HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 117

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 117

Yining smiled faintly and said, “Grandmother, let me explain the rent issue to you from beginning to end.”

“Steward Li said the estate needed to raise rents. I refused, but Tang Shen approved. Does Tang Shen know that this year’s rainfall has been scarce? The wheat didn’t fill out well, and the harvest is already disappointing. In such years, famine is likely. If we raise rents arbitrarily, people will surely say Ying Guo Gong Manor is taking advantage of the situation, and Father’s years of accumulated goodwill will be lost.” Yining looked at Old Madam Wei and continued, “Moreover, at this critical time, does Grandmother think our family can withstand such turmoil? It’s just some people using the rent increase as an excuse to benefit themselves.”

Old Madam Wei’s expression grew solemn; she hadn’t considered the reputation aspect.

Yining continued, “Tang Shen keeps saying I don’t understand, but does she understand? You can’t even judge people, how can you manage a household?” She pointed at Steward Li. “Let me be a witness for Tang Shen. These words were indeed said by Steward Li. But with just a few threats from me, he immediately changed his story and accused you of instructing him. What do you think?”

Xu Shi’s face alternated between red and white, looking extremely uncomfortable.

She couldn’t refute a single word.

Old Madam Wei understood everything now. This granddaughter was far more capable than she had imagined. Intimidation, enticement, reasoning – she had pushed forward step by step, all entirely justified!

“Enough. Such a treacherous person doesn’t deserve to stay in our manor,” Old Madam Wei waved her hand. “Take Steward Li out and break his legs. He’s not allowed to return to Ying Guo Gong Manor.”

Steward Li turned pale with fright and hurriedly kowtowed, begging for mercy, but was quickly dragged away.

Old Madam Wei swept her gaze over the assembled stewards and said, “From now on, the young miss is in charge of this manor. No one else’s words count. Do you all understand?”

In truth, even without Old Madam Wei’s words, after this incident, all the stewards understood clearly.

The young miss, who looked delicate and beautiful, was ruthless when she acted, leaving no room for leniency.

She was truly worthy of being the daughter of Ying Guo Gong.

Old Madam Wei called Yining to come with her to Jing’an Residence to talk. Surrounded by maids and older servants, Yining walked past Wei Yi and Xu Shi without even a glance.

Wei Yi watched her retreating figure, noting a natural elegance that seemed to emanate from her bones. He suddenly thought of Shen Yu, who was still melancholic.

Back at Jing’an Residence, Old Madam Wei took her medicine. She leaned against the wall, listening intently to Wei Jia speak. Wei Jia’s voice was clear and lively, like a bird chirping. Seeing her reminded Old Madam Wei of Mingzhu when she was little; Mingzhu had been just as tender and adorable at that age. A faint smile appeared on her face.

She turned her head and asked, “Where’s Mingzhu?”

Fang Song replied, “Didn’t you ask her to practice needlework? She’s learning to sew now.”

Old Madam Wei nodded and asked Wei Jia to leave. She then held Yining’s hand and said with a sigh, “Your father… if he really doesn’t come back. In our manor, it’s just us few relying on each other. Mingzhu has come of age, and I’ve actually found a good match for her. The family has a clean background, and their son just passed the provincial examination. Though not wealthy, he’s ambitious. After Mingzhu marries, there will be just us three grandparent and grandchildren in the manor. Therefore, we can’t be too decisive with our relatives.”

Yining smiled faintly, “Does Grandmother think I went too far?”

Old Madam Wei sighed and said quietly, “Some things… you’ll only understand when you reach my age.”

Yining remained silent. In her view, she absolutely didn’t believe that Xu Shi had no designs on Ying Guo Gong Manor. Today’s emotions might have been excessive, perhaps still due to the matter with Luo Shenyuan.

Suddenly, she felt that there wasn’t a single person around her she could trust. It was an incredibly lonely feeling.

As Yining left Jing’an Residence, she saw Xu Shi teaching Wei Jia to read under the grape trellis in the courtyard. Wei Jia soon grew tired of reading and nestled against her mother, acting coquettishly. Xu Shi stroked her daughter’s hair, smiling as she said, “You’re not as studious as your brother. He’s competitive and always likes to compare himself to others.”

