HomeTao Hua Ying Jiang ShanChapter 82: What Tea to Brew?

Chapter 82: What Tea to Brew?

“Oh?” Shen Zaiye was somewhat surprised. “This matter is related to the Qin family?”

Mei sighed, “To be precise, this incident had little to do with me from the start. When the gatekeeper came to report, I was resting. Qin Nianzi was in the courtyard and casually gave the order. As for her intentions, I’m not sure. When I found out later, it didn’t seem like a big deal, so I didn’t tell you, my lord.”

Taohua was astounded. Looking at Lady Mei’s calm face, she inwardly felt anxious for Qin. Without a sound, all responsibility had been shifted to someone else. Poor Qin probably had no idea she was about to be blamed for this.

“Since it’s not Lady Mei’s fault, we can’t hold her responsible,” Taohua said, composing herself. “My lady is kind and always considerate of others. Qin Nianzi is naturally good-hearted and surely had no ill intentions. In my opinion, we shouldn’t take the gatekeeper’s life. Instead, let him hand over his duties and leave the manor.”

Mei Zhaoxue glanced at her with surprise. “Didn’t you just say you wanted his life, Jiang Nianzi?”

“Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda. I’d like to accumulate some virtue,” Taohua leaned against Shen Zaiye, looking up at him with a smile. “Besides, our lord may speak harshly, but he has a soft heart. How could he truly take someone’s life?”

By initially demanding severe punishment and now stepping back, the gatekeeper felt he had received mercy. He quickly kowtowed, “Thank you, Jiang Nianzi! Thank you, Lord Shen!”

Mei Zhaoxue glanced at him lightly, then turned to Shen Zaiye, “Since Jiang Nianzi is so magnanimous, about Qin’s matter…”

Shen Zaiye said coolly, “We can overlook it this time. But if there’s a next time, and I discover anyone in this household harboring ill intentions, it would be a failure of your duties as the lady of the house.”

“I understand,” Mei Zhaoxue nodded and stood up. “I’ll take my leave now. I need to practice my tea ceremony.”

“Mm,” Shen Zaiye nodded, watching her leave. He then waved for Zhanlu to take the kneeling gatekeeper out.

The room fell quiet. Taohua stood up straight, rubbing her waist and muttering with a frown, “The lady will hold this against me.”

“Are you afraid of her?” Shen Zaiye chuckled, looking up at her. “In terms of intelligence, she’s no match for you.”

“But when it comes to scheming, the older ginger is spicier,” Taohua pouted, looking at Shen Zaiye. “If anything happens later, my lord must protect me.”

Shen Zaiye smiled, pulling her into his embrace. “Of course I’ll protect you. If I didn’t, I’d be struck by lightning.”

Feeling a chill down her spine, Taohua quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his cheek. “My lord is the best!”

“Not at all,” Shen Zaiye smiled without mirth. “A little rabbit said something I didn’t like. I’m wondering whether to steam or braise it.”

“Sparing its life would be best!” Taohua wiggled in his arms, speaking coyly. “Little rabbits are so cute. How could you bear to eat one?”

Pinching her waist, Shen Zaiye snorted, “Speak properly!”

“Yes! What I meant is, I’ve helped you so much, my lord. You should be magnanimous and not quibble over a few words!” Taohua said seriously. “Great men don’t fuss over trifles. With less nitpicking, you’ll live to a hundred!”

Implying he’d have a short life if he quibbled with her? Shen Zaiye was both angry and amused. He grabbed Taohua’s face and pinched it. “Say something nice for me to hear?”

“My lord is handsome and dashing, the most attractive man I’ve seen in all of Great Wei!”

With a glimmer in his eyes, Shen Zaiye raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

“Really, because I haven’t seen many men from Great Wei.”

Shen Zaiye: “…”

When Zhanlu returned after dealing with the gatekeeper, he heard a scream from Linwu Hall, followed by chaotic noises.

Peering through the door in shock, his jaw nearly hit the floor.

His usually serious master had set aside his dignity and was frolicking with Jiang Nianzi!

Taohua braced herself against a chair, keeping Shen Zaiye at a distance. “I was just joking. Have mercy!”

Shen Zaiye leaned on the armrest, smiling cryptically. “Let me joke with you too. Don’t run if you dare.”

“I don’t dare!” Taohua took off running. “I value my life!”

“You clearly value it the least!”

Pillows and vases flew around the room, yet nothing broke. Jiang Taohua couldn’t tell, but Zhanlu could see clearly from the doorway. His master was clearly just teasing her, enjoying her panicked, scurrying appearance. He threw objects but caught them all skillfully.

Shaking his head, Zhanlu felt somewhat worried. Could this really continue without issues?

A stick of incense later, both lay exhausted on the soft couch. Taohua, panting, said, “I was planning to brew tea, but now I just want to bathe and sleep.”

Tea? Shen Zaiye frowned, suddenly remembering it was time for the annual tea tasting event.

“What tea are you preparing?”

