Volume Two – Audacious Sun Chapter 41

The mountain wind grew fiercer, and the night frost turned bitterly cold.

Two groups arrived to “invite” Chang Ning and Cai Zhao. The first consisted of sect disciples led by Ouyang Keye and Chen Qiong. Cai Zhao recognized some faces from the training ground. They looked solemn, with hints of hesitation.

The second group, newcomers to the mountain, were reportedly the sect’s “under-the-table forces” cultivated outside. They wore uniformly dark gray clothes and carried full weapons, moving silently with grim expressions. Their leader, a tall, thin man in his thirties, had a strikingly familiar hawk-like nose.

Cai Zhao, slightly stunned, whispered, “This man looks like the one from yesterday but with a slightly shorter philtrum…”

Chang Ning, naturally noticing this, murmured, “They must be brothers.”

The man with the shorter hawk nose suddenly turned, his venomous gaze piercing Chang Ning.

Cai Zhao silently added, “…They’re brothers.”

Chang Ning, unfazed, replied, “I’ll reunite them later.”

Dai Fengchi walked between these two groups, extremely smug. Unsatisfied with Chang and Cai’s docile behavior, he occasionally turned to glare at them.

Hearing their whispers, he snapped, “You two, no whispering!”

Cai Zhao blinked innocently, “Then we’ll speak loudly.”

Dai Fengchi was at a loss for words.

He then shouted, “Stop being clever! This is a serious matter. Master is furious. To prevent collusion, you’re not allowed to speak at all!”

Cai Zhao retorted, “What collusion? Don’t falsely accuse us, Second Senior Brother.”

Dai Fengchi pointed at the girl’s nose, “Then why were you wandering around the mountain in the middle of the night?!”

Cai Zhao replied calmly, “We couldn’t sleep and went for a walk. Is that not allowed?”

Dai Fengchi yelled, “Then why is the Qingjing Chamber empty? Where are your two maids? Weren’t you planning to escape?!”

Cai Zhao explained, “After dinner, I sent Furong and Feicui down the mountain with the dog I recently bought. Since I couldn’t care for it properly, I decided to return it to the shop. They probably returned too late, found the iron chains pulled up, and decided to stay in town for the night.”

Dai Fengchi, momentarily speechless, finally barked, “In any case, you’re not allowed to talk privately!”

Chang Ning calmly asked, “What if we insist on talking?”

Dai Fengchi half-drew his sword, coldly stating, “Today, your luck has run out. You can’t show off anymore!”

In a flash, Chang Ning appeared before Dai Fengchi. Before he could react, there was a soft clang, and Chang Ning had ghosted back to Cai Zhao’s side.

Startled, Dai Fengchi stumbled back several steps.

“If I want to show off, what can you do about it?” Chang Ning taunted.

Humiliated, Dai Fengchi angrily tried to draw his sword—only to find it stuck.

Attempting to save face, he coughed lightly and tried to resheathe his sword. “Master has important matters to discuss. I won’t bother with you now.” However, he couldn’t even push the sword back in!

Many now realized that Chang Ning had earlier pressed on Dai Fengchi’s sword, likely denting the blade and sheath, causing it to jam.

Soft snickers arose from the crowd. Someone deliberately “whispered,” “Even if Senior Brother Song were seriously injured, he wouldn’t embarrass himself like this!”

Dai Fengchi’s face turned purple with shame and anger. Fortunately, his lackey Cui Sheng rushed up, offering an escape: “Oh, Senior Brother, you took the wrong sword! This is yours. No wonder it felt strange, haha…”

Dai Fengchi snatched Cui Sheng’s sword, muttering curses.

Ouyang Keye intervened: “Fengchi, go lead the front.” After all, Dai Fengchi was still the sect leader’s direct disciple; his humiliation shouldn’t go too far.

Dai Fengchi strode forward, leaving only muffled laughter behind.

Cai Zhao edged closer to Chang Ning, “Do you think he’s been replaced?”

Chang Ning’s lips curled slightly, “Such a fool isn’t worth replacing.”

Cai Zhao nodded, “I thought so too.” The Thousand Faces had limited energy, needing rest after each transformation. They had to be selective about replacements, and Dai Fengchi’s worthless character wouldn’t meet their standards.

Ahead, the majestic silhouette of Muwei Palace emerged from the night sky.

Chang Ning suddenly whispered, “When I expose the impostor, don’t say a word.”

