HomeTao Hua Ying Jiang ShanChapter 186: South Hall Awakens

Chapter 186: South Hall Awakens

Unbeknownst to him, emotions were the one thing in this world that couldn’t be calculated. Once calculated, they became more unreliable than anything else.

Despite the complex entanglements behind the scenes, on the surface, Shen Zaiye and Jiang Taohua’s relationship had become harmonious again. Whenever Lu Zhilan wasn’t around, Shen Zaiye would visit Zhengchun Pavilion, and Taohua would throw herself into his arms.

“My lord,” Taohua gazed at him with bright eyes. “I heard the envoys from Great Wei have arrived in Zhao?”

Raising an eyebrow slightly, he glanced at her. “Where did you hear that?”

This information had come from Xu Yangui. Recently, he and Gu Huairou had a falling out for some reason, so he could only try to please Taohua by selling her some information. However, if she told Shen Zaiye this directly, Xu Yangui might lose more than just his skin.

“Just hearsay,” Taohua smiled ingratiatingly, hugging his waist as they walked inside. “Didn’t the Emperor decide to lead the campaign personally? All sorts of rumors are flying around outside now.”

Shen Zaiye looked at her and said flatly, “The envoys have indeed arrived in Zhao. They rushed there at full speed, but the outcome is still uncertain.”

“I see,” Taohua nodded. “I believe in you, my lord. With you here, everything will be fine. But the Emperor is about to set out, why aren’t you making any preparations?”

“Preparations for what?” Shen Zaiye raised an eyebrow. “His Majesty is personally leading the attack on Wu. Naturally, I must stay in the capital to safeguard the empire for him.”

Taohua was stunned. “You’re not going back to Wu?”


“Ah, I meant to go,” Taohua felt a chill down her spine and hurriedly corrected herself. “I always mix up ‘go’ and ‘back’, please don’t mind me, my lord.”

Staring at her intently, Shen Zaiye said, “Someone needs to stay behind to plan for other matters. We don’t know what the outcome of this battle will be.”

Nodding nervously, Taohua stopped talking and picked up some snacks from the table, feeding them to Shen Zaiye. He frowned but ate everything she offered. Finally, he couldn’t help but say, “Too sweet.”

Taohua rolled her eyes, thinking, “Should pastries be made bitter?” But she replied, “I’ll use less sugar next time, my lord.”

Shen Zaiye nodded and looked outside at the weather. “Winter is coming soon. If you’re bored, why don’t you make me a cotton robe?”

“A cotton robe?” Taohua nodded. “I heard Jinxiu Pavilion recently got a good tailor. I’ll invite him over to take your measurements and make a nice set for you.”

“I meant,” Shen Zaiye pressed his lips together in displeasure, “for you to make it yourself.”

“What?” Taohua’s eyes widened as she grabbed an account book nearby. “I’m very busy! Look, I have to make decisions on all these things. How could I possibly have time to…”

“Lu Zhilan was also very busy back then,” Shen Zaiye interrupted coldly. “But she still made me quite a few embroidered robes, and the workmanship was exquisite.”

“How impressive!” Taohua clapped her hands. “Then why don’t you keep wearing those?”

“Jiang Taohua,” Shen Zaiye’s face darkened. “You need to be aware of your duties as the primary wife.”

“Is it a primary wife’s duty to embroider robes?” Taohua pouted, unable to help herself. “Isn’t that what the old nannies should do?”

Shen Zaiye was speechless.

Even Qingta, standing nearby, couldn’t bear to listen anymore. She quickly came over to tug at her mistress’s sleeve, whispering, “The lord wants your heartfelt effort. Just agree to it.”

“Oh,” Taohua nodded. “If that’s what you want, my lord, I’ll do it. But please don’t blame me if it doesn’t turn out well.”

Listening to her words, Shen Zaiye closed his eyes. While other women in the household would eagerly do such things for him, with Jiang Taohua, it felt as if he was the one begging her. He realized that she truly didn’t care much for him. It seemed he couldn’t involve her in the alliance plans this time.

The date for the military campaign was set. After performing rituals at the ancestral temple, the new Emperor accepted the kneeling salutations of his officials before setting out as commander-in-chief.

Shen Zaiye took Jiang Taohua to the outskirts of the city, waiting at the same place where Mu Wuxia had spoken with them before. As the imperial procession passed, Mu Wuxia reined in his horse and approached them.

“May Your Majesty achieve victory,” Shen Zaiye said, cupping his hands.

Mu Wuxia nodded, glancing at him and Taohua behind him. “This campaign may take some time before We can return. We entrust Great Wei to you.”

“Your Majesty can rest assured,” Shen Zaiye smiled. “I will guard this vast land well until your triumphant return.”

“Sister Jiang, take care as well,” Mu Wuxia said. “Prince Changjue of Zhao will lead troops to meet Us at the Wu border. I will certainly look after him well for you.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Taohua was deeply moved. Seeing him in full armor, she quickly took out a safety charm. “Please carry this with you. It will keep you safe.”

Shen Zaiye glanced at her sideways. “How can you give His Majesty such a superstitious trinket?”

