HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 39

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 39

While Mama Zheng went with a maid to prescribe Old Madam Luo’s health, her maid remained in the main hall. This maid, named Qingqu, had been sold by her father for one tael of silver, as he considered daughters worthless after having four or five in a row. Originally destined to be a child bride in a poor mountain village, Mama Zheng had rescued and raised her.

Qingqu stood in the hall holding a box, neither timid nor afraid. She curiously examined Yining.

“Are you the Seventh Miss that Mama Zheng always mentions?” she asked bluntly.

Yining, unaccustomed to such direct speech, looked up. She noticed Qingqu’s square face exuded natural authority – a trait better suited for a man. The maid was also quite tall, standing a full head taller than Xuezhi.

Songzhi chided from the side, “How rude! This is our Seventh Miss!”

Qingqu retorted, “Isn’t that exactly what I said? You’re all so fancy here. What’s there to be angry about? Even the gatekeepers are fierce. Back in Zhending, which gentry didn’t treat us with the utmost respect?”

As Songzhi prepared to speak again, Yining stopped her. “It’s alright, Songzhi.” She reasoned the girl, raised in the countryside, was likely used to being outspoken. There was no need to argue.

Hearing Yining’s soft voice, Qingqu grew more curious. “Are all young ladies as delicate as you? If you played on our farm, those wild girls would surely make you cry. Why are you so soft?” She walked over and pinched Yining’s hand to feel it.

Yining gritted her teeth, surprised by the maid’s strong grip.

Xuezhi and Songzhi exclaimed in shock, quickly pulling Qingqu away. “What are you doing? Don’t touch her!”

“I didn’t do anything wrong,” Qingqu said, bewildered by their overreaction.

Before coming, Mama Zheng had instructed her to be kind to the Seventh Miss and get close to her. Back on the farm, she often played with the laborers’ children, lifting them, much to their delight.

She had never seen such a delicate, soft young lady before. Yining’s fair, petite figure, round face, and delicate features were a stark contrast to the farm children. Dressed in an embroidered jacket with an intricate longevity lock around her neck, she looked exceedingly noble and proper. Qingqu was merely curious.

Yining took a deep breath, rubbing her wrist. “Miss Qingqu, why don’t you have a seat?”

Qingqu noticed the red mark on Yining’s fair skin, hardly believing how sensitive it was. Remembering Mama Zheng’s instructions to be kind, she felt a bit guilty for hurting the young miss. She sat down, still holding the wooden box.

Yining pondered her grandmother’s situation. The sudden request to keep Mama Zheng must mean her health was deteriorating, and she was planning for the future. But how bad was her condition exactly?

After Mama Zheng finished writing the prescription, Mama Xu personally took them to get settled before having lunch.

With Mama Zheng’s arrival, Yining and the others didn’t go to the Gao family. While Old Madam Luo received acupuncture treatment from Mama Zheng in the inner room, Yining practiced calligraphy at a small table in the western side room.

After finishing two pieces, firecrackers and gongs sounded outside. The newly crowned Jieyuan was returning home.

Yining saw many maids running out to look. She had heard that when a Jieyuan returned home, the entire neighborhood would be lively. People would crowd the streets to catch a glimpse of the scholar’s demeanor, especially for such a young Jieyuan – there had only been three in the current dynasty!

She put down her brush and ran to the inner room to tell her grandmother that Third Brother and the others had returned.

When Mama Zheng heard this, she seemed to pause briefly. “Became Jieyuan… Is that the child left behind by Hanyan back then?”

Old Madam Luo closed her eyes, holding Yining’s hand. Hearing the commotion outside, she said slowly, “You still remember that girl.”

Mama Zheng replied, “That girl was too clever. She left quite an impression. If I hadn’t discovered it back then, who knows if anyone would have known she was the one who poisoned…”

Mama Zheng’s tone was matter-of-fact.

Those past events flashed vaguely before Yining’s eyes, but no matter how shocking they had been, they were now in the past. All that remained was an old woman calmly recounting someone’s actions. As Yining watched them talk, she pondered silently.