Before Cai Zhao could respond, the front hall of Muwei Palace flung open its doors. Inside, hundreds of crystal mirrors were inlaid on white marble walls. Bright lamps, skillfully arranged with reflectors, formed a massive light source.

After hours in the dungeon and dark mountain paths, Cai Zhao was momentarily blinded.

The hall was solemn. The fake Qi Yunke sat at the head, his face sallow, occasionally coughing lightly.

To his right stood a line of unfamiliar gray-clad figures with neat weapons. To his left sat Madam Sulian, Qi Lingbo, and Yin’s death squad. Dai Fengchi, who had just entered, eagerly joined them.

Additionally, Lei Xiuming, Li Wenxun, and their disciples were present—almost everyone in the sect had gathered.

As Cai Zhao stepped into the hall, with Chang Ning right behind her, the fake Qi Yunke suddenly called out, “Senior Brother Chen!”

Chen Qiong, who had been silently following Chang Ning and Cai Zhao, abruptly attacked. His right palm struck towards Chang Ning’s left armpit with thunderous force, while his left foot aimed for Chang Ning’s abdomen.

Chang Ning dodged sideways, chopping at Chen Qiong’s right wrist with his left hand and deflecting the kick with his right. Suddenly, Ouyang Keye leaped into the air, aiming two fingers at Chang Ning’s face.

Chang Ning raised his left arm, deflecting Ouyang Keye’s attack with a gust of wind. His wide sleeve fell to his elbow, revealing a slender, fair forearm.

The fake Qi Yunke commanded, “Enough.”

Chen Qiong and Ouyang Keye immediately ceased their attacks, retreating several steps.

They exchanged glances, both inwardly shocked—everyone assumed they had retreated on command, unaware that Chang Ning’s overwhelming palm force had forced them back. Had Qi Yunke not spoken, they would have had to retreat anyway.

This exchange happened so swiftly that Cai Zhao barely had time to cry out. She urgently asked Chang Ning, “Are you alright?”

Chang Ning shook his head, slowly pulling back his sleeve.

Cai Zhao turned to the fake Qi Yunke, “Master, what’s the meaning of this?” She now played the role of an ignorant young girl kept in the dark.

The fake Qi Yunke didn’t answer her. Instead, he asked, “Have you both checked?”

A middle-aged woman, dressed as a common wealthy townswoman, emerged from the gray-clad group.

She bowed her head and replied, “We have—he is not the young master.”

The fake Qi Yunke laughed coldly, then turned to Chang Ning, shouting, “You petty thief, how dare you impersonate Constable Chang’s son! You’ve schemed your way into our sect—what are your true intentions?!”

Li Wenxun, who had arrived late, frowned and asked, “Sect Leader, what’s going on? You brought this Chang Ning to the mountain yourself. When Brother Lei raised doubts, you insisted he was Chang’s orphan. Why have you suddenly changed your mind?”

The fake Qi Yunke looked embarrassed, but Madam Sulian quickly interjected, “This little thief is incredibly cunning. It’s not surprising we were deceived for a while. Now that the Sect Leader has uncovered the truth, we must punish this scoundrel severely!”

Li Wenxun ignored her, still addressing the fake Qi Yunke respectfully: “Sect Leader, please explain the situation to everyone.”

Yin Sulian, displeased at being brushed aside, remained silent. She knew that although Li Wenxun was in the outer sect, he had inherited most of the disciples and influence left by Cheng Hao and Wang Chuan of the Qingfeng Three after their deaths. Thus, she dared not be disrespectful to him.

The fake Qi Yunke coughed lightly: “When the Chang family tragedy occurred, I was so distraught that I acted rashly, bringing this little thief to the mountain without thorough investigation. However, in recent days, this scoundrel has behaved atrociously, violently attacking fellow disciples. How could he be from a righteous sect?”

Zeng Dalou, listening nearby, couldn’t help but interject: “Master, didn’t you say before that he was sickly from childhood and had suffered great misfortune, so some misbehavior was understandable?” He recalled when Chang Ning had rampaged through the outer sect, and Qi Yunke had told him not to worry about it.

He added, “Third Junior Brother and Junior Sister Zhao were there too.”

At this point, Cai Zhao realized that Song Yuzhi was surprisingly absent tonight.

The fake Qi Yunke glared at Zeng Dalou, sternly saying: “Who asked for your opinion? Be quiet and step back!”