“It’s alright,” Mu Wuxia smiled, reaching out to accept it. “I will always remember Sister Jiang’s kindness.”

Taohua nodded, looking at him with motherly affection. “May all Your Majesty’s wishes come true.”

Mu Wuxia smiled again, then discussed some confidential matters of state with Shen Zaiye before mounting his horse and setting off towards Wu.

“His Majesty is so young, yet he already has to shoulder the burden of an entire country,” Taohua sighed, watching the long procession. “Indeed, children of royal families never have it easy.”

“He’s willing,” Shen Zaiye said. “This is the path he chose for himself. Now that he can finally attack Wu, he must be overjoyed.”

Happy? Taohua was confused. Looking at Mu Wuxia’s retreating figure, she thought such a young child going to war should be terrified.

However, Shen Zaiye was right. Mu Wuxia, holding the reins and wearing armor, was more excited and elated than anyone else.

Two years ago, he had fled Wu in disgrace. Now, over two years later, he could return in such circumstances to avenge himself. It was heaven’s favor and the result of many people’s relentless efforts. Now that he held the long spear in his hands, he was determined to take Wu this time!

Even though he had lived peacefully as Mu Wuxia for over two years, he would never forget that he wasn’t the Prince of South Wei, but the Ninth Prince of Wu, Nan Tang Jingzhe.

A gust of wind blew towards him, making his cloak flutter high behind him. The youth narrowed his eyes, easily recalling past events.

Wu was also a powerful country, but its internal strife was more fierce than any other nation. His mother had been brutally murdered by the Empress out of jealousy, and his elder brother had been framed to death by the Crown Prince. Dozens of princes fought amongst themselves, with few survivors.

He had originally had no designs on the throne, but watching fewer and fewer people around him survive, seeing those who loved and cared for him die in plots and schemes, he finally awakened when the butcher’s knife was raised above his head.

Sitting idly by would only mean watching everyone suffer together. Born a prince, he never had the option of staying out of it all.

He thought it was too late when he had that realization in the face of death, but unexpectedly, Shen Zaiye managed to switch him with Great Wei’s hostage in Wu, sending him back to Wei and giving him a chance to start anew.

He had heard of Shen Zaiye long ago. The Shen family was known for its loyalty, but Shen alone was unorthodox and cunning, cast out of the family and establishing his household, his name even struck from the family records. He never imagined such a person would extend a hand to him at that moment.

Shen had said, “Your Highness, this world is filthy and corrupt. Are you willing to come with this humble official to seek true clarity?”

Instinct told him that Shen Zaiye was not of the same ilk as himself, yet inexplicably, he believed him. Leaving Wu behind, he started anew in Wei, advancing step by step to his current position.

It still felt somewhat surreal. Things he thought impossible had all come to pass.

This battle could not be lost, no matter what.

Shen Zaiye stood in the pavilion for a long time, his eyes unfocused but a slight smile on his lips, still looking in the direction Mu Wuxia had gone.

Taohua hugged her arms, looking at him curiously. “What are you still watching, my lord? Shall we go back?”

“Mm, let’s go back,” Shen Zaiye came to his senses and reached out to wrap her in his cloak. Squinting his eyes, he said, “I feel like His Majesty has grown up quite a bit again.”

His compassion remained, but now he would take up the long spear on his initiative. No longer fixated on individuals, he had begun to consider the entire world. He didn’t believe such an emperor couldn’t create a golden age.

Taohua chuckled softly. “My lord, you sound like you’re looking at your child.”

“Because I don’t have children yet,” Shen Zaiye looked down at her. “Why aren’t you doing your part? It’s been so long, and you haven’t given me even half a son or daughter?”

Taohua stiffened and lowered her gaze. “It depends on fate. If the time isn’t right, having children isn’t something that can be forced. If you like children, my lord, why not let someone else bear one for you first?”

“What did you say?” Shen Zaiye’s expression darkened.

Sensing the chill behind her, Taohua quickly said, “I was just talking nonsense.”

Releasing her, Shen Zaiye flung his sleeve and walked towards the carriage. Taohua hurriedly lifted her skirts to follow, fawning, “Don’t be angry! I’ll go pray to Guanyin for a child right away!”

Shen Zaiye ignored her, maintaining a dark expression all the way home. As they entered the mansion, they were greeted by Lu Zhilan.

“The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming,” Lu Zhilan smiled at him. “Will we have a moon-viewing party at our mansion?”

Shen Zaiye was taken aback. He looked back at Taohua, who quickly stepped forward and said, “If Lady Lu wants a moon-viewing party, we’ll have one. Leave it to me.”

“Oh, you hadn’t prepared anything?” Lu Zhilan pressed her lips together. “Then don’t bother. Let’s just go play in the streets.”

“The streets?” Taohua blinked. “That might not be appropriate. There are too many people on the streets.”

“What does that matter?” Lu Zhilan said. “We’ve been to even more crowded places. With the lord here, there’s nothing to worry about.”

She might not have to worry, Taohua thought wryly, but others following along would only get jostled about.

(End of Chapter)

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