The wind rustled the tree shadows, and Wei Jia opened her eyes wide, saying, “That’s so tiring!”

Xu Shi pinched her daughter’s cheek gently, “Our Jia’er doesn’t need to study then. In the future, you can rely on your father and brother! I see you’re quite muddleheaded and don’t understand much anyway.”

Yining stood quietly for a moment, watching them without speaking.

Xu Shi also noticed Yining. Remembering the earlier incident, she naturally had no good expression for Yining and stiffly turned her head away.

Only then did Yining turn away.

Back in the East Garden, Yining buried herself in sleep. She didn’t even check on Ting’er’s studies.

Suddenly, she felt too tired to care about anything.

When she woke up the next day, it was just at the Mao hour (5-7 am). Song Zhi heard movement and came in with an oil lamp. It wasn’t yet light outside at the Mao hour, but the scenery was faintly visible. The little maid wrung out a hot towel and handed it to Yining to wipe her face. As Yining wiped, she asked Song Zhi, “I heard you often send letters out?”

“Yes, to my parents back home,” Song Zhi replied while helping her put on shoes. “They’re always worried about me.”

“I remember your parents are tenants on the Luo family estate. They can’t read, can they?” Yining continued to ask.

Song Zhi forced a smile and said, “The village head knows how to read, and there’s even a xiucai from the same clan. They can ask these people to read for them.”

Yining didn’t pursue the matter further.

After washing up, she leaned against the window-side arhat bed to look at account books. Ting’er ran in from outside. He saw Yining wearing a sapphire blue open-sleeved short jacket by the window, which made her skin look snow-white in contrast. He nestled beside Yining, wanting her to go see the newly bloomed flowers in the courtyard. “Grandmother asked everyone to go see those few guest flowers… right next to the east wing room, they’re blooming so beautifully!”

“Have you finished practicing your characters today?” Yining turned a page in the account book.

“Those flowers were Father’s instructions,” Ting’er said. “Father said the more lively the flowers bloom, the better. A profusion of flowers is the most beautiful.”

Yining paused upon hearing this, seeing Ting’er blinking at her, seeming confused as to why she suddenly stopped.

Yining decided to take Ting’er out for a walk.

Outside the east wing room of Jing’an Residence, Yining brought Ting’er to pay respects to Old Madam Wei. Zhao Mingzhu and Wei Jia didn’t get along and weren’t talking. Wei Jia was playing with her shuttlecock, while Zhao Mingzhu was speaking softly with a maid.

When Wei Jia saw Yining, she followed along. Ting’er and Wei Jia played happily together. The two children alternated between walking and running, and Yining couldn’t keep up with them. She walked slowly along the corridor and saw Wei Yi approaching with his servants. When they met, Wei Yi stepped aside and smiled, “Sister Yining, I heard your hometown is in Baoding?”

Yining stopped, seeing Wei Yi keeping his distance with his hands behind his back. She said, “What does Cousin Wei Yi mean by this?”

“I’ve grown up in the capital since childhood and have never been to Baoding,” Wei Yi said. “Sister Yining must be familiar with the streets of Baoding, right? I’m planning to go there and hope Sister Yining can tell me about it.”

“Qingqu,” Yining called out, “The young master hasn’t been to Baoding. Why don’t you tell him about it?”

Wei Yi’s face darkened when he heard this. She actually used a maid to deal with him? He said, “Wei Yining, do you know that because of you, Brother Shen still hardly sees anyone?”

“So what?” Yining said coolly. “What does my matter with Shen Yu have to do with you, cousin?”

“You…!” Wei Yi found her indeed sharp-tongued. Remembering her domineering behavior yesterday, he gritted his teeth.

The two children came running back as they played.

Ting’er ran up to Yining and said, “Sister, Zhenzhu says that Deputy Envoy Guo has arrived. She’s asking you to go over!”

Deputy Envoy Guo has arrived?

Deputy Envoy Guo must have come about Father’s matter, but wasn’t the previous issue resolved? Her brow furrowed as she told Ting’er to go back and stay with Nanny Tong. She headed straight to the front courtyard with her people.

Deputy Envoy Guo was anxiously waiting for Yining in the front hall.

When he saw Yining, his eyes glistened with tears, as if he was about to choke up.

