HomeSpring BanquetChapter 69: Men Should Learn to Be Compassionate

Chapter 69: Men Should Learn to Be Compassionate

Her voice hung in the air, piercing as a silver needle into the ground, with no echo in return. Jiang Xuanjin continued walking away, his emerald-colored brocade robe billowing gently in the autumn breeze, ethereal like a celestial being.

Bai Xuanji watched dumbfounded, feeling that this was indeed the aloof and indifferent demeanor rumored about Lord Ziyang. Even if you offered him your heart on a platter, he wouldn’t deign to notice.

The Emperor’s decree had been manipulated as such. The Jiang family and Li Huaiyu’s group set off together, heading towards the main city of Ziyang.

Huaiyu’s complexion worsened along the way, occasionally needing to lean on the carriage shaft to retch. Lu Jingxing, accompanying her, frowned as he observed her struggling. “Is there anything I can do?”

Taking the water Jiuwu handed over, Huaiyu turned back and smiled, “Good brothers share joys and sorrows. Why don’t you join in the suffering?”

Lu Jingxing: “…”

With this person, you couldn’t get a single serious word out!

With many companions, the line of carriages stretched long. During a rest stop, Cheng Xu approached from the front.

“Madam,” he whispered, “His Highness asks you to sit at the front. He says if Grandfather notices you’re not there, he’ll ask about it.”

Huaiyu shook her head. “I’ll stay here. If Grandfather asks, just say I’m chatting with Second Sister-in-law.”

If she sat with Jiang Xuanjin, he would surely notice something amiss, and if a doctor were called, it would be disastrous.

Cheng Xu felt somewhat conflicted, but seeing her resolve, he could only report back truthfully.

Jiang Xuanjin stood by the carriage, listening to Cheng Xu’s report with a cold expression, saying nothing.

“What does that mean?” Jiang Shen muttered. “Sitting with Lu Jingxing right in front of him?”

“Master Lu is injured. Huaiyu is just making it convenient to take care of him,” Xu Chuniang explained softly beside him.

Jiang Shen grunted unhappily. “With so many people, does she need to personally take care of him? If she had any sense, she’d know to avoid suspicion.”

Xu Chuniang frowned. “They’ve divorced. What suspicion is there to avoid? Didn’t His Highness also welcome his new wife?”

Jiang Shen choked back a retort, looking displeased at her. “Why do you have to argue with me?”

“I dare not, but this is the truth,” Xu Chuniang replied calmly.

“You…” Jiang Shen was getting irritated, about to argue further when Jiang Xuanjin spoke up.


Both paused, Jiang Shen looking puzzled. “No what?”

“I did not welcome a new wife,” he said quietly.

Xu Chuniang was astonished, glancing at Bai Xuanji standing nearby. She pursed her lips. “If that’s true, Your Highness should inform Huaiyu.”

“Why bother saying?” Jiang Xuanjin’s gaze turned icy. “She hasn’t said a word to me.”

Surrounded by a crowd of faces, plus Lu Jingxing, has she ever explained anything to him? Why should he obediently explain? He wouldn’t.

Jiang Shen nodded in agreement. “Exactly, tit for tat, fair!”

Is there fairness in love? Xu Chuniang shook her head. Just as she was about to say more, Gu Luan approached from behind and draped a cloak over Jiang Shen.

“It’s quite chilly. Master, take care of yourself,” Wu Nong’s soft voice was enough to melt half of one’s body.

Jiang Shen turned around and pulled her close, planting a kiss on her cheek. “You’re always so caring.”

Unlike someone who stands around all day just to oppose him.

Her eyelashes trembled. Xu Chuniang looked away, pretending to admire the distant scenery.

She should have gotten used to it. This man enjoys being intimate with concubines in public. With a strict upbringing, she couldn’t do such things, thus failing to earn his favor. Usually, pretending not to see works fine.

Usually, Jiang Shen would show some understanding when caught by her. But today, perhaps due to his temperament, he embraced Gu Luan and approached Xu Chuniang. His hand stroked her willowy waist, lips brushing against her cheek as he smiled and said, “Gu Luan, do you see that blue tree over there?”

The forest was mostly a dull yellow, occasionally dotted with evergreens. Where could a blue tree possibly come from? He was making it up.

Yet Gu Luan played along. “I see it.”

