HomeSpring BanquetChapter 74: Wanting to See Her

Chapter 74: Wanting to See Her

Currently, nobody pays much attention to it. They merely thought the authorities were determined to improve the city’s atmosphere. Some people applauded this effort while others criticized it.

The commoners mostly applauded, were pleased to have food, and no longer feared unscrupulous merchants. Those who spoke against it were inevitably those shady merchants with ulterior motives.

Every city was the same. There were wealthy businessmen closely connected to the authorities. They made money and left the authorities to handle problems. However, this time, the authorities in one city turned everything upside down. The newcomers were unyielding. The three wealthiest businessmen in the city were dissatisfied, so they closed their shops in protest.

“Who would do honest business here?” Zhao, the shopkeeper, exclaimed angrily. “They stick to their principles regardless of the circumstances. Which merchant would agree to that?”

“Exactly,” Liu, another shopkeeper, slammed his teacup on the table. “They think they can push us around here, but we’ll show them. They’ll see who gets blamed when all the shops on this street are closed!”

“I sell essential goods in my shop. Just watch, in a few days, the people will be surrounding the government offices!” Zheng, the confident shopkeeper, declared.

As they were discussing, a person suddenly entered the room.

The three turned to see a figure step through the door, dressed in a soft silver silk robe. He carried a southern jade fan in his hand, his voice clear and lighthearted. “Good morning, gentlemen shopkeepers.”

“Who are you?” The shopkeepers of this city did not recognize Lu Jingxing. Zhao, the shopkeeper, eyed him warily.

Lu Jingxing twirled the fan in his fingers, its tail resting on the table, elegant and casual. He looked up at them and said, “I’m Lu Jingxing from Lu’s Grain Store. I heard you gentlemen might have shops for sale and thought I’d inquire.”

Given the current situation with the authorities, all the families were indeed selling their shops. However, Lu’s business in this city was small, just a grain store. How much could he afford?

Zhao thought for a moment, gestured for him to sit, and had someone pour tea for him. “Mr. Lu, it takes quite some courage to buy shops at a time like this. I own five shops, all on the main street, doing well before the trouble with the authorities. No one can predict the situation in this city, so naturally, the price can’t be too low.”

“I run a small business myself, not much capital to spare,” Lu Jingxing smiled politely, his almond-shaped eyes twinkling. “I hope you’ll be considerate, as besides myself, there’s hardly anyone else brave enough to buy shops these days.”

The three shopkeepers exchanged glances. Zhao dipped his pen in water and scribbled a figure on the table.

Lu Jingxing brushed open his fan with a “swish,” hiding his face as he chuckled. “You’re quite amusing, shopkeepers. Given the current situation in this city, this price could buy three shops. The one next door has already been sold to me. Zhao, don’t think I’m ignorant of the market.”

Zhao, the shopkeeper, chuckled. “Can the adjacent shop compare to mine in terms of location?”

Lu Jingxing raised an eyebrow, then turned to the other two. “Would you both care to offer your prices?”

Zheng, eager for quick cash, thought for a moment and wrote down a sincere figure. Liu, the other shopkeeper, remained silent, observing Lu Jingxing for a while before saying, “I have few to sell. Let’s discuss it separately later.”

Lu Jingxing nodded and sealed the deal with Zheng for five shops, instructing him to bring the property deeds.

Zhao’s expression soured. “With such a hefty purchase, does Mr. Lu still claim to have little capital?”

After a light sip of tea, Lu Jingxing replied disdainfully, “Indeed, I don’t have much, just enough to purchase half the shops in this city. But dealing with someone like Zhao, who demands exorbitant prices, could be challenging.”

“Half the shops in this city?” Zhao was genuinely taken aback. “Who exactly are you?”

Business here was not profitable, and the situation was unfavorable. Who would risk investing so much money here?

Liu studied Lu Jingxing for a moment, then asked suddenly, “Are you from the capital?”

