HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 181

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 181

The night was as cool as water, with the wind howling in the distant wilderness when Wei Ling awoke. It was already midnight. Someone knocked on his door, and Wei Ling got up to deal with military matters. Though not urgent, the strong wind had blown down the stables, killing over a dozen horses.

On his way back, passing through the front courtyard near the small kitchen, Wei Ling noticed the candlelight was still on. Thinking a servant might be tending the fire, he approached and found Yining inside.

She seemed to be cooking noodles, her long chopsticks fishing in the water as steam filled the kitchen. A porcelain bowl sat nearby. The old woman stood quietly outside. Seeing Wei Ling, she hurriedly explained, “The young miss said she was hungry. I wanted to help, but she insisted on doing it herself…”

Wei Ling quietly observed his daughter before waving his hand, “You may go.” He then entered the kitchen.

Yining saw him but didn’t seem surprised. She turned back, scooping noodles into the bowl and adding a handful of chopped green onions.

“I was hungry, so I came to make some noodles. Why are you up?” she asked.

“The stable collapsed, killing some horses,” Wei Ling replied, sitting at the eight-immortals table. “I didn’t know you could cook noodles.”

Yining stirred the thin noodles in her bowl, smiling, “I make the best noodles. Would you like to try some?” She could knead, roll, and cut the dough into very fine noodles. Her late grandmother had loved thin noodles, which were rare in the Northern Metropolitan Area. So Yining had learned this skill.

But it had been a long time since she last made them.

She portioned some into a smaller bowl and gave the larger one to Wei Ling. He accepted it, realizing no one had felt like eating earlier that day. Now he finally had some appetite. The fresh scent of green onions and a drizzle of sesame oil made it appetizing. After a few bites, he suddenly said, “Meimei, are you too upset? You forgot to add salt to the noodles.”

Luo Yining was stuffing noodles into her mouth, her face buried in the steam. Hearing this, she couldn’t hold back anymore, her eyes turning red.

She continued eating slowly, swallowing. She couldn’t taste anything, but tears started falling.

Yining had always avoided emotions, having experienced the deep pain of being undervalued and abandoned. This made it hard for her to actively love others. Now that she had decided to love him, no one else had stayed by her side in times of danger like he had. She had finally extended her feelers, but Wei Ling’s words sobered her. Perhaps he didn’t care at all. He hadn’t sought her out, he was thriving in court, and he had even met Ge Miaoyun.

He liked her, but not more than power. That innate indifference, that calculating gentleness – she understood it better than anyone after her previous life.

She should understand, but it still hurt terribly.

Wei Ling walked up to her, gently stroking her head. “Father is here. I’m not just for show! You have the Ying Guo Gong estate.”

He sighed, “If you keep crying, you’ll make the noodles too salty.”

He gazed steadily at his girl until she finally stopped crying. After a moment, she wiped her eyes and said, “…Wait, I’ll get some salt for you.”

Yining knew Wei Ling didn’t want her to be sad. It was difficult for her to explain to Wei Ling exactly why, to truly express her complex inner feelings. She didn’t even like showing her emotions in front of others. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She could only allow herself this moment of weakness.

In the Forbidden City.

The Emperor had just changed into his dragon robe and was carried by sedan chair to the Wenhua Palace of the Inner Court.

“Commandant Lu Jiaxue led ten thousand troops in pursuit but has vanished without a trace. Now the border is in crisis. Do you ministers know about this?” The Emperor scanned the room. He had just been pulled from a concubine’s bed. He was still a bit breathless as he entered.

In the Inner Court were Wang Yuan, Xie Yi, Luo Shenyuan, and others. Usually, unless the Emperor addressed him directly, Wang Yuan wouldn’t speak up. Xie Yi knew nothing about military affairs, and the Minister of War had already left for the border. The remaining few looked to Luo Shenyuan. Normally, Luo Shenyuan wouldn’t speak at times like this, but when he did, everyone listened.

The Emperor felt irritated. These old foxes were just trying to muddy the waters! He softened his tone and asked, “What does Minister Luo think?”

