HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 174

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 174

The Empress’s eyes flickered with a hint of coquettishness and nobility. Despite being in her thirties, years of pampered living had left no trace of age on her face.

Lu Jiaxue looked at her and said, “Your Majesty, I have one question. If even Xie Min didn’t know the maid was working for my second sister-in-law, how did you come to know this?”

Without hesitation, the Empress replied, “Naturally, Lu Jiayan told me. Initially, the maid wasn’t loyal to your second sister-in-law. She was later bought off and threatened with her family’s lives, forcing her to comply… Her death at Xie Min’s hands conveniently framed Xie Min. It was a plan that killed two birds with one stone.”

In Lu Jiaxue’s memory, his second sister-in-law had never seemed particularly cunning. Though from a powerful family, she was unremarkable compared to the original Marchioness or Xie Min. When she died, it was so quiet that apart from his second brother observing the mourning period for a year, no one else paid much attention.

“My second sister-in-law has been dead for thirteen years,” Lu Jiaxue said, leaning back in his chair with his fingers interlaced. “I can’t exactly dig up her corpse to ask questions. You’re the only living witness. Even if that maid was your person and you killed out of jealousy, it would be completely understandable.”

The Empress became agitated at this, but she controlled herself and said, “I did love Lu Jiayan, but I wouldn’t kill for him… I was the Crown Princess! I would never do such a thing for him. If I had loved him that much, Lord Governor, you killed him with your own hands. Why would I have spent all these years trying to please you? I should have hated you to the bone.”

Lu Jiaxue remained silent.

The Empress seemed to deflate. She sighed, “Fine… if you insist on knowing every detail, I have a few other suspects. I’m not certain about them, but I’m most confident about your second sister-in-law. However, what I said about Lu Jiayan is true. You didn’t err in killing him…”

“Who else?” Lu Jiaxue suddenly asked.

The Empress’s expression tightened. “The Marchioness of Ning Yuan at the time, your stepmother. Lu Jiayan was her only son, and she knew everything about him. Perhaps she didn’t want to see Lu Jiayan continue down that path but couldn’t tarnish her son’s reputation. So she decided to nip it in the bud… There’s even a possibility that it was…”

Lu Jiaxue waved his hand.

“That’s enough,” he said coolly. “You may go. I’ll send someone to meet you, and you can tell them what you’ve told me today.”

The Empress’s words were vague and obscure. Lu Jiaxue had originally sought the truth for revenge. But now he had changed; he only wanted an explanation for that person. He didn’t even want to pursue the deeper inconsistencies in the Empress’s story. Almost everyone involved was dead, and the only survivor, Empress Zhou, still had her uses.

The Empress was stunned. She could never guess what Lu Jiaxue was thinking. Seeing him about to leave, she quickly called out, “Lord Governor, how can I speak of such matters to just anyone? I am the Empress; I’ve only spoken of this to you. I absolutely won’t tell anyone else!” If this got out, her life would be ruined!

“Your Majesty is a clever person. I needn’t say more,” Lu Jiaxue said before leaving.

He had to depart for Datong. Having just married, he couldn’t leave her in an empty house.

As snow fell heavily, the Empress suddenly felt overwhelmed, covering her eyes and trembling. No matter how exalted her position, there were still too many things beyond her control. Without a child of her own, what good was being the mother of the nation? She drank the warm wine and called for her maid, planning to return to the palace the next afternoon.

The next morning, Zhao Mingzhu went to pay respects to the Empress.

She had caught the Emperor’s eye and was quite favored among the three newly entered consorts, granted the title of Beauty, and moved to reside in the Chuxiu Palace. However, that day she was informed by the Empress’s head maid that the Empress was unwell and they should all return.

The Empress’s distant niece, still only a Talented Lady, glared at Zhao Mingzhu as she walked away. Once Zhao Mingzhu was out of earshot, she muttered to a palace maid, “That lowborn wretch, acting like she’s someone important… She’s just a nobody pretending to be a phoenix! Throwing her weight around because of the Duke of Ying’s status…”

However, Zhao Mingzhu’s maid overheard and complained, “Beauty, that Talented Lady’s words are too vulgar! You outrank her; we should find a chance to tear her mouth!”

Zhao Mingzhu didn’t care: “She’s just jealous of me. I’m not afraid of her insults; in fact, they’re perfect. I can mention this to His Majesty when I bring him soup tonight.”

She then asked, “Did you deliver the inkstone to my father as I asked?”

The maid smiled, “Rest assured, Beauty. I’ve done as you instructed.”

Zhao Mingzhu nodded, “When we return, remember to tell the kitchen to prepare a ham and squab soup with extra red dates. His Majesty likes it sweet.”

The inkstone was a way to send a message to Luo Shen Yuan. Being by the Emperor’s side, she was the first to know of any changes. With the tense situation in court, she would inform Luo Shen Yuan of anything she learned.

