HomeSpring BanquetChapter 86: I Don't Bear Grudges At All

Chapter 86: I Don’t Bear Grudges At All

“What’s wrong with me?” Jiang Xuanjin turned his hand over, pulling his sleeve to cover the scar, and looked away. “Stop looking like that.”

He’d rather see her lively and teasing, with spring in her almond eyes, instead of looking downcast like this, on the verge of tears. It made his heart ache.

“Where did you learn about these things?” she asked with a heavy nasal tone.

Jiang Xuanjin instinctively replied, “Qing Si.”

Li Huaiyu chuckled, “So you’ve known about it all along, yet you still claim it has nothing to do with you?”

Jiang Xuanjin hesitated, “…”

Seriously, why did this person always speak so ambiguously?

Frustrated, Huaiyu flipped the low table on the couch and sat down in front of him, glaring at him. “Weren’t you sad when you found out I had deceived you back then?”

Pursing his lips, Jiang Xuanjin looked at the low table that had fallen to the ground. After a long silence, he softly uttered, “Hmm.”

“If you were sad, why do you care about what I do?” she said, hands on her hips. “Are you trying to make me feel guilty?!”

“No,” he shook his head. “Right is right, wrong is wrong. If it’s your responsibility, then it’s yours. There’s no reason for you to bear it alone.”

It was the same principle, just like when he had promised to clear Li Danyang’s name, not for anything else, but for justice.

Was this person raised with a ruler? Why was he so upright? Li Huaiyu didn’t know what to say. She lifted his sleeve, grabbed his hidden hand, and rubbed it twice, saying quietly, “It’s unnecessary. We’ve endured for so many years. It would take too much effort to overturn everything now. Instead of that, it’s easier to clear the names of those I’ve implicated. It’s easier for them to start afresh than for me.”

When this was mentioned, Jiang Xuanjin’s expression turned somewhat unpleasant.

“Ever since you arrived in Lincheng, you’ve been paving the way for them.”

“Hmm?” Huaiyu reacted and understood what he meant by ‘them’. She smiled and said, “They’ve followed me for many years, and done a lot for me. Repaying them a bit, isn’t that only fair?”

“Repaying them a bit?” Jiang Xuanjin pondered these four words carefully, then said coldly, “Replacing the Lincheng Prefecture Office, emptying the County Magistrate’s Mansion, ignoring the opposition from the feudal lords, insisting on appointing those people to official positions, and even sending letters to the capital, risking assassination. Is that just repaying them a bit? What about three, four, and five, six?”

This person’s speech was so casual, as if taking Lincheng was something as easy as lifting a hand.

“What are you angry about?” Huaiyu chuckled wryly. “It’s all done now, isn’t it?”

“It’s done,” Jiang Xuanjin nodded. “In just five months, you’ve cleared them all, but you, yourself, have never defended yourself once. In Yinpíng, they were criticized by the Jiang family, and you knew and defended them. But what about you? Are you happy carrying that stigma?”

“…No… I’m not happy,” her voice weakened, and Huaiyu scratched her chin, feeling inexplicably guilty.

Jiang Xuanjin’s eyes turned icy. “If you’re not happy, why haven’t you taken action? With your abilities, causing a scene wouldn’t be difficult. Is it so difficult to clarify things?”

“It’s not difficult, it’s just not the right time,” Huaiyu smiled, pinching his hand. “Think about it, if I had cried foul for myself while Lincheng was still in chaos, wouldn’t people later say I did it just to clear my name? The Lincheng folks have worked hard and are talented, I can’t cast a shadow over their efforts, can I?”

“You value them too much!”

Frowning, Huaiyu said, “After so many years of feelings, if they hadn’t been for me, they wouldn’t have endured silently. Is it wrong for me to value them more?”

“No problem!” the person in front of her said sternly. “If you think they’re important, then I also think you’re important. If you’re unwilling to spend the effort for yourself, then I’ll do it for you!”

The words were meant for her good, but why did they sound so frustrated when he said them? Softening her gaze, Huaiyu snuggled up to him, lay in his embrace, and grabbed his hand, placing it on her stomach. Pouting, she said, “Quick, listen, listen! Your father is bullying your mother!”

