HomeThe Rise of NingExtra Chapter 3: I Will Love You for the Rest of My...

Extra Chapter 3: I Will Love You for the Rest of My Life

After a light rain, a thick fog enveloped the mountains.

The mist shrouded the mountaintops, obscuring the endless expanse of rolling green hills. At the foot of the mountains lay hundreds of acres of medicinal herb fields. This area was renowned for producing Bupleurum, a prized medicinal herb. During harvest season, numerous herb merchants would come to purchase the crop.

The Chen family, local to the area, was the most famous herb merchant within a hundred miles. They sun-dried the Bupleurum produced in Baoding and sold it in the capital, earning a handsome profit. The family patriarch, having started as a lowly orange seller, had cultivated relationships with some officials and become a wealthy local gentry.

The matriarch of the Chen family, Old Madam Chen, was said to have been blessed by a Bodhisattva in her youth, saving her life. Since then, she has devoted herself to Buddhism, always compassionate and often instructing her son to aid the poor and assist the community. Over time, their family’s reputation for kindness spread far and wide.

Now, with the persistent rain and fog, what would normally be a minor inconvenience had become a pressing concern. They had just harvested a batch of Bupleurum, and if it couldn’t be dried promptly, it risked spoiling in storage. Losing a batch of Bupleurum wasn’t just a financial issue; several major pharmacies in the capital had already placed orders. Failing to deliver would damage their reputation. Thus, the Old Madam was so worried she couldn’t sleep. Early in the morning, seeing the rain still falling steadily, she frowned deeply. Having grown up in the North, she had never experienced such prolonged rainfall. It felt as if people would soon start to mold.

“Help me to the small Buddha hall to offer incense to the Bodhisattva,” the Old Madam told her maid. Xicui, the maid, tried to dissuade her: “The paths are slippery from the rain, Madam. It’s dangerous to walk about. If you were to fall, how could I ever forgive myself?”

For elderly people, falls were the greatest fear.

But the Old Madam insisted on going. A mere maid couldn’t stop her. Fortunately, a voice called from outside: “Grandmother, you mustn’t go out. If you’re truly worried, I can offer incense on your behalf!” The curtain was lifted by the maid, revealing a young man with handsome features, wearing a patterned straight-collared robe. This was Chen Rang, the Old Madam’s eldest grandson.

“Didn’t you say you were going to the mountain temple with your cousin? How are you back so soon?” the Old Madam asked. “Wasn’t it raining in the mountains? Did you rush back through the rain?”

The young man looked somewhat dejected. “My cousin and I were heading up the mountain, but halfway there we learned that the mountain had been closed for several months. They’re searching for something and not allowing any carriages or people to pass. So we hurried back overnight.”

While most of the family lived in the capital managing their business, the Old Madam preferred the tranquility of their herb farm in Baoding. Her eldest grandson could only stay for two months before returning to his studies in the capital, so she always doted on him during his visits.

Chen Rang glanced around the room before lowering his voice, “Grandmother, I don’t see Miss Yining. Doesn’t she usually keep you company?”

The Old Madam smiled, “She’s with child and feeling unwell. I told her to rest properly and not worry about keeping me company.”

The story of Miss Yining was quite strange. The Old Madam had rescued her from a mountain ravine during a previous incense-offering trip. When found, Yining’s legs were broken, her body covered in scratches and blood.

Zhao Mama, who accompanied the Old Madam and knew some medicine, immediately checked her and exclaimed in surprise, “Old Madam, she’s still alive!” Upon closer examination, Zhao Mama’s face turned pale with shock. “How strange, it seems she’s even with child!”

The Old Madam was astonished. Being naturally kind-hearted and compassionate, she quickly said, “Hurry and save her. We’ll take her back to see a doctor.” She had come to worship the Bodhisattva, and saving someone on the way must be the Bodhisattva’s way of allowing her to accumulate merit.

The Old Madam observed that the woman they brought up was beautiful and refined, with soft white skin, appearing to be only seventeen or eighteen. Yet she wore a married woman’s hairstyle and silk clothing, with only one golden rabbit-shaped earring remaining—clearly from a wealthy family. It was a mystery how she had fallen into the ravine, her body covered in injuries. The Old Madam sighed, “Poor thing, suffering like this while with child. I hope the baby is alright!”

Her carriage had passed by several fast-moving carriages, but she was too focused on the rescued woman to notice. Those carriages, rushing towards the mountain, hadn’t paid attention to her inconspicuous small carriage either.

After bringing the woman back to the herb farm, the Old Madam immediately summoned a doctor. Upon examination, he informed her that the woman was about three months pregnant, and fortunately, the fetus was stable enough to have survived.

Three days later, the woman regained consciousness.

She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling for a long time without speaking.

The Old Madam asked about her family and how she had ended up in the ravine. She said her name was Yining and that she had been tricked by a close relative who had taken her to the mountain to offer incense but then pushed her off. She feared returning home would be even more dangerous and begged the Old Madam to take her in, even if only as a servant to serve tea and water.

Seeing that Yining was reluctant to say more, the Old Madam didn’t press her. She simply told her to take care of herself and that they would discuss other matters after the child was born.

So Yining temporarily stayed with the Chen family.

Once, when Chen Rang came from the capital to visit the herb farm, he immediately spotted Miss Yining in the Old Madam’s room.

She sat in an armchair, doing needlework for the Old Madam. It was said that her embroidery skills surpassed even the best seamstress in town. The Old Madam privately told Chen Rang, “This is how young ladies from truly prestigious families are raised.” The Chen family, though wealthy, were merely prosperous commoners. Only families with deep heritage educated their daughters this way. Thus, Yining stayed with the Chen family, keeping the Old Madam company and making clothes for her.

When Chen Rang saw her, the light from the window fell on her shoulders. She looked pure and elegant, with a soft white face and faint dimples at the corners of her mouth, appearing quite youthful. He thought to himself that she looked more like fifteen or sixteen, not seventeen or eighteen.

Pain can make people more reticent, and Miss Yining was indeed always silent.

Chen Rang found himself wanting to look at her more often, probably out of curiosity—young people are always curious about the unknown.

Hearing that she had gone to rest, Chen Rang sat down, took a big gulp of tea, and said to his grandmother, “I heard they seem to be searching for someone. But in those wild mountains, with wolves roaming about, even if there was someone, they’d have been eaten by now. How could they possibly find anyone!”

The Old Madam wasn’t interested in outside affairs and shook her head, “Instead of worrying about these things, you should focus on your studies. Grandmother is waiting for you to pass the imperial exams and bring glory to our family.” His father was only a tribute student, always feeling inferior to those who had passed the highest imperial exams. He was determined to raise his son to achieve that honor. Chen Rang was 16 now and had already attempted the exam once, naturally without success. He would have to try again in three years.

But the Old Madam wasn’t in a hurry. Even Chen Rang’s father had only become a tribute student at thirty.

Luo Yining, hearing their conversation, opened her eyes behind the gauze screen.

In her previous life, she had died after falling from the mountain, becoming a wandering spirit attached to her sister-in-law’s hairpin. When the hairpin broke, she lost consciousness. When she regained awareness, she found herself back 22 years in the past, at the moment she had just been pushed off the cliff.

This time, however, she didn’t die. Instead, she was rescued by an old lady from a gentry family. The old lady, a devout Buddhist, believed saving Yining was a karmic opportunity given by the Bodhisattva. Yining should have been grateful for this second chance at life.

However, the child in her womb…

Thinking of this, she closed her eyes, a cold smile tugging at her lips.

When she fell from the cliff in her previous life, she had no idea she was already three months pregnant. If she hadn’t come back, she might never have known she was carrying that man’s child.

Lu Jiaxue, the powerful Lord Lu, had ruthlessly killed his elder brother to inherit the title of Marquis of Ningyuan. Later, he achieved great military exploits and became the all-powerful Commander Lu. If not for those 20-plus years as a spirit in the hairpin, how would she have known her bedmate was so formidable?

But why, in this new life, was she still carrying his child?

The thought sent a sharp pain through her heart. Of course, she loved her child, but it was also that man’s child… The very idea filled her with complex emotions.

During those 20-plus years in the hairpin, she had witnessed the prosperity of the Ningyuan Marquis’s household under Lu Jiaxue’s control, and seen his cold-hearted nature. There was no trace left of her existence in the Ningyuan Marquis’s household. How could she return with the child, only for Lu Jiaxue to kill her again?

The thought chilled Yining to the bone. She couldn’t go back.

Fortunately, the Old Madam Chen had a heart of gold and never pressured her. Knowing Yining was pregnant, she even insisted that Yining eat with her. Yining had decided that after giving birth, she would serve the Old Madam well to repay her kindness.

Chen Rang was the most restless. After chatting briefly with his grandmother, he couldn’t resist going to play with his cousin. Once he left, Yining emerged from behind the gauze screen and bowed to the Old Madam.

The Old Madam pulled her to sit down, smiling, “You’re six months pregnant now, there’s no need for such formalities.”

“Your kindness to me is unforgettable. These small gestures are nothing in comparison,” Yining said, pulling something from her sleeve. “Your knees ache when the weather turns cold, so I made you some knee pads. I stuffed them with herbs to dispel dampness. Wearing these should ease your pain.”

Her voice was soft and gentle, unlike the local women, and it melted the Old Madam’s heart.

Rescuing such a considerate and attentive young woman was truly fortunate. Even her son and daughter-in-law weren’t as thoughtful. In her old age, the Old Madam craved such kindness. She occasionally thought that saving this child was indeed worthwhile, truly a karmic connection granted by the Bodhisattva. She smiled and patted Yining’s hand, “After your child is born, come with me to the capital. By then, I’ll adopt you as my goddaughter. If your child is a boy, he can study with Chen Rang. If it’s a girl, she can grow up by my side, and when it’s time for her to marry, I’ll prepare her dowry.”

Hearing this, Yining understood that the Old Madam had made thorough plans for her future.

In her life, Yining had lost her mother early, her father had remarried, and even her husband had plotted against her. When had anyone ever been so kind to her? She was immediately filled with gratitude. As long as the Old Madam didn’t mind, she was willing to care for her in her old age, attend to her, and treat her as her own family.

