HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 170

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 170

The elder Lady Zhou helped Luo Yilian into a soft sedan chair. The Luo mansion was bustling with activity. She heard Concubine Qiao’s tearful farewell and saw her father smiling and waving to her.

Before entering the sedan chair, many thoughts raced through her mind.

She would finally be able to live with her head held high, no longer needing to worry about others’ opinions. Instead, others would have to be mindful of her feelings. She vowed never to forget those who had wronged her and her family.

At the same time, the image of a tall figure with a humble smile appeared in her mind. He was the person who had stirred the strongest emotions in her throughout her life. Perhaps it was because she pitied him, feeling only sympathy. Or maybe it was his gentleness – the kind that permeated his very being. She also thought he might be too foolish; if it were her, she would never allow others to trample on her dignity like that.

Luo Yilian hugged the precious vase as the sedan chair was lifted. She sighed, then a faint smile appeared on her lips.

Luo Chengzhang finally saw his daughter off and breathed a sigh of relief. Although she was to be a concubine, becoming General Lu’s concubine was more prestigious than being the primary wife of many others. As he looked back, he noticed Luo Yining was absent. Frowning, he asked, “Why isn’t her third sister-in-law here to see Lilian off? Where has she gone?”

A servant replied, “The third madam was feeling unwell earlier. She might have gone to rest.”

Luo Chengzhang grew increasingly displeased upon hearing this. She hadn’t wanted to attend the wedding, and now she wouldn’t even come to bid farewell to Lilian as she departed. This was truly improper!

He thought he should assert his authority as her father-in-law and teach her manners. Luo Chengzhang exhaled sharply.

The wedding procession left the mansion. Luo Shen Yuan’s men followed discreetly at a distance.

In the Forbidden City, heavy snow blanketed everything in white.

Inside the palace, an eerie atmosphere prevailed. Luo Shen Yuan, dressed in court attire, knelt inside the Gate of Qianqing Palace along with the members of the Grand Secretariat. The emperor’s angry voice rang out, “If he won’t submit, I’ll make him submit! Anyone who dares to intercede on behalf of this insubordinate official will be punished as well!”

Luo Shen Yuan closed his eyes briefly. Jiang Chunyan attempted to stand and speak, but Luo Shen Yuan gripped his arm, preventing him from doing so.

The previous night, the emperor had ordered Zhou Shuqun’s household to be confiscated. Xu Wei, upon hearing this, was greatly distressed. At the time, Luo Shen Yuan thought Xu Wei wouldn’t act so rashly. Who knew he would come early to remonstrate with the emperor, somehow incurring his great wrath? According to the palace servants, Xu Wei immediately knelt and begged for forgiveness, but the emperor remained unmoved, stripping him of his official hat on the spot and throwing him into prison.

Although Xu Wei was the Junior Grand Secretary, he had always been a man of strong principles. However, Luo Shen Yuan hadn’t expected him to be so principled in this situation. Zhou Shuqun’s fate was already sealed; what use was there in speaking up now?

The emperor’s voice was cold and gloomy as he continued, “This time, I will not let him off easily! He can forget about being the Junior Grand Secretary. Having lost his sense of propriety in his old age, daring to speak to me in such a manner – his position as Minister of Revenue shall be suspended. Let him reflect on his actions!” After venting his anger for quite some time, the emperor finally ordered his eunuchs to prepare a sedan chair to visit Consort Dong.

Only after the emperor left did Luo Shen Yuan and the others emerge from the hall.

Luo Shen Yuan paused at the foot of the white jade steps. A eunuch approached him, bowing with his feather duster, and whispered, “…This servant overheard that Lord Xu submitted a memorial accusing Lord Wang of deceiving the emperor and framing loyal officials, attempting to seek justice for Lord Zhou. Upon hearing this, the emperor became even more enraged, saying, ‘Are you not implying that I cannot distinguish between the loyal and the treacherous, that I am an incompetent ruler?’ Only then did Lord Xu realize his mistake and immediately knelt, but it was too late…”

Luo Shen Yuan remained silent. Xu Wei had long advised the emperor against delving too deeply into Taoism and indulging in the harem. Last year, when the emperor wanted to promote Consort Dong to Noble Consort, Xu Wei also advised against it. The emperor had grown impatient long ago. Royal favor was as unpredictable as thunder and rain; who knew when it might be withdrawn? The emperor despised others interfering in his affairs, especially since he trusted Wang Yuan implicitly, leaving no room for others to criticize.

