HomeTen Years Lantern on a Stormy Martial Arts World NightVolume Three - Heartbreak Snow Ridge Chapter 64

Volume Three – Heartbreak Snow Ridge Chapter 64

As Cai Zhao and Mu Qingyan passed the now-empty snow mountain inn, they rode the golden giant roc day and night, returning to the bamboo grove retreat in just two days. After a brief rest, Cai Zhao prepared to leave for Mount Jiuli, but surprisingly, Mu Qingyan said, “I won’t be going with you.”

Cai Zhao was astonished. Throughout their journey, he had stuck to her like glue. Why this sudden change?

Mu Qingyan smiled, “Uncle Cheng has informed me of the events of the past ten days. After we escaped down the mountain, although no one dared to kill the impostor to verify his identity, no one recognized him as the sect leader. Song Yuzhi and Li Wenxun have surrounded Muweixiong, allowing people in but not out.”

“Sect Leader Qi and your father have good relationships. Song Shijun and Zhou Zhizhen even put aside their sect affairs and arrived at Mount Jiuli a few days ago. The situation in the sect has reversed. The impostor and his followers are under house arrest, but the Shape-shifting Technique is flawless. The impostor insists he’s Sect Leader Qi, and no one wants to be the bad guy.”

“Now that we have a way to break the technique, Guangmen and Peiqiong Manor will support us. Whether I go or not doesn’t matter. If I go up the mountain and people recognize me, it might be counterproductive. You’ve probably thought this through hundreds of times and don’t want me to go either.”

Cai Zhao blushed, “I did think about that.”

Mu Qingyan leaned quietly against the bamboo window. The setting sun cast a soft red glow on him, his features elegant and gentle. He said, “You already know what to do, don’t you?”

Cai Zhao nodded, “I’ve been thinking about it the whole way.”

Mu Qingyan’s lips curved slightly, “Very clever and righteous. I believe you’ll succeed.”

“Mm.” Cai Zhao placed a hand on the doorframe. “Well… I’ll be going then.”

“Go on, take care.”

Cai Zhao lowered her head, dragging her feet as she slowly turned away.

“Zhaozaho,” Mu Qingyan suddenly called out, “Is there anything you want to ask me?”

Cai Zhao leaned against the doorframe, tilting her head. After a moment, she asked, “…Why did you ask if the Snow Woman’s master was male or female?” In truth, she had nothing to ask.

Mu Qingyan smiled, “Because I thought the Snow Woman’s master might be your aunt’s love interest.”

“Nonsense! My aunt was engaged. She and Uncle Zhou were childhood sweethearts. Don’t speak without evidence!” Cai Zhao scoffed.

“I know there’s no evidence, but I just feel your aunt had someone else in her heart,” Mu Qingyan said.

Cai Zhao asked curiously, “Why would you think that?”

Mu Qingyan gazed at her quietly, “Anyone with a bit of pride wouldn’t let their loved one marry another so easily. If it were me, if I ever had to let go, it would be the last thing I’d do in this life.”

Cai Zhao slowly averted her gaze, feeling the evening sun particularly harsh on her eyes.

Mu Qingyan tilted his head and chuckled softly, “But your aunt not only readily encouraged Zhou Zhizhen to marry her childhood rival, but also maintained a close, harmonious relationship with them for over a decade. That doesn’t seem reasonable.”

Cai Zhao bit her lip, “You can’t judge others by your standards. My aunt was an exceptionally open-minded and generous woman. What others might see as a big deal, she could laugh off.”

Mu Qingyan suddenly frowned, “What’s so great about being open-minded and generous? I prefer petty people. The pettier, the better! Now hurry up and leave before it gets dark!”

What started as a casual departure ended up with Cai Zhao being practically chased out of the bamboo grove retreat. She felt that Mu Qingyan’s moods were truly unpredictable.

Despite her irritation, she couldn’t delay her important mission. She sprinted at full speed, finally entering the gates of Qingque Town before nightfall. She then sneaked into an abandoned storage room in the backyard of a house in a secluded alley. Prying open three bricks in the wall, she found the disguise box left by Feicui and slipped out like a fish in the water.

