HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 139

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 139

The residence in Fuxue Hutong once belonged to a retired Grand Secretary from the previous dynasty. He sold it to a friend, reportedly a calligrapher with the surname Yao who had also earned the jinshi degree. This wealthy Yao scholar expanded the property, adding pavilions, towers, and courtyards with exquisite taste. Luo Shenyuan purchased it from Yao’s descendants.

Yi Ning now occupied a two-courtyard section. The front courtyard housed Luo Shenyuan’s study and guest hall, with side rooms for resting. A small kitchen was set up in the back building. The rear courtyard was primarily Yi Ning’s, with a main hall, side rooms, and inner chambers. Ancient cypress trees towered in the front yard, their trunks so thick several people couldn’t encircle them with outstretched arms. Their lush canopy shaded the ground, while crabapple, crape myrtle, and fountain bamboo adorned Taihu rocks. Though autumn had turned the foliage yellow, it still exuded poetic charm.

Yi Ning walked alongside Luo Shenyuan through the moon gate. His tall frame caused nearby fountain bamboo to brush his shoulders. He drew her closer to shield her from the branches. “The abundant greenery here made me hesitant to alter the layout. We can remove it if you dislike it.”

Yi Ning glanced at his large hand on her shoulder, marveling at the strange sensation as branches grazed it. But he quickly withdrew his hand.

It seemed he was truly committed to treating her as a sister now.

Yi Ning had pondered her feelings for him the previous night. She relied on him, feeling the affection of a younger sister for an older brother, mixed with childhood dependence. Yet when he drew near, she felt something different. Perhaps it was this sudden change causing her unease.

Observing the mansion’s grandeur, she asked curiously, “Third Brother, how did you suddenly become so wealthy? Just how much silver do you have?”

Only someone close would ask so directly. Luo Shenyuan didn’t mind, glancing at her as he replied, “Are you after my fortune?”

“I’m just curious. The Luo family’s annual income was only five or six thousand taels. How did it become so lavish in your hands? If you have some method for getting rich, I’d like to hear it.” Yi Ning, with her own sixty thousand taels, was interested in making money grow.

“You can’t earn this kind of money. It’s all dangerous business,” Luo Shenyuan said, discouraging her. Dealing with such risky ventures wasn’t suitable for her. Though she seemed resilient, she was too innocent compared to people like him. It wasn’t that she was ignorant of the world, but that some people’s realities were vastly different. How could a sheltered lady’s world be the same as theirs?

Luo Shenyuan never thought his wealth was impressive. Though it came easily, few dared pursue it due to the psychological burden.

“Don’t worry, I remember what I said on our wedding day. If you truly want to manage it, I’ll have the steward bring you the account books,” he added with a smile.

Yi Ning had no real interest in managing his money, but she smiled and replied, “Just give me the account books then.”

As they approached the entrance, several guards bowed respectfully, addressing Luo Shenyuan as “Sir.” These guards, calling him “Sir” rather than “Third Young Master,” were likely his men who only answered to him.

Luo Shenyuan merely grunted in response. His demeanor toward subordinates was cold and aloof, making his tone with Yi Ning seem remarkably gentle in comparison.

He led her to the main house.

Lin Hairu, along with young Nan’er and his wet nurse, resided in the main house. Luo Chengzhang’s quarters were next to Lin Hairu’s. Concubine Qiao and Luo Yiling lived in the Shaoguang Pavilion, surrounded by peach groves. After the main branch of the family moved to Beijing, they settled in Fuxue Hutong. For today’s family gathering, Madam Chen had also come.

Lin Hairu sat primly in the main hall, wearing neat new clothes and smiling benevolently at Yi Ning, who found her gaze unsettling. Luo Chengzhang sat beside Lin Hairu, accepting Yi Ning’s tea with a stiff “Father” in response to her respectful address. Traditionally, a red envelope would be given after such a formal address, but Luo Chengzhang absent-mindedly handed over a carelessly wrapped red packet.

Lou Mama, following behind Yi Ning, recognized the ordinary red paper wrapping and understood its implications.

