HomeSpring BanquetChapter 89: Lord Ziyang, Unmoved by Beauty

Chapter 89: Lord Ziyang, Unmoved by Beauty

The soldier who shouted thought he misheard and, cupping his ear, looked up and asked, “What?”

“I said, not opening,” the person on the city tower replied calmly, hands behind their back. “Today, the city is under martial law. Those of unknown origin are prohibited from entering or leaving.”

Stunned by this response, the soldier was half infuriated, half astounded. He dashed back to Jia Liang and exaggeratedly reported, “Sir! There’s a young nobleman on the city tower who says your status isn’t sufficient to warrant the gates being opened!”

Jia Liang, who was laughing just a moment ago, suddenly turned serious. “What?”

The soldier ranted, “He’s not even wearing armor, just regular clothes, all soft and tender. He’s a pampered noble! He’s using a chicken feather as an arrow, blatantly disregarding your authority!”

“That’s outrageous!” exclaimed the deputy behind him. “Sir, you have the imperial decree with you!”

Jia Liang squinted at the distant city tower, where he could vaguely make out a figure dressed in a light-colored robe. He sneered, “Unbelievable. Today, I’ll make him kneel and apologize!”

“Mighty indeed, Sir!” the guards behind him cheered in unison.

With so many supporters, Jia Liang stood tall and straight, and with his guards, he approached the city gate.

“Ho!” The soldiers shouted, and countless arrows were aimed at the city tower. Jia Liang held the reins leisurely and said slowly, “Spoiled by women, yet thinking they have some skill? Where’s the man who claimed my authority wasn’t enough? Why isn’t he showing himself?”

The people behind him jeered, and Jia Liang didn’t mince his words either. “Eating soft rice, and now even lacking the strength to open the city gates?”

The banners fluttered on the city tower, and many people were standing there. The soldier who delivered the message looked around and pointed at the figure in a verdant robe. “Sir, he’s right there!”

Looking in the direction he indicated, Jia Liang was about to taunt a few more words, but when his eyes met the gaze of that person, he paused.

Why did he seem familiar?

With refined features and an otherworldly aura, he stood with dignity, akin to a celestial being. Jia Liang had seen Lord Ziyang in court before and had secretly admired his unparalleled elegance. Now, seeing this person, he was stunned for a moment. After realizing who it was, his lips twitched.

The soldier didn’t see his expression change. Seeing the man stepping onto the battlement, he pointed at him and said, “The imperial envoy has arrived. If you have the guts, keep the gates closed! Let’s see what you’re capable of…”

Before he could finish the sentence, he was struck hard on the back of his head. Grimacing in pain, he turned around to see Jia Liang, who had just exuded dominance, now sweating profusely and trembling lips, scolding him, “What nonsense are you shouting!”


Slipping off his horse and landing on the ground, Jia Liang hesitated for a moment as he looked back at his army. Ultimately, he walked forward and saluted.

“I am Jia Liang, and I greet Your Majesty!”

With this bow, the soldiers behind him were dumbfounded. The person standing on the city wall seemed frail. If Sir Jia Liang ordered them to shoot, he would surely be riddled with arrows. Why were they afraid of him?

Jiang Xuanjin looked calmly at the man below and repeated, “The city is under martial law, and the gates remain closed. If Sir has urgent matters…”

Pausing, he glanced at the restless soldiers behind him. “Why not try forcing your way through?”

This was a blatant provocation. Jia Liang could endure it, but the group of ignorant deputies and soldiers behind him couldn’t. They booed and stomped their feet on the sandy ground.

“Don’t act rashly!” Jia Liang hurriedly said, “Dismount!”

Several deputies reluctantly dismounted, looking disgruntled.

If the person standing on the city tower was a fierce general like Xu Xian, they might consider yielding. But who was this person? He had no imposing presence. Why should they, with so many troops, retreat for him?

The city of Yixian was already on the brink of collapse. They followed Jia Liang here to seize opportunities, to get a share of the spoils in the process of clearing out. How much profit could they make in the process? Otherwise, why would they have been so supportive of Jia Liang all along?

Now that they were at the city gate, and Jia Liang showed signs of backing down, they couldn’t accept it.

