HomeSpring BanquetChapter 75: The Most Disdained Thing is Lovesickness

Chapter 75: The Most Disdained Thing is Lovesickness

“Your… Your Highness?” Changlin Jun wiped the cold sweat from his forehead as he watched the sudden change in Jiang Xuanjin’s expression. “If you wish to see the Eldest Princess, then…”

“No.” Jiang Xuanjin lowered his gaze coldly. “Why would I want to see her?”

What was this reaction about? Changlin Jun was flustered. Jiang Xuanjin had been composed just a moment ago, but now his face turned dark. If it wasn’t about the Eldest Princess, could it be that he had somehow offended him?

Glancing around cautiously, Changlin Jun spoke in a low voice, “Lord Ziyang, as you know, my domain of Changlin is burdened with heavy taxes and duties. It’s not wealthy by any means. If there have been any oversights…”

“Your words are too heavy,” Jiang Xuanjin interrupted gently, clasping his hands. “Throughout my journey here, I have seen that the people of Changlin live simply and peacefully.”

“That’s because I’m holding the sky up; it hasn’t fallen on their heads,” Changlin Jun sighed. “Since Your Majesty took direct control, the taxation and oversight of the fiefs have become stricter. Salt taxes have been raised to thirty percent. Recently, the imperial inspector criticized Changlin for its bland salt. If salt were cheaper, who would prefer blandness?”

Jiang Xuanjin listened and smirked slightly.

Taxation of fiefs was a common practice. If he hadn’t invited Changlin Jun to discuss matters in Ziyang last time, clearly showing support for Danyang against the capital, Changlin Jun wouldn’t be talking to him about this today.

The other feudal lords, who were now drinking and chatting, also glanced in his direction. Jiang Xuanjin knew well that his presence today would inevitably push them to rally against the Emperor, yet he had still come.

The powerless would ascend, and the powerful would evade. At this birthday banquet, he felt like a fool once again.

With a soft chuckle, Jiang Xuanjin met Changlin Jun’s eager gaze and said the words he most wanted to hear, “Since taxation is too burdensome, why not discuss it with other lords and petition the Emperor?”

As soon as these words were spoken, the lively atmosphere of the banquet hall suddenly turned serious.

“We have lived in our fiefs for many years and are unaware of the situation in the capital. We do not know the Emperor’s intentions,” Pingling Jun whispered. “How should this petition be presented? We seek Lord Ziyang’s guidance.”

“Yes, I heard the court is in great turmoil now. Just recently, His Majesty imprisoned dozens of ministers,” Guangping Jun shook his head. “If this petition is poorly written and the taxes aren’t reduced, it could harm the people in various regions.”

In essence, they wanted Jiang Xuanjin to take the lead, to benefit them all, and to be their shield against the Emperor’s policies.

Jiu Wu, sitting at the table, couldn’t help but notice. To him, Lord Ziyang today seemed quite different from the man who stood before the Eldest Princess. In front of her, his serious demeanor seemed somewhat contrived, with a glint of childishness in his dark eyes. But now, amidst so many feudal lords, he lifted his chin lightly, with a half-smile that was both confident and enigmatic, as if no one could break through his defenses or discern his thoughts.

“Writing a petition is not difficult,” Jiang Xuanjin replied calmly. “If you have grievances, please inform me. I will compile them and present them to the Emperor.”

So straightforward? Changlin Jun and the others exchanged glances, secretly pleased. It seemed the rumors were true about Lord Ziyang being easy to manipulate; this approach were spot-on.

With him leading the charge, they wouldn’t hold back. They would exaggerate the demands for tax reductions, and some of their proposals made Jiu Wu inwardly apprehensive.

Jiang Xuanjin gestured for Cheng Xu to remember it all, without any objections.

“And what about Ziyang’s domain?” he asked. “Is there nothing to be said?”

Jiu Wu came to his senses, arching his hand with a cold smile. “We defer to Your Majesty’s safety.”

Tax revenue from Danyang never went to the imperial treasury; it always lined the Eldest Princess’s pockets. Moreover, with the recent maritime law enforcement documents issued, it was clear the Emperor did not recognize the Eldest Princess as the lord of Danyang. What was there to discuss with him?

Jiang Xuanjin glanced at him, then turned to Changlin Jun. “I have some old acquaintances with this governor. May I have a few words with him? Would you mind?”

