrance surprisingly pleasant, especially when mixed with his warmth. It made her irresistibly want to snuggle closer.

Huaiyu stole several quick pecks, satisfied as she watched a flush spread from his ear. Naturally, her hands hooked around his neck, and she hummed teasingly, “If my face isn’t attractive, what about other places?”

His breath hitched, Jiang Xuanjin gritted his teeth. “Shut up!”

Huaiyu burst into laughter and pinched his chin, leaning in for another kiss.

“Your Highness,” Yufeng’s voice sounded from outside the door, “Vice Commander Jiang has arrived.”

Jiang Xuanjin’s body stiffened almost instantly, ready to push the person on top of him away. However, Huaiyu reacted faster than he anticipated, swiftly lowering the bed curtain.

“You…” he began to scold, but she covered his mouth with her hand.

“Shh, someone’s come in!”

Jiang Qu followed Yufeng into the room, not lifting his head as he respectfully greeted, “I pay my respects to Your Highness.”

He was here to discuss official matters, yet there was a woman hidden behind the bed curtain? Even if those outside were unaware, Jiang Xuanjin felt profoundly embarrassed. His voice tightened as he spoke, “Please rise, Vice Commander.”

Sensing the severity in Lord Ziyang’s tone, Jiang Qu felt uneasy. “May I know what Your Highness commands?”

“It’s not a command, just a question,” Jiang Xuanjin replied calmly. “On the day of the incident at Chang’an Street’s gambling den, where were you?”

Was he being accused? Jiang Qu felt wronged, his face showing his distress. “Your Highness, I should have been patrolling the area around Chang’an Street as ordered. However, for some reason, Vice Commander Yi suddenly went to Chang’an Street, asking me to check nearby. I followed orders and left, but within half an hour, the incident occurred on the street.”

“Oh?” Jiang Xuanjin raised an eyebrow. “Vice Commander Yi went there before the disturbance at the gambling den?”


This was getting interesting. Leaving his post, specifically heading to Chang’an Street, where an incident promptly occurred, didn’t seem coincidental at all. It appeared that Yi Yang had been waiting there to make an arrest. If it had been Jiang Qu, he certainly wouldn’t have sent the Bai family members to jail so swiftly.

His eyes narrowed slightly as Jiang Xuanjin rolled up his sleeves, lost in thought.

Beside him, Huaiyu watched him, chin in hand, smiling softly.

Lord Ziyang was truly a clever person. Dealing with such intelligence made things effortless and worry-free, as long as one was equally astute.

Huaiyu reached out and gently touched his fingers, patiently waiting for him to sort out his thoughts.

“You may leave, Vice Commander,” Jiang Xuanjin spoke after a moment. “Thank you for your cooperation.”

Jiang Qu, who had been trembling with fear, wondered if he was going to be punished. However, to his surprise, His Highness let him go without further inquiry. Overjoyed, he quickly bowed and took his leave.

“Will you go tomorrow to deliver soup to your father?” With no one else in the room, Jiang Xuanjin turned to the person beside him and asked casually.

Playing with his fingers absentmindedly, Huaiyu replied nonchalantly, “I’ll go if you want me to.”

“Good,” he nodded. “Take Qing Si with you and deliver the soup. Also, pass on a message for me.”

Reaching out, he pulled her closer and whispered something in her ear, ending with, “Can you convey it clearly?”

Huaiyu nodded vaguely, smiling mischievously, and made up for the kiss they had just interrupted. Her almond-shaped eyes shimmered with mischief as she looked at him.

Breathless from her kisses, Jiang Xuanjin moved her away, slightly annoyed. “Did you understand what I said?”

“Oh, come on. Can’t I handle such a simple task?” Huaiyu pouted, still holding his lips. “You’re so fierce. You act like I’m a lackadaisical husband, and you’re a cunning wife.”

“What nonsense are you talking about?” His expression darkened.

“Don’t be angry, don’t be angry.” Lowering her head, Huaiyu planted a kiss on the tip of his nose and grinned. “I promise not to disappoint my husband!”

Squinting slightly, Jiang Xuanjin felt it was necessary to assert his authority.

“Hmm… Huh? What are you doing? What about your injury?” Suddenly, she pressed down on him, catching Huaiyu off guard. Instinctively, she reached out to support him. “Your wound!”