The capital? Zhao realized belatedly. Wasn’t Lu’s business empire founded there and expanded across the region?

Lu Jingxing smiled. “You’re quite well-informed, shopkeeper.”

Is he truly the wealthiest merchant from the capital? Both Zhao and Liu gasped in disbelief. Liu stood up, frowning. “Is Lu Jingxing here to assist the rumored Eldest Princess? Willing to take losses?”

“Yes,” Lu Jingxing said casually, “traveling far for a beloved lady, with deep affection and loyalty. Are you both willing to assist me?”

His words sounded like a joke, but both shopkeepers began considering them seriously. They couldn’t forge connections with the new authorities, but Lu Jingxing had influence. His bold move indicated confidence in the city’s future. Selling now might mean a loss, but holding on could lead to substantial profits once the city improves.

Quick to react, Liu moved to sit beside Lu Jingxing and poured him a cup of tea. “I’ll sell my shops at whatever price you suggest.”

Seeing Liu’s gesture, Zhao’s tone softened. “We wouldn’t dare refuse. If Mr. Lu is willing to take us along, those shops can be yours at no cost.”

Li Huaiyu was right after all—only businessmen could resolve matters among themselves. With Lu Jingxing’s arrival, he might even gain a few shops for free.

Smiling with his fans, Lu Jingxing thought to himself that Li Huaiyu might owe him a favor after this trip.

Two days after the shops in the city were closed, the people were surprised to find that the prices at several notoriously expensive merchants had all dropped drastically. Some items were now selling for a tenth of their previous prices.

Those with money rushed to the streets to make purchases, while those without scraped together copper coins to buy a couple of bags of salt. The streets of the city became exceptionally lively, with everyone wearing joyful expressions.

Children played around, grabbing soy sauce bottles to take home. One child, not watching where he was going, collided with a stern-looking official who had recently arrived.

Everyone nearby held their breath, expecting the child to be scolded. Instead, the official bent down, straightened the tilted soy sauce bottle in the child’s hand, and solemnly advised, “Be careful on the streets with so many carts and horses.”

He then walked past the child to pick up a bamboo pole that had fallen in front of a nearby shop, effortlessly tying it up for the owner.

The bystanders were astonished. Wasn’t this how officials were supposed to behave? Yet this one didn’t just go about his business without a retinue but also helped out like an ordinary person whenever trouble arose.

As time went on, the people began to remember their names.

The one called Jiu Wu, the newly appointed Dan’yang Prefect, was extraordinarily skilled in martial arts, capable of taking down five ruffians single-handedly on the street. However, he was gentle with the people. There was an elderly man in a neighboring street who had no one to care for him. Wu went there every day to deliver food.

The newly arrived county magistrate was named Bai Ai, renowned for his elegant calligraphy and decisive handling of cases, never making wrongful judgments. He refused bribes from merchants and treated the common folk fairly. If anyone felt wronged, a knock on the yamen’s door ensured justice.

Then there was Qing Xian, a remarkably handsome man serving in the Imperial Guards. Hot-tempered, he swiftly dealt with troublemakers, his actions contrasting sharply with his appearance, showing a surprising severity.

As for Chi Jin, everyone passing through the city gates knew him. He commanded the city’s defenses but often visited the granaries. Despite his intimidating presence, he was surprisingly considerate.

The women familiar with the grain depot greeted Xu Chuniang affectionately, pitying her. “Miss Xu, such a fine lady like you deserves a good match.”

Xu Chuniang smiled as she handed over a bag of rice. “My husband has divorced me.”

Her words stunned those waiting in line.

In normal times, a divorced woman would be blamed, but Xu Chuniang was cherished by the people.

“Whoever let such a good woman go must be blind,” the woman with the rice exclaimed. “You’re better off without someone who can’t appreciate you!”

“You’re right, Xu Chuniang’s kindness is a blessing to whoever marries her.”

Xu Chuniang smiled calmly, focusing on her work as if she had let go of everything.

