HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 168

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 168

For two consecutive days, Yining had been busy arranging Yilian’s marriage.

Concubine Qiao, feeling proud that her daughter was marrying into a good family, began making grand demands.

Just as Yining sent off the housekeeper, a maid came to relay a message that Concubine Qiao was unsatisfied with Yilian’s wedding dress and insisted on altering it again.

Overwhelmed, Yining hurried to Lin Hairu’s quarters. Concubine Qiao’s main complaint was that the dress wasn’t properly red. Lin Hairu, sipping tonic soup served by her maids, couldn’t help but scoff, “She’s not marrying as the principal wife, yet wants to wear that color. How laughable!”

Luo Chengzhang had already instructed that Yilian’s wishes should take priority. Lin Hairu held her tongue, deciding it didn’t matter if they made a fool of themselves. The wedding dress, already altered thrice, was sent back for reworking, wasting all previous efforts.

When Yining arrived, the matron sent to prepare the bridal chamber at the Lu residence had just returned. Sipping tea, she fawningly told Yilian, “Young miss, you should see it! The Marquis of Ningyuan’s mansion is so grand. As soon as I entered, there was an enormous screen wall. The courtyard guards were all imperial soldiers. Though they’re not following all the traditional rituals, I saw festive decorations everywhere, just like a formal wedding! When the marquis’s family marries, even commoners on both sides voluntarily keep away. The mansion had people clearing the way. This old servant has never seen such pomp in her life.”

Two visiting Zhou ladies exclaimed in admiration, praising Yilian for marrying well.

Emboldened about changing the wedding dress, Concubine Qiao smiled as she drank her soup, “What’s wrong with proper red? The important thing is that the Governor-General likes it. I think we should change the sedan chair too.”

Lin Hairu, who opposed the red color, snorted, “Why don’t you change the bride while you’re at it?”

As a mere concubine, Qiao turned pale at Lin Hairu’s rebuke but dared not talk back.

Yining dipped her brush in ink, “Concubine Qiao, Yilian will be a concubine after all. It’s best to keep a low profile. Proper red won’t do, but we can choose between rose red and madder red.”

Concubine Qiao believed that as long as Lu Jiaxue doted on Yilian, she could do as she pleased in the marquis’s household. No one understood better than her the importance of a man’s favor. So she ignored Yining’s words and smiled, “Why can’t we use proper red? Yining, you’re Yilian’s sister-in-law. Surely you don’t begrudge her good fortune?”

Yining glanced at her coldly. She turned back to write, “If you’re still unsatisfied, take it up with Father yourself. See if he’d rather lose face for you or the Luo family.”

“I think the master cares more about the Governor-General’s wishes,” Concubine Qiao retorted.

Yining looked up and said mildly, “If Concubine Qiao wants to spread such talk of family discord, I certainly won’t stop you.”

At this, Concubine Qiao finally held her tongue. She wasn’t about to jeopardize Yilian’s marriage by being rash now.

Yilian pressed Concubine Qiao’s hand and smiled, “Third sister-in-law means well. I’ll have plenty of chances to repay her kindness in the future.”

Yining smiled faintly, “Don’t mention it.” She put away her brush and instructed the matron to have the dress altered again.

Tomorrow was the Winter Solstice, a day off from court for ancestor worship. Since visiting the ancestral hall in Baoding was inconvenient, Luo Chengzhang ordered sacrificial offerings to be set up in the main hall. After the morning ritual, Luo Shengyuan left with Yang Ling and others, missing lunch. In the afternoon, Yilian wanted to go to the temple to fulfill a vow and needed company. Yining, feeling she should stay away from temples and such places, politely declined. Lin Hairu sent the two Zhou ladies as escorts. Surrounded by maids and matrons, Yilian’s entourage set out grandly.

Yining was about to return to Jiashu Hall to rest when she saw Luo Shengyuan returning through the side gate with Yang Ling, the Vice Minister of Revenue, and other officials. They seemed to be discussing official matters, with Luo Shengyuan smiling.

