HomeTao Hua Ying Jiang ShanChapter 210: Attacking Zhao

Chapter 210: Attacking Zhao

“May I ask Father Emperor one more question? My brother and I grew up in Zhao. Have we ever done anything to betray you or our country? What is the basis for the Crown Princess’s claim that we ‘deserve to die’?” Taohua inquired.

Emperor Jia Wu frowned and glanced at Jiang Suheng. “I also want to know. They are all my flesh and blood. What grave mistakes have these siblings committed?”

Jiang Suheng stomped her foot in frustration. “Father Emperor, don’t you understand? Jiang Taohua has wolfish ambitions. She wants the position of Crown Prince! Her calculated marriage to Wei was all for returning to seize power! Look at how Long Jue clings to military authority. With Wei Emperor’s support, how can you still consider them your flesh and blood?”

The Emperor turned to Taohua and asked directly, “Do you truly intend to usurp the throne?”

Taohua remained silent. Her father had been misled by the Lü clan for too long, clouding his judgment. How could she answer such a question in front of everyone? She could only deny it.

“No,” Taohua replied calmly, her expression unwavering. “This daughter returned only out of concern for Zhao’s future. If Father Emperor would hear me out, you would understand my intentions.”

Emperor Jia Wu observed her quietly for a moment before nodding. “After the banquet, if you have anything to say, I am willing to listen. However, this evening is to welcome the Wei Emperor. Let’s not discuss Zhao’s affairs further.”

This statement effectively silenced Lü and her faction. Lü gritted her teeth, wishing she could eliminate the siblings immediately. However, with the Wei Emperor present and Qian Bai Mei supporting them, she couldn’t touch them.

Still, there was no rush. The siblings were under the influence of her gu poison, firmly within her control. They couldn’t cause much trouble.

The music resumed, and the banquet continued as if nothing had happened. Emperor Mu Wuxia leaned slightly towards Taohua and remarked, “I find that Crown Princess far inferior to you, sister.”

Taohua’s eyes crinkled with amusement as she replied softly, “Your Majesty is too kind. I’m flattered.”

“I’m not flattering you, merely stating the truth,” Mu Wuxia said. Glancing at the silent Li Jin beside them, he frowned in confusion. “How blind must he be to choose a fish eye over a pearl?”

Despite the heated argument earlier, Li Jin had remained silent. Taohua shrugged. “To each their own, I suppose.”

Seeing Li Jin reminded her of Shen Zaiye. She wondered where he was and if he was angry with her. Amidst the aroma of dishes, she suddenly recalled the meal she had prepared, unsure of its fate.

Meanwhile, at the Zhao-Wei border, Shen Zaiye was in his main tent, surrounded by bustling activity. Hanlu reported quietly, “The lady has met with His Majesty.”

“I see,” Shen Zaiye nodded coldly, studying the register in his hands. After a moment, he asked, “How is she?”

“The journey was taxing. Even with the fetus-protecting pills, her condition is uncertain,” Hanlu tentatively suggested, “Should we go check on her soon?”

“How soon?” Shen Zaiye scoffed, holding up the military tally. “We have 150,000 troops here, with recruits still joining. How quickly can you move such a large force to Zhao’s capital?”

Such a move would likely be seen as an invasion.

“Don’t you want to go ahead and see the lady?” Hanlu asked softly. “I can see you’ve been worried, tossing and turning. Why wait here?”

Shen Zaiye frowned. “When did you see me tossing and turning?”

“Last night,” Hanlu answered honestly. “And the night before, and the night before that…”

“Silence!” Shen Zaiye snapped, slightly annoyed. “I’m troubled by important matters, not these trivial personal affairs.”

Hanlu fell silent. His master’s stubbornness was incorrigible. They were alone in the tent; admitting concern wasn’t shameful. With the lady pregnant and in danger, even he was worried, let alone his master.

“If you’re not concerned, I have a way to bring the lady back to you safely,” Hanlu suggested.

“What is it?” Shen Zaiye raised an eyebrow.

Hanlu explained, “We could inform Qian Bai Mei about the lady’s pregnancy. Given his character, he wouldn’t let her risk danger and would surely send her back to you for safety. Wouldn’t that solve everything?”

Shen Zaiye fell silent, his expression turning helpless. “It won’t work.”

Why not? It seemed like a good plan. As long as the lady returned, his master wouldn’t have to worry anymore. Hanlu was confused but saw his master sigh deeply, gathering the documents on the table before saying quietly, “Prepare to attack Zhao.”


A chill ran down Hanlu’s spine as he stared at Shen Zaiye in shock. After a long moment, he found his voice. “Master, didn’t His Majesty mean…”

“Zhao is no longer in Jiang Taohua and her brother’s hands,” Shen Zaiye said flatly. “Just do as I say.”

But even if it wasn’t, the lady intended to protect her home country! Hanlu grew anxious but didn’t know how to persuade him. He hurried out to find Xu Yangui.