Security on Fengyun Peak was tight, with disciples needing both tokens and face recognition to pass.

After observing secretly for a while, Cai Zhao knocked out a Guangmen disciple who was about to cross the cliff. She dragged him into the woods, took off his outer robe, and disguised herself to look 70-80% similar to him in the moonlight. She then put on his robe and took his token.

This simple disguise could only fool people temporarily and would be exposed immediately if she encountered someone familiar. Fortunately, Guangmen and Peiqiong Manor had sent many disciples recently, and the guards on Fengyun Peak barely knew the disciple Cai Zhao had knocked out. Given the darkness, they let her pass.

Once on Wanshui Qianshan Cliff, Cai Zhao moved like a fish in water, easily sneaking into the kitchens. She overheard the cooks complaining that ever since Sect Leader Song arrived, he had been watching the impostor almost 24 hours a day, trying to spot flaws, which led to frequent snacks and midnight meals.

This was a perfect opportunity. Cai Zhao smoothly poured some dragon saliva into the drinking water vats prepared for the midnight meal, then into the tea water vats, and finally slipped away to find her reliable Third Senior Brother Song in Chuinan.

Song Yuzhi was wearing a nightgown and reading by lamplight when a strange man suddenly climbed through his window. He was startled but didn’t call for guards, instead smiling calmly as he stood up, “…Junior Sister Zhaozaho?”

Cai Zhao was first delighted, then disappointed, “Is my disguise that bad? You recognized me at a glance.”

Song Yuzhi’s smile widened, his handsome, stern face suddenly softening, “That day when you were preparing to escape down the mountain, you climbed out of Chuinan’s window with the same posture.”

He added, “Your disguise is very good. Junior Sister, you’re very talented.”

Cai Zhao was elated by the praise but had no time to dwell on it. She quickly explained her plan to Song Yuzhi, emphasizing the importance of sealing off both Qingque Sect and Qingque Town, allowing people in but not out.

Song Yuzhi nodded calmly, not even asking about the origin of the Snow Scale Dragon Beast’s saliva. He simply put on an outer robe in the inner room and left with his sword, his actions swift and decisive, like a sharp sword cleaving through chaos.

Cai Zhao admired Song Yuzhi’s demeanor, thinking to herself, ‘Look at Young Master Song, this is what you call a proud son of heaven, open and bright, unlike someone with such severe trust issues’ — only to find the space beside her empty.

She was momentarily stunned.

Leaving Chuinan, Cai Zhao headed straight for Muweixiong, silently slipping into the inner hall like a shadow.

The inner hall was brightly lit. As the kitchen staff had said, the energetic Sect Leader Song was indeed confronting the impostor. Sitting nearby were Zhou Zhizhen with a grave expression and the silent Li Wenxun, surrounded by clearly divided factions of disciples.

Cai Zhao relaxed somewhat upon seeing Zhou Zhizhen’s refined and composed face. On their way back from the Snow Woman’s place, Qian Xue had informed him that although he didn’t recognize the eight and a half people whose bodies had been switched, he could confirm that Zhou Zhizhen and Yang Huying were not among them. This was because he had been seeking revenge against Zhou Zhiqin and Jin Baohui but, fearing the power of Peiqiong Manor and Siqimen, had hidden to secretly observe the leaders of these two factions.

In other words, Zhou and Yang’s faces were not among those he had dealt with. Out of the eight and a half people, excluding the half-person whose transformation was unsuccessful and the fake Qi Yunke and fake Zeng Dalou, six remained.

Master Song, his forehead glistening with sweat, gulped down a strong cup of tea, nearly choking on the leaves. He coughed several times. After receiving his son’s urgent message, he first felt secretly pleased, thinking Qi Yunke was indeed nothing special if the leader of the top sect could be replaced so easily. He thought perhaps he should take that leadership position instead. However, his heart then tightened as he realized that if the leader of the Northern Chen’s top sect had been replaced, how could the six Northern Chen sects ever hold their heads high in the martial arts world again?

