HomeSpring BanquetChapter 78: Your Highness, Please Prepare Yourself

Chapter 78: Your Highness, Please Prepare Yourself

Pingling Jun didn’t have much affection for Li Shan. Plus, his refusal to go to the capital by feigning illness was understandable.

Upon hearing the report, Jiang Xuanjin didn’t say much. Instead, he handed a letter to Yufeng, instructing him to stealthily return to the capital and find Bai Dezhong.

Thus, on the day of Li Shan’s death anniversary, Li Fangwu was absent. Bai Dezhong, citing his lack of filial piety, submitted a memorial to the Emperor, requesting punishment.

Li Fangwu not only failed to report to the capital but also didn’t attend Li Shan’s death anniversary. Even if he claimed illness, how long had he been sick? Didn’t he attend the Changlin Longevity Banquet not long ago?

After much deliberation, Li Huailin wrote another edict and sent it to Pingling. The tone of this edict was gentle, but it sent shivers down Li Fangwu’s spine.

The Emperor’s intent was clear: Would he come to the capital? If he arrived within three days and paid respects to Li Shan, there might still be room for reconciliation. But if he didn’t, the Emperor would heed the advice of the censor and punish him for his lack of filial piety.

Though the words were gentle, the attitude indicated a “softly-softly” approach. Previously, Li Fangwu would have undoubtedly gone to the capital without hesitation. But now, he hesitated, pondering, then went to see Jiang Yan, who was still in Pingling.

Jiang Yan said, “Lord Ziyang’s words were indeed true. His Majesty intends to target Pingling. If you dare to go to the capital, His Majesty will surely accuse you of deceiving him. At that time, you’ll have no refuge in Pingling, and without support from courtiers, you’ll be at the mercy of others.”

Li Fangwu broke into a cold sweat. “Can Lord Ziyang save me?”

Jiang Yan hesitated. “When I left, he only said for you to stay in your fiefdom to ensure your safety, but he didn’t specify how.”

When a girl’s heart first flutters with love, it feels like an unquenchable fire burning within, a belief that she could love someone for a lifetime, no matter what happens, as long as she’s with him.

Yet time always proves what youthful recklessness truly means.

She knew all too well that she hadn’t forgotten him. Seeing him made her heart race, her nerves tense, and memories flood back uncontrollably.

However, she had stumbled into this pit before, and bruised herself twice, and from a distance, it seemed manageable. But the thought of jumping in again made her recoil in fear.

“Miss Xu.” Chijin returned, catching sight of Jiang Shen. Without a word, he walked over and handed her the flowerpot she requested. “Here you go.”

Xu Chuniang turned around, accepting it with both hands and bowing slightly. “Thank you, sir.”

Jiang Shen’s expression darkened. Why did this man always hover around her like a sinister ghost? Could Xu Chuniang not perceive his ulterior motives?

Feeling unsettled, he moved to speak, but Frost intervened, hastily pulling him away. “Young Master, Lord Ziyang requests your presence.”

As they spoke, Frost led him away from the flower garden.

Chijin watched him impassively, his clear eyes betraying no emotion. Jiang Shen felt his frustration mounting, struggling for a moment before wrenching himself free from Frost’s grasp. “What are you doing?”

Wiping sweat from his brow, Frost murmured, “I’ve inquired around. Whether inside the mansion or out, everyone holds great respect for Sir Chijin. What benefit is there in confronting him head-on?”

“Respect?” Jiang Shen scoffed. “It’s merely a facade.”

Shaking his head, Frost replied, “He now holds the position of military commander, no longer just a facade. The Eldest Princess hasn’t restrained him, nor has she intervened when she saw him with Miss Xu.”

Jiang Shen’s face darkened. “So I can’t fathom what the Eldest Princess is thinking! These people, they’re all her men, and she doesn’t care about any of them?”

After a moment’s thought, Frost said, “In all the time I’ve been here, I’ve never seen anyone resting in the Eldest Princess’s courtyard, except for Lord Ziyang, who was forcibly moved there some days ago. Even Mr. Lu, the manager, doesn’t usually attend to her. It’s different from the rumors.”