“I’ve already caused you so much trouble. How could I impose on you further?” Yining protested.

The Old Madam smiled, “Though you don’t say it, I know you come from a prestigious family. Your manners and etiquette are far superior to ours. This old woman adopting you as a goddaughter and adding you to our family registry is no loss for us. You often keep me company, more attentive than my daughter-in-law. I’m old now, and I hope you can always be by my side. Also, I have several unruly granddaughters in the capital. If you don’t mind, helping me train them in etiquette and needlework would make me very happy.”

How could Yining refuse? She tried to kneel and bow to the Old Madam again, but the Old Madam quickly called for a maid to help her up.

Yining knew that although only the eldest Chen son held a tribute student title, their medicinal herb business was very prosperous, making the family quite wealthy.

However, in people’s eyes, no matter how much money one made from business, it wasn’t as respectable as holding an official position. Due to their business, the eldest and second son, along with their wives, were always busy. The grandchildren were in the capital, leaving no one to keep the Old Madam company, naturally making her lonely. Thus, by taking good care of the Old Madam and keeping her company, Yining could best repay her kindness.

This time, when the eldest daughter-in-law brought Chen Rang to the villa, they had intended to take the Old Madam back to the capital. Although the herbs grew well here, the constant cold and dampness aggravated her knee pain. She told the eldest daughter-in-law that after Yining gave birth and completed her postpartum confinement, she would return to the capital.

The eldest daughter-in-law knew the Old Madam had rescued a young woman. She had seen Yining and found her beautiful, well-mannered, and cultured, so she didn’t object.

Most of the family’s wealth had been accumulated by the Old Madam, so as long as her actions weren’t excessive, the family members went along with her wishes.

The search for a body in the mountains had gone on for nearly half a year, and it wasn’t until autumn that the roads were reopened. Yining occasionally heard about the search in the mountains but never revealed anything about herself. She was nearing her due date, and the Old Madam had arranged for a midwife to attend to her at home.

At the end of September, the mountain forests were ablaze with autumn colors, the ground covered in red frost.

Yining labored for two days and two nights before giving birth to a seven-pound boy. She was left breathless, too weak even to speak. The baby boy, however, was exceptionally healthy, letting out a strong cry.

The Old Madam was immediately smitten with the baby, bringing him to Yining.

The soft, delicate child in her arms, his tiny hands grasping at the small blanket, made gentle cooing sounds after being fed. This was that man’s child. Why had that man treated her so? He had a child he would probably never know about. Thinking of this, Yining’s eyes unexpectedly welled up with tears.

The Old Madam quickly consoled her, “Don’t cry now. You mustn’t cry during postpartum confinement! Be careful not to hurt your eyes.”

Yining didn’t know why she was crying, perhaps for the child. In her previous life, she had died, missing out on her child. Thankfully, she had come back to life and could give birth to him, giving him life anew.

By this time, Chen Rang and his mother had returned to the capital, but the Old Madam was in no hurry. She waited until the child was older before heading to the capital. Since the child would be entered into the Chen family registry, the Old Madam named him Chen Feng, calling him Young Master Feng in daily life. At six months, Feng could crawl toward people and would smile at those close to him, like Yining and the Old Madam. The Old Madam would play with him while he was nursing. He would drink a bit of milk, then look up at her with a smile, his bright, large eyes gazing at her intently. It was hard not to love him.

The Chen family had a large mansion in the capital, near the West Quarter.

Chen Rang saw Yining again.

He had just returned from the academy when he saw Yining standing in the courtyard. Having just given birth, she possessed a mature charm that she lacked as a young girl. She was still nursing, her chest full, but her waist extremely slim. Her face remained soft and fair. Seeing him, she smiled slightly, revealing a dimple at the corner of her mouth. “Greetings, Young Master,” she said. Observing propriety between men and women, Yining quickly retreated to the corridor after greeting him.

Chen Rang was momentarily stunned.

He was captivated by her full chest, the dimple on one side, and even her soft voice.

Chen Rang had two maids serving him, and his mother had suggested he take them as concubines. But he was still youthful in mind and hadn’t acted on it. Until that night, when he dreamed of a woman’s graceful body. Controlled by desire, he grabbed her and passionately kissed her, entering her body, until he realized the face was Miss Yining’s. He woke with a start.

When he awoke, he found his pants were wet.

Chen Rang couldn’t help but laugh bitterly at himself.

Not only had Yining been added to their family registry as the Old Madam’s goddaughter, but she had also given birth to a child. His parents probably wouldn’t agree to him marrying Yining, though taking her as a concubine might be acceptable. But Yining was always elegant and upright; surely she would rather serve his grandmother until old age than become someone’s concubine.

Although Chen Rang understood this, he couldn’t help but look inside repeatedly when visiting his grandmother. Occasionally, when Yining was working outside, he would smile and chat with her.

At first, Yining kept her distance from him, but as he came more often, she thought Chen Rang was being filial to his grandmother and sometimes smiled and talked with him. Conversing with Yining always felt like a breath of spring air. Chen Rang realized she wasn’t cold, just unfamiliar with people. This made him even more infatuated. He felt Miss Yining might have feelings for him too, otherwise, why would she speak to him so gently?

She taught etiquette and needlework to the three Chen daughters, which gave her an occupation. Although the eldest and second Chen daughters-in-law were unhappy about the Old Madam keeping a strange woman with a child in the household, worried about gossip, they wouldn’t say anything to her face because of this arrangement.

Three years passed in the blink of an eye. Young Feng grew from a milk-fed baby to a small child who could say witty things, laugh and play, and even climb on a small stool to massage Yining’s shoulders when she was tired.

“Mother isn’t tired. Feng has grown up and will protect Mother,” the little boy said, hugging Yining’s neck, his soft childish voice in her ear.

Yining smiled and hugged the child. As he grew, he looked more and more like Lu Jiaxue, almost as if cut from the same mold. She kissed his little cheek and said softly, “But Feng still has many years to grow up. Why doesn’t Mother find you a stepfather? With a stepfather, Mother won’t be tired.” She joked with Feng.

Hearing this, Feng became anxious, “No stepfather, no stepfather! Mother is mine!” Having grown up without a father, with only his mother and grandmother showing him affection, he naturally depended heavily on his mother. Moreover, other maids who played with him would scare him, saying if his mother found a stepfather, she wouldn’t want him anymore.

Feng hugged his mother tightly, pressing against her neck, repeatedly saying, “You’re mine alone!”

Yining patted his little hand, “Alright, I’m yours alone.”

Feng, satisfied, clung to her like a little monkey on her back until Yining could hardly work. She pinched his bottom, and Feng finally jumped down, tugging at her skirt.

The little clingy one truly couldn’t bear to let go of her for a moment.

Yining felt warmth in her heart. How could she ever think of finding him a stepfather?

Unbeknownst to them, Chen Rang was passing by and overheard Yining’s words about a stepfather. His heart immediately skipped a beat. Could Yining already have a man she liked? That wouldn’t do!

Chen Rang had been married for a year. His wife’s father was a jinshi who had been sent to serve as a county magistrate. Although their family wasn’t as wealthy as those in the suburbs, having a jinshi father made it an excellent match. Chen Rang couldn’t refuse and had married her half-heartedly, but his heart truly belonged to Yining.

Chen Rang stood there, his expression changing several times. Until Yining came out carrying Feng, she saw the now successful young man, dressed in rich clothes, looking at her expressionlessly.

“Young Master has returned,” Yining still bowed in greeting.

Chen Rang smiled, “You’ve been adopted by Grandmother, why to call me Young Master? Just call me Brother Rang!”

Yining was startled. Even if she had been adopted by the Old Madam, Chen Rang should call her Aunt, not ask her to call him brother.

Although she thought this, she only smiled and said, “Young Master jests. We must maintain propriety. I have matters to attend to, so I’ll take my leave.”

Chen Rang watched her retreating figure somewhat dazedly, still hearing Feng’s chatter: “Want to eat the cakes Mother makes…”

“Alright, we’ll have cakes,” her voice was soft and gentle.

Yining decided to avoid Chen Rang in the future.

After Feng’s fourth birthday, news arrived from the frontier.

Lu Jiaxue had annihilated the enemy forces, his reputation spreading far and wide. He was returning to the capital in triumph.

This news not only shocked the court but also filled the capital’s citizens with joy. When Lu Jiaxue returned to the city, people spontaneously went to the city gates to welcome him, almost emptying the streets.

Those fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of the general from afar would boast about it for days.

Within half a month, the court-appointed Lu Jiaxue as the Commander of the Left Military Guard, making him the highest-ranking military official. Wherever he went, he was the center of attention, with people kneeling to welcome him, unmatched by anyone else.

When Yining heard this news, she was peeling walnuts for the Old Madam to eat.

The Old Madam told Yining, “Zhiniang’s husband, that Ministry of War official, has connections with one of Commander Lu’s subordinate generals. She told me that the general is now very successful, commanding respect wherever he goes. People secretly offer him thousands in gold, but he doesn’t care for it. His first wife died, and he’s now looking to remarry. Matchmakers are wearing out his doorstep.”

Yining handed her a handful of walnuts, “Why concern yourself with these matters? I see we have many walnuts today; shall I make you some walnut cakes?”

The Old Madam smiled, “I’m just telling you for amusement. These high-ranking people are beyond our reach in this lifetime; it’s just fun to talk about.” She then asked, “Where’s Feng? Why haven’t you brought him out to play?”

Yining replied, “I’ve sent him to practice writing. He’s almost four now, almost time for him to start formal education.”

The Old Madam nodded, feeling a warm fondness at the thought of Feng. That child was obedient and considerate, clever for his age, with a temperament quite unlike Yining’s. She wondered if he took after his father more.

Thinking of this, the Old Madam sighed, wondering what kind of man his father was, to abandon such a good wife and child.

Never mind, she thought. It was her good fortune to have found and raised them. These years with Yining by her side had truly been joyful.

The Old Madam then said to her, “Oh, Zhiniang has invited me to stay with her for a while. Pack our things; we’ll go tomorrow. Bring Feng too; hasn’t he been asking to go out and play?”

Yining smiled, “You’re spoiling him.”