Lin Hairu, however, was delighted. “Come here, Mei’er!” She had servants open the side screen to show Yi Ning her gift.

It was a redwood stepbed inlaid with pure gold relief carvings, gleaming brightly. Upon closer inspection, Yi Ning saw it depicted many children and blessings. The children’s waistbands were studded with rubies.

Seeing Lin Hairu’s gift, Luo Chengzhang’s expression darkened further. He coughed several times, signaling Lin Hairu to be more discreet.

Lin Hairu was typically slow to notice her husband’s disapproval. She continued, “Yi Ning, do you like it? I had craftsmen rush to complete it. If you do, we can move it to your room right away! Look how beautifully the ‘many sons and blessings’ are carved. I found the best woodworkers…”

Seeing Lin Hairu’s admiration for the pure gold reliefs and her eagerness to have it moved immediately, Yi Ning coughed, her face flushing red. “Mother, that’s not necessary! My bed is fine.”

No wonder Luo Shenyuan had called it an extravagant gift!

She glanced back at Luo Shenyuan, who had already sat down to drink tea. Lin Hairu wouldn’t dare speak to him so boldly.

“You don’t like this style?” Lin Hairu hesitated, noting Yi Ning’s apparent dissatisfaction. ” I’m not too fond of the Guanyin Delivering a Son motif, but we can change it to this if you prefer.”

Yi Ning saw a smile flicker across Luo Shenyuan’s lips.

“There’s no need to change it. I quite like this pattern…” Yi Ning said with a faint smile. “However, moving a newlywed bed is taboo. Perhaps we could store it in the warehouse for now?”

Lin Hairu was unfamiliar with such taboos; merchant families didn’t observe them. At most, they worried about ancestral grave feng shui affecting their wealth.

Since Yi Ning said it was taboo, it must be! After some thought, she had servants move the bed to the warehouse.

Hearing this, Luo Chengzhang wanted to speak but caught Luo Shenyuan’s warning glance. Though he hated to admit it, he indeed dared not go against his son’s wishes now.

He certainly disliked Yi Ning! He’d never heard of a bride bringing her guards as dowry. Seeing Shen Lian and the others had made his face turn green. What kind of attitude was this? He drank his tea with a frown.

After Yi Ning paid her respects and served tea, the others gradually entered.

With only women present, it was inappropriate for Luo Shenyuan to stay. He excused himself to Lin Hairu and went to his study to handle his affairs.

Lin Hairu had servants bring out fruits and snacks. It had been a long time since Yi Ning had seen these people. She looked around.

Perhaps due to having too much to worry about, Madam Chen looked older than before and seemed lethargic, barely speaking to Luo Yiling. Luo Yiyu, wearing a married woman’s hairstyle, looked much the same as a few years ago, cold towards everyone. Luo Yixiu leisurely peeled grapes.

Lin Hairu introduced Yi Ning to her two sisters-in-law. Coincidentally, both were surnamed Zhou, though not from the same clan. They were referred to as Elder Madam Zhou and Younger Madam Zhou. Elder Madam Zhou was from the Zhou family of Tongzhou, with ancestors who had been Grand Secretaries and a father who was a jinshi. Younger Madam Zhou was from Beijing, less illustrious in status but wealthier. The two, coming from different backgrounds, didn’t get along well.

Yi Ning bowed and called them First Sister-in-law and Second Sister-in-law. Looking at the Luo Yiyu sisters and then at the two Madams Zhou glaring at each other, she could only sigh at the discord in the main branch and its poor feng shui.

Luo Yiling came to greet Yi Ning, bowing slightly and saying, “Third Sister-in-law.” Yi Ning nodded with a smile and gave her a jade bracelet as a gift.

Luo Yiling looked at her. She seemed to understand why Luo Shenyuan had married her against family wishes and even brotherly affection.

In less than two years, Luo Yining was only fourteen. But her beauty was already captivating, surpassing even Luo Yiling’s. Her young age hardly mattered.

People said Luo Shenyuan married Luo Yining to help her, but those who said that surely hadn’t seen her in person.