“So obedient!” Jiang Shen shot Xu Chuniang a sidelong glance and kissed Gu Luan on the lips.

Was he blaming her for something? Xu Chuniang lowered her gaze, forced a smile, and bowed to Jiang Xuanjin. “I’ll go check in the back.”

Jiang Xuanjin nodded. Watching her hurry away, he murmured, “Second brother, let it go.”

Reluctantly releasing Gu Luan, Jiang Shen gestured for her to board the carriage, then turned back. “Let it go? She needs discipline if she won’t listen. She’s been with Your Highness for two days, and her temper’s already gone sour. If I don’t straighten her out, she’ll run over me.”

Perhaps the mention of “Your Highness” pleased Lord Ziyang, as he didn’t reprimand further. Checking the sky, he ordered the group to continue, aiming to reach the inn before nightfall.

Xu Chuniang climbed into the carriage with Huaiyu and Lu Jingxing.

Seeing her troubled expression, Huaiyu frowned. “Did Jiang Shen bully you again?”

“No,” she shook her head. “I’m just petty, unable to stand seeing him close to others.”

Every time she saw it, it felt like a stab to the heart.

“Is this what they call being petty?” Huaiyu exclaimed. “Isn’t it normal? Who likes seeing their husband close to others?”

“But since marriage, my family taught me the Three Obediences and Four Virtues. The principal wife shouldn’t be jealous,” Xu Chuniang said, her eyes reddening. “I feel ashamed for not living up to my nursemaid’s teachings.”

Beside them, Lu Jingxing listened and chuckled. “You take men’s rules seriously, huh?”

Xu Chuniang and Li Huaiyu both turned to look at him.

Lounging half-relaxed on soft pillows, Lu Jingxing continued lazily, “As men, of course, we want women to be obedient and sensible, not jealous or troublesome. All those virtues and principles for women are just serious talk used to deceive. Who believes that nonsense?”

He gestured towards Huaiyu beside him. “Look at her, she never bothers with such things.”

Xu Chuniang listened, somewhat bewildered. “Deceive?”

Huaiyu added, “You can distrust what others say, but this innkeeper Lu is well-known for his charm throughout the capital, and he and Second Young Master Jiang share similar thoughts.”

Lowering her head with a bitter smile, Xu Chuniang sighed, “What can I do? If I don’t follow these rules, won’t I lose his favor even more?”

Lu Jingxing glanced at her. “I often saw Second Young Master Jiang at the Tianxiang Pavilion. He favors beauties, especially those with captivating eyes. As long as she has eyes he likes, she can do anything to please him.”

Unfortunately, Xu Chuniang didn’t possess such eyes. She was plain in appearance, with ordinary eyes.

“Oh, don’t listen to him,” Huaiyu scoffed. “It’s okay to judge based on appearance at first sight, but you’ve been with Second Young Master Jiang for so long. If he still dislikes you because of your appearance, there’s no need to stay with him.”

Her words were bold, causing Xu Chuniang to shake her head repeatedly. “I… I’m already married to him. How could I possibly leave him?”

“So what if you’re married? Getting a divorce is simple,” Li Huaiyu raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah,” Lu Jingxing chimed in, “there’s a precedent right here. Since General Xu has also gone to Danyang, you might as well ask for a divorce letter and join us.”

The two of them were in agreement, determined to break up this marriage.

Outside, the person sitting by the carriage pole, Chijin, couldn’t stand it anymore and lifted the curtain. “You two, why not do something good? Madam Jiang clearly can’t let go, that’s why she’s so upset.”

If she can’t let go, why seek a divorce? Outsiders always analyze the pros and cons clearly and make the most rational judgments, but only those directly involved understand the difficulty of letting go of love.

Xu Chuniang looked at him in surprise and turned her head.

The person sitting outside was fresh and handsome, with exceptionally captivating eyes that shimmered like green hills and clear waters.

No wonder some people prefer eyes like these; they’re soothing to look at.

By the time they arrived at the outskirts inn at You hour, Xu Chuniang pulled back the curtain and frowned. “This place…”

Looks like a shady inn.

Ahead, the Jiang family members hesitated about getting off the carriage, but Li Huaiyu and the others were bold enough to step inside.

“Madam Second doesn’t need to worry,” Chijin stood by the carriage and reassured, “We have so many people here.”

