Volume Four – Fiery Abyss Chapter 70

In an exquisite and cozy bedroom, steam rose from the inner chamber while the outer hall remained clean and dry. A magnificent three-panel screen adorned with cloud patterns separated the two rooms.

Cai Zhao, dozing off in the bathtub, sighed contentedly, “Why do you always insist on sitting outside when I bathe? What about my reputation?”

Mu Qing’an, seated at a table and fiddling with an ink-patterned porcelain teacup, replied, “Miss Feng Zhao’s reputation has nothing to do with you, Cai the female warrior.”

Cai Zhao sat up straight. “Oh, so I’m Feng Zhao now. What about Feng Han?”

“Feng Han is buried in the snowy mountains,” Mu Qing’an responded.

“Then what about Third Senior Brother? He’s from the Northern Chen Six Sects. It’s not appropriate for him to stay at the Demonic Cult’s headquarters, is it?” Cai Zhao pondered.

Mu Qing’an’s hand paused as he slowly put down the teacup. “Let’s call him Feng San. You can address him as Third Brother to avoid slipping up when calling him Third Senior Brother.”

Cai Zhao nearly slipped in the bathtub. “Feng San sounds awful. Hmm, his maternal grandfather is the old sect leader Yin Dai, and his mother is the Blue Lotus Lady. Let’s call him Dai Qingyu.”

“Hmph, not a bad name,” Mu Qing’an grumbled, his teeth on edge.

Cai Zhao’s heart skipped a beat. Quickly changing the subject, she asked, “By the way, you mentioned your mother is in this residence. What do you plan to do?”

“Nothing,” Mu Qing’an replied, aware of the girl’s attempt to change topics but not calling her out on it. “I promised my father I’d look after her in her old age, so that’s what I’ll do. Once we deal with Nie Zhe and his faction, I’ll find her a clean, comfortable place to live. She’ll have food, drink, and servants, but Madam Sun won’t be able to throw her weight around as the Cult Leader’s mother anymore.”

A son referring to his mother as “Madam X” was a story in itself.

Cai Zhao sighed softly. “When a mother is unkind, the child becomes unfilial. It’s the way of the world, and there will be retribution. Your mother ignored you for over a decade, so this outcome is fitting.”

Mu Qing’an balanced the teacup on his fingertip, spinning it in circles. “I can’t say she completely ignored me. At first, Nie Zhe treated her well, but as his love faded, he became close to his first wife, Madam Li Ruxin, again. It’s understandable; Nie Zhe was getting older, and Madam Li’s only son was his sole heir. For Nie Si’en’s sake, he had to treat his first wife better.”

His voice dripped with sarcasm as he continued, “So our clever Madam Sun thought of me again. She started sending me gifts every holiday and festival. After coming full circle, she realized men couldn’t be relied upon and remembered her son.”

“How could she… have the audacity?” Cai Zhao struggled to imagine it.

Mu Qing’an looked towards the screen. “She claimed she had no choice, that she pretended to ignore me to keep me alive, hoping Nie Zhe would let his guard down.”

Cai Zhao exclaimed, “Is that true?”

“It’s all lies, not a single word of truth,” Mu Qing’an laughed. “My uncle was in Huanglaofeng in the northern Hanhai mountain range. Even if she didn’t want to look after me herself, she could have sent a message to Nie Hengcheng or spread some rumors. With my uncle’s martial arts skills, taking me from the chaotic Jile Palace would have been easy. She truly forgot she had a son, focused solely on rekindling her romance with Nie Zhe and continuing her life of luxury.”

Cai Zhao, surrounded by generous and straightforward female elders like Cai Pingshu and the pure-hearted Ning Feng, couldn’t fathom such selfishness and cowardice. She shook her head, speechless.

Mu Qing’an continued, “Four years after my father passed away, I left Huanglaofeng and got involved in cult affairs. When someone tried to persuade me to reconcile with Madam Sun, I sent him to reconcile with the King of Hell instead.”

Cai Zhao stared at the ceiling pensively. “If I say she deserves it, does that make me unworthy of being from a righteous sect?”

“You already seem like a Demonic Cult spy infiltrating the Northern Chen Six Sects,” Mu Qing’an said, suppressing a smile. “In any case, you should treat me better and stop annoying me all the time!”