“The people below have eyes but fail to see. They didn’t recognize Your Majesty and have been disrespectful!” Without looking at his men behind him, Jia Liang wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. “I dare not force my way in, but I have brought an imperial edict. Your Majesty must allow me to enter the city.”

Jiang Xuanjin nodded reasonably. “If you are here to deliver the imperial edict, only you may enter the city. The rest shall camp outside.”

“This…” Jia Liang was at a loss. How could he dare enter the city alone?

“Sir!” someone whispered from behind him, “Didn’t you say that even if Lord Ziyang is in the city, he would help us?”

Jia Liang himself was puzzled by the situation! It was widely rumored that Lord Ziyang and the Eldest Princess had a falling out. The stories were vivid, claiming that the one claiming to be the Eldest Princess had offended His Highness, who then ordered the blockade of Ziyang’s border city, severing all contact with Danyang.

But the current situation seemed completely off.

“Sir, let’s just storm the city,” the deputy said in a deep voice. “Who cares about Lord Ziyang or not? Can he alone stop our thousand-strong army? Once we enter the city and eliminate the rebels, we can apologize to him later.”

“Exactly, we can’t give him such a face. All the brothers need an explanation.”

The murmuring from behind left Jia Liang in a panic. He waved his hand, saying, “No, no, that’s impossible.”

The deputy grew impatient. “If you dare not, then let me lead. You can rest at the rear.”

With that, he motioned for someone to take Jia Liang away. Jia Liang half-heartedly complied, for he did want to enter the city but was afraid of offending Lord Ziyang. Not showing himself now, he thought he could later plead his case in front of Lord Ziyang, blaming the deputy instead. The Emperor wouldn’t blame him then.

Thinking this way, Jia Liang pretended to struggle for a moment before retreating to the rear of the army.

“Charge the city!” The deputy, staring defiantly at the young man in the green robe above, raised his sword arrogantly.

His men responded in unison, mounted their horses, and charged towards the city gate. Simultaneously, the archers unleashed a volley of arrows like rain towards the battlements.

“Your Majesty, be careful!” someone on the city tower shouted.

Jiang Xuanjin calmly observed. The arrows shot upwards lacked force. He reached out and easily caught two of them.

“Such poor accuracy,” he remarked objectively.

Ladders were placed against the city walls. The deputy, who had some knowledge of military tactics, immediately climbed up, aiming to capture Jiang Xuanjin. Agilely, he crossed the ladder and launched a fierce attack, targeting Jiang Xuanjin’s throat.

Cheng Xu and Yu Feng, standing nearby, didn’t intervene. Instead, they casually used long poles to push the ladders away.

The deputy’s hand, extended towards Jiang Xuanjin, was filthy with dirt under the nails. Jiang Xuanjin frowned, sidestepping the grab. He struck the deputy’s elbow, twisting his arm and pinning it behind his back.

The deputy groaned in pain and counterattacked, aiming at Jiang Xuanjin’s lower body to break free. Jiang Xuanjin released him, dodged the sweep, and stepped on the deputy’s ankle.

A cracking sound echoed. The deputy’s face turned pale.

This person seemed weak, yet his strikes were incredibly powerful.

Wracked with pain, the deputy felt humiliated. Gritting his teeth, he drew his sword, intending to slash at Jiang Xuanjin’s neck.

But Jiang Xuanjin was faster. As the sword left its sheath, Jiang Xuanjin kicked the deputy’s hand, sending the gleaming blade spinning into the air. He then struck the deputy’s shoulder, leaping up to catch the falling sword, and landed gracefully, the sword’s edge pointed at the deputy’s throat.

“Is this what you intended?” Jiang Xuanjin asked.

The deputy, taken aback by Jiang Xuanjin’s swift and agile movements, finally showed fear. “You… you can fight?”

Wasn’t Lord Ziyang supposed to be a scholar?

Jiang Xuanjin replied coldly, “I know a little.”

Remembering Jiu Wu, he smirked slightly and added, “A bit better than the average person who knows a little.”

“Achoo!” Leading his men to intercept reinforcements from Pingling, Jiu Wu suddenly sneezed, startling his horse.

“What’s going on?” he muttered, rubbing his nose. “Perhaps His Highness is thinking of me. Let’s move faster!”

