HomeTao Hua Ying Jiang ShanChapter 68: The Person Who Understands You Best

Chapter 68: The Person Who Understands You Best

“Madam Qin!” Mei Zhaoxue gently rebuked her, glancing at Shen Zaiye’s expression before saying in a low voice, “You haven’t seen him before, how can you say he doesn’t look like the doctor? Although Lady Gu previously falsely accused you, you’re still her elder. How can you be so petty and argue with her?”

Qin Jieyu froze, quickly retreating to the side and curtseying, “I was just upset for a moment. I know I was wrong.”

Gu Huairou pressed her lips together, looking at them with a slight laugh, “The Master came to my Wenqing Pavilion and before he could even ask anything, he’s already seen quite a show. How lively indeed.”

Shen Zaiye frowned, glancing at Madam Qin with displeasure, “Since there’s nothing else, you don’t need to stay here. You may leave.”

Qin Jieyu hesitated, instinctively glancing at Mei Zhaoxue. Seeing her calm expression with no reaction, she reluctantly bowed and retreated.

“Master,” Gu Huairou handed over the mansion’s exit records and the doctor’s confession, looking at him, “I was just momentarily confused and was harmed by others. I didn’t intend to stir up trouble in the rear court. I admit to being vain and implicated Jiang Shi because of it. I’m willing to accept punishment. But I truly haven’t committed any major crime that warrants being expelled from the mansion. Please have mercy, Master!”

Shen Zaiye looked at her a few times, seemingly hesitant as he took the documents and examined them carefully.

Mei Zhaoxue frowned, not understanding the Master’s behavior. Given his previously resolute attitude about divorcing Lady Gu, he shouldn’t have come to Wenqing Pavilion today, let alone look at what she provided.

Could it be that he had softened his heart? But a man like the Prime Minister, once he made a decision, never changed it. What was going on?

The evidence Gu Huairou provided was quite solid, especially the doctor’s confession. After all, only Gu Huairou and Yue Tao had seen the original doctor, so no one else could say this doctor was fake. Jiang Taohua’s suggestion was brilliant, easily clearing her of guilt. They just needed to provide some compensation to the doctor who had suffered.

Now the key was whether the Prime Minister was willing to keep her.

The room fell into silence. Mei Zhaoxue was also secretly observing Shen Zaiye’s expression, trying to guess his thoughts. However, she couldn’t read him. Since marrying into the household, she could read many people, but never this formidable Prime Minister. She could never guess what he was thinking or what he would do next.

After a long while, Shen Zaiye’s expression relaxed somewhat. He looked up at Gu Huairou and said, “In that case, I was too hasty that day and wronged you.”

Gu Huairou was overjoyed! She quickly knelt and bowed, choking with emotion, “I wasn’t wronged. I did indeed make mistakes and am willing to accept punishment! As long as the Master is still willing to keep me in this household…”

Mei Zhaoxue frowned, “Master, you’ve already informed the Gu family and the divorce papers are prepared. This…”

“Since we’ve wronged her, let’s cancel the divorce papers,” Shen Zaiye said calmly. “Her offense wasn’t that severe. As for the Gu family, you can inform them again, explaining the situation. I’m sure Minister Gu will be pleased.”

Mei Zhaoxue pressed her lips together, lowering her eyes as she bowed, “I understand.”

A person nearly drowned had somehow grabbed a lifeline and climbed back to shore! Mei Zhaoxue was uncomfortable with this and felt the Master had changed. How could he become so soft-hearted?

After punishing Lady Gu with ten days of confinement for reflection, Shen Zaiye headed straight for Zhengchun Pavilion.

As he pushed open the doors of Zhengchun Pavilion, a smiling little fox pounced on him, embracing him and looking up, “Master, I’ve prepared many delicious snacks. Come and try them!”

Shen Zaiye glanced at her, his expression not very pleasant.

Pretending not to notice, Taohua dragged him into the room, saying as they walked, “Inside there’s bird’s nest and Job’s tears sweet soup, plum blossom fragrant cakes, and seven-treasure pearl cakes. I’m sure you’ll love them!”

Shen Zaiye said irritably, “You think you can appease me just with food?”

Taohua tensed up, carefully glancing at him with an innocent expression, “What’s wrong, Master? You seem angry with me. Have I done something wrong?”

“Let me tell you a story,” Shen Zaiye said with a forced smile. “It’s called ‘The Little Fox Who Played Dumb Was Eaten by the Wolf, Bones and All.'”

“…” Taohua frowned. “That title is too long. It doesn’t sound like a good story. Why don’t you have some snacks instead, Master?”

“Jiang Taohua,” Shen Zaiye’s face darkened, losing patience with her evasions. “I remember telling you that women in the rear court should stay in the rear court and not presume to meddle in affairs of the front court.”

“I remember every word you’ve said, Master!” Taohua said very seriously. “I wouldn’t dare forget a single one!”

“Is that so?” Shen Zaiye sneered. “Then explain what happened with Lady Gu today. I don’t believe a woman who was hysterical before could find evidence and turn things around so quickly.”