But her hand trembled slightly as she passed over the bag of rice.

Chi Jin approached quietly. “Go rest for a while; I’ll take over.”

“Don’t you need to patrol the city, sir?” a bystander asked with a smile.

Chi Jin shook his head. “Already done. Now is a good time to rest.”

Unsuspecting, Xu Chuniang thanked him and walked toward a nearby shed.

“Do you think the sir has feelings for Miss Xu?” a group of women whispered, teasingly.

Chi Jin wasn’t adept at handling such situations and scratched his head, handing the women their rice. “Here you go.”

“I thought they were a couple at first. What a shame,” muttered one of the women as she took the rice. “Seeing General Chi Jin at the grain depot every day…”

“Isn’t that so? Miss Xu wasn’t feeling well yesterday. Even Lord Chijin noticed from afar and came over to help her… You’re talking about the commanding general himself. If it weren’t for his liking, why would he come every day?”

“Miss Xu didn’t notice?”

“Her mood has been low lately, her thoughts wandering who knows where. How could she notice these things?”

Just divorced, it’s not appropriate to mention these things. Let’s just whisper a few words and leave it at that. Fate is best left to unfold naturally.

Lord Ziyang’s documents arrived promptly. The news of Princess Danyang’s return to the world was confirmed. Li Huailin had originally planned to sit in the capital and watch the drama of nearby lords rebelling against Eldest Princess unfold. However, unexpectedly, no one made a move.

It was understandable if Lord Ziyang didn’t act; he had just stabilized Ziyang and it was time to secure internal peace. But why didn’t Lord Changlin and Lord Pingling move? Princess Danyang had caused trouble in the court and the country for eight years! If she was making a comeback, shouldn’t nearby fiefs be on guard and resist?

Li Huaiyu also found it strange. If Lord Changlin didn’t bring it up, Lord Pingling must have harbored great resentment toward her. She had prepared herself for confrontation, but two months had passed, her belly was visibly swollen, and the canal from Danyang to the frontline city was almost complete, yet Pingling had not mobilized his troops to press the border city.

“What’s going on?” she curiously asked Qing Si.

Qing Si handed her the medicine and calmly replied, “News just arrived. A month ago, both Lord Changlin and Lord Pingling visited Lord Ziyang. No one knows what they discussed. After they returned, both lords shut themselves in, preparing for future actions.”

Huaiyu was puzzled. She and Jiang Xuanjin had a big fight last time, right? It had been so long, except for a letter of resignation from Yu Feng to Xu Chuniang, that there had been no further communication. A man as proud as Jiang Xuanjin would not easily help her. Moreover… he had established Ziyang Mansion and welcomed Bai Xuanji inside.

She touched her slightly bulging abdomen and chuckled softly, “It’s been over four months now.”

Since the rebellion in the Imperial Study, more than four months had passed. Jiang Xuanjin, such a proud person, should have easily let her go, right? They were not meant to be together; he was such a rational person. So there must have been other considerations during that meeting, which is why he persuaded both lords to stop.

She wondered if Bai Xuanji would give him the moon.

After swallowing the medicinal bowl in one gulp, the bitterness made her frown. Huaiyu pouted twice, suddenly remembering someone who had helped her try medicine a long time ago, and frowned:

“Trying medicine is to test for toxicity, not bitterness.”

That serious look was like a stern teacher in the classroom, and the low voice with Buddhist incense lingered in her ears as if she had had a dream.

“Awake from the dream!” She smiled and looked down, stroking the Buddhist beads on her wrist.

She hid this thing secretly and couldn’t bear to return it to him. Just take it as a memento.

“Master, Lord Changlin will celebrate his fiftieth birthday in half a month,” Qing Si said. “Invitations have been sent to all the surrounding lords. Your invitation has arrived as well.”

“Oh?” Huaiyu raised an eyebrow. “They even invited me?”