Zhiniang was the Old Madam’s eldest granddaughter, Chen Rang’s sister, who had married a Ministry of War official. Every winter, she would invite the Old Madam to stay for a month or two.

Yining walked out to the hallway and saw little Feng bent over his desk, seriously tracing the five characters for “Heaven, Earth, Ruler, Parent, Teacher” that she had asked him to write before leaving. The smile on her face gradually faded.

Lu Jiaxue, do you know you have a child?

No, you will never know.

Zhiniang’s mansion was half an hour’s journey from the Chen family home. The Old Madam’s quarters faced a pine forest, which she loved, so it was called the Green Pine Pavilion. With floor heating, it was as warm as spring.

The Old Madam went to catch up with her granddaughter. Yining stayed in the room to arrange things.

Feng obediently kept her company, his little hand cupping his chin, his bright eyes following his mother’s movements. Yining turned to see him watching her, looking so adorable that she wanted to kiss him.

“It’s just the two of us,” Feng loved these moments. “Just the two of us are best.”

Yining ignored her son’s self-talk, hearing a knock at the door. She went to open it. Seeing it was a maid from the household, whom they knew well, the maid smiled and said, “Greetings, Miss Yining. I’ve come to relay a message. There’s a family banquet at the Song mansion tomorrow. The Old Madam is to attend as well. Please make preparations early.”

Yining smiled, turned back, and saw the maid off.

That Song mansion must belong to that general under Lu Jiaxue’s command. It seemed Zhiniang was going, so she was bringing the Old Madam along.

“Mother, are you going?” Feng ran over to ask her.

Yining naturally nodded, “Mother has to go.”

“Feng wants to go too!” The child quickly said, not wanting to be apart from his mother for a whole day.

Yining shook her head, “You can’t go. Stay home and practice writing.”

Feng’s face fell, and he tugged at Yining’s skirt, pitifully begging for nearly half an hour until the Old Madam returned.

“If Feng wants to go, let him,” the Old Madam said cheerfully. “With Feng, our journey will be more interesting!”

The Old Madam truly adored this little bundle of joy, wanting to carry him wherever she went.

Yining worried that if people asked about Feng’s background, it might put the Old Madam in an awkward position.

“What’s there to be awkward about? I’ll just say you’re my daughter and he’s my grandson. What can they say to that?” The Old Madam dismissed her concerns, pinching Feng’s little cheek.

The Old Madam ended up taking Feng to the Song family.

General Song’s mansion was imposing, and the banquet was extremely lavish. The women dined in the flower hall, while the men ate in the front hall. As General Song’s wife had passed away, his mother hosted the women.

As they were dining, suddenly there was a commotion outside. A guest whispered, “I hear Commander Lu is coming today!”

“Really?” Someone couldn’t contain their excitement and stood up to look outside.

Someone rushed in, breathless but excited: “Madam, Commander Lu… Commander Lu has arrived!” General Song’s mother was equally delighted. Fearing any discourtesy, she immediately prepared to go out and receive him.

The remaining female guests began to chatter excitedly, their earlier quietness forgotten. Some even hurried out, eager to catch a glimpse of Lu Jiaxue’s renowned presence.

The old lady was surprised to find Yining, still beside her, calmly sipping her soup.

“Don’t you want to go out and see?” the old lady asked.

Yining shook her head. “They all have one nose and two eyes. What’s there to see?”

The old lady laughed and said to Zhiniang, “See? I told you she was amusing!”

Zhiniang, who regarded Yining as merely a servant, smiled without comment. Looking around, she asked, “Oh? Where has young Master Feng gone?”

Yining replied with a smile, “He finished eating earlier. Lanxin took him to see the plum blossoms.”

Lanxin was another of the old lady’s maids.

Yining was correct. Lanxin had indeed taken young Feng to see the flowers. However, when Lu Jiaxue arrived, many people emerged from the flower hall. Lanxin, distracted by the commotion at the front hall, turned away for a moment. When she looked back, young Feng had vanished. Panicked, she remembered how precious the boy was to the old lady.

She hurriedly searched, calling out for young Feng. As she approached the front, she caught a glimpse of his small figure disappearing inside. Just as she was about to enter, guards at the door stopped her. “Who goes there?”

Lanxin pleaded urgently, “Sirs, my young master just went inside! I’ll fetch him and leave immediately!”

The guard coldly replied, “Do you know who’s in there? Get lost!”

Lanxin grew anxious, seeing the guards had drawn their swords. Unable to force her way in, she stomped her foot in frustration and hurried back to find the old lady. Young Feng wouldn’t get lost here, but what if he caused trouble inside?

Young Feng, bored with the flowers, had decided to return to his mother. Unable to distinguish between the similar-looking paths, he unknowingly went the wrong way. Seeing a building resembling the flower hall ahead, he followed a maid inside.

To his surprise, the interior was quiet, unlike the bustling scene from earlier. The four-year-old, barely waist-high, stood on tiptoe at the doorway, straining to listen. He heard voices from within: “If this happens, the Crown Prince’s faction will surely gain power. Between you and the Third Prince…”

Another voice, low and calm, responded, “Then we’ll kill them. Why waste words?”

Suddenly, both voices fell silent. Someone spoke coldly, “Who’s outside?”

Young Feng tried to run, but his short legs betrayed him. He tripped on the steps and fell, bursting into tears moments later.

The man who came out chuckled, “It’s just a little child.” Disregarding the boy’s pitiful cries, he dragged him inside by his collar.

As soon as the man released him, young Feng sat on the floor, sobbing continuously.

“Little one, where’s your mother?” The man crouched down to look at him. “Stop crying now, your face is all tear-stained.” He took out a handkerchief to wipe the boy’s face.

Young Feng pushed his hand away. “I don’t want you to wipe it! I want my mother to do it!”

“Alright, alright,” the man said, amused. “So where is your mother? Did she abandon you?”

Young Feng wailed louder, “My mother would never abandon me! She loves me the most!”

“Enough, Wei Ling. Why are you teasing him?” The man seated above, realizing it was just a child, said flatly, “Take him out and leave him outside. His crying irritates me.”

Wei Ling remarked curiously, “I remember you used to love children.”

“You must be misremembering.”

Normally, intruders at such a secret meeting would be killed without mercy, but for a small child, the men weren’t so cruel. They decided to let him off.

After wiping the boy’s face, Wei Ling smiled and said, “Lu Jiaxue, this child looks remarkably like you.”

Lu Jiaxue, sipping his tea, replied, “Nonsense. Just throw him out quickly.”

“He does look like you. Could he be your illegitimate son?”

“Bad man!” young Feng sobbed. “I’ll leave on my own. Don’t throw me!”

“Heh.” Lu Jiaxue let out a cold laugh.

“I’m not joking.” Wei Ling picked up the child, who immediately began flailing like a turtle in mid-air, and placed him on the tea table. Young Feng found himself closer to the man with handsome features but a fierce aura. Several others stood around, smiling deferentially, clearly of lower status than this man and the one who had carried him.

The man extended two fingers to hold the boy’s chin, a jade ring on his thumb.

Lu Jiaxue frowned deeply, realizing the child did indeed bear a striking resemblance to him.

It wasn’t just a resemblance; they were practically identical. If he didn’t know he couldn’t have an illegitimate child, he might have believed this was his son.

He clicked his tongue and asked, “Little one, what’s your name?”

Young Feng, no longer crying in front of this intimidating man, glared at him and said coldly, despite his young age, “My name is Chen Feng.”

The child’s boldness made him seem even more like his son.

Lu Jiaxue’s interest was piqued. “What’s your father’s name?”

“My father is dead.”

“Oh?” Could he be an orphan? “Then what about your mother?”

“My mother says my father is dead.”

“I’m asking who your mother is.”

The smallmouth tightened, and young Feng suddenly became wary. “I won’t tell you!”

Lu Jiaxue looked at the small face so similar to his own, feeling rather speechless. Immediately, someone stood up and said, “Don’t trouble yourself, sir. He’s probably the child of one of our guests. I’ll take him away now.”

“Wait.” Lu Jiaxue raised a hand to stop him, then smiled. “Put him in the side room. Let his mother come fetch him herself.”

The listeners wanted to wipe their brows in disbelief, wondering about the Commander’s strange interest. Young Feng, his tears not yet dry, heard the man say his mother should come get him. He pressed his lips together, thinking this bad man surely meant to harm his mother. He was led into the side room as the adults continued their meeting.

Meanwhile, Yining had just learned that young Feng was missing. He was her lifeline, and she was frantic with worry. She followed Lanxin to the front of the courtyard, but the guards still refused entry. Desperate to find her son, Yining tried to force her way in, leading to an argument.

General Song, who was hosting the banquet, heard the commotion and came out. “What’s all this noise about?”

He looked up and saw two women. One was ordinary-looking, but the other… The other was delicately beautiful, with tears in her eyes, looking fragile enough to stir one’s heart. Yet she also had a full figure, with prominent curves.

He swallowed involuntarily, then asked, “What are you doing here? Are you a new maid?”

Yining immediately curtsied. “Sir, my child went missing here earlier. I’ve come to find him.”

“Ah, your son.” General Song smiled. “Come in then. Commander Lu is waiting for you to collect your child.”

“Commander Lu…” Yining’s voice faltered.

“Yes, don’t you know Lu Jiaxue, the Commander?”

Yining’s mind reeled. Lu Jiaxue! Lu Jiaxue was here!

“Sir, could you please bring my son out? I’ll leave with him immediately.” Yining looked at General Song, her voice still soft.

Hearing her gentle tone, General Song felt weak-kneed. He coughed and said, “Don’t go anywhere. Wait here for me.”

He went inside to report to Lu Jiaxue: “Sir, the child’s mother is here.”

Lu Jiaxue was in the middle of an important discussion and had lost interest in the matter. He told General Song to just take the child out.

General Song carried young Feng out, but the boy struggled fiercely.

“I don’t want you to carry me! Let me go!”


Young Feng suddenly heard a familiar voice. His body stiffened, and his eyes reddened.

Yining rushed forward and took Feng from General Song. She immediately gave him a light swat on the bottom. “How can you be so naughty and disobedient!”