Thinking about the tax reduction matter, Changlin Jun smiled happily. Why would he mind? He waved his hand immediately. “Your Highness, please.”

Jiu Wu frowned. He never had a good impression of Lord Ziyang. Rather than calling him an old acquaintance, he was an old enemy. He didn’t want to go out with him. But looking at the seat he was sitting in now, Jiu Wu endured and got up to follow him out the door.

“Real illness or feigned illness?”

Outside, the night was cool as water. Jiang Xuanjin stood under the corridor and asked this question abruptly.

Jiu Wu was taken aback for a moment, then realized he was being asked about the Eldest Princess. His expression turned odd. “Your Majesty has mingled in the court for many years, yet can’t distinguish between formal talk and sincerity?”

With their careful attention, how could the Princess possibly be seriously ill? Over the past two months, the innkeeper had stuffed her with every good tonic he could find, and her previously frail body had been forcibly strengthened.

Jiang Xuanjin’s face darkened even more. Without waiting for further elaboration, he said, “If she were to come today, would it be advantageous or detrimental?”

Everyone knew the answer to that, but if she truly arrived, who knew what complications might arise? Thinking of the Princess’s belly, swollen like a drum, Jiu Wu smirked, “You need not worry about the Princess, Your Majesty. Instead, you should consider how to draft the memorial without implicating Ziyang, and avoid dragging Danyang into trouble.”

He could discern the intentions of the other lords, and he couldn’t fathom why Jiang Xuanjin would agree to their demands. Once he incurred the Emperor’s wrath, Ziyang would inevitably be made an example of.

Jiang Xuanjin glanced at him, his dark eyes filled with cold indifference. “If your Princess knew what I am capable of, you wouldn’t dare speak such words.”

What did he mean by that? Jiu Wu was puzzled, but Jiang Xuanjin didn’t explain further. He turned and headed back to the banquet. Jiu Wu stood in the corridor for a long while, deciding to go back and inquire with the Princess.

After the banquet, Jiu Wu was the first to ride back home. The other lords conferred with Jiang Xuanjin for two days before departing one by one.

Only Jiang Xuanjin remained until the end, standing in Changlin Jun’s mansion garden, staring blankly at the fish in the pond.

“Your Majesty…” Changlin Jun asked tentatively, “Changlin has a mountain spring, its water crystal clear. The fish swimming in it seem to fly like clouds. Would you like to take a look?”

Jiang Xuanjin shook his head.

“Then… There’s a new dancing girl in the mansion, her performance is exceptionally beautiful. Would you care to appreciate it?”

Jiang Xuanjin still shook his head.

Changlin Jun pondered for a long time before hesitantly suggesting, “I have some old acquaintances with the Southern Capital Lord. He asked me to visit the Eldest Princess. Your Majesty, would you prefer to return to Ziyang or accompany me?”

Jiang Xuanjin finally turned around and asked, “If I were to accompany Changlin Jun, would it be inappropriate?”

A flash of understanding crossed Changlin Jun’s brow. He immediately responded, “It would be very appropriate! The Southern Capital Lord has many things to entrust to me. I am not very familiar with the Eldest Princess. Going alone would be awkward. Your Majesty’s presence would be greatly appreciated!”

With a relaxed expression, Jiang Xuanjin lifted his chin slightly. “I have no intention of going to Danyang. If news reaches the capital, it will only cause trouble.”

“No worries, no worries. I will keep it from Your Majesty, saying that you are touring the mountains and waters of Changlin!” Changlin Jun assured hastily.

Jiang Xuanjin reluctantly nodded. “So be it. I will comply.”

Listening from behind, Cheng Xu and Yu Feng’s mouths twitched. They both wanted to step forward and remind him, “Your Majesty, Lord Lu is still in Ziyang waiting for you. You said you would return immediately, how can you detour to Danyang?”

However, seeing their master’s sudden gentleness towards Changlin Jun, Cheng Xu understood clearly that it was futile. After two months of not seeing her, their master couldn’t hold back any longer.

At first, everything was fine. The Eldest Princess left on her own. Driven by anger, their master persisted for over a month, but how long could one sustain such anger? Once the anger dissipated, how could the heart’s longing be suppressed?