Xu Chuniang gripped the edge of the carriage door, saying, “I read in books that in shady inns, no matter how many people go in, none come out.”

Chijin paused, his smile ambiguous. “Then Madam, have you heard of the term ‘dog eat dog’?”

The Jiang household looked serious, but their side wasn’t easy to provoke. A shady inn? Even the Eldest Princess couldn’t outwit them?

Xu Chuniang glanced ahead; it seemed even Gu Luan and the others dared not get off. Jiang Shen coaxed and teased, reaching to lift Gu Luan, prompting a squeal.

She wanted to turn her face away, but her eyes seemed glued, unable to move.

“His Highness is calling for you.” As if casually, Chijin approached her. “Please get off the carriage.”

Finally snapping out of it, Xu Chuniang gratefully glanced at him and climbed down from the carriage, following him inside.

Jiang Shen was still coaxing Gu Luan when he casually glanced aside. He saw Xu Chuniang following another man as if forgetting he was in front, heading straight into the inn.

His brow furrowed slightly, Second Young Master Jiang was displeased.

Not only refusing to admit mistakes but also learning Li Huaiyu’s shameless behavior?

“Young Master!” The voice from behind, Muixue exclaimed, but Jiang Shen didn’t hear. He stepped into the lobby of the inn, scanning the surroundings.

Li Huaiyu and the others were seated, laughing and chatting around a table. Xu Chuniang stood beside her, the man from earlier nowhere in sight.

His expression softened slightly as he approached. He wanted to call Xu Chuniang over, but as he neared, he heard Li Huaiyu say, “Chef Chijin’s cooking is the best. A meal from him will make all your troubles disappear!”

“Yes, usually only His Highness gets to taste his cooking. Today’s a good day indeed, for Chijin has agreed to prepare a feast,” Qingxian sighed.

Lu Jingxing occupied the only Grand Tutor’s chair, his phoenix eyes scanning and catching sight of Jiang Shen behind. He chuckled, “A feast to please a beauty, what’s a mere table of dishes?”

He wasn’t exaggerating. Li Huaiyu had endured a long journey, and Chijin had cooked to lift her spirits.

Others might think differently, but he couldn’t control that.

Jiang Shen’s expression darkened slightly. He quickened his pace, intending to grab Xu Chuniang’s arm.

Lu Jingxing swiftly signaled Li Huaiyu with his eyes. She noticed Jiang Shen and subtly moved her chin towards Xu Chuniang, promptly stepping forward to subtly block him.

Xu Chuniang remained lost in thought and didn’t pay much attention to what was happening around her.

Qingxian and the others quickly stepped forward, crowding Jiang Shen towards the counter, smiling, “Second Young Master, His Highness prefers to dine without strangers nearby.”

Jiang Shen fumed, “I’m a stranger here, but isn’t Xu Chuniang also one?”

“Madam Second is His Highness’s friend,” Lu Jingxing replied courteously.

Jiang Shen’s temples throbbed with anger. Faced with this group of seasoned individuals blocking his path, he couldn’t force his way through. Xu Chuniang acted as if she knew nothing, chatting away with Li Huaiyu without even glancing in his direction.

Fine. He gritted his teeth and nodded. If she wanted to show off, then let her. If she had the guts, she could stay away forever!

With a sharp flick of his sleeve, Jiang Shen turned and walked away.

Inside the inn, everyone settled down. The Jiang family members dined in their rooms on the second floor, while Li Huaiyu and the others sat comfortably in the lobby.

Chijin’s culinary skills were indeed impressive. Xu Chuniang’s eyes lit up after a few bites, and she quietly asked him how he prepared the dishes. She enjoyed cooking herself, but Jiang Shen rarely dined in her room. Even the occasional snacks he sent rarely earned her praise.

“I’ll write it down for you.” Chijin generously fetched paper and pen from the counter. “The ingredients I use for these dishes are different from those of ordinary households.”

Xu Chuniang nodded repeatedly, obediently watching him write.

Beside her, Li Huaiyu made faces at Lu Jingxing. “Why can’t I eat spicy fish head?”

“It’s not good for your health,” Lu Jingxing scolded. “Do you even know the state of your own body?”

“What about this Eight Treasure Rabbit Cubes?”

“Too spicy. Have some bone broth instead.” Lu Jingxing served her a bowl.