If others had hit him, he would have resisted, but when his mother did it, he felt wronged yet didn’t dodge. He bit his lip pitifully, allowing his mother to spank him. Seeing his mother cry, he immediately hugged her, saying, “Mother, don’t be angry. Feng’er will be good!”

Ah, this child!

How could Yining bear to hit him again? The small body pressed against her, repeatedly saying, “Don’t be angry, don’t be angry.”

“I apologize for the trouble. Please forgive us, sir.” Yining held Feng close, curtsied to General Song, and prepared to leave.

“Wait,” General Song smiled and asked, “Which family are you from?”

Yining hesitated, hearing footsteps approaching from inside. If Lu Jiaxue saw her…

She immediately turned and left with the child. From behind came a lazy voice: “So you’re the child’s mother?”

That voice, how could she not recognize it? Yining’s body stiffened. She dared not speak, pretending she hadn’t heard anything, and left with her child.

“How disrespectful of this woman!” Someone immediately tried to stop her.

“Let it be. It’s understandable for a woman to be wary of strange men,” Lu Jiaxue said. He had only wanted to see what the child’s mother looked like. If she didn’t want to be seen, there was nothing more to say.

But as he watched her retreating figure, he felt a sense of familiarity.

Very familiar…

Luo Yining.

She looked like Luo Yining!

As this thought struck Lu Jiaxue, he suddenly rushed forward, desperate to see the woman’s face. But when he stepped out, she had already vanished.

“Sir, what’s wrong?” Those who had followed him asked cautiously.

Lu Jiaxue shook his head, remaining silent. His expression was as cold and painful as if drenched in blood.

Luo Yining… his wife…

He had schemed to marry her, then lavished her with affection, wanting to keep her in a greenhouse, sheltered from wind and rain. He had kept everything from her, and yet she had died, leaving him behind.

Every time he saw someone resembling her, he would chase after them, only to be disappointed. These repeated disappointments had turned to despair.

For she had been dead for years, fallen off a cliff, and devoured by wolves.

If it were her, why would she avoid him?

Lu Jiaxue slowly clenched his fists, hearing his breathing tinged with a faint pain.

The first year without her was longing, wanting to hold her close in his bones and blood. The second year was despair, wanting to destroy everything. The third year was madness, a desire to lock her away if he ever saw her again. By the fourth year, it had become an obsession. He no longer knew what he was tormenting himself for.

“It’s nothing,” he said, his voice cold and hoarse as he slowly turned back.

Yining, hearing someone pursue her, had run frantically until she was out of sight. She stopped by the lake, catching her breath and recalling moments from their past.

He had copied Buddhist scriptures for her, teasing her for being slow. “Your handwriting is so ugly, it would embarrass me if I took it out.” He had let her hit him, laughing, “If hitting me makes you feel better, I’ll still sleep with you tonight.” He had taken her to see night-blooming cereus, waiting all night for it to open.

Before he left for battle, she had clung to him, crying.

He had held her, his voice hoarse but determined, more serious than ever before. “I will come back, even if I have to desert. I will come back.”

He had kissed her forehead, his lips burning. “I will never leave you alone.”

She had believed these words then. If he truly loved her, why had he treated her this way, keeping everything from her… and then killed her?

A small hand wiped her eyes. Her child looked up at her, whispering, “Mother, be good. Don’t cry. Feng’er will be obedient.”

He was comforting her with the same words she had once used to comfort him.

“Mother isn’t angry with you.” Yining hugged her child tightly.

After returning home, Yining decided to forget everything that had happened that day.

But even if she didn’t seek trouble, trouble would find her. Her mind was so preoccupied with Lu Jiaxue that she hadn’t noticed anything unusual that day.

It wasn’t until Zhiniang came to visit the Chen family and spoke discreetly to Old Lady Chen: “Do you remember General Song from that day?”

How could the old lady forget?

Zhiniang hesitated, unsure how to continue. Finally, she said, “That day, Yining went with us to the Song residence. When she was looking for young Feng, General Song saw her… It seems… it seems General Song has taken a liking to Yining and wants to marry her as his secondary wife.”

The old lady was startled. “The Song family? But this…” She hesitated, wanting to mention that Yining already had a child, while also wondering how General Song had taken an interest in her. “What exactly is going on?”

Zhiniang was equally puzzled. Although she treated Yining politely, it was mostly out of respect for the old lady. She had never truly considered Yining as the old lady’s daughter. General Song came from a prestigious family, even surpassing Zhiniang’s marriage. How could he have set his sights on Luo Yining?

Despite Yining’s beauty, she had a child. Her status wasn’t respectable either. Although the old lady had adopted her, she was still essentially a servant of the Chen family.

“I’m just as surprised as you are,” Zhiniang sighed. “General Song approached the master directly. The master told me about it and specifically instructed that we must make her agree to this marriage. Neither we nor the Chen family can afford to offend General Song. Moreover, with this connection, we can count on General Song’s future support. Behind General Song is the Governor himself… Besides, given General Song’s excellent family background, it’s a blessing that he’s interested in Yining. She would be marrying up.”

The old lady’s interest was piqued. She thought it might be good for Yining to marry this man, ensuring a life of wealth and prosperity. While Yining remained with the Chen family, she could protect her for a few years. But what would happen to Yining and Feng’er after she passed away if her daughters-in-law didn’t approve of them?

“I don’t know her thoughts on this. Yining may seem gentle, but she’s quite determined. No one can force her to do something she doesn’t want to do,” the old lady said. “I need to talk to her about this.”

Zhiniang grew anxious. “How can she not agree?” She wanted to say that Yining had no right to refuse. If it were her, she would have joyfully accepted such a prestigious match.

The old lady gave her a look but said nothing. She simply called for someone to fetch Yining.

Upon hearing that General Song wanted to marry her, Yining’s eyes flickered. She quickly shook her head. “Thank you for your kind intentions, Young Miss, but I don’t want to marry.”

Both Zhiniang and the old lady were surprised. The old lady immediately took Yining’s hand and tried to persuade her: “Do you still intend to remain faithful to your former husband? After how he treated you, there’s no shame in remarrying.”

Yining smiled bitterly. She knew her position in the Chen family was awkward. While the old lady was alive, things were fine, but what would happen after she passed? If it were anyone else, she would have married for Feng’er’s sake, regardless of her feelings. But this was General Song! Marrying him might lead to Lu Jiaxue discovering her eventually.

“I’m truly sorry, but I really can’t marry this man,” Yining said firmly.

Zhiniang had thought this matter was settled, but Yining’s refusal changed everything. Despite the efforts of the first and second mistresses, they couldn’t persuade her. Disappointed, Zhiniang had to return and send a message to the Song family.

General Song had been captivated by Yining that day and was determined to marry her. His mother had wanted to find a girl with a clean background, and she couldn’t understand why he would choose a woman who already had a child. However, she couldn’t oppose her son’s wishes. In their military family, the head of the household with a title and achievements had the final say. So, General Song’s decision to marry Yining was absolute.

He had assumed she wouldn’t refuse. Although this would be his second marriage, there were many women with better backgrounds than Yining who wanted to marry him. He was surprised when he received Zhiniang’s reply.

“What’s wrong?” Lu Jiaxue, who was drinking with him, asked.

General Song smiled wryly. “I took a liking to a woman. She’s been married before and has a child, but no husband now. I wanted to marry her, but it turns out she’s unwilling.”

Lu Jiaxue was also surprised and joked, “Which woman is so unappreciative? Should I personally go and propose on your behalf?”

“My lord jests,” General Song laughed, knowing Lu Jiaxue was just making conversation.

Lu Jiaxue naturally changed the subject, swirling his wine cup as he recalled the day he had proposed to her.

She had been so happy when she learned she could marry him. Her eyes had sparkled, and she couldn’t hide her smile even while biting her lips. Seeing her joy had filled him with pleasure and indescribable relief.

He was fortunate to have such a status that the woman he wanted to marry was willing to marry him.

On their wedding night, when he lifted her veil with the ceremonial weighing scale, he found her lowering her head, seemingly frightened.

She was very beautiful, her face like frost and snow, soft and sweet. He kissed her, and her face reddened at his touch. He pressed her down, kissing her until she whimpered in pain, trying to escape. But his iron-like hands held her in place, and she could only cry softly.

She was three years younger than him, just fifteen when they married, not even reaching his shoulder. Her body was tender, soft, and sweet. He couldn’t help but take her multiple times until her legs trembled. The next day, she couldn’t even get up to pay her respects.

But who told her to cry like a kitten when she couldn’t resist him? The more he heard it, the more his desire grew. His massive body blocked out all light, and his manhood swelled as it pressed against her. She cried even more desperately, begging him to stop. Little did she know that her cries only excited him further, making his temples throb.

The next day, his back was covered in red scratches from her nails. She avoided him for several days, trembling at his touch.

After tasting the pleasures of the flesh, he wanted to indulge every night. She was scared but dared not refuse, until one day, she couldn’t bear it anymore. As he was pushing her towards the bed, she kicked him.

Lu Jiaxue looked at her in surprise.

Yining blushed. Her upbringing had taught her to obey her husband in all things after marriage, let alone kick him. But at that moment, she had found unexpected courage and blurted out, “I don’t want to! Go sleep by yourself!”

As soon as she said it, her face paled. What had she just said? She tried to maintain her composure and looked at him calmly.

To her surprise, Lu Jiaxue simply smiled and let go of her. “Alright, I won’t bother you. You can continue making your socks.”

The socks were actually for him.

Yining had been testing the waters, like a cat extending its claws, until she felt safe enough to reveal her true nature.

Lu Jiaxue patiently endured, indulged, and guided her, quietly doting on her.

She truly became like a cat. When he was reading, she would come and sit beside him. Lu Jiaxue didn’t know what she was up to at first, so he just watched her. She took out several thumb rings and grabbed his hand, trying them on his thumb.

“Are you giving these to me?” Lu Jiaxue asked.

She shook her head. “Who said I’m giving them to you? I saw that Father’s thumb ring was cracked, so I’m choosing a nice one for him. Don’t move, let me try them properly.”

She held his long, strong hand. His hand had slightly protruding tendons from martial arts practice, while hers was white and soft, with little dimples on the back. Despite being so thin, she had dimples on her hands – how childlike.