Turning to Li Wenxun, he continued, “I didn’t want to make a fuss then, but I secretly sent people to investigate. Finally, we found her—Brother Lei, you visited the Chang family years ago. Come, isn’t she the right person?”

Lei Xiuming examined the woman closely: “Indeed, she was the nanny in Chang’s household. Later, when the mountain fortress was finally completed, Brother Chang decided to move his entire family there, cutting off all outside connections. The nanny’s parents, husband, and young children were in town, and she was unwilling to leave them. So Brother Chang gave her a generous sum and didn’t take her to the mountain.”

The fake Qi Yunke nodded: “That year, Brother Chang’s son was already two or three years old, right? Tell us, did Brother Chang’s son have any distinguishing marks?”

The woman replied: “The young master was sickly from birth but fair-skinned, with no unusual marks. However, in the month before the Chang family moved to the mountain, Mrs. Chang suddenly went mad… fell ill, and knocked over a brazier in the room, severely burning the young master’s left arm. Alas, a whole patch of skin was gone. Though it healed without major complications, it left a burn scar this big—” She gestured, indicating a size of about three to four inches.

The fake Qi Yunke declared: “As everyone just saw, this impostor’s left arm is unblemished!”

The hall erupted in commotion. Everyone had indeed seen Chang Ning’s left arm during the earlier confrontation—it was fair and well-muscled, possibly with minor scratches, but certainly no large burn scar.

Li Wenxun hesitated: “Can we judge based solely on this woman’s word? He does use the ‘Willow Fluff Sword Technique’ created by Constable Chang.”

The fake Qi Yunke coldly replied: “He might fool the disciples with some imitation, but he can’t maintain the facade against top experts. Did you see his moves against Senior Brothers Ouyang and Chen earlier? Was that Chang family kung fu?”

Li Wenxun fell silent. Chang Ning’s earlier movements had indeed been eerily agile, with palm techniques both heavy and vicious—not Chang Haosheng’s style.

Cai Zhao glanced at Chang Ning, silently conveying, “You’ve been exposed.”

Chang Ning’s expression remained unchanged, even showing a hint of amusement. “After all this talk, what does the Sect Leader intend to do?”

The fake Qi Yunke shouted: “So you finally admit you’re an impostor! Very well, who are you? Speak the truth!”

Chang Ning replied thoughtfully: “First, I haven’t admitted to being fake. Second…” He looked around the room, his gaze finally settling on the fake Qi Yunke, “Speaking of authenticity, there’s more than one or two impostors in this hall, isn’t there?”

While others were confused by his words, the fake Qi Yunke felt a jolt of alarm. He immediately bellowed: “Seize this little thief and lock him up with the Soul-Locking Pipa Hooks!”

Two gray-clad men stepped forward, the clanking of chains accompanying them. They carried a pair of large, menacing iron hooks, each half a foot long with barbs to prevent removal. Dark, foul-smelling stains on the hooks hinted at how many martial artists’ pipa bones they had pierced through—sending chills down everyone’s spines.

Cai Zhao, somewhat stunned, protested: “Isn’t this too harsh? We haven’t even figured out who he is. Do we need to be so cruel?”

“What’s wrong with it?” Dai Fengchi shouted. “This scoundrel has evil intentions. Infiltrating our sect must be part of a major plot. If we don’t capture and interrogate him thoroughly, who knows what disasters might befall us in the future?!”

Qi Lingbo chimed in coyly: “Are you scared now? Don’t be. If this little thief is willing to kneel and kowtow to me in apology, I might consider letting him go, hehe…”

Cai Zhao retorted: “Sister Lingbo, don’t jest. Who are you to decide whether he’s released or not? I’m not saying we shouldn’t arrest him, but do we need such severe torture devices?”

Dai Fengchi, ignoring the red-faced Qi Lingbo, boasted proudly: “These Soul-Locking Pipa Hooks were personally overseen by Sect Leader Yin. They’re perfect for this suicidal little thief, hahaha…”

Cai Zhao muttered: “Wow if Second Senior Brother hadn’t said so, I would have thought these hooks were from an evil cult. I never imagined they were Master Yin’s brilliant invention.”

Yin Sulian snapped: “What are you implying?!”

Cai Zhao replied: “I’m simply expressing my admiration for Master Yin.”

Yin Sulian suppressed her anger.

Fan Xingjia, staring at the iron hooks, tugged urgently at Lei Xiuming’s sleeve.