The atmosphere was pleasant and harmonious everywhere. Upstairs, the Second and Third Young Masters of the Jiang family looked down together, sneering in unison.

Jiang Shen asked, “Can’t you make Li Huaiyu behave?”

Jiang Xuanjin glanced sideways. “What can I use to make her behave?”

With no moral high ground, even Second Brother couldn’t hold his temper.

Jiang Shen watched as the man wrote a letter for Xu Chuniang. She eagerly took it, carefully folded it, and tucked it into her sleeve with delight.

She looked like a treasured possession.

His expression darkened, and Jiang Shen sneered.

After dining, Xu Chunian returned to her room. Taking advantage of an opportunity, she didn’t bother to knock, assuming it was hers alone. However, when she pushed the door open, someone was inside.

Guanluan was wrapped around Jiang Shen, swaying her willowy waist, cascading hair like a waterfall, cooing softly. The person beneath him supported her waist, teasingly saying, “You truly are a charming little demon, absorbing the yang energy~”

Fair, exposed skin was visible. Xu Chunian froze.

The last time he coaxed her, he said he’d never let her see this again, his tone so gentle she didn’t suspect a thing.

Yet here they were, the same scene, the same heartache. Jiang Shen seemed oblivious to her entering, becoming bolder, his face’s smile cold and indifferent.

Her heart squeezed painfully. Xu Chunian lowered her eyes, turning to leave.

“Oh!” Guanluan winced in pain.

Jiang Shen quickly draped a nearby garment around her and then looked towards the door. “Where are you going?”

Xu Chunian froze. “Sorry, wrong room.”

What a fool! She pretended she was in the wrong room. Jiang Shen smirked coldly, patting Guanluan’s back, who sensibly moved past Xu Chunian and left.

The door closed. A familiar scent enveloped her from behind. Xu Chunian tried to stay calm, but her body trembled uncontrollably.

“Cold?” Jiang Shen noticed her shivering, frowned, and then sneered. “You know it’s chilly, yet you wear something so thin. What are you planning?”

Xu Chunian wanted to explain she was coming back to change but clenched her teeth. She dared not speak; if she did, she might cry out of humiliation.

“Why are you shaking?” He grabbed her shoulders, turning her body around. Jiang Shen was growing impatient.

Xu Chunian lowered her eyes and shook her head gently.

“What does shaking your head mean? Guilty conscience?” His hand gripped her sleeve, inadvertently grabbing the letter. Jiang Shen’s gaze darkened. “Xu Chunian, when I married you, I said I could support you for a lifetime, but don’t challenge me.”

She looked up blankly, not understanding his meaning.

Jiang Shen sneered, “Li Huaiyu is the Eldest Princess. She has power and status, so she can do as she pleases. But you?”

Slowly, he pulled out what was in her sleeve, holding it up in front of her. His eyes filled with scorn. “If you cheat, you’ll face the consequences. I won’t save you.”

The words carried a hint of anger, landing like a resounding slap across her face.

With pale lips, Xu Chunian stared at the object in his hand for a while, a faint glimmer in her eyes that suddenly dimmed completely.

In a soft voice, she asked, “Do you like Braised Rabbit with Eight Treasures?”

Braised Rabbit with Eight Treasures? Jiang Shen was puzzled. Why was she asking about this now? He preferred spicy food, so naturally, he liked it. However, when she made it, it didn’t taste as good as the restaurant’s version; he had tried it once and barely touched it before putting down his chopsticks.

Reaching out, Xu Chunian took the letter he was holding and slowly unfolded it layer by layer in front of him. She smoothed out the creases and handed it back to him.

The strong, forceful strokes on the paper detailed the secret recipe for Braised Rabbit with Eight Treasures.

Jiang Shen paused, reading it over twice, suddenly feeling a bit unsettled.

“Why… why did you ask him for this?” He struggled to understand, but without thinking, he knew who she was asking for it.

Jiang Shen pursed his lips, his voice suddenly lowering. He folded the letter neatly and returned it to her sleeve. “Then… next time, make it for me.”

Xu Chunian stared at him fixedly, her body still trembling slightly.

Jiang Shen inexplicably felt anxious, reaching out to pull her into his arms. But she took a step back just in time, barely avoiding his grasp.

There was a faint scent of rouge in the room, somewhat cloying. Xu Chunian covered her mouth and nose with her hand, then turned and walked out.

