HomeTen Years Lantern on a Stormy Martial Arts World NightVolume Three - Heartbreak Snow Ridge Chapter 49

Volume Three – Heartbreak Snow Ridge Chapter 49

The innkeeper lay on his bed, facing the wall. When the waiter pushed him, they discovered a knife stuck in his chest. Half the bedding was soaked red with blood, and he had been dead for some time.

Everyone exchanged glances. As the lone bandit Lan Tianyu stepped forward, Jin Baohui immediately said sarcastically, “Does your innkeeper have any valuables? If so, better secure them before someone steals them.”

Lan Tianyu frowned, “Then you do it.”

“I’m no coroner,” Jin Baohui replied, pulling out a white handkerchief to cover his nose and standing against the wall in disgust.

The handsome middle-aged man who had just come down and the master with two servants stood in the corner, showing no intention of approaching.

Zhou Zhiqin looked at the young faces of Cai Zhao and her companions, then decided to examine the body himself. Though not a coroner, he had seen countless corpses over the years.

“The body is already stiff, and lividity is just setting in, still light in color. The innkeeper was likely killed about two hours ago,” Zhou Zhiqin said, turning the body over. Under the dim candlelight, the innkeeper’s wrinkled, ugly face looked eerily horrifying.

“A single fatal stab to the chest, no other wounds. There are bruises on the lower face, suggesting the mouth and nose were covered to prevent screaming during the stabbing.” Zhou Zhiqin examined the bedding and clothes. “The killer used the bedding to cover the wound, preventing blood from spraying onto themselves—this is the work of an experienced hand.”

He pulled out the murder weapon, frowning, “What kind of knife is this?”

Cai Zhao immediately recognized the long, curved blade covered in dark blood: “It’s a boning knife from the kitchen!”

Upon hearing this, the four waiters immediately clamored to seize the cook for questioning.

Qian Xueshen mumbled, “Are adulterers these days so bold as to act on their desires so quickly?”

“Don’t accuse people without proof,” Cai Zhao said in a low voice. She turned to Zhou, “Elder Zhou, can you discern any martial arts style from the innkeeper’s wound?”

Zhou Zhiqin shook his head, “It’s just a straightforward stab to the chest. No special technique is needed; any man with enough strength could do it.”

“Man?” Cai Zhao caught the key point.

Zhou Zhiqin thought for a moment, then corrected himself, “Not necessarily a man. A woman with martial arts skills could do it too.”

Cai Zhao was about to inquire further when she realized she was being too eager. She quickly put on a delicate act, sighing, “Oh my, I’m terrified! I’m most afraid of all this killing and bloodshed.”

Then she heard Mu Qingyan chuckling behind her—”Mu, you’re asking for a beating!”

The four waiters quickly brought in the cook and the innkeeper’s wife, forcing them to kneel before everyone.

Zhou Zhiqin, having inadvertently become the main investigator of this murder case, began questioning.

The cook, named Wang Erniu, swore his innocence. The waiters started shouting:

“Elder Zhou, you don’t know, but these two have long been involved in an improper relationship. The innkeeper was kind and repeatedly advised Wang Erniu, saying he was young and foolish, and would forgive him if he repented!”

“The innkeeper scolded this wretched woman several times. She must have harbored resentment and incited Wang Erniu to kill the innkeeper!”

“The innkeeper was good to you, repeatedly forgiving you, yet you repay kindness with enmity!”

“Elder Zhou, you must seek justice for our innkeeper!”

Zhou Zhiqin angrily said, “Do you two confess?”

Wang Erniu’s face turned red, but he refused to confess, “That old beast wasn’t human. I’ve long wanted to kill him, but I didn’t! If you don’t believe me, check my room. Qin Niang and I have already packed our belongings. We were planning to escape when the old beast was guiding us up the mountain. Why would we bother killing him?”

Zhou Zhiqin’s face darkened, “The innkeeper treated you well. Your affair with his wife is disloyal, and your lack of remorse is inhumane. What use is there in keeping such an unrighteous and inhumane scoundrel alive?” His face showed killing intent.

“Who’s unrighteous and inhumane?! That old beast hasn’t been able to perform his marital duties for years. Why has no one sought justice for me?!” Qin Niang suddenly raised her head. Though sallow and sickly, her features were delicate, with a pointed chin—she was quite beautiful.

