HomeTen Years Lantern on a Stormy Martial Arts World Night

Ten Years Lantern on a Stormy Martial Arts World Night

Volume Three – Heartbreak Snow Ridge Chapter 48

A young, attractive couple slowly descended from the second floor. The man was tall and elegant, while the petite girl seemed timid, hiding behind...

Volume Three – Heartbreak Snow Ridge Chapter 49

The innkeeper lay on his bed, facing the wall. When the waiter pushed him, they discovered a knife stuck in his chest. Half the...

Volume Three – Heartbreak Snow Ridge Chapter 50

The snow-covered mountain stretched endlessly, with undulating snow drifts as far as the eye could see, dotted with black spots and lines of varying...

Volume Three – Heartbreak Snow Ridge Chapter 51

Mu Qingyan's words seemed to make the snowy night even colder. Qian Xueshen was bewildered. "Who's Chen Shu?" Cai Zhao questioned, "Chen Shu has a brother?" While...

Volume Three – Heartbreak Snow Ridge Chapter 52

That night passed without further incident, but most people tightly shut their cabin doors, sleeping with weapons in hand. The next day, as the sun...

Volume Three – Heartbreak Snow Ridge Chapter 53

Hearing the girl's cry, Mu Qingyan, still two or three zhang from the ground, casually tossed Qian Xueshen aside. His left foot touched the...

Volume Three – Heartbreak Snow Ridge Chapter 54

Everyone was startled, realizing the chaotic battle at the ice cave's entrance above them was taking a dangerous turn. Zhou Zhiqin thrust his sword...

Volume Three – Heartbreak Snow Ridge Chapter 55

In the dark, ice cave tunnel, Mu Qingyan led the way, holding Cai Zhao's hand with one hand and a night pearl high in...

Volume Three – Heartbreak Snow Ridge Chapter 56

The cliff was the only flat snow-covered area within a hundred miles. Twenty zhang away from the cliff stood a thatched cottage, its exterior...

Volume Three – Heartbreak Snow Ridge Chapter 57

The knock was soft. After a moment, the door gently opened, and a familiar graceful figure entered—it was Qinong. Her face was still sweet, her...

Volume Three – Heartbreak Snow Ridge Chapter 58

The newcomer was, of course, Mu Qingyan. After being away for half a day, engaged in unknown activities, he had developed a thin layer...

Volume Three – Heartbreak Snow Ridge Chapter 59

Mu Qingyan, despite his young age, prided himself on his bravery. However, faced with this primordial beast, he couldn't help but tremble. He grabbed...

Volume Three – Heartbreak Snow Ridge Chapter 60

This bone-chilling scene stunned everyone. Cai Zhao stammered, "W-why is Chen Fuguang still alive after being swallowed?" Mu Qingyan, who had learned about exotic creatures from...

Volume Three – Heartbreak Snow Ridge Chapter 61

Mu Qingyan floated on his back in the warm spring water, his young, supple body as relaxed as possible. He was utterly exhausted after...

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