It was also Yu Feng’s fault. Everything had been fine until he secretly moved the box containing his master’s old items from the room, saying he didn’t want him to see them and become distressed. He had thought his master hadn’t noticed, but as soon as he entered the room, he sensed it, coldly ordering them to move the box back and inspect it.

Upon inspection, they found a handkerchief inside.

The handkerchief had been found by Yu Feng under the bed, and it seemed the wife had not yet had the opportunity to give it to the master. It was embroidered with the words “Dear Husband” in an uneven and somewhat crude manner, but for some reason, the master’s eyes reddened upon seeing it.

Such explicit words were something he had always disliked, and Yu Feng had thought it was a way for the wife to tease him. However, when he turned the box over, he found a framed piece of calligraphy.

Yu Feng knew the handwriting of the master. It read, “Dear Wife.”

With just one glance, he no longer dared to look, closed the box, and put it back in its original place.

Neither Cheng Xu nor Yu Feng knew when this calligraphy had been written or why, but seeing the master’s reaction, neither dared to ask more.

“Enough,” Cheng Xu thought, “if he wants to go, let him go. The master rarely indulges himself.”

The cold and dry weather of Yixian City made Jiang Shen uncomfortable as soon as he arrived. He developed a high fever. Despite his attendants’ advice to rest at the inn, he insisted on going to the Eldest Princess’s mansion in a daze.

Li Huaiyu was busy watching Xu Chuniang embroider tiny clothes for the child in her belly when Qing Xian leaned against the door and called out, “Your Highness, there’s a troublemaker outside who refuses to leave, no matter how much we chase him away.”

Her eyes brightened, and Huaiyu became interested. “Someone dares to cause trouble at my doorstep? Come, take me to see!”

“Wait a moment,” Xu Chuniang held her back, half amused and half exasperated. “You’re running around with such a big belly?”

“It’s rare today that Lu Jingxing isn’t here. I need to get some fresh air,” Huaiyu complained pitifully. “He keeps telling me to rest all the time. I’m going crazy!”

Xu Chuniang looked conflicted. After a moment’s thought, she took the tiger fur cloak hanging on the screen and wrapped it around Huaiyu. While securing the ties, she scrutinized the pattern. “Why did you choose something like this…”

“Lu Jingxing asked me if I wanted tiger fur or fox fur. I thought tiger fur looked more imposing.” Huaiyu twirled in front of her with a raised chin, clearly pleased. “Isn’t it impressive?”

It was indeed impressive, but it made her look a bit like a mountain king.

Glancing at the sky outside, Xu Chuniang still felt uneasy. “Hold onto me. I’ll help you over there.”

Qing Xian hesitated for a moment, looking complicated. “Miss Xu, aren’t you afraid of the cold? Stay inside, we’ll take Her Highness.”

“Are you saying you’re more attentive than me? Two days ago, I almost let her fall while taking a walk,” Huaiyu retorted.

“…That was because Your Highness insisted on climbing the artificial mountain,” Qing Xian sighed in exasperation. “As long as you walk properly, we can manage.”

Huaiyu was displeased with their bickering and patted her belly. “Just because my belly is a bit bigger, you think I’m lame? Enough, stop arguing. I’ll go by myself.”

With that said, she stepped over the threshold and walked out.

“Your Highness!” Both Qing Xian and Xu Chuniang were worried and hurriedly followed.

Li Huaiyu had a steady lower body, and even with a big belly, she walked briskly. Coupled with the majestic tiger fur cloak, Jiang Shen, who was watching from a distance, asked in astonishment, “Is there a tiger charging over?”

Qing Xian shook his head. “Young Master, that’s a person.”

Who in the world looked like a tiger? Jiang Shen looked dazed, astonished as he watched the tiger approach. Immediately, he turned back and stood in front of her, gesturing backward. “Chuniang, fetch me a cloak.”

Xu Chuniang was puzzled. “But aren’t you already wearing one?”

Slapping his forehead, Huaiyu chuckled nervously. “I must be stupid. Um, go pour a cup of tea instead.”

In the dead of winter, asking someone to pour tea from inside to the doorstep would only chill it. Qing Xian rubbed his face; he understood what the Highness wanted to do, but this excuse was untenable.

Even Xu Chuniang, who was slow-witted, realized something was amiss and tried to look behind her.