Well, he’d let her try them on. Lu Jiaxue relaxed his fingers, allowing her to fit the rings.

Finally, she said, “This one looks the best.” Then she added, “Since it looks so good, I guess I’ll reluctantly give it to you.”

Lu Jiaxue burst into laughter, finding her tsundere behavior utterly adorable. He pulled her onto the couch and kissed her.

Lu Jiaxue lowered his eyes and took another sip of wine.

The alcohol burned like fire in his stomach.

He was tired of this loneliness and desolation.

No one asked if his porridge was warm, no one stood with him at dusk.

It was enough to drive a person mad with despair. In the endless, slow nights, he often heard her voice near his ear, only to realize it was an illusion. It seemed so close, as if she were nearby, but when he came to his senses, there was nothing. She was far beyond his reach.

Seeing the lord’s expression turn cold again, General Song dared not say more.

Later, he sent a matchmaker to the Chen family to propose formally. Soon after, he sent betrothal gifts – twenty loads in total, with a bride price of one thousand taels of silver.

The old lady became anxious when she saw this. “We haven’t agreed yet. How can they send betrothal gifts already?”

Returning the gifts would be a slap in General Song’s face.

The first lady was calmer. “General Song’s intentions are clear – we must agree whether we want to or not. He’s not giving us a choice. Mother, I think you should marry Yining off. How can we afford to offend General Song?”

The old lady sighed. “But Yining is unwilling. What can I do?”

The first lady laughed coldly. “We’ve taken care of her for years, which is kind enough. How can we let her offend the Song family now? General Song maybe fifteen years older than her, but he’s in his prime. What’s wrong with marrying him? She doesn’t have a notable background herself, what kind of match does she expect?”

Hearing her daughter-in-law speak this way, the old lady felt displeased. She knew Yining better than that. If Yining were after wealth and status, she would have agreed long ago. She must have her reasons for refusing.

The first lady’s eyes gleamed as she thought of something else. She whispered into the old lady’s ear.

The old lady’s expression became serious, and her tone changed. “Is this true?”

“How could I deceive you about such a matter? I’m terrified myself. Yining is listed in our family register. What would it look like if she were involved with Ranger? Our family can’t afford such a scandal.”

The old lady’s expression changed several times. That evening, after Yining finished making soup, she called her over. With a cold expression, she said, “Yining, you must agree to this marriage with the Song family.”

Yining was stunned. “Old Lady, didn’t you say it was up to me…”

The old lady waved her hand and spoke slowly. “How long has this thing between you and Rang’er been going on?”

Yining bit her lip, immediately understanding what the old lady was implying. She quickly said, “I’ve always avoided him. How could there be anything between us? I’ve served you for years. How could I have such thoughts?”

The old lady sighed slowly. “But Ranger has.”

“Old Lady…”

The old lady stopped her from continuing. “Yining, have I treated you well these past few years?”

Yining nodded without hesitation.

The old lady sighed. “The Song family has already sent betrothal gifts. We refused, but they sent them anyway. So you have no choice but to marry now. They’re determined to have you as a bride. Otherwise, the Chen family will suffer because of you. Moreover, if you stay in the Chen family and something happens between you and Rang’er, it would bring shame to our family!”

Listening to the old lady’s words, Yining couldn’t help but cry. She wiped her tears, suddenly feeling a sense of helplessness as if there was nowhere left for her in this vast world.

Why had General Song taken a liking to her of all people?

If she were to leave abruptly now, wouldn’t that also implicate the Chen family? The old lady had treated her well for years; she couldn’t be ungrateful.

“I’ll prepare a good dowry for you. You’ll have a grand wedding when you marry into the Song family. It’s not like you’re entering a tiger’s den. Since General Song is so insistent on marrying you, he must like you. Don’t be afraid,” the old lady said, her voice much gentler now.

Yining had stopped crying. She bowed steadily and said, “If that’s the case… then I’ll leave everything to your arrangements.”

Since she had no choice, she decided to resign herself to fate. Perhaps Lu Jiaxue had already forgotten about her, or perhaps they would never meet again. Or if they did meet in the future, she would simply avoid him. That was all she could think of now.

When the Song family received word that the Chen family had agreed to the marriage, both sides began the formal six rites of marriage. General Song, knowing that Yining was only an adopted daughter of the Chen family, worried that her dowry might not be sufficient. He took an additional 1,500 taels of silver from his private funds to supplement Yining’s dowry. This money was considered part of the bride’s assets, a gift to Yining.

When she heard about this, Yining sighed softly. This General Song was truly a good person.

The household was busy preparing Yining’s wedding clothes and dowry. Even those who had looked down on her before now came to chat with her, putting on friendly faces.

Although Feng’er was only four years old, he was already very intelligent and naturally understood that his mother was going to remarry. He was unhappy. He felt that another uncle was going to steal his mother away.

Feng’er knew his mother wasn’t willing to remarry. He resented being too young to protect her.

“When Feng’er grows up, he’ll be successful,” the small child hugged her leg, muttering dejectedly.

Yining picked him up and kissed his cheek. “What’s wrong now?”

“I can’t be useless like Father, unable to protect Mother,” Feng’er said. “If Feng’er becomes a great general, Mother can do whatever she wants.”

Yining smiled at this.

Feng’er was still young and didn’t understand many things.

Of course, he didn’t have a clear understanding of whether his father was truly successful or not.

“Alright, Mother will wait for you to grow up,” Yining said, releasing the child. As she looked at the list of betrothal gifts from the groom’s family, she suddenly froze.

A memory flashed before her eyes: That man sat confidently in front of her, leaning close to watch her write by candlelight. He clicked his tongue, “Isn’t this the scripture you’re copying for Grandmother? Your couplets may not be good, but how is your handwriting so poor? It’s even worse than mine.”

The Dowager had asked her daughters-in-law to hand-copy Buddhist scriptures. She had enlisted her maid to help, but it wasn’t enough.

Yining turned away and continued writing, ignoring him.

As a lady of the inner chambers, she excelled in needlework, embroidery, household management, and cooking, not in poetry or literary arts. To each their specialty, right? Weren’t the socks she made for him both comfortable and warm?

Lu Jiaxue snatched the brush from her hand and said, “Come on, I’ll write a few pages for you. I see even your maid can’t keep up, but your handwriting is too ugly. It would embarrass me if others saw it.”

She finally opened her thin lips and spoke: “Why don’t you go out and play?” How could a young master who spent his time riding horses and hunting with falcons have neater handwriting than her?

Lu Jiaxue reached out and embraced her.

Yining lost herself for a moment in his embrace. Looking up, she could only see his clean jawline.

“I wrote your betrothal gift list myself, you know,” he said calmly and gently. Then, while still holding her, he began to write, and his characters were indeed neat and beautiful.

Thinking back, what couldn’t Lu Jiaxue do? Martial arts, strategy, playing the fool to catch the wise – who knew what lay hidden beneath his carefree smile? She had always wondered how such a person could pretend so well. Pretend so well that she believed he truly loved her.

Yining snapped back to reality, realizing she had never truly forgotten Lu Jiaxue.

She repeatedly reminded herself that Lu Jiaxue was now Governor Lu, and she should keep that in mind.

General Song was visibly elated about his impending marriage. When he went to report to Lu Jiaxue, he took the opportunity to deliver a wedding invitation, bowing to Lu Jiaxue, “Please come and drink to our happiness if you have time, my lord.”

Lu Jiaxue glanced at the date and smiled, “Unfortunately, I may have other engagements that day. However, I’ll make sure to send a gift.”

What more could General Song say?

Lu Jiaxue handed the invitation to his steward and casually asked, “Which family’s daughter are you marrying?”

“This is thanks to your blessing, my lord,” General Song recounted the events of that day. “She’s the mother of that child. I liked her from the moment I saw her.”

“Since she has a child, I assume she was previously married?” Lu Jiaxue rarely had so much free time. He looked at Song with an enigmatic smile. “You’re quite adventurous, marrying a wife and getting a child in the bargain.”

General Song replied, “I heard her husband abandoned her, which is why the Chen family adopted her as their daughter. She’s a frail woman with a child; what else could she do but marry me? I don’t mind the child. He’s exceptionally intelligent for his age. With proper nurturing, he might even earn an official rank in the future.”

General Song was naturally eager to bring his bride home. The three gifts and six etiquettes were completed in just over ten days.

The wedding day fell in early winter, with light snow drifting outside.

Yining stood by the railing, watching the snow for a while. As dusk approached, she was dressed in the phoenix crown and embroidered robe of a bride, covered with a red veil, and carried to the bridal sedan chair.

Feng’er was led by a matron sent by the Song family, following along to their new home.

The Song residence was festively decorated, with drums and gongs creating a joyous cacophony.

The bride entered, led by the groom with a red silk sachet into the main hall.

For some reason, Yining’s mind kept flashing back to her first wedding. When she rose after bowing, a pair of long, well-proportioned hands reached out to steady her. Their owner must have been handsome.

As she was about to stand, a similar pair of hands reached out to support her.

Different hands, but equally strong.

She suddenly felt a wave of melancholy at how much had changed. For a moment, she didn’t take his hand.

General Song’s hand hesitated, and suddenly someone rushed into the hall, whispering in his ear, “Master, the Governor has arrived!”

How could he suddenly come when he said he was unavailable? General Song was in the middle of the ceremony and couldn’t leave to greet him, but he didn’t dare neglect Lu Jiaxue either.

“The Governor says you needn’t attend to him. He’ll just observe the ceremony,” the servant quickly added.

Under the red veil, Yining lowered her eyes.

With that, General Song instructed the servants to attend to the Governor well, and the wedding ceremony continued.

Lu Jiaxue had originally planned to attend an audience with the Emperor today, but he finished early and decided to come for a celebratory drink. The second master of the Song family personally invited the Governor to take the seat of honor, and immediately everyone rose to pay their respects to Lu Jiaxue. Not knowing the Governor would attend, people eagerly crowded around to offer toasts, but Lu Jiaxue waved them away.

The VIP seats were on the upper floor, overlooking the main hall where the wedding was taking place. Lu Jiaxue noticed a small figure leaning against the railing, looking down. To mark the joyous occasion, the little one was also dressed in a red coat. His fair face was flushed red, and he looked pitiful as if no one cared for him.