Lei Xiuming sighed and bowed to the fake Qi Yunke: “Sect Leader, the Soul-Locking Pipa Hooks are too cruel. Once used, a person is either dead or severely crippled. Please reconsider.”

Dai Fengchi sneered: “Uncle Lei, what are you implying? By calling them too cruel, are you criticizing the late Sect Leader Yin?”

Fan Xingjia couldn’t hold back: “Master just said Big Senior Brother had no right to speak. Does Second Senior Brother have the right to keep talking?”

Dai Fengchi stepped forward, angrily rebuking: “You insolent brat, how dare you lecture me!”

Fan Xingjia retorted: “Second Senior Brother just disrespected Uncle Lei. Is that not insolence?”

Dai Fengchi rushed forward, grabbing Fan Xingjia’s arm and twisting it behind his back. Fan Xingjia, inferior in martial arts, cried out in pain. Before anyone could react, Cai Zhao darted forward, first kicking at Dai Fengchi’s ribs, forcing him to release Fan Xingjia.

Then, Cai Zhao lowered her left shoulder, using a move called ‘Lush Branches and Leaves’ to circle Dai Fengchi’s right side. She kicked his left knee, making him kneel, then twisted his right arm behind his back, causing him to cry out in pain.

Yin Sulian rose, exclaiming, “Cai Zhao, what are you doing?”

Cai Zhao replied calmly, “Whatever Second Senior Brother intended to do to Fifth Junior Brother, I’m now doing to him.”

Qi Lingbo cried out, “Second Senior Brother was just playing with Fifth Junior Brother!”

Cai Zhao retorted, “What a coincidence, I’m just playing with Second Senior Brother too.” She applied more pressure, making Dai Fengchi feel as if a mountain was pressing on his shoulder and back. Unable to rise, he cried out in pain.

Fan Xingjia, rubbing his arm behind Lei Xiuming, secretly rejoiced at Dai Fengchi’s pain.

In truth, Dai Fengchi hadn’t always been so overbearing. Only since Song Yuzhi’s severe injury had he begun acting as the next sect leader, strutting about and brooking no dissent from his juniors.

Cai Zhao asked patiently, “Second Senior Brother, are you having fun?”

Qi Lingbo was nearly in tears, “Let him go quickly!”

Li Wenxun couldn’t stand by any longer. He raised his voice, “Enough! All of you, step back!”

Cai Zhao released Dai Fengchi with a smile and retreated several steps. Dai Fengchi staggered back to Yin Sulian and her daughter.

As the younger disciples dispersed, Li Wenxun gave the fake Qi Yunke a puzzled look.

Cai Zhao knew Li Wenxun was wondering why their sect leader hadn’t intervened in the disciples’ quarrel. Of course, it was because the impostor was unfamiliar with his role and didn’t know how to treat the three very different disciples.

Earlier, when dealing with Chang Ning, Li Wenxun had already grown suspicious of his attitude. To avoid further exposing himself, the impostor had chosen to remain silent.

Yin Sulian, her chest heaving, said coldly, “Cai Zhao, you dare to be so arrogant at a time like this. This impostor infiltrated the Qingque Sect by pretending to be Chang’s son, likely a spy from the evil cult. You’re in cahoots with him, disgracing Luoying Valley. If I kill you here today, it would merely be cleaning house!”

Cai Zhao replied impassively, “Madam, why are you talking nonsense in the middle of the night? Was I the one who brought him to Jiuli Mountain? Was I the one who insisted he was Chang’s orphan? Have I said a single word in his defense so far?”

“As for being ‘in cahoots’… heh, on my first day on Jiuli Mountain, Master personally entrusted him to me. Many elders know this. How can you blame me now? If Madam hasn’t slept enough and is confused, I could recite some excellent essays to help clear your mind.”

Hearing Cai Zhao’s veiled threat, Yin Sulian immediately backed down, sitting sullenly.

The fake Qi Yunke coughed lightly again, “Zhao Zhao, don’t be disrespectful to your master’s wife.”

Cai Zhao respectfully replied, “Master’s teachings are correct. However…” She looked up, her gaze probing, “You and my aunt are sworn siblings, trusting each other with your lives. Do you think the child she raised would collude with an evil cult?”

The fake Qi Yunke wanted to use this opportunity to remove Cai Zhao, this thorn in his side. But the real Qi Yunke’s established image of “valuing friendship with Cai Pingshulthigher than heaven” was too strong. He couldn’t openly turn against her and could only respond vaguely, “I know you wouldn’t collude with the evil cult. Alright, step back.”

