HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 146

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 146

The fifteenth day of the lunar month, with its full moon, was indeed auspicious.

Luo Yining prepared gifts for the Cheng family. When she married, Cheng Lang was given a wedding gift of 500 taels of silver. Following this precedent, she instructed her housekeeper to prepare the same amount.

After Luo Shen Yuan returned from the government office, Yining asked if he would attend the banquet.

“I won’t go,” he replied. He was busy every day, and even if he took time off, the official documents would still pile up.

Luo Shen Yuan told her, “If you need money, just ask the accountant. I’ve instructed him to open an account for you, separate from my mother’s. Use as much as you like.”

“Aren’t you afraid I’ll empty your coffers?” Yining asked.

Luo Shen Yuan paused, looking at her. “You’re here with me, where could you run? I’ll make you pay it back if needed.”

“Once money enters my pocket, it’s not coming back,” Yining said. “After all, there’s no evidence!”

Luo Shen Yuan paused again, then smiled.

“Yining, I’m not asking you to pay it back.” With that, he straightened his official robes and left.

Yining watched his tall figure recede, feeling his smile held a deeper meaning.

The carriage creaked to a stop at the Cheng family gate. Before alighting, they could hear the bustling noise. Old Master Cheng had been a Censor in the Censorate, and his three sons all held official positions in the capital. The most successful was the eldest. Among the grandchildren, the most accomplished was undoubtedly Cheng Lang, now a Supervising Censor in the Censorate and today’s groom.

Yining had prepared festive bedding, eggs, rice, and flower-carved wine as customary gifts. The true gift was a red cloud-shaped ruyi scepter of pure gold inlaid with pearl-sized lotus seeds, along with a red envelope containing 500 taels of silver. After presenting the gifts, Yining and her group were led through the festooned gate by a matron wearing a dark red jacket.

The Cheng family compound was similar in size to the Luo family’s, with an intricate layout and festive decorations everywhere. Outside the alley, a large canopy had been set up to host a free banquet for neighbors. The Cheng family’s display of wealth for Cheng Lang’s marriage to Xie Yun was grand, with a three-day open banquet costing at least two thousand taels of silver. The banquet in the rear courtyard was reserved for honored guests. Lin Hairu attended, bringing Luo Yilie with her.

“Your father specifically instructed you to bring her out, show her the world, to help find a good match,” Lin Hairu whispered.

Luo Yilie dragged out unwillingly, disliked crowded occasions, and sipped her tea with a distant expression.

Madam Chen brought the elder and younger Zhou ladies, along with Luo Yixiu. Since Yining had advised Luo Yiyu, Madam Chen’s attitude towards her had improved slightly. On Yining’s birthday, Madam Chen had even sent her several jade combs and baskets of autumn pears.

Luo Yixiu asked curiously, “This Second Miss Xie is famous throughout the capital, I wonder what she’s really like.”

Xie Yun’s status was too high for ordinary noble ladies to associate with.

“Similar to you,” Yining told her.

Excited, Luo Yixiu exclaimed, “How am I similar to such a talented lady?”

“You both have one nose and two eyes, about the same number,” Yining continued cracking her melon seeds. Realizing she’d been teased, Luo Yixiu lunged to pinch her hand.

The flower hall was bustling, with fruits continuously being served. The Cheng family women were busy entertaining guests. Yining slowly chewed on some pine nut candies. Among the Cheng family’s young mistresses, the Second Madam was the most outstanding, charming everyone. The First Madam was the most dignified, barely acknowledging others.

During introductions, they learned that the First Madam’s grandmother was the former emperor’s sister. Raised by the Empress Dowager, she had been titled ‘County Princess of Danyang’ at birth. In terms of status, she even outranked Xie Yun.

This explained her noble air. When served longan, her maid peeled them, and she only ate the outermost part. Guests paid respects to her first before the Second Madam attended to them.

The wedding procession returned by evening, drawing crowds. Amidst gongs and drums, the grand procession was a spectacular sight. Even more people gathered to watch the wedding ceremony, with the front hall packed to capacity. Yining caught a distant glimpse of Cheng Lang’s tall, elegant figure in his auspicious red attire. She decided it was better not to approach and returned to the banquet to eat, taking advantage of the distraction to enjoy more food without competition.

She had barely taken two bites when the ceremony concluded. The Second Madam of the Cheng family approached her: “Third Young Madam Luo, would you like to join the teasing of the newlyweds? Madam Ge from the Ge family had to leave suddenly, and we’re short one person.”

“Is it really necessary to have exactly that many people?” Yining hesitated, reluctant to witness Cheng Lang and Xie Yun’s marriage up close.

The Second Madam smiled, “We must have twelve people for good fortune. Eleven is unacceptable. Please come with me, Third Madam Luo, it won’t take long. I’ve invited all our close acquaintances, and now we can only rely on your help.”

As Yining was still considering how to refuse, the Second Madam had already pulled her to her feet. “If we don’t go now, we’ll be too late.”

Yining was led away, her heart conflicted. She wondered how Cheng Lang would react upon seeing her there.