Taohua blinked, “I took some Longjing.”


“I don’t know what tea she likes. You usually prefer this one, my lord, so I chose it.” Taohua smiled mischievously.

Glancing at her, Shen Zaiye’s expression tightened. “Change it to something else.”

“Huh?” Taohua rolled over, blinking at him. “Doesn’t the Imperial Concubine like this kind?”


Surprised that Shen Zaiye would reveal information to her, Taohua brightened up. She quickly tidied herself and returned to Zhengchun Pavilion.

Since Longjing wasn’t favored, what tea should she use? She consulted with Gu Huairou, who said, “Miss Duan mentioned that Imperial Concubine Lan likes bitter tea. It’s strange though. Even though she won last year and married into the Chancellor’s household, what she says might not be true.”

“Don’t consider her words. Just pretend you never heard them,” Taohua said. “Now, excluding Longjing, what tea is both delicious and easy to brew?”

Gu Huairou pondered, then said, “I’ll go to the market today and bring back different types of tea for you to choose from.”

Despite their previous unpleasantness, once they became friends, Gu Huairou proved quite straightforward. Without hesitation, she went to Linghan Court to get a pass. When she returned, she had brought over twenty types of tea, clearly having put in considerable effort.

Taohua, though saying nothing, turned and asked Qing Taito find two treasures to send to Wenqing Pavilion later.

“Look at this tea, my lady,” Gu Huairou excitedly held out a tea package. “The shopkeeper said it’s a new variety called honey flower tea. It’s a mix of rose and green tea, steeped in honey water. Not only is it fragrant and sweet, but it’s easy to brew well regardless of one’s tea-making skills.”

This tea was familiar to Taohua from Zhao. She accepted it and asked Qing Taito send it to Doctor Li for inspection.

“Besides tea, we also need to prepare tea snacks, one for each person,” Gu Huairou asked. “Do you have any specialty pastries, my lady?”

“Yes,” Taohua said confidently. “Peach blossom cakes would pair perfectly with this flower tea.”

“That’s good. Since you’re all set here, I’ll go prepare my own,” Gu Huairou stood up. “When it’s time to enter the palace, please wait for me so we can go together.”

Nodding in agreement, Taohua watched her leave, then tried brewing a packet of honey flower tea.

She wasn’t sure if Imperial Concubine Lan would like it, but she enjoyed it. This tea should also be good for the complexion, as her master loved drinking it. Even if it wasn’t well-received, it shouldn’t be a major offense.

Initially nervous about attending such a gathering for the first time, Taohua was surprised when Gu Huairou proactively came to help her choose clothes and accessories on the day of the event, explaining palace etiquette as they prepared.

“As long as you don’t clash with Imperial Concubine Lan’s outfit color and hair ornaments, you’ll be fine,” Gu said. “Word from the palace advises us to avoid gold-red colors and peacock-style hairpins.”

It was indeed particular, Taohua thought, nodding and following Gu’s instructions before leaving together.

When she saw the others, she instinctively observed their outfits and accessories, fearing Gu Huairou might have tricked her. But after looking around, she realized Gu had genuinely helped her, a first-time palace visitor.

Once an enemy becomes a friend, they can be quite reliable.

“Sister, aren’t you sitting with me today?” Seeing them, Liu Xiangju quickly approached, looking at Gu Huairou with apparent disappointment. “Don’t you usually take me to the palace every year?”

“I can’t afford to this year,” Gu Huairou said coolly. “Liu Shiyi has found a better prospect. Why lower yourself to my carriage? Excuse us.”

With that, she pulled Taohua past Liu Xiangju and directly boarded the waiting carriage.

Taohua raised an eyebrow. “Have you two completely fallen out?”

“Yes, and you should be careful of her too,” Gu Huairou lowered her eyes. “Having grown up together, I know her best. She can be quite underhanded when she wants to be.”

Nodding to show she understood, Taohua held onto her food box and waited to depart.

Shen Zaiye was also going to the palace today, likely for state affairs, so Taohua didn’t inquire further. However, the Chancellor’s household’s influence was truly impressive. While other families sent at most two or three people, the Chancellor’s manor had five carriages, each carrying multiple passengers.

In that moment, Taohua understood why there was always such fierce competition in the household. The scale rivaled even the imperial harem.

The tea tasting event was held in Imperial Concubine Lan’s Zhilan Palace. After a complex series of inspections and greetings due to palace regulations, the group of noble ladies finally arrived.

Imperial Concubine Lan hadn’t appeared yet. The courtyard was filled with seating arrangements, clearly organized by rank. The Three Excellencies and Nine Ministers each had their official ranks, and even daughters from the same family were divided between legitimate and concubine-born. As everyone took their seats, Taohua realized she didn’t seem to fit anywhere.

As a Zhao princess, her status shouldn’t be lower than the daughters of the Three Excellencies and Nine Ministers. However, there was no space left on the upper tiers, with only one seat remaining at the very bottom.

(End of Chapter)

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