HomeTao Hua Ying Jiang ShanChapter 205: He Cares So Much About the Child

Chapter 205: He Cares So Much About the Child

When news of Jiang Taohua’s pregnancy reached the capital, their group had already fled the second fortress and continued their journey. Due to Taohua’s condition, the county magistrate dared not send people in hot pursuit. He could only watch helplessly as they ran farther and disappeared.

Shen Zaiye sat in Linwu Hall, listening to Zhan Lu’s report. After a moment of stunned silence, he looked at him and said, “Repeat that.”

Zhan Lu reluctantly complied, “The urgent message from there states that the Madam is pregnant. The long journey has affected the fetus, and she’s now resting in the second fortress city.”

Shen Zaiye was dumbfounded. He rose and paced around the courtyard before returning to the main hall, his eyes suddenly bright. “She’s pregnant?”

Zhan Lu smiled, “Your reaction is quite slow, sir.”

Shen Zaiye was overjoyed, so much so that he felt at a loss. They had been married for almost a year, and finally, news of pregnancy!

However, after the initial joy, Shen Zaiye became furious. How could she run like this while pregnant? What if something happened? The fetus was already affected!

“Zhan Lu, prepare the horses!” Shen Zaiye gritted his teeth. “We’re going there to check!”

Startled, Zhan Lu shook his head, “Master, even if you ride at full speed, it’s still a journey of over ten days from the capital. What about affairs here?”

“Temporarily confine Xu Yangui to my quarters to impersonate me. He has my voice; let him handle things. If he can’t manage for ten days, he’s useless anyway.” Pushing past him and walking out, Shen Zaiye swiftly arranged matters for the household and court: “If there’s any trouble in the palace, leave it all to Nangong Yuan to deal with. Beat those who need beating, execute those who deserve it. If there’s news from His Majesty, let Xu Yangui handle it.”

Hearing his urgent tone, Zhan Lu knew his master was lost. He was already not very calm when it came to his wife’s matters, and now that she was pregnant, no one could stop him.

But would leaving at this crucial moment be problem-free?

Due to the great distance, news of Jiang Taohua and her group’s escape hadn’t arrived before Shen Zaiye set out. Worried, Zhan Lu asked General Pang to send a company of soldiers to accompany him, then hurried to find Xu Yangui.

As fate would have it, just as Shen Zaiye left the capital, news arrived from Mu Wuxia’s side.

“We’re about to reach the capital of Zhao. His Majesty plans to rest for five days. Does the Prime Minister have any instructions?”

Xu Yangui was at his wit’s end, pacing around the room. “What instructions? How would I know what he wants? He dumped this mess on me and left. Isn’t he afraid I’ll ruin everything?”

Zhan Lu was also anxious: “We need to decide quickly. Every day delayed means another half month wasted on the road. It’ll be too late no matter what we say!”

Xu Yangui sighed helplessly, “His previous intention was to act after they reached the capital. So for now, let’s tell them to hold their position?”

Zhan Lu hesitated, looking at him for a long while, shaking his head, then nodding.

“Ah, forget it!” Xu Yangui said irritably. “He’s being so impulsive, let him bear the consequences. We’ll just wing it. Send the order to hold the position for now!”

“…Yes.” Zhan Lu agreed reluctantly and left to relay the message, inwardly blaming his master for being so rash.

Shen Zaiye, usually wise and calm, was uncharacteristically impulsive this time. He believed that having children was a matter of fate and shouldn’t be rushed. But upon hearing that Jiang Taohua’s pregnancy was at risk, he couldn’t think straight. He didn’t even consider how to bring her back to the capital once he arrived. He rode furiously, outpacing even the express messengers.

However, all his anticipation and joy turned to shock when he reached the second fortress.

“The Madam left over ten days ago,” the county magistrate knelt, trembling. “Prime Minister, please spare me. I truly couldn’t stop them, nor did I dare to!”

What was this? Knowing she was pregnant and the fetus was at risk, she continued to flee.

Anger rose from the depths of Shen Zaiye’s heart. He was surrounded by a murderous aura as he stared at the distant official road for a long while, his lips turning white.

She probably had no intention of keeping the child, right? Even her flesh and blood, a life connected by blood, meant less to her than her country and the world?

“This official has sent people in desperate pursuit, but they moved incredibly fast. Several times we caught up, but due to the Madam’s condition, we couldn’t apprehend them. They’ve now fled beyond my jurisdiction,” the magistrate continued to plead. “Prime Minister, please have mercy!”

This wasn’t their fault. They were far outmatched in playing games with Jiang Taohua; failing to catch her was understandable. Shen Zaiye looked down at the magistrate, wondering why he was so panicked.

Seeing his silence, Pang Zhanfei, who had followed him, hesitantly said, “Prime Minister, please calm your anger. Killing innocents won’t bring the Madam back.”

“Where did you see that I wanted to kill innocents?” Shen Zaiye asked calmly.

Pang Zhanfei paused, then carefully handed him a mirror. Shen Zaiye looked down to see his eyes bloodshot, his entire face haggard and filled with killing intent.

Closing his eyes, he tossed the mirror aside. After a long silence, gripping the reins, he said, “Since we’ve come this far, Zhanfei, go and order General Pang to lead the troops towards Zhao. We’ll wait for them at the border.”

“Yes!” Pang Zhanfei responded.

Half-opening his eyes to look at the still-kneeling officials, Shen Zaiye said, “All of you, rise. Relay my orders to the following fortress cities: stop blocking her path, let her go. If she needs a doctor, send the best one in the city to her.”

The county magistrate bowed in acknowledgment, thinking how extraordinary this Madam must be. He had just thought the Prime Minister would order executions in his anger, but unexpectedly, he was still so gentle towards her.

But why on earth was she returning to her maiden home?

Taohua, pale-faced, held her belly as she lifted the carriage curtain to ask Qing Tai, “Where are we?”

“Yong’an Town is just ahead,” Qing Tai frowned, looking back at her. “Let’s find a doctor there.”

“Mm,” she nodded.

Yang Wanqing helped her back, frowning, “Are you alright? You seem pregnant.”

“The journey has been too rushed, and my health has never been very good, so naturally there are problems,” Taohua leaned against the carriage wall, gasping. “But I don’t know if it’s my imagination, there seems to be no pursuit from the recent cities?”

“It’s not your imagination,” Li Jin said with a complex expression. “Shen Zaiye must have heard about your pregnancy and ordered them to stop.”

Slightly startled, Taohua laughed dryly, “He cares so much about the child.”

(End of Chapter)

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