HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 133

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 133

Lin Hairu and Luo Yihui didn’t linger long at the Duke of Ying’s residence, as they needed to return home to prepare. The next day, after Yi Ning saw them off, she went to pay her respects to Wei Ling, who was discussing the guest list with the Wei Matriarch.

Although the Wei family’s main bloodline was relatively small, they had numerous branch families. Zhao Mingzhu’s mother was the daughter of the Old Duke’s concubine’s sister. The Old Duke had three brothers and four sisters, all of whom needed to be invited. There were also Wei Ling’s official friends and the Wei Matriarch’s natal family members to consider.

Yi Ning saw the stewards carefully checking the list. She quietly brought up a plate of red date and yam cakes. She overheard Wei Ling saying, “We must invite the Marquis of Dingbei’s household. As for the Count of Zhongqin’s family…” A cold glint flashed in his eyes. “They’ve fallen from grace. No need to include them.”

When Wei Ling faced trouble, the Count of Zhongqin kicked him while he was down. Wei Ling naturally hadn’t forgotten this slight.

Once, when the Count of Zhongqin walked slowly, blocking the main road, Wei Ling ordered his carriage to drive straight through. If the Count hadn’t dodged in time, he might have been trampled by the horses. Enraged, the Count went to file a complaint before the Emperor, only to be reprimanded for “making a mountain out of a molehill.” After that, everyone saw that the Emperor favored the Duke of Ying, and no one dared to associate with the Count of Zhongqin anymore.

Later, someone else filed a complaint against the Count, accusing him of dereliction of duty by allowing his subordinates to drink and cause trouble in brothels. Though normally a trivial matter, the Emperor seized upon it to enforce military discipline, banishing the Count to a remote garrison in Yunnan.

Yunnan was home to many hereditary local chieftains. Officials sent there by the imperial court essentially sat idle, unable to return for five or six years. When they did return, it was in disgrace. The Count of Zhongqin’s spirit was thoroughly broken after this.

“General Lu is Yi Ning’s adoptive father and the Governor-General of Xuanda. He’s your superior and can’t be left out,” the Wei Matriarch said. “I wonder if he’ll be able to return for the wedding? We should arrange a seat for him, but it would be a waste if he can’t make it.”

Yi Ning’s brow twitched slightly, and her plate clinked against the carved cranes and auspicious clouds on the Eight Immortals table.

Wei Ling glanced at Yi Ning and said, “Lu Jiaxue is in Datong. The Datong Commander is as obedient as a grandson, with not a peep of trouble from that region. It’s hard to say if he can return. Still, let’s reserve a seat for him. I’ll have someone send an invitation to Datong.”

The Wei Matriarch wrote down the name on red paper and looked up to ask Yi Ning, “Do you have any childhood friends or playmates you’d like to invite?”

Wei Ling laughed and said, “She’s so lazy, I’m sure she doesn’t have many childhood friends. Don’t believe me? Ask her yourself.”

Yi Ning retorted, “Father, don’t slander me. How could I not have any?”

However, after thinking it over, aside from exchanging a few words with the second Miss He, she truly couldn’t think of many others. Yi Ning was puzzled—was her social circle that small? She’d never noticed before.

Wei Ling laughed heartily and patted his daughter’s head. “Alright, your bridal chamber should be lively on your wedding day. Let’s invite your elder sister, the two He sisters, and the young ladies from the Marquis of Dingbei’s household. How does that sound?”

Yi Ning remembered she did have two other childhood friends: Luo Yiyu and Luo Yixiu. However, her elder sister had told her about their situation just yesterday.

“After marrying Liu Jingzhi, Yiyu became increasingly spoiled by her doting husband. You know she never liked Liu Jingzhi to begin with, and she even made him sleep in the study. When Liu Jingzhi’s mother found out, she indirectly criticized Yiyu for not upholding wifely virtues. Yiyu was so angry she returned to her parents’ home. As for Yixiu, she’s become more demure since getting married. But when her husband wanted to take her chief maid as a concubine, she was unhappy and went to stay with Yiyu at their parents’ home. They argue constantly, blaming each other for everything. It’s like living with two powder kegs—everyone in the family avoids them.”

After much consideration, Yi Ning decided it was best not to invite this pair of feuding sisters.

With the guest list mostly settled, Wei Ling prepared to visit the imperial palace in the afternoon. Yi Ning helped the Wei Matriarch return to Jing’an Residence for her afternoon nap.

