HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 14

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 14

Luo Yiyu must truly fancy Cheng Lang, or else Chen Lan would severely reprimand her if she learned of today’s events. Moreover, their conversation involved Yining, so she decided it was best to observe from afar.

At this moment, Yilian spoke softly and tactfully, “I admire the white jade pendant on Cheng Lang’s waist. It’s exquisitely crafted. What kind of jade is it? I don’t recall seeing anything like it before.”

Hearing Yilian mention the jade pendant, Cheng Lang’s smile faded slightly. “This item isn’t particularly valuable. It’s not worthy of being given as a gift.”

Yilian gently countered, “Brother Cheng Lang, you’re mistaken. The most important aspect of gift-giving is the sentiment behind it. Regardless of its actual value, if it holds great worth in one’s heart, it becomes priceless. If you were to give this to someone, they would treasure it regardless of its monetary value.”

Cheng Lang’s smile remained unchanged after hearing Yilian’s words, but his gaze towards her held a piercing coldness. “Other items are fine, but I’ve worn this jade pendant close to my body for many years. It’s developed a spirit of its own, and I’m reluctant to part with it easily.”

Yilian hadn’t expected him to refuse outright. Normally, even out of politeness, one would agree. Especially since Cheng Lang was known for his gentle demeanor. Realizing she had displeased him, she quickly said, “It’s my fault for coveting what belongs to others.”

Cheng Lang took a sip of tea, then suddenly noticed a small figure standing by the bamboo grove. It was the mansion’s Seventh Miss, Yining. Her gaze towards him was remarkably calm and serene, unlike that of a child. The breeze rustled through the bamboo, gently billowing her clothes in the sunlight, creating an inexplicably soft and resigned atmosphere.

When Yining saw Cheng Lang, she couldn’t help but think of the Lu family, of the room that had confined her for over twenty years – her sister-in-law’s chamber. She remembered him standing by her sister-in-law’s bedside, eyes red and teeth clenched, saying fiercely, “You killed my aunt. Rest assured, I will never forgive you, nor will I ever let you have peace.”

Luo Yixiu, who had been listening to their duet with boredom, finally stood up and went to pull Yining over to sit with them. “Yining, I’m bored to death. Come play chess with me.” She secretly signaled to Yining with her eyes, indicating that Luo Yiyu and Yilian must be up to something.

However, Yining, looking at the jade pendant on Cheng Lang’s waist, suddenly said, “Brother Cheng Lang, this jade is poorly crafted and truly unworthy of your status. Why not replace it with a better one?”

Cheng Lang’s smile cooled slightly. He disliked anyone speaking ill of this jade pendant. But Yining was just a child, and he wouldn’t quibble with a child. So he only said, “Sister Yining is still young and doesn’t understand these things.” Luo Huaiyuan was calling for Cheng Lang outside, so he stood up and left the flower hall. His elegant attire accentuated his tall, graceful figure.

After playing chess with Yining for a while and seeing Cheng Lang and the others leave, Luo Yixiu asked, “How did you know Cheng Lang’s jade pendant was poorly crafted?”

Yining rested her face on her hand and said softly, “Fifth Sister, you’ve already taken back five moves. If you want to win that badly, just tell me, and I’ll let you win outright. Can we not change the subject?”

Luo Yixiu reluctantly picked up the pieces she had moved back and returned them to their original positions. “Fine, fine, I won’t take back any more moves. Is that better?”

Yining smiled slightly. Of course, she knew the jade was cheaply made. When she bought it for young Cheng Lang back then, it only cost five taels of silver.

She never expected him to keep it with him all this time.

After playing for a while longer with Yixiu, Yining was called away by Lin Hairuo’s maid. Lin Hairuo said she had made chestnut cakes for her. Yining rarely visited Lin Hairuo’s quarters, which were quite grand. The floor was covered with Tibetan rugs, and the curio shelves displayed jade bonsai. A gold-leafed screen depicting a hundred birds paying homage to the phoenix separated the western side room from the inner chamber, gleaming brilliantly. The steaming chestnut cakes were served on a celadon plate. Lin Hairuo poured Yining a cup of tea and asked, “I heard from the maids that your fourth and sixth sisters were talking to Second Young Master Cheng earlier?”

Yining nodded while biting into a chestnut cake. Lin Hairuo lowered her voice and asked, “What did your sixth sister say?”

Yining recounted their conversation to Lin Hairuo, who frowned upon hearing it. “Your fourth sister was speaking, why did she chime in? Could she also have taken a liking to Young Master Cheng?”

Lin Hairuo wanted to say that this was indeed the nature of a child born to that little hussy, with the same coquettish temperament. But remembering Yining’s presence, she refrained and instead smiled, fanning Yining while asking, “Meimei, are the chestnut cakes good?”