“It’s scabbed over. As long as you don’t move it, it’s fine.”

“But… I’m afraid it hurts you!”

“Just don’t say it hurts.”


Sensing something amiss, Cheng Xu and Yufeng quickly retreated, closing the main door of the mansion. They huddled by the door, covering their ears to listen. Soon enough, they heard someone begging repeatedly, “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry! I won’t call you ‘wife’ again!”

“Too late.”



Realizing that things were heading in an inappropriate direction, Cheng Xu and Yufeng hurriedly withdrew. It was best not to meddle in Lord Ziyang’s risky affairs.

Meanwhile, the young ladies of the official family were still curious about the happenings at Moju’s residence. Upon hearing that Miss Bai Si had regained favor, they were all somewhat discontented.

“Why exactly?” Yi Su couldn’t understand. “What makes Bai Zhuji better than me?”

A maid whispered beside her, “After all, Miss Bai Si is now married to His Highness. She belongs to His Highness, which makes a difference in how he treats her compared to other women.”

Thinking deeply, Yi Su’s eyes suddenly became determined.

Li Huaiyi woke up late the next day, opening her eyes to find Jiang Xuanjin glaring at her coldly.

She smiled lazily, still sleepy. “We’re married now, so what’s with that look when you wake up?”

“You stole my blanket,” Jiang Xuanjin replied flatly.

After the wind and rain had stopped yesterday, he was already tired and had intended to rest well with her. However, she fell asleep and repeatedly pushed him away, clutching the blanket tightly without giving him even a corner!

Huaiyu blinked innocently. “I was asleep, I didn’t know anything.”

Glancing at the sky outside, she sat up and stretched lazily, leaning against him softly before getting out of bed to change. “I still have to go deliver the soup.”

Pulling the blanket closer and rubbing his temples wearily, Jiang Xuanjin said, “Go ahead.”

Seeing that he was also very tired, Huaiyu didn’t bother him further. After freshening up, she ran over to kiss him quickly before heading out with her skirt in hand.

Meanwhile, the investigation into the gambling den case had been ongoing for nearly half a month, with Ba Dezhong ng making daily visits to the Ministry of Justice from dawn to dusk. While the investigation into the gambling den was progressing smoothly, there was still a large sum of illicit money whose origins remained unknown.

When Li Huaiyu entered, Ba Dezhong ng was frowning at the accounts. Upon hearing her approach, he looked up and frowned, “Why are you here when I’m busy?”

“On His Majesty’s orders, I’m here to deliver a bowl of soup to Father,” she replied.

“Soup? I can’t drink anything right now,” Ba Dezhong ng sighed, rubbing his forehead. “If it were anyone else’s soup, I wouldn’t be able to drink it, but if it’s from His Majesty, that’s different.”

With a meaningful smile, Huaiyu continued, “Would you open it and take a look?”

Perplexed, Ba Dezhong ng reached out and opened the large soup bowl, but instead of soup, he found a rolled-up scroll inside.

“This…” He took it out and looked at it, shocked.

It was a copied schedule of the patrol arrangements in Kyoto. On July 18th, the day when the two mischievous sons of the Bai family were imprisoned, the person in charge of the Chang’an Street area was Jiang Qu.

“His Majesty has a message for you,” Huaiyu said, touching her lips thoughtfully. Remembering Jiang Xuanjin’s stern inquiry about whether she understood, Huaiyu smiled and said smoothly, “He said that upon investigation, there are still 200,000 taels of silver from the Jiangxi drought relief fund that haven’t been accounted for. Please pay more attention to this matter.”

“200,000 taels from the Jiangxi drought relief fund!” Ba Dezhong ng exclaimed joyfully, smoothing his beard and saying, “If this is true, it would be a great help to me!”

“Hmm?” Huaiyu pretended not to understand. “How would that help?”

Ba Dezhong ng chuckled heartily, “His Majesty is truly wise. I never noticed Minister Yi before, nor did I investigate the background of the gambling den’s owner, so I couldn’t clear the black accounts. With this bowl of soup, everything becomes much easier.”

“You adults and your matters are too complicated for me to understand,” Huaiyu sighed, looking melancholic. “I’d better go home and serve His Majesty properly.”