Luo Shenyuan had been leaning against the table edge. Hearing the Emperor’s question, he stepped forward and slowly said, “Your Majesty, in my humble opinion, the Duke of Ying once forced the Oirats back fifty li. They are greatly weakened and cannot hold out for long. If not for the Tatars’ aid, they would just be a disorganized rabble. Winter is approaching, and they surely cannot spare the manpower to send troops. With the Duke of Ying and the Minister of War leading the Datong garrison, there should be no problem. As for the Commandant, the grasslands are treacherous and ever-changing. I cannot say for certain.”

The Emperor felt somewhat relieved after hearing this.

When he learned of Lu Jiaxue’s situation, he was extremely worried. After all, with the current fierce attacks, if Yanmen Pass fell and they charged to the capital, his reign would be in jeopardy by the time enemy troops reached the city. Since Luo Shenyuan said there was no problem, he naturally believed it to some extent. “Minister Luo, are you certain of this?”

“Your Majesty need not worry,” Luo Shenyuan smiled. “You can trust me.”

The Emperor had rushed over, but after this reassurance, he leisurely returned by sedan chair. As the group left the Inner Court, attendants who had been waiting outside immediately came to drape a cloak over Luo Shenyuan. His entourage rivaled even Wang Yuan’s. The last official who had tried to remonstrate against Luo Shenyuan was demoted to a minor post in Yunnan and died en route. Since then, no official dared speak ill of Luo Shenyuan.

Luo Shenyuan didn’t much like others gossiping about him. In the past, he had simply endured it, but now he was ruthless and unwilling to tolerate it.

Wang Yuan, also surrounded by attendants, walked up behind Luo Shenyuan. “Minister Luo.”

“Minister Wang,” Luo Shenyuan nodded with a smile.

Wang Yuan said meaningfully, “Minister Luo is young and capable. I imagine the position of Vice Chief Grand Councilor will be yours in a few years.”

“Minister Wang overthinks,” Luo Shenyuan replied. “I merely know some unusual skills. When it comes to statecraft, I wouldn’t dare compare myself to you.”

Wang Yuan smiled, his eyes narrowing. “If what Minister Luo knows are merely unusual skills, then others should be ashamed… I have matters to attend to, so I’ll take my leave. Farewell, Minister Luo.”

Luo Shenyuan watched Wang Yuan leave, his smile gradually turning cold and indifferent.

He returned to his residence, where Gu Jingming was already waiting for him.

Gu Jingming’s face was a bit pale today. After everyone else had withdrawn, he rushed up to Luo Shenyuan and said in a low voice, “I just found out today, you… did you conspire with the Oirats to kill Lu Jiaxue? You… isn’t this…”


Luo Shenyuan was no longer the same person he used to be. The Embroidered Uniform Guard was in his hands, and perhaps even the Western Depot was under his control now. These forces were unknown to others, and no one knew what they did at Luo Shenyuan’s command. A few months ago, he had entered the Inner Court. Though lacking in seniority, he had always maintained a superior position. Even the current Chief Grand Councilor Wang Yuan didn’t dare to speak lightly of him.

Gu Jingming knew about his political maneuverings and the killing of officials who criticized him. It seemed that over the past year, his temper had gotten worse and worse. His tolerance for people was getting lower and lower. But it shouldn’t have come to treason.

“I merely used the Oirats. They don’t have that capability,” Luo Shenyuan sat down in the master’s chair and closed his eyes. His features had become increasingly austere.

“How do you know?” Gu Jingming said softly. “Lu Jiaxue was, after all, defending the country…”

“So I can’t kill him?” Luo Shenyuan’s voice suddenly turned severe.

He had opened his eyes and spoke emphatically, “I do what I do. You keep quiet. Understand?”

Gu Jingming was silent for a long time, then deliberately changed the subject, his tone becoming more respectful. “I heard you sent the Embroidered Uniform Guard to Jinling?”

“Yes, I have business there,” Luo Shenyuan said.

