Volume Four – Fiery Abyss Chapter 75

After a brief rest and a satisfying meal, the group of four prepared to set out. The entrance to their journey lay in the mountains behind the small courtyard. Uncle Cheng activated a mechanism, and a conspicuous rock emitted a series of clicks. Soon, a pitch-black opening appeared beneath the stone, revealing an endless underground passage.

The four bid farewell to Uncle Cheng and entered the dark tunnel, holding torches. Shangguan Haonan looked around, noting the smooth ground, good air circulation, and the square green stones lining the walls. He couldn’t help but ask, “Did Young Lord build this tunnel before? It’s quite impressive.” This thought reinforced his belief that he had chosen the right leader.

Mu Qingyan neither confirmed nor denied.

Song Yuzhi commented, “It must be. Young Lord Mu emerged from seclusion on Huanglao Peak only four years ago. He was away from home for over a year and has been with the sect for exactly three years. With Nie Zhe watching from the sidelines, building such a tunnel in three years is remarkable.” Ever since planning to infiltrate Youming Huang, he had been constantly gathering information about Nie Zhe and the Demonic Cult.

Mu Qingyan let out a cold snort.

Cai Zhao, observing his cold, upright profile, asked Song Yuzhi in a low voice, “Why is he suddenly unhappy? He was in high spirits earlier, but after lingering in the courtyard for a moment, his expression changed.”

Song Yuzhi sighed understandingly, “We’re about to reclaim control of the sect. Perhaps he’s feeling homesick as we get closer.”

Mu Qingyan suddenly turned back, his gaze sharp.

Cai Zhao whispered even more quietly, “I don’t think he’s the type to get homesick.”

Song Yuzhi raised an eyebrow, “Oh, then maybe he ate something that disagreed with him earlier.”

“…” Cai Zhao reassessed her upright senior brother, “Senior Brother, do you dislike Young Lord Mu?”

Song Yuzhi maintained his righteous demeanor, “How could you think that, Junior Sister? Young Lord is generous. He readily agreed to lend me the Purple Jade Golden Sunflower. I’m grateful to him; how could I dislike him?”

Cai Zhao: …

Mu Qingyan suddenly turned back, “What are you talking about?”

Song Yuzhi replied, “Junior Sister asked if I dislike Young Lord. I said that the Young Lord agreed to help me with my problem, so I’m grateful. How could I dislike him? Isn’t that right, Young Lord?”

Mu Qingyan’s face was frosty.

Song Yuzhi lowered his head, “Junior Sister, isn’t that right?”

Cai Zhao: “Hehe, hehe, this tunnel is built so intricately.”

The four walked for a while.

Cai Zhao carefully examined the gaps between the green stone bricks on both sides of the tunnel and concluded, “It seems that neither Senior Brother nor Altar Master Shangguan was correct earlier. This tunnel was likely built by the Mu family’s ancestors but has been abandoned for many years. Young Lord Mu probably renovated it based on the existing foundation. A year or two would have been sufficient.”

Mu Qingyan’s long eyebrows relaxed as he uttered two words: “Wrong.”

Song Yuzhi turned his head and praised, “I’ve long heard that Junior Sister’s grandfather was a master of mechanisms and constructions. Indeed, it’s remarkable.”

Cai Zhao beamed with joy, “My grandfather was amazing! He made wooden birds that could fly, bronze water clocks that could report the time on their own, and even a long iron pipe leading to the bottom of a well. Just by opening the valve, well water would flow into the house!”

Song Yuzhi smiled charmingly, praising the Ning family’s deep academic traditions and Junior Sister’s exceptional eye for detail. Cai Zhao loved her family the most, and hearing Song Yuzhi’s continuous praise, she felt proud. She feigned modesty for a few sentences, and the brother and sister happily complimented each other.

While they were joyful, someone else was not.

Mu Qingyan frowned, his tone sarcastic, “Isn’t it indeed a family tradition? Zhao’s mother single-handedly blew up three main entrance gates of Guangtian Gate that year. The Lotus Lady’s wedding procession had to enter through a side door.”