“Yes, sir!” A large group of men followed him, cutting through the southeast, about to meet the reinforcements from Pingling in a nearby gorge.

On the city tower, the wind howled. The deputy, glancing back, realized he was alone on the tower. The ladder was broken, and there wasn’t even a guard behind him.

“Your Majesty, please spare my life,” he pleaded, changing his tone. “I was just following orders.”

Jiang Xuanjin tossed the dirty sword aside. “Order your men to retreat.”

With the sword no longer at his throat, the deputy hesitated. But seeing the weapon discarded, a flash of ruthlessness crossed his eyes. He bowed repeatedly, saying, “Yes, yes, right away. I’ll… send you off!”

With the last words, his tone changed abruptly. He flipped his foot, catching the sword on the ground and gripping it as he slashed at Jiang Xuanjin.

As if expecting this move, Jiang Xuanjin sidestepped calmly, grabbed the deputy’s wrist, and kicked him in the chest. Not letting go, he pulled the deputy back, his face turning pale. The deputy tried to fight back, but with a dislocated ankle, he was too slow. Hesitating for a moment, Jiang Xuanjin delivered a punch to his abdomen.

The force, even through the armor, made the deputy’s throat taste sweet, and he coughed up blood.

Below, the soldiers continued their assault. The fragile city gate collapsed with a loud crash, shouts echoing all around.

Spitting blood, the deputy sneered, “You can’t stop our men from entering the city even if you kill me. Surrender now!”

Disgusted by the blood on his sleeve, Jiang Xuanjin grabbed the deputy’s armor and dragged him to the inner wall, throwing him against the stone.

Dazed and bleeding, the deputy looked up to see the situation inside the city.

The streets and alleys were packed with soldiers. At the city gate, a row of shield-bearers protected the archers behind them, arrows ready to be loosed at the intruders.

From his vantage point, the deputy saw that their numbers were on par with his forces, not to mention those he couldn’t see further back.

“How is this possible?!” the deputy gasped. “They said One Line City had no garrison!”

They had been arrogant, relying on their numbers. But if it came to a real fight…

The soldiers who had rushed into the city stopped in their tracks, stunned by the scene before them. Some of the more timid officers started retreating.

“Your Majesty, we can discuss this,” the deputy said, finally losing his bluster. “I’ve been stationed in Pingling and didn’t know Your Majesty’s reputation… Consider this a misunderstanding. Please, let’s talk this over?”

Jiang Xuanjin sneered.

Moments later, the deputy was thrown from the city tower.

“Ahhh—” His scream was so loud that Jia Liang heard it from the rear. Alarmed, he asked, “What’s happening?”

A trembling soldier reported, “There’s an ambush inside the city. Deputy Liu was thrown from the tower and appears to have broken bones.”

Jia Liang gasped, immediately jumping up and exclaiming, “I told you we shouldn’t fight! But you wouldn’t listen! Now look, Ziyang Jun is angry! Retreat now!”

“But what reason does Ziyang Jun have for not letting us into the city?” the strategist approached, asking, “Everything needs a justification. We’re here on an imperial mission. Is he defying an imperial edict?”

Jia Liang, holding onto a sliver of hope, ordered someone to respectfully inquire the reason for not being allowed into the city.

Soon, a message came down from the city tower: “His Majesty said that his consort is resting in the city, expecting a child, and doesn’t like being disturbed.”

Jia Liang’s eyelid twitched.

This excuse was too far-fetched! Everyone knew Ziyang Jun wasn’t fond of women. How could he defy an imperial edict for his consort?

Perhaps there were other interests at play? He pondered for a while and decided to wait for the reinforcements, setting up camp outside the city for the time being.

There had been some skirmishes between the two sides earlier, resulting in dozens of casualties. However, those outside retreated quickly, and by mid-morning, the city gate of One Line City returned to tranquility.

Chengxu followed his master back to the Princess’ residence, watching as he washed up and changed into a fresh robe before heading nonchalantly to the main room.

Li Huaiyu had just woken up, leaning lazily against the bed. Seeing him enter, she smiled, “I was just wondering where you went.”

Sitting down at the edge of the bed, Jiang Xuanjin replied calmly, “Just went for a walk.”

“Really?” Huaiyu looked suspiciously at Chengxu and Yufeng behind him.