After the eunuch retreated, Luo Shen Yuan said to Jiang Chunyan, “Lord Jiang, we absolutely could not have interceded earlier. I’ll visit my teacher in prison later to persuade him to apologize to the emperor first.”

Jiang Chunyan furrowed his brow and replied, “I simply couldn’t bear to listen anymore and acted on impulse. But Lord Xu has always been stubborn…”

“This is our only option. The emperor won’t relent,” Luo Shen Yuan said. Interceding would only make matters worse. Persuading Xu Wei to apologize might lead the emperor to show some leniency. However, this meant Xu Wei would likely lose his position as Junior Grand Secretary. He gestured for Jiang Chunyan to stop speaking and, after thinking for a moment with his eyes closed, said, “Have someone send several of Snow Hermit’s paintings to the emperor.”

The Vice Minister of Revenue immediately understood Luo Shen Yuan’s intention. Snow Hermit was a painter and calligrapher from the previous dynasty. Loyal to the emperor, he was demoted due to a misstatement and died in rural exile, leaving behind a memorial to the emperor. Upon reading it, the emperor wept bitterly and posthumously restored his official rank. This was, in fact, a way of pleading for Xu Wei.

As the two men walked out of Qianqing Palace, they encountered a group of people surrounding Lu Jiaxue’s sedan chair leaving the palace. Lu Jiaxue had come to the palace due to urgent reports from the border.

Remembering the two old women, Luo Shen Yuan’s expression cooled slightly. As Lu Jiaxue approached, he composed himself and smiled, saying, “General Lu, why have you come to the palace on such an auspicious day of your new marriage?”

The curtain was lifted, and Lu Jiaxue shifted his position to look at him. “Just urgent matters from the border. I heard that Lord Luo’s teacher, Lord Xu, has gotten into trouble?”

“The General is concerned,” Luo Shen Yuan’s expression remained unchanged. “My teacher offended His Majesty, and it’s right for the emperor to punish him. However, regarding the two old women the General sent to the Luo family, they were found to be secretly keeping their master’s belongings. I’ve had them bound and sent back to your mansion.”

This statement carried a double meaning.

Lu Jiaxue smiled upon hearing this. “They’re just two old women. Do as you see fit, Lord Luo. I must return for my wedding, so I’ll take my leave.” With that, the curtain was lowered.

Luo Shen Yuan frowned after hearing Lu Jiaxue’s words.


Something seemed off!

If Lu Jiaxue were taking a concubine, he certainly wouldn’t call it a wedding! And he hadn’t seemed surprised at all…

Luo Shen Yuan’s heart suddenly sank. He wasn’t at home and couldn’t closely monitor the activities there. Someone must have taken advantage of the situation!

Without even bidding farewell to Jiang Chunyan, Luo Shen Yuan immediately left through the Central Straight Gate. His attendants and guards were waiting outside. After boarding his carriage, he grimly ordered, “Return to the mansion!”

The carriage sped along the road. Just as it reached the outskirts of the official road, someone came running and knelt to deliver a message: “My Lord… Four of our secret guards at the mansion have been killed, all strangled silently with extremely thin steel wire. Spies have infiltrated the household guards; we’re missing four men. The Third Madam… the Third Madam has also disappeared!”

He was indeed too late!

Luo Shen Yuan asked coldly, “I ordered that no carriages were to leave the mansion. Did any leave?”

“Yes… Lord Cheng’s carriage left. At first, we stopped it from leaving, but the master said… Lord Cheng had urgent business and asked why we weren’t letting him go. He scolded us harshly… We couldn’t withstand it, and seeing that the carriage appeared empty, we had no choice but to let Lord Cheng leave.”

As soon as these words were spoken, Luo Shen Yuan took a deep breath and suddenly struck the small table inside the carriage with his fist!

The messenger immediately prostrated himself, not daring to breathe.

Luo Shen Yuan immediately told the driver, “No need to go back. Head to the Lu family residence!” The carriage quickly set off, and he closed his eyes, leaning against the carriage wall, his hand throbbing with pain.

Cheng Lang! It was him.

Today, apart from the guests, no one else could have entered. The Cheng family had been invited.

Cheng Lang’s reminder about the dowry was meant to lower everyone’s guard, and Luo Yining had always been unguarded towards him. Not only unguarded, but she greatly trusted Cheng Lang. This trust was no less than her trust in himself. Moreover, it wouldn’t have been difficult for Cheng Lang’s men to silently eliminate the secret guards.

He had been careless. Despite setting up so many defenses, he was held up by Xu Wei’s affair, allowing Cheng Lang to exploit the situation.