Song Yuzhi (knowing who Mu Qingyan was referring to): …

Cai Zhao (also knowing who Mu Qingyan was referring to): …

Shangguan Haonan, quite cheerfully (knowing who Mu Qingyan was referring to): “Oh, was there such an incident? I’ve never heard of it.”

“It’s not like that!” Cai Zhao hurriedly explained, “My mother went to Guangtian Gate, she went with the Lotus Lady. Previously, because of one of the Lotus Lady’s bad ideas, my aunt was seriously injured…”

Song Yuzhi looked at her.

Cai Zhao: …

Shangguan Haonan jubilantly: “I’ve long heard that Yin Qinglian was full of schemes. Many of our sect’s top experts fell victim to this woman’s plots. Lady Feng’s mother did well, giving that woman a taste of her own medicine! Entering through a side door, those who knew might have thought she was being taken in as a concubine! Haha, haha, hahaha…”

As a member of the Demonic Cult and a descendant of its leaders, he was naturally happy to hear about the misfortune of their opponents.

“It’s also like that!” Cai Zhao frantically waved her hands, “My mother also went with the Lotus Lady, she went with Old Sect Leader Yin, because previously… Old Sect Leader Yin had tricked my aunt once…”

Shortly before the Lotus Lady’s wedding, the Six Northern Sects had agreed to attack Youming Huang. Yin Dai let Cai Pingshu, who wasn’t even twenty, lead the charge. This bad idea came from Yin Qinglian, angering Ning Xiaofeng so much that she almost went to Qingque Sect to pour slop water and release poisonous snakes!

As soon as she finished speaking, Song Yuzhi’s gaze became even more subtle.

“…” Cai Zhao realized she had misspoken again.

Shangguan Haonan was even happier. Having a grudge against the Qingque Sect and being at odds with Guangtian Gate, they were practically on the same side after rounding up. He said loudly, “Lady Feng doesn’t need to explain. Guangtian Gate is like that, and old Yin Dai is like that too. They’re all no good! Hero Dai, don’t you agree?”

Song Yuzhi opened his mouth, unsure how to respond.

Mu Qingyan smiled, “Yes, Hero Dai, don’t you agree?”

Song Yuzhi let out a cold snort.

“… Forget it, let’s stop chatting and continue on our way,” Cai Zhao said weakly.

Only Shangguan Haonan remained puzzled.

The four continued forward. In the deep, quiet tunnel, Mu Qingyan’s lips curled into a slight smile.

After more than half an hour, they emerged from the tunnel to find the sky already dim, with stars faintly visible.

Shangguan Haonan looked around in surprise, “We’re here!”

Cai Zhao looked back to see a series of mountain peaks behind them, with faint sounds of battle in the distance. She felt a jolt in her heart, “You Guanyue have already made his move. That’s the sound of fighting at the pass—does this mean we’ve already passed Yaoyue Pass?”

Shangguan Haonan exclaimed happily, “Not just Yaoyue Pass, we’re now beyond Zhizhi Pass!”

Song Yuzhi, with his sharp mind, immediately said, “We must be close to the secret entrance Altar Master Shangguan knows about, right?”

Shangguan Haonan’s joy was evident as he replied, “Wrong.” He pointed to a slope on the left, where a forest of sharp rocks stood on the mountainside. “The entrance is right there.”

As the saying goes, “Looking at distant mountains can exhaust a horse.” Quietly traversing the seemingly short distance proved quite challenging for the four individuals.

Shangguan Haonan, with a sorrowful expression, activated a mechanism. Behind a sharp rock, an opening appeared, revealing another pitch-black tunnel. He said, “This passage leads directly to Jile Palace.”

Mu Qingyan, feigning sincerity, cupped his hands and replied, “Young Hero Dai, you should stop here. Once I reclaim control of the sect and open the treasury, I’ll lend you the Purple Jade Golden Sunflower. Wait here for the main force to arrive.”

Song Yuzhi turned and said, “The path ahead is treacherous. Zhaozaho and I will wait here for Master You and the others.”