He then ordered, “Seize this impostor who’s pretending to be Chang’s orphan!”

“Wait!” Chang Ning suddenly raised his voice, “I haven’t admitted to being an impostor.” He shot an annoyed glance at Cai Zhao, who pretended not to notice.

The fake Qi Yunke said, “The Chang family’s nanny has already spoken. How could it be false?”

Chang Ning replied casually, “The nanny isn’t fake, but what she said might not be entirely true.”

“What do you mean?” The fake Qi Yunke’s expression changed.

Chang Ning explained, “What if she was coerced into lying about the burn on my arm? Well, I’m saying you coerced her, Sect Leader.”

The fake Qi Yunke grew angry, “You’re at the end of your rope, spouting such nonsense. Brother Chang and I are as close as brothers. Why would I frame his son?!”

The disciples began shouting, accusing Chang Ning of losing his mind.

“Because—” Chang Ning dropped a bombshell calmly, “You’re not the real Sect Leader Qi. You’re an impostor.”

This statement hit like a sledgehammer, shocking everyone in the hall. All eyes turned to the fake Qi Yunke.

Yin Sulian blanched, Ouyang Keye and Chen Qiong’s expressions changed dramatically, and Cai Zhao convincingly feigned surprise.

Li Wenxun slowly raised his hand, signaling Zhuang Shu to lead twenty outer sect disciples to block the main hall’s entrance, cutting off Chang Ning’s escape route.

Meanwhile, the man with the short hawk nose discreetly signaled his gray-clad men, who spread out, ready for action.

Lei Xiuming grabbed Cai Zhao, “Zhao Zhao, is the Sect Leader… is he…” He wanted to ask if the current sect leader was wearing a disguise.

Cai Zhao shook her head, “It’s not a disguise.”

The fake Qi Yunke relaxed, saying, “Brother Lei, if you don’t believe me, come and touch my face. See if I’ve applied any makeup or attachments.”

However, Chang Ning interjected, “Who said you used a disguise? To cause such upheaval in the world’s top sect, to swap heaven and earth, how could you rely on mere ordinary disguise techniques?!”

Li Wenxun asked gravely, “What do you mean?”

Chang Ning replied, “Hasn’t Elder Li heard of the Thousand Faces Sect’s body transformation technique?”

At these words, most young disciples were bewildered, but Li Wenxun and the others had heard something about it.

Lei Xiuming exclaimed in surprise, “The body transformation technique? I thought it was just a legend. Is there a skill that can completely transform one person into another? Wasn’t that sect wiped out ninety years ago?”

“It exists, of course,” Chang Ning said without hesitation. “The last disciple of the Thousand Faces Sect is now imprisoned by this fake Sect Leader Qi in the same dungeon where Kaiyang Zhang was once held!”

Another bombshell dropped, causing an uproar among the crowd.

Li Wenxun approached Chang Ning, “How do you know about that dungeon?” That dungeon was a secret from the previous generation, known to fewer than five people in the sect. Even he only knew its general location.

“Perhaps a divine revelation in a dream,” Chang Ning tilted his head, his features handsome and refined. “Why ask so many questions, Elder Li? Why not bring the person here and ask directly? Shall I tell you the exact location of the dungeon?”

Li Wenxun turned to the fake Qi Yunke, full of doubt.

By this point, Chang Ning had said everything Cai Zhao had originally planned to say.

After a moment of stiffness, the fake Qi Yunke suddenly sighed deeply, his face grave: “So that’s it. This is what this scoundrel was planning all along!”

Zeng Dalou asked confusedly, “Master, what do you mean?”

The fake Qi Yunke stood up and bowed to Li Wenxun and the others: “In recent days, with the evil cult’s frequent surprise attacks, I felt uneasy and secretly sent people to investigate. A few days ago, we finally learned that the evil cult had captured a disciple of the Thousand Faces Sect…”

“I managed to rescue the person from the evil cult and just imprisoned them in the dungeon yesterday, planning to explain everything to you, my brothers, at a suitable time. I never expected this scoundrel to discover the situation and turn it against me!”

Chang Ning applauded, “Bravo, well said. I didn’t expect an impostor like you to be so quick-witted, coming up with a new explanation so fast.”

Qi Lingbo listened, bewildered, “What… what does this mean?”