The wedding procession made its way along the street, accompanied by the sound of gongs and drums. Children ran out to watch, and the matrons following the procession distributed dried fruits and candies.

The procession noisily approached the alley near the Lu family residence, with a continuous stream of people. Just then, another wedding procession emerged from the alley, merging with this one. It was similarly accompanied by a large group of people and appeared to be for another wealthy family’s wedding, with similar attire and decorations.

Strangely, the original procession was gradually led astray by the people from the Marquis of Ningyuan’s household. The procession that had merged from the alley, on the other hand, headed towards the Marquis of Ningyuan’s residence. No one seemed to notice, and they continued to make noise with gongs and drums as they approached the marquis’s mansion. The two wedding processions grew further and further apart.

The people following the procession looked at each other in confusion. How had two processions appeared, and which one should they follow?

The leader looked around and said, “Let’s split up. You follow the Sixth Miss. I’ll follow this sedan chair to the Marquis of Ningyuan’s residence. Ha! The master truly has foresight. Who would have thought the sedan chair would split into two? I’ve never seen anything like this in my life!”

The group split into two, whispering among themselves. Those following the sedan chair to the Marquis of Ningyuan’s residence quickly sent someone to inform Lord Luo.

Luo Shen Yuan had indeed prepared for contingencies. He had anticipated that Lu Jiaxue might attempt another switch, and if Yining disappeared while two wedding processions appeared, he would need to investigate the suddenly merged procession at all costs.

He gathered his guards and rushed towards the Marquis of Ningyuan’s residence without delay.

As the sedan chair was about to enter the gate, people were throwing dried fruits and coins. Onlookers crowded around the entrance. The Marquis of Ningyuan’s residence was bustling with activity, attracting nearby commoners who came to collect coins. Some curious guests stood outside to watch as the sedan chair entered the Lu family compound, with the sedan bearers’ feet already crossing the threshold. Suddenly, a large group of armed guards in padded jackets appeared, blocking the sedan chair.

The crowd immediately fell into chaos. A steward-like figure from the Marquis of Ningyuan’s household came out, saying, “Who are you people, daring to interfere with the Marquis of Ningyuan’s affairs!” Well-trained guards rushed out at the commotion, but these mysterious newcomers proved to be highly skilled fighters. They were Luo Shen Yuan’s personally trained guards, almost his trump card, and they quickly subdued the household guards.

Luo Shen Yuan’s carriage arrived moments later. He alighted and strode towards the sedan chair. The surrounding crowd buzzed with chatter, wondering what was happening.

Was this a bride kidnapping, and at the Lu family’s doorstep no less?

Someone ran inside to fetch Lu Jiaxue, but Luo Shen Yuan couldn’t care less about that now. All his carefully laid plans and concerns about Lu Jiaxue meant nothing if Luo Yining was taken from him. He feared he might truly lose control if that happened!

With two sedan chairs, it was clear which one to intercept – the one being brought into the Lu family. Luo Yining must not be allowed to enter and perform the wedding rituals with someone else!

Luo Shen Yuan swiftly lifted the sedan chair’s curtain and removed the person’s veil.

As the golden-red veil slowly fell away, he saw a face of unparalleled beauty.

Lianxi smiled softly and said in a low voice, “This concubine once had intentions towards Lord Luo, but you were unmoved. How is it that today you’ve come to snatch the bride yourself? Of course, if you wish to take me away, I’d be willing. The General also said that if you wanted me, you could take me back immediately.”

Luo Shen Yuan’s hand, gripping the sedan curtain, turned white at the knuckles. He smiled coldly, “If Miss Lianxi wishes to marry the General, I won’t stand in the way of your prospects.”

He let the curtain fall harshly. Lu Jiaxue had still not appeared. Of course – the person inside wasn’t Luo Yining, so he naturally wouldn’t care!

Lianxi replaced her veil, “In that case, I shall enter now, Lord Luo.”

Luo Shen Yuan stood rooted to the spot, his back straight as a pine. He waved for his guards to stand down. She wasn’t here.

She wasn’t here, and he had no idea where she was.

He truly didn’t know where she was now.

“My Lord,” the man who had been following the procession came running up, panting, “The Sixth Miss… the Sixth Miss was taken to Qinghu Bridge. She was crying in fear. Was the bride sent to the wrong place? I’ve instructed the Sixth Miss to hurry to the Marquis of Ningyuan’s residence, but the sedan chair has already entered. What should we do about our Sixth Miss…”

“Coming here would only bring her humiliation. Tell her to go back,” Luo Shen Yuan said flatly. “Lu Jiaxue never intended to marry her.”