Mama Zheng’s acupuncture movements were steady and unhurried. Though tired, Old Madam Luo’s spirits seemed good. From this, it appeared that while her grandmother’s health was poor, there wouldn’t be any immediate issues. Worrying now was pointless; she could only do her best to be filial.

Old Madam Luo turned to Mama Zheng and asked, “Would you like to go out and see? The Luo family has become increasingly lively.”

A hint of deeper meaning flashed behind Mama Zheng’s kindly smile. “This servant would certainly like to take a look.”

Old Madam Luo extended her hand to Yining again. “Yining, come here too.” Yining held her grandmother’s hand as the three stood outside the main hall. In the distance, they saw a large group of people enter.

For the first time, Yining saw her father walking beside Luo Shenyuan, surrounded by many others. He looked at Third Brother with proud admiration. Luo Chengzhang brought Luo Shenyuan forward and bowed to Old Madam Luo. “Mother, I hope you are well.”

Luo Shenyuan lifted his robes and knelt, saying, “Grandmother, I hope you are well. Your grandson has returned to pay respects. Please be at ease.”

Those who had once looked down on him could now only stand behind him, watching with complex emotions.

Luo Shenyuan’s expression remained as calm as ever, kneeling very steadily. However, Yining truly sensed a difference – the hidden sharpness about him was becoming more apparent. She suddenly recalled seeing the adult Luo Shenyuan across a crowd of people in her previous life. By then, he was already the Vice Minister of Personnel, cold and gloomy. They had never met, and she was merely an ornament on her elder sister-in-law’s head.

He was already showing the beginnings of that persona, and would eventually become the all-powerful Prime Minister.

Yining smiled slightly.

Old Madam Luo looked at Luo Shenyuan with approval and helped him up. Then Luo Huaiyuan and the others came forward to pay their respects. After attending the Deer-Crying Banquet, they had truly made a name for themselves. Though happy yesterday, they had been busy receiving congratulatory visitors for months and hadn’t had time to gather. Today was the first time the family could come together. Old Madam Luo instructed that dinner be served in her quarters and sent maids to invite Madam Chen and Lin Hairu.

Today, Luo Shenyuan was to serve tea to Lin Hairu and Luo Chengzhang in gratitude for their nurturing. As this was Lin Hairu’s first time receiving tea as the mother of a new Juren, she felt somewhat nervous and dressed even more elaborately than usual. When Luo Shenyuan served her tea, she accepted the cup and took out a red envelope from her sleeve to give to him.

“I thought long and hard about what to give you but wasn’t sure what would be suitable. Money is most convenient for you to use,” Lin Hairu said, feeling a bit embarrassed. “I won’t bother with flowery words – you know I mean for your future career and all that!”

Luo Chengzhang, who had prepared a stomach full of elegant phrases to say to his son, coughed and inwardly blamed Lin Hairu. How was he supposed to follow that? Should he also take out a red envelope for Luo Shenyuan? That would be too vulgar!

With a light pinch, Luo Shenyuan could tell there were no less than ten banknotes inside.

Showing no reluctance, he smiled and said, “Thank you, Mother.” Then he tucked the envelope into his sleeve.

Since Luo Shenyuan didn’t mind accepting it, Luo Chengzhang felt it would be inappropriate to criticize Lin Hairu now. He solemnly offered many words of encouragement to Luo Shenyuan instead.

Yining, watching from the side, nearly spat out her tea. Stepmother, oh stepmother, how could you be so direct! Who gives money so openly?

When Luo Huaiyuan served tea to Madam Chen and Old Master Luo, the others paid less attention. As Madam Chen accepted the tea from her son, she saw the guilty and reluctant look in Luo Huaiyuan’s eyes. She thought of how everyone had been subtly fawning over Lin Hairu these past two days.

She gritted her teeth and smiled, praising her son without showing any sign of displeasure. Old Master Luo, seasoned by years in officialdom, was a true master at concealing his emotions. For the moment, all appeared harmonious.

Afterward, the Luo men discussed matters of classical prose. Old Madam Luo introduced Mama Zheng to Lin Hairu. When Mama Zheng left the Luo family years ago, Lin Hairu had not yet married.

