HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 163

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 163

After Luo Shenyuan returned, the servant attending the study informed him of the matter.

“He sent a maid here?” Luo Shenyuan remained calm. Luo Chengzhang, holding an idle position in the capital, had grown so bored he dared to meddle in Luo Shenyuan’s affairs.

“Yes, he sent a maid named Xiao Rong… oh no, it’s Hua Rong.”

“Does Madam know?” Luo Shenyuan asked as he removed his cloak and walked towards the courtyard. “What did she say?”

“Madam was quite kind. She summoned Miss Xiao Rong and gave her the name Hua Rong. Then Miss Hua Rong didn’t return. I inquired and learned that Madam sent her to work in the kitchen, washing dishes…”

Luo Shenyuan chuckled. She was indeed interesting.

“My Lord, how should we handle this? After all, it’s a maid sent by the Old Master…”

Luo Shenyuan replied nonchalantly, “Household matters are under Madam’s management. Whatever she says goes. No need to ask me.” He paused, then added, “In the future, if anyone sends maids, inform Madam, understand?”

Seeing Lord Luo in a good mood, the servant nodded immediately. Nothing was more important than Lord Luo’s good mood. When Lord Luo was happy, life was easier for the servants.

Fortunately, Madam had returned. During her absence, Lord Luo had been cold-faced in everything he did. The servants dared not utter a word in his presence, fearing even the slightest mistake might result in a beating. Everyone was on edge.

Lin Hairu also heard about Xiao Rong and laughed so hard that she clutched her stomach for a long time.

She had misjudged, thinking Yining would be troubled by this.

Luo Chengzhang was furious but helpless. If he had sent a concubine directly, Luo Yining wouldn’t have dared to punish her to kitchen duty. But his son would have immediately sent her back, not even allowing her to enter the door.

Never mind, let’s see if that maid could make something of herself in the kitchen.

After entering November, the weather grew colder. Yining received a reply from Wei Ling. He was about to marry the youngest sister of the Duke of Xu and urged Yining to return home quickly. The wedding had been postponed due to Yining’s situation, but now it was time for the bride to enter their household. He wanted Yining to come so he could also clarify the matter with Lu Jiaxue.

Yining closed the letter, intending to tell Luo Shenyuan about it when he returned.

However, when Third Brother came back, she heard from Lin Yong that Luo Shenyuan had been berated by court officials.

The reason was exactly what Yining had heard from Lu Jiaxue – accusations that Luo Shenyuan had connections with Zeng Yingkun and was betraying the country.

The Emperor admired Luo Shenyuan’s talents and found the accusations of treason absurd. But he couldn’t argue with these energetic officials, so he dismissed court early, summoned Luo Shenyuan to the Southern Study alone, and hinted that he should resolve this matter quickly, as public opinion was formidable.

When Luo Shenyuan returned, Yining asked him about this, and he didn’t deny it.

“Court officials criticize daily. If not me, it would be someone else,” he said with a cold smile.

This logic was easy to understand. Luo Shenyuan was rising in prominence, attracting more attention. Combined with deliberate manipulation, the criticism grew increasingly fierce.

Luo Shenyuan felt the time for a counterattack was approaching. Since he was being criticized, he would wait until it reached its peak before responding.

Yining watched him playing chess, his eyes suddenly closed as if calculating something.

Remembering she was now his lawfully wedded wife, she straightened up to massage his temples. Why were his eyebrows so thick… His nose bridge was high, upper lip thin, lower lip full. Such a cold appearance.

Luo Shenyuan suddenly opened his eyes to see her leaning forward like a young girl, her waistline visible. He sat up, grasping her hand, and said, “No need, I’m not tired. I was just thinking.”

Her light touch was barely enough to tickle him.

Since he said it wasn’t necessary, Yining withdrew to avoid troubling him. Was Third Brother thinking about Zeng Yingkun? Yining wasn’t concerned about Zeng Yingkun; she was more interested in how Xu Wei influenced Third Brother.

Not wanting to disturb him, after a while she asked, “Third Brother, do you value your teacher, Lord Xu?”

Yining wanted to know his attitude towards Xu Wei and why he had remained unmoved and even indifferent when Xu Wei was in mortal danger years ago. Was it just to endure for revenge? But that wouldn’t explain why others hated him so much, especially since everyone knew he was Xu Wei’s most valued student.

