HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 158

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 158

The last rays of sunlight faded from the Luo family residence in Fuxue Hutong. Lin Hairu patted Nan’er’s back, her voice filled with concern as she spoke to Luo Shen Yuan, “Yining has been staying with the Yang family for several days now. It’s not proper. You’ve been married less than a month; the bedroom shouldn’t be empty. I’m easygoing, but your father returns tomorrow. With Concubine Qiao and Lian’er present, if they mention it, your father will surely be displeased.”

Luo Shen Yuan, worried about Lin Hairu’s unease, had arranged with Madam Yang to say Luo Yining was visiting if anyone asked.

Nan’er, clutching his tiger-shaped pillow, stared blankly at his elder brother. Noticing his mother speaking, he reached out to touch her mouth, saying, “Sister?”

“Say ‘sister-in-law’,” Lin Hairu corrected him patiently.

“I understand. I’ll bring her back soon, don’t worry,” Luo Shen Yuan reassured her, placing the letter he’d received under a paperweight. After playing with Nan’er briefly, he asked, “Is 1,500 taels of silver per month sufficient for the household? If not, please let me know.”

“It’s more than enough. We’re just a few mouths to feed,” Lin Hairu replied, not wanting to disturb him further, knowing he had much official business to attend to.

“I heard from Concubine Qiao that she’s engaged the most renowned matchmaker in the eastern part of the city for Lian’er. I should return to oversee this. By the way, Lian’er has already inquired about Yining’s situation…”

After escorting Lin Hairu out of his study, Luo Shen Yuan returned to read the letter beneath the paperweight.

Chen Yi, who had remained after delivering a message, hesitantly asked, “Sir, why has Lu Jiaxue set a deadline? The letter says…”

“Nonsense,” Luo Shen Yuan replied coolly, calling for a servant to bring a candle holder. He burned the letter himself.

Chen Yi saw the cold, knife-like glint in his eyes. He was undoubtedly angry, though he didn’t show it outwardly.

A servant entered to announce Xu Wei’s arrival. Luo Shen Yuan went to greet him. Xu Wei entered the study and, before even taking a sip of tea, asked, “Do you know Zeng Yingkun’s current whereabouts?”

Lu Jiaxue had said Zeng Yingkun was being escorted to the capital, but neither the Ministry of Justice nor the Court of Judicial Review had received him.

Luo Shen Yuan called for tea to be served. “Zeng Yingkun’s son’s treason is a proven fact. Don’t worry, I have ways to deal with him.”

Lu Jiaxue might try to use Zeng Yingkun against him, but Luo Shen Yuan held the trump card: the Duke of Ying. If they were to calculate, three-tenths of the military achievements at Pingyuan Fort were his. He had nothing to fear.

Given their current positions—one a powerful general who had rendered great service, the other a minister managing state affairs—the Emperor, being astute, wouldn’t favor Lu Jiaxue.

Lu Jiaxue was, after all, a military official, and military officials were never as cunning as their civil counterparts.

“If that’s the case, I trust you to handle it,” Xu Wei said, his expression softening. He instructed Luo Shen Yuan to enter the palace immediately to explain the Zeng Yingkun matter. After an official had submitted a memorial criticizing Luo Shen Yuan, the Six Ministries were in turmoil, and even Wang Yuan inquired about it to the Emperor. After all, Luo Shen Yuan was the Vice Minister of Works, not an ordinary official.

However, Luo Shen Yuan refused, “Master, now is not the best time.”

Xu Wei frowned, not understanding Luo Shen Yuan’s intentions. If this matter continued to ferment, it would affect Luo Shen Yuan’s career. Despite his high position, a fall from grace could be devastating, especially given his youth and ruthless methods, which were already drawing criticism.

Luo Shen Yuan simply bowed, saying, “Your student has his plans.”

Xu Wei, trusting in Luo Shen Yuan’s abilities, nodded. He sighed, “Very well. You’re more decisive than Yang Ming; he’s far inferior to you.”