Before sleeping, the Wei Matriarch put on a light robe and looked over Yi Ning’s dowry list, teasing her, “Where did he get so much silver? If you marry him and discover he’s a corrupt official who embezzled all this money, what will you do?”

Yi Ning thought of Luo Shen Yuan’s future dominance over the court, where no censor dared to impeach him… Perhaps it was ill-gotten gains.

She paused briefly, suddenly remembering who Luo Shen Yuan’s wife had been in her previous life.

Sun Congwan had indeed married him but died of illness after only five years. Two years later, he remarried, taking Ge Miaoyun, the eldest granddaughter of the then-Chief Censor Ge Hongnian, as his second wife. Many were surprised that Ge Hongnian would marry his granddaughter Luo Shen Yuan as a second wife. Yi Ning’s impression of Ge Miaoyun was vague because she had rarely appeared in society, being a typical secluded noble lady—gentle, unassuming, and devoted to supporting her husband and raising children.

A year after Luo Shen Yuan married Ge Miaoyun, Xu Wei died. Everyone thought this would spell the end of Luo Shen Yuan’s career, but within a year, he became Minister of Works, and six months later, he entered the Grand Secretariat.

It wasn’t until Wang Yuan died by his hand that people realized the extent of his patience and ruthlessness.

As for that woman from the inner chambers, her name was little more than a backdrop. Her only purpose seemed to be to complement Luo Shen Yuan’s name, like a dim star in the shadow of the bright moon.

A maid brought Wei Jia in to pay respects to the Wei Matriarch. Wei Jia carried a small cricket cage but inside was a bamboo mantis. She ran to Yi Ning’s side, her cheerful voice pulling Yi Ning out of her reverie. “Sister Yi Ning, I caught this in the bamboo grove. Isn’t it pretty?”

Wei Jia had grown up in Shandong and often played with the daughters of Wei Ying’s subordinates. Unlike other noble children, she wasn’t delicate and enjoyed keeping small animals, much like a country gentry’s daughter.

Yi Ning patted her head and asked, “Does Jia Jia know how to care for it?”

Wei Jia looked at her with wide, curious eyes.

Xu Shi’s expression darkened as she watched. “Jia Jia, you’re a legitimate young lady. How can you play with such things?” She was about to summon Wei Jia’s maids to question them. “Who took the young lady to catch this creature?”

Her words made everyone uncomfortable.

Xu Shi had disliked Yi Ning ever since Yi Ning had embarrassed her that day.

She believed that young ladies should remain in their chambers, not manage household affairs or speak so disrespectfully to their elders.

She had initially thought Yi Ning’s marriage prospects were poor, which was why the Wei Matriarch avoided discussing it. But then Yi Ning became engaged to Luo Shen Yuan, the newly appointed Vice Minister of Works and former top scholar of the imperial examinations. The betrothal gifts he sent had even shocked the Matriarch.

Xu Shi had been very surprised at first but later learned that Luo Shen Yuan was Yi Ning’s adoptive brother, and their engagement had been arranged since childhood. Only then did she understand. Without this connection, why would someone marry a fatherless concubine-born daughter of unknown origins?

Yi Ning lowered her head to drink tea, pretending not to hear Xu Shi’s words. She felt it would be petty to argue with Xu Shi over this.

Xu Shi’s maid threw the cricket cage away. Wei Jia, having her toy taken away, began to cry.

Suddenly, two maids entered without announcement, going straight to the Wei Matriarch to whisper in her ear.

The Wei Matriarch’s expression immediately changed upon hearing their words.

Yi Ning looked up.

She didn’t recognize these two maids; they must have been assigned by the Wei Matriarch to keep watch in the household. For them to report so abruptly, it must be a serious matter. She immediately asked, “Grandmother?”

The Wei Matriarch dismissed everyone else, her face dark with anger. “…There’s trouble at Shansongguan. Come with me.” She paused briefly. “We’re going now!”

Shansongguan was Wei Yi’s residence. When he wasn’t at the Five Guards, he rested there. It had originally been the Old Duke’s retirement home, situated on a hillside planted with many pine trees. In winter, it was shrouded in cold mist, ethereal as a celestial realm. In summer, it provided cool shade, the green canopy like a covering. The Wei Matriarch had given this place to Wei Yi out of goodwill.

What could have happened at Shansongguan?

Yi Ning supported the Wei Matriarch as they left Jing’an Residence. She noticed that Xu Shi had already left, likely summoned by Wei Yi’s maids as well.