Mu Qingyan quickly responded, “It’s safer for Zhaozaho to come with me. There aren’t many skilled fighters left in Jile Palace now.”

Song Yuzhi raised an eyebrow. “If that’s the case, why do you want me to stay here, Lord Mu?”

Mu Qingyan put on a stern face. “Young Hero Dai, your physical condition isn’t ideal, especially compared to Zhaozaho’s vigor. I’m only thinking of your well-being. You should recognize good intentions when you see them.”

Song Yuzhi retorted, “Lord Mu, you call yourself a good person? Ha! That’s laughable.”

Mu Qingyan calmly replied, “Laughter won’t make your teeth fall out. Perhaps it’s those who speak nonsense on a full stomach who get their teeth knocked out.”

“You’re the one talking nonsense,” Song Yuzhi countered. “Calling Zhaozaho, a young lady, ‘vigorous’? Why not call her ‘brawny’ while you’re at it?”

“I’ll say what I want,” Mu Qingyan snapped. “Zhaozaho doesn’t fuss over such trivial matters. Only petty, useless men would prattle on about—”

“Enough,” Cai Zhao sighed deeply. “Let’s talk less and move faster.”

The four entered the secret passage once more. Waves of cold air rushed towards them, indicating that this tunnel was even deeper underground than the previous one.

The passageway was quiet and frigid. No one spoke.

Shangguan Haonan tried to speak several times but was stifled by the eerie atmosphere. Having never faced much hardship in matters of the heart, his only trial had been Nie Zhe’s lustful advances. As such, he was unsure how to break the silence.

As they neared the end of the tunnel, just as Shangguan Haonan was about to speak despite the risk of glares, Mu Qingyan suddenly stopped and turned. “Let’s discuss the situation inside Jile Palace first.”

Shangguan Haonan nearly shed tears of joy, knowing the new lord was reliable and wouldn’t let personal emotions interfere with important matters.

Mu Qingyan began, “Nie Zhe is jealous and intolerant of talent, which has led to a decline in skilled individuals within the sect over the past decade. Only three of the Seven Star Elders remain: Elder Tianqu Lü Fengchun, Elder Yuheng Yan Xu, and Elder Tianji Hu Fengge. Among them, only Hu Fengge, hand-picked by Nie Zhe, can be truly trusted.”

Cai Zhao couldn’t help but ask, “Is this Elder Hu a woman?”

“Yes,” Mu Qingyan replied. “She was one of the orphans Nie Hengcheng recruited into the Tiangang Dishaxing camp. She’s known for her exceptional intuition and ruthless methods. After the Blue Silk River battle, when Nie Hengcheng’s faction was nearly wiped out, Nie Zhe promoted Hu Fengge to be his right-hand woman.”

“She sounds like a formidable opponent,” Song Yuzhi remarked. “What do you know about her martial arts skills?”

“We don’t need to worry about her today,” Mu Qingyan said decisively. “She shouldn’t be in Jile Palace right now.”

Song Yuzhi narrowed his eyes. “How do you know that?”

Mu Qingyan simply replied, “I just do.”

Seeing that the two were about to argue again, Cai Zhao quickly interjected, “What about the other two Elders? Whose side are they on, and how skilled are they? If they’re like the ones from before, we might be able to handle them.”

Elder Tianxuan was captured at the cost of Cai Changfeng’s life. Elder Kaiyang was only subdued after successfully ambushing the Two Elders of Qingfeng. Elder Yaoguang and Abbot Cang Huanzi of Taichu Temple defeated each other, with Yin Dai taking advantage to kill Yaoguang. Former Elder Tianji Duan Jiuxiu was personally faced by Cai Zhao, though he was already severely injured and weakened. As for Elder Tianquan Qiu Baigang, who was secretly harmed by Nie Hengcheng, his ability to survive under Nie Hengcheng’s nose for decades speaks volumes about his skills.