Jin Baohui became interested, unconsciously stepping forward. Lan Tianyu gave him a mocking glance.

Qin Niang’s eyes blazed with anger, “Erniu and I have been engaged since childhood. We were about to marry when that old beast threatened my parents’ lives to force me to marry him!”

Jin Baohui said in a soft voice, “Regardless of the reason, once married, you should have adhered to wifely duties. How could you commit adultery?”

Cai Zhao glared at him.

Qin Niang sneered, “Indeed, five years ago I thought the same. Since I was married, I should serve my husband well and remain faithful. At least my parents wouldn’t go hungry or cold. But that old beast wasn’t human at all…”

She forcefully tore open her clothes, revealing her scarred shoulders, neck, and chest. She then pulled up her sleeves, showing her frail arms covered in burn marks, whip scars, pinch marks, and bite marks, shocking everyone who saw.

Dong Fangxiao exclaimed, “This… this is utterly brutal!”

Zhou Zhiqin’s face turned ashen with anger.

One waiter said, “You committed adultery, so what if the innkeeper beat you a few times?”

Qin Niang cursed, “You’re spewing lies! Erniu has been away learning to cook for years and only returned last year. How could all these wounds be from just this past year?!”

Dong Fangxiao said, “Indeed, these many layers of scars indicate they’ve accumulated over at least four or five years.”

Everyone present, being experienced in the jianghu, could tell the age of Qin Niang’s scars at a glance.

Seeing the situation turn unfavorable, another waiter started crying, “The innkeeper always worried that his wife would despise him for his age. He would occasionally drink too much and accidentally hit her when drunk. He always regretted it afterward!”

Jin Baohui carelessly made a sarcastic remark, “Well, that’s married life. They fight and make up. Surely a man can’t be accused of murdering his wife just for hitting her a few times.”

Cai Zhao couldn’t hold back anymore and glared at him, “Does this Master Jin have a wife?”

Jin Baohui was taken aback, “My wife passed away years ago.”

“How fortunate,” Cai Zhao said sarcastically. “When we return, I’ll surely find a good match for Master Jin—a fierce woman skilled in martial arts. Let Master Jin experience what it’s like to ‘fight and make up’ then!”

Mu Qingyan casually added, “Sister, don’t bother. Where would you find a fierce woman willing to marry such a fat man? Don’t subject an honest fierce woman to that fate.”

Jin Baohui was furious, while Zhou Zhiqin and others smiled.

Another waiter started crying, “Although Wang Erniu only returned last year, the innkeeper’s wife had seduced many others before. The innkeeper tolerated it several times and only hit her when he couldn’t bear it anymore!”

Dong Fangxiao pressed, “Who did she seduce? Name them.”

The fourth waiter’s eyes flickered, “They were all traveling merchants, not from this town.”

Suddenly, Qin Niang laughed shrilly, “Since you insist on slandering me, I’ll have to expose all your dirty secrets! That old beast,” she pointed at the innkeeper’s body, “was impotent!”

This statement made most people in the room uncomfortable, except for the handsome middle-aged man and his servants, who remained impassive.

“That old beast not only liked to beat me himself but also enjoyed watching other men whip, insult, and burn me with charcoal!” Qin Niang’s eyes bulged with rage. The four waiters shrank back together.

She pointed at them, “Yes, these four were his accomplices!”

“Inhuman beasts!” Zhou Zhiqin smashed a tea table with one palm, his anger erupting.

The four waiters knelt together, begging for mercy and claiming they were just following the innkeeper’s orders and never used excessive force.

Wang Erniu’s face was covered in tears, “I originally thought that although the innkeeper was older, he was wealthy and influential. Qin Niang would at least have a good life with him. I never imagined…”

“So you killed the innkeeper because he was abusing your master?” Lan Tianyu suddenly asked.

Wang Erniu shouted, “No, absolutely not! Last night, after this guest and his followers arrived…” He pointed at Jin Baohui. “I noticed more people were going up the mountain than the innkeeper had initially prepared for. The guests’ provisions weren’t enough, so I went to Old Yu’s place at the end of town overnight. I bought all their cured meats, sausages, and dried sweet potatoes. I’ve been back for less than an hour – how could I have had time to kill the innkeeper?”

Qian Xueshen suddenly asked, “Are you sure you just got back?”