“When have I ever annoyed you?” Cai Zhao felt wronged. “As I said, my aunt told me that most fathers are heartless while mothers endure hardships. Your case is rare.”

Her thoughts drifted, and she added, “Actually, Third Senior Brother hasn’t had it easy either. He was sent to the Qingque Sect as a child, and his mother, the Blue Lotus Lady, passed away before he was ten. It’s quite pitiful.”

Mu Qing’an slammed his hand on the table. “How can you compare losing a mother early to having a mother with a wolf’s heart and a dog’s lungs? Why do you keep talking about Song Yuzhi’s suffering?”

Cai Zhao splashed the water forcefully. “When you took his Snow Lotus Pill, you said you owed him a favor. Now that he’s here to collect, you act like this. You’re the one annoying me!”

Furious, Mu Qing’an stood up and swept his sleeve, causing the jade screen to collapse with a clatter.

Cai Zhao quickly sank into the water. “What are you doing?!”

Mu Qing’an stood by the bathtub, straight as a jade mountain, his eyes cold. Gone was his earlier warmth and humor.

He said, “Let me make this clear. I was overjoyed when you traveled so far to find me—happier than if I had killed Nie Zhe. But I’m not happy that you came with Song Yuzhi! I owe him a favor, and I’ll repay it whenever he asks, but I won’t stand for you bringing it up!”

Although Cai Zhao was used to his mercurial moods, his sudden change still frightened her. She shrank into the water, not daring to speak.

Mu Qing’an glared at the girl, his words growing sharper. “I’ve seen plenty of people act like scoundrels and try to fool me, but they’re all dead now! If you have feelings for Song Yuzhi, then just leave me to my fate. Don’t care one moment and try to distance yourself the next. If you think you can have it both ways, I’ll…”

Despite feeling wronged, Cai Zhao couldn’t help but ask curiously, “You’ll what?”

“I’ll kill myself!” he declared.

“Really?!” Cai Zhao almost wanted to laugh.

Mu Qing’an raised an eyebrow and snarled, “And take you with me!”

Cai Zhao ducked underwater in response to his shout.

The door was flung open and slammed shut. Mu Qing’an stormed out, his face dark with anger. You Guanyue and his servant were waiting about twenty paces away at the stairs. Mu Qing’an asked harshly, “What are you doing here?”

You Guanyue smiled ingratiatingly. “This is just a temporary place for planning our attack, and it’s quite basic. Miss Feng must be tired from her journey, so I thought of sending Xinger to help her freshen up.”

Mu Qing’an’s tone softened. “That’s thoughtful of you. Go on, or she’ll turn into a prune if she soaks any longer!”

You Guanyue gave Xinger a gentle push, and she scurried past, head lowered.

As Xinger disappeared through the door, Mu Qing’an paused. “Where’s that Dai Qingyu fellow who came with Zhao Zhao?”

You Guanyue reported, “Oh, him. The young master Dai never mentioned his name. Seeing how tired he was, I arranged for him to stay in the side wing’s main room. We provided hot water, food, clean clothes, and had the old servant change the bedding and set up a charcoal brazier…”

Mu Qing’an glanced at him sideways. “This Dai Qingyu’s background is unclear, and you’ve never met him before. Why are you being so attentive? Don’t tell me you’ve taken a liking to this handsome young man?”

You Guanyue nearly choked on his saliva, waving his hands frantically. “No, no, absolutely not! Young Lord, please don’t misunderstand. I don’t have Xiong Qianjin’s vile habits!”

“Then why?” Mu Qing’an pressed.

Finally, it was You Guanyue’s moment to showcase his astounding talents. He took a deep breath and began, “Young Lord, Dai Qingyu’s background doesn’t matter. What’s important is that Miss Feng seems to care for him…”

Seeing his master’s face darken again, he quickly added, “Of course, this bit of ‘care’ can’t compare to the deep bond between you and Miss Feng.”

Mu Qing’an raised an eyebrow skeptically. “Oh? How did you deduce that?”

You Guanyue feigned surprise. “Isn’t it obvious to everyone? Miss Feng may be skilled in martial arts, but she’s a sheltered young lady unfamiliar with the jianghu. At her age, with little experience, she traveled thousands of miles out of concern for your safety, Young Lord. She plunged into the treacherous Hanhai Mountains—even an outsider like me finds it touching. If this isn’t a deep bond, what is?”