Yining stepped forward, noticing he was still wearing his military official’s robe. Her heart grew more uneasy: “Deputy Envoy Guo, has something unexpected happened again?”

Indeed, Wei Ling had met with another mishap.

Although his previous issue had just been settled a couple of days ago, this time the situation was even more serious than before.

The Emperor had sent people from the Censorate to Xuanfu together. The Censorate officials discovered that a year’s worth of military rations and pay stored in Xuanfu’s granaries had vanished into thin air. Upon investigation, it was found that Wei Ling had ordered the transfer of these supplies, which were now stored in the cellar of Wei Ling’s residence in Xuanfu.

When the Emperor heard this, he flew into a rage. He actually had a relatively high tolerance for corruption, but only if it didn’t cross his bottom line. His bottom line was embezzlement of disaster relief funds and military pay – this was profiteering from national distress, which he absolutely would not forgive. Once discovered, it was a capital offense. Even the Empress couldn’t dissuade him; the imperial edict to strip Wei Ling of his title had already been written.

Deputy Envoy Guo had come to inform Yining of this matter: “I’m afraid this time… no one can save the Ying Guo Gong!”

Outside the main hall, the sky was gloomy. At that moment, muffled thunder rolled across the sky. After several clear days, it seemed a rainstorm was coming.

Upon hearing Deputy Envoy Guo’s words, Yining collapsed into the armchair. She listened to the rumbling thunder for a long time, unable to come to her senses. “Even if we can’t save him, we must try,” she said. “There’s no reason to give up just like this!”

Wei Yi had come with her. Remembering her sharp-tongued manner earlier, and now seeing her like a lost soul, he felt sympathy: “Hey… I think you should tell the Old Madam. If the imperial edict arrives tomorrow and she’s not prepared, it might be even harder for you to handle.”

Yining seemed not to have heard what he was saying at all.

She called for Cheng Lang.

Cheng Lang had just finished his duties at the yamen when he hurried to Ying Guo Gong Manor.

Wei Yi stood in the main hall and watched a handsome young man in official robes walk in. He spoke respectfully with Yining, seemingly discussing something in low voices. The people he brought guarded the entrance to the main hall, looking quite imposing.

Wei Yi felt awkward as he watched court officials bow to speak with his 14-year-old cousin, ignoring him completely. He suddenly felt out of place standing in the main hall.

Deputy Envoy Guo, who hadn’t left yet, knew that Cheng Lang was once a Tanhua scholar. He cupped his hands in greeting and said, “There’s no use talking now. The Emperor is furious and won’t listen to anyone.”

“Even if we begged Grand Supervisor Lu, he wouldn’t help us again,” Cheng Lang replied softly. “Our only option now is for Grandmother to enter the palace and plead with the Empress. We may not be able to keep the title, but we must protect the Wei family.”

In times of crisis, Yining remained calm. The weight of the Ying Guo Gong manor now rested on her shoulders, and she didn’t dare breathe for fear of making a mistake. She had to stay strong. Nodding, she said, “I’m afraid the Empress won’t see Grandmother. Although Grandmother has an honorary title, she doesn’t have an imperial edict.”

Cheng Lang thought for a moment, then hesitantly revealed his trump card: “I know one of the Empress’s eunuchs.”

How did he know one of the Empress’s eunuchs?

Yining glanced at Cheng Lang, who still looked as handsome and otherworldly as ever. She didn’t ask further, only saying, “…Then I’ll tell Grandmother.”

“Although the Duke has many connections, his high position means he’s also made many enemies. I fear that aside from the Zhongqin Marquis, others will kick him while he’s down,” Cheng Lang added. “But let’s not dwell on that now. I’ll go to the Imperial City first to pave the way for you.”

There was no way to hide this from the old lady now.

When Yining told Old Lady Wei about the situation, she fainted from shock and wept uncontrollably after regaining consciousness. Because of Old Lady Wei, the Ying Guo Gong manor was thrown into chaos, with a heavy atmosphere weighing on everyone’s hearts.

Yining looked at Old Lady Wei, whose condition was worsening, and her frail, powerless legs. Her heart sank. Even if Cheng Lang could get them into the palace, Grandmother might not be able to walk now!