Confident in Luo Shen Yuan’s capabilities, Xu Wei didn’t doubt him. Yang Ling couldn’t compare in terms of temperament and methods. Perhaps due to his childhood hardships, Luo Shen Yuan was more decisive and pragmatic in handling matters and seemed not to trust others completely. Xu Wei had always believed that without external interference, Luo Shen Yuan would surely become another Wang Yuan.

He smiled and inquired about personal matters, “I saw your wife last time; she’s indeed beautiful. But given her young age, can she properly attend to your needs?”

“My wife is still young; I’m the one who needs to take care of her more,” Luo Shen Yuan replied calmly.

Xu Wei was surprised that someone like Luo Shen Yuan would marry such a young wife. He thought Luo Shen Yuan would be better suited to a traditional, domestic woman skilled in needlework and cooking, or someone like Xie Yun who could provide strong support. The small, frail girl with a bright smile standing behind him that day had added a touch of humanity to his student.

It seemed some things could make him lose his rationality and thoughtfulness.

Xu Wei smiled and said, “You might have trouble in the future. Since you’ve married her, treat her well.”

Luo Shen Yuan agreed and escorted his teacher out past the screen wall before returning. Back inside, he stood silently with his hands behind his back, watching the orange sunset through the window. The fierce anger in his heart refused to dissipate.

Lu Jiaxue had drafted a divorce letter for him!

Those with overwhelming power had the least to consider; power could be exchanged for anything, and they knew this well.

He would have to confront Lu Jiaxue sooner or later, but their fates were unequal. Given another ten years, he too could stand on equal footing with Lu Jiaxue. For now, he could only wait.

The next morning, Luo Yining finally learned where Lu Jiaxue was taking her.

“I know a master,” Lu Jiaxue said. “He’s a genius, knowledgeable in many areas, and particularly skilled in divination. I’m taking you to see him.”

Yining, hearing this, finally woke from her drowsy state. The sky was still dark outside the carriage, with occasional cock crows coming from nearby farmhouses. Lu Jiaxue was taking her out… to have her fortune told?

Yining shrank into the corner, making her stance clear, determined to ignore him no matter what he said.

Seeing her behavior, Lu Jiaxue chuckled lowly, “His divination is extremely accurate. It’s not about belief; it’s just for peace of mind.”

He reached out and grabbed her hand. Yining tried to retaliate, but Lu Jiaxue easily restrained her. “You used to be quite healthy. Now you’re constitutionally weak, with lingering childhood illnesses not fully cured. You’re frail and prone to cold. I’m worried you might die young. I had him cast a divination for you before, and he was quite accurate.”

“Thank you for your concern, but I won’t die early,” Yining couldn’t help but respond sarcastically. “Don’t all fortune tellers claim to be accurate? How else would they get paid?”

Lu Jiaxue laughed again and called for breakfast to be brought in. There were mei cai buns made at home, a plate of crystal dumplings, and a pot of soy milk.

Yining hadn’t been eating well for the past few days, too anxious to have an appetite. But she had to eat; otherwise, Lu Jiaxue would feed her himself, which was utterly horrifying. Yining ate two dumplings and half a bowl of soy milk before stopping. Lu Jiaxue observed her appetite and raised an eyebrow, “Are you full?”

He moved to embrace her and feel her stomach, but Yining quickly dodged. At home, Luo Shen Yuan also forced her to eat more. She used to be a chubby child with a good appetite but had grown into a delicate flower. Luo Shen Yuan wasn’t satisfied and insisted she eat twice as much. Yining didn’t understand; she wanted to eat when she saw food, but eating a bit more made her feel nauseous. She didn’t want to torture herself like this. Without thinking, she blurted out, “I really can’t eat anymore!”

Lu Jiaxue was stunned, and the carriage fell silent.

After a moment, Yining asked, “When will you let me go back?”

“Never,” he answered. “Do you want to leave me, or do you miss your third brother?”

Yining pressed her lips together, not speaking.

Lu Jiaxue suddenly smiled and leaned closer, saying, “It’s fortunate he’s your third brother. If he were anyone else, I wouldn’t have spared him. Do you understand?”