A few days after Xu Wei’s imprisonment, he was sentenced to death and beheaded on the 25th. In those days, countless officials pleaded for mercy, and many were implicated by the Emperor. Only Luo Shen Yuan remained unscathed. The Emperor had been discussing alchemy with a Taoist priest from Mount Qingcheng and barely attended to state affairs, making all pleas futile.

Luo Shen Yuan’s relationship with Wang Yuan had become ambiguous. They had grown closer, and Wang Yuan no longer opposed him in court. There were even rumors that Luo Shen Yuan might become the next Minister of Works after the current minister’s retirement. The Minister of Works traditionally also held the position of Grand Secretary of Wuying Hall, meaning a member of the inner cabinet… Luo Shen Yuan could potentially become the next cabinet minister!

Zhao Mingzhu was terrified at the thought, unsure if he could handle it!

She sighed, realizing she didn’t understand these matters. She decided to focus on making soup. Helping as much as she could was her way of repaying Yining.

Luo Shen Yuan received her message in the afternoon, just as he was about to enter the palace for an audience. Zhao Mingzhu hadn’t written much, just one sentence: The Empress didn’t return last night. Luo Shen Yuan burned the note, and a subordinate came in to inform him, “My lord, the sedan chair is ready.”

The sedan stopped outside the Ministry of Justice prison. Luo Shen Yuan had come to see Xu Wei one last time before his execution.

The dungeon was dim. A narrow passage led to the cell, which had no windows and was lit only by a pine oil lamp. Xu Wei sat cross-legged on a straw-covered platform, with the sounds of snakes and rats in the darkness.

It was so quiet that Xu Wei opened his eyes as soon as he heard the approaching footsteps.

He recognized his student’s footsteps and knew it was Luo Shen Yuan without looking. After all, who else would come to see him at this time?

Xu Wei said, “You’ve come.”

Luo Shen Yuan remained silent. He stood in his formal third-rank court attire, out of place in the damp, dark dungeon. The former Vice Chief Councillor sat in prison clothes, a strand of hair falling across his face. He seemed composed in the face of death. “I heard you’ve allied with Wang Yuan?” he asked.

“Teacher, you’ve been misinformed. Though I haven’t campaigned for you, I’m not one to forget loyalty for personal gain,” Luo Shen Yuan said calmly.

Xu Wei seemed distracted. “Have the opposition officials criticize you more? They shouldn’t be criticizing you; I’m the one who truly deserves it. I’ve never been sincere with you. You’ve probably guessed that I was grooming Yang Ling as the next Chief Councillor. I only promoted you to keep Wang Yuan’s faction from noticing him. Your talents are equal, but he falls short of you in other aspects… However, your methods are ruthless and cold. If you became Chief Councillor, you’d eventually become another Wang Yuan.”

Luo Shen Yuan stood silently with his hands behind his back. In the dark world, a few feet of light leaked through the cracks, illuminating his back but obscuring his face.

“Teacher need not worry. I’ll ensure your family’s safety. Even after you’re gone, I’ll keep your teachings in my heart. This final visit is to fulfill our last bit of teacher-student sentiment. Let’s part ways here,” Luo Shen Yuan said, turning to leave.

Suddenly, Xu Wei spoke from behind him: “I heard your wife is gravely ill. Has she improved?”

Facing away, Luo Shen Yuan’s expression was indescribable. He said, “She’s better.”

“That’s good,” Xu Wei seemed relieved. “You care for her so much. I don’t know what you’d do if something happened to her…” He leaned against the wall, his tone gentle. Perhaps he had wavered countless times, but in the end, he chose Yang Ling. Whether it was right or wrong no longer mattered.

Luo Shen Yuan left the dungeon, walking faster and faster. Only after getting into the sedan chair did he close his eyes, forgetting his teacher’s last bit of warmth.

He and Xu Wei were not the same kind of person. Perhaps he was more like Wang Yuan.

As they approached Qianqing Palace, Luo Shen Yuan again smelled that fragrant scent.

A eunuch led him to a side hall where the Emperor sat wearing Taoist robes, having just cleansed his hands and burned incense. Sitting across from him, Luo Shen Yuan took a sip of tea.

The Emperor spoke, “We hear you visited Xu Wei. When he was Vice Chief Councillor, he always looked after you. These past days, countless people have pleaded for him, yet we haven’t seen you do so.”

“Your Majesty has made a decision, surely for good reason. I respect my teacher, but my loyalty to Your Majesty comes first,” Luo Shen Yuan replied. He then smiled and said, “Your Majesty enjoys alchemy. I happen to know a great master I’d like to introduce. He’s known as a living immortal in his area, able to communicate the will of the Primordial Lord of Heaven. Quite miraculous. I’ve already invited him, and Your Majesty can meet him in a few days.”