Yi Ning noticed Luo Yiling had grown even more beautiful since she was fourteen or fifteen. Wearing a long-sleeved robe of Hangzhou silk in light purple over white Xiang skirts, her figure was graceful. It was said that Concubine Qiao had been stunningly beautiful at this age, which explained how she became Luo Chengzhang’s concubine after serving him for only a short time.

Luo Yiling was two years older than Luo Yining, at sixteen – the age for arranging marriages. However, Concubine Qiao had been so particular about Luo Yiling’s marriage prospects that she hadn’t yet found a suitable match.

With no engagement set, it was unclear what kind of husband she would eventually have.

Soon, a servant led in young Xuan’er, dressed in a changpao.

Now a youth, Luo Xuanyuan was even more of a stranger to Luo Yining. He studied with Luo Chengzhang and had grown taller than Luo Yiling. Though raised by Concubine Guo, he was closer to Luo Yiling than his other siblings, being full brother and sister. He stood beside his sister, talking with Luo Yiling. Yi Ning found it odd how his features increasingly resembled Third Brother’s as he grew.

Yi Ning observed the family’s surface calm and took another sip of tea.

At noon, the women rested in the flower hall. Servants brought in a plate of muskmelons, which Luo Yixiu promptly took and speared a piece.

Luo Yiyu coldly remarked, “You act so spoiled, forgetting all sense of seniority and respect. You’re the last person who should eat first in this room.”

Luo Yixiu, as if lit on fire, slammed the table. “Luo Yiyu, what’s with your sarcasm? What’s wrong with me eating? You can’t lord it over people in someone else’s home, so you come back to show off your authority!”

Yi Ning hadn’t expected the sisters to be at such odds. She glanced at Lin Hairu, whose expression remained normal, clearly accustomed to this. Madam Chen’s face was ashen, but she didn’t intervene either.

Luo Yiyu retorted, “You’d like to eat, but do they even want you to? Even a maid walks all over you, and you still have the nerve.”

As the sisters were about to argue further, they were barely restrained, mindful of the guests still present from the previous night and the continued family gathering in the afternoon.

Frustrated and unable to out-argue Luo Yiyu, Luo Yixiu pulled Yi Ning to the western side room for tea. Yi Ning said to her, “It’s been two years, how come you still can’t get along with your full sister? You’re like fighting roosters.”

Angrily, Luo Yixiu replied, “Get along with her? Who can get along with her? She even quarrels with her mother-in-law. It’s all because she’s spoiled by others. Brother-in-law Liu came to find her three times, and she still won’t go back…”

Noticing Luo Yixiu’s somewhat resentful expression, Yi Ning suddenly understood and asked quietly, “Has Fifth Brother-in-law not come to see you?”

Luo Yixiu shook her head. “No… he just sent a servant with a message telling me not to cause trouble like others. Yi Ning, I married him because I truly liked him. I manage the household for him and try to be gentle and lovable. But he doesn’t appreciate any of it…” Her eyes looked lost. “Why is it that some people are naturally adored, no matter how badly they treat others? While others can do everything right and it still doesn’t matter? I just can’t understand it.”

Yi Ning sighed inwardly, only able to comfort her: “Everyone has their fate. Today’s winner might be tomorrow’s loser. Who knows what the future holds?”

Luo Yixiu seemed slightly cheered by her words, not dwelling on it further. Her eyes sparkled with a hint of girlish mischief. “I have something else to ask you. How did you end up marrying Luo Shenyuan? I heard… your Third Brother is particularly gifted in that area. How do you find it? You seem in good spirits today.”

Realizing what Luo Yixiu was implying, Yi Ning wanted to pinch her, caught between laughter and exasperation. “Who told you that?”

“Your Third Brother’s maid… she saw when she helped him bathe.”

Young Lady Luo Yixiu had always been keen on gossip. When she was younger, she would relay all sorts of rumors to Yi Ning.

Yi Ning could only say, “I’m not of age yet, so we haven’t consummated the marriage. Don’t pry into such inappropriate matters in the future!”

“You haven’t consummated?” Luo Yixiu looked at Yi Ning in surprise, continuing, “Your Third Brother is a Vice Minister of Works and so handsome. Women from the east to the west of the city want to marry him. Though I heard he married you to help you, you should take this chance to secure him. Otherwise, isn’t it a waste of this great opportunity?”