Could they say anything? They could only nod repeatedly, yes, yes, just a walk, casually scaring off an army, and casually throwing the enemy deputy off the city tower.

If the master said it was casual, it was casual. Whatever they had to say, they swallowed.

“Why haven’t you had breakfast yet at this hour?” Jiang Xuanjin frowned, glancing at the tray beside her.

Huaiyu smiled and nestled against his leg, saying, “I just woke up, not hungry at all.”

“You need to eat regardless.” Picking up the red bean porridge, Jiang Xuanjin tasted it with his lips, “It’s still warm.”

“You feed me!” The person on his lap acted spoiled.

In the past, Jiang Xuanjin would have sneered. Needing someone to feed her to eat? Her hands weren’t broken!

But now, looking at her alarmingly large belly, he said nothing, helping her sit up to lean against him, and fed her the porridge.

“Hey, not with that,” she smirked mischievously, pointing to his lips, “with this.”

The veins on his hand bulged as Jiang Xuanjin glared at her, “What nonsense!”

Pouting, she said, “Qi Jin told me my emotions are unstable lately, you have to humor me.”

“Even so, you can’t…” Jiang Xuanjin said, both embarrassed and annoyed, “Can’t you be serious?”

“I’m always serious. Look at me, am I not a qualified leader in front of them?” Huaiyu snorted, her eyes full of bright laughter, “But with you, I can’t help it. I want to be close to you, I want you to be all mine!”

Jiang Xuanjin:“……”

Since the day he met her, it seemed he had always been left speechless by her. This person never uttered a serious word, shamelessly bold, leaving him with nothing to respond to.

“Ah my stomach hurts!” Seeing no reaction from him, Huaiyu rolled onto the bed, throwing a tantrum. “It hurts so much! Only Lord Ziyang’s hugs and kisses can make it better!”

A vein pulsed on Jiang Xuanjin’s forehead as he coldly said, “If you keep this up, I’ll leave.”

“WaAh waah!” Huaiyu fake-cried, clutching the quilt. “A desolate place with harsh mountains and rivers, abandoned for over twenty years. Expecting a child, yet His Highness shows no concern. Wretched and pitiful, no one cares for me… Why is my life so miserable!”

The sound of the door opening and closing outside made Huaiyu’s heart sink.

Was he going to leave just like that?

She had been pretending to cry, but at the sound of the door, she felt a bit genuinely aggrieved, her eyes misting over. She turned her head to scold him.

However, as soon as she turned, a turquoise robe embraced her.

“Is it worth making such a fuss over something so trivial?” Jiang Xuanjin turned her face towards him, frowning at the tears in her eyes. He placed his hand on her stomach, gently hugged her, and then, lowering his head, lightly kissed her eyes, imitating her usual manner.

“I’ve kissed you and hugged you. What are you still crying for?”

Huaiyu blinked. Then blinked again, wrapping her arms around his waist, and murmured, “You didn’t leave?”

“I told Chengxu and Yufeng to leave us.” Turning his head aside, he said, “In front of them, what do you expect me to do?”

Huaiyu burst into laughter, holding his neck, and said, “They’re trusted aides, why be shy? Learn from me. Even if people are around, I can still pin you against the wall and kiss you!”

Jiang Xuanjin replied indifferently, “Do you think everyone can behave as you do?”

“What’s wrong with me?” Huaiyu glared, hands on her hips.

Jiang Xuanjin paused, closing his eyes, and said, “Your carefree and uninhibited manner, unbound by conventional etiquette, requires a high level of enlightenment.”

Entering the court without flattering His Highness, and leaving the palace without currying favor with colleagues, Lord Ziyang was renowned for not speaking insincerely. He once saw this as a form of integrity, unbending to power and wealth.

However, now…

Staring at the suddenly smiling face before him, Jiang Xuanjin thought that sometimes, insincere words were necessary. One shouldn’t make life too hard for oneself.

Li Huaiyu, satisfied, nestled back into his embrace and contentedly took the red bean porridge to drink herself.

“Why hasn’t the imperial envoy arrived here yet?” she asked while drinking.

Jiang Xuanjin, without missing a beat, replied, “Perhaps the scenery in Pingling is too beautiful, and the envoy decided to stay a few more days, not in a hurry to come to Yixian City.”

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