The Wei Matriarch finally explained the situation to Yi Ning. She had assigned a maid named Lu Gan to serve at Shansongguan, but Wei Yi had refused her service, claiming he already had his maids. Lu Gan hadn’t said anything, but when she went to change the bedding today, she noticed Wei Yi acting strangely. After he left, Lu Gan secretly entered the inner chamber and found Zhao Mingzhu hiding in the gauze wardrobe.

Lu Gan, having served the Wei Matriarch before, immediately realized the gravity of the situation. She left a junior maid to keep watch and rushed to inform the Wei Matriarch.

The Wei Matriarch was both angry and anxious upon hearing this. Firstly, Zhao Mingzhu’s actions were far too brazen. Secondly, Yi Ning’s wedding was imminent, with preparations for the wedding feast starting in two days. Guests of the Wei family would soon be arriving. A mishap at this time would bring shame to the Duke of Ying’s household.

Yi Ning had always known Zhao Mingzhu was bold—how else could she have moved so freely between the Duke of Ying’s and Marquis of Ningyuan’s households in her previous life? But she hadn’t realized Mingzhu was this daring!

The Wei Matriarch led Yi Ning into Shansongguan, heading straight for the gauze wardrobe. They found Zhao Mingzhu restrained by maids, wearing a goose-yellow gauze dress. She looked up defiantly yet pitifully at them. One could faintly see her sapphire blue stomach band embroidered with water grass patterns. A glimpse of her snow-white neck was visible…

The Wei Matriarch, overcome with anger, thought of how this young girl had grown up by her side, once so pure and lovable. This was more painful than anything else. She raised her hand and slapped Zhao Mingzhu. “Have you no shame? I was about to arrange a marriage for you. Why are you debasing yourself like this? Do you like him that much?”

Zhao Mingzhu was stunned by the slap and took a while to start crying.

The Wei Matriarch’s mind went blank. After all, she had cherished Mingzhu for so many years. If something were to happen to Mingzhu, the impact and emotional turmoil for her would be far greater than for Yi Ning. This was the sentiment accumulated over the years—something Yi Ning could never match.

Yi Ning, however, was the calmest one present. She instructed Zhenzhu to immediately clear out the maids and servants from Shansongguan and send those who had witnessed the incident to wait in the main hall. Only then did she speak to the Wei Matriarch: “Grandmother, don’t let anger cloud your judgment. We need to prioritize…”

Reminded by Yi Ning, the Wei Matriarch came to her senses. She immediately ordered two older female servants to lift Zhao Mingzhu. “Check if she… if she’s still pure!” Zhao Mingzhu cried, begging the Wei Matriarch not to look, but the Matriarch no longer trusted her. The servants held down her legs as the curtains were drawn…

This was truly humiliating for a young woman. Yi Ning turned her head away.

The Wei Matriarch had already sent someone to fetch Wei Yi. He was intercepted before reaching the Five Guards and turned back towards Shansongguan.

When he arrived at the entrance of Shansongguan, Xu Shi was waiting for him.

Her face was also grim. “Tell me, have you been involved with that Zhao Mingzhu?”

Hearing this, Wei Yi immediately knew the situation had been exposed. His heart began to race.

His mother had raised him very strictly. The maids assigned to him were all chosen for their honesty and simplicity—he couldn’t even touch their hands, let alone take them as concubines. As a result, he was naturally curious about relations between men and women. After developing some feelings for Mingzhu, he had her visit him here… but he never dared to do anything improper!

The young couple’s recklessness grew with their excitement, making them forget propriety.

Seeing her tall, handsome son remain silent, Xu Shi realized it was true. Furious, she exclaimed, “Wei Yi, do you know your status? And what is Zhao Mingzhu’s? If she thinks she can use this to enter our family, I tell you it’s impossible!”

Fearing his mother’s wrath, Wei Yi quickly said, “She came to me first. I… I didn’t do anything!”

Hearing her son’s words, Xu Shi’s expression softened slightly. “If you weren’t the instigator, then she’s the shameless one pursuing you. Come with me. I won’t hold you accountable for now, but we need to explain this to the Wei Matriarch.”

She feared the Wei Matriarch might impulsively decide to have Wei Yi marry Zhao Mingzhu.

After examining Zhao Mingzhu, it was confirmed she was still pure. The Wei Matriarch’s expression barely improved as she had Zhao Mingzhu change into a more modest outfit and kneel in the main hall.