Mu Qing’an’s expression softened, though he argued, “That’s not necessarily true. Dai Qingyu and Zhao Zhao are fellow disciples, after all.” He thought to himself, “Though they have been through life and death situations together.”

He started down the stairs.

You Guanyue followed closely. “That’s precisely why we must treat Young Master Dai well. Think about it, Young Lord. If Dai suffers poor treatment, Miss Feng will pity him. Once she pities him, she’ll resent you. Resenting you will bring her closer to Dai, and if they become closer…”

“Enough,” Mu Qing’an interrupted irritably. “Stop this nonsense. It’s not that complicated.”

You Guanyue drawled, “Young Lord, haven’t you heard the saying ‘pity breeds love’?”

Mu Qing’an’s heart skipped a beat, but his expression remained unchanged. “You have too much free time,” he said, then strode away.

As You Guanyue watched Mu Qing’an walk towards the side wing, he heard a door open. The freshly bathed young lady appeared, looking refreshingly lovely, though her expression was less than friendly.

You Guanyue approached with a broad smile and bowed. “Greetings, Miss Feng. Was Xinger’s service satisfactory?”

Cai Zhao mumbled, “Xinger was very attentive and thoughtful. She did well.”

“If that’s the case, why do you look so angry, Miss Feng? If Xinger didn’t serve you properly, please don’t cover for her. Tell me, and I’ll make sure she’s punished accordingly!” You Guanyue said with concern.

Cai Zhao snapped, “I said Xinger served me well. Don’t make assumptions! I’m upset because of your Young Lord Mu. He called me a slut!”

You Guanyue were genuinely shocked this time. “The Young Lord was so discourteous to you?!”

Cai Zhao reconsidered. “Well, he didn’t directly call me a slut. He said he’s seen plenty of slutty behavior, then berated me. Isn’t that just a roundabout way of calling me a slut? I’ve had enough. I’m leaving!”

“No, no, no! Please calm down, Miss Feng. Let me explain,” You Guanyue pleaded, waving his hands. “Our Young Lord has had it tough. Madam Sun… ah…” His eyes reddened as he spoke.

Cai Zhao was startled by his sudden tears. “Hey, don’t cry. I… I’ve already heard about Madam Sun.”

You Guanyue heaved a long sigh. “They say there are no bad parents in this world, but Madam Sun truly crossed the line. In those years, seeing Nie Zhe increasingly favoring his only son while she remained childless, she actually… she…”

“Come on, spit it out. Don’t leave me hanging,” Cai Zhao urged.

You Guanyue carefully controlled his emotions. “Madam Sun claimed the Young Lord was Nie Zhe’s flesh and blood! It’s outrageous, completely trampling on the Young Lord’s father’s honor!”

Cai Zhao was stunned. “That’s even worse than what you’d read in novels…”

“Fortunately, as the Young Lord grew older, he looked more and more like his birth father. By the time he was ten, they were like two peas in a pod, which finally put those rumors to rest,” You Guanyue said, pounding his chest as if he were the one who had nearly been cuckolded.

Cai Zhao murmured, “No wonder he said ‘that elder’ was selfish, despicable, and contemptible. I can’t believe this happened. Didn’t Madam Sun consider how a child that young would feel, facing such rumors and uncertainty?”

To put it more bluntly, even if Mu Qing’an were truly Nie Zhe’s son, Nie Zhe already had a legitimate heir. What status could Mu Qing’an, a bastard of unclear lineage, possibly have?

Sun Ruoshui was truly a selfish woman who cared for no one but herself.

“What’s your name?” Cai Zhao suddenly asked.

You Guanyue started, then quickly replied, “This lowly one’s surname is You, given name Guanyue.”

“Alright, You Guanyue, next time you want to say something, just say it. Don’t force those tears—they’re too fake. It makes me dizzy,” Cai Zhao said.

You Guanyue’s jaw dropped. “This… this… Miss Feng, you misunderstand. I… I…”

Cai Zhao smiled. “Stop stuttering. I grew up watching operas. I can tell real tears from fake ones with my eyes closed.”

She continued, “However, I believe what you just told me is true. You wouldn’t dare make up stories about Young Lord Mu.”

