HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 13

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 13

Cheng Lang’s visit to Baoding wasn’t truly due to his long-standing admiration for the ‘Luo Family School of Thought’. While the Luo family’s scholarship was impressive, it couldn’t compare to his own Cheng family’s legacy. In reality, Cheng Lang came to visit a renowned retired Hanlin Academy scholar in Baoding.

Yining quickly lost interest in the conversation, and the other girls, unable to understand much, returned yawning. Lady Luo was sipping ginseng soup. Chen Lan and Lin Hairuo, due to their differing levels of education, sat in awkward silence. However, everyone tacitly allowed the girls to peek at the visitors, understanding their limited opportunities to interact with male guests.

Yining noticed the usually proud Luo Yiyu returning to her mother’s side, blushing like a young girl. Chen Lan silently questioned Lady Luo with her eyes.

Lady Luo shook her head and said, “This Cheng Lang, though he appears amiable, harbors hidden schemes. As the scion of a noble family, he’s unsuitable for Yiyu.”

Before Chen Lan could respond, Yiyu anxiously defended herself, “Grandmother, how can you be so sure—”

Lady Luo smiled knowingly, “Child, I’ve lived long enough to understand these things. Now, all of you should go rest. Look, even Yining is yawning.”

Yining, who had been dozing off by Lady Luo’s side, suddenly found everyone looking at her. She lowered her hand, thinking that as the youngest, it was natural for her to be sleepy.

After everyone else had left, Lady Luo gently tapped Yining’s nose. “Yining, what do you think of Cheng Lang?”

Yining blinked slowly, “Grandmother, he’s fifteen, and I’m only seven. How could I possibly judge him?” She wondered if Lady Luo was considering matching her with Cheng Lang, which seemed absurd.

Lady Luo laughed, and even Xu Mama chuckled.

Lady Luo continued, “Though Grandmother loves you dearly, you’re not as well-mannered as your fourth sister. You’re certainly not a match for Cheng Lang; he likely wouldn’t agree anyway. I’m just asking because he gave you a string of prayer beads today. What do you think about him and your fourth sister?”

Yining paused before shaking her head. Cheng Lang wouldn’t treat his future wife well. He was indeed as Lady Luo described – seemingly friendly but calculating underneath. It would be best not to marry him.

Lady Luo pondered for a moment. “Even if we were interested, they might not be. Let’s drop this and stick to my earlier suggestion of matching Yiyu with the son of the Deputy Magistrate.” She then called for servants to help Yining retire.

After falling asleep, Yining dreamed of a young, chubby Cheng Lang following her, calling out, “Aunt, carry me!” When she picked him up, he carefully held something in his plump hands, saying, “I caught this in the garden for you, Aunt.” He slowly opened his hands to reveal a dragonfly resting on his palm.

Yining watched the pale green dragonfly. As it fluttered its wings, it suddenly flew away when little Cheng Lang opened his hands. He tried to catch it but failed, turning to Yining with a disappointed face, “Aunt, it flew away.”

Yining pinched his little nose, saying, “If it flew away, let it be.”

The young Cheng Lang watched the dragonfly disappear, resting his head on Yining’s shoulder for a long time.

When Yining woke, she found it raining heavily outside. Xue Zhi closed the window and came to help her up, smiling, “It’s raining today, so the old madam said you don’t need to attend lessons.”

After having a bowl of porridge, Yining huddled in her blankets, watching the rain from her room. The entire courtyard was engulfed in the drizzle, with trees swaying in the wind. She could almost smell the damp vegetation. Song Zhi, returning with an umbrella, wrung out her soaked skirt under the eaves. She brought Yining a package of warm sugar-roasted chestnuts.

“From the Third Young Master,” Song Zhi explained.

Yining wondered why Luo Shenyuan kept sending her snacks, but she opened the package and began eating. She asked Song Zhi, “Did Third Brother leave the mansion? Isn’t it raining heavily?”

Song Zhi replied, “I heard they’re visiting that teacher early tomorrow morning, so he went out to buy some gifts today.”

“They’re leaving tomorrow?” Yining suddenly felt a bit sad. “How long will they be gone?”

Song Zhi smiled, “It’s hard to say. Maybe three to five days, or up to ten days or two weeks.”

After tossing and turning on her daybed for a while, Yining noticed the rain had almost stopped. She called for Xue Zhi to bring an umbrella, deciding to see off Luo Shenyuan.

The weather cleared quickly after the rain, with the sun even feeling a bit warm. Arriving at Luo Shenyuan’s courtyard, Yining saw packed trunks in the yard, with his servants still moving things.

Luo Shenyuan, unsurprised by her arrival, asked while flipping through a book, “Did you enjoy the sugar-roasted chestnuts?”

Sitting on one of his trunks, Yining said, “Third Brother, I heard you’re going to visit that teacher. The provincial exams are this autumn. Are you planning to take them?” If she remembered correctly, Luo Shenyuan should pass the exam this year.

Luo Shenyuan, still holding some books, replied after putting them away, “I haven’t decided yet.”

Looking at her third brother’s back, Yining thought he couldn’t miss this exam. She urgently said, “You can’t not go—”

Luo Shenyuan expected her to offer some profound reasoning, but the little girl just frowned and said earnestly, “How else will you get promoted and make a fortune if you don’t take the imperial exams?”

Luo Shenyuan stared at her and shook his head, “Don’t let others hear you say that. The Luo family has a scholarly tradition. Our family teachings say that we study to understand principles and cultivate ourselves. Father would punish you if he heard this.”

Yining knew this, of course. She was just saying it for Luo Shenyuan’s benefit. While there were certainly upright and honest officials in the world, most were indeed motivated by promotion and wealth. The man before her was rare; he sought power. The study was merely a means to an end for him. Yining thought for a moment and said, “Actually, Third Brother, you’ll pass the exam whenever you take it, so it’s better to do it sooner.”

After speaking, Yining began browsing through Luo Shenyuan’s books. The longevity lock around her neck dangled, its small bells tinkling.

Luo Shenyuan, arranging his things, heard the pleasant bell sound and said softly, “How can you be so sure I’ll pass? Do you know how few scholars in the world can pass the provincial exams?”

Yining smiled, “I just know.”

Soon, Lady Luo sent someone to fetch Yining for lunch in the flower hall.

As the weather had turned warm, Yining was sweating. She returned to bathe and change, putting on a light green robe with fine embroidery. Xue Zhi helped her wash and style her hair before taking her to the flower hall.

The Cheng family and the Lu family were relatives, and the Luo family had married into the Northern Marquis Fu family. Through various connections, the Luo and Cheng families were distantly related. When Yining arrived at the flower hall, her two elder brothers were discussing matters outside. Her sisters, however, were inside chatting with Cheng Lang.

Cheng Lang, known for his gentle and charming nature, never embarrassed young ladies. The sisters were engrossed in conversation with him.

As Yining approached, she overheard Luo Yiyu saying, “…I heard Cheng Lang gave a string of prayer beads blessed by a high monk to Seventh Sister yesterday. I wonder if I might also receive a gift from you?”

Cheng Lang smiled, “Sister Yiyu, if you want anything, just tell me. If I can obtain it, I’ll certainly give it to you.”

Hearing this, Yining suddenly grabbed Xue Zhi’s hand, stopping her from going further.

Xue Zhi looked at their little Seventh Miss in confusion. Yining shook her head and whispered, “We might get caught in the crossfire. We shouldn’t go over.”

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