HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 45

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 45

Concubine Qiao sat in her room, clutching a handkerchief. She wasn’t sure what she was waiting for.

Old Lady Luo had suddenly fallen ill. Given Concubine Qiao’s status, she wasn’t qualified to attend to the elderly matriarch. Upon hearing the news, she immediately sent her son, Xuan’er, with a servant to pay respects. At dawn, when Xuan’er returned yawning, he innocently told her, “Grandmother can’t get up, and Sister is still kneeling.”

Seeing the boy struggling to keep his eyes open while leaning against his nanny, Concubine Qiao instructed the servant to put him to bed.

An eerie silence enveloped the courtyard, filling Concubine Qiao with a vague sense of unease. Old Lady Luo had controlled her for years, but it was also her protection that allowed Yining, a motherless young lady, to live so comfortably in the Luo family. Without the old matriarch’s influence, how could Lin Hairu, a childless principal wife, maintain her authority?

The old lady had been robust, enduring for so many years. Now that she was truly facing death, Concubine Qiao felt a complex mix of emotions.

She recalled her arrival at the Luo household, surrounded by luxury. Old Lady Luo sat imposingly in the hall, commanding respect without uttering a word. Even the gentle Gu Minglan exuded an air of nobility that made Concubine Qiao feel inferior. Back then, she was at her weakest, acutely aware of the family’s disdain. She vowed to achieve wealth and status, dreaming of the day she would occupy that seat of power.

Concubine Qiao took a deep breath.

Outside, intermittent crying could be heard. A carriage rushed in, and suddenly the household erupted into chaos.

Concubine Qiao slowly loosened her grip on the damp handkerchief.

Judging by the commotion, Old Lady Luo had finally passed away. After years of rivalry, she was gone.

“Biyi,” Concubine Qiao said calmly, “fetch me a plain outer garment. We’ll change and go to the main hall.”

She gazed towards the hall, preparing herself to pay her final respects to Old Lady Luo.

The main hall was already draped in white mourning cloth.

Old Lady Luo’s death had been sudden. In her final moments, she had opened her eyes, seemingly searching for someone. Unable to find them, she died with her eyes wide open. Luo Chengzhang gently closed them before kneeling at her bedside. He, who had never cried before, finally shed tears as he kowtowed three times. Rising with reddened eyes, he said, “Hairu, take Mei’er away.”

Yining had collapsed by her grandmother’s bedside, clutching the old lady’s sleeve and weeping inconsolably. No one could pry her away.

Lin Hairu stepped forward and lifted Yining, gently patting her back to comfort her. She turned to Madam Chen, unable to hold back her words: “Mei’er said she wanted to wait, but you made her leave. In the end, the old lady passed without seeing Mei’er one last time… How can she not be heartbroken?”

Madam Chen couldn’t have predicted that Old Lady Luo would breathe her last just as Yining left.

The old lady’s passing without her beloved granddaughter by her side was indeed unfortunate.

Madam Chen knelt respectfully and kowtowed to Old Lady Luo, her eyes reddening as she cried, “Old Lady, it’s my fault…”

Yining closed her eyes, no longer wishing to hear more.

The mourning hall was quickly arranged, and all the lanterns in the mansion were changed. Lin Hairu took Yining to change into mourning clothes.

As she helped Yining dress, Lin Hairu couldn’t stop her tears.

The room was filled with reminders of Old Lady Luo – a half-read scripture on the table, her favorite string of sandalwood prayer beads, and the celadon vase depicting Ma Gu offering longevity. Even a pair of shoes she had made for Yining still rested on the footstool.

Lin Hairu knelt to fasten Yining’s buttons, asking gently, “Yining, you won’t be living here anymore. Would you like Mother to take care of you?”

Yining looked at Lin Hairu and smiled, “Mother, it’s alright.”

Hearing this, Lin Hairu’s tears flowed more freely. She stroked Yining’s head, too overwhelmed to speak.

She felt that Yining had suddenly grown up a little, forced to mature rapidly by circumstances. It broke her heart.

She clasped Yining’s hand tightly.

Nanny Zheng finally returned, but too late to see Old Lady Luo one last time. She collapsed before the coffin, wailing in grief.

She never imagined that yesterday’s encounter would be their last, that she would never see Old Lady Luo again.

Yining knelt before her grandmother’s coffin, kowtowing in time with the chants. Many people knelt in the hall. Three-year-old Xuan’er, too young to understand, tried to lift his head after kneeling, but his nanny quickly pressed it down.

Although not the eldest grandson, Luo Shenyuan held the highest academic rank and thus knelt in front of the grandchildren, his posture straight as a pine.

Many in Baoding who had benefited from Old Lady Luo’s kindness came to pay their respects. Despite his grief, Luo Chengzhang had to greet the visitors, leaving household matters to Madam Chen and Luo Shenyuan.

Luo Shenyuan arranged for Taoist priests to perform rituals and prepare banquets, managing everything efficiently.

That evening, with everything settled, Madam Chen sat in Old Lady Luo’s usual place, sipping tea. She sighed, “The old lady left so suddenly, without leaving instructions for her funeral.”

The women of the Luo family sat in silence. With Old Lady Luo’s passing, it was natural for Madam Chen, as the eldest daughter-in-law, to speak first.

“Although we are two branches of the family, we must not divide the household immediately after the old lady’s death. That would disappoint her,” Madam Chen said gently. She looked at Yining, “Yining is young and used to living with the old lady. Now that she’s gone, it’s not appropriate for Yining to continue living in the main hall. As Yining’s aunt, I’ll decide for her. Yining, would you like to move back to Luming Court? I’ll assign many maids to serve you. How does that sound?”