You Guanyue’s briefly raised hopes deflated again.

Cai Zhao asked, “Now, tell me where your Young Lord went.”

You Guanyue, not daring to slight the young lady, quickly replied, “Though the Young Lord didn’t say, I suspect he went to see your senior brother, Young Master Dai.”

“Excellent. Show me the way.”

When Cai Zhao pushed open the door, Mu Qing’an had just finished listening to Song Yuzhi’s conjectures about the Purple Jade Golden Mallow.

He had changed his demeanor once again, now appearing refined and courteous, like a gracious host—though his smile was painfully fake to Cai Zhao’s eyes, even if no one else could tell.

“Well, look who’s here. Zhao Zhao, are you afraid I’ll eat your Third Senior Brother?” Mu Qing’an’s smile turned cold.

Ignoring the madman, Cai Zhao sat down at the table. “Third Senior Brother, have you told him everything about the Purple Jade Golden Mallow?”

Song Yuzhi nodded. “I have. Young Lord Mu was just asking about its uses.”

Being upright and honest by nature, he explained frankly, “Actually, dispelling the Netherworld Chill isn’t that difficult. One can use the most yang and unyielding inner force to impact the meridians and expel the cold poison left by the Netherworld Chill. The challenge lies in controlling the degree of force.”

“My uncle perished because of this. He asked several family elders with profound inner force to simultaneously clear his meridians. While they dispelled the Netherworld Chill’s cold poison, his dantian became overheated, with multiple conflicting inner forces. Despite his best efforts to suppress it, my uncle couldn’t control it and died from qigong deviation.”

“After carefully studying ancient texts, I discovered that the Purple Jade Golden Mallow could resolve this crisis. It can expel the Netherworld Chill while gradually guiding excess true qi out of the dantian, avoiding harm. If I’m not mistaken, this is how Lady Cai Pingshu treated Shi Second Hero years ago.”

Cai Zhao worried, “That may be true, Third Senior Brother, but it’s still just a theory. We don’t know if it will work.”

“We’ll find out when we try,” Mu Qing’an raised an eyebrow. “But that will have to wait until we eliminate Nie Zhe. He still occupies Jile Palace, so I can’t retrieve the Purple Jade Golden Mallow.”

“In that case, if Young Lord Mu doesn’t mind, I’m willing to lend a hand in driving out Nie Zhe as soon as possible,” Song Yuzhi cupped his hands.

Mu Qing’an chuckled, his heart full of schemes. “I thought the Northern Chen Six Sects would prefer Nie Zhe to remain as Cult Leader. With such a weakling in charge, the Six Sects have enjoyed peace and expanded their influence over the past decade or so. What’s this, Young Master Song? Are you willing to disregard the bigger picture just to restore your inner force?”

Cai Zhao lowered her head and bit her lip, resisting the urge to defend Song Yuzhi to avoid angering the madman further.

Unexpectedly, Song Yuzhi showed no embarrassment. Instead, he explained earnestly, “As Young Lord Mu said, not only the Northern Chen Six Sects but also other righteous factions in the martial arts world would prefer Nie Zhe to continue as the Demonic Cult’s leader. I felt the same way. However, since entering the Hanhai Mountains, the sights along the way have been unbearably tragic.”

“Years ago, Nie Hengcheng slaughtered countless martial arts experts to cultivate his demonic skills, casually turning their corpses into puppet slaves. Though his actions were brutal, he at least used dead bodies. Moreover, a puppet slave would only last about a year before rotting away into the mud, so Nie Hengcheng didn’t see much use for them.”

“Who would have thought that under Nie Zhe, things would be different? Lacking in both ability and virtue, he doesn’t dare use capable individuals. To maintain his position, he’s been turning large numbers of living people into puppet slaves for his use. Afraid to provoke sects outside his cult, he preys on his followers. It’s utterly vicious and despicable, incurring the wrath of both gods and men. Such a villain must be eliminated.”

“The Northern Chen Six Sects cannot allow innocent people to suffer for the sake of our peace—even if they are the people of the Hanhai Mountains. When I return, I’ll report the situation here to my elders. I believe my master and the other seniors will approve of my actions.”

Though spoken calmly, his words carried great weight.