Yining stopped at a distance to watch him. His colleagues spoke to him with great respect. Though the conversation was casual, no one dared interrupt him. Outside, snow had piled up, and in the faint sunlight, snowflakes danced in the air. He wore the grey squirrel cape she had recently made for him, standing tall and elegant like a pine tree, easily noticeable in the crowd.

Yining’s heart was tranquil. She suddenly wondered if he had changed from her previous life. Back then, she had also watched him from afar, but as a stranger. Now, they shared the closest of relationships.

As Yining was considering whether to go greet him, Luo Shengyuan and the others spotted her in the distance.

Yang Ling smiled first, “Brother Luo, it’s been a while since I’ve seen your wife. Shall I go say hello?”

“She’s just a woman, what greetings do you need to give?” Luo Shengyuan frowned. Yang Ling was always enthusiastic when he saw Yining. His relationship with his wife was poor, and he often came to the office with injuries on his face. What was he playing at now, looking at Yining?

“Wait here,” Luo Shengyuan said, striding toward Yining.

Seeing him approach, Yining asked, “Third brother, you’ve brought colleagues home?”

Luo Shengyuan paused, about to speak when Yang Ling’s voice piped up from behind, “Third Madam Luo, it’s been so long since we met!”

Yining saw Yang Ling’s eyes crinkle in a smile. Thinking of his amusing wife, she smiled back, “Brother Yang, it has been a while. How is Sister Yang? I haven’t had a chance to visit her.”

“She’s doing great—when is she not?” Yang Ling replied.

Then he sensed the coldness emanating from the man in front of him and fell silent, inwardly grumbling that this fellow was hard to joke with. So narrow-minded and jealous, it’s a wonder Miss Wei could put up with him!

Seeing Yang Ling retreat, Luo Shengyuan said, “Yes, I invited them over to discuss some matters. I need to go out again shortly, but I’ll be back early today. Didn’t you mention wanting to see the temple fair? I believe it’s on today. I can accompany you this evening.”

Yining was pleased to hear this. Her husband was usually very busy, rarely taking time off except on holidays. But even on holidays, he often had social obligations, family gatherings, or ancestor worship, leaving little time to go out.

The temple fair was lively, but she rarely went out and had only seen it once or twice as a child. The nearby Fazhao Temple held fairs every Winter Solstice and Lantern Festival, and she was quite eager to see them.

“I’ll wait for you to return then,” Yining said. “Oh, and Mother has kept some mutton hotpot for you. You can have it when you come back this evening.”

He nodded and turned back to his colleagues.

Yang Ling complained, “Third Brother Luo, you’re unfriendly! Your wife and I are old acquaintances. What’s wrong with a simple greeting?”

“I’m mainly worried that when you go home, your wife will settle accounts with you,” Luo Shengyuan said, his mood somewhat improved. Then, lowering his voice, he added, “Come, let’s talk in the study.”

The group gradually disappeared from view.

Thinking about going to the temple fair in the evening, Yining called for her maids to find some thicker capes to prevent getting cold. Pearl, while dusting off a cape with a feather duster, smiled, “It’s rare to see you so happy.”

Yining looked at the snow-covered scenery in the courtyard beyond the screen, set against the azure sky. It had been a long time since she felt this relaxed after the incident with Lu Jiaxue. She even asked Pearl to lay out paper so she could paint a snow scene.

She could only paint when Luo Shengyuan wasn’t around. If he were present, he would inevitably offer too much criticism and instruction. She painted for enjoyment; why would she need so much guidance from him?

After finishing her painting, Yining took out one of his paintings from an old blue-green porcelain jar nearby to compare. The room was warm from the brazier, and the turtle he kept had been moved inside from outside, making small noises in the large jar. She felt she might need ten years of practice to reach his level. Putting the painting back, she dozed off by the warm fire.

She was woken by a maid: “…Sixth Miss has returned from paying respects at the temple and brought a guest! The mistress has gone to the main house, and the master asked you to help receive them.”

The guest Yilian brought back was Madam Cao, who had visited before, saying she happened to be on her way to the Luo residence when they met.

As Yining approached the main hall, she heard Yilian’s gentle voice: “Everything is fine. Thank you for your concern, Madam.”

