HomeSpring BanquetChapter 57: Save My Husband

Chapter 57: Save My Husband

“Moon period?” Huaiyu blinked, counting on her fingers before furrowing her brow. “It seems not.”

Qijin withdrew her hand, her expression somewhat surprised. After hesitating for a moment, she asked, “How many days overdue are you?”

“It’s been about ten days,” Huaiyu muttered, “It should have come at the beginning of the month.”

“…” Being more than ten days late would normally alert most people that something was amiss, but here was Madam, looking completely bewildered, as if she had no idea what it meant.

Unable to resist, Qijin took her hand again for another examination. She swallowed nervously, unsure but leaning towards certainty.

“What’s happening?” Huaiyu’s anxious reaction unsettled Qijin. She frowned and asked, “Could it be because I’ve been taking various medications recently that have upset my body?”

“No,” Qijin shook her head, “You might be pregnant.”

“Oh, thank goodness it’s not an illness!” Huaiyu let out a big sigh of relief.

The room fell quiet for a moment.

Realizing something was amiss, Huaiyu turned to look at her, blinking slowly. “What did you just say?”

Qijin stood up respectfully and said, “Considering the time of the month and your symptoms, Madam, it seems likely that you are pregnant.”

Those words exploded in her mind like a firework. Huaiyu stared at her dumbfounded for a while, then turned to look at the child-conceiving Guanyin statue given to her by the Elder Master.

Is it really that effective?!

Her chest surged with emotions. She took several deep breaths, trying hard to calm down. “Qing Si…”

As she spoke, her voice trembled uncontrollably.

Qing Si reached out and held her hand. Huaiyu grasped back tightly, her lips spreading into a grin as she leaned towards her ear. “I’m carrying a child?”

Qing Si nodded blankly.

Jumping up, Li Huaiyu burst into laughter, grabbing her and spinning in circles right where they stood. “There’s a child! There really is a child! I’m such a bird of good omen, saying something’s lucky, ha-ha-ha!”

“Please calm down!” Qijin hurriedly supported her arm, anxiously stamping her feet. “Your health is fragile; you can’t afford to have any accidents!”

She paused abruptly. Huaiyu obediently sat back on the bed, sitting up straight and proper. Then, she asked eagerly, “My body’s frail; will it affect the one inside?”

“It will.” Qijin nodded seriously. “So, from today onwards, you must take your medication and meals on time. Avoid extreme anger or sorrow.”

“Alright!” Huaiyu nodded repeatedly, then turned to Qing Si. “Any news from the palace?”

She needed to inform Jiang Xuanjin quickly. He had been hoping for a child, and if he knew, that perpetually stern face of his would surely break into a smile!

Qing Si glanced at Qijin beside her but remained silent.

Huaiyu caught on and addressed Qijin first, “Please prepare the medicine for me. Don’t mention this matter until His Highness returns. I want to tell him myself.”

“Yes,” Qijin nodded, carrying her medicine box as she exited.

Once the door closed, Qing Si spoke up, “Lady Xu went to the palace but couldn’t meet anyone. She asked His Majesty, who said His Highness is still investigating the Sima Xu case and is staying at Feiyun Palace.”

Feiyun Palace? Huaiyu froze, the smile fading from her face.

Jiang Xuanjin disliked Danyang very much. Even if there were more things to investigate, he wouldn’t willingly stay at her palace.

“This isn’t right,” she murmured. “Is Qi Han also in the palace?”

Qing Si nodded, “Prime Minister Qi Han and Grand Commandant Situ Jing have been in the imperial study these past few days.”

Not good!

Her heart sank. Huaiyu stood up. “I need to visit Elder Brother.”

She had to go into the palace, but without rank, she could only ask Jiang Chong to accompany her. If she could see Jiang Xuanjin, that would be good. If she couldn’t…

That would be disastrous.

Qing Si understood her thoughts and without another word, followed her to Jiang Chong’s courtyard.

Jiang Xuanjin hadn’t returned in five days. It was reasonable to go into the palace to check, so Huaiyu thought Jiang Chong would surely agree.