“Third Senior Brother, you’re right!” Cai Zhao’s eyes shone with admiration. “However, maybe we should discuss how to report this to the elders…”

Mu Qing’an felt a surge of jealousy but kept his face impassive. “What if Nie Zhe hasn’t been creating puppet slaves? If it were me, a new Cult Leader with unpredictable moods, would Young Master Song still be willing to lend a hand?”

Song Yuzhi replied solemnly, “I would rather lose all my martial arts skills and spend the rest of my life farming and studying in the countryside.”

“Third Senior Brother!” Cai Zhao was deeply moved, her admiration evident. “Come to our Luo Ying Valley! It’s like spring all year round, perfect for a quiet life of farming and studying!”

Mu Qing’an’s brow darkened. “What are you talking about? He’s engaged. It’s not your place to arrange his retirement!”

After snapping at the girl, he turned back with a fake smile. “By the way, I’m quite surprised that Young Master Song hasn’t broken off his engagement yet. I heard that since you were afflicted with the Netherworld Chill, Miss Qi has been increasingly cold towards you, instead spending time with Young Master Dai.”

“I know all about it,” Song Yuzhi said frankly. “Lingbo isn’t just my junior sister; she’s also my cousin. Even if we can’t be husband and wife, I don’t want her to bear the stigma of ‘breaking off the engagement when I was in trouble.’ When I recover, I’ll inform my master and end the engagement. I’ll take the blame for breaking the promise myself.”

“Third Senior Brother is truly a gentleman,” Cai Zhao admired him even more.

Mu Qing’an frowned. “I think Young Master Song should end the engagement sooner rather than later…”

“What business is it of yours when he decides to end his engagement?” Cai Zhao couldn’t hold back any longer.

Mu Qing’an retorted, “You don’t need to defend him so fiercely. Since Young Master Song is both experienced in the jianghu and wealthy, how come you looked half-starved when you arrived, as if you’d joined the Beggar’s Sect?”

Cai Zhao desperately defended herself: “The Hanhai Mountains are barren! Even with money, there’s nowhere to buy food!”

“It was my oversight that caused Junior Sister Zhao Zhao to suffer,” Song Yuzhi apologized, his head held high and gaze direct, the picture of integrity.

As Mu Qing’an was about to speak again, Cai Zhao quickly interrupted, “Third Senior Brother needs rest for his old injury. Let’s take our leave!” She hurriedly dragged him out of the room, not forgetting to close the door for Song Yuzhi on their way out.

After they had walked twenty or thirty paces, tugging and pulling at each other, Mu Qing’an angrily shook his sleeve free and stopped. “Why did you drag me out? Afraid I’d anger Song Yuzhi to death?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I was afraid he’d anger you to death!” Cai Zhao put her hands on her hips. “Third Senior Brother is single-minded and upright. Nothing you say can faze him, but you’ll only end up frustrating yourself. What’s the point?”

Mu Qing’an laughed coldly. “Fine, fine. He’s single-minded and upright, while I’m mercurial, temperamental, and prone to madness. Why don’t you and your like-minded Third Senior Brother leave soon, Lady Cai? Once I take over Jile Palace’s treasury, I’ll send you the Purple Jade Golden Mallow. This place is too filthy to keep you here!”

Trembling with anger, Cai Zhao grabbed a nearby vase and hurled it at Mu Qing’an’s back. “You bastard! Fine, we’ll leave!”

Mu Qing’an’s inner force burst forth, shattering the vase. He turned and reached out to Cai Zhao with an invisible grasp. “You’re not allowed to leave!”

Cai Zhao felt as if an iron claw had seized her waist, pulling her back several steps. She countered with a palm strike. Mu Qing’an quickly closed the distance between them, attempting to twist her right arm. Knowing his inner force far surpassed hers, Cai Zhao swayed like a delicate flower, using his grappling momentum to flip over his back.

Mu Qing’an couldn’t help but praise her, “What an elegant move.” Without turning, he bent one knee, lowered his head, and used his left hand to grip Cai Zhao’s left wrist while his right hand seized her right arm, firmly pinning her to his back and shoulders.

Cai Zhao’s feet left the ground as if Mu Qing’an was giving her a piggyback ride. Their faces were close enough to feel each other’s breath. Even in this position, she had other techniques at her disposal. However, faced with the young man’s long, slender neck and his clear, clean Adam’s apple, which moved slightly, she felt a surge of anger and impulsively bit down.