“After all, you are the ruler of Danyang,” Qing Si said. “In just two months, the changes in the frontline city have been so significant that everyone has noticed.”

Two months ago, the frontline city was filled with refugees, but now it was at least a normal place. Once the canal was completely open, this city would be considered saved. Moreover, judging by the love the people here had for them if the frontline city were to be transferred to Danyang, it would not be unreasonable.

Huaiyu was very pleased. “It wasn’t in vain after all.”

“Should the servants prepare your attire?” Qing Si looked at her. “Your current condition… we’ll have to remake your clothes.”

With a belly of four months, it was almost unreasonable, but it was strange that the princess was still not fat, and only her stomach was raised, with arms and legs that were still thin.

After a while, Huaiyu looked down. “I won’t go. I can’t move in this condition. Just prepare the gifts and send them over.”

Qing Si was stunned. “Not going?”

This was a great opportunity to win over the surrounding lords. It was not easy to get such invitations…

“I won’t go.” Huaiyu shook her head firmly. “I can’t go.”

If Jiang Xuanjin saw her belly, how could she explain it? Was it because she ate too much and became bloated?

With Qing Si’s hand for support, she went out for a walk. It was already winter outside, and Qing Si wrapped her in a thick fox fur cloak, but she still couldn’t hide her belly.

In the governor’s mansion, a newly arrived servant startled from a distance, grabbing someone nearby and asking, “What’s going on?”

An older and experienced servant glanced over and waved dismissively. “Why make such a fuss? Even Her Highness is a woman; being pregnant isn’t unusual.”

“But… whose child is it?”

“I heard from some of the higher-ups that the child will call Master Lu ‘father’.”

“Master Lu?” The new servant was astonished. “Wasn’t there talk about Her Highness and Lord Ziyang before…?”

“Don’t mention Lord Ziyang in this governor’s mansion.” The older servant quickly covered his mouth, then glanced towards Her Highness and lowered his voice. “The most forbidden topic here is His Highness. If the officials hear you, you’ll surely get a beating!”

Over these two months, Lord Ziyang had been sending frequent documents targeting Princess Danyang, straining relations between the two regions. Even if there had been previous entanglements between the lords of these fiefs, now it was a confrontational situation.

The new servant suddenly realized and felt a bit melancholic. There were indeed many intriguing stories among these noble figures.

At long last, Ziyang saw a clear sky. In the main city’s Ziyang Mansion, the newly appointed commander, Lü Qing, stood in the study, eyes wide open. “What?”

Jiang Xuanjin repeated expressionlessly, “In half a month, it’s Lord Changlin’s birthday. You will oversee Ziyang for me, and I will make a trip there.”

Lü Qing was Jiang Xuanjin’s childhood friend and trusted confidant, who had been managing the territory in Ziyang on his behalf. After waiting so long for his master’s return, seeing him with a perpetually stern face made it difficult for him to leave the main courtyard, yet today he said he would go to Changlin.

He couldn’t help but feel a mix of amusement and distress. “Your Highness, given the current situation, you could easily send someone to deliver a congratulatory gift on your behalf. Why go in person?”

Jiang Xuanjin replied firmly, “Sincerity.”

“What sincerity are you showing to Lord Changlin?” Lü Qing was exasperated. “Last time, you threatened them not to act rashly. Your demands were so imposing that they didn’t dare move for two whole months. And now you’re going to reward them after a slap in the face?”

The more Lü Qing thought about it, the more bewildered he became. He found himself increasingly unable to understand Jiang Xuanjin. Some things seemed unnecessary to him, yet Jiang Xuanjin exerted great effort to maneuver around them. On the other hand, essential matters such as sending documents to the capital or reporting to the court were things he never bothered to do.

Voices questioning Lord Ziyang’s intentions to rebel had already arisen in the court, but Jiang Xuanjin remained unconcerned.

“Lord Lü,” unable to hold back, he spoke up, “let the master go.”