Ba Dezhong ng didn’t expect her to understand either. In a good mood, he couldn’t help but remind her, “Marriage to His Majesty is your blessing. Cherish it well and give birth to children for the Jiang family as soon as possible.”

Her lips twitched. “I’ve just entered the door, and now you’re talking about having children? Isn’t that rushing things?”

Ba Dezhong ng stared at her. “Rushing? In ordinary families, wives start hoping for children as soon as they step through the door.”

But was she an ordinary person? Li Huaiyu smiled without much emotion. Marrying Jiang Xuanjin had its advantages, but having children? That was impossible.

There would come a day when the truth would be revealed, and then she could no longer stay by Jiang Xuanjin’s side. In such a situation, bearing a child would only bring her more unease, wouldn’t it?

But Ba Dezhong ng’s reminder did make sense; she needed to find a way to guard against this.

“Father, please continue with your affairs. Your daughter will take her leave.” With these words to dismiss him, Huaiyu turned and left, immediately searching for Qingsi.

“Master, I’m here,” Qingsi appeared silently and asked, “What are your orders?”

“Go to a pharmacy and fetch me some medicines.” With a serious expression, Huaiyu pulled her close and whispered a few words softly.

Qingsi paused for a moment, then immediately understood her meaning, and went off to carry out the command.

In Moju Manor,

Jiang Xuanjin hadn’t slept long before he was awakened.

“What’s that noise?” He frowned.

Chengxu hesitated nervously. “Miss Yi from the Yijia seeks an audience. She’s been kneeling outside for quite some time.”

Not just kneeling, but crying as well. If he were to send her away, Moju Manor was filled with servants and guards, and even the maids had been taken away by the lady of the house. No one dared to approach her easily.

Annoyed, Jiang Xuanjin propped himself up. “Ask her what she wants.”

Chengxu shook his head. “I already did. She insists on speaking with you in person.”

In the past, Yi Su would never have dared to do this. He could only blame himself for allowing people into Moju Manor these days, making others think he had become more approachable.

With a slight scoff, Jiang Xuanjin grabbed a soft pillow and placed it behind him. “If she insists on seeing me, then let her in.”


News of His Highness and the Lady’s reconciliation had spread yesterday, so none of the young ladies from other families had come today. Yi Su saw this as a good opportunity, and with only her alone, she could speak more freely.

After waiting for an hour, His Highness finally let her in. Yi Su straightened her skirt, gathered her courage, and knelt down upon entering the inner room.

“There are some things I must clarify with Your Highness today.”

Her knees hit the ground with a firm sound, and her words were clear and forceful. Jiang Xuanjin raised his eyelids slightly but did not interrupt.

So Yi Su boldly continued, “Earlier, when I climbed the mountain to pray for Your Highness, it delayed me for two months. If not for that, when Your Highness wished to marry, I would have definitely offered myself. I have inquired, and Your Highness has only recently met Miss Bai Sijing. She is far from having the longstanding admiration for Your Highness that I do.”

Bai Zhuxi had already become a Lady, and those who knew the rules would call her “Lady Husband.” This one, however, was something else, referring to her as “Bai Four Miss”?

Jiang Xuanjin’s gaze turned slightly cold. Nevertheless, he set aside the documents in his hand, appearing as though he were truly going to listen to her.

Seeing this, Yi Su straightened her back a little, her eyes filled with deep affection as she said, “At the palace banquet four years ago, I had a brief encounter with Your Highness. At that time, I was deeply moved by Your Highness’s grace and elegance. Over the past four years, my father has repeatedly tried to betroth me to others, but I have remained steadfast in my attachment to Your Highness, refusing to yield.”

“But now, Your Highness, I am also of marriageable age. If further delayed, it might bring shame to my family. I believe, in terms of both appearance and sincerity towards you, I am not inferior to Miss Bai Sijing. If fate has been mistaken, I am willing to accept being beneath Miss Bai Sijing, only asking for a chance to serve by your side.”

After listening quietly to her lengthy plea, Jiang Xuanjin asked, “In terms of appearance and sincerity, how do you know you don’t fall short of Zhuji?”

Yi Su paused, biting her lip. “It’s not that I am presumptuous, but discerning eyes can see it. Even if sincerity cannot be weighed, appearance…”

“How about your appearance?” Jiang Xuanjin was curious. “Is Zhuji less beautiful than you?”