“Xu Wei is a very clever man,” Luo Shenyuan said after a moment’s thought. He knew what Xu Wei was thinking. Yang Ling’s methods were too laughable to contend with those two powers. Unless Xu Wei could clear all obstacles for Yang Ling, it was impossible to push him to the top. He wanted to see just how capable Xu Wei could be.

As expected of a future Grand Secretary, his words were carefully measured.

Yining went to instruct the servants about the menu.

When she returned, she saw him sitting in the armchair, playing chess against himself.

Luo Shenyuan was usually distant with people, seeming difficult to approach. With her, Third Brother was a bit more personable. But observing him for a long time, one would find him quite interesting. Yining had seen Yang Ling invite him for drinks last time, and he had agreed. When he returned that day, reeking of alcohol, he wanted to sleep but feared the smell would bother her. He paced for a while, hesitating whether to bathe in the cold weather, but eventually decided to do so.

Yining found Third Brother quite amusing because of this.

She walked over to observe the chess game for a while before asking, “Third Brother, why are you playing against yourself? Why don’t I keep you company?”

Luo Shenyuan looked up and said slowly, “Are you sure you can beat me?”

Yining smiled ingratiatingly and said, “If I can’t beat you, you can let me win, right? Didn’t you often let me win when I was little?”

Luo Shenyuan gestured for her to sit down. He gave her a five-piece handicap, but a quarter of an hour later, Yining was still thoroughly defeated. Luo Shenyuan grabbed the chess pieces in the container and said, “You get up, I’ll play against myself.”

Yining was annoyed and no longer wanted to play chess with him.

That night, as she slept facing inward, she thought to herself that she shouldn’t roll into his embrace early in the morning again. She was angry too. Every time she woke up in his arms, it felt strangely intimate.

However, Yining found that he slept even better than usual that night, seeming refreshed and even eating two extra steamed buns and a plate of pickled cucumbers for breakfast.

…Fine, he had won.

Today was the day to return home. Early in the morning, Mama Lou and Mama Fan prepared the gifts for the visit. Luo Shenyuan wore his official robes and sat with her in the carriage. Yining asked curiously, “Third Brother, why are you wearing your official robes?” Who would wear official robes to visit their father-in-law? Who was he trying to impress?

Luo Shenyuan replied, “It looks good.”

Luo Yining’s mouth twitched as she gripped her handkerchief and took a deep breath. “I remember Mother made you several cotton-padded robes of Hangzhou silk the other day. Why don’t you wear those?”

Luo Shenyuan patted her head and calmly said, “I was joking. You’ll stay at the Duke of Ying’s mansion this afternoon. Your father and I have to enter the palace.”

…Was he making a joke with her?

Upon arriving at the Duke of Ying’s mansion, servants led the horses to the stable for feeding. The mansion was lively, decorated with lanterns, and filled with guests. Wei Ling was busy entertaining guests but came to welcome his daughter and son-in-law when he saw them arrive.

Seeing her father in auspicious red formal wear, Yining felt a twinge of sadness.

“…I haven’t met my stepmother yet,” Yining said.

Wei Ling had come to terms with the situation, realizing the Duke of Ying’s household needed someone to manage affairs. If he was away on military campaigns, there would be no one to run the household. He stroked his daughter’s head and smiled, “You’ll see her soon.”

Yining smiled slightly. “Then you should attend to your duties. I’ll go pay my respects to Grandmother.”

Luo Shenyuan went to the reception hall, as he was part of the male guests and could help entertain.

Accompanied by Mama Lou, Yining went to the Jing’an Hall, where Old Madam Wei and Zhao Mingzhu were waiting for her. She noticed that in just half a month, Old Madam Wei had aged noticeably, with streaks of silver in her temples. People in their twilight years seemed to age particularly quickly.

Due to her poor health, Old Madam Wei hadn’t gone out, but she wore a festive brownish-red silk jacket with an endless pattern and a forehead band. The hall was crowded with well-wishers. Following custom, Yining performed a grand curtsy to Old Madam Wei and was helped up. Old Madam Wei looked at her and muttered to Zhao Mingzhu, “Why does she always look thinner to me?”

Zhao Mingzhu took her arm and smiled, “She looks the same to me. Please, sit down.”

Old Madam Wei said, “Mingzhu, I had the small kitchen prepare gastrodia and squab soup for her. Have a maid bring it over for her to drink.”