The bridal chamber was set up in the west garden, brightly lit. It was a scene of jubilant chaos. The Second Madam led Yining inside, passing over scattered red paper. The room was decorated with red silk, ‘double happiness’ characters, and a wedding scale. A complete set of golden silk nanmu furniture adorned the room, with smooth, new nanmu flooring. Xie Yun, in her red wedding dress and golden veil, sat on the bed while the sisters-in-law chatted and laughed with the bride. Yining quietly stood beside Lin Hairu.

The bridal chamber was lively, but Cheng Lang was nowhere to be seen. Wasn’t he supposed to enter with Xie Yun?

Just then, someone outside announced loudly, “The groom is here!”

All eyes turned to the door as Cheng Lang entered, a jade-like, handsome young man in auspicious red attire. His lips were slightly pressed together. His gaze swept the room, landing on Luo Yining, his expression instantly becoming complex. He paused for a moment.

“The groom should lift the veil!” the wedding officiator said with a smile.

Cheng Lang hesitated briefly before approaching, ignoring Luo Yining. He took the wedding scale from a maid’s tray and lifted Xie Yun’s veil.

Xie Yun’s beautiful face was revealed, resplendent in her phoenix crown and embroidered robe. In the candlelight and evening shadows, she possessed a unique allure.

Xie Yun’s lips held a faint smile, which faded as her eyes swept the room and landed on Luo Yining.

Luo Yining hadn’t wanted to come either, but the First Madam of the Cheng family couldn’t find anyone else at short notice. She could only hope Xie Yun would ignore her presence.

“Perform the wedding cup ceremony,” the officiator continued.

A pair of small wine cups tied with red string was presented. Everyone cheered enthusiastically. Cheng Lang raised his cup, interlocking arms with Xie Yun. He smiled, nearly mesmerizing Xie Yun, then drained his cup in one gulp, revealing his clean, elegant jawline. As he set down his cup, he lowered his eyes. The surrounding clamor seemed to fade away. Since seeing that person standing in the room, he had been enveloped by a strange emotion.

A mix of complex feelings and burning passion consumed him. Sometimes, when a person obtains certain things too easily, they become particularly obsessed with what they can’t have. The image of his younger self swearing before her, his appearance at court, and his growth step by step – all fueled an obsessive and intense love.

Luo Yining gazed at this young man, unsure of her feelings. But the moment passed quickly as he smiled again, raising his empty cup, still ignoring her presence.

A maid approached with a red lacquer tray covered by a red silk cloth. As Luo Yining stepped aside to let her pass, the maid tripped on something. She stumbled, losing control of the tray, and its contents fell to the ground with a clear shattering sound. The wedding officiator quickly picked up the object – a jade Guanyin statue meant to bless the couple with children. Carved from jadeite, it now bore a visible crack from the fall.

This mishap startled everyone. The maid who had carried the tray immediately knelt, terrified: “This servant was careless, I don’t know what I tripped on… I truly didn’t mean to!”

She turned pale with fright. As one of Xie Yun’s dowry maids, causing an incident on her mistress’s wedding day could result in a severe beating or even being sold off.

Fortunately, the quick-witted officiator smiled and said, “Jade turns misfortune into good fortune. This broken jade has warded off disaster. From now on, the couple will surely enjoy a smooth and harmonious life together!”

Xie Yun turned her gaze towards Luo Yining. The maid had claimed something tripped her, but the floor was clear, and only Luo Yining stood nearby.

Luo Yining had once been betrothed to Cheng Lang. Perhaps she still harbored feelings for him and resented this marriage. Why else would she appear here to disrupt the wedding chamber, with such a complex expression?

Why else would her fertility blessing statue break for no reason?

Xie Yun spoke softly, “You said earlier… something tripped you? The floor was smooth as a mirror, and only Third Madam Luo was nearby. Did you see clearly how my maid fell, Third Madam Luo?”

Luo Yining smiled, “I didn’t see clearly. What exactly are you implying, Second Miss Xie?”

“I’m not sure myself. If nothing tripped her, why did my maid fall? This fertility statue was brought back by my second uncle from Yunnan, pure white and auspicious. Of course, I’m not blaming Third Madam Luo. I’m just asking casually. Please don’t take offense.”

“Second Miss Xie is right. Indeed, only Third Madam Luo was standing nearby…” a lady suddenly interjected, before being nudged to silence.

“Other matters can be overlooked, but ruining the blessing of this fertility statue is inauspicious,” Xie Yun continued, lowering her head with a smile. “Moreover, my second uncle rarely returns from Yunnan, which is why he brought this specially for the wedding. Well, let’s continue the ceremony. It’s just one fertility statue; we’ll consider it as jade shattering to ward off misfortune.”

Would a maid fall for no reason? Luo Yining was right there. Xie Yun firmly believed Luo Yining had interfered.

Of course, she was also taking advantage of the situation to scold Luo Yining before she could react. Though she claimed not to be blaming her, everyone now sensed tension between the two. Glances toward Luo Yining became peculiar, as she had indeed been the closest.

Was Second Miss Xie giving her a hard time? She had said her piece, good or bad. But Luo Yining, who called to help, had done nothing yet was implicated. What could she do?

