HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 137

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 137

The chatter of guests continued unabated as Luo Shenyuan’s wedding celebration went on. Xu Wei had also come to enjoy a few drinks…

Luo Shenyuan made a special effort to offer a toast to his teacher. Xu Wei smiled and drank, telling him, “When you have time, bring your wife to visit your teacher. We’ll always have a meal ready for you.”

“We’ll certainly pay our respects,” Luo Shenyuan replied with a smile as he drank.

Xu Wei didn’t linger long, preparing to leave even before the guests had dispersed. Yang Ling, who had been plied with drinks by Zhou Feng and Jiang Chunyan, decided to catch a ride home in his mentor’s carriage. As the carriage gradually left Fu Xue Hutong, Xu Wei asked Yang Ling, “Youming, you and Shenyuan passed the imperial examinations in the same year. Now he’s already a third-rank Minister, while you’re just a seventh-rank Supervising Secretary. Do you resent your teacher for being unfair?”

Youming was Yang Ling’s courtesy name.

The alcohol had gone to Yang Ling’s head, making him speak candidly: “What’s there to resent? Lord Luo was the top scholar of our year, while I was in the second rank. Moreover, he truly has a knack for managing flood control. He knows exactly where to build dikes and where to divert water. I don’t understand a thing about water management.”

Hearing this, Xu Wei smiled, his eyes showing a hint of kindness: “Your examination essay back then was brilliantly outstanding. It was no less impressive than Shenyuan’s.”

“I’m glad you liked it,” Yang Ling smiled. “You may have thought it was good, but perhaps the chief examiner, Minister Xie of the Ministry of Rites, didn’t think so. I, Yang Ling, have a broad mind. I don’t feel any frustration about my talents being unrecognized.”

Xu Wei let out a long sigh and asked about Yang Ling’s work auditing the Ministry of Revenue. Yang Ling immediately perked up, giving his full attention to answering his teacher’s questions.

When they reached Yang Ling’s residence, the carriage stopped to let him off. Yang Ling waved goodbye to his teacher and quickly entered his home, followed by the sound of his wife scolding him. It was said that Lord Yang’s wife, who had come from the Protectorate-General’s office in Shu, was quite fierce. She was likely berating him for drinking. Xu Wei smiled as he listened. His first wife, who had passed away ten years ago, had also been spirited. His current wife was from his second marriage. Hearing such sounds made him nostalgic.

The retainer accompanying Xu Wei, seeing Yang Ling had left, said, “Lord Yang doesn’t understand your good intentions… Using Lord Luo to attract Wang Yuan and others’ attention, while you want to groom him. There have been many memorials criticizing Lord Luo recently. Wang Yuan has probably become vigilant.”

“This child has a broad vision, which is rare,” Xu Wei said. “As for Luo Shenyuan’s personality… I’m a bit afraid. In the Ping Yuan Fort incident, he thoroughly investigated everything about the fort but didn’t tell me anything. And in the case of Liu Pu, the Provincial Administration Commissioner of Zhejiang, his methods were so vicious that no one anticipated them.”

“But I feel Lord Luo is more capable than Lord Yang. Lord Yang could never accomplish such things,” the retainer expressed his admiration for Luo Shenyuan.

Xu Wei’s expression became indifferent: “Youming has the potential to become Prime Minister… Shenyuan is also my student, of course, I will support him too. I hope that one day, after we bring down Wang Yuan, Yang Ling can enter the cabinet to keep Luo Shenyuan in check, preventing him from becoming a treacherous official who harms the court. Otherwise, I won’t keep him around either…”

The retainer remained silent.

Xu Wei had battled with Wang Yuan for so many years without being driven out of the cabinet, proving he was also very decisive.

He felt somewhat regretful about Luo Shenyuan, but who could say he wasn’t frightening? Xu Wei’s concerns were not unfounded.

He warmed up another pot of wine for Xu Wei.

Luo Yilien only had a few cups of wine before leaving the banquet. She returned to the western wing room to find her mother, Concubine Qiao, still sitting cross-legged on the large kang by the window with her eyes closed. Concubine Qiao was much thinner than when they were in the Luo family in Baoding, but her illness made her thin lips appear even more vivid. A jade pearl flower adorned her jet-black hair bun. She slowly opened her eyes, which were as calm as glass. “My child has returned,” Concubine Qiao said, taking Luo Yilien’s hand.