Luming Court was where Gu Minglan had lived.

Luo Yilian, seated below Yining, softly agreed, “Seventh Sister has lived in Luming Court since childhood. She must be familiar with every tree and blade of grass there. It’s spacious too. If we’re choosing a place for her to live, Luming Court is most suitable.”

Yining finally raised her head.

Her grandmother had just passed, and these people couldn’t wait any longer. She knew she shouldn’t continue living in the main hall, and Madam Chen probably didn’t want her to stay either. But moving to Luming Court wasn’t possible either. Although she had an adult’s mind, her body was still that of a child. Living alone in such a large courtyard might be spacious, but how could she manage so many maids and servants at her young age?

Madam Chen simply didn’t want to take care of her and was carelessly assigning her a place to live.

With her grandmother gone, it was time for her to truly stand up for herself.

“Yining cannot return to Luming Court!” Lin Hairu immediately interjected. “I am her mother, and I will naturally take care of her. From now on, she’ll stay with me.” She walked over and took Yining’s hand, bringing her to her side.

Madam Chen looked at the silent Yining and smiled, asking, “Yining, would you like to live in a big house by yourself? You could have a swing inside and play hide-and-seek with the little maids.” She continued persuasively, “In the summer, the trees in Luming Hall bear sweet oranges.”

Hearing this, Lin Hairu angrily retorted, “Sister-in-law, are you trying to persuade Yining not to stay with me?”

Madam Chen just smiled slightly. She knew Yining disliked constraints and would surely prefer living alone. “It depends on Yining’s wishes,” she said.

Holding Lin Hairu’s hand, Yining addressed Madam Chen, “Aunt, Yining doesn’t like oranges. Yining wants to live with Mother.” Her voice was soft as she squeezed Lin Hairu’s hand, signaling her. “Although you are my aunt, Yining’s affairs are Second Branch’s business, and Mother should make the decisions.”

Lin Hairu, prompted by Yining’s squeeze, quickly responded, “Sister-in-law, Yining is right! The second Branch should decide its matters. Sister-in-law, you seem eager to move Yining out of the main hall. I wonder what your intentions are…”

Madam Chen’s brow twitched in anger at Lin Hairu’s words. What was she implying?

“Second sister-in-law, the old lady’s body is barely cold. Please don’t say such hurtful things,” Madam Chen said coldly, covering her teacup.

Lin Hairu bowed slightly, “Forgive me, sister-in-law. I speak my mind too freely sometimes. Please don’t take offense.”

Madam Chen was still angry, but with Lin Hairu’s words, pursuing the matter would make it seem like she truly had ulterior motives. She decided to let it go. After all, with the old lady’s death, the facade of unity between the two branches would soon crumble. They would eventually separate.

What did it matter to her where Luo Yining lived?

Just then, a maid announced that the third young master had arrived with Nanny Xu.

Luo Shenyuan entered with Nanny Xu. After greeting Lin Hairu and Madam Chen, he sat down and addressed everyone, “Grandmother left instructions with Nanny Xu. I hope you’ll all listen.”

Nanny Xu stepped forward and bowed, “Please hear me out. Half a month before her passing, the old lady privately told me her wishes. She leaves all her possessions to the seventh young miss. Everything in the main hall is also left to the seventh young miss. The old lady said that many items originally belonged to the second madam, so it’s only right they go to the seventh young miss. I have organized the land deeds and property contracts, but moving everything out of the main hall will take some time.”

Her tone was calm as if she were merely describing the gifting of a small jade ornament.

While Madam Chen had been indifferent to Luo Yining’s living arrangements earlier, after hearing Nanny Xu’s words, she grew increasingly shocked and furious, nearly crushing the armrest in her grip.

How could Old Lady Luo be so biased?

With so many grandchildren, and her branch being the eldest, they should have received more. Yet she left everything to Luo Yining!

Luo Yujin couldn’t hold back a cold laugh, “What a wonderful grandmother we have!”

Even in death, her heart was with Luo Yining. Did she pity her so much that she gave her everything?

Luo Yilian lowered her head, her expression neutral. Old Lady Luo’s possessions wouldn’t have come to her anyway, so she wasn’t as agitated as Luo Yujin.

Madam Chen, suppressing her anger, coldly asked, “Did the old lady truly say this? What proof do you have?”

Luo Shenyuan spoke up, “Aunt, there’s no need for agitation. I have Grandmother’s handwritten letter, currently with Father. If you wish to see it, you can accompany me to retrieve it. The letter is undoubtedly genuine; the stewards have all verified it.”

Madam Chen met Luo Shenyuan’s gaze and found him remarkably composed. A chill ran through her. Before Old Lady Luo’s death, she had assumed Luo Shenyuan was preparing for the funeral. But could that have taken so long? The stewards had already seen the letter, which meant she had been kept in the dark. By the time she learned of this, it was too late to object.

Luo Shenyuan must have known about Old Lady Luo leaving her possessions to Luo Yining. That’s why he left overnight, secretly arranging everything for Yining. The old lady’s private assets had likely already been transferred! And she knew nothing of it.

Luo Shenyuan had outmaneuvered her. He had protected his sister without revealing his hand. Only now, when it was too late to change anything, did he bring Nanny Xu to announce the old lady’s last wishes. But what use was it now? Old Lady Luo’s private fortune was substantial – at least ten thousand taels in total!

Madam Chen’s hand clenched tightly inside her sleeve.

Yining was startled. Grandmother had left everything to her?

Lin Hairu, however, was excited. She crouched down and whispered in Yining’s ear, “Mei’er, now we know where your third brother went. He must have been arranging all this for you! You’ll have your fortune now. Do you know how much money that is?”

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