As evening approached, rolling thunder rumbled ominously, and a downpour soon began. Lanterns under the eaves swayed in the wind and rain, making the Ying Guo Gong manor seem to sway in the storm. People bustled in and out of Old Lady Wei’s courtyard as Cheng Lang led a group through the rain towards the Imperial City.

As night deepened, a group of people approached the Ying Guo Gong manor.

These individuals wore ordinary linen clothes and straw sandals, with straw rain capes and conical hats. They walked silently through the rain, distinguishable only by the swords at their waists and their disciplined manner.

The group stopped in front of the manor. Their leader looked up at the “Wei” character on the manor’s lantern, pausing for a moment.

Someone stepped forward to knock on the door.

The door creaked open, and an old man poked his head out. Seeing a group of people dressed like farmers, he became impatient: “Why are you knocking at this hour? Go away! We don’t need any firewood.”

“What’s this? You’re trying to turn even me away?” The leader slowly turned around, his hands behind his back. The lantern light revealed his handsome, chiseled face, accentuating his sharp features.

Seeing this face, the old doorkeeper was struck speechless, nearly falling to his knees.

Duke Ying Guo, Wei Ling… The Duke had returned! But wasn’t he dead?

The heavy rain continued to pour, forming streams on the blue brick road. Lanterns throughout the manor began to light up one by one. From afar came the ecstatic voice of the steward: “The Duke has returned! The Duke has returned!”

As the clamor spread through the rain, a servant boy rushed in to relay the news. Surrounded by maids and elderly servants, Yining hurried through the main hall. In the distance, she saw a tall, straight figure standing under the veranda, watching the rain. Despite the heavy downpour outside, the veranda remained peaceful.

A surge of emotion welled up in her heart. She rushed forward, and just as Wei Ling turned around, the girl threw herself into his arms. She only reached his chest, and it seemed that only upon seeing him could she finally release her pent-up emotions, bursting into tears.

Wei Ling wasn’t dead. He hadn’t been harmed because of her. He was still alive and well!

Wei Ling immediately embraced her tightly, turning to lead her into the hall to shield her from the rain. Hearing her pitiful sobs, he said softly, “Father is fine, Meimei. Don’t cry.”

“Everyone thought something had happened to you…” Yining calmed down a bit, wiping her tears as she choked out, “You were defeated in battle, and the Emperor wants to strip you of your title. Deputy Envoy Guo and I tried to save you.”

“I know everything,” Wei Ling nodded, wiping Yining’s tears with his rough fingertips, which actually hurt a little.

“I’ve been in contact with your third brother,” Wei Ling said. “I know about everything happening in the capital, including your plea to Lu Jiaxue.”

The thought of her efforts to protect him deeply moved Wei Ling. If not for his predicament, she would still be safely sheltered, not having to shoulder the burden of the entire Ying Guo Gong manor alone.

Wei Ling dried his daughter’s tears. Wei Ting still held the position of heir, but how would Yining manage without his support? It was thoughts of Yining that kept him from giving up.

“What exactly happened?” Yining asked in a low voice. “I heard that your 30,000 troops fell into an ambush by the Oirat tribe, and all perished at Pingyuan Fort…”

Given his peasant disguise and sudden return, had he escaped from Pingyuan Fort?

If the Emperor learned of his return while still furious, wouldn’t he truly behead him?

“There’s no time to explain in detail. I must go to the palace first, or I won’t escape the charge of deceiving the Emperor,” Wei Ling could only say.

Outside, a commotion arose, and Yining even heard the sound of metal scraping. A servant boy hurriedly ran in to report to Wei Ling: “My Lord, the Imperial Guard is here!”

Yining turned to look outside upon hearing this… Those men stood silently outside the front hall. Dressed in fish-scale armor and carrying swords, they were indeed members of the Imperial Guard!

Her heart sank: “Have they come to arrest you?” The Commander of the Imperial Guard answered directly to the Emperor.

“Don’t be afraid. Nothing will happen. They’re here to escort me to the palace,” Wei Ling patted the girl’s head, his lips pressed together. “I’ll go change and come out.”

Wei Ling returned to his inner chamber, where servants helped him change into his general’s armor.