“Mother,” Luo Yilien asked softly, “Did you take your medicine today? Shall I call a maid to bring it to you?”

Qiao Yuechan let out a cold laugh: “What medicine? You know very well. Your third brother forces me to take medicine every day, trying to hasten my death. But I refuse to die. I will live on — I want to see what becomes of him and that whore! Brother marrying sister? Others might not know, but how could Luo Shenyuan not be aware? Now that he’s in charge of the Luo family, he’s committing such an outrageous act.”

“Wasn’t it enough for Gu Minglang to torment me? Now her daughter continues to torment me,” Concubine Qiao said coldly. “If it weren’t for Luo Yining, how could I have fallen to this state, and how could you still be unmarried? She’s done well for herself, becoming the daughter of the Ying Guo Gong, and now marrying Luo Shenyuan. It’s good that she’s married back into the family. Don’t let her off easy…”

Concubine Qiao’s grip on her daughter’s hand gradually tightened. Luo Yilien saw the blue veins protruding on the back of her mother’s hand and caught a glimpse of a hideous scar peeking out from her sleeve. She couldn’t help but tear up and nod: “Mother, don’t worry. I remember everything!”

Luo Yilien sat on the edge of the bed. Her beauty had become even more breathtaking, surpassing even that of her birth mother, Concubine Qiao. With her sharp, thin chin, snow-white skin, and loosely pinned jet-black hair framing her long neck, she was a sight to behold. Concubine Qiao looked at her daughter with great satisfaction and said, “With my girl’s looks, how could she not be worthy of a good family? Your stepmother Lin Hairu only thinks of minor households for you. I say she’s dreaming! Fortunately, your father isn’t muddleheaded. You must secure a good match for yourself! Once you marry into a noble family, your mother can hold her head high, and no one in this household will dare look down on us anymore.”

Luo Yilien lay on her mother’s lap, allowing her to comb her hair, and silently nodded.

While the guests were still making merry, Yining was already nodding off.

She had been dozing. Everyone had been nervous in the morning, so they had risen far too early. Pearl had to come in and wake her twice, as the new groom hadn’t returned yet. She hadn’t washed up, and how could she sleep with her full bridal makeup still on?

Yining rubbed her face and sat up straight, asking Pearl to bring her some snacks as she was quite hungry. Pearl smiled and brought her a few pieces of sweet and sour lamb ribs, a bowl of snow frog and pigeon soup, and a stack of egg pancakes. She explained, “The young master prepared these earlier, saying you’d surely be hungry.”

She glanced at Pearl, who continued to smile at her. It was thoughtful of Third Brother to have food prepared for her in advance. Yining began to eat, and after she was full, she felt even drowsier. Pearl took away the tray, and Yining started to feel sleepy again, forcing herself to sit up straight.

As the noise subsided, Luo Shenyuan arrived outside the bridal chamber. The two new maids assigned to her were still standing guard outside. They curtsied when they saw him.

Luo Shenyuan waved for them to leave. He took a deep breath before pushing open the door and entering.

“Yining?” he called out, but there was no response. Only the candles burned silently in the room.

Luo Shenyuan first went to the bathroom to bathe and change his clothes. When he walked through the moon gate and lifted the bed curtains, he found her asleep, leaning against one of the posts of the ornate bed. She was still in her red wedding dress, wearing the phoenix crown and ceremonial robes. He wondered if they were heavy.

His usually somber, handsome face showed a faint smile as he reached out to carry her to the bed.

But as soon as he approached Yining, he sensed her stirring. When his arms touched her waist, she immediately woke up. As she lifted her head, she accidentally bumped into Luo Shenyuan’s chin. She quickly dodged, but their eyes met. Seeing his deep gaze, she murmured, “Third Brother, are you done entertaining the guests?”

Luo Shenyuan withdrew his hands and said, “Yes, I saw you were asleep and wanted to carry you to the bed.”

When he was her brother before, being carried by him didn’t seem strange. Now that he was her husband, for some reason, there was an awkward intimacy.

She pushed away his hands and looked around, noticing the maids weren’t in the room. Not knowing what to say, she simply stated, “I haven’t washed up yet, so I can’t sleep.”

