HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 162

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 162

Concubine Qiao waited until late at night for Luo Yilien to return. As soon as she came back, Yilien threw herself onto the small table, sobbing uncontrollably.

Concubine Qiao, who had been making clothes for Luo Xuanyuan, hurried over to comfort her. “What’s wrong, my child?”

The maid accompanying the Sixth Young Lady also cried along with her mistress, explaining the situation to Concubine Qiao.

Upon hearing this, Concubine Qiao became furious. “That vixen! She’s bullying us because she sees us as helpless and alone. If it were like before…” If it had been when she was favored, Lin Hairu wouldn’t have dared treat Luo Yilien this way.

“Mother, I just can’t stand this humiliation…” Luo Yilien raised her head, her face as beautiful as a mermaid under the moonlight, tears like pearls. Seeing this, Concubine Qiao’s heart softened. Her daughter was so beautiful; she should marry into a good family.

“I’m also a young lady of this house. How dare she treat me like this! Even a servant dares to bully me…” Luo Yilien became more agitated as she spoke, crying uncontrollably.

“Go tell your father,” Concubine Qiao said. “Though I may have lost my charm, he still cares for you!”

“If I tell him, that vixen will only treat me worse afterward. I don’t want to bother! Father rarely manages household affairs anyway. If I complain too much, he’ll just find me annoying…” Luo Yilien sobbed intermittently.

Concubine Qiao, feeling heartbroken for her daughter, gently stroked her back and gritted her teeth, saying, “Mother will find you a good husband. Just wait. Then they’ll all be afraid of you and try to please you.”

Luo Yilien cried in her mother’s arms, feeling that nothing in this world was going her way.

After Yining returned, Luo Shenyuan was reading official documents under the candlelight. Hearing her return, he handed the documents to a nearby maid and went straight to the bathroom to bathe. Yining sat down and, finding nothing else to do, took a brush from his brush holder, moistened it with ink, and began writing a letter to the Duke of Ying to report her well-being.

Half an incense stick’s time later, Luo Shenyuan emerged. His profile in the candlelight was elegant, and after bathing, he exuded warm moisture, his chest partially exposed through his undergarments. Compared to Dao Yan, he looked more like someone who practiced martial arts. He walked over and asked, “What are you writing?”

Yining looked up at Luo Shenyuan, noticing his long eyelashes lowered like black feathers.

“I’m writing to Father to let him know I’m well, so he won’t worry,” Yining said. She added, “Oh, by the way, your brush handle is too thick. It’s not good for writing.”

“You’re using my brush and still complaining?” Luo Shenyuan took the brush from her and blew out the candle on the table. “Let’s wash up and sleep. Your illness hasn’t fully recovered yet; you need to rest well.”

Yining was embraced and forced to go to bed, but she paused and suddenly said, “Third Brother, don’t you want to know what happened these past few days?”

Luo Shenyuan fell silent, then sighed. Of course, he wanted to know; in fact, he was almost jealous, given his strong possessiveness towards Yining. But he didn’t want to pressure her. She had returned from Lu Jiaxue in such a miserable state, with a high fever. He couldn’t bear to question her about things that might upset her.

“When you’ve rested and are willing to tell me, you naturally will,” Luo Shenyuan said, leaning down. “Go to sleep now. I still need to review some documents.”

But Yining held onto him as he was about to leave. “I want to tell you now.”

Luo Shenyuan paused for a moment.

Yining then said, “Actually, nothing happened. Lu Jiaxue is just a madman. He only took me to have your senior brother read my fortune.”

Luo Shenyuan smiled upon hearing this, finding her way of speaking quite amusing. He said, “Alright, I’ll go review the documents now.”

Seeing his figure disappear, Yining felt she had explained everything clearly and closed her eyes to sleep.

Late into the night, Luo Shenyuan finally came to rest.

The bright red mandarin duck brocade bedding was trimmed with white borders. The room still had large red circular curtains with gilded hooks. The intricately crafted canopy bed was two layers deep, with gold-woven gauze and dark red floral brocade curtains hanging from the canopy and eaves. The candlelight filtering through was extremely hazy.

He had never experienced a true wedding night.

