HomeTen Years Lantern on a Stormy Martial Arts World Night

Ten Years Lantern on a Stormy Martial Arts World Night

Volume One – Beautiful Clear Sky Chapter 6

Zeng Dalou led Cai Zhao slowly back. "Sister Cai, please don't blame me for letting Lingbo off lightly. This matter... sigh, actually, Qingque Sect's rules...

Volume One – Beautiful Clear Sky Chapter 7

According to ancient texts preserved in Luoying Valley, the original Muwei Palace was just a few simple rooms built by the Northern Chen ancestors...

Volume One – Beautiful Clear Sky Chapter 8

At this moment, whispers arose from all around: "They say that after Cai Pingshu's decline, Luoying Valley has become increasingly desolate these years, with no...

Volume One – Beautiful Clear Sky Chapter 9

As Chang Ning's words reopened old wounds that had long scabbed over, Cai Zhao felt a dull ache in her heart. In her youth, she...

Volume One – Beautiful Clear Sky Chapter 10

Cai Zhao had hoped to ease the tension from their earlier disagreement, but the harmonious atmosphere lasted only briefly before the unpredictable youth suddenly...

Volume One – Beautiful Clear Sky Chapter 11

The lunch dishes proved to be as mediocre and uninspired as the earlier snacks. Cai Zhao disappointedly filled her stomach, while Cai Han, facing...

Volume One – Beautiful Clear Sky Chapter 12

As evening approached, Cai Zhao awoke. Fan Xingjia came personally to invite them to dinner. After his nap, Chang Ning was unusually pleasant. He even...

Volume One – Beautiful Clear Sky Chapter 13

On one side, Yang He'ying continued his veiled criticism, implicitly accusing Luoying Valley of inaction. Ning Xiaofeng responded with a polite smile, "Is there more?...

Volume One – Beautiful Clear Sky Chapter 14

It wasn't without reason that Chang Haosheng was nicknamed 'Granny Chang'. Though reputation was valuable, practical benefits were even more precious. During youthful adventures, when...

Volume One – Beautiful Clear Sky Chapter 15

Cai Zhao sprang up like a shrimp and bowed respectfully. "Greetings, Uncle Zhou! I hope you're well and enjoying good fortune and longevity." Zhou Zhizhen...

Volume One – Beautiful Clear Sky Chapter 16

The night was deep, and a chilly mist hung over the mountains. Inside the guest room, however, it was warm and dry. A silent...

Volume One – Beautiful Clear Sky Chapter 17

Early in the morning, Cai Zhao sensed something was off with Constant Ning. After last night's banquet, he had been listless and quiet, not...

Volume One – Beautiful Clear Sky Chapter 18

After everyone was seated, Song Shijun said, "It's almost time. There's still no sign of Taichu Observatory. What does Sect Leader Qi think?" Qi Yunke...

Volume One – Beautiful Clear Sky Chapter 19

Qi Yunke stepped in to mediate as usual: "This Sima An is guilty of heinous crimes, and Brother Qiu acted out of a sense...

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