The Emperor was surprised and very interested. “Can he communicate with the Primordial Lord?”

“Of course.”

The Emperor asked many questions about this master, expressing amazement. After a while, he fell silent. Then he said to Luo Shen Yuan, “Apart from Wang Yuan, you are most in line with Our wishes. We have a task for you, concerning the imperial family’s reputation. We hope you’ll handle it with discretion.”

Luo Shen Yuan stood up. “Please speak freely, Your Majesty.”

“Do you know… why the Empress has not conceived in all these years?” the Emperor said slowly.

Luo Shen Yuan suddenly recalled Zhao Mingzhu’s message. He quickly made a judgment. The atmosphere in the room became tense. He said, “Your subject can guess a thing or two.”

“It was Our order, but it was only suspicion. We don’t know the full truth,” the Emperor said. “Today, We entrust something to you. With this, you’ll find it easier to maneuver in court. Wang Yuan is busy with state affairs, and Xu Wei is imprisoned. We wish to rely on you more heavily.”

The Emperor’s intention was clear – he wanted to groom Luo Shen Yuan as his confidant. Perhaps Luo’s recent performance had indeed earned the Emperor’s trust. Luo Shen Yuan calmly knelt to express his gratitude. When the object was placed in his hand, his brow twitched slightly.

It was the token of the Jinyiwei!

The Jinyiwei reported directly to the Emperor, but occasionally he would entrust it to a trusted confidant. Previously, it had been given to Lu Jiaxue, but the Emperor likely feared Lu’s growing military power and had taken it back. Now it was in Luo’s hands!

The Jinyiwei was a formidable force, unchecked due to the Emperor’s trust.

“We will have the two deputy commanders meet with you. From now on, they will take orders directly from you. If there are any unusual movements, report them to Us after you’ve consolidated the information,” the Emperor said.

Luo Shen Yuan thanked him and left the palace.

The token in his hand was crucial, representing the Emperor’s trust and allowing him to act more freely in the future.

Luo Shen Yuan gripped the token tightly, his lips pressed together.

As his sedan chair moved through the streets, he noticed the New Year’s preparations. Lanterns hung everywhere, and children in new clothes ran about, some carrying firecrackers or clay figurines. It was the 23rd day of the last lunar month, explaining the bustling atmosphere. Women scolded their children, who made faces in return. The streets were twice as lively as usual.

But where was she? His heart couldn’t settle until she returned.

Perhaps when she came back, he would have become a frightening figure due to his anxiety. She would be scared.

If he couldn’t find her, he truly might lose control.

After the last incident, two strong maids were assigned to guard Luo Yining, each as strong as Qingqu.

She was no longer allowed to leave the Governor’s mansion. The program visited her daily, accompanying her in reading and playing chess, though it was only he who did these activities while Luo Yining stared out the window. Datong was drier than the capital, with occasional sandstorms. New Year couplets adorned the courtyard gate, and lanterns hung throughout the yard, signaling the approaching holiday.

“Don’t you need to go back?” Luo Yining asked him.

Cheng Lang turned a page in his book. “I’m here on official business in Datong. I don’t need to leave yet.” Moreover, he found comfort in being with her, almost addicted to this lifestyle. If Luo Shen Yuan hadn’t interfered years ago, perhaps she would have married him, and they would be living like this. Although she didn’t care for him, he could easily ignore that fact.

Luo Yining’s mouth twitched, and she stopped talking to him.

Soon, a maid brought in the evening tonic soup – pigeon and pig’s trotter soup with overcooked white beans, sprinkled with green onions and thin slices of ham. The milky-white soup looked appetizing, but Luo Yining, who had to drink two bowls of various tonics daily, frowned at the sight.

The soup bowl sat untouched on the table for a long time. Cheng Lang watched her, and Luo Yining finally said, “What? I can’t drink it.”

“You must drink it. You’re too thin,” Cheng Lang said gently, personally ladling a bowl for her and placing it before her. “Drink up.”

In just half a month, Yining had been forced to gain some weight, her chin becoming slightly rounder. Her appetite had improved recently, and she was eating more. She had even finished a large bowl of braised beef the other day.

Luo Yining now viewed Cheng Lang with complete hostility. She turned to a nearby maid and said, “Guixiang, I want to take a nap.”

“Madam, you haven’t eaten yet…” the maid called upon seemed at a loss.

“I’m going to sleep. Save it for when I wake up,” Luo Yining said, wrapping herself in a cloak and heading to the inner room, leaving Cheng Lang alone in the outer chamber.

Cheng Lang sighed softly, somewhat helpless. “You need to drink it…” After all, a child was growing inside her. She was so small; how could she not drink such nourishing things? He handed the soup to the maid, instructing her to keep it warm in a steamer for when Luo Yining woke up.