Mu Qing’an shuddered and immediately released her, stepping back.

Song Yuzhi burst through the door. “What happened? Are you two alright?” He looked confused at the pair standing a short distance apart—

One was covering the side of his neck, his handsome face slightly flushed, his eyes shimmering. The other looked like a pink dumpling just pulled from a soup pot, her cheeks reddened as if steamed. They stood facing each other, glaring with mild anger.

“It’s nothing,” Cai Zhao spoke first. “I accidentally broke a vase earlier. Third Senior Brother, please go rest!” With that, she turned and ran, as if she had just committed a crime.

Mu Qing’an silently chased after her.

They ran one after the other until they reached a quiet, secluded corner.

Cai Zhao suddenly stopped and turned around.

Mu Qing’an halted as well.

After catching her breath, Cai Zhao said, “You heard that Third Senior Brother hasn’t broken off his engagement. Why are you upset about that?”

Mu Qing’an stood silently, his attitude proud to the point of stubbornness.

“You’re worried about me,” Cai Zhao’s tone softened. “The world is always harsher on women. With Third Senior Brother engaged, if people knew we traveled together, I’d be the one facing criticism. ‘Youthful indiscretion’ would be the kindest interpretation. Worse accusations like ‘shamelessly seducing her senior sister’s fiancé’ would surely follow.”

The girl smiled gently, pure and flawless like the morning sun. “But you don’t need to worry. The third Senior Brother and I left in different directions, and we disguised ourselves along the way. No one knows.”

Anger flickered in Mu Qing’an’s eyes. “Song cares about Qi Lingbo’s reputation but not yours. You know all this, yet you can still smile!”

Cai Zhao sighed. “To be honest, Third Senior Brother is quite dense. He understands big principles that everyone agrees on, but when it comes to some social nuances, it takes him a while to catch on.”

“He and Lingbo Senior Sister have been childhood sweethearts for over a decade, so naturally, he remembers to protect her. As for me, well, it’ll probably take him some time to realize. I’ve thought it through. After this is over, I’ll travel for a while, letting Third Senior Brother return to handle his engagement. After a year or so, I can go back to Qingque Sect.”

Mu Qing’an sneered, “You’re very lenient with him!”

“Yes,” Cai Zhao replied. “We’ve been fellow disciples for just a few years. After this, we’ll go our separate ways. Why not be kind?”

Mu Qing’an’s breathing eased, his brow relaxing slightly.

Cai Zhao continued, “Third Senior Brother is accomplished in both literature and martial arts. He acts with integrity, never loses his temper without reason, doesn’t suspect others groundlessly, and certainly doesn’t go mad at the drop of a hat! But—”

“But he doesn’t know that I can’t stand dried rations. I haven’t had a proper meal since we neared the Hanhai Mountains.”

“When I said I wanted to kill the evil Tiger Altar Master, Third Senior Brother let me go just because he had seen Liao Tu’s skills. He didn’t know Liao Tu had recently hired two expert fighters. I had to face three opponents alone and barely managed to win.”

It wasn’t that Song Yuzhi intentionally underestimated the danger. He believed that fighting side by side to eliminate evil was noble, and even if they died together, it would be a heroic end.

But Mu Qing’an was determined to keep Cai Zhao alive and well. Eliminating evil could wait.

They both understood this unspoken truth.

“You’re moody, volatile, and paranoid. But you always remember whether I’ve eaten well or stayed warm. You worry that I might face criticism or ridicule.”

Cai Zhao’s expression turned wistful, her heart aching slightly. “I never thought anyone besides my family would treat me so well.”

Mu Qing’an looked up, his fierce demeanor gone, his starry eyes now gentle.

He slowly walked over, pressing his tall forehead against the girl’s soft bangs. “What will become of us in the future?”

“I don’t know,” Cai Zhao shook her head, causing Mu Qing’an’s head to sway with hers.

“But first, let’s kill Nie Zhe,” the girl frowned. “I’ve disliked him for a long time.”

Mu Qing’an chuckled softly, his laughter vibrating through the girl. “What a coincidence. I’ve disliked him for a long time too.”

“Indeed, what a coincidence,” Cai Zhao smiled as well.

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