Not only was Yi Su stunned by his words, but even Yufeng beside her choked up. Who had said yesterday that the Lady wasn’t attractive? Was this “saying one thing in front and another behind”?

Moreover, his attitude was so biased that she didn’t know what to say…

Yi Su couldn’t believe it. “In Your Highness’s eyes, am I less attractive than Miss Bai Sijing?”

How could that be possible? Her appearance was widely acknowledged as stunning, almost on par with Qisiyan, the capital’s number one beauty. Could Bai Zhuji’s mere beauty really overshadow hers?

However, Lord Ziyang nodded seriously before her.

Yi Su: “…”

This was definitely just a way to deceive her. With His Highness’s discerning eye, it was impossible for him to reach such a conclusion! He must be trying to reject her, finding ways to make her retreat. But she couldn’t retreat!

Taking a deep breath, Yi Su continued, “Even if my appearance is lacking, my sincerity towards Your Highness is genuine. The back courtyard of Your Highness is still vacant. Instead of welcoming someone with hidden motives, why not…”

“The back courtyard is not vacant,” he interrupted. “And there will be no one welcomed to serve me in the future. I have no shortage of attendants.”

Looking at him anxiously, Yi Su shook her head. “How can there be no shortage? How can one person be enough?”

“It’s enough.”

“How can it be enough?” Emotions surged within her, and Yi Su struggled to maintain control. “Do you know what people are saying about Miss Bai Sijing outside? She may not even be capable of taking care of herself, let alone you. After all the inquiries I’ve made, I haven’t found anything exceptional about her that warrants such treatment from you!”

“Miss Yi,” Chengxu frowned beside her.

Ignoring him, Yi Su fixed her gaze on Jiang Xuanjin. “Previously, she was a fool, and since then, she’s done nothing good. Offending Master Li, and even angering Judge Liu, her behavior has been completely improper! How can such a person be your Lady?”

“Even if you were to welcome Miss Qi inside, I would never kneel here and say such things. But Miss Bai Sijing… If she can become your Lady, why can’t I serve by your side?”

Every word carried resentment, echoing through the entire main hall until it finally settled down. When the room fell silent, Jiang Xuanjin calmly asked, “Are you finished?”

Yi Su nodded stiffly, her neck tense.

Chengxu thought his master would surely order him to drag her out, already preparing to reach out and seize her.

However, the figure on the bed did not show anger or annoyance. His ink-black eyes fixed on his own fingers, he calmly spoke, “Offending Master Li? Master Li is already a prisoner under custody. Who’s right and who’s wrong need not be discussed in detail.”

Yi Su was taken aback. She hadn’t expected Jiang Xuanjin to clarify this. Frowning, she continued, “But she had disputes and even physical altercations with Judge Liu…”

“That was Judge Liu offending me first. As a Lady, she was merely protecting her husband’s interests, meritorious with no fault.”

Such partiality towards Bai Zhuji? Yi Su couldn’t believe that this was the same Ziyang Lord who used to be indifferent to human feelings. She felt more indignant than ever. “Even if there are reasons for all that, her conduct has always been improper, hasn’t it? I’ve heard she addresses you with casual terms, and doesn’t even greet you properly when she sees you.”

Jiang Xuanjin nodded. “That is true.”

Yi Su felt a surge of relief. “How can someone who lacks such basic etiquette be your Lady? If this is not appropriate…”

Before she could finish, Jiang Xuanjin raised his eyes, his demeanor calm and sincere as he asked, “In my habits, what is inappropriate?”




Miss Yi from the Yi family, who had been confident, as well as Chengxu and Yufeng, were all stunned by his words—’In my habits?’ What’s inappropriate about them? How arrogant, how affectionate, and how shameless?!

Where was the dignified and self-respecting Ziyang Lord they knew? How could he allow his wife to lack manners without feeling ashamed or even reproaching her to reflect the elegant style of the Jiang family?

Not reproach! He thought she was great!

What kind of attitude was this?

It took Yi Su a while to react, her eyes slowly turning red. Biting her lip, she stared at Jiang Xuanjin for a long moment, choked up, then stood up and ran outside.