“You must be mistaken. The small kitchen wasn’t lit today. The outer kitchen sent your breakfast,” Zhao Mingzhu said, patting Old Madam Wei’s back. Old Madam Wei looked confused and insisted, “I remember they stewed soup.” She kept asking maids to bring it for Yining until Mama Song came in to say there was no soup. Only then did she give up.

Watching this scene, Yining sensed something was amiss.

Zhao Mingzhu sat down next to her and sighed, “One night, Grandmother had a nightmare and cried out all night, frightening Mama Song. We hurriedly invited the imperial physician to examine her. But for some reason, since that day, Grandmother’s memory has become poor.”

“I had no idea… Why didn’t anyone send word?” Seeing Old Madam Wei’s condition, Yining remembered how she had given her entire dowry box when she married. At that time, she was still in good spirits. Now, seeing her white hair, Yining felt very sorry for her.

Zhao Mingzhu smiled slightly. “Grandmother didn’t want you to worry too much. Apart from her poor memory, everything else is fine. She can still eat most of a bowl of rice at each meal.”

Yining relaxed a little. Just as she lifted her teacup to drink, a matron came in to announce, “The Governor-General’s sedan chair has arrived at the screen wall. He should be here soon.”

Zhao Mingzhu, who had once harbored feelings for Lu Jiaxue, now realized it was all wishful thinking. She now only wanted to use Lu Jiaxue’s influence to improve her position in the harem, so she was somewhat excited: “Thank you for informing us, Nanny. I’ll go pay my respects to my adoptive father shortly.”

Hearing this, Yining suddenly raised her head.

In the front courtyard’s reception hall, everyone stood up and cupped their hands in greeting as Lu Jiaxue entered.

Lu Jiaxue walked in, waving for everyone to sit down, while glancing at Luo Shenyuan.

Lu Jiaxue didn’t acknowledge Luo Shenyuan, his third brother. After sitting down, he pondered for a moment before saying to Wei Ling, “It’s your wedding day, so I’ve come to offer my congratulations.” He then called for his gifts to be brought in.

Wei Ling thanked him and sat down. Lu Jiaxue had come today to discuss a matter with him.

After the founding Emperor drove the Mongols out of the territory years ago, Esen Taishi seized the position of Khan. Many Mongolian nobles and ministers didn’t recognize his status, leading to the Mongols splitting into eastern and western factions. The eastern faction became the Tartars, and the western became the Oirats. The relationship between these two factions was poor, often engaging in warfare. Add to this the Jurchens, and these three groups frequently fought amongst themselves, incompatible as fire and water. Among them, the Oirats were the strongest tribe, daring to invade Ming territory.

This morning, military intelligence reported that both Datong and Xuanfu, where the Duke of Guo was stationed, lacked commanding officers. The Oirats had unexpectedly met privately with the Tartars, likely to reach an agreement.

As soon as the intelligence arrived, Lu Jiaxue was summoned overnight.

Last time, Wei Ling had pushed the Oirats back fifty miles, severely weakening them. It was thought they would settle down, but instead, this prompted an alliance between the Tartars and the Oirats.

“I’ve received confidential reports about Datong. These two factions have always been at odds, so this cooperation must be significant. As the Commander of Xuanfu, you should contribute to guarding the border. It’s best to request imperial permission to return to Xuanfu,” Lu Jiaxue said. “We can discuss this after your wedding.”

Wei Ling still hadn’t figured out what had happened during the last conflict between Lu Jiaxue and Luo Shenyuan.

Luo Shenyuan wouldn’t explain, and he couldn’t possibly ask Lu Jiaxue. Both were shrewd men; only his daughter was somewhat naive, but he hadn’t found the chance to ask her yet.

Why had Lu Jiaxue abducted her? Could she have offended him? That didn’t make sense. Was it to control Luo Shenyuan? This seemed more likely, but the reason remained unclear.

Wei Ling nodded, then smiled and pointed at Luo Shenyuan: “My son-in-law is here too. You’ve met him before, right?”

Hearing this, Lu Jiaxue narrowed his eyes, leaned back in his chair, and said, “I just sent Zeng Yingkun to the Ministry of Justice. I hear Lord Luo has been frequently accused of treason by court officials lately?”

Luo Shenyuan smiled faintly: “This is thanks to the Governor-General’s exceptional abilities. I naturally admire you.”