Cai Zhao kindly explained, “It means that although he captured someone from the Thousand Faces Sect, and although he didn’t mention anything before, he’s still the real one, definitely not an impostor.”

Fan Xingjia wanted to speak but didn’t dare.

Lei Xiuming asked Chang Ning, “Does the body transformation technique leave any marks?”

Chang Ning replied, “No marks. The body transformation technique is formless and miraculous. Unless the disguised person voluntarily dispels the technique or dies, there are no flaws.”

Li Wenxun said coldly, “If there are no flaws, do we have to kill the Sect Leader to prove whether what you’re saying is true or false? Do you take us Qingque Sect members for fools?”

The fake Qi Yunke suggested, “Brothers, feel free to ask me about sect matters. See if I can answer them.”

Before Lei Xiuming could speak, Chang Ning said, “If you deliberately replaced Sect Leader Qi, you would naturally have placed spies around him to learn about his daily life, habits, and preferences. Moreover, each of you elders has your responsibilities, and you don’t interact closely with Sect Leader Qi daily.”

Hearing this, Lei Xiuming couldn’t help glancing at Yin Sulian, thinking that normally, a wife would be best able to distinguish her husband’s authenticity. But this couple argued every few days and lived separately for eleven months of the year. Their intimacy was no better than that of the brothers in the sect.

At this moment, Yin Sulian’s face turned pale, her body trembling. If the man before her was an impostor, what should she do? Others mistook Qi Yunke would merely being disciples being confused or fellow sect members being unobservant. But if she, as his wife, mistook her husband, even having been intimate with an impostor, even if the real Qi Yunke didn’t hold it against her, her reputation would be ruined, leaving her unable to face anyone.

Fortunately, the couple hadn’t been living together these past few months.

Realizing this, she no longer wanted to stay.

Understanding the fear in her eyes, Mother Cobbler immediately had Yin’s guards surround the mother and daughter, preparing to leave early.

Suddenly, Cai Zhao called out loudly, “Master, when you came to Luoying Valley for my aunt’s birthday when I was ten, what gift did you bring?”

Lei Xiuming’s spirits lifted, and like everyone else, he turned to observe the Sect Leader’s reaction.

A flash of panic crossed the fake Qi Yunke’s eyes, but he quickly composed himself, saying, “I didn’t bring just one gift, of course, but many. I’m not sure which one Pingshulthliked best.”

Cai Zhao narrowed her eyes, “Master, you’re mistaken. That year, there was heavy snow. All your luggage and gifts were buried in the snow on the way—you came to my aunt empty-handed.”

The fake Qi Yunke sighed, “Zhao Zhao, I know you want to exonerate this impostor but don’t talk nonsense.”

Dai Fengchi seized the opportunity to interject, “That’s right! Master is so busy; how could he remember such trivial matters from years ago? Seventh Junior Sister, are you trying to help this scoundrel…”

Yin Sulian, exasperated, whispered harshly, “Fengchi, shut up!”

Dai Fengchi turned, bewildered, not knowing what he had said wrong.

Realizing even Yin Sulian was growing suspicious, the fake Qi Yunke suddenly leaped high, aiming a palm strike directly at Li Wenxun.

Li Wenxun naturally raised his palm to counter, and the two exchanged a moderate blow.

The fake Qi Yunke retreated several steps back to his seat, coughing up blood and gasping for air while leaning on the armrest. “Words can be faked, techniques can be imitated, but can our sect’s inner energy cultivation method also be faked? Brother Li, can’t you tell whether I’m real or not?”

Li Wenxun stared at his palm—during their exchange, the other’s inner energy had been pure and calm, though somewhat weak, but undoubtedly their sect’s inner cultivation technique.

With a solemn and indignant expression, the fake Qi Yunke struggled to stand with Zeng Dalou’s help. “If any of you brothers still have doubts, we can have a thorough sparring session once I’ve recovered. But for now, we can’t let this impostor escape! Seize him!”

At this point, Lei Xiuming had nothing more to say.

Ouyang Keye and Chen Qiong dared not move against the fake Qi Yunke—what if he was real? Li Wenxun also thought it safer to apprehend Chang Ning first.

Even now, Chang Ning maintained a carefree expression, only glancing at Cai Zhao.

Cai Zhao understood the meaning in his eyes and felt utterly dejected—he had predicted correctly that even if she exposed the truth, it would be useless.

The gray-clad men and sect disciples formed two layers of encirclement, slowly closing in on Chang Ning.