However, after explaining her intentions, Jiang Chong unexpectedly refused.

“Female relatives of officials can’t enter the palace at will. If you’re worried about Third Brother, I’ll go to the palace and pass on a message for you,” he said.

Huaiyu was anxious. “It might be better if I go myself.”

Jiang Chong shook his head, his expression grave.

From his eyes, Huaiyu inexplicably sensed a hint of wariness. She didn’t understand why Jiang Chong would be wary of her, but it seemed he wouldn’t help.

Taking a deep breath, Huaiyu bowed to him and, with Qing Si, promptly left the residence.

Today happened to be Ba Dezhong ng’s day off. He was at home looking over documents when he suddenly heard a commotion outside.

“What are you doing?” Bai Xuanji blocked Huaiyu’s path, frowning deeply. “You’re barging straight into Father’s study? Once married, a daughter is like spilled water; how can you just come back as you please?”

Huaiyu’s face grew cold. “Move aside.”

“You don’t understand etiquette and dare to glare at me?” Bai Xuanji gritted her teeth. “Just because you’ve become the Lady of His Highness doesn’t mean you’re so great. The higher you climb, the harder you fall!”

“I don’t have time to argue with you right now.” Huaiyu grabbed her arm and pulled her back, stepping forward to push open the study door.

But before her hand touched the door latch, it swung open on its own.

“What kind of behavior is this?” Ba Dezhong ng pulled the door open and scolded.

Huaiyu paused, completely disregarding his anger coming towards her. She opened her mouth to ask, “Have you been to the palace these past two days?”

“Of course I have. Why do you ask?” Ba Dezhong ng was puzzled.

“His Highness hasn’t returned home in five days, and there’s been no news from the palace either.” Huaiyu pursed her lips. “Your daughter is very worried about him.”

“Five days absent?” Ba Dezhong ng blinked, pondering for a moment before replying, “I haven’t seen him at morning court either.”

“And His Majesty?” Huaiyu asked, “Have you seen him privately in the imperial study?”

Ba Dezhong ng shook his head, “Apart from morning court, His Majesty has been in the study with Prime Minister Qi, Grand Commandant Sima, and His Highness. They avoid disturbances and handle matters directly through memorials.”

“Do you find it suspicious?” Huaiyu frowned, “His Highness had just planned to confront Prime Minister Qi in court to resolve Sima Xu’s old case. Even if they didn’t summon witnesses, shouldn’t His Highness have returned home by now? His Majesty is busy with state affairs; how can he neglect all other ministers for just one case?”

Reflecting on her words, Ba Dezhong ng also found it peculiar, “Normally, His Highness should have been allowed to return home for a day or two, regardless of the magnitude of the case. And His Majesty… He hasn’t been speaking much during morning court lately.”

“So,” Huaiyu asked him, “Could you take your daughter into the palace? Request an audience with His Majesty, inquire about His Highness’s whereabouts, and ensure his safety.”

After a brief consideration, Ba Dezhong ng nodded, “Let me change into court attire.”

Relieved that she could enter the palace, Huaiyu relaxed her brows. She instructed Qing Si, “Fetch Xu Xian and the others to prepare. If we haven’t come out after an hour inside the palace, have them find a way to rescue us.”

“Yes,” Qing Si acknowledged and left promptly.

Huaiyu waited outside, her mind in turmoil. Unfortunately, Bai Xuanji lacked perception and stood beside her, taunting, “Why not take your troubles to your in-laws? Instead, you come running back to your maternal home. Isn’t that shameful?”

Not wanting to engage, Huaiyu continued to ponder with her head lowered. Yet, Bai Xuanji persisted, “The Jiangs have been reluctant to discuss my marriage with the young master. Are you behind this?”

Annoyed, Huaiyu looked up and sneered, “He simply doesn’t want to marry you. What does that have to do with me?”

Bai Xuanji furrowed her brow and shook her head, “You’re lying!”

She distinctly remembered the favorable impression Jiang Yan showed her at the birthday banquet. Given the chance, how could he possibly not marry her?

“If you don’t believe me, go to the Jiang residence and propose yourself,” Huaiyu retorted, folding her arms. “Didn’t you stash away twelve carts of goods? Use them as your betrothal gifts.”

