HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 167

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 167

The next morning, Yining helped Luo Shenyuan dress.

As Luo Shenyuan tilted his chin up, Yining noticed his Adam’s apple move while she adjusted his collar. Finding it amusing, she lightly touched it. Luo Shenyuan lowered his gaze to her, catching her hand in warning: “Don’t be mischievous.”

Yining replied, “Alright, I won’t.”

Luo Shenyuan gazed at the part in her hair. Yining’s hair was soft and smooth like silk.

After seeing Luo Shenyuan off, Lin Hairu sent a maid to fetch Yining. They were discussing Luo Yilian’s dowry and wanted Yining to join them.

Yining was speechless at the haste. Even for a prestigious family like the Lu’s, they should show some restraint!

She took a small sedan chair to the main house, realizing she was the last to arrive. Madam Chen was there with her two daughters-in-law, Da Zhou, and Xiao Zhou, along with Luo Yiyu and two younger concubine-born daughters. Luo Yilian sat surrounded by her sisters-in-law, blushing and silent when asked about her preferences.

Yining noticed two unfamiliar, stout matrons standing expressionlessly behind Luo Yilian.

Lin Hairu informed her, “These two matrons were sent by the Ningyuan Marquis’s mansion early this morning to serve Lilian. They seem highly skilled. Look at Concubine Qiao’s proud expression, thinking the Marquis’s family values her daughter so much.”

One matron was surnamed Wang, the other Yu. Matron Wang looked at Yining and curtsied, “Is this the Third Madam of your household?”

Lin Hairu smiled and confirmed. The two matrons exchanged glances but said nothing more.

A message had already been sent to Madam Xu, confirming the marriage would proceed. Luo Yilian, parched from talking with her sisters-in-law, raised her teacup only to find tea leaves at the bottom. She turned to Yining and said, “Third Sister-in-law, please bring me some tea.”

Her tone was casual as she resumed talking with the others.

Luo Yilian had undergone a dramatic change since yesterday, especially after seeing the two matrons sent to serve her. Her attitude had grown haughty; she was different now. Even the strict Madam Chen spoke to her gently. What was wrong with asking Yining for tea? She no longer needed to curry favor with Yining. Once she entered the Ningyuan Marquis’s household, Yining would have to suffer.

Yining didn’t move, but her maid Pearl brought over a cup of tea. Luo Yilian smiled, “Third Sister-in-law’s maid is quite diligent.”

“Lilian, you’re being too formal,” Yining merely smiled.

At this point, Matron Wang spoke up: “Our Marquis was busy the past few days but said he’d come personally this afternoon. Madam, please be prepared.”

The sisters-in-law congratulated Luo Yilian amidst the joyous atmosphere, while Yining lowered her head to drink tea.

Lu Jiaxue was coming in person.

Yining sipped her tea, feeling the winter chill. Steam rose from the cup, fogging her face. Outside the flower hall, only bare branches remained on the trees. The sky was overcast and hazy, with a white glow overhead.

She looked up, thinking it seemed like snow was coming.

Pearl brought out a small plate of ginger cookies to go with the tea. “It looks like it might snow,” she said.

It was nearly December, after all.

Indeed, it was colder than in previous years. Yining suddenly asked Pearl, “I remember you and Daimao were born in the same year. You must be nineteen now. Usually, maids your age would be released from service. Do you want to get married?”

It seemed the maids serving her tended to marry late. Even Xuezhi had married quite late back then.

“You’re still young, miss, and without someone trustworthy by your side, I worry about new maids not being reliable,” Pearl curtsied with a smile, her tone somewhat cryptic. “I don’t like the idea of marriage. Being a wife and mother, enduring mistreatment from in-laws. Especially for maids released from service, those with some money are often targeted by their in-laws. I’d rather serve you for life, miss. It’s more comfortable, and no one dares look down on me.”

Yining squeezed her hand. Pearl’s hands were rougher than hers, with warm palms. As long as she stayed by her side, Yining would never mistreat her.

Yining stood up to go inside, as it was too cold. Lin Hairu had servants bring out braziers, and the room warmed up after they were lit.