Chang Ning wouldn’t surrender easily. With a long cry that echoed through the hall, shaking everyone’s ears, he moved. His wide sleeves floated like clouds as he darted east and west, somehow breaking through the encirclement to leap onto the rafters, moving like a bird between the jade walls and beams. From above, he shouted, “You silver-tongued hypocrite! I’ll go to the dungeon and drag that person out, bringing them before the world’s heroes. Let’s see how everyone reacts to the Qingque Sect secretly harboring a Thousand Faces Sect disciple!”

A gust of wind swept by, breaking a hole in the western window. Chang Ning had escaped.

“Not good, quickly, to the stone wall dungeon!” Even the fake Qi Yunke grew anxious now. “If the Thousand Faces Sect disciple falls into the hands of the evil cult, the consequences will be endless!”

Li Wenxun gritted his teeth and led Ouyang Keye, Chen Qiong, and the disciples in pursuit of the northern rear mountain.

The gray-clad men also followed under the short hawk-nosed man’s command.

Yin’s guards escorted Yin Sulian and her daughter quietly out the back door.

In the chaos, no one noticed that Cai Zhao had disappeared.

The night was ink-black, even the faint starlight and moonlight obscured by a bone-chilling drizzle of icy needles.

Cai Zhao ran at full speed to the Wanshui Qianshan Cliff. The patrolling and guard disciples were all lying on the ground, and a tall, straight figure stood at the cliff’s edge.

He turned at the sound, addressing the girl: “I knew you’d come here looking for me. Those fools have all gone to the northern mountain behind us. They’ve made such a fuss, barely leaving any disciples on patrol. Let’s go quickly.”

As he moved to activate the iron chain mechanism, Cai Zhao’s cold voice stopped him. “I won’t go with you. Leave the mountain by yourself.”

Chang Ning’s pale, jade-like fingers paused on the dark iron mechanism. He turned back: “Haven’t you given up yet? You saw it yourself earlier. The Thousand Faces Sect’s body-changing technique is flawless. Unless you peel off his skin, you can’t convince everyone! Listen to me. Let’s go down the mountain together. With my help, we’ll surely find your father!”

Cai Zhao replied: “I should thank you for testing a wrong path for me, allowing me to give up on it. Since this way won’t work, I’ll have to think of another method. I still can’t go with you. Please, listen to me and leave the mountain alone.”

Sensing something was off, Chang Ning pressed on: “You’ve known for a while that I’m not Chang Ning. You even said you believed the great hero Chang wouldn’t easily trust villains, and that you believed I wasn’t a bad person…”

“Are the books in the Nine Provinces Scroll Hall of the demon cult truly as vast as the sea?” Cai Zhao asked.

The young man froze, like an icy mountain.

“I’ve long known you’re not Chang Ning, but I thought you were a recluse’s descendant with untold difficulties, given Chang’s intense hatred for the demon cult. Only yesterday did I learn you’re actually from the demon cult.”

“Nine heavens, nine-layered mountains, ten directions, and ten thousand seas can’t compare to the demon cult’s Nine Provinces Scroll Hall,” the girl’s voice was sweet yet tinged with indescribable indifference.

“You’re not just from the demon cult, but someone of great importance within it. The Nine Provinces Scroll Hall is a restricted area for storing scriptures across generations. Even the Seven Stars Elder can’t enter. When Nie Hengcheng died suddenly, unable to pass on his final wishes, it’s said that the current cult leader, Nie Zhe, doesn’t know the hall’s location.”

She stood gracefully in the rain. “My aunt explored the Ghostly Bamboo Path multiple times at night, so she knows some secrets.”

“So,” the young man’s eyes deepened, “when you heard me talking about the Thousand Faces Sect rumors down the mountain, you figured out my background.”

Cai Zhao: “That’s correct.”

The young man felt like he couldn’t grasp some thought in his mind. Suddenly, his eyelids trembled slightly: “You… you used me to find the dungeon?”

Cai Zhao slowly wiped the rain from her cheeks, softly replying, “Mm-hmm.”

“Someone as important as Elder Kaiyang would surely be heavily guarded. The soul-locking pipa hooks might have been used on him. So, he couldn’t escape on his own,” she explained.

“I heard you all say Elder Kaiyang died while trying to escape. So, either someone helped him escape. Think about it, he and Elder Yaoguang were Nie Hengcheng’s confidants. With one dead, naturally, they’d want to rescue the other. Therefore, someone from the demon cult must know the dungeon’s location.”