A faint smile played on Mu Qingyan’s dark eyes. “Zhaozaho, don’t worry. The Seven Star Elders each have their strengths, but not all are top-tier experts. Take Elder Tianxuan, for instance. In terms of martial arts alone, he was far inferior to Cai Changfeng of Luoying Valley. However, he excelled in poisons and hidden weapons. Cai Changfeng, wanting to force him to reveal the antidote, held back during their fight. Unfortunately, he was hit by a poisoned needle, leading to his demise.”

Cai Zhao lowered her head and murmured in sorrow.

“As for Elder Kaiyang…” Mu Qingyan glanced at Shangguan Haonan.

Shangguan Haonan smiled bitterly. “My lord, please speak freely. My parents have told me most of it already.”

Ironically, the Shangguan couple knew nothing about their demonic sect relative before coming of age. After reaching adulthood, they were suddenly matched and married due to a drunken whim of Elders Kaiyang and Yaoguang, who then ordered them to have children quickly.

Fortunately, both were kind-hearted and honest, allowing them to maintain a loving marriage. However, their feelings towards Elders Kaiyang and Yaoguang were not deep, so they didn’t hesitate to tell their son the truth.

Mu Qingyan spoke directly: “Elder Kaiyang’s success in ambushing Cheng Hao and Wang Dingchuan of Qingque Sect was partly due to his expertise in traps and strategy, but Yin Dai’s deliberate allowance also played a role.”

Song Yuzhi coldly interjected, “Lord Mu, mind your words.”

Mu Qingyan stared into his eyes with a cold smile. “Young Hero Dai, have you heard of Li Wenxun, the outer sect manager of Qingque Sect? How do you think his martial arts compare to Qiu Renjie, who was recently captured by the Qingque Sect?”

Cai Zhao’s heart skipped a beat, already guessing some of the truth.

Mu Qingyan stepped forward, enunciating each word: “Qingque Sect’s rule is to choose the most outstanding disciple as the next sect leader. Although Qiu Renjie is considered the best among Yin Dai’s disciples, he’s not the most promising when compared to all the disciples of the Three Elders of Qingfeng. Li Wenxun often speaks of his deceased senior brothers, saying their understanding and skills far surpassed his own. If Qiu Renjie can’t even match Li Wenxun, how could he compare to those deceased senior brothers?”

Song Yuzhi’s face turned pale.

Mu Qingyan took another step forward, not hiding his mockery: “Back then, Cheng Hao and Wang Dingchuan were superior to Yin Dai, which is why Yin Dai became the sect leader. So, if Qiu Renjie is inferior to the disciples of Cheng and Wang, shouldn’t the next sect leader be chosen from their disciples? But would Yin Dai allow that?”

Cai Zhao muttered, “Of course not. He even shamelessly tried to make Madam Su Lian break off her engagement and remarry, just so his daughter could become the sect leader’s wife.”

Mu Qingyan nodded and continued: “After Cheng Hao and Wang Dingchuan’s deaths, Yin Dai had a ready-made excuse. For years after, under the pretext of avenging the two elders, he continuously incited their disciples to recklessly invade Youming Huang. It’s a pity for those loyal and brave young men, full of naive passion, who repeatedly charged to their doom, never suspecting the ulterior motives behind it all.”

“Some senior martial artists felt this waste was too cruel, needlessly sacrificing Qingque Sect’s future talents. But Yin Dai silenced them with grand claims of honoring their masters, insisting that disciples who didn’t seek revenge were ungrateful. If Qi Yunke hadn’t suddenly emerged, surpassing all his peers, and giving Yin Dai an outstanding new disciple, even Li Wenxun might not have survived.”

This revelation left Song Yuzhi sweating profusely and Cai Zhao deeply shaken.

She couldn’t help but think that, given the devious schemes of Yin Dai and his daughter back then, it was remarkable that her aunt had managed to survive unscathed until the final battle with Nie Hengcheng.

Song Yuzhi, torn between disbelief in his grandfather’s depravity and a nagging feeling that Mu Qingyan spoke the truth, tried to maintain composure: “These are just Lord Mu’s personal views. Given the long-standing grudge between your sect and the Six Sects of Beichen, such speculation about Elder Yin is hardly surprising.”