Gu Jingming nodded, “You have your judgment. I won’t say more. I’ll take my leave now…”

Luo Shenyuan nodded to indicate he understood. Gu Jingming left the study and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Now he was Grand Secretariat Luo. Gu Jingming indeed didn’t dare speak to him as he used to.

After entering the twelfth lunar month, it began to snow in Xuanfu. Large goose feather-like snowflakes fell, and by early morning, even the river surface had frozen over.

It took Wei Ling two months just to get the baby boy to stop crying when he held him. The weather at the border was cold. Since Lu Jiaxue had last driven back the Oirats, the two tribes had not attacked for the time being. As they entered the depths of winter, cattle, horses, and sheep all needed to rest, and it wasn’t suitable for long-distance marches. The Datong area was barely holding together under the joint command of the Minister of War and the Datong garrison commander.

However, there was still no news of Lu Jiaxue. Perhaps he had truly perished in the snowy wilderness.

Wei Ling hadn’t given up the search. At the very least, he wanted to know what had happened on the grasslands, why Lu Jiaxue had suddenly disappeared, and whether he was dead.

Luo Yining had also wondered about this. Looking at the vast expanse of snow, she even began to suspect that Lu Jiaxue had met with an accident.

The baby boy rolled over on the heated kang bed, trying to grab his little foot to chew on it. But he was bundled up like a ball and couldn’t reach. He started babbling, trying to get his mother’s attention. Yining found him sticky and didn’t want to pick him up. He continued playing by himself.

At six months old, the baby boy had already started practicing crawling. He only clung to her when sleeping. At other times, he was quite easy to care for, able to play by himself for hours if left alone. As he grew, the baby’s features increasingly resembled those of Luo San, like a miniature version of him. He wore a gold longevity lock necklace given by his grandfather, which he grabbed and started to chew on, as he did with everything within his reach.

Wei Ling truly adored his little grandson.

Even though the Oirats hadn’t invaded yet, Wei Ling dared not leave the border. However, Luo Yining could return to the capital. After all, life at the Protectorate was rough, providing only necessities without any comforts. Moreover, it wasn’t convenient for a woman to stay at the border. Wei Ling planned to arrange for someone to escort her back to the capital.

Yining wanted to return to the capital; she had been away for too long. Wei Ling assigned a deputy commander to escort her back, arranging for many guards to ensure her safety.

Qiu Niang, the wet nurse Yining had brought from the countryside of Jinling, packed her small bundle and nervously asked, “Madam, are we going to the capital?”

How marvelous it was that she had become the wet nurse for a noble family in the capital and would be living in their mansion.

Yining instructed her, “Young Master is used to you. Just don’t say anything unnecessary when we get there.” She thought it better to keep Qiu Niang close rather than send her back, as she couldn’t simply silence her, given that she had nursed the young master. Besides, Qiu Niang was simple and honest, unlikely to cause trouble.

“Don’t worry, I understand!” Qiu Niang smiled.

Wei Ling bid farewell to his daughter, kissed his grandson, whose discomfort at his grandfather’s stubble elicited a small cry, and then saw them off in the carriage.

The journey was quite comfortable. They set off early and arrived in the capital by the next afternoon. Snow had fallen in the capital too, and with the New Year approaching, everywhere was bustling. Yining recalled a similar scene from her last return. She lifted her son, pointing out a candy figurine stall: “Young Master, do you see what they’re selling? Would you like one?”

Experiencing the capital for the first time, the child clung to his mother’s shoulder, looking around curiously.

After taking in the sights, he nestled against his mother and fell asleep, sucking his thumb. Yining had been trying to break him of this habit recently.

Luo Shen Yuan sat in his sedan chair as it traveled along the official road. He felt a slight sway as they passed a guarded carriage accompanied by an ordinary-looking maid.

Toying with his seal, Luo Shen Yuan asked nonchalantly, “Whose procession is that, making such a grand entrance into the inner city?”

“Your Excellency,” his attendant stopped the sedan and bowed, “I couldn’t see clearly. Shall we follow to investigate?”

