Volume Four – Fiery Abyss Chapter 74

With their plan set, Mu Qingyan and the others quickly prepared and set out, disguised as ordinary followers. They traveled in the direction of the main attack, journeying along winding mountain paths for about an hour. Eventually, they arrived at an elegant small courtyard nestled in the mountains. Bai stone walls and brown wooden pillars supported the structure, while wind chimes made of colorful shells hung from the eaves, which appeared to be thatched with golden straw.

Song Yuzhi exclaimed admiringly, “What a refined courtyard! The owner has excellent taste.”

Shangguan Haonan hesitated, “It’s all wood and straw. Isn’t it a bit too simple?”

Mu Qingyan replied nonchalantly, “I built this based on the blueprints my father left behind.”

Shangguan Haonan immediately fell silent, while Song Yuzhi turned his head.

Cai Zhao, expressionless, interjected, “Are you all blind? These are white jade polished to look like rough white stone, purple heartwood disguised as ordinary pillars, and golden horse hair masquerading as straw. Those wind chimes are gleaming; they’re probably adorned with quite a few jewels.”

Mu Qingyan tilted his head and chuckled softly, seemingly confirming Cai Zhao’s observations.

Suddenly enthusiastic, Shangguan Haonan began praising Mu Qingyan’s taste profusely, declaring that every part of him exuded refinement.

Cai Zhao sneered, “Anyone with that much money would have great taste.”

She thought to herself, “First, Song Yuzhi is wearing Granny Zhuo’s divine needlework as casual clothes, and now Mu Qingyan pretending precious materials are broken wood and rotten straw. I hate these fake low-key young masters. Can’t they just flaunt their wealth honestly?”

Song Yuzhi continued his praise, “Great wealth is concealed, while modest prosperity is displayed. Young Lord, this small courtyard is indeed extraordinary.”

Cai Zhao responded wearily, “Third Senior Brother is open-minded and generous, without prejudice, truly embodying the spirit of an ancient gentleman.”

Mu Qingyan, slightly intrigued, glanced at Song Yuzhi.

This place, far from the ongoing conflict, was well-prepared by the waiting Uncle Cheng. He had readied meals, hot water, and clean clothes for them.

After freshening up, Cai Zhao followed Uncle Cheng into the kitchen. Shangguan Haonan, exhausted from comforting his three wives the previous night (and not just with words) and the early morning discussions and travel, dove into bed for a deep sleep.

Mu Qingyan initially intended to find Cai Zhao in the kitchen. However, as he passed Song Yuzhi’s room, he glimpsed through the half-open door and saw him meticulously cleaning two famous swords, Qinghong and Baihong. Although these swords were renowned throughout the world, their appearance was less dazzling than the Yanyang Blade, which was why few recognized them on sight.

On a whim, Mu Qingyan changed direction.

“Young Hero Song, you remain calm and composed in the face of danger. What courage!” Mu Qingyan said with a smile as he knocked and entered.

Song Yuzhi barely raised an eyebrow. “My surname is now Dai. Young Lord, please be cautious with your words.”

Ignoring this, Mu Qingyan sat down opposite Song Yuzhi. “Young Hero Song, you’ve been exceptionally steady on this journey. Every word you speak now seems weighty, and every comment you make is righteous. Zhao has been praising you non-stop along the way.”

Song Yuzhi continued polishing his sword. “I speak from the heart. If my junior sister praises me, it’s because she shares these thoughts. This might be what Lady Cai Pingshu often refers to as ‘kindred spirits.'”

Previously, Mu Qingyan might have merely rolled his eyes at such a comment. However, he had heard these words during his deep conversation with Cai Zhao the night before. Moreover, Cai Pingshu’s original words were meant to apply to marital harmony. Hearing these four characters from Song Yuzhi’s mouth now, Mu Qingyan’s expression changed instantly.

“How did Young Hero Song come to know of Lady Cai’s words?” he asked, masking his displeasure.

Song Yuzhi replied candidly, “Lady Cai used these four characters when trying to dissuade my master from marrying my master’s wife. When my aunt learned of this, she was furious and told my mother, who in turn told me.”