Hearing the weakness in his voice, Cai Zhao shook her head slightly and looked up. “Let’s get back to the matter at hand.”

“Yes, the important stuff,” Shangguan Haonan chimed in, oblivious to the suddenly heavy atmosphere. “Who cares about the Six Sects of Beichen fighting among themselves? Let’s talk about Elders Yuheng and Tianqu.”

Cai Zhao smiled helplessly.

It was absurd how the demonic sect had naive and straightforward individuals like Shangguan Haonan, while the Six Sects of Beichen harbored treacherous figures like Yin Dai and Qiu Yuanfeng who harmed their own.

Mu Qingyan’s lips curled slightly, refraining from further mocking Song Yuzhi. He turned to address the others: “Elder Yuheng, though disapproving of Nie Hengcheng’s autocratic ways, admired his ambition and talent, so he was somewhat neutral. However, he couldn’t stand Nie Zhe’s behavior and left the sect after a big argument ten years ago. He’s been unheard of since.”

Shangguan Haonan quickly interjected, “Who could stand Nie Zhe anyway?”

“As for Elder Tianqu…” Mu Qingyan pursed his lips and shook his head. “He’s managed to live comfortably until now relying on four words: ‘going with the flow’. If our plan goes smoothly, he might be the first to come and pledge allegiance.”

Cai Zhao nodded. “In that case, what we need to watch out for are the so-called Ten Tigers, Six Leopards, and Four Heavenly Dogs.”

Shangguan Haonan grinned, his light brown, rugged face looking particularly youthful and energetic.

He said, “This time, I have to say something good about the Six Sects of Beichen. A few months ago, Nie Zhe went crazy for some reason and sent his elite forces to ambush the Six Sects. Some groups were lucky and found nothing, but the rest suffered heavy losses.”

“Among the Ten Tigers, Qiu Ba and Qian Xiaosen died at Yinxiu Rapids. The Li Erhe brothers died outside Guangtian Gate. Of the Six Leopards, Yu Kan and Yan Ying both died outside Peiqiong Manor, and Ying Cailong was crippled. Of the Four Heavenly Dogs, Chen Li the Earth-Shaker, and his brother are trapped in Qingque Sect. We don’t even know if they’re alive…”

Cai Zhao’s heart stirred. “Is that Earth-Shaker Chen Li the one with the big hooked nose?”

Shangguan Haonan replied, “No, Miss Feng, have you seen Chen Li? His hooked nose is a bit shorter. His brother’s is longer.”

Cai Zhao chuckled awkwardly, “I haven’t seen them, but I’ve heard about their appearance… it’s quite distinctive.”

She had seen them. One brother died at Mu Qingyan’s hands, terrifying Qianxue deeply, while the other was killed by Li Wenxun during a breakout after being affected by the Snow Kirin Beast’s saliva.

Shangguan Haonan completely believed Cai Zhao’s words and nodded, “Oh, those brothers’ noses are indeed quite noticeable.”

Mu Qingyan glanced at the young girl with a smile.

Cai Zhao ignored him and started counting on her fingers, “Four of the Ten Tigers are dead, half of the Six Leopards can still move, and three of the Four Heavenly Dogs remain. Hmm, the odds don’t sound great.”

Mu Qingyan said, “The three dogs must be by Nie Zhe’s side, the six tigers are surely guarding various strategic points, and the three leopards are manageable. So, we’ll strike as soon as we enter. Don’t let Nie Zhe escape.”

Song Yuzhi finally spoke, his tone gloomy, “Earlier, you talked about reclaiming sect leadership openly and righteously. Why resort to sneaky ambush tactics now?”

Mu Qingyan replied calmly, “Because this is the only such tunnel we know of. Nie Zhe has controlled Jile Palace for over a decade. Who knows how many escape routes he’s dug? If I approach with a large army, he’ll surely slip away quietly. I don’t want to chase this scoundrel all over the world later.”

Song Yuzhi pressed on, “If this passage exists, why didn’t you bring a large force through it to capture Nie Zhe in one swoop?”