Lu Jiaxue gestured to his subordinate, who immediately brought Feng’er over.

Feng’er recognized the “bad guy” from before. He turned his head away and let out a soft huff.

“You don’t like me?” Lu Jiaxue asked calmly.

“Why should I like you?” the child retorted.

Lu Jiaxue smiled, “Everyone else likes me. You don’t?”

The little one blinked and said, “They don’t like you.”

Lu Jiaxue asked, “Oh? How do you know?”

Feng’er said seriously, “You’re sitting alone at a table. No one’s sitting with you. They must not like you.” This bad guy that no one liked was quite pitiful.

Lu Jiaxue laughed heartily and ruffled the child’s hair. “When your mother marries your stepfather, you should call me uncle. Then you can come to the Marquis’s mansion, and I’ll teach you how to ride a horse. How about that?”

For any other child, this would be an extraordinary opportunity. Associating with Lu Jiaxue would ensure a life of wealth and status.

But the little one shook his head again. “Mother told me not to see you much. She said to avoid you if I encounter you.”

The child seemed more willing to talk now that he was familiar with Lu Jiaxue. Strangely, Lu Jiaxue found this child quite amusing.

“Why? I don’t eat people,” Lu Jiaxue said, drinking his wine as firecrackers went off outside.

“I don’t know,” the little one rested his chin on his small hand. “Last time I saw you, she seemed very unhappy and ran away with me. Then that night she cried. I don’t want Mother to be unhappy, so I can’t see you.”

Lu Jiaxue still showed no reaction. “But you’ve seen me today.”

“So we can’t tell her,” the child said, his tone childish yet resigned. “She’s my mother, and I have to pamper her.”

“Is your mother so afraid of me?” Lu Jiaxue asked casually.

The little one said, “I don’t know, but I’ll tell you a secret. She’s most afraid of Lu Jiaxue. When she has nightmares, she always calls out that name…”

Lu Jiaxue’s teacup finally stopped mid-air. He stared at Feng’er intensely, his gaze so cold that it made Feng’er take half a step back.

Although this bad guy often said mean things, his face had always been kind and smiling. That’s why Feng’er wasn’t afraid of him, but seeing him like this, Feng’er felt a little scared.

Lu Jiaxue narrowed his eyes. “Do you know who Lu Jiaxue is?”

Feng’er mumbled, “I don’t know…”

Lu Jiaxue stepped closer, his gaze growing fiercer. “Who taught you this?”

Feng’er was only four years old after all. Frightened by this, he began to sob and cry.

The subordinates didn’t know what was happening and didn’t dare speak. Someone wanted to say, “My lord… he’s just a child!”

But Lu Jiaxue strode towards Feng’er, grabbed him, and lifted him into the air. Feng’er cried loudly, calling for his mother incessantly, his little face turning red as he struggled in vain against Lu Jiaxue’s grip.

“What’s your mother’s name?” Lu Jiaxue demanded harshly.

Feng’er now realized how terrifying this bad guy was. The child, knowing nothing more, cried out loudly for help: “Mother! Mother!”

“Answer me!”

The upper floor directly faced the main hall, and Yining had already heard Feng’er’s cries for help. The final wedding rite had just been completed, and darkness had fallen. The commotion was largely drowned out by the gongs, but Yining, being Feng’er’s mother, couldn’t miss her child’s cries for help. Her heart tightened, and she grabbed General Song’s hand. “General, Feng’er is calling for help!”

General Song had heard it too. He frowned and reassured his new wife, “Stay here. I’ll send someone to check!”

Yining couldn’t rest easy and followed General Song to the doorway. Although night had fallen, she lifted a corner of her veil and saw that man holding Feng’er suspended in the air. She felt both anxious and angry. This man had killed his brother and father; would he not even spare his flesh and blood?

Lu Jiaxue’s suspicions were gradually taking shape. He was naturally violent and bloodthirsty, and even the slight fondness he had for this child couldn’t mask his urgency. He gripped the boy’s neck and demanded, “Speak quickly!”

The child choked and cried out, “My mother’s name is Yining!”

Yining, Luo Yining…

Lu Jiaxue finally released his grip. The child fell to the ground, hurting himself, too frightened to even cry.

Lu Jiaxue’s face darkened. His subordinates had never seen such a terrifying expression on him, suppressing a storm that seemed ready to erupt at any moment.

For Lu Jiaxue, this wasn’t a glimmer of hope born from despair. His meticulous mind told him that this could very well be someone’s scheme against him. He had encountered countless such small, faint hopes before.

He knew it was impossible, having been disappointed countless times.

Yet he still longed for a miracle to happen.

He quickly descended the stairs, with his guards following. He spoke in a grim voice, “Seal off the surroundings. No one goes in or out!”

The guests were in an uproar. The joyous wedding ceremony had turned into a farce, but no one dared utter a word of protest. General Song soon emerged, his temples covered in cold sweat. Although Lu Jiaxue usually appeared amiable, when he was truly serious, he became cold and ruthless, sparing no one. How else had his elder brother and father died? Even if Lu Jiaxue were to seal off his home for no reason, he wouldn’t dare show the slightest displeasure.

“My lord, what’s happening? Why are you so angry?” General Song asked, bowing.

Lu Jiaxue’s gaze was icy as he looked at him. “Bring out the bride.”

“This…” General Song hesitated. The bride was about to be sent to the bridal chamber and couldn’t be seen by outsiders. Wouldn’t this break tradition? Would his marriage even be valid?

Lu Jiaxue merely said coldly, “Song Yang, I won’t repeat myself.”

“Please wait… I’ll call for her immediately.” General Song didn’t dare provoke him and immediately gestured for someone to fetch the bride.

However, the person soon returned, sweating profusely.

“Master, we’ve searched everywhere. The new mistress is nowhere to be found. She’s not in the main hall or her room. We don’t know where she’s gone.”

Hearing this, Lu Jiaxue’s emotions surged even more.

If there wasn’t truly something amiss, why would she hide? Could it be her? But why would she hide from him?

Fortunately, the surroundings had been sealed off. Even if she wanted to escape, she couldn’t.

He would search every corner until he found her!

“Luo Yining!” Lu Jiaxue looked around, his tone suddenly slowing down. “You know hiding is useless. You’d better come out. Otherwise, I’ll send troops to search every inch of the Song residence. I’ll find you eventually! Besides, your son is still in my hands. Try running and see what happens!”

The guests had been led to the flower hall. General Song was still confused. Who was Luo Yining? Even if he was looking for the bride, shouldn’t it be Chen Yining? Wait a minute! Luo Yining… this name sounded familiar.

Wasn’t that… wasn’t that the name of the Governor’s original wife who had died years ago?

General Song wasn’t a fool. He immediately connected the two Yinings and the Governor’s attitude, realizing a terrifying possibility… Could it be…

He held his breath, too frightened to speak.

From the corner ahead, a figure in bright red ceremonial robes slowly emerged. Surrounded by flickering lights, with large red lanterns adorned with the character for “double happiness” hanging from the eaves, she appeared in a phoenix crown and embroidered cape. The firelight illuminated her snow-white cheeks as the night breeze stirred her clothes.

This scene mirrored the night he married her years ago.

“Isn’t the Governor-General looking for me? I’m right here,” Yi Ning said coolly. It was the first time in years she looked directly at Lu Jiaxue. His features had grown sharper, his presence more imposing and unyielding.

Yet he felt like a stranger.

She realized she had never truly understood this man, only been deceived and kept in the dark.

Lu Jiaxue stared at her intently, taking in her slender shoulders and distant expression. She was… alive? He had searched for her around the mountains for months, finding only wolf-gnawed bones. He’d assumed wolves had devoured her body and proceeded to slaughter every wolf within five miles.

Yi Ning laughed bitterly, “At first I hid because I feared death. Now I don’t care. I’m an adopted daughter of the Chen family. Our paths have diverged Governor-General. I want no part in your affairs. Please spare my child and me, as well as other innocent people.”

As she finished speaking, she noticed his expression change.

His eyes gleamed with bloodlust, his face coldly impassive.

Lu Jiaxue approached her step by step. Intimidated, Luo Yi Ning instinctively backed away.

With nowhere left to retreat, he seized her wrist in an iron grip.

He glared at her, his chilling tone sending shivers down her spine. “What did you just say?”

“That you have nothing to do with me?” A cold smile played on his lips. “You married me, Luo Yi Ning. You’re mine. You’ll be mine for life. How dare you think of marrying another man?”

She was alive but hadn’t told him, avoiding him despite knowing he was at the Song family’s home. While he agonized over her death day and night, she had hidden from him, intending to marry his subordinate!

How absurd!

He had even sent wedding gifts for her nuptials.

Why would she do this? Could it be she wanted to elope with her lover and thus refused to acknowledge him?

Was there any other possibility?

Elope with her lover? Never.

She had married him. She belonged to him for life. Even as he indulged her, this thought remained constant in his mind.

“What are you doing? Have you gone mad?” Struggling against his grip but unable to break free, Luo Yi Ning felt a surge of helplessness and humiliation. “Lu Jiaxue, let go of me!”

Lu Jiaxue remained silent, only smirking coldly as he lifted her into his arms. Seeing her fierce struggles, he struck the back of her neck, causing her body to go limp and still in his embrace.

Holding her close, he turned to General Song.

Song Yang’s lips had gone pale, his forehead beaded with sweat.

The woman he was about to marry turned out to be the Governor-General’s wife. His life now hung in the balance!

“My lord, I truly had no idea!” Song Yang immediately fell to his knees. “If I had known she was… was the Marchioness, I would never have dared…”

“Ignorance is no crime,” Lu Jiaxue stated. “You should be grateful I discovered this in time. I’m taking her with me. As for today’s farce… think carefully about how to handle it.”

Carrying her in his arms, with an attendant bringing the boy Feng, Lu Jiaxue departed from the Song residence.

He cared nothing for the rumors that would surely spread. The joy of regaining what he had lost, the soft warmth in his arms, filled his heart and gradually quenched his parched soul.

He held her tighter, almost believing it was all a dream.

It felt so unreal that he feared losing her again.

