HomeTao Hua Ying Jiang ShanChapter 223: Three Months

Chapter 223: Three Months

Shen Zaiye listened with concern. He sent the doctor to the side hall to consult medical books, then returned to Taohua and said softly, “Let’s have lunch first.”

Thinking of the usual lavish meals, Taohua’s face scrunched up. She reluctantly followed him inside but was surprised to find only a large bowl of sour and spicy chicken on the table instead of the usual feast.

“How did you find someone to make this?” Taohua asked, her appetite instantly awakening at the familiar aroma. She sat down eagerly, reaching for her chopsticks.

Shen Zaiye replied nonchalantly, “Qingtai arranged it. I’m not sure of the details.”

Taohua turned to Qingtai with a delighted smile. “I’m increasing your pay this month!”

Qingtai smiled awkwardly, glancing at Shen Zaiye without comment. She had been doing many good deeds lately – cooking, preparing medicine, even arranging for this sour and spicy chicken. She didn’t realize she was so capable.

After eating her fill, Taohua bounced out to the courtyard. In the late winter and early spring, birdsong filled the air as nests were being built in the large trees. Taohua circled a tree three times, rubbed her hands together, then began to climb.

“My lady!” Qingtai cried out in alarm. “What are you doing?”

“Shh!” Taohua glanced towards the side hall. “I just want to see how many birds are in that nest. Don’t call anyone out here!”

Qingtai fell silent but kept her eyes fixed on Taohua, ready to catch her if she fell.

Meanwhile, Shen Zaiye was waiting in the side hall as Doctor Xue consulted his books. The white-browed old man finally spoke: “Qian Bai Mei’s disciple is most likely with child.”

Shen Zaiye nearly choked on his tea. He frowned and turned to the doctor. “Are you certain you haven’t misdiagnosed?”

“She seems to have been poisoned by something unusual, so her pulse is irregular. It lacks the typical ‘smooth flow like pearls rolling on a plate’ of a pregnancy pulse. But upon careful examination, I can detect it, though weakened by the poison. It’s difficult to be certain,” Doctor Xue explained with a smile. “But in my many years of experience, my intuition is usually correct. She is indeed pregnant. If you don’t believe me, wait a few months and see her belly grow.”

Shen Zaiye inhaled sharply, stunned into silence.

Hadn’t Xu Yangui said her pregnancy was a ruse to trick him? How could she suddenly be truly pregnant?

“How far along is she?” Shen Zaiye asked, his body growing cold as he remembered his arrow.

Doctor Xue replied, “Since I wasn’t certain it was a pregnancy pulse earlier, I didn’t calculate the months. If you want to know, bring her in for another examination.”

“Alright,” Shen Zaiye stood, his face pale.

If she was truly pregnant and in such poor health, could she die from hemorrhaging as the books described? Moreover, pregnant women shouldn’t overexert themselves or worry too much. With her recent busy schedule, wasn’t she in even greater danger?

Did this woman have no sense, not even knowing if she was pregnant or not?

Somewhat irritated, Shen Zaiye stepped into the courtyard intending to call Taohua inside. Looking up, his pupils constricted.

Taohua was perched on a tree branch, trying to peer into a bird’s nest.

“Jiang Taohua!” His thunderous shout startled her, nearly causing her to fall! Clinging to the branch in fright, Taohua looked at the enraged Shen Zaiye and pouted, “My lord, please speak calmly. Don’t scare people like that.”

Shen Zaiye was so angry he could barely speak. He leaped up and pulled her down, grabbing her collar and roaring, “Who gave you the courage to climb so high?”

Trembling from his shout, Taohua looked at him in confusion and stammered, “I… I used to climb all the time…”

“That was before,” Shen Zaiye gritted his teeth. He started to drag her to the side hall but remembering her condition, he suppressed his anger and carried her instead.

Taohua was utterly bewildered. Placed before Doctor Xue, she asked confusedly, “What’s going on?”

Doctor Xue smiled, offering her a wrist pillow and gesturing for her to extend her arm for pulse diagnosis.