“You!” Bai Xuanji flushed with anger, “You’re talking nonsense!”

A woman offering betrothal gifts to a man? Was she so desperate to marry off?

Just then, Ba Dezhong ng emerged in his ceremonial attire. Huaiyu paid her no further attention and gave Bai Xuanji a glance before walking out.

“Have you adjusted to life at the Jiangs’ residence?” Ba Dezhong ng asked as they boarded the carriage, taking a moment to show concern.

Moved by his gesture, Huaiyu grinned broadly, “How could I not? His Highness treats me so well.”

“That’s good to hear,” Ba Dezhong ng replied, rare warmth appearing at the corners of his mouth. “I dreamt of your mother last night. She asked about you, and that’s exactly what I told her.”

This statement caught Huaiyu off guard, prompting her to glance at Ba Dezhong with curiosity.

He had always been a reserved and meticulous person. Yet, when he spoke of Bai Zhuzhi’s mother, there seemed to be a touch of tenderness in his words.

Emotions truly were a mysterious thing. No matter the person, it seemed that they softened because of it—Ba Dezhong did, and so did she.

Feeling warmth in her heart, Huaiyu instinctively urged the coachman outside, “Faster.”

She longed to see Jiang Xuanjin, to embrace him and bury herself in his embrace, to share the good news with him quickly, to see him laugh with joy.

Her hand on her abdomen, she drifted in thought, her expression gentle and serene.

However, just past the three main gates of the palace, she and Ba Dezhong were intercepted together.

The Lord Commandant stood before them and bowed respectfully, “His Majesty has decreed that no one shall be received today.”

Ba Dezhong frowned, “Again?”

“Yes, Lord Prosecutor, please return.”

A sinking feeling gripped her. Huaiyu tugged at Ba Dezhong ‘s sleeve, pulling him aside, whispering, “There must be a problem. If someone is still in the study, how could His Majesty refuse an audience?”

Ba Dezhong also sensed that something was amiss. After a moment of solemn thought, he said, “I alone won’t suffice. We must invite more officials to meet His Majesty.”

“Agreed.” Huaiyu promptly led him back to the palace gate and instructed the Bai household servants to spread the word to various mansions.

Half an hour later, a large crowd had gathered at the palace gate.

“This…” Ba Dezhong looked at the crowd before him with mixed feelings. Most of them seemed to be members of the old “Princess faction.” Was this mere coincidence?

Without further thought, Zhujie pushed him forward toward the palace.

With such a formidable group, no mere commandant could stop them. Xu Xian, at the forefront, exuded an aura of military authority that parted the palace guards to either side.

However, as they approached the Imperial Study, more guards silently emerged from all directions, blocking their path.

The study was just a dozen steps away. Huaiyu frowned as she observed the guards.

Normally, if they were simply following orders, they would at least offer some explanation. These guards, however, pointed their spears without a word, clearly intent on interception.

As she suspected, His Majesty and Jiang Xuanjin might indeed be under house arrest.

Taking a deep breath, Huaiyu swiftly began to think.

Before Qi Han’s appointment as Prime Minister, he held the position of Supervisor of the Palace Guards, commanding ten thousand troops in the capital. Since his promotion, it seemed he hadn’t relinquished control of these forces. Surrounding the Imperial Study with these ten thousand men was no small feat—especially with Grand Marshal Situ Jing, who commanded fifty thousand troops, by his side.

Lord Ziyang’s desire for retribution directly clashed with his, suggesting Qi Han was desperate, knowing he couldn’t escape his predicament.

However, by keeping people in this situation, what does he want to do? What can he do?

The only way out seems to be—killing Jiang Xuanjin and using the emperor’s order to command the princes.

Her heart twisted fiercely, and Huaiyu’s face turned pale.

“I have to go in,” she murmured.

“What did you say?” Xu Xian couldn’t hear her clearly because her voice was too soft.

Huaiyu looked up, staring at him earnestly. “I have to go in. No matter what it takes, I need to see Jiang Xuanjin!”