Yi Ning tapped her forehead and drained her ginger-date tea in one gulp. “Let’s go outside and talk. I heard your family’s Fourth Aunt also came. Don’t you want to see her?”

The Luo family had few maternal relatives. Yi Ning spent the afternoon meeting each one – aunts, cousins, and nieces, all Beijing residents she hadn’t met before. Children ran about, wanting to see the new bride. Yi Ning received a box of gifts and gave out several bags of gold nuggets in return.

Later, Lin Hairu invited the two new sisters-in-law and Madam Chen to play Nine Cards. Luo Yixiu used dominoes to entertain little Nan’er, making him laugh and reach out: “Fifth Sister… want!”

Yi Ning tried to tempt him with candy, but Nan’er, not having seen her for a long time, was no longer as close to her. The shy child hid behind Luo Yixiu, afraid to play with Yi Ning. Amused and frustrated, Yi Ning marveled at how Lin Hairu could have such a timid child. She coaxed, “Nan’er, I’m Sister Yi Ning, remember?”

Nan’er nibbled on a slice of muskmelon, still hiding behind Luo Yixiu, occasionally peeking out at her.

Yi Ning resigned herself to advising Lin Hairu on playing dominoes. She accompanied several cousins-in-law for two hours, tired from the late night before. With guests still chattering outside, she decided to take a nap in Lin Hairu’s room.

She was awakened by someone gently tapping her shoulder: “Yi Ning, wake up. We need to go back.”

We… who was this “we” with her?

She opened her eyes groggily to see Luo Shenyuan standing nearby, his voice softer than usual.

Seeing her awake, he picked up her outer garment from the chaise lounge and said, “Let’s go.”

Wondering why Lin Hairu hadn’t woken her after sleeping so long, Yi Ning followed him back to their quarters. Luo Shenyuan called for prepared meals to be brought for her.

While eating, Yining glanced through the partition to see Luo Shenyuan in his study handling official matters. He discussed the smelting of copper with his subordinates, speaking with such authority that a slight furrow of his brows made his subordinates adopt a more cautious tone.

After finishing his business, Luo Shenyuan came in and noticed Yining had only eaten half a bowl of soup. “Eat properly,” he admonished. “You’re so petite, you barely reach my shoulder.”

Yining put down her chopsticks. “I can’t eat anymore. I had a lot of melons at my mother’s place today.”

“Melons won’t fill you up.” He took her bowl, filled it with half a bowl of chestnut-braised duck, and pushed it in front of her. “Finish this.”

Yining managed to eat another half bowl. Feeling her stomach was round and full, she went to wash up. While leaning against the bed reading, she recalled what Luo Yixiu had said earlier.

Through a layer of red fabric, she saw Luo Shenyuan walk in. He opened the gauze curtain and said softly, “Yining, after tonight, I’ll sleep in the partitioned room.”

Yining was taken aback. “Are you saying this because I don’t sleep well?”

Luo Shenyuan gave a wry smile. “No, you sleep just fine.”

Realizing why he made the suggestion, Yining responded softly, “I’ll have the maid bring bedding for you.” She called out a couple of times but no one came, so she decided to fetch it herself. Seeing the small closet partitioned off from the grand bed, she hesitated. This was a place where the duty maid slept, narrow and cramped. Given his height, he wouldn’t fit comfortably.

“Why don’t I sleep here, and you take the bed?” Yining suggested.

Since it wasn’t practical for them to sleep apart, especially so soon after their wedding, rumors would inevitably spread if they did.

Luo Shenyuan sighed deeply. “Fine.”

He lay down fully clothed and asked Yining to join him. That night, Yining heard him tossing and turning, unable to sleep well. She also remained awake, contemplating whether she should move to the small closet. As she reached out and touched his arm, Luo Shenyuan suddenly grabbed her hand. Startled by his firm grip, she heard him rasp, “Yining, stay away from me.”

He then slowly released her hand.

In the darkness, Yining gazed at his silhouette before slowly withdrawing her hand.

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