“Where are you going?” Jiang Shen was genuinely worried now, stepping forward to block the door, preventing her from leaving.

“I… I misunderstood. Can’t I admit my mistake?” He frowned at her. “It’s so late, where else do you want to go?”

“Back to my room,” Xu Chunian muttered softly.

“But this is your room!” Jiang Shen’s voice was firm.

Her damp eyes looked up blankly, meeting his gaze. Xu Chunian found it somewhat amusing and choked back a few breaths. “So you knew all along?”

He knew it was her room and deliberately came here to be intimate with Guanluan. What did she owe him to be treated like this?

“No, I…” He regretted, biting his lip. “I just…”

He was just angry.

Before he could say more, Xu Chunian’s eyes turned red. She forcefully pulled his hand away, pushed open the door, and rushed out.

It was nearing the end of the evening watch (around 7-9 pm), and Li Huaiyu was planning to discuss matters with Jiang Xuanjin. As she opened the door, Xu Chunian threw herself into her arms.

“What’s wrong?” Holding her, Huaiyu lowered her head and saw her eyes were swollen.

Someone was chasing behind her. Xu Chunian bypassed Huaiyu and entered the room, opening an empty wardrobe without thinking and slipping inside.

Huaiyu frowned, then saw Jiang Shen rushing over. She lifted her foot to the door frame and leaned against it, blocking his path.

“What are you doing?” Her tone was unfriendly.

Jiang Shen, in a panic, scratched his head anxiously. “Let me in!”

“No,” Huaiyu replied succinctly with a sideways glance. “If you have the ability, just force your way in.”

Did he think she wouldn’t dare? Jiang Shen felt annoyed and circled back to the main gate, attempting to climb through a window. Huaiyu was quick to react, promptly locking the windows shut with a couple of clicks, then calmly returned to stand by the door.

Jiang Shen’s face turned purple. “What do you want?”

Huaiyu shrugged. “If Second Young Master can explain what just happened, I might consider stepping aside.”

Since when did domestic affairs adhere to such reasoning? Jiang Shen gritted his teeth, standing stiffly, intending to confront her. But the Eldest Princess of Danyang was notorious for her stubbornness; who could outstubborn her?

Half an incense stick’s time passed. Jiang Shen finally spoke hesitantly, “I misunderstood her and made her angry. She should give me a chance to explain.”

“Just a misunderstanding?” Huaiyu didn’t believe him. “Given how much she admires you, as long as you don’t act indecently in front of her again, she won’t blame you for other misunderstandings.”

Jiang Shen hesitated. “…”

“Judging by that expression, could it be I hit the mark?” Huaiyu realized suddenly, then smirked, crossing her arms. “Second Young Master is impressive.”

“I’ve already said it, you should step aside.”

Huaiyu chuckled. “I said I would consider stepping aside, not that I definitely will. The result of my consideration is no, Second Young Master, please leave.”

With that, she ignored Jiang Shen’s bruised and swollen face and closed the door behind her.

The room fell silent. Huaiyu walked to the wardrobe and gently pushed open the copper rings on the door.

Xu Chuniang crouched in the corner, raising her head at the sound, tears streaming down her face.

Huaiyu brought over a stool, sat down outside, and handed her a handkerchief. “Chijin also said I’m not good at persuading people. If you want to see him, I’ll let him in. If you don’t want to see him, I promise he won’t even see a strand of your hair!”

Xu Chuniang shook her head, then nodded.

Huaiyu understood her meaning, reached out to pat her head, and smiled. “I’ve got you.”

Tears fell even more heavily as Xu Chuniang choked up, gripping Huaiyu’s hand with trembling fingertips.

Thank goodness she was here. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have anywhere to hide.

When she got married, her mother warned her that marrying up was no easy life, especially since Jiang Er Gongzi didn’t have much sincerity. She was bound to suffer. At that time, Xu Chuniang had been fearless, holding onto Jiang Shen’s literary works, her eyes shining like the morning sun. “I know, I’m not afraid!”

But now she truly understood that the courage of first love couldn’t last. The more one invested wholeheartedly, the more regret and heartache followed.

Marriage requires careful consideration, not impulsive decisions. A husband might lack talent or handsomeness, but he absolutely… must know how to cherish his spouse.

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