As she spoke, her voice trembled slightly.

Yunlanqing and Han Xiao both heard her. They gathered around her and whispered, “Given the current situation, there’s only one way to get in.”

“Loyalty to the King.”

Seeing this situation, His Majesty was obviously being controlled, but he had attended the morning court and was aware that the Emperor was in no danger. However, Lord Ziyang… his fate was uncertain.

The thought that something might have happened to him made Li Huaiyu unable to help panicking. Her eyes darted anxiously, restless.

“Don’t be in such a hurry,” Xu Xian said. “This matter needs careful consideration.”

How could they consider it carefully? Huaiyu shook her head. Right now, all she wanted was to break through the guards ahead and see how Jiang Xuanjin was!

Ba Dezhong stood nearby, surprised at how these people treated Zhujie. But given the current situation, he couldn’t ask any further questions. All he could do was remind them of the law: “If His Majesty hasn’t appeared for two days, the lords of the fiefs may come to the capital to pay respects. If His Majesty cannot be seen, they may declare loyalty to the King.”

“However, recently His Majesty has attended court every other day. Under these circumstances, declaring loyalty to the King is impossible. If troops are mobilized without authorization, it will be considered treason.”

This was all part of their plan. With Huailin attending court, feudal lords had no reason to declare loyalty to the King, allowing them to maintain control over Huailin.

Jiang Xuanjin was smart, but even he couldn’t resist so many people.

“Lord,” Vice Marshal Jiang Qu came running from nearby and bowed to Xu Xian. “I’ve inquired and indeed there have been unusual troop movements in the palace recently, with all of His Majesty’s guards replaced.”

Everyone was stunned. Huaiyu had hesitated before, but now she finally became determined.

“I have a plan,” she said.

In the secret room of Ming Shan Palace, in addition to a letter, there was also the token of the thirty thousand Forbidden Army left by the former emperor, hidden in a concealed compartment, and not discovered by Li Yunlie

“Having retrieved the military token, Huaiyu handed it over to Xu Xian.

‘Tomorrow’s early court session, prepare to rescue His Majesty.’

Xu Xian looked at the token in surprise. ‘This…’

No wonder the commander of the palace guards could always change at will; it turns out the military authority was all in the hands of the Eldest Princess. Without the token, the guards obeyed the commander’s orders, but once someone held the token, regardless of who it was, the guards would disregard the commander and pledge loyalty to the bearer.

The late Emperor favored the Eldest Princess exceptionally by entrusting her with this.

After careful discussion, they settled on how to proceed. Huaiyu returned to Bai Dezhe and respectfully said, ‘The situation is dire. If their actions violate the law, I kindly ask you to turn a blind eye.’

Bai Dezhe frowned at her. ‘What are you planning?’

Huaiyu raised her gaze, resolutely saying, ‘To save my husband.’

With no other choice and still unable to see Jiang Xuanjin, her heart was in knots, endlessly contemplating worst-case scenarios. Once wishing for his demise, now… by any means, she wanted to confirm he was still alive.

Bai Dezhe looked at her deeply, seeming to hesitate.

‘I won’t let you down,’ Huaiyu said. ‘The Emperor is merciful. Once he knows we aim to rescue him, he won’t be too strict. As long as you don’t sabotage us, they will manage the rest.’

After glancing at the group discussing in the distance for a while, Bai Dezhe remained silent for a long time before nodding very gently.

At the next early court session, she would see Huai Lin again. However, the eunuch guards around him had all been changed. If they rashly attempted a rescue, who knew what chaos might ensue. Xu Xian and the others had been pondering how to lure the Emperor down from the imperial steps.

Huaiyu did not return to the Jiang residence, only instructing Qing Si to inform Xu Chuniang in order to prevent her from worrying.

Xu Chuniang rested briefly in the guest house, remembering that she hadn’t given the pastries brought by her maidservant to the Mistress. Hence, she rose to the main building to find someone. However, not only did she find nothing, but she also ran into Qi Jin coming to deliver medicine.

‘Oh?’ Catching the familiar scent of medicine, Xu Chuniang’s eyes lit up. ‘Is my sister-in-law expecting?’