After questioning Zhao Mingzhu briefly, the girl broke down, pointing at Yi Ning and crying, “Her fate is so good! Even without Cheng Lang, she has her brother Luo Shen Yuan to support her. What about me? Do you want to marry me off to a mere scholar? Though I’m not your biological daughter, you raised me. How can you be so biased? She’s marrying a third-rank official, while I’m to marry a scholar! I… I had to look out for myself!”

The Wei Matriarch was livid hearing this.

“How is your marriage inferior? The Fan family has been scholars for generations, with land and property. Moreover, Fan’s eldest son studies diligently. He’ll take the provincial examinations in two years. If he passes, you’ll be the wife of a provincial graduate. If he becomes a jinshi, won’t that earn you an honorary title? The true hardships of official families—Yi Ning doesn’t know, and neither do you!”

Zhao Mingzhu laughed bitterly, “When my maternal grandmother had my mother marry my father, she said the same things. Look at my parents now. Grandmother always said things would improve once he passed the examinations… It’s been over twenty years, and my father is still a scholar. Our family isn’t well-off, yet he follows others in taking concubines to upset my mother!”

The Wei Matriarch was too angry to speak further.

At this moment, Xu Shi entered with Wei Yi.

Xu Shi sat beside the Wei Matriarch, eyeing Zhao Mingzhu coldly as she slowly picked up a teacup.

“Matriarch, Yi has told me everything. Mingzhu came to him of her own accord. He was hesitant but couldn’t refuse. You know how easily young men can be led astray in these matters.”

Zhao Mingzhu looked at Wei Yi in shock, her heart turning cold.

Wei Yi turned away, his handsome face showing slight discomfort.

There was no way his mother would allow him to marry Zhao Mingzhu, not even as a concubine. This explanation would avoid further complications.

Xu Shi continued, “You know how strictly I’ve raised Yi. Even his maids wouldn’t dare to misbehave. I never expected such a thing to happen here. You must discern clearly—we cannot accept a girl who engages in improper relations before marriage into our family.”

Hearing this, and seeing Wei Yi’s lack of objection, Zhao Mingzhu said softly, “Aunt, how can you be so unreasonable!”

Xu Shi ignored her completely.

Even though Zhao Mingzhu was still pure, her reputation was ruined.

With the Duke of Ying’s household about to prepare for a wedding, such a scandal couldn’t be allowed to spread. Zhao Mingzhu might have to suffer in silence, but she could no longer stay in the Duke’s household.

Yi Ning, however, couldn’t stand Xu Shi’s reasoning. Both parties were at fault; how could only one side be blamed?

She stepped forward and said calmly, “Aunt, your words are inappropriate. As the saying goes, ‘It takes two hands to clap.’ If Cousin Wei Yi had firmly refused, how could Sister Mingzhu, a mere girl, have overpowered him?”

Zhao Mingzhu was surprised that Yi Ning would speak up for her.

Xu Shi smiled, “Yi Ning, you’re an unmarried girl. You shouldn’t concern yourself with these matters. Focus on embroidering your wedding clothes and preparing for your marriage.”

Yi Ning also smiled, “Aunt, you think my words don’t matter because I’m a woman. But I must speak. Though I’m female, I understand responsibility. Sometimes men dare to act but not to take responsibility—they’re not even as good as women! How can you expect such a person to uphold the family name and revive its fortunes? He can’t even manage himself!”

Realizing Yi Ning was referring to Wei Yi, Xu Shi’s expression turned cold. “You’re young. Don’t be so sharp-tongued.”

“I speak from the heart, considering both you and my cousin,” Yi Ning replied calmly. “Aunt, you think I’m sharp-tongued because the truth is hard to hear, that’s why you dislike it.”

When it came to provocative speech, Yi Ning was already a master. These people hadn’t witnessed her verbal sparring with Concubine Qiao years ago.

Sure enough, Xu Shi’s face turned red with anger.

The Wei Matriarch waved her hand, saying, “That’s enough, Third Son’s Wife.”

She rarely addressed Xu Shi this way, catching Xu Shi off guard.

The Wei Matriarch turned to Wei Yi and said, “We won’t listen to your mother on this matter. You tell us what should be done. You know best whether your cousin’s words have merit.”

Wei Yi looked at Yi Ning. He suddenly remembered how on the day the Duke’s household faced trouble, her slender figure had exuded a unique, detached air. Now as she looked at him, it seemed she didn’t even consider him worth her attention. He lowered his head and said in a low voice, “Mother, say no more. I should take responsibility…”

He hesitated, then continued, “Given her background, Mingzhu can’t be my primary wife. Perhaps we could welcome her as an honored concubine.”

