Volume Four – Fiery Abyss Chapter 69

The atmosphere was peculiar like a boiling iron pot suddenly covered with a lid. The water still simmered, but the bubbles couldn’t escape, trapped inside to simmer quietly.

After half a day of intense fighting, Cai Zhao was exhausted. Finally seeing his intended target, he failed to notice any unusual expressions and greeted him enthusiastically: “At last, I’ve found you! I thought I’d have to turn the Youming Huangdao upside down to find you. Dressed like that, I almost didn’t recognize you.”

Song Yuzhi, upon seeing him, bowed formally: “It’s been a while. I’m glad to see your demeanor remains as impressive as ever.”

Since his unsettling dream the previous night, Mu Qingyan had been gloomy since waking. However, it was his lifelong habit to appear increasingly proud and calm the deeper his troubles, never letting anyone see through him.

As his emotions churned, his gaze shifted between Cai Zhao and Song Yuzhi, alternating between joy and disgust. After a long silence, he coldly turned and left without a word.

“Hey, wait up!” Cai Zhao hurriedly chased after him, leaving behind a room full of people with varying expressions.

Lian Shisan immediately asked for instructions: “What should we do with the remaining people?” Many warriors in the Bai Tiger Palace had yet to surrender, and they were now shrinking back, planning to escape.

You Guanyue abruptly cut off his inquiry. “Shut up! Let those who want to flee go! Just deal with the stubborn resisters!” This fool couldn’t read the room! Asking Mu Qingyan now would surely result in a ‘kill them all’ order.

Then, turning to Song Yuzhi with his chin raised, adopting the stance of a servant catching an adulterer, he asked, “May I know how to address you, sir?”

Mu Qingyan strode forward quickly. Cai Zhao, fumbling to sheathe his sword, leaped to catch up and grabbed the gold-black robe sleeve. “What do you mean? I came all this way to see you. Stop right there!”

Mu Qingyan halted and turned, his pitch-black eyes cold: “Why are you here?”

“To find you, of course!” Cai Zhao replied, bewildered. “Did you think I came to challenge the entire Demon Sect single-handedly?”

Mu Qingyan sneered, “Not alone, it seems. Isn’t Young Master Song traveling with you?”

“I’ve never traveled far alone and don’t know the jianghu customs. I didn’t even know which way Youming Huangdao opened! The third Senior Brother has jianghu experience and plenty of money. Since he had business with you too, of course, I came with him!” Cai Zhao found this man utterly unreasonable.

Mu Qingyan, who couldn’t stand hearing praise for Song Yuzhi, spat venomously, “Uncle Cheng trained you for half a month at the Bamboo Grove Hermitage. If you wanted to find me, why didn’t you ask him? Why did you need Song to show off?”

Cai Zhao was stunned. “What? Uncle Cheng trained me for half a month. You already knew I was coming?”

Mu Qingyan snorted, “I wouldn’t dare to hope!” He flicked his long sleeve and strode away.

Even Cai Zhao’s good temper had limits. “Fine, fine! I was worried you were isolated and helpless, fearing Nie Zhe might capture and roast you alive! But now I see the great Young Master Mu has impressive skills and many followers. My concerns were unnecessary! Very well, I’ll leave now!” With that, he turned and began walking away.

Before he could take more than a few steps, the gold-black robe fluttered as Mu Qingyan appeared in front of him. “Where are you going?”

Cai Zhao shouted, “Where else? Back home! I may not know how I got in, but I know how to get out. Move aside!”

“What do you know! You’d get lost walking from one end of a town to the other. You’ll end up wandering and get caught by Nie Zhe!” Mu Qingyan’s words were particularly cutting.

Cai Zhao was exasperated. “I may not know the way, but Third Senior Brother does. No need for Young Master Mu to worry!”

Mu Qingyan firmly gripped her arm, his four pale, slender fingers sinking into her sleeve. Cai Zhao snapped, “Let go!”


“Don’t make me chop off that dog paw of yours!”

Mu Qingyan placed his other hand on her pulse, noting her exhaustion. “You’re tired and hungry. I fear you’ll collapse on the way.”