Although he disliked Qi Yunke’s mild and honest temperament, he knew what was truly important in this life-or-death situation.

“Let me offer one last piece of advice,” Song Shijun said, staring intently at his opponent. “Whatever your initial plans were, they’ve all fallen through at this point! Be wise and recognize the situation. Quickly dispel your techniques and reveal your true forms. Then we can discuss other matters!”

The fake Qi Yunke smiled calmly. “Brother Shijun, if you’re so certain I’m an impostor, why not strike me dead with one blow? Just like that fake Zeng Dalou, once the person dies, the body-switching technique immediately dissipates.”

Song Shijun turned away angrily. What nonsense! If he could kill the man with one blow, he would have done so already.

The fake Qi Yunke laughed, “Brother Shijun, let me also offer some advice. Don’t be fooled by the demons’ tricks. They’re deliberately sowing confusion, hoping we Northern Chen sects will turn on each other.”

Song Shijun didn’t believe a word of it, but he dared not take the risk. After all, this was the leader of the top sect. If there was even a one-in-a-thousand chance he was wrong, the consequences would be irreversible.

“Stop putting on airs,” Zhou Zhizhen said coldly, addressing the gray-robed men behind the fake Qi Yunke. “Ambushing the Northern Chen sects on the return journey, attacking the Qingque Sect, and replacing important figures in the martial arts world—only the demon Nie Zhe has the manpower for such operations. However, if Nie Zhe truly had such impressive skills, he wouldn’t still be stuck with the word ‘acting’ before his title of leader.”

“I don’t know what help Nie Zhe has acquired, but he doesn’t have many people left in his Gangdi Shai Camp. The Northern Chen sects have sent messengers on horseback, alerting everyone to be on guard. You can forget about reinforcements. Why not come over to the right side? I guarantee on the honor of Peiqiong Manor that if you honestly reveal the whereabouts of Sect Leader Qi and Valley Master Cai, allowing us to rescue them safely, I’ll let all of you go without punishment.”

Song Shijun’s lips twitched. He didn’t entirely agree with this proposal but ultimately remained silent.

These words were persuasive, balancing kindness and authority. Cai Zhao, hidden in the shadows, nodded repeatedly in approval. Even the gray-robed men visibly wavered.

However, the fake Qi Yunke remained unmoved, insisting he was the real Qi Yunke and that everything was a demonic plot.

Song Shijun’s forehead veins bulged as he angrily shouted, ordering his men to draw their swords and hack at the tables in a show of threat and intimidation. The fake Qi Yunke retorted sharply, and both sides once again erupted into chaos.

Suddenly, a disciple behind Song Shijun cried out, “Elder Qian, what’s happening to you?!”

Everyone turned to look. The middle-aged protector’s lips had turned pale, his face ashen. His muscles and bones twisted and shook. In moments, his appearance changed completely, becoming an entirely different person.

While Song Shijun was still confused, Zhou Zhizhen had already drawn his sword. Taking advantage of the man’s dazed state, he swiftly struck several major acupoints. As the man collapsed weakly, Zhou coldly stated, “The body-switching technique has been revealed.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a middle-aged man behind Li Wenxun began to twist in the same way. This time, before he could fully reveal his original form, Li Wenxun’s fingers flew like the wind, immobilizing the man and placing him under guard. Soon after, this person too revealed a completely unfamiliar face.

The fake Qi Yunke, caught off guard by this turn of events, stood up in shock, his face as white as a ghost’s. A cold sensation slowly rose from his meridians, his skin, and blood gradually growing cold as if dying. Looking at the half-cup of tea he had just drunk, he realized the situation was dire.

“Ah!” Li Wenxun suddenly cried out, pointing at the fake Qi Yunke as he reverted to his original form. “It’s… it’s Qiu…”

“Qiu Renjie!” Song Shijun shouted in disbelief. “It’s you!”

The fake Qi Yunke (Qiu Renjie) attempted to raise his hand to end his own life, but Zhou Zhizhen’s sword swiftly struck his acupoint, causing him to collapse to the ground.