“Admiration is fine,” Lu Jiaxue said, switching his prayer beads to the other hand and rubbing them slowly. “Lord Luo should consider carefully. If Zeng Yingkun produces any evidence, it could be very unfavorable for you.”

With these two speaking, others dared not interrupt.

Wei Ling stroked his chin, thinking. His son-in-law, the Vice Minister, stood tall as a pine, while Lu Jiaxue leaned back in his chair with a domineering presence. The two men’s auras seemed evenly matched. Given another ten years, if Luo Shenyuan’s power surpassed Lu Jiaxue’s, it was uncertain who would check whom.

He called for servants to serve tea, then said to Lu Jiaxue: “I heard… you and my daughter had some conflict? If she offended you somehow, please don’t hold it against her, considering she’s your goddaughter. Why don’t I call her in later to offer you a cup of wine as an apology?”

Lu Jiaxue smiled: “She’s so young. Even if she offended me, I’d chalk it up to childishness. I certainly won’t hold it against her.”

Luo Shenyuan stood with his hands behind his back.

Those around them didn’t understand his distortion of facts.

Disregarding human ethics, abducting someone’s wife, yet speaking so righteously.

But he wouldn’t say these things either. It would be like a child crying about unfairness – what was unfair? This was how things worked, the strong preying on the weak. All he needed to do was plot and strike back. If he became stronger and took from Lu Jiaxue’s hands, he would consider that fair too.

In his youth, when his hand was afflicted, the entire Luo family treated him as if he didn’t exist; no one cared about him. The lonely boy’s heart was filled with despair and indifference, his emotions nearly reaching the darkest extremes. This child was the first to hold his right hand and show dependence on him. Perhaps the child didn’t know, but he depended on her dependence, as it made him truly feel his existence, even more than her reliance on him.

So for him, any means were acceptable.

After Old Madam Wei’s short nap, Yining was helping her remove the hearts from ginkgo nuts. The center of ripe ginkgo nuts is poisonous and must be removed before consumption. The imperial physician had prescribed ginkgo nuts in medicinal dishes, so the maids and servants had collected the fruits from the mansion’s ginkgo trees, fortunately at the right time for ripeness. They leisurely sorted through them in their spare time.

Placing the jade-like ginkgo nuts into a small jar, Yining asked in surprise: “You’re entering the palace?”

Zhao Mingzhu nodded casually, filing her nails with a small knife: “I’m entering on the 30th. Grandmother checked, it’s an auspicious day for marriage. Who would have thought it would go so smoothly? Uncle Wei Ling submitted my name. Among the many daughters of noble and important official families selected, the Emperor only heard I was a cousin from the Duke of Ying’s household and immediately circled my name, granting me the title of Selected Consort. I still have the imperial edict. Would you like to see it?” She asked a maid to fetch it.

“Entering the palace with me is the second legitimate daughter of the Vice Minister of Revenue and a beautiful distant niece chosen by the Empress,” Zhao Mingzhu continued. “Oh, I heard the Empress’s niece, Xie Yun, married Cheng Lang?”

Zhao Mingzhu now threw herself into her new career with full enthusiasm. For her, serving one man alongside many women wasn’t tragic; she was quite happy about it. After all, she didn’t love the Emperor; entering the palace was for status. The palace was full of challenges, and she might truly become a consort one day. Then she would repay those who had been kind to her and wouldn’t be lenient with those who hadn’t.

Seeing her excited expression, Yining found her quite amusing and said: “You don’t look like you’re going to get married; you look like you’re going to rob someone. Miss Xie has indeed married Cheng Lang. I’ve watched plays and had tea with her before. She seems to get along well with Cheng Lang.”

Zhao Mingzhu sighed: “My engagement with Cousin Cheng Lang didn’t work out, nor did yours. I never expected him to marry Xie Yun. She’s fortunate to marry someone like Cousin Cheng Lang.”

The maid brought the imperial edict.

Yining wasn’t unfamiliar with imperial edicts. All of Wei Ling’s were kept in a box in his study. When she first entered the Duke of Ying’s household, she had rummaged through his study and seen them all, so she wasn’t particularly interested.

At this moment, a servant came in to relay a message, saying Lu Jiaxue was now drinking tea in the reception hall, and Wei Ling wanted both young ladies to go pay their respects.

Yining felt terrified just hearing his name.

“Come with me. It’s good to pay our respects,” Zhao Mingzhu pulled her up.