Since officially recruiting troops and setting out, Xu Yangui had joined them at the military camp. He was now crouching dejectedly on a large rock outside the camp, gazing at the sky with a melancholic expression.

“Master Xu!” Hanlu frowned. “What’s wrong with you now?”

“Ah,” Xu Yangui shook his head. “Love has always ended in regret… It’s nothing. Did you need something?”

“The master has ordered an attack on Zhao,” Hanlu said. “Wouldn’t this put him in direct opposition to the lady? She’s still with child!”

Xu Yangui was startled and turned to look at Hanlu. “Has your master’s brain been squeezed by a door? He’s abandoning his wife and child to attack Zhao at a time like this?”

“I can’t talk him out of it,” Hanlu said helplessly. “I hope you can try to persuade him.”

“In this world, apart from Jiang Taohua, who can persuade Shen Zaiye?” Xu Yangui snorted, jumping down from the rock and heading towards the stables. “Find me the fastest horse. I’ll go to Zhao’s capital and see what’s happening.”

“Alright,” Hanlu agreed, quickly providing him with a token and a horse, whispering, “If you can bring the lady back directly, that would be the best outcome.”

“I know,” Xu Yangui said, spurring his horse and disappearing in a cloud of dust.

After the banquet, Taohua and Long Jue followed Emperor Jia Wu to the imperial study. Lü and Jiang Suheng were left outside.

“Father Emperor, do you know the Wei Emperor’s true intentions in coming to Zhao?” Taohua asked frankly. “I am, after all, a citizen of Zhao. I cannot stand by and watch Zhao become a vassal state of another country. So, let me speak plainly — if you continue to let Lü and Jiang Suheng control state affairs, Zhao will surely be ruined by their hands.”

Emperor Jia Wu paused and sighed. “I know they have made a mess of Zhao’s affairs, but how easy is it to take back control now?”

“If Father Emperor trusts me and makes Long Jue the Crown Prince, giving him control of the military to defend against external threats, I have a 70% chance of preserving Zhao,” Taohua said, her gaze intense. “But if Father Emperor finds Lü and her daughter more trustworthy, then I have nothing more to say.”

The Emperor frowned. He didn’t know Jiang Taohua and her brother well, having been closest to Lü and her daughter. Hearing such words suddenly, he indeed found it hard to believe her.

“Didn’t you say you didn’t want to compete for the position of Crown Prince?” he asked displeasedly. “Were you lying to me earlier?”

“Throughout history, the most capable have always held the highest positions,” Taohua said seriously. “I’m not trying to seize power. This position would be most secure with Long Jue. Moreover—”

Before she could finish, the door was pushed open. Jiang Suheng stormed in furiously, standing between the Emperor and Taohua. “You scheming servant! You are trying to deceive Father Emperor with your sweet words!”

Taohua frowned but ignored her, looking instead at Emperor Jia Wu behind her. “Father Emperor, will you not consider the fate of the country?”

The Emperor remained silent. People naturally have their preferences and loyalties. With his two daughters at odds, he instinctively leaned towards Jiang Suheng, who was closer to him.

After all, Taohua and Long Jue’s mother had passed away early and was posthumously demoted to Consort Su due to a crime. He simply couldn’t bring himself to favor these two children.

Imperial guards rushed into the hall, surrounding Taohua and Long Jue. Long Jue frowned, drawing his sword to protect his sister. He said resignedly, “It seems we have no choice, sister. Let’s leave.”

“You want to leave?” Lü laughed at the palace entrance. “Have you forgotten where you are?”

Taohua turned back, giving her a cool glance. “Empress, your stubbornness will ensure this place won’t be yours for long. Today, my brother and I must leave!”

Shaken by her gaze, Lü pressed her lips together. She was about to question Taohua’s confidence in escaping when a silver-haired figure flashed through the air. A red peony robe enveloped Emperor Jia Wu, and the cold glint of a sword made everyone’s eyes ache.

“Make way,” Qian Bai Mei said calmly, holding the Emperor hostage. “Always playing the same trick gets boring. If you think the palace guards are numerous enough for you to act recklessly, I don’t mind helping clear out some people from the imperial palace.”

Furious, Lü gritted her teeth. “You wandering swordsman, why do you always meddle in our imperial affairs?”

“You’ve trapped my two disciples here, and you accuse me of meddling?” Qian Bai Mei smiled. “If I were to expose the Empress’s secret lover and hang him at the city gate, now that would be meddling.”

Everyone was stunned. Lü’s face turned ashen. “What nonsense are you spouting!”

“Move aside,” Qian Bai Mei’s patience was wearing thin. “It’s late, and my disciples need proper rest. If you keep blocking the way, His Majesty might meet an untimely end.”

Emperor Jia Wu, his face rigid, looked at Taohua. “Is this how you deal with your father emperor, by having someone threaten me?”

(End of Chapter)

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