Jiang Shen paused, realizing Frost was right. “Perhaps it’s because she’s not feeling well due to her condition.”

“Who knows,” Frost shrugged. “You should go see Lord Ziyang first. I heard His Highness is in a very bad mood.”

“When is His Highness ever in a good mood?” Jiang Shen muttered, flicking his sleeve before heading to Jiang Xuanjin’s room.

The man had become increasingly silent. When alone, he would stare out of the window in a daze, his figure visibly dwindling, and the once clear jade-like face clouded with deep melancholy.

“Write something for her.” Jiang Xuanjin wasted no time as Jiang Shen entered. “Quickly, she needs it urgently.”

Jiang Shen sighed irritably. “Do you think I’m some street-side ghostwriter?”

Handing him paper and ink, Jiang Xuanjin thrust a pen into his hand.

With a resigned sigh, Jiang Shen took the pen. “Just tell me what to write.”

Leaving Pingling was impossible. He knew that going to the capital would be risking his life. Li Fangwu nervously called his advisors to discuss how to clear his name of the charge of unfilial conduct.

Three days later, Li Huaiyu also received wind of the matter.

“This is strange.” She looked at the letter in her hand, amazed. “Is Pingling Jun out of his mind? Why would he pick a fight with his father?”

Why had news of Li Shan’s disloyalty and unfilial conduct started to spread?

The study was quiet, the young man who had been standing nearby had vanished. Instead, a slender hand extended, offering her a cup of tea.

She accepted it, then glanced up, almost spilling the tea.

“You… Why are you here, Your Highness?”

Jiang Xuanjin stood before her, cold and aloof. “Passing by.”

How could he pass through her heavily guarded study?

Hastily, she tried to hide the confidential letter. “Next time Your Highness passes by, remember to knock.”

Seeing her reaction, Jiang Xuanjin scoffed, then turned to the side, asking coldly, “Do you want the Qu Lin River?”

The Qu Lin River traversed Pingling, a major waterway. Its tributaries were not far from the border of Danyang. Originally, Danyang had diverted the river, redirecting it to the east of Ping, benefiting from it. Now, to revert the river’s course was met with resistance from Danyang. If they had the Qu Lin River to support the excavation, persuading Danyang would have been much easier.

Li Huaiyu thought for a moment. “What does Your Highness want me to do in return?”

“Simple,” Jiang Xuanjin said. “Help Pingling Jun.”

Currently, Pingling Jun was anxious about the impending accusation against him. He had started to plan to use Li Shan as leverage. If the charge of unfilial conduct fell on him, he wouldn’t be able to bear it. But as Li Shan’s biological son, he couldn’t openly accuse his father of wrongdoing, as that wouldn’t win him any hearts.

At this moment, the Princess of Danyang was the best ally.

Li Huaiyu raised her eyebrows, instantly understanding Jiang Xuanjin’s intentions.

If she helped Pingling Jun, he would reward her with a river canal. And what about Jiang Xuanjin? He didn’t need to do anything, just mediate in between, and he would gain favor from both sides. Pingling Jun had already been deceived onto his ship. With this additional assistance, he might even consider Jiang Xuanjin his savior.

She clapped her hands lightly and smiled, “Your Highness is clever.”

Jiang Xuanjin asked, “Would you be willing, Your Highness?”

“Of course, what could I refuse?” Huaiyu stood up, holding her stomach. “If Your Highness is in a hurry, I can set out now.”

His gaze fell on her swollen belly, which seemed like it might fall off at any moment. Jiang Xuanjin’s complexion paled slightly as he shook his head. “You only need to write a letter of accusation.”

“Hmm?” Huaiyu raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t it more convincing if I go to Pingling and stir up trouble? Given Li Shan’s actions, it would be enough to falsely engage in conflict with Pingling. When the army is at the gates, presenting Li Shan’s crimes would be even more persuasive, wouldn’t it?”

“A letter of accusation,” Jiang Xuanjin lowered his eyes. “If you can’t write it, let Jiang Shen be your ghostwriter.”

Seeing his attitude, Li Huaiyu fell silent for a moment, then walked up to him, swaying from side to side.

Indeed, his face grew even paler, and the fingers on his lap slowly curled up.