Yining turned away, looking out of the carriage. The early autumn morning was still cold, with fields of mature corn stretching out. Lu Jiaxue’s personality was too domineering; it was best not to speak to him, as saying too much could lead to mistakes.

Lu Jiaxue leaned back, watching her. “Tonight when we return, I’ll sleep in your room.”

The implication was clear and even brazenly stated.

Yining turned back to glare at him coldly. “Lu Jiaxue!”

“I am your husband,” Lu Jiaxue repeated. “Whether you acknowledge it or not, we’ve never divorced, and I’ve never sent you away. It’s only natural for you to sleep with your husband. Besides, are you so sure your third brother still wants you? Perhaps when you return, you’ll find divorce papers waiting. If you come crying back to me then, I won’t be so kind.”

Yining had long known that Lu Jiaxue underestimated Luo Shen Yuan. He didn’t realize that Luo Shen Yuan would become the only Grand Secretary capable of rivaling him.

Was he trying to force her third brother to divorce her?

Yining held back her emotions and slowly asked, “How… how are you threatening him?”

“His position as Vice Minister is precarious,” Lu Jiaxue sneered. “He’ll have to choose between you and his career. Since your third brother married you, he must care for you. It’s up to you whether you can bear to put him in such a difficult position.”

So it did involve him after all…

If she didn’t want to implicate him, would she have to truly divorce him? But Yining couldn’t bear the thought. This person had become a part of her very being, the majestic mountain and gentle stream in her life. In her previous life, she had only been with Lu Jiaxue for two years, but in this life, from the child who chased after him wanting to be held, to becoming his wife, it had been a very long time.

Yining didn’t dare show too much concern for Luo Shen Yuan. She sat in the carriage with a cold expression, no longer speaking to Lu Jiaxue.

Outside, the sky gradually brightened, and they no longer needed to travel by night. The sheep horn lanterns were extinguished.

Yining had thought Lu Jiaxue would take her to some alley, but to her surprise, they left the city and arrived at the gates of Daci Temple in the suburbs. Surrounded by mountains, the air was crisp in the autumn season. As they approached the mountain path, the three characters for “Daci Temple” were carved into the boundary stone in the seal script.

“I just remembered, our first encounter was at Daci Temple,” Lu Jiaxue said. “You ran away as soon as you saw me. You haven’t grown any wiser in all this time; running made you more suspicious, didn’t you know?”

Yining replied, “You were discussing the assassination of the Crown Prince with Daoyan. I ran not because I recognized you, but because you would have killed me otherwise.” She turned back and continued, “I’m not that foolish.”

Lu Jiaxue chuckled and, ignoring her resistance, took her hand and walked straight ahead. He didn’t want her to leave his supervision; given her nature, it would be difficult for her not to cause trouble.

A guest-receiving monk immediately came to greet them, ignoring Yining who was hidden under a cloak. He respectfully led Lu Jiaxue toward the rear hall.

As autumn had arrived, it was somewhat cold on the mountain. The tung oil trees outside the rear hall were constantly shedding leaves; no sooner had they been swept than another layer fell. Yining stepped on the fallen leaves as she climbed the steps, seeing a courtyard with a plaque reading “Mountain Temple” ahead. An attendant went forward to knock on the door, and a young novice sweeping the ground opened it, peering out with his newly grown hair in short bangs.

Seeing the ground, the young novice frowned his fair face and complained, “I’ll have to sweep again…”

As he spoke, he opened the paulownia wood door to let the unexpected guests in. As soon as Yining entered, she saw a screen wall with the character “Zen” written in seal script. The courtyard was quiet, with hoes and straw rain capes surprisingly standing in the corner. Lu Jiaxue led her inside, and Yining quickly surveyed her surroundings.

The courtyard had only two sections and wasn’t large, with no hiding places. The walls were too high for her to climb over. The back wall was lower, and beyond it was the mountain forest where she could hide in the dense undergrowth.

But unless she could escape Lu Jiaxue’s sight, she couldn’t even reach the back of the mountain. If she moved even slightly away, Lu Jiaxue would grab her and pull her back to his side.

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