HomeTao Hua Ying Jiang ShanChapter 95: A Good Show of Kicking Someone When They're Down

Chapter 95: A Good Show of Kicking Someone When They’re Down

Xilou hesitated, frowning slightly: “Please enlighten me, madam.”

“You’re too hasty,” Taohua said, sitting up and smiling at her. “I’ve only been in the household for two or three months, and I’m already quite favored. You’ve just lost the chance to enter the main room in my courtyard, so why are you rushing to choose a new mistress?”

She should at least wait until Taohua fell from grace and everyone in the courtyard suffered along with her before stepping on her to leave. How could a mere maid like her overpower Taohua now?

“This servant feels that two or three months is long enough,” Xilou replied frankly, having decided to leave anyway. “A woman’s time to make something of herself is limited. In these months at Zhengchun Pavilion, I’ve realized that madam is very guarded and doesn’t intend to trust anyone besides Qingtai. Moreover, whenever the lord visits, he focuses solely on madam and doesn’t spare a glance for anyone else.”

“Being here, without any chance for advancement, I can only seek opportunities elsewhere. I hadn’t planned to leave so soon, but after discovering certain things… Since an opportunity arose, I naturally wanted to try.”

Taohua sighed lightly, looking at her. “You’re clever, but unfortunately, you’ve chosen a dangerous path. Everyone in this courtyard is shrewd. Do you think Madam Duan is reliable? She’s just using you to incriminate me. She won’t keep someone like you who has betrayed her mistress.”

Xilou pressed her lips together and lowered her gaze. “This servant was too naive and believed Madam Duan’s words, which led to betraying my mistress. I beg madam to be merciful and spare my life.”

So it really was Duan Yunxin? Taohua raised an eyebrow, silently noting this information before continuing, “Before I make my decision, I’d like to hear your thoughts. If given another chance, would you betray me again?”

“No,” Xilou blurted out, then looked up at Jiang Taohua in surprise.

Could she still have a chance to stay in this courtyard? It made sense – after this incident, she would surely be loyal to Taohua, making her more reliable than unfamiliar maids. Perhaps this misfortune could turn into a blessing, allowing her to enter the main room of Zhengchun Pavilion.

Filled with hope, Xilou looked expectantly at the woman on the couch, waiting for her decision.

“It’s good that you recognize your mistake and are willing to change,” Taohua nodded with satisfaction. Her lips parted as she said, “Qingtai, see her out of the mansion.”


She still had to leave? Xilou was stunned, then became somewhat displeased. “If madam’s decision remains the same, why bother saying so much to this servant?”

“I told you these things so you’ll be more discerning in the future,” Taohua smiled slightly. “Anyone who tries to use the betrayal of their master as a stepping stone will fall hard. Because once you show others your willingness to betray, no one will trust you again. Sending you away is appropriate; speaking to you at length is my kindness. What are you angry about?”

“But…” Xilou gritted her teeth. This behavior of giving hope and then disappointing people was truly despicable!

“You could never be forgiven and then live better here with me,” Taohua sat up straight, looking at her earnestly. “That would be too unfair to those who haven’t made mistakes, so you shouldn’t even consider it.”

She had always found one thing in this world strange: good people had to endure 81 trials to achieve enlightenment, while bad people could instantly become enlightened just by putting down their knives. Wasn’t this unfair and encouraging everyone to be bad first?

A mistake is a mistake. If all kindness is shown to those who have done wrong, what is left to comfort the good?

Xilou gritted her teeth. Despite her dissatisfaction, she could only kowtow to Taohua before following Qingtai out.

She didn’t want to believe Jiang’s words. This time she had just trusted the wrong person. Given another chance, she would be more cautious and surely rise higher!

At Shouyun Pavilion, Duan Yunxin held the bank receipt, pondering how Jiang Taohua had managed to extricate herself so cleanly from the situation.

“Heer,” she called her maid over and said softly, “Go investigate whether this Guantong Bank has any connection to the Jiang family. Remember to be discreet; don’t let anyone find out.”

“Yes,” Heer nodded and quickly left.

With Zhefuju gone, Heer had become the inner room maid of Shouyun Pavilion. Entrusting her with this task, Duan Yunxin felt at ease. Heer was skilled in dealing with people and able to extract information subtly, and her attentiveness meant she would likely discover things others might miss.

Mei Zhaoxue had already taken down Qin Jieyu, so she probably wouldn’t make any moves shortly. To encourage her, Duan Yunxin knew she needed to put in some effort as well.

The candlelight flickered in the room, and Duan Yunxin smiled slightly. It should have been gentle and graceful, but the candlelight made it appear cold and terrifying.

Shen Zaiye entered Zhengchun Pavilion and immediately saw Jiang Taohua sleeping on the couch.

So much had happened today, and this little girl must have exhausted herself thinking. It was natural for her to be tired. Shen Zaiye pressed his lips together, picked her up, and carried her to the inner room.