Mama Zheng had held a high position in the Luo family back then, having cured Old Master Luo’s back problems. Even Old Master Luo and Luo Chengzhang respectfully called her “Mama Zheng.” Madam Chen had also developed health issues after giving birth to Luo Yixiu, which Mama Zheng had treated successfully. She too was very respectful towards Mama Zheng.

After observing all this, Yining realized that Mama Zheng was indeed a smooth operator who chose her words carefully.

Everyone in the household, regardless of their relationship, got along well with her and showed her a certain degree of respect.

Old Madam Luo looked at Lin Hairu for a moment and suddenly had an idea. She turned to Mama Zheng and said quietly, “My daughter-in-law has a cold constitution… her womb has shown no movement for years. I wonder if you have any methods to help?”

Mama Zheng smiled and replied, “Whether there’s hope or not, I’d have to examine her first.” She asked Lin Hairu to come with her to the inner room for a checkup.

Lin Hairu felt a bit embarrassed upon hearing this. She grabbed Yining, who was drinking tea nearby with nothing to do, and said, “Since you’re free anyway, come with me!”

Yining was pulled along by Lin Hairu into the inner room. She saw Mama Zheng take out a small pillow from her bosom and place it under Lin Hairu’s wrist. Her pulse-taking method was unique, with her fingertips pressing down and her little finger hooked around Lin Hairu’s wrist. After listening for a while, she opened her eyes and smiled, saying, “This can certainly be treated. It should improve in half a year.”

Lin Hairu was overjoyed and repeatedly asked Mama Zheng if it was true. All the doctors she had seen over the past five years had told her there was no hope. Xuezhi, hearing her disbelief, chimed in from the side: “Second Madam, don’t doubt it. Mama Zheng’s reputation as a miracle worker is well-deserved. If she says it can improve in half a year, it definitely will.”

Only then did Lin Hairu become truly excited. Seeing her happiness, Yining also felt pleased and thought Mama Zheng must indeed be highly skilled.

Lin Hairu turned to Yining with a beaming smile and said, “Yining, didn’t you want a little brother? I’ll give you one. When he grows up, he can protect you. If anyone dares to bully you, you can call on your brother to seek revenge for you!”

Yining heard this and responded with an ambivalent “Alright,” torn between laughter and tears. By the time that brother grew up, she would likely be married and gone.

Old Madam Luo had initially asked Mama Zheng to examine Lin Hairu with a “might as well try” attitude. She hadn’t expected that treatment would be possible. It seemed that where intentional efforts had failed, an unexpected turn of events had succeeded. She immediately asked Mama Zheng to write a prescription, deciding to start Lin Hairu’s treatment the next day. Whatever could be done to help should be done – having a child as soon as possible was of utmost importance.

At this moment, a maid came to announce that Concubine Qiao had brought Young Master Xuan and Luo Yiling to pay respects to Old Madam.

Yining saw Mama Zheng’s expression turn cold for an instant upon hearing Concubine Qiao’s name.

Concubine Qiao entered, leading the toddling Xuan’er, who sweetly called out to his grandmother. Luo Yiling first noticed the unfamiliar old woman standing behind Yining and was puzzled by her presence. Beside her, Concubine Qiao had already exclaimed in surprise, “This… could this be Mama Zheng?”

Yining noticed a hint of fear in Concubine Qiao’s voice.

Mama Zheng smiled faintly, then slowly said, “After so many years, Concubine Qiao still recognizes this old woman. I’ve aged. I see Concubine Qiao has fared well these years, even bearing a son. You’ve certainly continued the Luo family line.”

Concubine Qiao bit her lip, her gaze flickering.

Though Mama Zheng’s words weren’t particularly polite, Concubine Qiao dared not take offense. Back then, she had merely tried to scheme against Mama Zheng but had been subtly retaliated against multiple times. When Mama Zheng finally left the Luo family, Concubine Qiao truly breathed a sigh of relief. She had thought this person would never return!

But why had she suddenly come back now?

Concubine Qiao noticed young Luo Yining beside her and felt a chill in her heart.