“Give me a reason!” Lü Qing pressed his temples. “If he goes, I’ll be the one to bear the consequences!”

Chengxu glanced at his master and pulled Lv Qing aside, whispering, “Have you seen the guest list for Lord Changlin’s invitations?”

The guest list had arrived with the invitations, but Lv Qing hadn’t paid much attention to it. Curious, he glanced at Jiang Xuanjin behind them and asked, “Are there people who must be seen?”

“Yes,” nodded Cheng Xu, “but since the master refuses to reveal them, arguing further is futile. He will attend.”

Lv Qing frowned deeply.

It was the first snowfall of the year in Ziyang. Fine snowflakes drifted down, painting the eaves white. Jiang Xuanjin silently watched outside the window, a faint glimmer of excitement in his dark eyes.

“Master, Miss Bai Er has decided to return to the capital,” Yufeng entered and bowed.

Since the incident involving Yin Ping, Bai Xuanji has been under house arrest. Four guards never left her side, watching her every move. They didn’t interfere with her daily activities such as eating and sleeping, but they never left her alone, even during her rest.

At first, Bai Xuanji had been stubborn, insisting that as long as she could stay by His Highness’s side, she didn’t mind anything else. However, after two months of this constant surveillance and without His Highness casting a single glance her way, she finally couldn’t bear it anymore. Relying on Bai Dezhong’s prestige, she managed to enter Ziyang Manor but was confined to a small courtyard, constantly watched day and night.

The terrifying torment of seeing four pairs of eyes as soon as she opened her eyes finally became too much for Bai Xuanji. She cried out, begging to return to the capital.

Jiang Xuanjin came to his senses and went with Yufeng to Bai Xuanji’s small courtyard.

Bai Xuanji was crying loudly, but upon seeing him, she immediately fell silent out of fear.

“Want to leave?” Jiang Xuanjin stood expressionless at the door and asked.

Bai Xuanji choked up, nodding in fear.

“Why?” Jiang Xuanjin asked, “Has His Highness treated Miss Bai improperly in any way?”

How could he ask such a question? Bai Xuanji was both angry and terrified. She had exhausted all her means, trying to win over the Jiang family, bribing servants, trying to secure her position as His Highness’s wife, but to no avail! No matter what she did, he always called her Bai Er and never allowed her into the main residence!

If he hadn’t let her into Ziyang Manor in the first place, she wouldn’t have been so desperate, and wouldn’t have wasted so much effort. But he had let her in, only to watch all her efforts go to waste time and time again.

It was like climbing a mountain with great effort, only to find the path blocked halfway up, with no way forward. That was the most despairing thing.

She hadn’t realized it until last night, when she was startled awake by the person watching her bedside, breaking out in a cold sweat and then crying loudly. She finally realized that Jiang Xuanjin was retaliating against her.

He knew she had bad-mouthed him in front of Grandfather Jiang, and he knew she wanted to sow discord between him and Bai Zhuji. He hadn’t confronted her hastily or yelled at her. Instead, he had chosen the cruelest way possible to ruin her happiness for the rest of her life.

“Don’t you remember, Miss Bai?” Jiang Xuanjin half-closed his eyes and said casually, “You are someone who holds an imperial decree.”

If she returned to the capital like this, she would lose her life.

With a pale face, tears streaming down her cheeks, Bai Xuanji said with red eyes, “Even if I’ve done something wrong, it shouldn’t provoke His Highness’s great anger. Grandfather Jiang is still in good health and hasn’t suffered any illness because of this. Why can’t His Highness let me live?”

“Something wrong?” Jiang Xuanjin sneered, looking at her, “Isn’t Miss Bai usually fond of calling herself ‘this concubine’?”

Bai Xuanji choked, crying even harder.

Wasn’t Lord Ziyang supposed to be magnanimous? Wasn’t he supposed to have become much gentler? Why had she encountered this Lord Ziyang, who held grudges to this extent and was as heartless as could be?