Fearing the candlelight would disturb her, Luo Shenyuan went outside to extinguish the candles.

When he returned, he lay down to sleep. They slept with separate quilts, and Yining had wrapped herself up like a silkworm cocoon. After a while, she became restless.

Yining couldn’t sleep well in complete darkness, so her lamp cabinet always had a light left on. This habit was known to the maids who served her, but Luo Shenyuan was unaware.

The cocoon-like Yining, wrapped in her quilt, kept squirming around, dreaming of a pitch-black cliff, dark and foreboding, with no one around. As she squirmed more, she bumped into something soft yet firm, which seemed to stiffen slightly. But Yining felt at ease, perhaps because of the familiar scent. The dream gradually faded, and the cocoon-like Yining stopped moving.

The next morning, dawn’s light filtered through the window screens. Yining was still asleep when she was awakened by the creaking sound of a door opening.

She realized she was no longer in her original quilt but had merged into Luo Shenyuan’s bedding, hugging his firm waist and leaning against his chest. Yining was startled, especially when she saw Luo Shenyuan looking down at her with lowered eyes. She sat up abruptly.

Yining felt a bit embarrassed to look at him and turned her head to gaze at the white light outside the window.

Luo Shenyuan got up to dress. A maid came in to help him put on his undergarments, the scarlet robe, and the formal court attire, complete with the five-ridged official hat.

“When I woke up this morning… I was in your bedding,” Yining suddenly said.

“You came over on your own,” Luo Shenyuan said, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly. “I didn’t want to sleep holding you, but you wouldn’t let go.”

Hearing this, Luo Yining said, “I know it was me. I just wanted to ask if you…”

Of course, she had slept very well and just wanted to know if he was comfortable with it. If he was, she wanted to continue sleeping like this. It was so sweet and comfortable.

Luo Shenyuan didn’t want to risk losing control of his desires and potentially harming Luo Yining’s body. But rejecting her initiative for closeness was also very difficult for him. After a long while, he finally said, “I don’t mind. It’s up to you.”

“Lu Jiaxue…” Yining spoke up again from behind him, “You should be careful of him. He might try to harm you.”

Luo Shenyuan made a sound of acknowledgment: “I’ll deal with him. You just focus on recovering.” Matters of the court were not for a young girl like Yining to interfere with. He had his plans; if he didn’t avenge this grudge, his years of effort would be in vain. Luo Shenyuan’s eyes turned cold, and then he left the room, with attendants immediately following him.

Yining leaned back on the soft pillows, feeling that home was indeed the most comfortable place. After taking her medicine and sucking on a salted plum, someone came in to announce: “Madam, the master has sent a maid over. She’s been sent to the young master’s study in the front courtyard.”

“Tell her to come and pay her respects to me,” Yining said, spitting the plum pit into a small dish. “There’s no servant who doesn’t pay respects to the mistress of the house. If she lacks this basic courtesy, send her away immediately.”

The old woman acknowledged and left. A moment later, she returned leading a young maid.

Luo Yining looked up, and the maid immediately knelt to pay her respects: “This servant’s name is Xiao Rong. I wish the Third Madam good health.”

She had a slender, beautiful figure, wearing a goose-yellow jacket with persimmon patterns and a pale green moonlight skirt, with ornaments hanging at her waist. Her face was exceptionally beautiful, with a slender chin, teeth as white as jade, lips as red as vermilion, and eyes like drops of ink.

Such beauty was truly one in a hundred.

Just looking at those delicate jade-like hands with their pointed fingers, it was clear she wasn’t raised to serve others. She must have been pampered even more than ordinary young ladies. Who knows where Luo Chengzhang found such a maid; he must have gone to great lengths.

“Since you were sent by the master to serve, what skills do you have?” Yining asked her.

Xiao Rong gracefully curtsied: “This servant knows a little about poetry, tea ceremony, music, chess, calligraphy, and painting.”

It was clear she wasn’t here to serve… Yining glanced at her, disliking this maid immensely. But sending her away now would certainly earn her a reputation for jealousy. She said coolly, “The name Xiao Rong isn’t good.”

Miss Xiao Rong’s face stiffened. What was wrong with her name?