Yining smiled and said, “Since it’s a gift from Second Miss Xie’s relative, I understand your concern. I’m certain I didn’t touch the maid at all. If you truly suspect me, there’s no need to argue. Just name a price, and I’ll pay it to ease your mind on your wedding day.”

With these words, she took control of the situation.

Xie Yun, now truly upset, smiled slowly, “If Third Madam Luo says she didn’t do it, how could I argue? Of course, there’s no need for compensation. That would be too formal.”

The Second Madam of the Cheng family, finally daring to speak, said, “I invited Third Madam Luo to help. We’re all neighbors with many future interactions. There’s no need for such disputes.”

Cheng Lang had been staring at the auspicious patterns on the curtains. He had seen the maid slip on her own, falsely claiming someone tripped her, which led to Xie Yun suspecting Luo Yining.

He saw everything but remained silent. With a complex state of mind, he watched her being wrongly accused, observing every subtle change in her expression. The contrast between the night outside and the lively atmosphere inside, the clamor and the silence.

This was Luo Yining. Just thinking about her seemed to make him disregard everything else.

Cheng Lang finally spoke slowly, “Stop this. She had nothing to do with it.”

Xie Yun had little interaction with Cheng Lang and didn’t understand him well. The gentle, jade-like Cheng Lang during the proposal seemed to wear a mask. Hearing him say this, Xie Yun turned to look at him.

Her new husband’s face was as beautiful as white jade, his hair bound in an official’s headpiece, handsome as a deity. From now on, he would be her everything.

Whether she liked it or not.

Xie Yun decided not to pursue the matter further, not wanting to make a scene on her first day in front of her in-laws. Though she didn’t care much about their opinion of her. Her family’s powerful background meant the Cheng family had to treat her well.

The wedding ceremony continued.

Luo Yining retreated. She regretted coming to the bridal chamber; Xie Yun had used the incident to target her.

She rested in a side room. Everyone had gone to watch the ceremony, leaving this area quiet. Moments later, Cheng Lang came out. His attendants stayed outside as he approached her, remaining silent for a long while before finally saying, “I’m sorry.”

“If you’re truly sorry, you could return my gift money,” Yining joked, trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere.

Cheng Lang was silent, then looked up with a smile, “I don’t want it at all. Do you believe me?”

Yining was taken aback.

Cheng Lang struggled to express his feelings. He smiled gently again and said, “If you knew what I’m thinking now, you’d dislike me even more.”

Luo Yining pressed her lips together, “It’s your wedding night. You should return soon.”

Cheng Lang nodded silently, “I’m going to entertain guests and drink. You… rest well.” He quickly left the side room, heading towards the lively front hall.

Zhenzhu, standing nearby, sighed in relief, “The young master is married now. Why say such things to you? It wasn’t your fault…”

“Lower your voice,” Luo Yining said, asking for support to stand. It was time to find Lin Hairu and leave. The Cheng household was truly a place of conflict, not suitable for a prolonged stay.

As the guests’ voices faded, someone entered.

Xie Yun was still waiting for him.

Even though her husband wasn’t the one she truly wanted, hearing Cheng Lang’s approaching footsteps made her heart race. She gripped the bedding tightly.

She felt Cheng Lang draw near. The red curtains were lifted.

He tilted her chin up, gazing at her for a moment. His hands were beautiful, long-fingered, and flawless. Xie Yun couldn’t read his thoughts, but the faint, unfamiliar scent of incense on him was pleasant.

In an instant, Xie Yun found herself pressed onto the bed, his weight upon her. Bewildered, she looked up at him, “You… I haven’t washed up yet…”

Cheng Lang lowered the curtains again, blocking out the light from the dragon and phoenix candles, making the room even more hazy.

“Do you want to wash up?” His breath tickled her.

Xie Yun’s eyes widened, and then she closed her lips. At this moment, her mind went blank, and she could only follow his lead. Though inexperienced, his skillful techniques made her forget everything. She simply followed his guidance, step by step.

Now she understood what it meant to be a seasoned lover; Cheng Lang was an expert. Despite her inexperience, she didn’t find it too painful. Instead, she felt a strange pleasure. Soon, he withdrew. Xie Yun felt sore and tired. Cheng Lang got up to dress, fastening his clothes and calling for maids to clean her up.

Xie Yun looked at him now, feeling he seemed more real. He said, “Go wash up and sleep. Don’t wait for me.” Then he left, his destination unknown.

Sitting in the boxwood bathtub in the washing room, she finally came to her senses. She thought of Luo Shen Yuan, yet now she was another man’s wife. The future was uncertain, and she would have to see Luo Yining with him every day… At this thought, she hugged her knees and began to cry.

Her maid, Cuiyu, was startled, “Miss, why are you crying on such a joyous day?”

Xie Yun murmured, “I don’t know.”

Everything had gone wrong. If only Luo Yining had married Cheng Lang, and she had married Luo Shen Yuan. Luo Yining would have gotten what she wanted, and so would she. Then there would be no reason for animosity between them.

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