To leave meant death, and staying meant a fate worse than death. What else could she do?

“If Miss Bai wants to leave, His Highness won’t stop you.” With a flick of his sleeve, Jiang Xuanjin turned and left. His icy voice drifted back on the wind, “Remember to give my regards to Lord Bai.”

Bai Xuanji stared blankly at his retreating figure, her body slowly sliding down until she knelt on the ground like a soulless being.

There was no good ending for her, and the Jiang family could only be happy about it. Lonely Luan had heard the news and had gone to find Jiang Shen, hoping to cheer him up.

“Young Master, didn’t you see? Miss Bai from the Bai family is in a pitiful state, crying and banging her head against the wall!”

Jiang Shen was half-lying on the imperial concubine’s couch. Upon hearing this, he didn’t lift his head, merely responded with a faint “Hmm.”

Seeing his acknowledgment, Lonely Luan continued, “These days, abandoned women never have it easy. Miss Bai Er was trying to play the pity card, hoping to win His Highness’s sympathy. Who knew that after His Highness said the obligatory words, he let her go? Now she doesn’t dare to leave and can only resort to desperate measures.”

Abandoned women never have it easy.

Feeling a weight in his heart, Jiang Shen sat up straight.

Lately, he had often dreamt of Xu Chuniang, who always wore a cold expression in his dreams. No matter how hard he ran towards her, he could never reach her.

Was it because her life had been difficult that she resented him, even wishing to make him suffer in her dreams? Did she regret it now and want to return to his side?

His eyes lit up, and Jiang Shen got off the couch. After thinking for a moment, he straightened his outer robe and headed toward Jiang Xuanjin’s study.

“I have a friend in Yixian City,” he said. “Today, I received an invitation to join them for sightseeing.”

Jiang Xuanjin glanced at him. “Yixian City has been in drought for three years.”

There were mountains, but where was the water?

Jiang Shen chuckled dryly. “In a land ravaged by drought, there must still be wind to gather. Could you provide me with a pass to the city, so I can visit?”

Jiang Xuanjin slowly said, “Acquiring a city pass is quite troublesome. It would take at least half a month.”

His brow twitching, Jiang Shen couldn’t help but say angrily, “Who do you think you’re fooling? Don’t think I don’t know. When Li Huaiyu left Yin Ping, you issued him a city pass to Yixian City, and that didn’t take half a month!”

Did they think he was a fool? Without a city pass, how could they have reached Yixian City so smoothly?

Jiang Xuanjin fell silent, turning to look out the window.

Jiang Shen stepped in front of him, frowning. “After all, we’re brothers. You shouldn’t be so petty!”

With a rather displeased expression, Jiang Xuanjin said, “If you insist, go find Lv Qing and have him arrange it for you.”

Smiling broadly, Jiang Shen clasped his hands together and bowed. “Thank you!”

Then, in a hurry, he dashed off.

His good mood was ruined by Jiang Shen’s sudden intrusion, and Jiang Xuanjin’s face darkened as he sat in his chair, sulking.

“Master?” Cheng Xu handed him a cup of tea. “It’s a good thing that Second Young Master wants to visit Yixian City. Perhaps he could reconcile with Second Madam. Why are you upset?”

Taking the cup and placing it on the table, Jiang Xuanjin lightly tapped the lid with his fingers. After a long silence, he murmured, “He can, but I can’t.”

Jiang Shen could whimsically decide to go to Yixian City, but he couldn’t. Jiang Shen could go to meet someone openly, but he couldn’t.

He had important matters to attend to, official documents to review, and countless calculations to manage. Even in his dreams, he felt the weightless sensation of falling from a cliff.

Yesterday, Lü Qing had mentioned that once he resumed his position, everything that should be in place would be there. But as he spread open his hands and looked, there was nothing inside, nothing to grasp. He felt he was living even worse than his second brother.

“Master…” Cheng Xu looked at him with some concern. “The birthday banquet is coming soon. Perhaps you… could take a walk in Changlin, enjoy the scenery.”

