Volume Five – Gentle River Chapter 98

“Young master, please don’t be hasty or act rashly,” Pang Xiongxin, who had just arrived at the inn, whispered.

Song Yuzhi paced back and forth in the room, unusually agitated. “I was careless. I shouldn’t have assumed Zhaozaho would marry Zhou Yuqin based solely on appearances. Given Zhaozao’s temperament, if she truly adored Zhou Yuqin, how could this engagement have lasted until now? I’ll write to Father immediately, asking him to propose marriage at Luoying Valley…”

“The sect leader is currently considering how to propose breaking off the engagement with Patriarch Qi. Moreover, there’s the mess your second brother caused, which is why I was sent to pay respects to Hero Chang’s family on his behalf. How can you arrange a second marriage before the first engagement is called off? Yuzhi, don’t lose your composure,” Pang Xiongxin said, holding a hot towel with a nurturing expression.

“I should have broken off the engagement as soon as I returned from Youming Huangdao,” Song Yuzhi said, frustrated. “Ah seeing how tenderly Zhou Yuqin treated Zhaozao today, far better than I could, and how delighted Zhaozao was to see him… A gentleman should facilitate others’ success. I should give up on this idea.”

“Please don’t, young master,” Pang Xiongxin quickly interjected. “That Qi Lingbo girl is truly too fierce. When I refused to disclose my whereabouts, she pointed at my nose and berated me. If she becomes your wife, I wouldn’t dare approach you, Third Young Master.” At the time, Qi Lingbo had mistaken him for a Song family servant, unaware that he was a distant relative of the Song family. Orphaned at a young age, he had sought refuge with the Guangtian Sect and was treated no differently than a member of the Song family.

“I’m sorry for the trouble, Uncle Six. Lingbo has always been arrogant and disrespectful since childhood,” Song Yuzhi said softly.

Pang Xiongxin waved his hand dismissively. “I’m not worried about myself, but how will you spend the rest of your life with such a wife? Miss Cai is much better – cheerful and kind. Even her two maids have grand airs about them. Only a benevolent and kind mistress could raise such servants.”

Thinking of Furong and Cui, who often teased Cai Zhao, Song Yuzhi couldn’t help but smile. “Zhaozao may have a temper, but she doesn’t let her subordinates run wild. She manages Chunling Xiaozhu very well.”

“That’s true,” Pang Xiongxin sighed. “But young master, let me give you some heartfelt advice. Everyone in the East wants you. If you step back, there will be plenty of others eager to step forward.”

This struck a chord with Song Yuzhi. Even if he was willing to give up, Mu Qingyan would surely not let go.

Pang Xiongxin continued, “Think about it, young master. There are only so many well-born young ladies of your age and status in the world. You’re a first-rate person yourself, so why settle for a second-rate wife instead of a first-rate one?”

Song Yuzhi stared blankly at the lamplight. “I’m not worried about dealing with Mu Qingyan. After all, there are countless barriers between him and Zhaozao. However, Zhou Yuqin… He’s a disciple of Beichen. I absolutely can’t openly or secretly harm him.”

He knew some details about Zhou Yuqin and Min Xinrou’s relationship, but taking advantage of someone’s private affairs went against his upright and proud nature.

To his surprise, Pang Xiongxin smiled. “That’s the right way to think, young master! The best thing for you to do now is to do nothing at all.”

Song Yuzhi, being incredibly intelligent, immediately grasped the hidden meaning in those few words. “Uncle Six, you mean I should do nothing and let Mu Qingyan take action?”

Pang Xiongxin stroked his beard and nodded. “Exactly. The way Young Master Zhou and Miss Zhao interacted today not only upset you but surely the Demonic Sect Leader couldn’t stand it either. So, young master, you don’t need to do anything. Just wait for the Demonic Sect Leader to deal with Young Master Zhou.”

Song Yuzhi’s eyes darkened.

Pang Xiongxin continued, “Moreover, Miss Cai has been engaged to Zhou Yuqin since childhood, and they get along well. If that Mu fellow deals with Zhou Yuqin and ruins this engagement, regardless of the outcome, Cai Zhao will surely despise him deeply. That’s when you can reap the benefits, young master.”

“Very well,” Song Yuzhi said solemnly. “Zhou Yuqin and I both belong to the Beichen Six Sects. Now that I know Mu Qingyan intends to harm Zhou Yuqin, I can’t stand idly by.”

Pang Xiongxin laughed softly and lowered his voice. “Young master, you’re overthinking it. That Demonic Sect Leader is much sharper than you. Since he has designs on Miss Cai, he’ll harm Zhou Yuqin, but do you think Miss Cai will let it go so easily? I believe the Demonic Sect Leader will take a different, more underhanded approach. For instance, that Miss Min from Peiqiong Manor…” He had visited Peiqiong Manor several times and had seen Min Xinrou.

“Ruining a young lady’s reputation is not something we should do!” Song Yuzhi’s gaze was clear and unyielding.

Pang Xiongxin sighed repeatedly. “Ah the sect leader was right. We sent you to Jiuli Mountain too early, and Patriarch Qi has raised you to be so inflexible. Who knows where Miss Min is now? Given that demonic creature’s temperament, do you think he’d wait until he captures her to act?”

“I reckon this unsavory idea will ultimately play out in some brothel. Surely the young master needn’t worry about a brothel courtesan’s reputation? Besides, it would also test Young Master Zhou’s resolve and ensure Miss Cai doesn’t marry the wrong person.”

Song Yuzhi’s gaze became somewhat ambiguous.

“Where’s the largest and most expensive brothel in Wuan City? Do they have a top courtesan?”