With Concubine Qiao being a former concubine and thus unable to receive guests, and Lin Hairu absent, it fell to Yining to greet the visitor.

Yining entered the hall with her entourage and greeted Madam Cao.

Madam Cao smiled at her, “We met last time, didn’t we? You’re the Sixth Miss’s third sister-in-law, right?”

Yining had servants serve the best tea: “Indeed. My mother-in-law has gone to visit my eldest aunt-in-law and might return a bit later. Please don’t take offense, Madam. If you have anything to say about this marriage, you can tell me.”

Seeing Yining arrive, Yilian’s lips curled into a cold smile.

She slowly pulled back her hands, nails dyed with garden balsam. On her slender, beautiful wrists was a pair of bracelets. Yining recognized them at a glance as top-quality jadeite, worth a fortune.

Concubine Qiao surely didn’t have such things.

“I came to see how the Sixth Miss is doing and how the preparations are coming along. The Governor-General said the date can’t be delayed,” Madam Cao smiled. “There’s nothing else. But I do need to ask, will someone from the family be escorting the bride? The Marquis mentioned it would be best if a sister-in-law could accompany her, to help Yilian adjust to life in the Lu family.”

Lu Jiaxue was merely taking a concubine, yet he wanted someone to escort the bride. Did he think his power allowed him to do whatever he pleased?

Moreover, how could she escort the bride? She was still very wary of Lu Jiaxue.

“We still need to discuss the matter of escorting the bride,” Yining said. “I can’t decide this. We’ll have to wait for Mother to return to discuss it.”

Madam Cao smiled and said languidly, “Of course, that’s up to you. I’m just relaying the Governor-General’s words.”

This response clearly showed her dissatisfaction with Yining’s refusal.

Just then, someone announced that Luo Chengzhang had arrived. Usually, he wouldn’t receive female guests, but as Madam Cao represented Lu Jiaxue, it was a special case. Luo Chengzhang entered and gave Yining a cold look. Madam Cao rose to greet him, and Luo Chengzhang smiled, gesturing for her to sit: “Madam Cao, thank you for making this trip. I overheard your words outside. It’s an honor for my daughter to be valued by the Governor-General. If he wants someone to escort the bride, of course, we’ll comply! Please feel free to report back to him.”

Madam Cao’s expression finally relaxed. “It’s good that Master Luo understands propriety. I’ll report back to the Governor-General then!”

Yining realized that Luo Chengzhang had been listening from outside all along.

After the housekeeper saw Madam Cao out, Luo Chengzhang’s face darkened. His tone was harsh: “Third daughter-in-law, Yilian is marrying the Governor-General. Whatever he says, we should agree to. How could you refuse Madam Cao’s request? If I hadn’t been listening outside and come in, how would you have resolved this?”

Yining stood up and said, “Father, throughout history, there’s never been a precedent for escorting a concubine bride. If you want someone to escort her, go ahead, but it won’t be me. You can choose between my eldest or second sister-in-law.”

Luo Chengzhang felt she was being ungrateful: “What’s wrong with escorting Yilian? It’s to the Marquis of Ningyuan’s mansion, no less. Does it somehow lower your status? If you’re unwilling, so be it. There are plenty of others eager to go. We don’t need you!”

Yining didn’t argue further. She coldly bid farewell and left.

After she left, Yilian took her father’s hand and said, “Third sister-in-law spoke quite rudely to you, Father. You’re her father-in-law. By rights, she shouldn’t say ‘no’ to anything you ask her to do. How dare she refuse to escort the bride!”

Luo Chengzhang patted her hand. “Your third brother protects her, and she has the Duke of Ying backing her. I can’t speak too harshly. But once you marry Governor Lu, even she won’t dare to contradict you. Just wait and see!”

Yilian knew in her heart that she was just feeling uncomfortable about the situation.

Luo Chengzhang then instructed her on matters after the marriage, and Yilian listened with a smile.

When Luo Shengyuan returned in the afternoon, Yining told him about Lu Jiaxue’s request for someone to escort the bride.

Luo Shengyuan asked in return, “Did he specify who must go?”