But every time she moved left, Huaiyu moved to block her left side. She moved right, and Huaiyu moved to block her right side.

So Xu Chuniang finally understood. “Is someone from the Jiang family here?”

Li Huaiyu scratched her chin. “How did you suddenly become so smart?”

Xu Chuniang smiled lightly. “After being with you for so long, I had to learn something… Stop blocking. I have nothing to do with the Jiang family anymore. Whoever comes, I won’t care.”

“Not… but this person…” Xu Chunian smiled faintly and stepped up to help Huaiyu to the side.

In the next instant, she locked eyes with Jiang Shen, whose eyes carried a misty peach blossom hue. The chilling wind swept in through the doorway, making everyone feel cold all over.

Xu Chunian stared stiffly at him for a while, then lowered her gaze and greeted him with a bow. “Second Young Master.”

It had been a long time since she had seen this person. Her days seemed not as miserable as he might have thought. At least she was adorned in luxurious silk and satin, with a healthy complexion and no signs of thinness.

Jiang Shen chuckled lightly and asked her, “You wouldn’t care if anyone came?”

Xu Chunian remained silent, her back tense, her face gradually paling.

To claim indifference was false. After all, he was someone she once cared for deeply, and they were still legally married. Seeing him again suddenly stirred unusual feelings inside her. However, she no longer felt as weak and tearful as before. After sorting out her emotions, she calmly spoke, “Second Young Master has come from afar. Is there something you need?”

Her distant attitude made it seem as if he were just an ordinary visitor.

Jiang Shen sneered, “Is it the custom of the Princess’s mansion to stand at the door and ask questions?”

Li Huaiyu’s gaze was unfriendly. She pulled Xu Chunian behind her and stared at him. “There’s never been any custom of hospitality in my mansion. If provoked, I might even beat you. Do you want to try?”

Behind her, Qing Xian immediately approached warily upon hearing this. Jiang Shen coughed twice, about to say something, but his gaze was drawn to her round belly.

“This…” He froze for a moment, then widened his eyes. “Could it be…?”

Oh no! Everyone was shocked. Qing Xian’s reaction was quick; he pulled the person inside, along with Frost Day, into the courtyard and closed the door.

Now that he had seen it, they couldn’t just let him leave.

Jiang Shen staggered a few steps. Already dizzy and lightheaded, he could barely stand. Xu Chunian hesitated for a moment, then reached out and helped him.

Touching him, she realized he was burning up.

“You…” Xu Chunian frowned. “Are you sick?”

Jiang Shen snorted lightly and coughed twice.

Li Huaiyu sighed with emotion. “He’s here to cause trouble.”

Originally, she had planned to teach the troublemaker a lesson, but now the situation was a bit awkward. Should she act? He was sick. Shouldn’t she treat him like a guest?

Just as she hesitated, a voice sounded from behind: “What are you all standing around here for?”

Xu Chunian turned around and saw Chijin holding her cloak, completely ignoring Jiang Shen, and walked straight up to her. “Why didn’t you wear something warmer when you came out?”

Her body was already stiff from the cold. Xu Chunian smiled gratefully and took the cloak to wrap herself up. “I rushed out in a hurry.”

“First, go back to the warm pavilion with Her Highness,” Chijin said. “I’ll handle the rest.”

His words were intimate as if the two of them were a couple with many years of understanding. Jiang Shen’s face darkened as he looked at Xu Chunian, who didn’t refuse but obediently nodded.

What was this?

With a bitter laugh, Jiang Shen turned away. Suddenly, he felt as if his heart had been pierced, and the cold wind brought a sharp sting as it poured into the wound.

What was he doing here? She was fine, it was he who had issues.

Huaiyu led Xu Chunian back to the house, seeing her serious expression, she asked, “Still can’t let go?”

“Not that.” Xu Chunian raised her eyes to look at her. “I’m thinking, if he saw your belly, would he go back and tell His Majesty?”

“Nonsense, he definitely will!” Huaiyu lay back on the soft couch, feeling somewhat troubled. According to the customs of Northern Wei, any child born after marriage belonged to the husband’s family, regardless of gender. If Jiang Xuanjin found out, he might come to claim the child from her, and she wasn’t sure she could win against him.