His face froze, Jiang Xuanjin seemed as if something had silenced him, his fingertips curling, his eyelashes trembling, suddenly choked up and silent.

With a mischievous grin, Huaiyu leaned against his chest, refusing to budge, pointing at her belly, “You should learn from your mother. Say whatever you want openly. Although your father is kind, he’s too reserved. He won’t speak up even when he wants to kiss your mother, like now.”

With half of his face shadowed, Jiang Xuanjin gritted his teeth, “When did I… stop making things up!”

“Am I making things up?” Huaiyu blinked. “Don’t you want to kiss me?”

“I don’t!”

Turning to look at him, Li Huaiyu stroked her chin thoughtfully for a while, then hooked her arm around his neck, leaning in to plant a kiss on his lips.

“That’s me wanting it,” she said earnestly.


The cold wind swirled outside the window, unable to penetrate the warmth inside the room. Jiang Xuanjin pursed his lips, staring at the brazier, a faint blush creeping onto his lips.

Huaiyu looked at him admiringly, reaching out to caress him, and said with a sly grin, “You’re so handsome, I want to kiss you some more.”

Protecting her belly with his hand, Jiang Xuanjin lowered his head to rest on her shoulder, pointing towards her round belly, “Don’t learn from your mother, she’s too frivolous with her words.”

As the words left his lips, he couldn’t help but lift the corners of his mouth.

But the person in his arms was quite aggrieved, stiffening her neck and saying, “What do you mean I’m frivolous with my words?”

After a pause, she added firmly, “And my behavior isn’t any better!”

Looking deeply into her eyes, Jiang Xuanjin said to her belly, “Your mother is truly exceptional in her self-awareness.”

Huaiyu smacked her lips a couple of times, looking puzzled. “Is that a compliment or an insult?”

Jiang Xuanjin didn’t answer, but the smile in his eyes grew more intense as if melting away the snow of the entire winter, blooming a dazzling flower at the corner of his lips.

“Your Highness,” came Jiwu’s voice from outside the door.

Huaiyu tried to get up, but Jiang Xuanjin reached out and held her down, suppressing his smile as he asked, “What’s the matter?”

Entering the room, Jiwu said, “There’s news from the capital. His Majesty cited disturbances by bandits in Lincheng as the reason and ordered Ping Ling to send troops to suppress them.”

“Daredevils?” Huaiyu sneered. “Did those bastards from Lincheng come to the capital?”

Jiwu nodded. “They’re all in the Ministry of Justice.”

“Is there an imperial envoy in Ping Ling?”


“Good.” She hugged her belly. “Notify the border guards of Danyang. Prepare to welcome our guests.”

She was worried that the great news from Lincheng wouldn’t be known to anyone. Now that she had the opportunity, she wouldn’t let it slip away.

“What are you doing?” The person behind her held her restless body.

Huaiyu turned around, blinking. “I’m going to arrange things. Danyang’s border town is thirty li from here. If we don’t prepare properly in advance, how can we receive these distinguished guests?”

“Rest properly,” Jiang Xuanjin said. “Don’t worry about anything else.”

Huaiyu was stunned. She wanted to say, “This is my territory. Why shouldn’t I care?” But then she quickly remembered something.

Lincheng was only ten li away from Ziyang’s border town…

Blinking her eyes, then blinking again, she grinned, grabbing his sleeve. “Are you trying to protect me?”

Letting her lean against the soft cushion, Jiang Xuanjin got up and left without expression, taking Jiwu with him.

Jiwu followed him to the backyard in confusion. As soon as they stopped, he heard Jiang Xuanjin say, “Pregnant women shouldn’t overexert themselves. In the future, you can talk to me about these matters.”

“This…” Jiwu lowered his eyes. “Informing Your Highness of various news is my duty.”

Looking indifferent, Jiang Xuanjin asked, “Are you proficient in martial arts?”

Jiwu’s temples throbbed. He clasped his hands and said, “I have some knowledge. Both Qing Si and Your Highness’s martial arts were taught by me.”