“Listen to you, Master. You’re treating me like some all-powerful immortal,” Taohua laughed behind her hand. “Lady Gu found evidence. What does that have to do with me? Besides, even if it did have something to do with me, what’s the big deal? How does it relate to the front court?”

“You’re the person who understands me best,” Shen Zaiye reached out, pulling her to sit on his lap. His eyes pierced into hers as he said softly, “Likewise, I’m the person who understands you best. Gu Shi’an’s unusual behavior today, and Lady Gu’s as well – I don’t believe there wasn’t your assistance behind it.”

Cupping her cheeks with both hands, Taohua said happily, “So I hold such an important place in your heart, Master. I’m truly gratified!”

The room fell silent, and the look in Shen Zaiye’s eyes grew increasingly unfriendly.

Cold sweat soaked the back of her clothes. Under his gaze, Taohua finally admitted honestly, hands behind her back:

“I know I was wrong.”

“How did you manage it?” Shen Zaiye frowned. “Gu Shi’an isn’t an easy person to persuade, let alone so thoroughly.”

“That was simple,” Taohua said, carefully glancing at him. “First, promise you won’t blame me, then I’ll tell you.”

She still dared to negotiate with him? Shen Zaiye narrowed his eyes, looking at her fearful expression, and said through gritted teeth, “I won’t blame you. Now speak.”

Taking a deep breath, Taohua said, “Minister Gu is the type who won’t believe it until he sees the coffin. He’s not some great loyal minister, but he is somewhat arrogant. Judging from Lady Gu’s behavior, he might be very quiet and uninvolved at home. But a man who dares to confront you in court must have some courage and his views, otherwise he couldn’t stand his ground. I guessed that this Minister Gu probably knows how to scheme, but perhaps not very well.”

“Such a person naturally wouldn’t listen to his daughter unless he realized his situation was already very precarious. I suggested to Lady Gu that she write a letter home explaining how you would gradually destroy him, and include the torn fake banknotes from Lady Gu. This way…”

“Wait,” Shen Zaiye frowned. “Explain what?”

Shrinking her neck, Taohua swallowed, “I made it up, just to scare Minister Gu a bit.”

“Let me see it.”

“It’s already with Minister Gu.”

“Then recite it!”

Taohua looked up at the ceiling, “I’ve forgotten.”

She wasn’t stupid enough to show those things to Shen Zaiye. If she did, he’d surely kill her! Although the murderous aura around him was quite strong right now… at least she still had a chance to explain.

“Isn’t the result what matters, Master? Why look at the process?” She grinned, reaching out to massage Shen Zaiye’s shoulders. “The true way to eliminate an opponent is to make them someone you can use. Killing them outright is the most foolish method. Don’t you agree, Master?”

“I think you’re very clever,” Shen Zaiye said coldly. “Too clever to be confined to the rear court of this Prime Minister’s mansion.”

Her heart skipped a beat, and Taohua quickly said, “Please believe me, Master. I have no intention of meddling in front-court affairs! I just wanted to save Lady Gu.”

“Why save her?” Shen Zaiye looked up. “You alone are worth more than this entire courtyard of people. Do you need helpers?”

“Who wouldn’t want more people on their side?” Taohua pressed her lips together. “Your thoughts are unpredictable, Master. Who knows when you might stop favoring me? Am I not allowed to make a friend in this courtyard?”

Shen Zaiye’s face darkened, and he lowered his eyes without speaking. The atmosphere in the room suddenly became heavy.

Taohua sighed helplessly, muttering softly, “Does the Master think about killing me every so often? It’s as regular as a woman’s monthly cycle.”

Shen Zaiye: “…”

He looked up and glared at her before standing up and saying coldly, “You stay here and behave yourself.”

“Master, aren’t you going to eat the snacks?” Taohua blinked.

Shen Zaiye didn’t answer her, sweeping out of the room.

Qing Tai, standing to the side with palms full of sweat, ran to Taohua’s side as soon as Shen Zaiye left and said, “Mistress, why did you do this? To save Lady Gu, you’ve put yourself at risk!”

“What does it matter?” Taohua shrugged. “Sooner or later, it was bound to happen. I can’t pretend to be stupid forever, and he’ll always be wary of me. Isn’t it good to have someone on our side now?”

“But…” Qing Tai pressed her lips together, feeling it was such a pity. The Master had been so fond of their mistress, but today he left without even eating the cakes.

“Don’t worry,” Taohua waved her hand, lying comfortably on the soft couch. “It’s not a big deal.”

Shen Zaiye’s affection for her was never truly from the heart; it was always mutual exploitation. Without such favor, she could rest easy. Besides, in the coming days, Shen Zaiye wouldn’t be able to continue favoring her anyway.

As his relationship with Prince Jing grew closer, the situation in the rear court would continue to change.

At Linwu Courtyard, Shen Zaiye entered the study and sat in a chair, frowning in deep thought. Zhan Lu stood to the side, asking softly, “Master, would you like to eat?”

“I’m not hungry.” Raising his head, Shen Zaiye looked at this attendant who had been by his side for many years and suddenly asked, “Zhan Lu, do you know what I’m thinking?”

(End of Chapter)

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