“Old Yu’s family can vouch for me,” Wang Erniu replied. “I was at their place counting goods until dawn. Then, their two sons helped me bring back two carts of food. We just finished unloading everything.”

“Then the innkeeper probably wasn’t killed by Wang the cook,” Qian Xueshen spoke up. Noticing everyone’s gaze, he continued sheepishly, “Well, I was hungry last night when Master Jin’s group arrived. They had a lot of people and luggage, and the staff was busy organizing and carrying things, so no one paid attention to me. I went to the kitchen myself, hoping to ask the cook to make me some noodles.”

“When I got there, I happened to see Wang the cook, and the innkeeper’s wife embracing and crying. I waited at the door for a while, but they kept rambling on, so I gave up. On my way back, I saw the innkeeper talking to a waiter. He said he hadn’t slept either and had to guide us up the mountain the next day. Since he had already shown Master Jin to his room, he could go rest now. He told the waiter to clean up without disturbing him.”

“After walking a few steps, I saw the innkeeper’s wife coming from another direction. I thought the illicit couple had finally finished talking, so the cook could make my noodles. I quickly turned back. However, just as I reached the kitchen courtyard, I saw Wang the cook leaving through the back door – it was so frustrating. So I snuck into the kitchen and found some cold wine and steamed buns to fill my stomach. By the time I finished eating, the cook still hadn’t returned from the back door.”

Dong Fangxiao summarized for Qian Xueshen: “You first saw Wang the cook, then the living innkeeper, and then saw Wang leave through the back door, not returning until an hour ago… How long does it take to get from the inn to the end of town?” He looked at one of the waiters.

The waiter replied quietly, “At least half an hour.”

Dong Fangxiao turned to the group, “It takes at least an hour to go to and from Old Yu’s place at the end of town. Adding the time for shopping and loading the cart, Wang the cook simply didn’t have time to kill the innkeeper.”

He pointed at Qin Niang, “Moreover, the innkeeper’s wife is delicate and weak, with no martial arts skills. She couldn’t have delivered a fatal blow with one strike. This suggests that someone else must have murdered the innkeeper.”

Everyone had initially thought this was just a typical case of an unfaithful wife conspiring with her lover to kill her husband. However, after all this discussion, they realized it wasn’t so simple.

Lan Tianyu, being the most vigilant, scanned everyone present: “Killing the innkeeper with a single strike to the chest while he was sleeping isn’t a difficult task. This means almost everyone in this inn could potentially be the killer.”

His words revealed the hidden suspicions among the group, sending a chill down everyone’s spine.

“Is this mess finally over?” a lazy voice asked. Everyone turned to look.

Mu Qingyan was leaning against the doorframe. Due to his height, the purple and gold jade crown on his jet-black hair nearly touched the top of the frame. He continued nonchalantly, “Is it worth all this trouble to investigate the death of such a despicable person?”

“How can you say that?” Jin Baohui said awkwardly.

The waiters who had witnessed Mu Qingyan’s ruthlessness before didn’t dare to make a sound.

Mu Qingyan, with one hand behind his back, said, “This innkeeper first forced a marriage, then constantly abused his wife after bringing her home. His various atrocious methods were truly horrifying – he was a bad person.”

“Since he was a bad person, his death is a good thing, isn’t it? It’s wonderful, even deserved. We’re all good people, so why should we dwell on the death of a bad person?”

The expressions of those present gradually froze. Cai Zhao covered his forehead, not wanting to hear anymore.

“As they say, justice will prevail, and karma will catch up. This old beast had done so much evil – who knows, maybe some righteous hero passing by saw the injustice jumped through the window, and slaughtered this old beast.”

“Isn’t this a good thing? The only pity is that we can’t treat this hero to a drink.”

“Don’t you all agree with what I’m saying?”

Mu Qingyan’s clear, cold eyes fixed on Jin Baohui.

Jin Baohui forced a smile, “Of, of course, you’re right.”

Suddenly, a round of applause came from the corner of the room. It was the handsome middle-aged man clapping.

He said with a smile, “This gentleman speaks well. We all have important business up the mountain, yet we’re being held up here by such a wretched old man. It’s truly laughable.”

Zhou Zhiqin sighed deeply, “Indeed, heaven’s punishment may be survived, but self-inflicted doom cannot be escaped.”

Dong Fangxiao looked out the window and said, “Let’s have an early lunch and then head up the mountain. The days are short here; we don’t want to be delayed until nightfall again.”