You know Qing Si, right? The number one martial artist in the harem! And Eldest Princess, you know, once unbeatable on the streets of Chang’an! For so many years, Jiwu had wandered the rivers and lakes, and for the first time, someone questioned his martial arts skills, making his face turn green with anger.

However, listening to the man in front of him, he seemed to recall the martial arts of those two, then said in a measured tone, “Indeed, just some superficial knowledge.”

Jiwu: “…”

How could he forget that Qing Si was captured by the man in front of him? Not to mention Your Highness.

But they were both young ladies! They hadn’t even learned his true skills. What did this attitude of disdain mean? Jiwu was a very steady person, but facing Jiang Xuanjin like this, he couldn’t help but feel a bit strained.

“How have I offended His Highness?” He dared to use his tongue to ridicule him!

Jiang Xuanjin shook his head kindly. “Sir, please don’t overthink it. I’m not one to hold grudges, but I have an important task to entrust to you. I’m afraid you may not be up to it, so I just wanted to ask a few more questions.”

With that, he generously took off his insignia and placed it in Jiwu’s hands.

The icy object fell into his hands, and Jiwu looked down, feeling a tremor in his heart.

Ziyang’s insignia. This was something that could be used as a military token. Yet it was given to him so casually?

“Ziyang’s border town has garrison troops. Take this to the commanding officer, and he will follow your arrangements,” Jiang Xuanjin said. “People will come to Ping Ling soon. Tomorrow, there will probably be a letter. Take the troops to camp outside Lincheng and act accordingly.”

Jiwu was stunned. “Is Your Highness… asking me to guard the Lincheng border for His Highness?”

Who said not to protect earlier?

“How can it be considered guarding?” Jiang Xuanjin stood with hands behind his back, righteousness in his demeanor. “It’s just to perform the welcoming etiquette.”

Jiwu fell silent, staring at the insignia in his hand. He thought this etiquette was a bit intimidating.

But having the opportunity to lead troops, and possibly engage in combat, just thinking about the scenes of flashing blades and clashing swords made the blood in his veins boil again.

“I accept the command!” He bowed to Lord Ziyang.

Huaiyu, leaning on the soft couch, was curious and fidgety. She wanted to eavesdrop, but with her current condition, any movement might lead to being caught and reprimanded. But she couldn’t stay still! After struggling for a while, she quietly got off the couch and tiptoed to the door.

“Creak—” The door opened, but not by her. Someone came in from outside, covered in frost.

“Why are you running around?” he asked coldly.

Shrinking her neck, Huaiyu turned her head and rolled back onto the soft couch, pretending nothing had happened, and tucked the thin blanket neatly, smiling at him. “You’re back?”

Jiang Xuanjin entered, standing by the soft couch and looking down at her. “Afraid I’ll eat Jiwu?”

“Not at all,” Huaiyu chuckled mischievously. “I’m just afraid it’s cold outside, and you might get cold.”

Pausing for a moment, she couldn’t help asking, “You didn’t do anything to Jiwu, did you?”

When they returned from the post station earlier, she heard Jiwu say that Lu Jingxing was better than him. The expression on his face darkened at that moment, and she noticed!

Reaching out to tidy her collar, Jiang Xuanjin calmly said, “What could I do to him? He’s a martial artist, and he’s learned a lot of military tactics from you. I just asked him to help mobilize troops.”

“Mobilize troops?” Huaiyu was surprised. “Do you trust him so much?”

“I don’t trust him.”

I trust you.

He didn’t say the second half. Jiang Xuanjin just snorted at her sideways glance.

Huaiyu understood and touched his hand emotionally. “You’re rarely so considerate.”

With Jiwu’s temperament, he would surely enjoy such a task.

“Your Highness is too kind,” Jiang Xuanjin smirked at her. “Since it’s early, why don’t you bid him farewell?”

“Um… farewell?” Huaiyu was a bit slow to react. “It’s only two or three days in total. Do we need to make it so formal?”

Jiang Xuanjin’s gaze softened a bit more, gently stroking her head. “He has other matters to attend to. It might take him ten days to half a month to return. Your Highness should see him off.”

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