Yining didn’t want to see Lu Jiaxue and said: “You go ahead and tell them I need to look after Grandmother. I’ll pay my respects to my godfather another time.”

The servant who came to inform them smiled and said: “Miss, the Duke said you must go.”

Yining bit her lip, then thought it might be okay to go. In public, he probably couldn’t do anything! With so many eyes watching, she was his goddaughter after all. Surely Lu Jiaxue wouldn’t be so shameless.

In the reception hall, several officials were present. Lu Jiaxue was in the inner room talking with Jiang Zuoyun, the Vice Minister of War. Wei Ling and Luo Shenyuan were talking outside. Seeing the girls approach, he waved them over.

Not having seen her for half a month, Wei Ling thought she looked a bit haggard upon close inspection. He jokingly asked: “Is your Third Brother not treating you well?”

Luo Shenyuan smiled at this.

“Your Third Brother treats you very well, willing to sacrifice his marriage to help you. He certainly won’t mistreat you,” Wei Ling patted the girl’s shoulder.

Luo Shenyuan said: “Father-in-law needn’t worry. No one in the entire household dares to mistreat her.”

Yining retreated behind him, still feeling resentful about last night’s chess game and sleeping arrangement. She reached out to pinch him, but his arm muscles hardened, and she couldn’t manage it. She knew he had learned some body-strengthening techniques from that Miaofashi master and couldn’t do anything about it.

Wei Ling spoke with Zhao Mingzhu, then turned back to call Yining. Lowering his voice, he said: “I heard you had some conflict with your godfather. What exactly happened?”

The smile slowly faded from Luo Yining’s face. She couldn’t tell anyone the truth about what happened, but this way, others’ suspicions and doubts would always exist.

“I unintentionally offended my godfather,” Yining said. “He became a bit angry.”

Wei Ling felt his daughter was hiding much, but with Luo Shenyuan present, he didn’t ask further. He said: “Well, it’s fortunate today. Mingzhu is going to pay respects to Lu Jiaxue. You should go along and apologize to him. Shenyuan, wait for me a moment.” Wei Ling led the two girls into the inner room.

Seeing them enter, Luo Shenyuan sat sideways outside. Some officials tried to flatter him with conversation, but he barely responded. The golden chrysanthemums planted outside the hall were in full bloom, and a cold wind blew across the lake surface, bringing an autumn chill.

Zhao Mingzhu paid her respects first. Luo Yining stood beside her and curtsied, calling him godfather.

After dismissing others, Lu Jiaxue didn’t acknowledge Luo Yining at first, instead speaking to Zhao Mingzhu: “I know about your entry into the palace. The Empress and I are on good terms, but her distant niece is also entering the palace this time. She’s been childless for years and fears, wanting to find someone obedient to compete for favor on her behalf. Have you decided to ally with the Empress after entering the palace?”

“Daughter knows that Consort Dong from the Board of Revenue is also quite formidable, being the birth mother of the Crown Prince,” Zhao Mingzhu said. “But considering the Empress is the mother of the nation…”

Lu Jiaxue felt Zhao Mingzhu wasn’t smart enough and would likely struggle after entering the palace, especially if she sided with the Empress. He told Wei Ling: “Since the edict has been issued, choose two extremely clever maids to accompany her. Otherwise, she won’t be able to cope on her own.”

With the Lu and Wei families backing her, Zhao Mingzhu was still better off than the Vice Minister’s daughter without powerful support.

After discussing Zhao Mingzhu’s matters, Wei Ling asked Luo Yining to serve tea to Lu Jiaxue. “If you’ve wronged your godfather in any way, offer him a cup of tea and apologize. This will prevent him from being angry with you.” Directly confronting Lu Jiaxue was unwise; Wei Ling hoped an apology would settle the matter.

Yining took the teacup from the maid, gritted her teeth slightly, and slowly knelt before him: “Godfather, please have some tea. I ask for your forgiveness for any offense. Please don’t hold it against a young girl like me.”

Lu Jiaxue looked at her with an ambiguous smile.

She knelt before him, her hands trembling slightly as she held the tea. It was unclear whether from anger or fear, probably both.

He reached out to take the cup: “Your godfather accepts your tea. As long as you obey and don’t defy me, I won’t make things difficult for you.” Then he leaned closer and whispered in her ear, “I won’t let you go.”

Yining watched him calmly drink the tea, dressed in his official robes, but felt a chill in her heart.

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