Lu Jiaxue gazed at her for a long while. She had married him at fifteen, still a young girl then, fearful of him yet craving his affection. Though years had passed, her appearance hadn’t changed much – only her eyes had grown more alluring, her chin sharper, and her figure more shapely. She had become even more beautiful.

Those familiar eyes and lips.

As he looked at her, he couldn’t resist leaning down to kiss her.

Yi Ning awoke to the kiss, gradually opening her eyes to ornate decorations, gold-threaded curtains, and an elaborately carved redwood bed. Then she saw that handsome yet severe face.

The Governor-General wore a dragon robe with a jade belt, the cold, unfamiliar touch of which she felt as he loomed over her.

Startled, she quickly shrank back, accidentally bumping her head on the bedpost.

Lu Jiaxue reached out to rub the spot. “So careless. Do you think I’ll eat you?”

Yi Ning suddenly recalled what had happened. Looking down at herself, she realized her clothes had been changed. Alarmed, she asked, “Who changed my clothes?”

Lu Jiaxue gripped her chin. “I did, of course. Who else did you expect? Song Yang?”

Yi Ning turned away, saying coolly, “To think the Governor-General would trouble himself personally…”

“Luo Yi Ning!” His voice sharpened. “What exactly happened? I’ve spent years searching for you, nearly turning Baoding upside down. Why did you hide from me? And that child – whose is it? Is it the product of your affair?”

Lu Jiaxue assumed the child was born of an affair, not realizing it was his own.

Yi Ning merely laughed coldly, which Lu Jiaxue took as confirmation, his gaze growing even colder.

She dared!

“Who is it?” he demanded again. “Don’t make me find out myself.”

“Why are you acting like this?” Luo Yi Ning retorted. “You question me, but I have questions for you too. How did you obtain your title, Governor-General? How did I end up falling off that cliff? You’re now in a position of great power – why bother with a mere woman like me? Please, let my child and me go, and spare those uninvolved.”

Lu Jiaxue fell silent for a moment before slowly responding, “Are you blaming me for not telling you these things? But plotting is men’s business. Knowing would only harm you, which is why I never said anything.”

Luo Yi Ning laughed. Looking at Lu Jiaxue’s face, she realized that despite the years gone by, she still loved him. This realization struck her as both laughable and tragic. “My lord, please let me go. I no longer have feelings for you. Why force things?”

Her words made Lu Jiaxue even more certain she had developed deep feelings for another man, to the point where she didn’t even want to pretend for his sake.

“Fine! If that’s how you want it, I have nothing more to say!” Lu Jiaxue suddenly reached for the sash at her waist, using one hand to pin her arms above her head and tie them to the sash.

“Lu Jiaxue, what are you doing?!” Luo Yi Ning struggled, but her strength was no match for his. With the sash loosened, Lu Jiaxue pulled at her newly donned clothes, revealing a red undergarment embroidered with lotus flowers.

He knew intimately how enticing her body was, the memory still vivid in his mind. Lowering his head, he took her supple flesh into his mouth, his large hands controlling her slender waist. Her mature body couldn’t withstand a man’s ministrations; within moments, she was limp and breathless. His heat pressed against her thigh, burning her. She tried to avoid it, but he quickly restrained her and parted her legs.

The sensations overwhelmed her, leaving her mind hazy, though her hands remained bound. The massive intrusion continued to move within her, becoming increasingly difficult. Even when she began to beg for mercy, Lu Jiaxue didn’t relent.

He had always been lenient and indulgent with her before; this time, he was determined to punish her properly!

Yi Ning eventually lost consciousness under his relentless demands – for the first time since their wedding night. Much later, Lu Jiaxue finally withdrew from her body. He trailed kisses along her face and neck before carrying her to bathe. She regained consciousness during the bath but remained disoriented, seeming to cry.

“What are you thinking? I now hold power and can give you anything. Don’t you like that anymore?” He sighed and kissed her forehead. “Come now, stop crying.”

Smelling his familiar scent, she burrowed into his embrace, her face pressed against his bare chest. She clung to him like a cat, like a drowning person clutching at a lifeline.

Even in deep sleep, his scent comforted her.

“If only you were this docile when awake.” Lu Jiaxue caressed her cheek, sighing softly.

The thought that another man might have seen her like this filled him with murderous jealousy.

He decided to let her rest before questioning her further, unable to bring himself to be harsh.

Lu Jiaxue carried her to the inner chamber and tucked her in, but still bound her hands to either side with the sash, fearing she might run if she woke.

He opened the door and instructed the guards outside: “Bring me that child.”

Young Feng’s voice had gone hoarse from crying. The manor’s steward, seeing he had been brought back by the lady and bore a striking resemblance to Lu Jiaxue, immediately assumed the young master had returned. Since the massacre, the marquis’s residence had grown increasingly desolate. The other residents had moved to the western courtyard, leaving the vast eastern courtyard with Lu Jiaxue as its sole occupant, creating an eerily quiet atmosphere that unsettled the servants.

Suddenly welcoming back a young master, naturally, everyone rushed to comfort him, preparing various sweets to cheer him up. The old steward personally attempted to entertain the young master by weaving a grasshopper toy.

The young master ignored them all, only calling for his mother.

The steward found himself in a difficult position. After years apart, the marquis would surely be spending intimate time with his wife, leaving no opportunity to attend to the young master.

It was truly troublesome.

After some thought, the steward had servants quickly fetch the Pekingese dog raised by the fourth concubine from the western courtyard. This fluffy, snow-white creature finally managed to stop the young master’s tears.

Just as they had calmed the child, the marquis ordered him brought over.

The steward personally escorted the young master, smilingly informing Lu Jiaxue, “The young master has been crying for the lady. It took great effort to console him!”

Lu Jiaxue paused slightly at this. What young master? Had he ever said whose child this was?

Seeing the villain who had captured both him and his mother now sitting on a lounge chair wearing only an inner robe and a long coat, Feng immediately lunged forward to bite him. “You bad man! Where’s my mother? Where have you hidden her?”

Lu Jiaxue easily held him off with one hand.

Watching the child snarl like an angry puppy, completely unafraid and still trying to bite him, he remarked, “Hm, you’re quite spirited.”

Lu Jiaxue grasped the child’s small face, examining it closely. “Steward, do you think he resembles me?”

The steward naturally replied with a smile, “He’s the spitting image of you as a child, my lord!”

A suspicion began to form in Lu Jiaxue’s mind. Could it be…

He released Feng and told him, “I’ll ask you a few questions. If you answer well, I’ll let you see your mother. If not, I’ll throw you out, and you’ll never see her again.”

Feng’s small face flushed with anger.

Ignoring this, Lu Jiaxue began, “Tell me, how old are you? When is your birthday?”

At first, Feng refused to answer.

Lu Jiaxue nodded, “Steward, throw him out.”

The steward hesitated, confused by the situation.

Feng finally huffed, “I’m four years old. My birthday is the eighteenth day of the ninth month.”

Calculating quickly, Lu Jiaxue realized Yi Ning must have become pregnant while still at the Marquis’s residence. At that time, he had monitored her life completely, knowing her every move. Where could an affair have taken place?

Lu Jiaxue soon realized that anger had clouded his judgment earlier.

“Did your mother ever mention your father’s name?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” the child replied sullenly. “Mother said he died!”

Lu Jiaxue couldn’t help but laugh. By now, how could he not know this child was his own? Not only had he found his wife, but also a son he hadn’t known about!

Luo Yi Ning had borne him a child!

Though the boy seemed a bit disobedient, he was undoubtedly his offspring.

“Come here, let me tell you something. I’m your father, right here. From now on, you’ll call me Father. In a few days, I’ll submit a memorial to have you titled as the heir apparent. Now, let me hear you call me Father!”

Feng refused to comply. “You villain! You’re not my father!”

Lu Jiaxue wasn’t bothered at all. He pinched the child’s cheek and instructed the steward, “Go to that medicine-selling Chen family and bring their head of household to me.” He intended to thoroughly question them about what had transpired.

Meanwhile, news of the Marquis snatching away the bride at General Song’s wedding quickly spread throughout the capital within a day, despite attempts to suppress it. Two versions of the story circulated: one claimed the bride was the Marchioness who had been caught in an affair with her husband’s subordinate; the other suggested the Marquis had forcibly taken the bride, captivated by her beauty, regardless of her impending marriage to his subordinate.

The second story was more thrilling and seemed more logical. Who would choose a subordinate over the Governor-General? It sounded implausible.

Most men scoffed at this incident, but many women envied it. That woman, merely an adopted daughter of a merchant family, had become a Marchioness! Even the Empress would have to treat her with respect. Moreover, the Governor-General was handsome and strong – how many women had wished in vain to marry him?

However, the Chen family who had adopted Yi Ning knew that the first version was true.

On the first day the Marquis brought her back to his residence, someone came to fetch the Chen family’s matriarch and eldest son, questioning them about how they had rescued the Marchioness years ago.

Old Mrs. Chen sat in a chair, watching the Governor-General drink tea across from her. The marquis’s mansion was imposing, with guards posted every five steps. As a simple old woman unused to such grandeur, she felt her throat tighten with fear.

“There’s no need to worry,” Lu Jiaxue said, setting down his teacup. “Since you saved my wife, you’ll naturally be rewarded. But first, I need you to tell me everything about my wife’s experiences over these past few years.”

The old lady, who knew Yi Ning best, was unaware that the girl who had served her was the Marchioness of Ningyuan! Had she known, how could she have dared to let Luo Yi Ning serve her tea, water, and make clothes?

The Chen family’s eldest son, a scholar, had never met an official higher than a prefect, and even then only through flattery. Before the Governor-General, a prefect was nothing!

Knowing nothing himself, he could only urge his mother with his eyes to speak. The old lady managed to compose herself and recounted how they had found Yi Ning, from beginning to end.

After listening, Lu Jiaxue pondered for a long while.

So she had suffered so much – falling off a cliff and breaking both legs, giving birth to Feng, alone and helpless.

His heart gradually softened.

He should treat her well, not lose his temper with her.

But she had said her closest kin had harmed her, and her husband had betrayed her. When had he ever betrayed her?

Wasn’t Yi Ning fine before going on that spring outing? Why had she changed so much after falling off the cliff? Had someone said something to her during the outing, making her mistakenly believe he meant her harm? Otherwise, how could she not even tell him their son was his?