“No need,” Luo Shen Yuan replied. “Let’s hurry to the Gu residence.” He lowered the curtain, and the sedan continued on its way.

Upon reaching the Marquis of Ying’s mansion, an attendant lifted the curtain for Yining to disembark. Cradling her son, she gazed at the familiar plaque and the large black-lacquered double doors of the mansion, exhaling slowly. She had finally returned to the Marquis of Ying’s residence.

Madam Xu, accompanied by maids and servants, waited for her by the screen wall. Seeing Yining, she immediately came forward.

Familiar servants quietly wiped away tears at the sight of her.

Yining handed the sleeping child to Qiu Niang, then bowed to her mother, asking, “How is Grandmother’s health?”

Madam Xu looked much the same as she had over a year ago. Being a shrewd woman, she had managed the household well and lived contentedly. She replied, “The old madam is still quite robust. However, Ting’er has gone to the Tianjin Garrison and likely won’t return until the New Year. He’s grown so much in the year you’ve been away!”

Yining, not particularly close to Madam Xu, smiled and nodded. She then went to pay her respects to Old Madam Wei at Jing’an Residence.

Old Madam Wei looked older than before. Upon seeing Yining, her eyes brimmed with tears, her lips trembling as she spoke, “When I heard you were gravely ill, I wanted to visit but couldn’t. Now you’ve recovered… you’ve truly recovered!”

The Luo family had told everyone that Yining was seriously ill and had gone to Baoding to recuperate. This was kept secret even from the Marquis of Ying’s household, except for Wei Ling. Yining suspected that Madam Xu probably knew some of the truth as well.

Yining smiled and hugged her grandmother. “Don’t worry, I’m back now, aren’t I?”

After chatting for a while, the old lady was delighted to hear that Yining had given birth.

“Where is my great-grandson?” Having confirmed that Yining was indeed well, the old lady invited her to sit on her luohan bed, eager to see her great-grandson.

Yining had the child brought in. Madam Xu sat down nearby, smiling as she told Old Madam Wei, “Look how well your great-grandson has grown, so fair and chubby.”

The young master had just woken up and, not seeing his mother, began to cry. Yining quickly took him into her arms.

Madam Xu continued, “He looks just like Minister Luo. I’ve only seen Minister Luo from afar once, surrounded by others. The Luo family has certainly risen in status now.”

“Why mention him?” Old Madam Wei spoke with mild disapproval. “When Yining fell ill, he sent her to Baoding to recover while he became a minister. Now that she’s back, he hasn’t even come to visit. It seems Minister Luo no longer deems our Marquis of Ying’s household worthy.”

Luo Yining smiled wryly, “It’s not his fault. He doesn’t know I’m back yet; I returned without telling him.”

Now that he held such power and was addressed as ‘Your Excellency’, Yining couldn’t help but feel disheartened that her father said he hadn’t come looking for her. She decided to stay at the Marquis’s mansion for a while. Later, she would ask him about it, or discuss what to do. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding – maybe he had looked for her but her father didn’t know, or perhaps he truly wasn’t colluding with the Oirats. Whatever the case, she needed to understand the situation clearly.

However, she currently felt unable to face a potentially negative outcome and found herself wanting to avoid Luo Shen Yuan, fearing their meeting. She thought it best to stay for a few days before deciding.

“Then Yining, you should stay with me at Jing’an Residence,” Old Madam Wei said, holding her hand. “Settle in first, and I’ll find a suitable day for Luo San to visit. There’s no rush. Tomorrow, I’ll invite the second daughter of the He family to keep you company! She’s just returned to her parents’ home with her child as well.”

“Alright,” Yining agreed with a smile, feeling that home was indeed the most comfortable place, incomparable to anywhere else.

The next morning when she woke, instead of the howling wind, she was surrounded by warmth and comfort.

Yining opened her eyes and noticed her little one wasn’t beside her. Sitting up, she looked around and saw that in the western side room, Old Madam Wei was already holding her son, playing with him. The wet nurse, maids, and Madam Xu gathered around. Various toys – bracelets, rattles, small pillows – were laid out before the child, and Old Madam Wei was helping him reach for them.