“It’s not auspicious enough. I’ll give you a new name. From now on, you’ll be called Hua Rong,” Luo Yining continued.

Xiao Rong felt a lump in her throat upon hearing this, while Pearl and the others behind her almost burst out laughing.

“This name is better,” Yining nodded. “You’ve just arrived and probably don’t know how to serve the Third Young Master yet. First, follow the others and learn from them.” She then called out, “Daimao, first arrange for Hua Rong to go to the kitchen and learn about the stoves. The Third Young Master’s meals are of utmost importance. Since Hua Rong is here to serve him, let’s start with this.”

Xiao Rong… now Hua Rong’s face turned ashen. She didn’t even know how to use pots and pans. She, who had been raised as a refined young lady, trained in poetry, music, and all the elegant arts, was being sent to the kitchen!

Before coming, the Second Master Luo had told her that serving the Third Young Master meant intimate service, and if she served well, she might even be elevated to the status of a concubine in the future. She had imagined the rumors about Lord Luo being handsome and refined, and her thoughts had started to wander. She had expected to accompany the young master in composing poetry, discussing life, and perhaps eventually sharing his bed. But now, before she could even get close, she was being sent to the kitchen.

“Hua Rong, come with me,” Daimao said coolly.

She was the most beautiful maid in Yining’s quarters and took great pride in her appearance. Seeing a maid even more beautiful than herself made her uncomfortable.

Old Woman, Lou was struggling to hold back her laughter. Ordinary mistresses weren’t like Yining, sending people straight to the kitchen. It was because the young lady knew that the Third Young Master would never say a word against her; she had it all figured out.

“Aren’t you afraid the master will scold you?” Old Woman Lou asked.

Yining replied, “What do I have to fear? He said she was here to attend to Third Brother’s needs. Making meals for him in the kitchen is also a form of service, isn’t it? It’s quite fitting.”

At this moment, another dowry servant, Old Woman Fan, returned from outside. Though she had only been away briefly, she too had some concerns. She had the maids and servants dismissed, then said to Luo Yining, “Young Lady, I’m just offering a suggestion. Please don’t be angry… The Duke cares for you and has always said to wait until you come of age. But while you may be young and unaware of love, the Young Master is already twenty-two, at the peak of a man’s vigor. If you don’t allow him any intimacy at all, he might develop other thoughts after such a long abstinence. Look, even the master has sent a maid over. It’s better if it’s one of our people rather than someone else’s.”

“In my opinion, it would be better to do this: Choose one of your pretty maids to be the Young Master’s bedchamber attendant first. I think Daimao, who serves you, would be suitable. She’s from our Duke’s manor and is loyal to you… After you come of age, if she’s obedient, she could become a concubine with your approval. If not, she can be sent away easily.”

It was common for mistresses to suggest maids as bedchamber attendants, especially when the wife was still young and unaware of love. Forcing consummation would only be painful, so using a maid first was often seen as a solution. Some young madams were even willing to let their husbands take bedchamber attendants because it was too painful for them.

However, Old Woman Lou had a fiery temper: “What does it matter if he’s over twenty! If he dares to do anything outside, I’ll pack my bags and go straight back to report to the Duke of Ying!”

Old Woman Fan smiled bitterly: “Ah, what are you saying? How would we know what he does outside? The Young Master may seem proper and uninterested in women, but who knows what’s in his heart?”

It seemed that Old Woman Fan had convinced Old Woman Lou. After the two finished speaking, they looked at Yining in unison. Old Woman Fan said, “…The one-month celebration and your return home are coming up soon. If you think this is acceptable, we servants will seek the Duke’s opinion.”

Yining waved her hand and said to the two old women, “No bedchamber attendants. It will only cause trouble. Don’t mention this again for now.”

Firstly, she didn’t like the idea, and secondly, if she did it, Luo Shenyuan would certainly disapprove. She knew his feelings well.

Hearing this, the two old women understood her meaning. Old Woman Fan said, “It was just a casual suggestion from this servant. Of course, we’ll follow the Young Lady’s wishes.”

Yining nodded: “Keep a close eye on Hua Rong. However, a girl with such looks probably doesn’t have much skill. She should be easy to deal with.”

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