Lu Jiaxue quickly guessed the reason. He looked at Old Mrs. Chen and said, “Originally, for saving my wife, I should have rewarded your son with an official position as thanks. However, you also tried to marry her off to another man, which is utterly unacceptable to me. Considering both your merits and faults, I’ll give you some gifts as thanks instead.”

He beckoned the steward, who had already prepared a tray. Lifting the red silk cover revealed a gift of 20,000 taels of silver!

The Chen family’s annual income was only three to four thousand taels!

The old master was stunned.

“As for this talk of an adopted daughter, it’s nonsense. My son certainly won’t be entered into your Chen family genealogy. From now on, the mother and son have nothing to do with you.” Lu Jiaxue slowly stood up. “Steward, see our guests out.”

Old Mrs. Chen, clutching the 20,000 tael banknotes, walked home with her son. He whispered, “Mother, you were right. Good deeds truly are rewarded.”

The old lady sighed, “If we hadn’t forced Yi Ning to marry, by now… you might have had a fourth or fifth-rank official title.”

The eldest son was shocked. “Would Lu Jiaxue be so generous?”

“He loves Yi Ning deeply. A fourth or fifth-rank official position, which seems impossible to you and me, is just a word for him. It’s truly a pity.” The old lady continued, “I hope he treats Yi Ning well… Well, Yi Ning’s welfare is no longer my concern!”

She was now a proper Marchioness. Feng, the child she doted on, would naturally become the young heir of the Ningyuan Marquis’s estate.

The carriage gradually disappeared into the night.

When Yi Ning woke up this time, she found herself unbound.

She heard voices outside: “You’re cheating!” It was Feng’s voice. “You said if I drank this bowl of meat porridge, I could see Mother!”

“So what if I’m cheating? What are you going to do about it?”

“I’ll bite you!”

“With those little teeth? Come on, eat this pigeon egg too, and I’ll have someone take you to play with the dogs.”

“I don’t like eggs. I want to see Mother!”

“I told you your mother is sleeping. Keep it down, don’t wake her.” The man lowered his voice, “When I was your age, I ate everything. Who spoiled you with this picky habit?”

Yi Ning stood at the doorway, dazed as she watched the similar faces of the man and child.

Orange morning light filtered through the Korean paper, illuminating the room. Lu Jiaxue was feeding the child. The Governor-General wore casual clothes, as if… as if it were still years ago when he was just a son of the marquis’s household.

“If you don’t behave, I’ll tell your mother to give you a little brother. Then she won’t love you anymore.”

As he said this, Lu Jiaxue turned his head and saw Yi Ning had risen.

Feng’s eyes lit up, and he immediately rushed to her. Yi Ning wanted to hug him, but she was still uncomfortable, so she just patted the child’s head. Feng eagerly said, “Mother, where did you go? Feng couldn’t find you!”

“Mother, that bad man says he’s Feng’s father! Is he lying?”

Yi Ning slowly replied, “He is indeed your birth father.”

In just one day, Lu Jiaxue had managed to clarify everything. Feng was his son, looking just like him – anyone could see it at a glance, there was no hiding it.

Yesterday, he had let jealousy cloud his judgment, leading him to say such things about the child being another man’s offspring.

Seeing her no longer refute this, Lu Jiaxue smiled slightly.

“You’re not tying me up anymore?” Yi Ning’s gaze was cold.

Lu Jiaxue said, “Aren’t you upset that I’ve been keeping secrets from you? I’ll tell you everything from start to finish. But before I do, I must tell you that I’ve never schemed against you, nor have I ever harmed you.” He patted the spot beside him. “Come here, Yi Ning.”

Perhaps his earlier interaction with the child had moved her. If Lu Jiaxue truly meant her harm, he would have killed her long ago, not fed their child breakfast. Deep down, she knew he still loved her; otherwise, he wouldn’t have been so angry about her marrying someone else.

But she still couldn’t forgive what she had seen in the hairpin. Nevertheless, Yi Ning was willing to give him a chance to explain himself clearly.

Lu Jiaxue explained in detail how he had planned and schemed all these years, including why he had kept her in the dark.

After listening, Yi Ning was silent for a moment before saying, “How do I know you’re not lying to me?”

“Yi Ning, if I didn’t love you, I have thousands of ways to manipulate you. Why would I pretend to care so deeply? Besides, if I didn’t truly want to marry you, do you think it would have been so easy for someone of your original status to marry a son of the Marquis’s household?” Lu Jiaxue smiled, gently stroking her hair. “Having gone through so much trouble to marry you, how could I not cherish you?”

Yi Ning looked at him with wide eyes. In his presence, her psychological defenses were so fragile, almost crumbling. Every part of her was screaming to believe him, believe him!

Her eyes reddened slightly. Was this the meaning of all her suffering? That she would always return, always forgive him?

“I still don’t believe you,” she said, sniffling and trying to hold back her emotions. In all those years trapped in the hairpin, she had never seen him pay respects to her memorial tablet. It was as if she had never existed in the household! “If you say you didn’t harm me and that you care for me, then why did you never tend to my memorial tablet?”

How did she know about the memorial tablet?

Lu Jiaxue was slightly taken aback, then smiled bitterly. “After I lost you… I couldn’t even bear to hear your name, let alone face your memorial tablet. What are you thinking in that little head of yours? Can’t you be a bit smarter?”

He pinched her ear gently.

Yi Ning looked at him with tears in her eyes. In truth, her psychological defenses had already collapsed. She wanted to throw herself into his arms and pour out all her grievances and hardships. Yet another voice told her to be rational, not to trust him so easily.

“Anyway, from today on, you’re the Marchioness of this Ningyuan Marquis’s estate. Feng is the heir, and you’re in charge of the household. My fourth brother’s wife is still alive; you can spend time with her if you get bored.” Lu Jiaxue said this casually.

Seeing Yi Ning’s eyes redden, he knew she must still love him.

He pulled her into his broad embrace. “Alright, don’t be sad. It’s okay if you don’t believe me. I’ll spend the rest of my life loving you, and you can take your time to trust me, okay?”

Finally, Yi Ning slowly wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

Tears flowed, and she didn’t know why she was crying. She should have been suspicious of him!

But for some inexplicable reason, she began to feel sorry for him. Confused timelines overlapped in her mind. She saw him standing alone by the window, caressing her handwriting, stumbling along mountain paths calling out her name, his voice as hoarse as a blood-weeping cuckoo.

She felt she shouldn’t hurt him anymore, shouldn’t make him wait any longer, shouldn’t cause him more pain.

“I’m sorry I thought about marrying someone else,” she said softly. “I thought you wanted to kill me.”

“Speaking of that, I’m still quite angry. You’re not allowed to see Song Yang again in the future.”

“Alright.” A faint smile appeared on her lips as she held him tighter. “Lu Jiaxue, I thought I didn’t like you anymore, especially after how you treated me…”

“Hey, how did I treat you?”

“But actually, I still can’t forget you.” She buried her head in his shoulder. “Lu Jiaxue… I’ll spend the rest of my life loving you too.”

On the winter solstice, amid heavy snow, the Ningyuan Marquis’s estate held the investiture ceremony for the young heir, inviting many guests – except for General Song’s family.

The Chen family, as guests of the Marchioness, was also invited.

Zhi Niang supported the old lady’s hand as they slowly entered the Ningyuan Marquis’s estate. The once-despised Luo Yi Ning now sat gracefully in a pavilion, surrounded by a group of ladies. She wore a gold-threaded cyan jacket with wide sleeves and a twelve-panel moon-patterned skirt, adorned with an amethyst-inlaid phoenix and peony hairpin – truly resplendent and dazzling.

The Marquis had spared no expense for her; that gold hairpin alone must have cost thousands of taels.

Everyone crowded around her, with even the wives of noble families treading carefully, eager to please.

Seeing Old Mrs. Chen approach, Yi Ning smiled and curtsied to her. “This bow is to thank you for saving my life.”

Old Mrs. Chen waved it off, saying it wasn’t necessary. Yi Ning had a maid invite her to take the seat of honor. Just as Zhi Niang was about to speak, Lu Jiaxue sent someone to summon her.

Zhi Niang suddenly realized that this Luo Yi Ning was no longer the Luo Yi Ning she had known. She quietly closed her mouth.

Yi Ning followed the steward to the flower hall, where she saw Lu Jiaxue drinking with a young man. The man was also handsome, laughing and talking with a gentle look in his eyes. Yi Ning knew this was Wei Ling, the Duke of Ying and Lu Jiaxue’s sworn brother.

“Sister-in-law is truly as beautiful as a celestial maiden,” Wei Ling praised her as soon as he saw her.

“And the Duke is quite handsome himself,” Yi Ning replied courteously.

Lu Jiaxue, standing nearby, became a bit displeased. He pulled Yi Ning to his side. “You’ve seen him, that’s enough. It’s windy here. You’d better sit in the main hall.”

Yi Ning thought to herself, you’re simply a jar of vinegar. She smiled at the Duke of Ying, “I’ll go find Feng. Please, continue your chat.”

After she left, Wei Ling held his teacup and sighed, “You’ve finally come back to life. These past few years, you were like a dead man walking.”

Lu Jiaxue smiled silently, holding his wine cup.

“But… it’s strange,” Wei Ling continued. “When I saw your wife, I felt as if I knew her. Like I’ve seen her somewhere before…”

Lu Jiaxue’s expression darkened. He said coolly, “You’ve never met her before.”

“That should be true! But I just feel so familiar with her, quite fond even.” Wei Ling hadn’t finished speaking. He felt a desire to care for her, to take her home and raise her. But it wasn’t the love between a man and woman, more like… the feeling of facing a daughter.

Of course, if he said this out loud, Lu Jiaxue would surely kill him, so he kept quiet.

However, that night, Yi Ning was still pressed all night long because of this comment.

“When did you meet Wei Ling?”

“He’s quite handsome, but is he as handsome as me?”

Yi Ning was too exhausted to speak, only able to respond to his movements. She thought to herself, to hell with spending the rest of her life loving him – right now she just wanted to run away from home! This bastard was jealous of everyone! Damn him!

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