The young master was most agreeable after his morning nap. Well-rested, he didn’t even notice being taken from his mother’s side. He excitedly waved his little arms, reaching for the brightest colored pillow, which he then tried to chew on. Old Madam Wei took it away, causing him to look at her with a confused “Ah!”

Yining got dressed and entered the side room. Seeing her from afar, her son smiled and waved his arms more enthusiastically.

Old Madam Wei and Madam Xu doted on him. “Oh, this little one tries to eat everything. He must be teething soon!” Madam Xu, who didn’t have children of her own, melted at the sight of the chubby infant. Moreover, the young master was fair-skinned and soft, and she had sneaked out with Old Madam Wei early in the morning to play with him.

Old Madam Wei laughed, “His grip is so strong; he might become a general one day!”

She paid no mind to the fact that he was the son of a minister, whose future path would be decided by his father.

Seeing Yining awake, Old Madam Wei called her over: “We saw you sleeping soundly and didn’t want to wake you. Come, have your breakfast. It’s been kept warm in the steamer.”

The food was brought in: rice porridge as the main dish, accompanied by steamed eggs with shrimp, thinly sliced beef sprinkled with sesame seeds, and golden-fried glutinous rice cakes coated with pine nuts and brown sugar. There was also some meat floss to mix into the porridge, making it truly delicious. The food was much more refined than what she had in Xuanfu. Yining’s appetite was piqued, and she consumed three bowls of porridge, causing Old Madam Wei’s gaze to change.

Yining then realized she might have eaten too much. Coughing slightly, she wiped her mouth and smiled. “Grandmother, why are you looking at me like that?”

Old Madam Wei nodded and said, “When you were a girl, you’d drink one bowl of porridge in the morning and couldn’t eat lunch. You were as delicate as can be. Now your appetite is good; you’ve drunk three bowls at once. That’s excellent. I see you’ve become a bit more rounded.”

There was no help for it; her appetite was simply very good now. Fortunately, she hadn’t gained much weight. She had been thin before, so being a bit more rounded suited her. Yining could only comfort herself with these thoughts.

“Has your husband seen the young master yet?” Old Madam Wei passed the child to her. The little one had already reached out to his mother, eager to be held.

Yining took him, noticing he wore a new pair of tiger-head shoes. She thought how much the old lady must love him. “He’s busy in the capital and hasn’t seen him yet.”

Old Madam Wei said, “Well then, we’ll take care of the young master for now.” Her spirits lifted as she continued, “Do you like those tiger-head shoes? I made them in my spare time. Your father wore shoes I made by hand when he was little! The young master looks spirited in them.” Yining held her son’s little foot, admiring the exquisite craftsmanship.

Soon after, the second Miss He arrived.

She had married into a family in Tongzhou. Surprisingly, her husband was a jinshi who had passed the imperial examination in the same year as Yining’s third brother and had just completed his observational period in the Ministry of Works. Miss He’s daughter, a few months older than Yining’s son, wore a pink silk jacket and was called Ying’er. She sat timidly in her mother’s arms.

Yining hadn’t seen the second Miss He in many years but had played with her often at the Marquis’s mansion. Miss He was also pleased to see her: “When you got married, I was already wed and couldn’t send you a wedding gift. Oh, I was thinking of taking Ying’er to get a pair of silver anklets today. Would you like to come along? A new goldsmith shop has opened next to Xiangyun Teahouse. They have excellent jewelry designs and the shop is quite large.”

It was then that Yining realized Old Madam Wei had arranged this companionship, fearing she might feel depressed staying in the mansion.

In truth, it wasn’t necessary. She had spent several months in Xuanfu and was no longer depressed.

“It would be nice to look around. I haven’t explored the capital in a long time,” Yining agreed. She gently shook her son’s hand, teasing him, “Shall we buy some candy figurines for our little master?”

The young master sat in his mother’s lap, oblivious, grasping and chewing on his mother’s hand.

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