Da Zhou was saying to Luo Yilian, “I haven’t had the fortune to meet Governor Lu. I wonder what he looks like?”

Luo Yiyu’s lips curved in a subtle smile, “I saw him once when I was young, but couldn’t see clearly. I only remember he was tall and handsome.”

“Didn’t Yanyan recognize Governor Lu as her godfather?” Lin Hairu was cracking melon seeds and turned to ask Yining, “Right? You must have seen him at the Duke Ying’s mansion. What does he look like?”

Yining took a small handful of five-spice melon seeds from her plate and said casually, “I didn’t see him much. Probably similar to what Fourth Sister said, just more imposing.”

Xiao Zhou interjected with interest, “Third Sister-in-law is the Governor’s goddaughter? How come we’ve never heard you mention it?”

Yining replied, “Father asked him to take me as his goddaughter. We don’t interact much, so there wasn’t much to say.”

There were many types of goddaughters, from those in name only to those formally recorded in family genealogies. Yining indeed didn’t associate with Lu Jiaxue regularly and rarely mentioned him. Naturally, others didn’t pay much attention to this matter.

By afternoon, fine snow like salt began to fall. Nan’er was delighted. His wet nurse had bundled him up like a ball, so he wasn’t afraid of the cold. He clung to Yining’s arm, trying to drag her outside: “Sister, snow, snow.” The little boy had just learned to walk and refused to be carried by anyone.

Yining was pulled outside by the little chubby ball to watch the snow. In just a moment, the stone path had become wet. He tried to catch snowflakes with his small hands. Yining pulled his hand back and kissed his soft, milk-scented cheek. “Don’t catch them, or you might catch a cold. Then we’d have to make you drink medicine.”

Nan’er chewed on his fingers, perhaps pondering or simply not understanding.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the outer courtyard. A matron ran in to announce Lu Jiaxue’s arrival. Yining wiped Nan’er’s saliva-covered hands clean and stood up, seeing maids and matrons already hurrying out with umbrellas. Yining picked up Nan’er and kissed him again: “Let’s go watch the excitement.”

Nan’er hugged her neck, playing with the jade earrings dangling from her ears.

Lu Jiaxue always made grand entrances, with his guards stationed everywhere in the front hall, creating an impressive atmosphere. Luo Chengzhang, dressed in his official robes, was conversing with him. Outside, snowflakes drifted in the cold wind. Yining could see his handsome profile through the falling snow, as clear as if carved from stone. He wore a black crane-patterned robe with a lion and tiger embroidered belt. He was as steady as a mountain.

Da Zhou couldn’t help but sigh softly: “Not only incredibly powerful but also so handsome. No wonder people flock to him…”

Xiao Zhou tugged at Luo Yilian’s sleeve excitedly: “Sixth Sister, look quickly!”

This was Luo Yilian’s first time seeing Lu Jiaxue as well. Such an outstanding figure! Although she had Third Brother Luo Shenyuan who was also exceptional, Lu Jiaxue was a completely different type of man.

The legends surrounding this man were like an unfathomable mist behind him. Impenetrable and incomprehensible.

Lu Jiaxue before them exuded an imposing aura, only occasionally responding. Luo Chengzhang was extremely respectful: “…Governor Lu has honored us with your presence today, we wouldn’t dare to be negligent. My wife has brought Lilian here, would you like to meet her?” Although this wasn’t strictly proper, Luo Chengzhang didn’t want to stand in the ceremony with Lu Jiaxue.

“As you wish, Lord Luo,” Lu Jiaxue covered his teacup.

Lin Hairu led Nan’er and brought Luo Yilian into the front hall, worried she might be nervous and unfamiliar with the situation, so she had her sisters-in-law accompany her. Concubine Qiao didn’t have the status to attend such an occasion. Yining, wanting to see Lu Jiaxue’s attitude, also followed her two sisters-in-law.

Lu Jiaxue swept his gaze over everyone, seemingly not paying attention to Yining, and settled on the well-dressed young girl. Luo Yilian stepped forward to curtsy, her voice trembling: “…This humble girl Yilian greets Governor Lu.”