Huaiyu chuckled. “Are you afraid of it?”

“No,” Jiang Xuanjin rose coldly. “I’ve said what I needed to say. I’ll take my leave.”

“Eh!” Playfully, Li Huaiyu grabbed him, laughing wickedly. “Your Highness probably hasn’t seen a pregnant woman before, right? Do you want to feel it?”

Stiffening, Jiang Xuanjin didn’t turn back. “I have.”

Jiang Qishi, the wife of the Jiang family, Jiang Yan’s biological mother, had also walked around the mansion with a big belly. When she encountered him, she smiled and said, “The Third Young Master is going to be an uncle!”

Later, he became an uncle, but Jiang Qishi died in childbirth. His elder brother aged overnight, and over a decade later, he never remarried.

Compared to his anger at her carrying Lu Jingxing’s child, what struck him more upon seeing her belly was fear.

When Grandfather Jiang urged them to have children earlier, he had never taken it seriously. It was just an excuse to be close to her. He never expected that one day she would stand before him with such a big belly.

“How much do you like Lu Jingxing?”

Liked him to the extent of completely disregarding him, willing to risk her life and even bear a child for him?

Inadvertently, these thoughts in his mind slipped out as words.

A deep, low voice reverberated throughout the study.

Li Huaiyu paused, then stood in front of him, her gaze sweeping over his pale face. Instead of answering, she asked, “Are you sad?”

Suppressing his emotions, Jiang Xuanjin’s jaw tensed, and he looked down at her. “What do you think?”

“I think, if you’re sad, I’ll be very happy,” Huaiyu smirked, her almond-shaped eyes devoid of humor. “Because when I was in the death row interrogation room, I was so sad I was practically dying.”

He said she was promiscuous, indulging everywhere.

He said she wasn’t worthy of love.

No matter who wrongly accused her, she felt it didn’t matter. Even if big accusations were laid upon her, she would smile and accept them. After all, it was no big deal to her.

But not to him. Anyone could say such things about her, but not him.

“You liar,” Jiang Xuanjin’s voice was hoarse. “You clearly said before, one matter is one matter, tally them up, you don’t hate me.”

“Do you believe my words too?” Huaiyu smirked. “You must remember, women are unreasonable. The calmer they seem to say it doesn’t matter, the angrier they are. By the time you realize it, it’s too late. Then they’ll seek revenge.”

“I’m angry too. Can I seek revenge?” He clenched his sleeves tightly.

Huaiyu candidly replied, “Your Highness can direct everything towards me, I’ll accept any of your moves. But, let’s not involve others in our affairs anymore, alright?”

“Is Your Highness willing to bear it all?”

“Yes,” she answered loudly.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Xuanjin nodded. “Then please prepare yourself, Your Highness.”

With that, he waved his sleeves and left without turning back.

Huaiyu watched his departing figure. When the shadow disappeared completely at the doorway, she sat back in her chair, resting her chin on her hand, lost in thought.

Was there something wrong with Jiang Xuanjin? Was he preparing some sort of scheme against her while steadfastly staying in this border city?

Jiang Shen walked around in the courtyard and spotted Xu Chuniang after a few steps. It was cold lately, and she was bundled up like a ball, squatting next to the flower bed, digging soil. Her back looked just like a rabbit.

With a thought, he approached her and found she wasn’t tending to flowers, but digging out a half-yellow, half-green plant.

“What are you doing with this?” he asked, puzzled.

Startled, the rabbit squatted, looked up at him, furrowing her brows, and then wordlessly lowered her head again.

“How much longer will you stay angry?” Shen asked.

Stay angry? Xu Chuniang toyed with the grass a bit and asked, “If I’m not angry, can we go back to how we were?”

“Of course,” Jiang Shen looked down at her head, “the separation was impulsive. With just a nod from you, we’ll still be husband and wife.”

“And then?” Xu Chuniang spoke softly. “I’ll continue to return to your side, watching you be affectionate with others, cooking dishes you won’t eat every day? Second Young Master, do you know what you want? Do you know what I want?”

Slightly taken aback, Jiang Shen furrowed his brows. “What… do you want?”