She was still in her full bridal makeup.

“Alright,” he nodded. “Shall I call your maids in?”

With that, he went outside, and soon Pearl and Damai entered.

They helped her remove the golden headdress, the golden auspicious knot, and the entire set of golden hairpins. Then they let down her hair, which was as soft and fine as a handful of silk, cascading down naturally when released. She bathed in the bathroom and applied fragrant cream. Looking at herself in the bronze mirror after bathing, she seemed lost in thought.

Pearl was also a bit nervous. The young miss was still young, and before leaving, Old Madam Wei had instructed Pearl and Damai to ensure that the young master and young miss wouldn’t consummate the marriage until she came of age. They had agreed, but now they were anxious. How would they know if anything happened when they weren’t in the room? If the young master forced himself on the young miss, it couldn’t be undone. So Pearl could only advise Yining, “If the young master treats you badly or if you feel uncomfortable in any way, you must call for us servants, do you understand?”

Yining looked at their worried faces and almost wanted to laugh. How could Third Brother treat her badly? But Pearl’s face remained serious. After all, when they saw the young miss standing next to the young master, she only reached his shoulder! She was so slender, while the young master was tall and strong, and already twenty-two years old…

Yi Ning agreed nonchalantly, “Alright, I’ll remember.” She didn’t think much of it, especially since a maid had already brought in another set of bedding, likely on Luo Shenyuan’s orders. Though slightly nervous, she wasn’t anxious. She dismissed Pearl and Daimao, then entered through the moon gate and lifted the curtains of the intricately carved bed.

To her surprise, she found him seemingly asleep outside the bed, eyes closed. He wore a snow-white silk robe, his solid chest rising and falling gently.

Yi Ning sighed in relief. If he was asleep, she wouldn’t have to worry about facing him. She glanced around the room, noticing the dragon and phoenix candles still burning. She quietly approached them, lost in thought as she watched the flames.

The flames flickered in the cold night air, accompanied by the distant sound of watchmen’s clappers.

She remembered the tradition of trimming the candle wicks before sleep, something she had forgotten in her previous life. Regardless of one’s beliefs, it was best to follow such customs. Yi Ning found a pair of red silk-wrapped scissors and carefully trimmed the wicks with a soft snap.

Task completed, she tiptoed to the bed, intending to slip inside. However, as she tried to step over him, she misjudged the distance and accidentally stumbled over his hand. Unable to catch herself in time, she let out a startled cry and fell onto him.

Looking up, she met his open eyes. He hadn’t been asleep at all, likely pretending the whole time.

They were uncomfortably close. Yi Ning tried to get up several times, but his intense gaze seemed to pin her in place like a sharp blade.

“San Ge, it was an accident,” Yi Ning whispered. “I can’t get up. Could you help me?”

Her long hair cascaded over them both, and through the thin silk robe, one could glimpse her smooth, pale skin. Soft shadows hinted at her curves beneath. Her delicate wrist pressed against his solid chest. She was the epitome of a tender beauty, contrasting sharply with his firm, warm body. Luo Shenyuan had longed for her for years, always keeping his distance for fear of losing control. But the feeling of holding her, of having her beneath him, had haunted his dreams. Only his earlier promise to her had kept him in check.

The sound of water from earlier had already set him on edge. He had only been pretending to sleep, eyes closed. He never expected her to fall on top of him, unable to get up!

“Alright,” he said, slowly grasping her hand. Though he knew he should help her up, something made him pull her down instead. Yi Ning was caught off guard, couldn’t resist his strength, and fell back onto him.

Yi Ning felt the heat radiating from his body, almost burning hot. She lay atop Luo Shenyuan’s muscular chest, his large hands gripping her like iron vises. She struggled but couldn’t break free. Luo Shenyuan seemed different from his usual self. She stammered, “Didn’t you say… we’d interact like siblings?” This certainly didn’t feel like sibling behavior!

Though he had spoken of sibling-like conduct, he had long stopped seeing her as just a sister. Her wrists felt so delicate in his grasp. If he pinned her down, how could she possibly resist, being so small and fragile? Luo Shenyuan’s breathing grew heavier, unable to contain himself: “You know, yet you still fall on me…”

What kind of reasoning was that?