Mu Qingyan felt a wave of relief. He smiled and said, “Your mother passed away when you were only about ten years old, Young Hero Song. The Lotus Lady was quite bold to speak so freely with such a young child.”

Intending to provoke Song Yuzhi, Mu Qingyan was surprised to find him unperturbed. Instead, Song Yuzhi continued, “I left home at seven to join the Qingque Sect and lost my mother at ten. Indeed, our mother-son bond wasn’t deep. However, when I was nine, my mother, knowing her time was limited, begged my master to let me return home to care for her. During that year, she shared many things with me.”

As Song Yuzhi recounted the touching memories of his mother, Mu Qingyan’s face turned pale. His attempt to touch on Yin Qinglian’s premature death had backfired, leaving him feeling wounded instead. A dull ache grew in his heart.

Mu Qingyan stood up, forcing a smile. “Lady Sulian spent her days cursing Lady Cai, wondering why she wouldn’t die. Who would have thought that her sister would pass away before the severely injured Lady Cai? Truly, heaven’s justice is clear.”

“My mother said those words on her deathbed. Unfortunately, my aunt was spoiled by my grandfather since childhood. My mother would counsel her for days, but she would soon revert to her old ways,” Song Yuzhi said. He swung the polished Qinghong sword, testing its edge. The blade cut through the air with a chilling aura. He then laid it flat on the table and drew out Baihong to begin polishing.

Raising his eyes to compare the swords, his gaze was as cold and sharp as the autumn-like sword ridge.

Mu Qingyan’s words were razor-sharp, each one aimed at reopening old wounds, tearing off scabs to reveal raw flesh beneath. Yet Song Yuzhi remained unmoved, like a bundle of old cotton, impervious to any provocation.

Although Mu Qingyan had initially thought to leave in a huff, he now sat down again and spoke slowly. “I’ve long heard that your mother was incredibly cunning, possessing seven-tenths of the world’s wisdom. Did she impart any teachings to you on her deathbed, Young Hero Song?”

“My mother said that all things in the world come down to one word: momentum,” Song Yuzhi said, looking up for the first time since Mu Qingyan had entered. “Go with the flow, and you’ll achieve twice the result with half the effort. If you go against the tide, even someone as renowned as Nie Hengcheng might face failure and death.”

Mu Qingyan asked, “May I inquire, Young Hero Song, about this ‘momentum’?”

Song Yuzhi explained, “Speaking broadly, it’s like the rising sun and setting moon, the eastward flow of great rivers, the towering mountains and valleys. No matter how much effort one spends, the sun will still set as usual. No matter how much the cuckoo cries blood, the moon will still arrive on schedule.”

Mu Qingyan scoffed, “Mere platitudes.”

“When I was young, I thought the same. It’s only in recent days that I’ve begun to grasp my mother’s meaning,” Song Yuzhi said, glancing out the window. “That year, when Lady Cai made a stunning debut at the Six Sects Disciples’ Competition held at Taichu Temple, taking first place, my mother observed coldly and concluded that even without outside interference, the marriage between the Zhou and Cai families was doomed to fail.”

Mu Qingyan sneered, “I suppose these words were meant for Lady Sulian.” He thought to himself, “This was meant to dissuade her sister from constantly meddling in the couple’s affairs.”

“Young Lord seems well-versed in the Yin family matters,” Song Yuzhi smiled. “Indeed, this is what my mother said to persuade my aunt. She explained that someone like Lady Cai, with such lofty ambitions, having experienced the vastness of the world, would never return to domestic life to endure the temper of a narrow-minded old woman. No matter how gentle and considerate Young Master Zhou might be, it wouldn’t make a difference—unless Old Lady Min were to pass away earlier… though my mother predicted she would live for a long time.”

Mu Qingyan forced a smile, though his eyes remained cold. “As they say, the wicked live long.”

“My mother also advised my aunt to give up on Young Master Zhou,” Song Yuzhi continued. “Although the old Master Zhou outwardly showed great respect for my grandfather, he was inwardly cautious. He arranged a marriage for his son early on to prevent my grandfather from matchmaking with a Yin family daughter.”

