HomeTao Hua Ying Jiang ShanChapter 221: Staying for a Few Days

Chapter 221: Staying for a Few Days

Shen Zaiye nodded solemnly, “The side gate surprise attack was also detected. This Zhao capital isn’t as easy to enter as we imagined. Generals, when do you think we should attack again?”

The generals exchanged glances. One bowed and said, “With such heavy casualties, we naturally need half a month to recover and resupply.”

“Then we’ll follow your advice,” Shen Zaiye said gently. “The provisions they’ve sent us are enough for half a month, but we can’t let those in the capital notice our fatigue. I suggest we occasionally send small forces to scout around the city walls. What do you think?”

The generals didn’t understand why they needed to scout during a ceasefire but figured it wouldn’t cost many troops and Shen Zaiye was in charge, so they agreed.

“The Chancellor’s idea is sound. Let’s do it.”

Satisfied, Shen Zaiye dismissed them and sat back in his tent, fingers interlaced on his chest, eyes glinting with hidden thoughts.

Seeing his expression, Xu Yangui knew he was plotting something. He tried to escape, but Shen Zaiye called out, “Yangui.”

Nothing good ever came from being called like that! Xu Yangui gritted his teeth, “My hearing has been poor lately. I can’t hear people talking.”

“Stay and watch over the army for a while. I have matters to attend to for a few days,” Shen Zaiye said directly, ignoring whether Xu Yangui could hear or not. “If there are any important decisions, come into the city to inform me first.”

“Into the city?” Xu Yangui was startled, looking back at him. “You’re entering the city at this time? Aren’t you afraid of being held hostage?”

“What use would holding me be?” Shen Zaiye chuckled. “Even without me, they won’t easily retreat. Jiang Taohua will understand. I’m… going to see what the Zhao capital looks like.”

Xu Yangui snorted coldly. If this guy didn’t head straight for the palace once in the city, he’d cut off his head for him to kick around!

Reluctantly agreeing, seeing Shen Zaiye about to pack, Xu Yangui hastily added, “It’s good that you have humanity and understand emotions, but don’t let feelings interfere with the greater mission.”

“Greater mission?” Shen Zaiye smiled. “Don’t worry. I know exactly why I’m here. I won’t jeopardize anything.”

Nodding, Xu Yangui figured he could go over the remaining details in the morning before Shen Zaiye’s departure.

However, as soon as Xu Yangui left the tent, its occupant vanished without a trace.

In the Zhao royal palace, Taohua tossed and turned, unable to sleep. Her stomach ached dully. She wanted to call Qingta, but everyone was exhausted after the battle. Disturbing them seemed inappropriate, so she took some medicine the doctor had given her on the journey. After a while, the pain eased.

“This isn’t right,” she muttered, holding her stomach. “I can’t be pregnant, so why does my belly feel hard? My monthly cycle is late, and there’s this constant ache…”

These symptoms all pointed to pregnancy, but the imperial physicians hadn’t mentioned a pregnancy pulse.

Could she have some strange illness?

Suddenly nauseous, Taohua leaned over the bed and retched violently. As she was tasting bitterness, someone handed her tea and a handkerchief.

“Qingta?” The room was unlit. Taohua sighed, “I still woke you. It’s fine, go back to sleep.”

The person beside her didn’t respond. Taohua stiffened, sensing something amiss. She quickly looked up.

The shadow in the darkness was much taller than Qingta, clearly a man.

“You…” Her heart stirred. Taohua frowned, “Who is it?”

The shadow remained silent, raising the teacup to her lips to help her rinse her mouth, then giving her a sweet and sour plum.

Taohua narrowed her eyes and embraced the person’s waist. She knew immediately, “Why has my lord come?”

Shen Zaiye raised an eyebrow, curious, “How did you recognize me?”

He had deliberately stayed silent to scare her a bit, but it hadn’t worked.

Taohua snorted a laugh and released him, “I’ve embraced my lord for a year. How could I not recognize you? But… at this critical moment, you’ve entered the capital.”

“Isn’t it the best time to enter the city right after a major battle?” Shen Zaiye caught her retreating hand and wrapped it around his waist again. He sat on her bedside, letting her lean comfortably against him. “We’ll have a few days’ ceasefire. I came to see if you were dead yet.”

Snorting coldly, Taohua muttered, “With my lord’s archery skills, I couldn’t die if I wanted to.”

This man was truly strange. She couldn’t fathom his thoughts. He seemed not to want her life, yet he did things that endangered it. He appeared to want to spare Zhao, yet he was attacking with full force.

She had considered herself the woman who understood him best in the rear palace, but faced with these matters of state, there were times she couldn’t comprehend him.

“Were you frightened?” Shen Zaiye softened his voice. “You looked unwell that day.”

“Obviously,” Taohua rolled her eyes. “Such a fierce arrow passing by your ear – weren’t you scared? What exactly are my lord’s intentions now? Frightening me, then coming to comfort me?”

Weren’t they enemies now?

Shen Zaiye didn’t answer. He lit a lamp and held her face-to-face in his arms. His long fingers traced her face, his eyes filled with emotions she couldn’t understand. The atmosphere in the room suddenly became strange. Taohua’s eyes darted about nervously as he held her, not daring to breathe, feeling the calluses on his fingertips tickle her skin.

“As a woman, it’s one thing to worry about behind-the-scenes matters,” Shen Zaiye finally spoke, displeased. “But with your poor health, why did you go to the front lines?”

Was he… concerned for her? Taohua pouted, “Wasn’t it all because my lord forced me?”

“What does it have to do with me?” Shen Zaiye snorted lightly. “It’s because your Zhao officials are troublesome and disunited.”

“I know that,” Jiang Taohua frowned. “But I’ve been away for over a year, and Changjie has long been exiled. Neither of us is clear on the court situation. It’s hard to distinguish friend from foe at once.”

Besides a few obvious partisans, how could she know who was good or bad? She could only figure it out after stumbling.

“I’m staying here for a few days,” Shen Zaiye said. “You’re not allowed to go anywhere either.”

What? Taohua was shocked. She tried to pull away, but he held her tightly. She couldn’t help but laugh helplessly, “Does my lord think the current situation allows you to stay here for days?”

(End of Chapter)

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