Lu Jiaxue looked at Luo Yilian expressionlessly for a long while before saying, “Sixth Miss, please be seated.”

Luo Yilian felt his gaze was so heavy it left her breathless. As she sat down, she noticed Lu Jiaxue’s fingers absently toying with his ring.

Was she about to become this man’s concubine? Luo Yilian’s heart began to race. Suddenly, she started feeling some anticipation.

Seeing this, Luo Chengzhang smiled and said, “Lilian has been excited for days, hearing that Governor Lu would come personally. She has always admired the General, saying that true heroes are those who can gallop across battlefields to protect the country. She’s even read some military books and can discuss them a bit… Perhaps another day she could chat with Governor Lu about them, just to amuse you.”

Yining then heard Lu Jiaxue say, “It’s rare for her to have such an interest.”

Luo Chengzhang was making things up; Yining distinctly remembered that Luo Yilian hated violence and fighting the most.

At this moment, Luo Yilian fully embraced the demeanor of a young lady, lowering her head with a smile. Suddenly, she said in a soft voice, “Isn’t Third Sister-in-law Governor Lu’s goddaughter? Why hasn’t she greeted him? If one didn’t know better, they might think the Third Sister-in-law doesn’t respect her elders.”

Yining had been standing to the side like a decorative vase and only raised her head when Luo Yilian mentioned her. She and the other sisters-in-law had only given a slight curtsy earlier, not wanting to steal Luo Yilian’s spotlight.

Both Zhou sisters and Lin Hairu looked at Yining.

Then came Lu Jiaxue’s deep voice: “So it’s Yining. It’s been a long time since your godfather has seen you.”

Yining looked up to see Lu Jiaxue’s ambiguous smile, gritted her teeth, and stepped forward to pay her respects: “Godfather, I hope you are well. I was remiss earlier.”

“It’s fine.”

Lu Jiaxue drank his tea, and Yining stepped back. The room fell silent for a moment. Nan’er looked around, wanting to go to Yining but not daring to.

He raised his hand to chew on his fingers, and something fell from his sleeve onto the black lacquered floor with a faint sound.

It was a jade earring.

Yining immediately recognized it as her earring, which she had taken off earlier to let Nan’er play with. She was about to pick it up, but another hand wearing a ring had already retrieved it.

Yining could only curtsy and say, “Thank you, Godfather. That’s my earring. Could you please return it to me?”

Lu Jiaxue looked at her, indeed noticing one of her earrings was missing. He played with the earring, saying slowly, “Of course, things should always return to their rightful owner.”

Yining reached out to take it. He then returned the earring to her. However, his words carried a deeper meaning.

Lu Jiaxue had lost patience for idle chat with Luo Chengzhang. He calmly said, “Lord Luo, I’ll come to collect her in seven days. You should prepare well.”

Seven days seemed too rushed, and Luo Chengzhang was stunned. Hadn’t they just said half a month earlier? He assumed Lu Jiaxue was particularly fond of Lilian after seeing her and didn’t want to wait.

“This timeframe is quite tight, Governor. Please allow me to prepare properly. Lilian also needs to prepare her dowry,” Luo Chengzhang hastily replied.

Lu Jiaxue turned to Luo Yilian, asking coolly, “Does the Sixth Miss find the time too rushed? I think it’s appropriate.”

Luo Yilian stood up. How could she dare say it wasn’t suitable? Blushing, she nodded, “Everything is as the Governor wishes. This humble girl has no objections.”

Lu Jiaxue left after a few more words. Luo Chengzhang saw him off, while the sisters-in-law congratulated Luo Yilian.

“The Governor must have found our Lilian extraordinarily beautiful, hence his eagerness to advance the wedding date…”

Amidst the flattery, Yining remained expressionless, clutching the jade earring tightly.

On his way, Luo Shenyuan encountered Lu Jiaxue leaving the Luo residence.

Luo Shenyuan called for his carriage to stop. Then, lifting the curtain, he smiled and asked, “Could it be that Governor Lu had time to visit the Luo residence?”