“Furthermore, my mother strongly urged my grandfather not to target Lady Cai. She said that Lady Cai, with her passionate nature and extraordinary talent, could be a valuable asset if used correctly. Consequently, for several years, no matter how impulsive or independent Lady Cai’s actions were, my grandfather remained quietly tolerant, never using his status as an elder to suppress her. Sure enough, when Nie Hengcheng later acted tyrannically, Lady Cai stepped forward, risking her life to vanquish evil and uphold righteousness.”

Mu Qingyan, though not a paragon of virtue himself, couldn’t help but feel chilled by these words.

He sneered, “After the Battle of Tushan, our sect was left leaderless, and Cai Pingshu’s abilities were entirely crippled. Only Yin Dai reaped the benefits. Well, well, what a calculated scheme, what an overt plot. The Lotus Lady was indeed far-sighted, beyond the reach of ordinary people. If she was so prescient, how did she fail to foresee her own father’s tragic death?”

“My mother constantly advised my grandfather not to covet Lady Cai’s achievements,” Song Yuzhi said, shaking his head slightly. “With Nie Hengcheng dead and Lady Cai incapacitated, and the old Master Zhou’s days numbered, my grandfather, as the leader of the righteous sects, was already unrivaled and the most powerful figure in the world. Whether he claimed credit for Nie Hengcheng’s death or not wouldn’t affect his authority. There was no need to pursue that empty glory.”

He sighed deeply, “Sadly, my grandfather wouldn’t listen to my mother. After the victory celebration, the Demonic Cult remained silent, causing even my mother to let down her guard. This led to my grandfather’s ambush and tragic death.”

Mu Qingyan’s eyes darkened, and he remained silent.

Inwardly, he thought, “It’s fortunate that Yin Dai coveted heavenly glory. When Yin Qinglian heard of her father’s tragic death, she miscarried in her great sorrow. Coupled with overexertion, this led to her early death years later, effectively removing a great enemy from our sect. Otherwise, with Yin Qinglian’s mind full of schemes and Yin Dai’s overwhelming power, Nie Zhe might not have lasted until I came of age, potentially losing all the assets of our separated sect.”

Smiling, he said, “I should let Zhao hear Young Hero Song’s words. Let her know how your mother schemed against Lady Cai behind her back. I wonder if she would still treat you with the same warmth and affection.” He had already decided to relay this conversation to Cai Zhao later.

Song Yuzhi looked directly at Mu Qingyan, “It doesn’t matter whether you tell her or not. I don’t agree with my mother’s actions anyway.”

He continued, “My mother saw through the trends of the world, but unfortunately didn’t use her insight for the right purposes. While I admire her foresight and ability to anticipate people’s moves, I don’t endorse her methods.”

Mu Qingyan scoffed, “It seems Young Hero Song has not only inherited but surpassed his mother’s talents. The student has outshone the teacher!”

Song Yuzhi lowered his head again, slowly polishing his sword. “Although I listened to my mother’s teachings, I regrettably didn’t take them to heart before. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have ended up in my current predicament, half-crippled.”

“On the day our sect was attacked, I acted too hastily. As soon as I heard the warning signal, I thoughtlessly divided our forces to resist the enemy, not considering that with the iron chain mechanism of Wanshui Qianshan Cliff, even if intruders entered our sect, their numbers couldn’t have been large.”

“My rash order played right into the enemy’s scheme. If it weren’t for junior sister Zhao’s timely arrival, I might have been even more severely injured. In contrast, Young Lord, you remained composed and responded calmly. I’m not your equal, and I deserve my current predicament.”

Hearing this praise, Mu Qingyan felt no joy. He toyed with a delicate teacup, saying, “We’ve been rambling for half a day, but how does this relate to today, to us? Young Hero Song, you’ve been thinking too much since your severe injury. Have you thought yourself sick?”

Song Yuzhi put down the Baihong sword and looked steadily at Mu Qingyan. “Then let me speak about today, about us.”

“Just as my mother saw at a glance that the marriage between Young Master Zhou and Lady Cai was doomed, Young Lord Mu, you’re even more astute than my mother. Can’t you see the current ‘trend’ between you and junior sister Zhao?”

“You, Young Lord, have always been part of the Demonic Cult, while junior sister Zhao belongs to the Six Northern Sects—she has loving parents, caring elders, and harmonious siblings. She’s deeply attached to them.”