She pointed at her belly in annoyance. “It’s all because I’ve been eating too much lately. Otherwise, my belly wouldn’t be this big.”

“The doctor said a well-nourished belly grows big,” Xu Chunian shook her head. “You still need to eat what you should.”

As for how to keep Jiang Shen quiet, she would have to think of something.

Qing Xian and Chijin settled Jiang Shen in a guest room together. Jiang Shen lay on the bed with a black face, closing his eyes and remaining silent.

Qing Xian’s brows twitched slightly, and suddenly he asked Chijin, “Did you go to the granary today?”

Chijin shook his head. “It’s been cold lately, and the wind there is strong, so I didn’t go.”

“Tsk, it’s Xu Chunian who’s afraid of the cold. It’s not like you. Just because she didn’t go, you didn’t go either?” Qing Xian teased.

“Of course. If Xu Chunian doesn’t go, there’s no need to distribute grain. What would I do there?” Chijin rolled his eyes at him and turned to leave.

“Hey, while you’re at it, take a bowl of soup to Xu Chunian. Looks like she’s freezing,” Qing Xian added.

Without a doubt, Chijin agreed and stepped out of the guest room.

Qing Xian smiled broadly and clapped his hands contentedly. “Is there anything else you need to tell the people outside?”

He paused and added, “Even though saying it might not make a difference, it’s better than saying nothing.”

Frowning at this neglectful attitude, Frost Day squinted. Once Qing Xian left, he crouched beside the bed and said, “Why does the young master endure such suffering by coming here?”

Jiang Shen kept his eyes closed and didn’t answer. His mind was filled with the image of Xu Chunian standing meekly before Chijin just now.

What was jealousy? He found it ugly, so he never allowed the women in his backyard to have it. If someone was jealous, he’d drive them away.

But now, he knew he was jealous.

A deep sense of helplessness and anxiety spread from his heart. It made his body hot all over, dizzy, and unable to even lift a finger.

In a daze, he heard Xu Chunian’s voice again, soft and reminiscent of the time when he was ill long ago. “Support him and feed him this bowl of medicine.”

When he was happy, Guan Luan and Xuexue would come to accompany him and play with him. And when he wasn’t happy or sick, most of the time, there was Xu Chunian by his side.

This seemingly inconspicuous person had infiltrated his life in a way he hadn’t noticed. Laughter didn’t exist without her, but tears did. He had thought it was good to be rid of tears when she left, but without her, even smiling became difficult.

He felt someone touch the back of his hand, and instinctively grabbed the person’s hand, struggling to open his eyes.

He dreamt of her again.

Looking at the face in front of him, Jiang Shen pursed his lips and hoarsely muttered, “Third brother is very bad.”

Ignoring the reaction of the person in front of him, he murmured, “He wasn’t happy himself, so he came to bother me. He asked me to write you a divorce letter… When you got the divorce letter, why didn’t you come to ask me about it? I thought you would come. There are many things of yours still with me, you can’t just abandon all of them… At least take away your dowry, there are several boxes of it…”

He paused and tilted his head. “Since the last box is empty, can you carry me along?”

His usually charming eyes were misty now, lacking their usual focus, and his tone carried a hint of grievance.

Xu Chuniang sat on the edge of the bed, staring at him in astonishment. She had never seen the Second Young Master like this, not even when he was drunk. His face looked pale and worn, his lips tinged with white, showing signs of serious illness.

She tried to pull away her hand but found it difficult. Suppressing her emotions, Xu Chuniang picked up a bowl and offered him the medicine.

Jiang Shen glanced at it and shook his head. “I won’t drink it. If I do, you’ll leave.”

“If the Second Young Master doesn’t want to drink, then I’ll leave now.”

Startled, Jiang Shen hastily took the bowl from her hands and gulped down the medicine. As he drank, his eyes kept darting in her direction.

Xu Chuniang stared at him blankly for a moment, then lowered her eyes. “You should rest.”

Mumbling unclearly, Jiang Shen asked, “Will you come into my dreams tomorrow?”

Unable to respond, Xu Chuniang’s eyes turned red. She loved him deeply, yet she was the one who felt betrayed. Why did he look like this now?

“Will you come?” Jiang Shen seemed desperate, struggling to get an answer.

Standing up, Xu Chuniang clenched her teeth and replied, “I will come.”

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