Mu Qingyan sneered, “Because Jile Palace isn’t like Qingque Sect’s Wanshui Qianshan Cliff, where people can come and go as they please, casually maiming so-called prodigies along the way!”

“What did you say?!” Song Yuzhi’s forehead veins bulged.

Mu Qingyan let out a cold laugh, his expression was haughty and contemptuous.

Shangguan Haonan stood there dumbfounded, completely confused about why they were arguing again.

Cai Zhao had to step in to mediate, “Third Senior Brother, Lord Mu means…”

She knew that the sarcastic man meant exactly what he said, but she pressed on, “If the attack on the various strategic points isn’t grand enough, with too few troops or weak offensive power, Nie Zhe might suspect Lord Mu has other plans and be on guard against a sneak attack on Jile Palace… Isn’t that right?” She looked at Mu Qingyan.

Mu Qingyan’s eyebrows were like ink strokes, his handsome face hidden in shadows. He looked at Cai Zhao for a moment, then said, “You don’t need to rush to smooth things over. With the battle imminent, I know what’s important.” With that, he turned and walked away.

Cai Zhao felt a surge of anger in her chest.

Shangguan Haonan activated the mechanism to open the exit, and the four of them filed out one by one.

As they took in their surroundings, a rich scent of perfume hit them, seemingly a blend of over a dozen floral, wood, and musk fragrances. Even with Cai Zhao’s keen sense of smell, she nearly suffocated for a moment. At the same time, she noticed the soft texture beneath her feet. Looking down, she saw the floor was covered in several inches of pure white long-haired carpet, made from who knows how many rare animal pelts.

The room was decorated lavishly, with jewels and precious stones everywhere. The curtains were made entirely of South Sea pearls, the bed was purple sandalwood inlaid with mutton-fat jade, and even ordinary incense burners were studded with thumb-sized glittering gems.

Such an extravagant taste could only be rivaled by the likes of Song, the grand master of Guangtian Gate.

Everyone quickly scanned the room. Mu Qingyan frowned, “Is this… Nie Zhe’s private chamber?”

Under the confused gazes of the others, Shangguan Haonan looked extremely indignant, almost shedding manly tears: “That Nie summoned me here privately several times… always with ill intentions.”

He wiped his eyes and said bravely, “But don’t worry, my lord. Thanks to my desperate resistance, that Nie hasn’t succeeded to this day!”

Mu Qingyan’s expression was complex.

Song Yuzhi dryly praised him, “Master Shangguan, you truly are a… chaste and virtuous man…”

Cai Zhao patted Shangguan Haonan, comforting him, “Look on the bright side. Nie Zhe letting you know about such a secret passage shows he had genuine feelings for you. He was really after your… um, body.”

Hearing this, Shangguan Haonan felt even more wrong, “Am I supposed to thank him for that?!”

Cai Zhao laughed awkwardly, “Well, no need for that.”

“Quiet, someone’s coming,” Mu Qingyan crouched and moved to one side. The other three also found corners to hide in.

Separated by a central hall and two screens, there was a spacious reception room outside.

After a series of footsteps of varying weights, several people entered the reception room.

Although they were some distance away, Mu Qingyan and the other three all had extraordinary cultivation, with senses far keener than ordinary people. Thus, the voices from the reception room came through clearly to their ears.

“Hmph, that little brat Mu Qingyan! I should have nipped this in the bud!” A high-pitched middle-aged man’s voice rang out.

A calm woman replied, “Didn’t you want to do that over a year ago? You wanted it desperately. But even with Mu Qingyan severely injured and poisoned, you still couldn’t catch him.”

“Keep talking and I’ll send you back to your courtyard! When Yuhua Gate falls and Mu Qingyan captures you and your son, let’s see if he shows mercy to women and children!”

The woman responded, “If it were just for myself, I wouldn’t mind dying. I only worry about my son, Sien. Poor uncle, once a hero unrivaled in the world, now with only Sien left to carry on his legacy.”

“Li Ru, shut your mouth! I’m not dead yet. I’ll handle uncle’s legacy myself!”