Asleep, Jiang Taohua shed her waking facade of sharpness, her small mouth pouting and cheeks flushed, looking just like a little girl.

He found her most agreeable in this state.

Tucking her into the bed and lying down beside her, Shen Zaiye gazed at her features, unable to resist gently teasing her.

“Don’t run…” Taohua mumbled, furrowing her brow.

Sleep-talking? Shen Zaiye was startled, then leaned in to listen closely.

“Don’t run, you little bastard!”

What on earth? His mouth twitched as he narrowed his eyes, pondering for a while before murmuring, “Could she be saying ‘Don’t run, I’ll chop you down, you little bastard’?”

Who did she have such a deep grudge against that she wanted to chop them even in her dreams?

Smacking her lips, Taohua rolled over into his arms, hugging his waist and nuzzling against him, seemingly wiping her drool clean.

Shen Zaiye tugged at his nightclothes in disgust, his brow furrowed, but he felt quite content inside.

After being busy for so long, he could finally rest a night in Zhengchun Pavilion. His desire to sleep here wasn’t because Jiang Taohua was particularly alluring, but because he enjoyed the feeling of being firmly embraced as if he were someone’s pillar of support.

However, this was something he would never let the person hugging him know.

Sleeping until dawn, when Taohua opened her eyes, Shen Zaiye was already gone. She didn’t know anyone had been there, only feeling that she had slept quite soundly.

“Mistress, the mansion is so lively today,” Qingtai said, bringing in breakfast from outside. “Old Madam Xu started arguing with Madam Qin early this morning.”

“What?” Taohua raised an eyebrow. “Old Madam Xu?”

She had heard from Duan Yunxin that this Old Madam Xu seemed to have been dissatisfied with Madam Qin before, and was related to the deceased concubine. However, she didn’t know the specifics.

Qin Jieyu was already declining, and Taohua hadn’t planned to watch this show of kicking someone when they’re down. But just after she finished breakfast, Gu Huairou came over.

“Do you know, madam?” Gu Huairou said excitedly. “Incredible news has come out – someone died in our courtyard before.”

Taohua was surprised. “You didn’t know about this?”

Blinking, Gu Huairou pouted, “I entered the household late, how would I know about such things? From your reaction… Could it be that you know the inside story?”

“I’ve only heard bits and pieces,” Taohua asked, “What are people saying outside?”

Pouring herself a cup of tea, Gu Huairou smiled, “The deceased concubine was the daughter of Steward Xu. Previously, because Madam Qin had great influence, they endured the injustice silently. Now that Madam Qin has been demoted, Steward Xu probably feels the time is right. She submitted a petition to the lord, with evidence accusing Madam Qin of murder out of jealousy. This is quite a show of kicking someone when they’re down, haha!”

“So dramatic?” Taohua clicked her tongue, then shook her head after some thought. “With the Lady in charge and Madam Qin’s considerable backing, Steward Xu might not win this battle.”

“Who cares who wins or loses? As long as it doesn’t involve us, I’m happy,” Gu Huairou giggled behind her hand, her eyes sparkling. Taohua shook her head at the sight, “Be careful. Madam Qin’s fate is a clear warning. In the future, you should restrain your thoughts and not write them all over your face.”

“But I’m only showing this to you,” Gu Huairou said confidently. “You won’t harm me.”

She trusts her completely? Taohua sighed lightly. It was so easy to gain this person’s trust. Fortunately, she truly had no ill intentions toward Gu Huairou; otherwise, who knows how many times Gu would have fallen into misfortune by now?

After lunch, just as she was about to rest, Qingtai came in with an odd expression. “Mistress, someone outside seeks an audience.”

Taohua’s mind stirred, and she looked up to ask, “Steward Xu?”

“… Are you a fortune-teller?” Qingtai couldn’t help but exclaim. “How did you guess that?”

“Ah,” Taohua shook her head helplessly. “Since she’s here, go ahead and invite her in.”


Currently, in the back courtyard, only three madams remain. Madam Duan had sided with the Lady, and Mei Zhaoxue would surely protect Qin Jieyu, so Steward Xu had no one else to turn to for help but Taohua.

Taohua wasn’t one to be overwhelmed by sympathy. Looking at Old Madam Xu kneeling before her, she asked directly, “Have you brought enough to persuade me to help you willingly?”

Steward Xu was taken aback, not expecting Jiang Taohua to guess her intentions. After a moment, she respectfully kowtowed and said, “If madam is willing to help, this old servant will repay you with eternal gratitude. My position is not high, just a steward. However, I’ve been in this household for two years and once saved the lord’s life. The lord values me considerably, so there will surely be many opportunities for me to repay you.”

It was because she had saved Shen Zaiye’s life that she was able to continue living in this household after that incident.

Taohua listened with interest. “Would the madam be willing to tell me in detail what Madam Qin did back then?”

“That’s not difficult,” Steward Xu looked up, saying seriously, “As long as madam agrees, this old servant will tell you whatever you wish to know.”

(End of Chapter)

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