HomeTao Hua Ying Jiang ShanChapter 11: He Came to Say Goodbye

Chapter 11: He Came to Say Goodbye

Zanlu gasped and quickly kowtowed. “Master, please see clearly. This servant has absolutely no improper thoughts!”

Slowly reattaching the jade pendant to his waist, Shen Zaiye turned back to gaze at the moon.

“If you did have improper thoughts, I couldn’t blame you,” he said calmly. “That woman’s charms are too powerful. Few can resist them.”

Perhaps even he had fallen victim. Why else would he be up in the middle of the night, staring at the moon from his window?

Slightly shaken, Zanlu raised his head, looking at his master in disbelief before lowering his gaze again. “There’s something I’ve wanted to ask you for a while, Master.”

“Go ahead.”

“You seem different from Lady Jiang,” Zanlu said softly. “You’ve been acting unusual since Feng Wu. Why is that?”

Shen Zaiye remained silent.

Tonight’s moon was exceptionally bright, almost dazzling. In the blink of an eye, it seemed to transport him back to Jiang Taohua and Mu Wuxia’s wedding day.

Few in Great Wei cared about the marriage between the Zhao princess and the South Prince. The escort team comprised only a dozen lax and careless guards. This allowed Qin Sheng’s wolves, which he had raised in the capital for days, to easily scatter the crowd.

Amidst the chaos, some were tasked with detaining Jiang Taohua’s maid, while others subtly guided her toward Feng Wu’s location.

Jiang Taohua was clever, leaving a trail of colored pebbles. Unfortunately, Shen’s men followed closely behind, collecting and scattering them elsewhere to prevent anyone from finding her before the plan was complete.

Everything was proceeding according to his design. By arranging for Jiang Taohua to lose her virtue in a brothel, Prince Jing would inevitably face the emperor’s wrath, creating a rift between them. The South Prince would not only avoid marrying this seductress of a princess but would also gain the emperor’s favor. As for himself, he would appear uninvolved, beyond Prince Jing’s suspicion.

However, when he caught an inadvertent glimpse of her face from the second floor, he suddenly changed his mind.

Why settle for two birds with one stone when he could hit four? Since this woman was so devastatingly beautiful, why not experience her charms himself? Afterward, Prince Jing would owe him for the perceived slight, achieving four goals at once.

He only feigned interest in women; he wasn’t truly lustful. But perhaps he had repressed himself for too long. Since she was destined to die anyway, why not indulge himself this once?

Heaven knows why such a mad idea occurred to him then. Could it be that every abstinent person harbors a hidden libertine? Shen Zaiye didn’t ponder it deeply, nor did he intend to. Everything was still progressing according to his plan.

But from the moment he stepped into that room, something seemed to slip from his control, veering towards an unknown direction.

The Prime Minister’s rear courtyard housed all manner of women – alluring, dignified, lively, sensible – yet he had never encountered anyone like Jiang Taohua.

Her snow-white arms emerged from wide sleeves, her skin set against red brocade bedding, truly enticing. Combined with her seductive gaze, struggling yet yearning, she instantly made him lose control. Though not the most beautiful, her eyes were like whirlpools, drawing him in deeper until he could not escape.

Perhaps it was due to Jiang Taohua’s charms. Caught off guard, he indulged and sank into the experience. If not for a shred of remaining rationality, he would have answered her every question.

How could he allow such a woman to continue living?

“Why I acted abnormally doesn’t matter,” Shen Zaiye said, smiling faintly. “You only need to know that she will no longer appear, nor will she affect me in any way. That’s enough.”

“…Yes.” Zanlu pressed his lips together, thought for a moment, then glanced at him again. “Last night when you returned to Linwu Hall late, Lady Gu sent someone to keep watch.”

“That woman always likes to keep score,” Shen Zaiye waved dismissively, exhaling lightly. “Let her be. After tomorrow, she won’t be able to do anything anyway.”

“I understand, Master.”

Rising to close the window, Shen Zaiye prepared for bed. Perhaps due to overthinking, he dreamed of Jiang Taohua.

In his dream, she wore a long dress embroidered with peach blossoms, wrapped in a pink robe, smiling at someone while leaning against a peach tree. The person facing her was indistinct but held a brush, slowly painting her portrait.

Even in his dream, Shen Zaiye frowned, thinking how fortunate it was that such a wanton woman hadn’t married the South Prince.

As the moon set in the west and dawn approached, Jiang Taohua rose at the hour of Chen to begin her toilette.

She donned the luxurious dress Shen Zaiye had prepared, but underneath she wore a plain dress. Her hair ornaments were secured lightly, with the heavier pieces used only for decoration.

“Alas,” Taohua sighed, looking at herself in the mirror. “Such a devastatingly beautiful face, yet why must I always dress for escape?”