Qi Jin had no intention of revealing this and didn’t expect these two wives to recognize the medicine. So, he bowed to her. ‘Her Ladyship instructed me not to speak to anyone. She intends to inform His Majesty personally, so you mustn’t let slip!’

Delighted, Xu Chuniang nodded repeatedly. ‘I won’t say anything. I won’t say anything.’

After their marriage, they were the first to conceive, and thinking of how fond His Majesty was of his younger sister, she couldn’t help but share in the happiness.

The household hadn’t seen such lively days in a long while, and once this news spread, there would surely be jubilation.

With a joyful heart, Xu Chuniang returned to the guest house and slept well.

Huaiyu hadn’t slept all night. She carefully drew a map of the area near the court for Yun Lanqing and the others, arranged manpower, and then sat in a chair lost in thought.

Yun Lanqing glanced at her several times in a row before finally unable to bear it, asking, ‘Tomorrow, aren’t you going to watch?’

‘How can I go?’ Huaiyu frowned. ‘With my identity, I cannot attend court…’

‘Your Highness,’ Han Xiao interrupted her, staring wide-eyed. ‘Why are you being so silly now? Her Ladyship cannot attend court with her identity, can you not find someone to change clothes with you among all those eunuch guards tomorrow?’

Being called silly was simply an unbearable disgrace, but Li Huaiyu was not inclined to care. Lowering her eyes, she responded softly: “Then you find clothes for me.”

Xu Xian looked deeply at her and suddenly smiled, “Your Highness seems to truly have deep feelings for His Majesty.”

Looking at how worried she had become, a person who used to fear nothing, now sitting here trembling uncontrollably, Huaiyu reflected on how in the past, she would have kicked the chair away and stormed the palace to rescue someone.

“You don’t understand,” murmured Huaiyu, shaking her head with furrowed brows. “He has a bad temper, stubborn, never yielding in the face of adversity. Now trapped, he must be angry and frustrated. If I’m not there, who will calm him?”

If she didn’t calm him, he would vent his anger. If he clashed with the enemy, he would definitely suffer.

This time, she had to take care of Huai Lin and him.

The dawn came quickly, and the palace guards quietly adjusted. By the time court convened, Huaiyu had changed into a palace guard’s attire and walked towards the court with Xu Xian.

The morning sun was blocked by thick clouds, and the wind blew chill. Suppressing her unease, Huaiyu whispered to Xu Xian, “Think carefully before acting. If there are no issues, after meeting His Majesty, remove the nearby guards first.”

“Yes,” Xu Xian agreed.

Whether they had received advance notice or not, there were few attendees at court that day. Huaiyu stood among the nearby palace guards, waiting quietly.

As the hour approached, Li Huai Lin arrived slowly, accompanied by a eunuch and a guard. They stayed close to him, guarding him vigilantly.

Frowning slightly, Huaiyu glanced at Xu Xian.

Following their prior plan, Xu Xian stepped forward and informed His Majesty that an auspicious stone had fallen from the heavens in the eastern suburbs, requesting its placement in the center of the court.

Li Huai Lin, curious, stood up. “Is there writing on it?”

“Yes,” Xu Xian replied with a bow. “This humble servant is ignorant and dares not guess the meaning of the writing. I humbly ask Your Majesty to decipher it.”

After hesitating and glancing at the two beside him, Li Huai Lin stood and descended the steps with them.

Now was the moment!

The nearby palace guards suddenly sprang into action. Huaiyu positioned herself in the middle and swiftly separated Huai Lin from the two beside him, pulling him into the midst of the guards.

The court erupted in confusion, unaware of what had happened. Huai Lin, however, breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Xu Xian. “Finally, someone has noticed that something is amiss.”

Relieved by his words, Huaiyu’s heart tightened further. She looked at the palace guards as they subdued the two eunuchs and couldn’t help but ask, “Your Majesty, where exactly is His Majesty?”

Li Huai Lin stiffened slightly, turned to look at her, carefully scrutinized her, and then lowered his gaze. “In the study room, but… many are watching him. It may not be easy to rescue him.”