Yi Ning tried to move her hand again, whimpering, “I didn’t mean to!”

Her voice carried a soft, tearful quality, as delicate as a kitten’s mew.

He thought of how she would cry and call him “San Ge” in the past, always unaware of the dark thoughts it stirred in him. Now, he could no longer hold back. He flipped her over, pinning her beneath him. Yi Ning instinctively tried to block him, but he easily restrained her with one hand. Pushed to his limit, he lowered his head and took her earlobe between his lips.

Yi Ning froze at his sudden movement, but the tingling sensation on her earlobe persisted. She clutched at his collar. Hadn’t he just been talking about sibling-like interaction? Now he was on top of her, his heavy body leaving her immobile.

“San Ge, you’re hurting me,” Yi Ning finally cried out, unable to bear the pain of his grip any longer.

The urgency in her voice snapped Luo Shenyuan back to his senses. Yi Ning’s delicate skin, as white as snow, was now marred with red marks. A ring of red encircled her wrist, and her clothes were disheveled. The sight was alarming.

“I’m sorry,” he said, releasing her immediately. He got off the bed and hurried to the washroom.

Yi Ning heard water splashing inside. He had already bathed earlier… Being no stranger to such matters, she understood what this meant.

She knew this was inevitable sooner or later. Yi Ning let out a slow breath.

Though she was indeed young, it wasn’t unheard of for girls her age to marry. Perhaps she should have agreed to him earlier… Yi Ning’s thoughts wandered, but these were just ideas. She hadn’t considered how to act on them. She fixed her disheveled clothes, then saw Luo Shenyuan return, his skin still damp.

Luo Shenyuan got into bed and noticed her watching him. He asked, “Did I… frighten you earlier?” He knew she was too young to handle such things, but he had lost control. After all, she had been lying on top of him, moving about.

A man couldn’t share a bed with the woman he loved and not have such thoughts. Luo Shenyuan suddenly realized this.

“It’s nothing,” Yi Ning thought to herself. Though he was being considerate, she felt she should have helped him… Next time, she’d cooperate, she decided, pulling the covers over herself.

Seeing her prepare for sleep, Luo Shenyuan remained silent for a moment. He lowered the bed curtains, leaving only a dim glow in the room.

He lay down beside her. Yi Ning thought they would finally rest, but as soon as she closed her eyes, a pair of large hands pulled her close. Once again, she found herself in his warm embrace. This time, Yi Ning opened her eyes and looked at him, motionless.

Luo Shenyuan lowered his head and kissed her forehead, whispering, “I’m sorry.” He moved down, kissing her cheek. After a moment’s hesitation, he gently brushed her lips with his own.

Yi Ning felt a tingling sensation, but he had already released her.

She clung to his collar, resting against his chest and inhaling his familiar scent. The kiss had made her blush, but she was grateful he couldn’t see it in the dark. She nodded and said softly, “San Ge, there’s nothing to apologize for.”

After a moment of silence, Luo Shenyuan suddenly said, “I meant to tell you earlier, you can’t call me San Ge anymore. What should you call me?”

Yi Ning wondered what to call him. San Ge had been fine for so many years. Should she switch to “Gege”? “Husband”? “My Lord”? Or just use his name?

Having made up her mind, she hesitated before testing out, “…Shenyuan?”

He didn’t seem satisfied. “Is that all you could think of?”

There was also a “husband.” Yi Ning considered this and asked, “What if I called you ‘husband’? Would that be alright?”

Luo Shenyuan paused, then stroked her hair, and said, “Never mind, call me whatever you like. Now, go to sleep. You have to wake up early tomorrow to meet the family.”

However, Yi Ning found it difficult to sleep in his arms for the first time. His rising and falling chest, the clean masculine scent—it was all unfamiliar yet comforting. She looked up at the festive decorations in the room, realizing this was her wedding night.

Lying beside him in this new situation felt strange. They had never shared a bed in the dark before, but seeing his tall figure shielding her from the candlelight made her feel safe and at ease.

Luo Shenyuan closed his eyes, but his mind kept replaying the image of Yi Ning standing on tiptoe to trim the candle wicks. The candlelight had illuminated her profile, her expression serious amidst the room’s brilliant glow.

He would remember that moment forever.

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