“No, he didn’t,” Yining said as she added mutton dumplings to his bowl and a spoonful of sauce. “I refused, and Father will probably ask the eldest sister-in-law. He values her family’s background.”

Luo Shengyuan ate the dumplings and said, “Let him do as he wishes then. Whoever he asks to escort, let them go. Are you ready? We’ll head out after we finish eating.”

Yining had already packed a small bundle with snacks, fruits, and a teapot.

However, Luo Shengyuan didn’t let her bring anything. He simply had her put on a cape and took her out to see the temple fair.

Though it was already dusk, the fair was still bustling. Lanterns hung along the streets and alleys. Peasants from surrounding areas brought their children, some in ox carts, others leading donkeys or horses, creating a lively scene. There were also carriages of wealthy families with servants in tow. The streets were lined with various snacks: roasted seeds and beans, dried dates, dried persimmons, pear paste with white sugar, and osmanthus candies.

The sight alone made it feel festive, and Yining asked someone to go buy some snacks.

Luo Shengyuan stopped her, “These street foods…”

Yining looked at him, “Didn’t you often buy them for me when I was little?”

Luo Shengyuan glanced at her and said, “How could I be careless about what I buy for you? Everything came from the best confectionery shops. Did you think they were randomly bought from street stalls?”

Yining felt a slight stirring in her heart and smiled, “Then let’s not buy anything!”

She couldn’t get out of the carriage anyway. Outside, the snow had melted from being trampled, leaving the ground wet and reflecting the red glow of the lanterns. Sitting close to him in the carriage, in the dim light, she felt he seemed a bit warmer. His breathing was audible, and Yining suddenly felt she dared not move at all.

Luo Shen Yuan stopped the carriage and quietly gave a few instructions. Shortly after, a guard ran over with a bag of osmanthus cakes, freshly cut and still hot to the touch.

He handed them to her and said, “Eat this; it’s all we have.”

Although Yi Ning wasn’t particularly craving them, the warm osmanthus cakes smelled wonderful. After taking a bite, she looked up and asked him, “These are quite good. Do you want some?”

“Are they good? Then I’ll have a try,” he replied.

Yi Ning picked up a piece of the osmanthus cake and was about to place it near his mouth when the curtain was suddenly drawn. In the darkness, something warm touched her lips, and Yi Ning was momentarily taken aback. It was only a brief moment, but within the confined space enveloped by him, she couldn’t see anything. The fragrance of the osmanthus cakes lingered between their lips.

“It’s quite sweet,” he commented.

Yi Ning heard the lively noise of the lion dance outside and noticed that he was holding her hand, thinking how calm he was as if nothing had happened! She didn’t eat any more of the osmanthus cakes; it seemed he hadn’t intended to buy them for her!

They arrived at the front of a Shanxi merchant association, where Luo Shen Yuan led her out of the carriage. At this association, they could see the revolving lanterns, lion dances, and sugar figurines. On the other side, there were the water and land rites performed at the temple, making for a vibrant scene. Those of high status who wished to see the temple fair usually came here.

Yi Ning didn’t speak much to him on the way. The shopkeeper personally welcomed Luo Shen Yuan upstairs. The second floor was partitioned off, with the partitions lined with bamboo shelves displaying items like literary bamboo. When Yi Ning and Luo Shen Yuan ascended the stairs, they saw a partitioned screen nearby, and upon opening a section, she recognized someone familiar—Xie Yun! The man beside him with the refined profile was none other than Cheng Lang.

They were accompanied by their servants, enjoying the temple fair here, though they hadn’t noticed them.

It made sense that the Cheng family, living nearby, would be here as well.

Seeing Xie Yun seated next to Cheng Lang, Luo Shen Yuan turned to Yi Ning and asked, “Do you want to go say hello?”

“Let’s skip it,” Yi Ning replied, unsure of what to say to them. She took Luo Shen Yuan’s hand, intending to avoid them.

At that moment, however, Xie Yun turned and spotted them. She stood up and smiled at Yi Ning, “Lord Luo, Madam Luo, what a coincidence. Would you like to join us?”

Cheng Lang, hearing Xie Yun’s words, had a slight pause in his hand as he held the tea.

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