HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 5

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 5

After returning late from feeding fish with Luo Yixiu that day, Old Madam Luo was displeased and kept Yining confined indoors.

The old lady personally supervised Yining’s reading and writing practice.

The Luo family valued education, ensuring even their daughters were literate. Yining’s father had specially hired a female tutor to teach the girls. Though ill and unable to attend formal lessons, Yining practiced her crude handwriting to pass the time.

Yining struggled as she hunched over the small table.

In her previous life, she had forced herself to practice calligraphy in her maiden years, but even after years of effort, her writing was barely passable. Realizing she might lack scholarly aptitude, she had focused on needlework instead. Now, as a young lady of high status and family background, neglecting her studies was not an option.

Old Madam Luo had her maid bring over tracing papers and open the latticed windows. She watched Yining practice, saying, “Your father was my child born in old age. Though everyone doted on him, I didn’t dare be lax, which is why he can write such fine essays now. Your mother, who married into our family from the Gu clan, was also an accomplished and cultured young lady. You mustn’t shame them.”

Yining nodded earnestly and lowered her head to practice.

A while later, Old Madam Luo looked over to find Yining asleep at the table. The little girl’s soft cheek rested on the paper, smudged with ink. Her white, bun-like face with the small red mole at the end of her eyebrow looked adorable.

Old Madam Luo smiled and quietly instructed Mama Xu, “Carry her inside to sleep.”

Yining, who had dozed off while practicing, woke up to find herself in the gauze-curtained bed. Feeling somewhat embarrassed, she realized that since becoming a child, she had indeed taken on childish traits, even falling asleep while writing. Seeing that she was finally awake, Old Madam Luo called for the evening meal to be served.

Yining felt that writing practice truly consumed energy. She finished a bowl of rice and an entire bowl of glutinous rice porridge with red dates. Old Madam Luo remarked, “Your father and mother are both known for their scholarship. How is it that you struggle so?”

Yining sighed helplessly, knowing that being called talented in this life was unlikely. “Grandmother, I want to practice writing well, but I get sleepy as soon as I look at books. I can’t help it.”

Old Madam Luo smiled, patting her granddaughter’s head. “Your eldest and second brothers are coming back. Didn’t you always say you wanted to show them your improved writing? How have you become even lazier now?”

The eldest and second brothers Old Madam Luo mentioned were Madam Chen’s two biological sons from the main branch. Madam Chen was truly fortunate; although Yining’s uncle had concubines, they had only borne two daughters of lower status, while Madam Chen had given birth to two legitimate sons and a daughter.

In contrast, Lin Hairu wasn’t as lucky. She had been childless since marriage, weakening her position. This allowed Concubine Qiao to dominate her, and after giving birth to a son, Concubine Qiao’s confidence only grew.

The two brothers had been raised by Madam Chen to be cultured and refined, treating all their sisters equally well. Young Yining adored her cousins and had been eagerly anticipating their return from visiting some teacher for the past few days.

Yining, however, had no particular interest in these brothers. Cousins, no matter how close, were still cousins and couldn’t compare to her sister.

A few days later, the two brothers indeed returned.

Luo Yuyu and Luo Yixiu were also delighted, and the western side room was filled with cheerful chatter. Luo Huaiyuan and Luo Shanyuan brought many gifts for their younger siblings. Luo Yuyu and Luo Yixiu received a pair of hairpins inlaid with green jade gourds. Yining got a pair of beautiful double-stranded Hetian jade bracelets that jingled delightfully when worn. Yilie received a jade pendant with the symbols of fortune, prosperity, and longevity, while three-year-old Luo Xuanyuan got a longevity lock.

Luo Yixiu never paid attention to details, but Luo Yuyu pouted, murmuring, “Why is Seventh Sister’s gift prettier?”

Luo Yuyu wore a light pink jacket over a white embroidered skirt with a dark green sash, looking exceptionally beautiful.

Madam Chen, aware of her eldest daughter’s high spirits, set down her teacup and said calmly, “Your sister is younger, so it’s natural her gift is a bit nicer.”

Yining jingled her two bracelets, admitting they were indeed beautiful. She asked Xuezhi to put them away for her.

Just then, a maid entered and curtsied, saying, “Old Madam, Third Young Master has come to pay his respects.”

Hearing this, Yining instinctively looked towards the door. As the tall, slender figure appeared, everyone couldn’t help but turn to look at him. Luo Shenyuan greeted the old lady with neither servility nor arrogance. Old Madam Luo gestured for him to sit.

Yining noticed he wore a light green robe with a bamboo leaf pattern, thinking he seemed to favor this design. After the maid served tea, he cupped the teacup with his right hand. As his sleeve slid down, Yining saw a ghastly scar on the back of his hand. Remembering it was from saving young Yining, she found the scar particularly stark and eye-catching.

Steam rose from the teacup, and the late spring sunlight was pleasant. Luo Shenyuan’s handsome young profile appeared even more serene, seemingly oblivious to the lively atmosphere around him.

Old Madam Luo smiled and said, “Huaiyuan cares for our Meimei, and this little one has been thinking of you too. She’s been saying she wants to practice her writing to show her two brothers, eagerly awaiting your return. Look, isn’t her writing better than before?”

Old Madam Luo had Xuezhi bring out Yining’s writing for everyone to see. Luo Huaiyuan looked at it and smiled, saying, “It has improved a lot. Meimei, are you getting used to the silver wolf hair brush your eldest brother sent you?”

Yining could only reply, “Yes, I’m used to it.”

As noon approached, Madam Chen and the others couldn’t stay for lunch at Old Madam Luo’s quarters, so they took their leave with their children.

Luo Shenyuan, however, stayed behind. After a moment of silence, he took out a paper package from his robe.