With things having reached this point, who could stay? She had hoped to gain a status from him, even as a concubine, to have a chance to climb up. But he hadn’t even thought of having a concubine! Even if she tore her face off and begged, he remained unmoved!

She had completely lost her face and reputation. Laughing at Miss Bai Sijing today would turn her into a new joke in the capital!

The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she felt. Yi Su burst into tears, rushing out of Moju Manor, not paying attention and almost colliding with someone outside.

“Huh? Miss Yi?” Li Huaiyu steadied herself and reached out to help Yi Su up, surprised to see her in tears. “What’s happened?”

Seeing this supposedly ‘prettier than her’ face before her, Yi Su was infuriated beyond measure and angrily slapped away Li Huaiyu’s hand.

Li Huaiyu hesitated for a moment, not having expected this reaction. Before she could react, Qing Si came up from behind, her expression cold, and firmly gripped Yi Su’s wrist.

“Ah it hurts!” Yi Su struggled. “What are you trying to do?”

Retracting her hand, Li Huaiyu patted Qing Si’s shoulder gently. “Don’t get worked up. The young lady has a fiery temper. Let her go.”

Qing Si nodded, mimicking Yi Su’s earlier forcefulness and giving her wrist a shake.

Startled by this, Yi Su turned and ran.

Li Huaiyu rubbed her chin, watching Yi Su’s retreating figure. “Crying like that… could it be His Highness did something untoward to her?”

Lingxiu murmured softly, “If His Highness had really done something untoward, she wouldn’t be crying.”

That made sense. Considering the eagerness of these girls who frequented the Jiang residence, if they had a chance to marry into it, they would surely be ecstatic. Shaking her head, Li Huaiyu decided to go inside and find out what had happened.

Inside the room, devoid of the usual chatter, sat Jiang Xuanjin on the bed, engrossed in documents. Handsome and composed, he appeared as if nothing had happened moments ago.

Looking around, Li Huaiyu approached and asked, “Do you have something to tell me?”

Without answering, Jiang Xuanjin asked instead, “Has the soup been delivered?”

“It has!” Li Huaiyu sat down. “My father was delighted, saying you’ve done him a great favor and instructed me to take good care of you.”

Nodding slightly, he continued to flip through the documents without lifting his head. “Then take care.”

“YeAh but… hold on! Don’t think I don’t know anything!” Li Huaiyu placed her hands on her hips and glared. “I just saw Miss Yi outside the door. Don’t think I’m clueless!”

Jiang Xuanjin smirked and kept reading, showing no intention to engage with her.

Chengxu, unable to bear it any longer, sighed and spoke up. “Madam, you may really not know. Miss Yi came just now and expressed her admiration for His Highness, kneeling and crying for a long time, hoping for some mercy and a recognized status.”

“Wow,” Li Huaiyu was shocked. “So bold? Coming to ask for recognition directly, does she think I’m dead?”

Chengxu nodded sagely. “But rest assured, His Highness has already sent her away. She probably won’t harbor any ill intentions anymore.”

Upon hearing this, Li Huaiyu blinked in surprise, reached out, and took the document in front of Jiang Xuanjin, asking, “What did you say to her?”

Giving her a cold glance, Jiang Xuanjin reached for another document. “I didn’t say anything.”

“YeAh yeAh you didn’t say anything. Eight words were enough,” Chengxu gestured with his hands to signify ‘eight.’

Jiang Xuanjin glanced at him icily. “The stables in the mansion haven’t been cleaned for a while. Would you like to go and help with that?”

“Understood!” Sensing the dismissal, Chengxu immediately bowed and left, swift and practiced in his movements.

Li Huaiyu narrowed her eyes. “Stop shutting people up all the time. I want to hear!”

“There’s nothing worth hearing.”

“Even that’s not worth hearing? If you had said it earlier, Madam wouldn’t have been so angry,” Yu Feng sighed helplessly.

When asked to say something nice, he claimed there was nothing praiseworthy about her. Yet when Madam wasn’t around, he spared no effort to complain about her! Yu Feng also chimed in, leaving Li Huaiyu frustrated and pulling at her hair, glaring at him. “Just say it!”