Taohua complied, watching the doctor’s expression as he felt her pulse. She noticed his earlier frown had been replaced by a slight smile.

Could her illness be curable? Taohua waited patiently until he withdrew his hand and asked, “How is it?”

“You’re very fortunate,” Doctor Xue smiled. “Almost three months along.”

“What?” Taohua was dumbfounded. She blinked and asked, “What’s three months along?”

“Your pregnancy. It’s been about three months,” Doctor Xue explained. “It seems you haven’t been taking proper care of yourself, which is why you look so unwell. It’s only thanks to the fetus-protecting medicine that you haven’t miscarried. You’ll need to be more careful from now on.”

Taohua stared at him blankly, then turned to look at Shen Zaiye, whose expression mirrored her own. She gave a dry laugh. “You’re joking, right?”

Doctor Xue raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean, joking? When I say you’re pregnant, you are pregnant. If you don’t believe me, wait until your belly grows. You can’t claim it’s just bloating then.”

“But…” Taohua frowned. “I can’t be pregnant.”

“Oh?” Doctor Xue grew curious. He glanced at Shen Zaiye behind her, and his expression became meaningful. “Some things are a matter of fate. Some people are told they can’t have children, but there’s always a chance. Don’t lose heart. You see, heaven’s blessing has come to you.”

Shen Zaiye was about to nod when he caught the doctor’s meaningful look. His face darkened. “It’s not that I can’t have children.”

“Alright, alright, it doesn’t matter who,” Doctor Xue stood up, leaving two bottles of medicine for Taohua. “Your master sent me all this way, so he must care deeply for you, his disciple. These two bottles are priceless and can save your life when necessary. Use them sparingly.”

“…Thank you,” Taohua replied, still in a daze. She and Shen Zaiye saw the doctor out, then stood at the door, lost in thought.

“Since you’re pregnant, take good care of yourself,” Shen Zaiye broke the silence, speaking softly. “It’s windy outside. Let’s go in.”

Taohua nodded, instinctively reaching out to him. Shen Zaiye paused, then picked her up entirely and carried her inside.

Perhaps because the news was so sudden, Jiang Taohua and Shen Zaiye remained silent until dinner. Taohua finally came to her senses and exclaimed excitedly, “I have a child?”

Shen Zaiye glanced at her and said, “You do, so from now on, even if you don’t think of yourself, you need to think of the child.”

His cold response dampened her excitement. But then Taohua thought, even if it was just her child alone, that was fine! It would be completely hers! Even if something happened to her in the future, her bloodline would continue in this world.

This thought warmed her heart.

The news of her pregnancy quickly reached Qian Bai Mei and Jiang Long Jue. Long Jue came immediately, talking with her at length out of concern. He wanted her to rest well in the palace and leave everything else to him. Taohua agreed but inwardly didn’t take it seriously. At most, she would stay behind and offer advice.

However, her master hadn’t come to see her yet.

As spring frost melted in the breeze, Qian Bai Mei sat drinking on the highest palace roof.

Yang Wanqing arrived on the wind, climbing up to sit beside him. She glanced at him and said, “I heard you were drinking, so I came.”

Qian Bai Mei ignored her, his beautiful eyes fixed on the distant sunset as he raised his wine jug, pouring the crystal-clear liquid into his mouth.

Yang Wanqing frowned and snatched his jug. “If something’s bothering you, you should talk about it. It’s better than brooding alone.”

“I’m happy,” he said, hugging the wine jar and taking a hearty drink, his eyes full of starlight. “Taohua is pregnant.”

“Pregnant?” Yang Wanqing was startled. “Wasn’t that fake?”

“Doctor Xue just said she’s almost three months along,” Qian Bai Mei smiled beautifully. “If she has a child, it will surely be as beautiful as her.”

It was real? Yang Wanqing was stunned. Thinking of their recent journey, she shook her head. “If she’s truly pregnant, given her condition, she’s likely to miscarry.”

(End of Chapter)

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