Qingtai stood behind her with dark circles under her eyes. Hearing this, she glanced around before saying, “This servant has obtained the map and prepared the silver pieces.”

“Good,” Taohua nodded. “I trust your work.”

After admiring herself in the mirror a while longer, Jiang Taohua adjusted her outer robe and was about to leave when Shen Zaiye suddenly entered.

“My lord?” Taohua blinked in surprise. “Don’t you have court today?”

Looking unwell, as if he hadn’t slept well, Shen Zaiye rubbed his brow. “I’ve submitted my memorials. I’m taking leave today.”

“Oh… Will you accompany me to the North Gate Pavilion then?”

“No, I have other urgent matters later,” he said, glancing at her with a smile. “I just came to see you before you depart.”

Before her execution, she thought.

Taohua smiled outwardly while her heart screamed in protest. How direct! He practically said he was seeing her before her execution. She hadn’t been wrong – she had to escape today!

“Why so nervous?” Shen Zaiye stepped closer, looking down at her with gentle eyes. “Are you that afraid of Prince Jing?”

I’m more afraid of you than Prince Jing, she thought.

Taohua laughed nervously and curtsied slightly. “With your support, my lord, I’m not afraid.”


With that, Shen Zaiye sat down in the main seat. He didn’t say anything else, just picked up the teacup Qingtai had placed nearby and idly skimmed the tea leaves.

As he remained silent, Taohua didn’t know what to say, so she simply sat with him. But since he wouldn’t leave, she couldn’t depart first. She could only watch as time slowly passed.

The tea grew cold. Shen Zaiye hadn’t taken a sip. He set down the cup and gazed deeply into Taohua’s eyes. “Be careful on your journey.”

Their eyes met, and Taohua tilted her head slightly, suddenly smiling at him innocently. “Are you worried about me, my lord?”

“You can tell?” Shen Zaiye chuckled lightly.

“Yes, your eyes show reluctance and hesitation,” Taohua’s eyes sparkled as if she’d discovered a treasure. She looked at him happily. “In just a few short days, for you to feel so deeply for me, I have no regrets.”

Pressing his lips together, Shen Zaiye lowered his gaze. With a wave of his hand that seemed to convey a sense of farewell and release, he said, “Go on then.”

“I take my leave,” Jiang Taohua rose and bowed, her eyes never leaving him until she turned away.

Qingtai waited for her at the door. Seeing her mistress emerge, she glanced inconspicuously into the room.

The Prime Minister still sat in the main seat, watching her mistress’s retreating figure. His gaze was… strange.

“Let’s go,” Taohua said softly.

Qingtai turned and led her mistress to the side gate. Only after they boarded the carriage did she ask, “What’s wrong with the Prime Minister?”

Adjusting her sleeves, Taohua said flatly, “He’s feeling guilty about bidding farewell to a woman he recently spent the night with.”

What? Qingtai was shocked.

Scoffing, Taohua murmured, “I didn’t say earlier, but his eyes held reluctance and hesitation, and even more so, ruthlessness. He was clearly saying a final goodbye to me. However… for him to come specially to sit with me for so long, it seems this Prime Minister may not be entirely without feeling.”

He knew she would die, which is why he didn’t hide his emotions earlier. If she were foolish, she should have believed he was simply reluctant to see her leave. But the truth was, he had nothing to hide from a dead woman.

Before falling asleep last night, Taohua had felt angry. After all, she was a princess. How could he decide to kill her so casually? Wouldn’t it affect diplomatic relations between their countries?

But then she understood. Shen Zaiye was truly clever. By sending her to meet Prince Jing, she would surely die in front of the prince, absolving Shen of responsibility. All blame would fall on Prince Jing.

It seemed that in her past life, she and Prince Jing must have desecrated Shen’s ancestral graves. What else could explain such deep enmity?

Qingtai frowned, gently squeezing her mistress’s hand before lifting the curtain slightly to look outside.

The carriage driver was from the Prime Minister’s household. Four guards flanked the carriage, secretly replaced last night. Two were the people who had followed Zhao. They only needed to reach a suitable location to escape.

Jiang Taohua studied the map, her finger landing on an intersection. “Here. It’s closest to there.”

“I understand,” Qingtai replied.

The driver, skilled in martial arts, thought this task would be easy with just two weak women in the back. Once they reached the North Gate, he could complete his duty and return for his reward.

So he drove in high spirits, even humming a tune.

“Dililanglang ya, langeligelang…”

“That sounds nice!” As he finished the tune, someone applauded! The driver turned his head happily, only to see Qingtai smile at him before punching him squarely in the face!

The force was so great that it knocked him unconscious off the carriage.

The two guards nearby were startled, but before they could react, the other two guards simultaneously knocked them out.

“Well done!” Taohua applauded, then quickly removed her brocade robe and excess hair ornaments. She then pulled out a bottle of pig’s blood.

(End of Chapter)

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