Glancing at Yu Feng, Jiang Xuanjin spoke up, “Just eight words. If you want to hear, I’ll say it.” Huaiyu nodded eagerly, hands clasped to her chest, full of anticipation as she looked at him. His thin lips slightly curved, he affectionately intoned, “Beware the tiger at home, lest the beauty be harmed.”

Her lips twitching, Li Huaiyu’s face fell, turning angrily to Yu Feng beside her. “No need to get upset?”

“If you had warned me earlier that there was a tiger at home, I would have been even more furious! What nonsense you speak, raising my hopes for nothing!” Yu Feng hesitated, looking at his lord for guidance. He swallowed hard and bowed. “Since one person can’t handle all the chores alone, I’ll go help.”

With that, he followed Xuanjin’s footsteps and left.

Li Huaiyu glared indignantly at his retreating figure, prompting Lingxiu nearby to speak up in her defense. “Why are you glaring at Yu Feng for His Highness’s words?”

“Isn’t it obvious? Could I ever glare at His Highness?” Turning, Huaiyu gently took Jiang Xuanjin’s hand and winked, “Well done!”

Lingxiu: “…”

Jiang Xuanjin snorted and guided her to sit on the bed, returning to his paperwork.

He held a document written by Yunlanqing, discussing the drought in Jiangxi in the sixth year of Daxing. He comforted the restless woman beside him and carefully perused it.

“The sixth year of Daxing.” Huaiyu leaned on his shoulder, casually glancing over it. “I recognize these characters!”

“Are you proud of recognizing such simple characters?” he teased. “If your father knew that a member of the Bai family, known for its literary heritage, couldn’t read, he would surely lament.”

“Who says I can’t read? I just forgot how to write!” She pouted, pointing at the characters on the document and reading aloud, “The Eldest Princess once sealed off three cities in Jiangxi to contain the plague. Little did she know she would be accused of embezzling disaster relief funds and causing harm to people… At the time, she couldn’t defend herself, but now the truth is apparent.”

“Oh, is it Eldest Princess Danyang again?”

Jiang Xuanjin nodded. “Li Fengxing embezzled two hundred thousand taels of disaster relief funds. This means during the drought in Jiangxi, it wasn’t the Eldest Princess who did it. Everyone misunderstood her.”

Li Huaiyu paused, her hand resting lightly on his sleeve. “Do you think she’s innocent too?”

“Her reputation was tarnished before, leading to malicious rumors. No one believed her, myself included,” Jiang Xuanjin lowered his eyes. “But now, it’s clear I lacked virtue. I judged her unfairly. She’s innocent.”

She felt a little joyous inside, but Li Huaiyu made an effort not to laugh too much, burying her head on his shoulder. “Knowing she’s innocent, it’s not too late to clear her name!”

“Clear her name?” Jiang Xuanjin shook his head. “This is just a trivial matter. Compared to what she did before, it’s insignificant. Even if she was wronged, it’s just her due retribution.”

The smile faded from her face, and Li Huaiyu stiffened, watching him flip through the documents page by page. It felt like a stone was tied to her heart, dragging her down.

“What’s wrong?” Sensing something amiss, Jiang Xuanjin turned his head.

Huaiyu reached up and gently covered his chin to prevent him from seeing her face, smiling faintly. “Qingsi really admires that Eldest Princess. She often speaks highly of her. Hearing her talk, I start to think the Eldest Princess had reasons for her actions. She might not be entirely bad after all.”

“Hearing Qingsi praise her? I’m sure she only says good things about the Eldest Princess.”

“She’s not so bad that only good things can be said, right?” Li Huaiyu pursed her lips, feeling a surge of frustration rising in her throat. She really wanted to grab his neck and tell him: Danyang is righteous before the heavens and earth!

But considering the consequences, she restrained herself.

“Master,” Qingsi entered with a bowl of medicine, respectfully offering it to her.

Seeing the medicine, Huaiyu stood up, took it, and gulped it down. After wiping her mouth fiercely, she felt her anger dissipate.

“What kind of medicine is that?” Jiang Xuanjin asked curiously.

“Contraceptive medicine! It will make you, Lord Ziyang, have no descendants!” The voice inside her head sneered through gritted teeth.

However, Li Huaiyu looked up and smiled gently. “It’s a blood-tonifying and qi-enhancing tonic. Drinking more of it is good for your health.”

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