In the darkness, the armor gleamed coldly. Yining watched him emerge in his armor. He looked handsome and imposing, with a general’s resolve and even the solemnity of the battlefield. Once he donned this armor, he transformed back into the general commanding thousands of troops, as if she were watching him set off for battle again. Yining handed him his cloak, saying softly, “I’ll look after the manor for you.”

Wei Ling squeezed her hand tightly for a moment before walking into the rain.

Yining watched from afar as he hurried into the main hall. In the dark night, the front courtyard was as cold as the weapons in those men’s hands. She didn’t know what lay ahead for Wei Ling. She sat in the front hall’s armchair for a long time before calling for the steward and instructing him to send a message to Old Lady Wei in Jing’an Residence.

She waited in the front hall, ordering servants to light more oil lamps. This night would likely be very long.

Yining opened a book, and Zhemu moved the candlestick closer, removing a hairpin to trim the wick, allowing her to see more clearly.

Outside, the torrential rain showed no signs of stopping. Yining stared at the book pages for a long time, unsure if she had absorbed anything she’d read.

Someone hurried through the corridor, bringing in a gust of wind that made the lamplight flicker. The person reported, “Miss, Lord Luo has arrived.”

Then he added, “It’s Lord Luo Shenyuan, the Junior Chief Minister of the Court of Judicial Review.”

Pearl held an umbrella for her as she left the front hall. Three carriages stood by the screen wall. He wore a dark cloak, with someone holding an umbrella for him. Rain poured from the sky, seeming to submerge heaven and earth in endless downpour. Beyond the curtain of rain dripping from the eaves, the courtyard was silent except for the sound of rain. Yining saw Luo Shenyuan speaking quietly with his subordinates, his handsome, almost delicate profile bowed. It was too far to see clearly, but perhaps feeling a chill, he coughed softly into his fist a couple of times.

They had just had a falling out the other day. Why had he come now?

Fearing he might catch cold standing in the rain, Yining said softly, “Please invite Lord Luo into the front hall to sit. Serve him some ginger tea.”

The dark figure approached from the distance, closing his umbrella under the veranda. As he looked up, both of them seemed somewhat cold. But with his gloomy, thick eyebrows, he always looked cold even when he wasn’t.

Yining invited him to sit, and for a moment, neither spoke. Apart from the rain outside, only the sound of his cup touching the saucer could be heard.

The silence grew awkward, and after a while, Yining couldn’t bear it anymore. She asked, “Why did you bring three carriages?”

Luo Shenyuan said, “They’re prison carts containing two deputy commanders of the Oirat tribe.”

“Deputy commanders of the Oirat tribe?” Yining found it strange. “How did Oirat deputy commanders end up in your custody?”

Luo Shenyuan raised an eyebrow: “You don’t know—?”

Know what?

Luo Shenyuan said, “Your father defeated the Oirat’s main camp and captured two of their deputy commanders as prisoners. I’m helping your father escort them to the capital.”

Yining was very surprised to hear this. She had thought Wei Ling was returning in disgrace. Who would have guessed he had actually achieved a military victory! But if Wei Ling had been victorious, why go to such lengths to conceal it? What were these people up to? And why was Luo Shenyuan helping Wei Ling escort Oirat prisoners? For Wei Ling to entrust such an important task to him showed their relationship was not shallow. But if he and Wei Ling were close, why monitor the Ying Guo Gong manor through her? It seemed Luo Shenyuan’s surveillance of her had another purpose.

A man wearing a straw rain cape appeared outside the front hall. Not daring to enter, he knelt in the rain and cupped his hands, saying, “My Lord, we can depart now.”

He grunted in acknowledgment and stood up, preparing to leave.

Yining’s thoughts were in turmoil. She paused for a moment, seeing him about to leave, and suddenly grabbed his hand: “Third Brother, have you been helping Father all along?”

If no one in the capital had been helping, Wei Ling wouldn’t have suddenly returned at such a critical moment. His disguised return, yet having Luo Shenyuan help escort prisoners, meant the two must have been in contact for some time.

“I still don’t understand,” Yining felt that continuing like this between them was not good. She now felt as if she were in a fog, unsure of what the next step would be. She wanted to clarify the problems before her; she had never liked being kept in the dark. Yining walked in front of him and asked directly, “What… are you really thinking?”

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