In the flickering candlelight, Mu Qingyan looked stunningly beautiful, his clear eyes sparkling. However, You Guanyue and Shangguan Haonan both shuddered slightly.

“Find the most beautiful and skilled one. We’ll set a trap for that Zhou fellow,” Mu Qingyan said, his thin, light-red lips curling into a sinister smile.

“Master, you absolutely must not do this!” Shangguan Haonan glared contemptuously at You Guanyue, who was hiding behind him, then stepped forward to offer loyal advice. “Miss Cai and Zhou have been engaged since childhood. Even if Zhou’s moral cultivation is shallow and he fails to resist temptation, Miss Cai will surely despise you if she finds out about your involvement.”

You Guanyue quickly agreed, “Yes, yes! The current situation is a three-way standoff. Whichever two sides make a move first, the third can reap the benefits. Master, small impatience ruins grand schemes!”

“It’s best to let Song Yuzhi make the first move. We can help things along – Little Moon has plenty of ‘Heart-Confusing Powder’ and ‘Spring Begonia’ concoctions. After it’s done, we’ll expose him, and Miss Cai will surely detest Song Yuzhi completely.”

“Exactly! Watching Miss Cai being affectionate with her fiancé must have filled Song Yuzhi with hatred.”

“All of you, shut up!” Mu Qingyan slammed the table, instantly silencing Shangguan Haonan and You Guanyue.

Mu Qingyan was still furious about Cai Zhao and Zhou Yuqin’s intimate behavior earlier that day. The memory made his blood boil, and he wanted nothing more than to sneak over at night and snap that little Zhou chick’s neck in one swift motion.

“Do you think I haven’t considered what you’ve said?” he said coldly. “If we wait for Song Yuzhi to act, hmpf, that hypocritical false gentleman is waiting for me to make the first move! If I let him act first, then what? Wait for Zhaozao to marry Zhou Yuqin, consummate their marriage, and have children?”

“But Master, if you act first, Miss Cai will surely despise you deeply. Why let her despise Song Yuzhi instead?” You Guanyue was nearly moved to tears by his loyalty.

Unexpectedly, Mu Qingyan countered, “Why should I care if Zhaozao deeply despises Song Yuzhi?”

Shangguan Haonan was taken aback.

“If Zhaozao doesn’t like me the most if that’s the case, I’d rather she hate me deeply and forget me for life. What does Song Yuzhi amount to? At best, he’d be a nameless extra in Zhaozao’s memories, not even worth remembering. How much space does he think he can occupy?!” Mu Qingyan’s face was full of fury, his gaze dark and piercing, his aura intimidating.

Shangguan Haonan finally understood, “Master is right. Girls can be strange sometimes – a tumultuous relationship of love and hate is more memorable than a shallow connection.”

You Guanyue didn’t fully grasp it, but that didn’t stop him from showing his loyalty: “Master’s wisdom is unparalleled. Master speaks the truth.”

Mu Qingyan’s anger subsided slightly.

“But…” Shangguan Haonan hesitated, “Are we going to use that brothel method? I don’t think Miss Cai would be happy about it. Isn’t there a more subtle approach?”

You Guanyue touched his medicine pouch, “If we use drugs, even if Zhou Yuqin resists, Miss Zhaozao might still think he was pitifully tricked.”

Feeling frustrated, Mu Qingyan said, “Let me think this through again.”

He looked up at the ceiling. “First, Zhou Yuqin’s character should be without major flaws. Zhaozao is very perceptive. If Zhou Yuqin had character flaws, she wouldn’t have tolerated this engagement, nor would she have tolerated me when my identity was unclear…”

Shangguan Haonan thought to himself, the fact that the young lady was deceived by you for so long, Master, shows how good her judgment is.

Mu Qingyan’s gaze grew distant, a faint smile appearing at the corner of his mouth. “Zhaozao judges people not by their sect or background, but by their nature and behavior. Yet despite Song Yuzhi’s great reputation, looks, and cultivation, Zhaozao has always been indifferent to him. This is precisely because Song Yuzhi is too calculating and insincere.”

You Guanyue silently mused that it was because Song Yuzhi had an engagement, and Cai Zhao was being cautious.

“Secondly, Zhaozao doesn’t seem to have deep feelings for Zhou Yuqin and often complains about his closeness to his cousin Min,” Mu Qingyan furrowed his brow. “But if Cousin Min is in the picture, why is Zhou Yuqin so attentive to Zhaozao?”

“Could it be that Zhou wants to have both?” Shangguan Haonan blurted out.

You Guanyue immediately scolded him, “He can dream on! Miss Cai would tear him apart!”

Shangguan Haonan replied, “It’s hard to say. Maybe he wants to eat the fish first and slowly swallow the bear paw later.”

“Miss Zhaozao is the fish, but she can walk and move. If Zhou dares to change his mind, Miss Zhaozao would turn on him even if she married him!” You Guanyue argued.

Mu Qingyan’s eyes lit up at the phrase “turn on him after marriage,” but then darkened at the thought of Cai Zhao in wedding attire marrying someone else. He’d rather turn the wedding hall into a funeral hall.

Seeing their superior’s expression change rapidly from joy to malice, Shangguan Haonan and You Guanyue dared not speak.

After a long silence, they cautiously asked together, “What should we do? Please give us your orders, Master.”

Mu Qingyan thought for a moment. “Let’s put the brothel idea aside for now. Don’t find a courtesan yet. In matters of marriage, it’s best to attack the heart. Isn’t there a market fair in Wuan City soon?”

You Guanyue nodded vigorously.

“Good, then let’s make arrangements like this…”

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