At that moment, the sound of many footsteps echoed from outside the hall. A handsome young man led more than a dozen guards into the hall, brandishing his sword. “Don’t hold out hope anymore,” he declared. “Sister Zhaozhao has already found the antidote to the body-switching technique and has added it to various water sources. It’s harmless to ordinary people, but you can no longer hide—Sister Zhaozhao, come out now.”

Cai Zhao wiped away her disguise and leaped out from the shadows.

Joy spread across Zhou Zhizhen’s face. “Zhaozhao, where have you been? Your mother was so worried about your disappearance that she was about to come looking for you herself! Come here and let me take a look at you!”

In the bamboo grove retreat, amidst flickering lamplight, Mu Qingyan sat alone in the quiet darkness after bathing and changing clothes.

Uncle Cheng entered quietly and reported, “Young Lord, everyone has arrived.”

Mu Qingyan nodded slightly.

Outside, a group of black-clad figures knelt in a semicircle. The leader, concealed in a large cloak, announced loudly, “Congratulations on your recovery and return, Young Lord. We have been anxiously waiting for over a year, and finally, this day has come.”

Mu Qingyan walked out of the retreat, his large dark robe trailing on the ground, its dark gold embroidery barely visible, like black tidal waves concealing a deep-sea monster, layer upon layer engulfing the mortal world.

He spoke, “You are the people Elder Quan left behind. Four years ago, I didn’t seek you out because I believed that once Nie Zhe was eliminated, the divine would naturally return to the right path. Thus, I alone would have been sufficient.”

“A year and a half ago, I didn’t seek you out because I could barely protect myself, and I didn’t want to implicate you in my potential demise.”

“Now that you’ve answered my summons, you should understand my intentions. Nie Hengcheng and his faction have usurped power for three generations, their influence deeply entrenched. Killing one or two individuals won’t be enough to set things right. Therefore, this mission will undoubtedly lead to bloodshed, with an uncertain outcome. Have you all considered this?”

The leader at the front raised his head, revealing a delicate and cunning face. He declared loudly, “We swear absolute loyalty to the Young Lord. Whatever the task, we await your orders!”

“Since that’s the case, you know the rules,” Mu Qingyan said, lightly raising his left hand. “Whether you’re here to change your fortunes or out of loyalty to Elder Chou, I won’t mistreat you once we succeed.”

Uncle Cheng brought forward a tray containing several dozen bright red pills, as vivid as blood, their brilliance making one’s heart tremble.

The leader at the front gritted his teeth and was the first to swallow a pill.

The others followed suit, their expressions ranging from resolute to hesitant.

Mu Qingyan watched silently as everyone took the pills, not saying a word.

His father had tamed rare birds and strange beasts, but what he needed to tame was a group of demons. His father’s skill in concocting medicines to cure illnesses and heal injuries, he had used to create deadly poisons to control life and death.

Mu Zhengming had lived a kind and modest life, yet he had always been at the mercy of others, never truly free, and had passed away far too early.

Where does the Way lie?

Some say it stands only with the strong.

As a child, he loved the story of Gong Gong in mythology—who, in his rage to seize the throne, crashed into Mount Buzhou. The pillar broke, and the earth’s bonds snapped. The northwest tilted, and the sun, moon, and stars shifted…

He deeply respected his father, but he would never allow himself to be sacrificed for the greater good as his father had.

If things didn’t go his way, he would overturn everything.

“Everyone, return now,” he said as a giant golden-feathered roc descended. Its broad wings stirred the chilling night wind. He mounted the roc’s back, and before soaring away, left a final message: “We’ll meet again on the Youming Huang Path.”

Pale moonlight fell upon him like a silver veil. The coldly handsome youth, indistinguishable between god and demon, vanished into the night sky.

Cai Zhao worked tirelessly through the night.

The fake Qi Yunke turned out to be Qiu Renjie in disguise, which explains his intimate knowledge of Wanshui Qianshan Cliff and his mastery of the Qingque Sect’s martial arts. Though he sought death and remained silent, others valued their lives more.

Within an hour, the remaining six individuals transformed by Qian Xueshen’s body-switching technique were revealed: two infiltrators from Qingque Sect’s outer circle, two from Guang Gate, and two from Peiqiong Manor.