Hearing Luo Shenyuan’s voice, Lu Jiaxue also lifted his carriage curtain. Surrounded by frost and snow, only the horses’ breath was visible. He said, “What a coincidence to meet Lord Luo.”

Lin Yong, standing nearby, kept his eyes down, and no attendant dared speak.

“I heard the Governor intends to take my younger sister as a concubine. I assume this visit was to discuss that?” Luo Shenyuan continued.

Lu Jiaxue smiled upon hearing this: “Your sister is as lovely as ice and snow. I find her quite captivating. Though she can’t be a primary wife, being a concubine shouldn’t be an issue.”

“Yilian will surely be delighted to have caught the Governor’s fancy,” Luo Shenyuan said slowly. “That being the case, I won’t delay you further, Governor. I’ll head back to the residence first.”

He lowered his carriage curtain, his face now expressionless, all traces of a smile gone.

Seeing Luo Shenyuan’s carriage return to the residence, Lu Jiaxue lowered his curtain and instructed the driver to continue.

The light snow gradually turned heavy, continuing to fall well into the night.

The maid Yining had sent out to gather information returned.

Snow was still unmelted on her double buns, her face red from the cold. “Third Madam, I inquired carefully. Those two matrons hardly leave the courtyard. They focus solely on serving the Sixth Miss, never inquiring about other matters, and rarely speak.”

Yining had thought Lu Jiaxue sent these two to gather information. But hearing this, it seemed unlikely. Anyone would be wary of those sent so openly; these two were certainly not being used for that purpose.

Yining rewarded the maid with a bag of silver and told her to rest without further service.

When Luo Shenyuan returned, the heavy snow had not yet stopped.

The north wind blew outside the window, shaking accumulated snow from the trees. The servants had replaced the cotton-padded cushions with black fox fur ones, luxurious and beautiful. Having mixed with Zeng Heng for several years, Luo Shenyuan wasn’t short of money. However, as part of the Qingliu faction, he often couldn’t use it openly.

“You’re back,” Yining said, kneeling by a small table, carefully drawing patterns to make winter knee protectors for Luo Shenyuan.

Dipping her brush in vermilion, she said, “Third Brother, come help me draw orchids. I can never get them right.” The room was heated by floor pipes, but she wore a jacket trimmed with rabbit fur and had changed to a pair of white jade dangle earrings. One shoe and sock were casually placed on the bed’s edge, giving a sense of comfortable domesticity.

Luo Shenyuan approached, reaching around her from behind and taking the brush from her hand. “Where should I draw?” he asked.

Although they were now husband and wife, such daily intimacies were still rare.

Yining held her breath slightly. She pointed to where she wanted the drawing, and he leaned in closer, his body carrying the scent of the cold outside. With one hand resting on the table edge, he added orchids in a few deft strokes.

“Is this enough?” Luo Shenyuan asked her.

“It’s enough,” Yining replied, suddenly finding his low, magnetic voice captivating, momentarily dazed. He still held her in his arms, and she stiffened, not daring to move.

His hands were beautiful, long, and strong. The white-trimmed cuffs of his sleeves were rolled up slightly, revealing the veins on the back of his hand.

Why hasn’t he let go yet? Didn’t she say it was enough…

Yining felt the atmosphere in the room growing ambiguous.

He suddenly said, “I heard Lu Jiaxue come today. Did you see him?”

“Mother had Luo Yilian greet him, and fearing she might be nervous, brought us sisters-in-law along,” Yining explained.

“Mm,” Luo Shenyuan responded without expression. After a moment of looking at her thin, soft red lips, he lowered his head and asked, “Meiyan, have you finished your pattern?”

“Just a few egrets left,” Yining said, asking him with some confusion, “What is it?”

“I’ll help you draw them,” he said, dipping the brush in ink with his left hand. With just a few strokes, a flock of egrets flew into the blue sky.

It truly captured their essence.

Yining felt she could never learn to draw like that.