In the inner room, Luo Yining opened her eyes. She had discovered that when Cheng Lang was present, the guards were most lax.

The old woman dozed against the doorframe, and the warm room made everyone drowsy.

She had to return.

She had accidentally seen Cheng Lang’s official documents and learned of Xu Wei’s downfall. This time, Xu Wei had fallen earlier than before. With Xu Wei in trouble and her third brother unlikely to save him, bloody political struggles would soon follow… Regardless, she needed to go back now. She could help with decision-making, having experienced these events before.

Luo Yining got up and opened the partition, using her cloak and clothes to create a human-shaped form in the bedding. She had discovered two days ago that although the window had been nailed shut, it was done loosely. She could use a hairpin to pry open the wedges. The back passage led to the kitchen, which had a back door frequently used by carts. When bringing in food supplies, this narrow door would be open for about a quarter of an hour. The guards outside weren’t stationary. She could slip out during their patrol gaps.

She had devised a new escape route. This time, she was more prepared, carrying a bundle of pastries and some silver hairpins. She left behind her usual jewelry of pure gold or gem-encrusted pieces, which might attract unwanted attention.

When the maid came to check on her after the hour of the Snake (3-5 PM) and found her missing, Luo Yining had already been gone for a long time, possibly even out of the city. The maid, pale with fright, stumbled to inform Cheng Lang.

Cheng Lang’s expression darkened as he led a large group of guards to search, but there was no trace of her. The entire Governor’s mansion was thrown into chaos.

The servants were naturally anxious. This Lord Cheng was ruthless; if the lady disappeared, others would surely be implicated. They all remembered the fate of the maids Wanxing and Wanchun, who were still bedridden and had been carried out of the mansion.

As Cheng Lang led the search in Datong city and was about to seal the city gates for inspection, a horseman galloped towards him.

The man dismounted before Cheng Lang, panting heavily as he reported, “Lord Cheng, the Governor is already outside Datong City! He should arrive in about a quarter of an hour!”

Cheng Lang’s brow furrowed upon hearing this, his heart sinking.

He abandoned the search, ordering the continued sealing of the city gates, and led his men to the main gate to welcome Lu Jiaxue.

When Cheng Lang arrived, the main gate had just opened. Crowds of civilians gathered at the gate, knowing that the famous Xuanda Governor was returning to Datong. They rushed to see the spectacle. Guards kept the crowd at bay as Lu Jiaxue’s carriage, surrounded by personal guards, moved through the human corridor. The surrounding crowd buzzed with excited discussion. Seeing the city’s high alert status, Lu Jiaxue’s face darkened as he stepped out of the carriage. It wasn’t wartime; Datong wouldn’t be on such high alert without reason.

Cheng Lang stepped forward to report. Lu Jiaxue watched him from the carriage. “Uncle, she disappeared from the Governor’s mansion. I’ve been leading a search, sealing the city… She’s been missing for just two hours!”

So something had indeed happened; she disappeared just as he arrived.

Lu Jiaxue simply said, “Take me to the Governor’s mansion to have a look.”

Once inside the mansion, Lu Jiaxue quickly entered the inner room where Luo Yining had been staying. He looked around; the room’s arrangement was as he had ordered. The human-shaped form wrapped in bedding had fooled the watching old woman. The bed still carried a faint sweet scent from her; she had indeed stayed here.

Lu Jiaxue walked to the room’s only window, noticing the loosely closed shutters and the pried-off wedges. Understanding what had happened, he said calmly, “Everyone else, leave. Cheng Lang, come here.”

The maids and old women withdrew. Cheng Lang approached, addressing him as “Uncle.”

Lu Jiaxue turned around, asking with a cold smile, “Did you let her go?”

“Uncle, I truly didn’t know she had suddenly left…” Cheng Lang said head lowered. “I didn’t anticipate it. It was my oversight.”

“You’re a Supervising Censor of the Censorate, a third-place graduate of the palace examination. You couldn’t even keep her in check? Do you take me for a fool?” Lu Jiaxue stepped in front of him. “Cheng Lang, I’m truly impressed. You’re willing to risk your life for her? I misjudged you.” His expression turned incredibly cold, his tone icy. “If I weren’t going to catch her now, do you believe I’d kill you on the spot?”

Cheng Lang knelt before him, his expression calm. “Uncle, I truly didn’t let her go intentionally.”

Lu Jiaxue ignored him now, quickly examining Luo Yining’s escape route to determine which path she had taken. He then mounted his horse, leading the official troops. From his high vantage point, he gave Cheng Lang a final look before pursuing along the official road out of Datong City. Dust rolled as he rode skillfully. Horseback was five times faster than a carriage, and Luo Yining couldn’t ride – she couldn’t have gone far!

Watching him disappear, Cheng Lang quietly ordered his subordinates, “Pack up. We’re returning to the capital.”

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