Yining nodded, then brushed the crumbs from her hands. She thought to herself that Lin Hairuo was missing the point entirely. Yilian was far too shrewd to harbor any delusions about Cheng Lang. Besides, she was still young, how could she be thinking of such things? The reason was simple: she was merely trying to ingratiate herself with Luo Yiyu. But as long as Yilian didn’t cause her any trouble, Yining didn’t want to get involved.

So Yining said to Lin Hairuo, “Why concern yourself with Sixth Sister? As long as Father visits you often, that’s what matters. You’re the main wife; Father won’t neglect you.” As for Yilian’s moral education, let Concubine Qiao handle that. Yining doubted that Concubine Qiao could raise a proper lady of a noble family.

Lin Hairuo smiled upon hearing this, finding Yining even more adorable, speaking like a little adult. “You’re such a clever little thing. Your father is here today, let’s go see him.” She reached out to carry Yining, but Yining refused and ran out of the luohan bed on her own.

After this summer, little Yining would be eight years old. How could she always be carried around?

When they reached Luo Chengzhang’s study, he was speaking with Luo Shenyuan. Lin Hairuo led Yining closer, and they overheard Luo Chengzhang saying, “…You’re the eldest son of a concubine, and Xuan’er is too young. The second branch of the family will rely on you to uphold our reputation in the future. You mustn’t slack in your studies. You missed the last provincial exam due to your hand injury. This time, go and gain experience. Though you may not necessarily pass, it won’t be in vain.”

Lowering his voice, Luo Chengzhang asked, “Can you write with your right hand now?”

“It’s not very nimble, but my left hand suffices,” Luo Shenyuan replied calmly.

Luo Chengzhang seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and advised Luo Shenyuan, “Though your hand injury was severe, with diligent practice, it shouldn’t hinder you. Although Second Young Master Cheng and Scholar Song are old acquaintances, remember you’re going there to study. You must be respectful…” After a series of stern instructions, he finally let Luo Shenyuan leave.

Luo Chengzhang took a sip of tea and looked up to see Lin Hairuo had brought Yining. Lin Hairuo smiled and placed the chestnut cakes on the table, engaging Luo Chengzhang in conversation. Yining, however, looked up at Luo Shenyuan.

He always maintained a composed demeanor. His handsome profile was bathed in a soft, fuzzy light from the setting sun filtering through the latticed windows. His eyebrows were thick, and when slightly furrowed, gave an impression of seriousness and severity.

Although Yining knew his hand injury wasn’t her fault, she felt an inexplicable sense of guilt. A feeling that made her nose tingle. Luo Shenyuan should have been… should have been a perfect person, but to save her, his right hand was permanently injured.

Luo Shenyuan noticed Yining standing at the door. She was so small, with reddened eyes, looking as if she might cry at any moment.

Luo Shenyuan walked over and crouched down to her eye level, frowning slightly as he asked, “Yining, what’s wrong?”

Lin Hairuo also turned to look, surprised: “She was fine just a moment ago.”

Yining sniffled, thinking to herself that she was quite grown up now and shouldn’t be affected by little Yining’s emotions. She wiped her tears with her sleeve and said, “I just don’t want Third Brother to leave, that’s all.”

Luo Shenyuan looked at her tear-soaked sleeve and shook his head. “You’re a young lady now; you shouldn’t behave like this.” He took out his handkerchief and gently wiped her wet little face.

Yining hadn’t expected this. Lin Hairuo smiled and said, “Perfect timing. I don’t have time to take Yining back. It’s getting dark; you should escort her back to the Old Madam. Otherwise, she’ll send someone to look for her soon.”

Luo Shenyuan took Yining’s hand, bowed to Luo Chengzhang, and left. As they walked, Yining held his right hand tightly and suddenly asked in a low voice, “Third Brother, do you blame me?”

His hand seemed to stiffen for a moment, but he didn’t speak. Yining lowered her head and said softly, “I’m sorry…” She waited for a long time without hearing Luo Shenyuan’s response.

As they approached Old Madam Luo’s residence, Luo Shenyuan let go of her hand. “You should go back now. Grandmother will be worried.”

Yining looked up at his face. Luo Shenyuan paused before saying, “I’ve had some calligraphy practice sheets sent to you. You must complete them all. I’ll check when I return. If you haven’t finished, I’ll punish you.” With that, he turned and left.

Yining understood Luo Shenyuan’s meaning. She smiled and called out loudly, “All right!” to his retreat before finally following Xue Zhi into the house.

As long as he didn’t blame her, that was enough.

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