In other words, Jiang Xuanjin was still alive.

The heavy stone that had been hanging in her heart finally dropped. Huaiyu took a deep breath, clutching her chest. “As long as he’s alive, there’s still a chance to save him.”

“Let’s go,” she whispered to Xu Xian.

Xu Xian snapped out of his thoughts, bowed to the Emperor, and led the guards towards the study room.

“I’ll go too,” Li Huai Lin hurriedly followed. Naturally, Huaiyu didn’t lag behind. Most of the civil and military officials in the court were bewildered, and those who knew a little about the situation dared not follow.

Dark clouds loomed over the palace, with a bleak autumn wind whistling. Huaiyu’s group had just passed through the Jingchong Gate when they encountered a large contingent of guards who attacked without hesitation. Seeing this, Xu Xian immediately led the palace guards to counterattack, tightly protecting His Majesty.

Li Huai Lin’s expression soured, a hint of fear visible. Standing beside him, Huaiyu almost instinctively reassured him, “Don’t worry. With General Xu here, no one can harm you.”

Her voice was unexpectedly gentle again. Li Huai Lin was briefly stunned, then chuckled softly, “Lady Huai really suits being an older sister to others.”

She thought, “Only to you as an older sister. To others, I might be a different story.” Despite her inner thoughts, Huaiyu smiled at him and turned her attention back to the ongoing battle ahead.

Swords clashed, blood splattered the palace walls, and cries of shock and pain echoed continuously. Numerous intercepting forces had blocked their path, and with each step, they tread upon bodies.

Even accustomed to bloodshed, Huaiyu felt a pang of compassion. Covering her mouth, she asked Xu Xian, “Must we fight through?”

Xu Xian sighed helplessly, “These people are charging at us recklessly. If we don’t fight, I fear we won’t be able to protect His Majesty.”

The smell of blood in the air grew stronger. Huaiyu couldn’t hold back her retching. Xu Xian looked at her with concern, but she waved him off, “Don’t mind me. Keep going. We’re not far from the study room.”

The grand hall of the study room was already in sight, but a large group of people stood ahead, evenly matched with their own contingent of palace guards.

“Prepare the reinforcements from our ambush,” Xu Xian ordered quietly.

His men swiftly complied.

The two forces faced off, and the surroundings of the study room were crowded with people, presenting a spectacular scene. Anyone unfamiliar with the situation might mistake it for a palace coup.

Li Huai Lin was escorted to the center of the group, while Huaiyu gripped her sword and moved to the front. As soon as the two sides clashed, she seized the opportunity and charged towards the study room.

“Wait!” Jiu Wu, also dressed in palace guard attire, hurriedly followed.

Swinging her sword to fend off incoming attacks, Huaiyu’s eyes were fixed on the door of the study room. She paid no attention to the surrounding battle; her only thought was to reach him quickly.

With her leading the charge, the palace guards behind her launched a fierce assault. In less than half an hour, they managed to breach a gap in front of the study room door, providing cover for her to enter first.

The door creaked open, and Huaiyu urgently called out, “Jiang…”

Her voice was abruptly cut off as a cold blade pressed against her throat, freezing the rest of her words in her throat.

Startled, Huaiyu looked up and saw a figure in a deep amber robe billowing in the wind outside the door.

With a dignified jade crown and calm demeanor, Jiang Xuanjin’s ink-black eyes fixed on her. There were no chains on him, no one holding him from behind. He stood calmly, a three-foot-long sword gleaming dangerously in his hand.

The sounds of battle behind her seemed to fade away instantly. Huaiyu stared blankly at him, her mind going blank.

“Stop them,” Jiang Xuanjin said coldly.

Huaiyu couldn’t snap out of her shock and unconsciously shook her head.

She didn’t understand what was happening. Why was Jiang Xuanjin pointing a sword at her? He had always cherished her deeply; he would even rub medicinal alcohol for her when she bumped into a table. How could he…

The sword pressed in another inch, a sharp pain in her throat, warm liquid trickling down her neck.

“I told you to stop them,” his eyes darkened suddenly, his tone carrying a hint of menace.

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