A crackling sound broke the silence as the teacup shattered into pieces. Mu Qingyan slowly released his hand, his palm faintly streaked with red.

He looked up, his eyes blazing with cold light. “So this is what you’ve been waiting for. I was wondering why Young Hero Song was so leisurely discussing past events with a ‘great demon’ like me! My relationship with Zhao is none of your business, you cripple!”

Even Song Yuzhi, slow as he might be, could sense the murderous aura emanating from Mu Qingyan.

He raised his head to meet Mu Qingyan’s gaze directly. “Rest assured, Young Lord Mu, I won’t say or do anything more regarding Zhao. Although she won’t speak in detail about her experiences after leaving the mountain that day, I’m sure you must have made great efforts and faced dangers for her. Zhao’s feelings for you are beyond question, and nothing anyone else says will matter.”

“However, my mother once said that even if love is as deep as the sea, it can’t overcome the ‘trends’ of the world. I’ve accompanied Zhao on this journey to let her see clearly for herself.”

Mu Qingyan felt a rising tide of violence within him. “What if we can overcome all obstacles?”

“If you truly can overcome all obstacles, then it’s a match made in heaven that no one can shake,” Song Yuzhi said solemnly. “As I’ve said, I admire my mother’s intelligence but don’t agree with her methods. Young Lord can rest assured that I will never interfere.”

These words sounded pleasant, but Mu Qingyan grew increasingly agitated.

He suddenly stood up, turning his back to Song Yuzhi. The slight shaking of his shoulders betrayed his emotional state.

Song Yuzhi spoke again, “Actually, my father and mother’s wedding was once postponed for half a year. Did Young Lord know about this?”

Mu Qingyan retorted, “Who has time for your family’s ancient history?” Of course, he knew.

Song Yuzhi continued unhurriedly, “Although I’m unworthy, I’m aware of Young Lord’s methods. For people like You Wang, Tang Liu, and Shangguan Haonan, I suspect you investigated everything down to how many piglets their wet nurses’ families raised before daring to use them. You must know even more intricate details about our Six Northern Sects.”

“Back then, my father had another love, so he kept finding excuses to postpone the wedding. However, my mother never reproached him once, and even forbade my grandfather from questioning the Guangtian Gate.”

“She knew that my father and that woman had vastly different personalities and ambitions. Once my father had his fill of disappointment and returned, he naturally became more respectful and apologetic towards my mother. After their marriage, he never disobeyed her again.”

Mu Qingyan turned back with a cold smile. “Fine, when Qi Lingbo has her fill of disappointment out there and returns, she’ll surely become more respectful and apologetic towards Young Hero Song. I’ll congratulate you on your marital bliss in advance.” He inwardly vowed to give Song Yuzhi a massive green hat when the time came!

Song Yuzhi looked at him calmly. “You know what I mean.”

Mu Qingyan laughed coldly multiple times. “Have you forgotten that Zhao still has a fiancé? It’s not your turn yet.”

Song Yuzhi’s eyebrows rose proudly. “Young Lord has never taken Zhou Yuqi seriously. Despite my humble abilities, even with only half my power left, I might not be inferior to Junior Brother Zhou.”

“Enough,” Mu Qingyan said, not wishing to continue. He turned to leave, “Wait until we’ve taken this last city in a few days. Then I’ll properly consult with Young Hero Song…”

“My lord, haven’t you heard? The lowest form of warfare is to attack cities…” Song Yuzhi stood up. “The highest is to attack the enemy’s plans.”

Mu Qingyan suddenly turned back, his voice cold. “What do you mean?”

“Young Lord, please don’t misunderstand. I’m merely advising you to be cautious of Nie Zhe’s schemes,” Song Yuzhi said, bowing to see his guest off with impeccable courtesy.

The young man in plain clothes stood at the doorway with a slight smile, his eyes flying with handsome pride, radiantly arrogant.

Only now did the true face of the kind and righteous Senior Brother Song, who had been so warm and upright these past days, reveal itself.

Murderous intent rose in Mu Qingyan. He gave a short, cold laugh and left, his sleeves swishing behind him.

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