“But what about the innkeeper’s body?” a waiter asked quietly.

Mu Qingyan casually said, “Feed it to the dogs…” Everyone was shocked, and Zhou Zhiqin was about to speak again.

“That won’t do,” he continued. “First, put it on ice. You can deal with it when you have time.”

Cai Zhao was startled and punched Mu Qingyan’s back lightly with her small fist.

Mu Qingyan’s expression grew even more cheerful.

Wang Erniu and Qin Niang, who had been prepared to die together, were now unharmed and couldn’t help feeling both surprised and delighted.

The four waiters didn’t dare to object, but lowered their heads with a vengeful look, planning to seek revenge after the guests left.

After finally serving the important guests their meal and packing their luggage, Mu Qingyan suddenly proposed that the four waiters should guide them to the snowy mountain.

The four waiters were shocked.

“Your innkeeper is dead. If you don’t guide us, who will?” Mu Qingyan’s face turned cold.

The others also thought this was a good idea. Despite their complaints, the four waiters had no choice but to agree.

Zhou Zhiqin fell back a step and said to Cai Zhao with a smile, “Your brother is quite a good person.”

Cai Zhao was confused.

“By the time these four return from the mountain’s edge to the inn, Wang the cook and Qin Niang will be long gone,” Dong Fangxiao said softly. “Your brother is protecting them.”

Cai Zhao wanted to say they were overthinking it, that Mu Qingyan simply enjoyed seeing people uncomfortable. But remembering her “identity,” she quickly put on a proud and shy expression: “Thank you for praising my brother. He has always been this kind and considerate to others…”

“What is my sister saying about me?” Mu Qingyan turned back with a smile.

Cai Zhao replied with a twitching mouth, “I’m speaking well of you, brother.”

Mu Qingyan spread his arms, revealing a thick, fluffy fur cloak of ash-gray color, and draped it over the girl’s shoulders.

His eyes were warm like the sun as he said softly and caringly, “It’s cold on the mountain. Don’t let my sister catch a chill.”

Dong Fangxiao’s eyelids twitched again – are you two really siblings?

Several snow sleds were already waiting outside the inn. The group either rode horses or sat in the sleds, heading straight for the snowy mountain.

After a full half hour of racing, they finally saw the golden peak of the snow-covered mountain in the distance, seemingly wrapped in a soft glow.

One of the waiters pointed ahead and said, “This is the south slope of the snowy mountain. We can go up from here.”

Another waiter, fearing Mu Qingyan might cause more trouble, quickly added with a smile, “In the past, when the innkeeper guided people, he would also stop here.”

Mu Qingyan got off the sled, stood still, and smiled, “Thank you, all four of you, for coming such a long way with us.”

The four waiters began to say it was nothing, but before they could finish their polite words, a flash of silver light appeared before their eyes. They felt a chill at their throats, followed by four thuds as they fell into the snow. After a few twitches, they breathed their last.

Each of the four corpses had a red line across their throat, with hot blood continuously flowing out, quickly staining the white snow.

The handsome gentleman, as cold and beautiful as jade, stood quietly in the center, holding a long sword.

This sudden act caught everyone by surprise.

Especially Jin Baohui, as the sword in Mu Qingyan’s hand, belonged to one of his guards. Mu Qingyan’s movements were so fast that the guard couldn’t even react, let alone resist.

“What is the meaning of this, Master Yan?” the handsome middle-aged man asked with a displeased expression.

Mu Qingyan asked in return, “Do you all think these four were good people or bad people?”

Jin Baohui cursed inwardly, thinking, “You’ve already killed them, and now you ask? How can we say you killed good people?”

No one else spoke, except for Zhou Zhiqin, who after a moment’s thought, said, “These four aided in evil deeds. They were not good people.”

Dong Fangxiao also added, “For years, they helped the innkeeper abuse a weak woman. After the murder, they repeatedly made up excuses to frame Qin Niang. Their behavior was despicable.”

Mu Qingyan turned the sword handle and slowly walked towards Jin Baohui, “I killed these four evil people. Does that make me a good person?”

Jin Baohui’s face stiffened, “Of, course, you’re a good person.”

“Ah I’ve done another good deed today,” Mu Qingyan returned the sword, his mood joyful. “Doing good deeds indeed makes one feel refreshed. In the future, I must do more good deeds.”

Most of the people present: …

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