The young man said coldly: “Not every member of the demon cult necessarily knows about that dungeon.”

The girl tilted her head gently, as beautiful as a peach blossom, “I could only try. I didn’t expect you’d know.”

The young man, filled with resentment, struggled to maintain a cold exterior. “If you had asked me directly, I would have told you anyway.”

The girl: “It’s better to be cautious.”

The warmth in the young man’s heart gradually cooled.

He recalled this afternoon, in the girl’s warm, soft room. She had him sit by her bed, showing her fluffy head and rosy cheeks, looking at him with gentle trust. So, was it all a scheme?!

“Did you know this would happen today?” He felt waves of coldness wash over him.

The girl tilted her head back slightly, letting the fine rain caress her face. “From yesterday until now, you’re the only one who’s shown your true colors. They don’t know I was in that courtyard yesterday afternoon. The reason they dared to bring Young Master Qian up the mountain is partly for their later plans, and partly because they intend to eliminate you… You’ve already shown many flaws. Of course, you don’t care about being exposed as not Chang Ning.”

The young man, angry and anxious, said: “I don’t care because I thought you didn’t care either.”

The girl nodded: “Before, when my father was fine, I truly didn’t care who you were. I didn’t care about anything in the jianghu. Now that my father’s fate is unknown, there are many things I care about.”

“Tonight, both sides were caught off guard. I didn’t expect them to find a way to eliminate you so quickly; they also didn’t expect us to find the dungeon and Young Master Qian so fast.”

With his mind in chaos, the young man stepped forward and grabbed the girl’s arm: “Let’s put aside how you deceived me for now. It’s dangerous here. You can’t stay any longer. Come down the mountain with me first!”

The girl remained motionless, saying softly: “If I go down the mountain with you tonight, it would confirm my guilt of colluding with the demon cult. If I rely on you to save my father, Luoying Valley would also be accused of collaborating with the demon cult.”

The young man’s jaw tightened: “Then why don’t you and Luoying Valley simply join us?”

“Like the Thousand Faces Sect?” The girl’s gaze was calm.

The young man was caught off guard, unable to respond for a while.

The girl forcefully removed his hand from her arm. “Even though the righteous sects have long disliked the Thousand Faces Sect, if the Thousand Faces Demon Butcher hadn’t lost his mind and led the entire sect to join the demon cult, they might not have been annihilated.”

“Luoying Valley isn’t just mine. It belongs to my aunt, my father, my mother, and many others in the valley – they’ve all suffered at the hands of the demon cult, harboring deep grudges and hatred.”

“With the ancestors of Luoying Valley watching over us for generations, I can’t selfishly lead Luoying Valley down a path of no return, even if it concerns my father’s life.”

The young man’s heart grew colder. Seeing the determination in the girl’s eyes, he couldn’t help but ask: “If you stay here, aren’t you afraid they’ll kill you to silence you?”

The girl smiled faintly: “Furong and Feicui should have reached Qingque Town by now. Early tomorrow morning, they’ll send out letters to inform Master Fakong, Uncle Zhou, the Song family, Daoist Yunzhuan, and other heroes of the jianghu about the Thousand Faces Sect still having disciples in the world and the fact that masters can be replaced – everyone will soon rush to Qingque Sect.”

“When a secret is no longer a secret, there’s no need to kill me.”

The young man’s lips curled into a sneer: “You’ve thought of everything. I truly underestimated you.”

Cai Zhao nodded: “You’re right. So you should leave quickly. They must have realized you’re not at the cliff dungeon and are probably rushing here now.”

The young man grabbed the chain links behind the iron rope’s end and looked back coldly: “Since that’s the case, why did you come here tonight? Hurry and leave, lest someone see you entangled with a demon cult member like me!”

Hearing distant shouts and numerous running footsteps from behind, Cai Zhao reached forward and activated the iron mechanism with a loud clang. The iron chain system instantly emitted a thunderous roar.

She shouted at the young man suspended on the iron rope: “I was afraid you’d keep waiting for me!” After saying this, she turned and ran in another direction, disappearing into the night.

The iron rope shot through the clouds like a sharp sword. The young man hanging on it seemed to ride the clouds, his wide robe and long sleeves fluttering, like a bird gliding over a bottomless abyss.

He thought dazedly: If only she hadn’t shouted that last sentence.

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