Thinking of the banquet, a gleam finally lit up Jiang Xuanjin’s dark eyes, but he rebuked, “Attending Changlin Jun’s birthday is a serious matter. How can one frolic among mountains and rivers?”

“Yes, yes!” Cheng Xu quickly lowered his head. “It’s indeed serious. You must prepare properly.”

“Preparing the gift is enough. There’s nothing else to it,” Jiang Xuanjin snorted lightly, then thought for a moment and sent Yufeng to fetch two tailors.

In recent months, feudal lords from various regions had trouble sleeping. They speculated on the actions of the Emperor, Lord Ziyang, Eldest Princess, and others. Ziyang was not far from the capital. The Emperor had stationed troops at Linjiang Mountain, clearly wary of Lord Ziyang.

Some believed Lord Ziyang should indeed be cautious, but many felt the Emperor was ungrateful and ruthless even to his former mentor. What about the other fiefs? After dealing with this tough nut Ziyang, would he move against them one by one?

With uneasy hearts, the feudal lords arrived early at Changlin, intending to use this opportunity to glean some information from Lord Ziyang.

While waiting, everyone was prepared. After all, Lord Ziyang had been extremely busy lately, and it was possible he might not make an appearance.

However, as soon as the banquet began, Lord Ziyang arrived.

Dressed in a purple-blue python-patterned brocade robe, he wore a thick cloak trimmed with silver fox fur. His black hair was elegantly tied up, and his black eyes gleamed with vitality. As soon as Jiang Xuanjin entered, everyone was taken aback and murmured in unison, “Greetings to Lord Ziyang!”

Standing at the door, he returned the gesture, then turned to Changlin Jun seated at the main table, and said, “Congratulations on your birthday, my humble gift is a token of respect.”

Changlin Jun greeted him warmly and invited him to sit at the upper seat, saying with delight, “I thought you might not come today.”

“How could I not?” Jiang Xuanjin replied casually, scanning the surroundings with his peripheral vision.

Beside him, Pingling Jun whispered to the person next to him, “He calls this a bad mood?”

Previously, he had seen a face as cold as ice, but now he was so spirited and lively, that it was as if he was the one celebrating his birthday today.

Others nearby also found it strange, stealing glances at Lord Ziyang, who was conversing with Changlin Jun while scanning the guests, as if searching for someone among the seats.

Jiang Xuanjin looked again, thinking he might have been mistaken the first time, but after a second search, he still didn’t see her.

His heart, which had been held up high, suddenly sank. He asked Changlin Jun, “Did anyone come from Danyang?”

Changlin Jun hurriedly replied, “Yes, they’re over there.”

Following his gesture, Jiang Xuanjin looked in the direction he indicated, where Jiu Wu was.

Jiang Xuanjin narrowed his eyes. “This…” Suddenly, he felt Lord Ziyang’s aura around him cool down. Changlin Jun hastily explained, “Your Highness, please don’t underestimate this person. He is the newly appointed Governor of Danyang, highly respected and reliable in his duties. With his presence…”

“And what about Eldest Princess?” he asked in a low voice.

Changlin Jun looked embarrassed. “Invitations were sent, but it’s said the Eldest Princess isn’t feeling well and couldn’t come.”

A perfect opportunity. For someone like her, as long as she’s alive, how could she possibly not come? Jiang Xuanjin sneered inwardly. He tapped lightly on the table with his index finger, his demeanor now tinged with hostility.

Could it be just because he was here that she’d rather forsake her grand ambitions than come?

Yesterday, he had finally had a good dream where he saw her reaching out to him. Though he hadn’t managed to grasp her hand in the end, he had thought it at least a good omen.

But in the end, what he couldn’t grasp remained unattainable.

Jiang Xuanjin scoffed softly, feeling uncomfortably stifled inside.

Just how much did she despise him to refuse even a dream coming true?

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