Regardless, the Lu family had now received a bride from the Luo family. For him, that was enough.

He walked ahead, his pace not particularly fast, as if nothing was amiss. But his fists were clenched so tightly it seemed they might bleed.

After a few steps, Luo Shen Yuan suddenly stumbled as if tripping over something. His guards didn’t know whether to help him up, having never seen their usually calm and collected lord in such a state, his body trembling like an autumn leaf in the wind. The fear of losing her had left him unable to control himself.

It took him a long while before he could hoarsely say, “Let’s return to the mansion.”

No matter what, he had to find her.

Lu Jiaxue sat drinking tea in his residence, which was decorated with red silk everywhere. He asked, “Has Luo Shen Yuan left?”

“Yes, my lord. The bride has entered the residence. Shall we proceed with the ceremony?”

Lu Jiaxue laughed coldly, “Why should I perform a ceremony with an actress? Go tell the guests that today I’ve taken Luo Yining, the Luo family’s Seventh Miss, as my official wife. The Sixth Miss Luo was sent here by mistake and has nothing to do with me.” He stood up, adjusting his clothes. “Record Luo Yining’s name in the family registry. From now on, she is the Marchioness of the Ningyuan Marquis’s household.”

Years ago, to cover up Luo Yining’s situation, Luo Chengzhang had claimed that the Seventh Miss was gravely ill and recuperating in Baoding, rather than announcing her death. Lu Jiaxue had devised this plan to give her a proper status. This would allow her to rightfully remain by his side as the mistress of the Ningyuan Marquis’s household, his wife. No one could change this fact. Even if she died, she would still hold the title of Marchioness.

No matter how much she claimed to dislike him, she would have to stay obediently by his side!

Yining had not yet regained consciousness. Cheng Lang held her in his arms as the carriage left Beijing. The scenery outside gradually became desolate, with unmelted snow covering the wild grass and wisps of smoke rising from distant villages. The slanting rays of the setting sun shimmered on the snowy fields, and with her in his arms, the landscape seemed particularly serene.

That day when Lu Jiaxue summoned him for a talk. In terms of scheming, Cheng Lang was one of the few who could match Luo Shen Yuan. Lu Jiaxue understood this well.

“You can choose between the position of Grand Secretary and the downfall of the Cheng family,” Lu Jiaxue said slowly.

“Cheng Lang, you’re a clever man. You know which choice to make.” He made no effort to conceal his predatory ambition. His grasp of human nature was incredibly precise.

At that moment, Cheng Lang felt a bit dazed. Of course, he knew how to choose! If he didn’t help Lu Jiaxue, Luo Yining would be happily in love with Luo Shen Yuan – what did that have to do with him? After so many years, the person he loved had finally come back to life. Why should he give up so easily? He had been infatuated with her for over a decade.

If he helped Lu Jiaxue, with Lu’s power, he could become Grand Secretary and perhaps one day even turn the tables. Maybe then… he could have her? Why not? This greedy desire nearly overwhelmed him, almost destroying his protective instincts towards her.

Cheng Lang had never considered himself a good person. He usually disguised himself as a harmless nephew in front of Luo Yining, but in reality, he possessed sophisticated methods, and extreme intelligence, and could be ruthless in certain matters. Cheng Lang had many ways of dealing with women, but he had never used them on her because that would have been disrespectful.

Cheng Lang lowered his head slightly, gazing at her sleeping face for a long time. He leaned down to touch her forehead.

Earlier, he had entertained this extreme thought. While holding her, a surge of impulse welled up from deep within. What if he took her for himself now?

Would Lu Jiaxue be able to find out?

Cheng Lang let her lean against his shoulder and opened the curtain. He instructed the driver, “Take a different official road and go faster.”

The driver complied, changing direction as instructed.

Cheng Lang closed his eyes and began counting silently his heart racing. Soon after, he heard the sound of numerous hoofbeats approaching from behind. The leader called out, and the carriage was surrounded, with Cheng Lang’s men encircled.

Cheng Lang opened the carriage curtain again to see the Deputy Commander of the Embroidered Uniform Guard, Lord Xiao Qiao, sitting on horseback. He calmly extended his hand and said, “By order of the General, this subordinate is to escort Grand Secretary Cheng as he takes the lady to Datong. It seems Grand Secretary Cheng has taken a wrong turn. Please, this way.”

Cheng Lang remained silent for a moment, then said, “Understood. Let’s go.” He lowered the carriage curtain.

Lu Jiaxue had indeed sent people to follow him, and it was the Embroidered Uniform Guard no less! No wonder they had gone undetected the entire way.

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