The fatigue Cai Zhao had accumulated over the past few days surfaced, and she felt increasingly wronged. Angrily, she began to vent: “It’s all your fault! I couldn’t bear the thought of you out here alone and vulnerable. I know your father died young and the Mu family has fallen from grace, but I couldn’t let you struggle alone. That’s why I rushed here, stumbling all the way.”

“I’ve never traveled this far alone. The closer I got to the Hanhai Mountain Range, the stronger the Demon Sect’s influence became. Even the wonton shops might be run by them! I was terrified, barely sleeping or eating, and constantly on edge as I snuck into Youming Huangdao. When I finally saw you, I was overjoyed, yet you treated me with such coldness! My eagerness was misplaced. I’m done here!” As she spoke, she nearly broke into tears.

Mu Qingyan listened silently, his pale face gradually flushing. The cold, rotten atmosphere of the dilapidated house slowly dissipated as slanting sunlight streamed in—reminiscent of his favorite childhood moments.

Unconsciously, he tightened his grip. Cai Zhao cried out in pain, “Are you trying to crush me?”

Mu Qingyan released her hand, opting instead to hold her sleeve. Lowering his head, he led the way, saying, “Come on, let’s eat first.”

You Guanyue, peering from the window, was frustrated. “What’s happening? Did they argue and make up?” Unfortunately, he was too far away to hear anything.

Lian Shisan, having dealt with the Bai Tiger Palace remnants, approached and said, “Some have surrendered and revealed information about secret passages to the treasury. I’m not suited for this task, so you should handle it.”

You Guanyue turned eagerly and asked, “Who is this young lady? Have you seen her before? Is she the young master’s lover?”

“That’s none of your business. The young master will tell us when he’s ready. Don’t make wild guesses,” Lian Shisan frowned.

You Guanyue felt his colleague lacked ambition: “As subordinates, we should anticipate our master’s thoughts and concerns. How can you be a trusted aide if you’re so clueless?”

Lian Shisan asked, “Why should I be a trusted aide? What’s the point?”

You Guanyue was stunned, finally replying, “When the young master reclaims the Sect Leader position, his trusted aides will be second only to him and above all others.”

Lian Shisan pondered, “I’m already second only to the young master. Being above others doesn’t matter much.”

You Guanyue pressed, “If that doesn’t matter, what does?”

Lian Shisan answered, “Uncle Cheng said once the young master completes his great task, he’ll take me back to the countryside to arrange a marriage.”

Before You Guanyue could scoff, Lian Shisan continued, “Isn’t your maid called Xing’er? She seems capable and quiet, which won’t interfere with my sword practice. I might as well marry her. You don’t mind, do you, Altar Master, You?”

You Guanyue were shocked. Forcing a smile, he put an arm around Lian Shisan’s shoulder, adopting a fawning expression. “Brother Thirteen, you’re young and promising with a bright future ahead. Why limit yourself so early? As they say, ‘beautiful companions and fleeting years.’ When the young master achieves greatness and you rise to power, you’ll find beautiful and virtuous women everywhere. Why settle for a mere maid…”

After dealing with the Bai Tiger Palace aftermath, appointing Wang Tianfeng to inventory the treasury, and personally ensuring Young Master Song’s comfortable accommodation, You Guanyue returned exhausted but still diligently inquired about the master’s situation.

The maid Xing’er reported, “Water was heated for bathing, and the kitchen prepared a feast with seven dishes, soup, and two desserts. The kitchen staff was busy for nearly an hour.”

You Guanyue instructed, “This young lady seems important. Serve her well, and help her with hair and dressing. Don’t let her do things herself. The key to good service is in the details, subtle and imperceptible.”

Xing’er obediently agreed, “Understood. The young lady is still bathing. I’ll attend to her shortly.”

You Guanyue asked about Mu Qingyan: “Where’s the young master? I need to report today’s post-battle situation.”

Xing’er replied, “Oh, the young master is in the young lady’s room.”

You Guanyue nodded and was about to leave when something seemed amiss. “Wait, what did you say the young lady was doing?”

“The young master told her to eat first, then bathe. So she’s still bathing.”

“And where is the young master?”

“In the young lady’s room.”

You Guanyue’s mind raced with indescribable thoughts. He sat back down and said, “Xing’er, let’s have dinner first.”

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