Truly impartial, with favors spread evenly.

Though it was the dead of night, the mention of interrogation and torture instantly energized Song Shijun.

With six spies and a large group of captured gray-robed men, the water prison, torture chamber, and pipa hooks left by Old Sect Leader Yin Dai finally found their use.

In less than an hour, people began to confess. They didn’t know Qi Yunke and Cai Pingchun’s exact location, but they knew the two were nearby.

Finally, someone revealed a lookout in Qingque Town who had opened a coffin shop there last year.

Song Yuzi had already ordered the town gates sealed. Zhuang Shu personally led a team to force entry, and that night they captured the coffin shop owner. To many people’s surprise, Qi Yunke, Cai Pingchun, and even Zeng Dalou were all imprisoned in a secret underground chamber of the coffin shop. Their major acupoints were pierced with soul-scattering needles, leaving them in a daze for days, unable to use their martial arts.

After examining them, Lei Xiuming declared that the three were not in danger. Slowly removing the soul-scattering needles would neutralize the drug’s effects. Among them, Cai Pingchun was in the best condition, with enough strength to raise his hand and playfully pinch his daughter’s ear.

Cai Zhao finally felt relieved.

Watching her father being pushed into the medicine hut for an herbal bath, with the elders all busy—some checking for other spies within their sects, some continuing to interrogate the gray-robed followers, some cleaning up the mess from the fight—Cai Zhao quietly slipped away. She borrowed a prized steed from Song Yuzi and galloped down the mountain, heading straight for the bamboo grove retreat.

However, the person she wanted to report to was no longer there.

“The Young Lord has returned to attend to business,” Uncle Cheng said with a smile. “He said it’s time to settle the three-generation debt of the Mu family.”

Cai Zhao felt dejected. “I knew someone with his personality wouldn’t be content to just reclaim the position of leader. If so, why did he accompany me to the snow mountain? It was both troublesome and dangerous, nearly costing him his life.”

Uncle Cheng’s expression softened. “The Young Lord said he couldn’t leave you alone and helpless, couldn’t let you risk your life on the snow mountain by yourself. Seeing you safely return to Jiuli Mountain allowed him to leave with peace of mind. Delaying his plans for ten days or so was well worth ensuring your safety.”

“I… I’m quite grateful to him,” Cai Zhao said, lowering her head.

Uncle Cheng replied, “Didn’t you also protect and care for the Young Lord for many days?”

Cai Zhao sat down, dazed. “…That’s far from enough.”

Uncle Cheng glanced at the sky. “You’ve been busy all night, haven’t you? Are you hungry? Would you like a bowl of wonton soup?”

This abrupt change of topic left Cai Zhao confused, but she nodded. “Oh, yes, thank you.”

When the wonton soup was served, Cai Zhao recognized the familiar aroma of chicken broth and the shape of the wontons. “…He made this.”

Uncle Cheng answered, “The Young Lord wrapped the wontons before he left. The chicken broth has been simmering on the stove; it just needed to be heated up.”

Cai Zhao stared at the translucent milky-white soup. After hesitating repeatedly, she finally couldn’t resist asking, “Uncle Cheng, there’s no green onion.”

Uncle Cheng chuckled, shook his head, and turned to bring a small dish.

Cai Zhao sprinkled the tender green onions from the dish into her soup, stirred it a few times, and then suddenly looked up. “Uncle Cheng, there’s someone… I mean, a friend of mine gets angry every time she eats wonton soup without green onions. Is that considered petty?”

Uncle Cheng suppressed a laugh. “By normal standards, that would indeed be considered petty.”

Cai Zhao seemed lost in thought as if remembering something. Uncle Cheng called her name several times, saying it was nothing.

After Uncle Cheng left, Cai Zhao muttered angrily to herself, facing the soup bowl, “Trying to mock me before leaving, he’s the petty one! His whole family is petty!”

She blinked hard, then picked up her spoon and began to eat.

The wonton filling was tender, the green onions fragrant, but the soup was a bit too salty.

[End of Volume]

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