“Grandmother, these are peach cakes made in my quarters. I found them fragrant and soft, so I brought some for you.”

He placed the package on the small table.

Old Madam Luo glanced at it and said coolly, “Such a small dessert, we make them in my quarters too. No need for you to go to the trouble. Take them back.”

Luo Shenyuan remained seated without moving.

Yining, who was drinking water, nearly choked. Looking up at Luo Shenyuan’s silent, calm expression, she felt a twinge in her heart, wishing she could accept the gift on Old Madam Luo’s behalf.

Luo Shenyuan gave a self-deprecating smile. “Then I’ve overthought this.” He put the package back in his robe and stood to leave.

Yining finally couldn’t bear it anymore and coughed, saying, “Um, Grandmother, I suddenly want to eat peach cakes. Why don’t we let Third Brother leave them here?”

Old Madam Luo gently pinched her granddaughter’s nose, saying indulgently, “You just ate half a braised pork knuckle and rice porridge. How can you still eat dessert? Be careful not to upset your stomach.”

Yining blinked and said, “But I want to eat it.”

Old Madam Luo was silent for a moment, then sighed, “Alright, alright. If your Seventh Sister wants to eat, then leave the cakes here.”

Luo Shenyuan placed the desserts back on the small table, bowed, and withdrew.

Old Madam Luo unwrapped the package, broke off a small piece of the snow-white cake, and fed it to Yining. “Eat up, didn’t you say you wanted to? You useless thing, as if we couldn’t make such cakes ourselves, insisting on keeping your Third Brother’s.”

Yining smiled sheepishly and ate the cake from Old Madam Luo’s hand. Soon, the second, third, and many more pieces followed. Finally, she hugged Old Madam Luo’s arm and said, “Grandmother, I’ve already eaten half a braised pork knuckle. I can’t eat any more cake.”

“I knew you were up to something, you little trickster,” Old Madam Luo tapped her granddaughter’s forehead. “Not worried about indigestion now, are you? Xuezhi, go brew some sour plum soup for Miss Mei.”

Outside the western side room, Luo Shenyuan stood beneath a blooming crabapple tree, listening to Old Madam Luo and Yining’s voices inside.

The small servant boy following him asked quietly, “Third Young Master, I don’t understand. If you knew Old Madam wouldn’t accept your gift due to your poor relationship, why did you still bring it?”

Luo Shenyuan looked up at the clustered crabapple blossoms and said slowly, “What do you know?” The girl’s laughter from inside was bright and carefree, as if truly without any worries of childhood. After a while, he lowered his gaze and said, “Let’s go.”

Candlelight flickered in Madam Chen’s side room.

After returning from Old Madam Luo’s, she discussed studies with her two sons. Luo Yixiu, feeling tired, lay in her mother’s arms to sleep. Soon, a maid came to report that the Third Miss was upset in her room and refusing to eat dinner.

This news displeased Madam Chen. She summoned Luo Yuyu and, seeing her daughter’s sullen face, began to scold her: “You’re almost of age for the hairpin ceremony, yet you’re more unruly than Xiu’er. Have you developed a temper? Arguing with a child will only make people laugh at you. Your Seventh Sister is younger and favored by your grandmother. What’s wrong with indulging her a bit?”

Luo Yuyu berated so harshly, said tearfully, “I just can’t stand that Eldest Brother treats Seventh Sister better than me.”

Madam Chen was exasperated. She said coldly, “Luo Yining has no mother to teach her, so she’s spoiled. But you were raised well by me. How have you developed such a temper? Why don’t you consider that your looks and talents outshine hers, your father’s official rank is higher than your Third Uncle’s, and your two brothers excel in their studies? If they pass the imperial examinations in the future, how could Luo Yining compare to you? Look at Yixiu, she’s never complained.”

Luo Yixiu, suddenly mentioned, looked up drowsily from Madam Chen’s embrace.

This was exactly what irritated Luo Yuyu.

They were all her siblings, yet Luo Yixiu preferred Yining, and even her two brothers favored Yining more. Her proud nature couldn’t bear that Yining, whom she considered inferior in every way, had gained the upper hand.

“All three of them like Yining and treat her like their own sibling,” Luo Yuyu said, tears welling up in her eyes.

Luo Huaiyuan gently consoled her, “Sister, what are you saying? Yining and I are cousins, while you and I are full siblings. Of course, I’m closer to you. Not just compared to Luo Yining, even among our second branch, we siblings are the closest, and I’ll always protect you the most. Giving some gifts is nothing. Sister, think about why I’m giving her nice things.”

Luo Yuyu just stared at him with teary eyes.

Luo Huaiyuan sighed heavily, “Do you know which Marquis family Yining’s sister, Miss Hui, married into?”

Luo Yuyu said, “Of course I know, it’s the Fu family of the Beiding Marquis.”

“Good, then do you know who the Fu family is close to?” Luo Huaiyuan asked though he didn’t expect his sister to understand. He continued directly, “The Fu family of the Beiding Marquis and the Lu family of the Ningyuan Marquis are long-time family friends. Marquis Fu Shao and Lu Jiaxue are particularly close. Lu Jiaxue wields enormous power in court. This is why the Beiding Marquis’s position in court has risen. Why do you think everyone indulges Seventh Sister? It’s because Sister Hui married the Beiding Marquis’s heir…”

Luo Yuyu found these connections complex and convoluted, but being clever, she managed to grasp the essence. The relationships were intricate and tied to her brothers’ future careers, so she shouldn’t interfere carelessly.

Luo Yuyu nodded tearfully, saying softly that she understood.

Madam Chen sighed, “I’ve been too lenient with you lately. Enough of this. From now on, you won’t attend lessons with Yixiu and the others. You’re approaching marriageable age, so I’ll teach you properly myself.”

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