Lin Hairu, unaware of the enmity between them, had just learned that Mama Zheng was a skilled and kind-hearted woman. She was surprised to see the usually domineering Concubine Qiao fear Mama Zheng. This immediately increased Lin Hairu’s favorable impression of Mama Zheng.

Concubine Qiao quickly composed herself. She was no longer the helpless Qiao Yuechan of the past. Now she had a son and daughter, as well as Luo Chengzhang’s favor. No matter how formidable Mama Zheng was, she had aged. What was there to fear? So she smiled at Mama Zheng and said, “When Mama Zheng begged to leave years ago, I thought we’d never see you again. I didn’t expect you’d have a chance to return.”

Mama Zheng just smiled without responding.

Madam Chen entered to announce that dinner was ready and invited Old Madam to be seated first.

Yining, pondering the exchange between Concubine Qiao and Mama Zheng, only ate a few bites before setting down her chopsticks. She got off her chair without letting Xuezhi or the others follow her. Instead, she ran to the eastern side room, where Mama Zheng was prescribing Lin Hairu.

Mama Zheng had just written “white atractylodes” when she saw Yining standing quietly at the doorway, watching her. The lantern light from outside shone in, and Yining, only half as tall as the door, cast a long shadow in the candlelight. While it was lively outside, this room felt very peaceful.

Mama Zheng felt a mix of sorrow and tenderness. Minlan had passed away, leaving this child all alone in the world. Even with so many people caring for her, none could replace her birth mother. A mother is irreplaceable.

She put down her brush and smiled at Yining, “Mei’er, come here.”

It was as if she were coaxing a small animal.

Zheng Mama felt deeply touched when she saw that Ning was finally willing to get a bit closer to her. She nodded and asked, “Mei Jie’er, why did you come here alone? Where is the maid who takes care of you?”

Yi Ning shook her head and asked, “Zheng Mama, will you stay to take care of me?”

Zheng Mama was slightly taken aback by her direct question, devoid of any adult subtlety. This straightforwardness made it difficult for Zheng Mama to respond. She had originally decided to tactfully decline any of the Old Madam’s persuasions without revealing her intentions.

However, looking at Yi Ning’s clean little face, so similar to Ming Lan’s, she found it hard to utter those words.

Squatting down and hugging Yi Ning’s small shoulders, Zheng Mama’s voice softened, “Mei Jie’er, if I say I cannot stay, will you blame me?”

Yi Ning shook her head again. Zheng Mama had her reasons for insisting on leaving the Luo family back then. Although Yi Ning wasn’t yet sure what kind of person Zheng Mama truly was, from what she had seen, Zheng Mama didn’t seem to be a cold-hearted person. Moreover, she didn’t mind.

“I don’t blame Zheng Mama,” Yi Ning said quietly, looking up with calm eyes. “Yi Ning doesn’t have a mother, nor anyone left by my mother. I’m used to it.”

Zheng Mama gave a bitter smile, stroking Yi Ning’s hair with a somewhat sorrowful expression. “Mei Jie’er, you are too young to understand. Sometimes, when someone doesn’t stay by your side, it’s to protect you…”

Yi Ning didn’t understand Zheng Mama’s meaning. Her words were indeed puzzling. Why would she leave to protect her?

Leaving the Luo family regardless of little Yi Ning’s situation, for her protection?

Zheng Mama took a deep breath and said, “Mei Jie’er, although I can’t stay, I brought someone to take care of you. If you like her, let her stay and take care of you, alright?”

Outside, the atmosphere was still lively, but Old Madam Luo stood quietly outside the partition, listening to the conversation inside, supported by Xu Mama.

Xu Mama’s face turned pale after hearing the conversation, and she couldn’t speak for a long time.

Old Madam Luo gestured for her to help her sit down. Xu Mama guided her into the room, her tone worried. “Old Madam, it seems that Zheng Mama won’t stay no matter what. But I don’t understand what she meant by those words…”

Old Madam Luo replied faintly, “I’ve been pondering it for so many years and still don’t understand. How could you grasp it just by listening? Zheng’s thoughts are rare in this world. Who can know what she is thinking?”

Xu Mama sighed slowly, feeling a chill in her heart as well.

She still refused to stay.

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