Xu Chuniang stood up, lightly patting the dirt off her hands, and looked up at him. “I want a husband who is devoted to me, who won’t abandon or hurt me, who understands and pities me. Can Second Young Master do that?”

Impossible upon hearing it, he couldn’t even fulfill the first word.

There are many types of people: some are naturally faithful, and devoted to one love; some, no matter what, can’t settle down, encountering someone they like but never having one person they love, wandering through the world, playing with others, and also playing with themselves.

Jiang Shen belonged to the second type. When he treated someone well, it was genuine, and everyone thought he was sincere, and he was indeed very dedicated. However, this dedication lasted no longer than a year, and in an instant, he became tired and annoyed, inexplicably cold, and the person he had raised high would be thrown back to the ground by him.

He remembered his every infatuation, remembered the bittersweetness of love, but if he were asked to remember, it would be quite difficult.

“I once thought that when Second Young Master got tired, he would always want to anchor somewhere. By then, I could accompany you again, and spend the rest of our lives together. But I didn’t expect, I would be the one getting tired first,” Xu Chuniang chuckled softly.

When a girl’s heart first flutters with love, it feels like an unquenchable fire burning within, a belief that she could love someone for a lifetime, no matter what happens, as long as she’s with him.

Yet time always proves what youthful recklessness truly means.

She knew all too well that she hadn’t forgotten him. Seeing him made her heart race, her nerves tense, and memories flood back uncontrollably.

However, she had stumbled into this pit before, and bruised herself twice, and from a distance, it seemed manageable. But the thought of jumping in again made her recoil in fear.

“Miss Xu.” Chijin returned, catching sight of Jiang Shen. Without a word, he walked over and handed her the flowerpot she requested. “Here you go.”

Xu Chuniang turned around, accepting it with both hands and bowing slightly. “Thank you, sir.”

Jiang Shen’s expression darkened. Why did this man always hover around her like a sinister ghost? Could Xu Chuniang not perceive his ulterior motives?

Feeling unsettled, he moved to speak, but Frost intervened, hastily pulling him away. “Young Master, Lord Ziyang requests your presence.”

As they spoke, Frost led him away from the flower garden.

Chijin watched him impassively, his clear eyes betraying no emotion. Jiang Shen felt his frustration mounting, struggling for a moment before wrenching himself free from Frost’s grasp. “What are you doing?”

Wiping sweat from his brow, Frost murmured, “I’ve inquired around. Whether inside the mansion or out, everyone holds great respect for Sir Chijin. What benefit is there in confronting him head-on?”

“Respect?” Jiang Shen scoffed. “It’s merely a facade.”

Shaking his head, Frost replied, “He now holds the position of military commander, no longer just a facade. The Eldest Princess hasn’t restrained him, nor has she intervened when she saw him with Miss Xu.”

Jiang Shen’s face darkened. “So I can’t fathom what the Eldest Princess is thinking! These people, they’re all her men, and she doesn’t care about any of them?”

After a moment’s thought, Frost said, “In all the time I’ve been here, I’ve never seen anyone resting in the Eldest Princess’s courtyard, except for Lord Ziyang, who was forcibly moved there some days ago. Even Mr. Lu, the manager, doesn’t usually attend to her. It’s different from the rumors.”

Jiang Shen paused, realizing Frost was right. “Perhaps it’s because she’s not feeling well due to her condition.”

“Who knows,” Frost shrugged. “You should go see Lord Ziyang first. I heard His Highness is in a very bad mood.”

“When is His Highness ever in a good mood?” Jiang Shen muttered, flicking his sleeve before heading to Jiang Xuanjin’s room.

The man had become increasingly silent. When alone, he would stare out of the window in a daze, his figure visibly dwindling, and the once clear jade-like face clouded with deep melancholy.

“Write something for her.” Jiang Xuanjin wasted no time as Jiang Shen entered. “Quickly, she needs it urgently.”

Jiang Shen sighed irritably. “Do you think I’m some street-side ghostwriter?”

Handing him paper and ink, Jiang Xuanjin thrust a pen into his hand.

With a resigned sigh, Jiang Shen took the pen. “Just tell me what to write.”

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