Then he put down the brush, took a book, and sat down nearby, asking her, “You know about the recent bandit troubles in Guizhou, right?”

Yining naturally knew about this; it had been quite a big issue lately.

Seeing that she knew, Luo Shenyuan continued, “The Emperor dismissed the Guizhou Provincial Administrator. Wang Yuan suggested that I take the position.”

Yining was shocked, putting her brush back in its holder: “How could that be possible!”

Provincial Administrator was a second-rank position, but for Luo Shenyuan, this promotion would be a demotion. Moreover, Wang Yuan’s people controlled Guizhou, and they had even worn down Zhou Shuqun. Even if he could govern effectively, it would require great effort, years away from the capital, and unlike Huguang or Liangguang Provincial Administrators, his career prospects would likely suffer.

In her agitation, she almost knocked over his tea.

He moved his teapot away – it was hot tea, after all – and said, “It’s not certain I’ll go. Don’t worry.”

How could Yining not worry about him? Seeing him sipping tea calmly, she said, “You’re not anxious, so why should I be? I just want to know if you have a way out if the Emperor orders you to go. You really can’t go, can you?”

Without looking up, Third Brother said, “Guizhou is in chaos now, and indeed needs someone to manage it – if I’m told to go, I’ll go.”

Yining looked at him, and Luo Shenyuan finally put down his book, smiling as he said, “It’s not so easy for a capital official to be transferred out. The Ministry of Revenue has to discuss it and submit it to the Cabinet for approval.” He continued, “Besides, the Ministry of Works is also a mess, and there are few besides me who can sort it out. As long as I’m unwilling to go, the Emperor won’t make me.”

Yining felt something was off. He was doing well in the Ministry of Works, so why suddenly propose his transfer? Guizhou was full of Wang Yuan’s people, and remembering Lu Jiaxue’s words, she suddenly had a guess: “Your unexpected proposed transfer, and to such a place… Could it be Governor Lu’s suggestion?”

The area was plagued by bandits that couldn’t be fully eradicated. If he went, it would be truly dangerous.

Luo Shenyuan immediately gripped her wrist, restraining himself as he said, “I have only one thing to say: do not go to him.”

She wouldn’t go to Lu Jiaxue anyway; what use would that be?

Seeing her silence, Luo Shenyuan repeated sternly, “Did you hear me?”

Yining nodded, and he relaxed his grip somewhat. Yining knew he disliked her seeing Lu Jiaxue but hadn’t realized how much it concerned him. She asked, “Although I know you won’t go, I still want to ask: if you do go to Guizhou, can I go with you? I’ve heard that officials often bring family members when transferred.”

The fire crackled, and Luo Shenyuan said, “Of course I would take you.”

Yining then took his arm and sat down, smiling as she said, “Then it doesn’t matter. Wherever you go, I’ll go too.”

Yining’s concern moved him deeply. Having someone care for you, worry about you, give purpose to your existence, no longer being utterly alone – this meant even more to him. He wanted to embrace her but restrained himself. The Emperor was indeed worried about the situation in Guizhou and might, in a moment of impulse, really send him there. He had wanted to give Yining advance notice.

Yining had been busy helping with Luo Yilian’s marriage arrangements and was still processing this news. After a while, she realized that if Luo Shenyuan had to go, there was nothing to be done. As long as he returned after his five-year term, a promotion was certain – provided he survived and had achievements to show. If he stayed in the capital, close to the Emperor, he would eventually become Minister of Works.

She added, “Of course, it’s best if you don’t go!”

Luo Shenyuan turned back to look at her. Her face was nestled in the snow-white rabbit fur, like an exquisite snowball, still with a touch of childishness. This was his young wife, needing protection and nurturing. Perhaps she might even grow taller and bigger. Then he could be more intimate with her, unlike now when he always had to restrain himself.

In the future, she might even bear his children.

Their children?

Looking at her flat abdomen and slender waist, Luo Shenyuan could hardly imagine it. He didn’t particularly like children; they were too noisy. And they would divert their mother’s attention.

Children could wait for later. Right now, this little girl still slept in separate bedding from him.

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