A sinister voice cackled, “Master, there’s no need to worry. Elder Hu is fighting hard outside. From the battle reports of the past few hours, both sides have had victories and losses. By the time they struggle to Jile Palace, they’ll be exhausted. We’ll be free to deal with them as we please! Hahaha…”

Another voice added, “Brother is right. Master, please ease your mind.”

Nie Zhe sighed, “Fortunately, with all of you guarding me, I feel somewhat at ease.”

Suddenly, a clear voice spoke up: “So, Master, are you hoping that Fengge and Mu Qingyan will destroy each other, leaving you to reap the benefits? Fengge has been nothing but loyal to you!”

Mu Qingyan, who had been listening quietly, suddenly frowned. He turned to Shangguan Haonan, pointing his thumb towards the outside, his eyes questioning, ‘Why is this person here too?’

Shangguan Haonan looked bewildered, shaking his head vigorously.

Nie Zhe seemed to fly into a rage out of shame: “I’ve hoped for that before! Of course, I know Fengge’s loyalty, but given the current situation, do you have any better ideas?!”

“Of course. Ask the Master to step down, return leadership to the Mu family, and retire from the jianghu.”

“Nonsense! Even if I agreed to step down, would that little brat Mu Qingyan let me off? Don’t be fooled by his fair appearance; he’s black-hearted! He’s never hesitated to flay people alive or use them as human torches!”

“Who told you to send people to spy on him? Of course, he had to make an example.”

“Yu Huiyin, whose side are you on?!” Nie Zhe shouted.

Yu Huiyin sighed, “If the grudge can be resolved, I beg the Master, Madam, and young master to leave quickly through the secret passage. I’ve found a secluded paradise these past years. We could live there peacefully. It wouldn’t be so bad.”

“Nonsense, nonsense! I’m the esteemed sect leader. To flee without even fighting would be utterly humiliating! With Fengge here, she’ll surely be able to hold off that brat’s attack!”

Li Ru interjected, “Fifth brother, stop trying to persuade him. He’s determined not to give up his power and wealth.”

Yu Huiyin still worried: “Then what about Fengge? Are we just going to let her fight to the death?”

“She won’t die. She’s formidable,” Nie Zhe said gleefully. “Ah if only uncle hadn’t passed so early. If he had lived a few more years, he could have personally taught Sien martial arts. Then the Mu family wouldn’t have stood a chance in our sect! Hmph, it’s all because of that whore Cai Pingshu. Fortunately, she died early. Otherwise, if she had fallen into my hands, I would have stripped her naked and thrown her into a pigsty, letting all the brothers…”

Cai Zhao couldn’t tolerate such filthy insults to her aunt any longer. With a swish, she sliced through the pearl curtain and leaped forward.

Seeing a beautiful, youthful girl alone, the group was more shocked than frightened.

One can’t blame them for misjudging Cai Zhao. She had indeed been raised in Luoying Valley for fifteen years, unexposed to the harsh realities of the jianghu. When she looked at people, her large eyes were clear, her expression pure and serene.

— Only heaven knew she was sweet-faced but ruthless, the type who would dig up someone’s ancestral grave and then complain about her sore hands!

Well, Mu Qingyan knew too.

A gap-toothed man approached Cai Zhao with a lecherous look, grinning as he reached out to touch her. “What a pretty little girl. Let me…”


A loud slap of flesh echoed. Before anyone could see how Cai Zhao moved, the man was flying through the air in a perfect arc, like a kicked shuttlecock, before smashing headfirst into the wall and falling to the ground.

His head was bleeding, his cheek swollen and split, his ribs making a dull cracking sound.

Cai Zhao’s delicate brows furrowed slightly as she let out a soft sigh, like a young lady satisfied with her flower arrangement.

“Was I too rough?” she asked, tilting her head slightly.

Mu Qingyan appeared leisurely, his smile charming. “Who said that? Our Zhaozaho is the gentlest and most amiable.”

“That’s not true,” Song Yuzhi chimed in as he emerged.

It was rare for these two to agree on something. Only Shangguan Haonan remained dumbfounded.

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