Hearing this, Zhao Mingzhu understood everything. If her heart had cooled earlier, now it was completely indifferent.

She lowered her head and smiled coldly.

Xu Shi still disagreed. She stood up and said, “Matriarch, though we’ve split from the main family, we still interact frequently. When your family faced difficulties, I didn’t distance myself, as we’re all one family. But I won’t allow others to take advantage of my Yi. If Zhao Mingzhu truly had no designs on Yi, I’d even let her be his primary wife!”

The Wei Matriarch, having held back her anger, was about to speak when Zhao Mingzhu interrupted, “Grandmother, there’s no need.”

She stood up, smiling as she said, “I won’t marry him—I don’t care about being a concubine or a wife anymore. Sister Yi Ning is right; expecting him to uphold the family name is a joke!”

The Wei Matriarch was surprised by Zhao Mingzhu’s sudden declaration.

Zhao Mingzhu continued, “Aunt, you needn’t worry about me scheming against your Yi. Scheme against him? He knows exactly what happened, just playing dumb to take advantage. I regret it too. Don’t let this ruin the harmony between our families. I won’t marry your son anyway, so let’s just forget it happened. What do you say?”

Xu Shi found these words unsettling, feeling uncomfortable all over.

The Wei Matriarch, hearing this, actually smiled.

She didn’t approve of Wei Yi’s behavior either and disliked Xu Shi’s words. It was best if Zhao Mingzhu could see reason.

She wasn’t afraid of Zhao Mingzhu making mistakes, but of her trapping herself in a dead end.

She beckoned Mingzhu and Yi Ning to come closer, holding both their hands as she said, “Since Mingzhu has spoken, I’ll respect her wishes. However, Yi can no longer stay at Shansongguan. With more guests arriving, the house will become crowded…”

Xu Shi’s expression stiffened slightly, realizing the Wei Matriarch was asking them to leave.

Being proud, she thought they might as well cut ties with the Duke’s household if they were being driven out like this!

Without another word, Xu Shi dragged her bewildered son away to pack their belongings.

The Wei Matriarch returned to Jing’an Residence with Yi Ning and Zhao Mingzhu.

In the western side room of Jing’an Residence, the Wei Matriarch discussed marriage arrangements with a steward. Zhao Mingzhu sat on a cushion, seemingly having just gone through a life-and-death experience. She had been very tough earlier but now seemed dazed and confused.

Yi Ning offered her some fresh walnut kernels. Fresh walnuts were the most delicious, much more fragrant and sweet than peanuts.

Zhao Mingzhu accepted them and suddenly said, “Thank you.”

Yi Ning knew she was thanking her for earlier. She shook her head, “I’m not a good person either. I just couldn’t stand Aunt’s words; I didn’t intend to help you.”

Zhao Mingzhu had caused her plenty of trouble, and Yi Ning still didn’t like her much.

“But you did help me,” Zhao Mingzhu said earnestly. “I may not have many good qualities, but I know how to differentiate between kindness and enmity. You helped me, so I’ll repay you in the future.”

She suddenly looked up and asked, “Where’s your dowry list? Let me add a few items. I have quite a few things…”

Yi Ning refused, “There’s no need. The dowry list has already been finalized.”

Zhao Mingzhu let out a disappointed “oh” and leaned back against the cushion, continuing to gaze at the ginkgo trees outside that were starting to turn yellow. She said, “Don’t mind what I said earlier. I know it’s not easy for you. Your brother… although he’s marrying you, what will happen after the wedding? If he treats you as a sister, won’t you be pitiful? If he doesn’t treat you as a sister, you’re still so young, that your body hasn’t fully developed. How could you bear it…”

Seeming to realize it wasn’t appropriate to discuss such things with Yi Ning, Zhao Mingzhu started eating walnuts and stopped talking.

Yi Ning pretended not to hear. Since Zhao Mingzhu had expressed goodwill towards her, she wouldn’t embarrass her. Besides, she had never spoken with Zhao Mingzhu like this before. It was quite refreshing, and perhaps Zhao Mingzhu wasn’t so bad after all. She asked, “So what will you do about your marriage?”

Zhao Mingzhu looked bewildered. “I don’t know.” But she quickly became determined, “I want to be someone important. I’ll never marry a mere scholar. One day, I’ll step on Wei Yi and Xu Shi, making them call me ‘honored aunt’.”

Yi Ning smiled at this.

At least Zhao Mingzhu had a clear goal, which was good in its way.

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