HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 52

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 52

Concubine Qiao only heard about the division of family property between the two branches the next day from a servant.

Luo Yilian handed her little brother to the nanny to be fed water, saying softly, “…Madam gained a great advantage this time. All of Grandmother’s things went to Yining.”

It was only recently that Luo Yilian learned exactly how much the old madam had left to Yining. Since then, she’d looked at Yining as if gazing upon a little golden Buddha.

On this matter, Concubine Qiao and Lin Hairu’s interests aligned, so she had no particular thoughts. Lounging on her beauty couch, she said lazily, “I knew this day would come when your elder sister returned. Why else would she rush back so urgently?” A maid massaged her legs with a small jade hammer as Concubine Qiao half-closed her eyes. She hadn’t slept well since Luo Yihui’s return, waking with headaches.

Luo Yilian sat up, massaging Concubine Qiao’s temples. She hesitantly asked, “Mother, Madam is clutching the account books tightly…”

Concubine Qiao waved her hand wearily. “She’s the legitimate wife. I’m just a concubine – I can never surpass her. Besides, what’s so important about managing account books? Madam has her natal family’s support. Your father naturally wants to let her manage those things. We only have your father.”

Concubine Qiao’s eyes flickered. Over the years, she’d come to understand Luo Chengzhang thoroughly.

He doted on her and enjoyed having a companion to add romance to his life. But there were limits. Luo Chengzhang wasn’t truly the type to favor a concubine over his wife. He understood the importance of the main wife, or he wouldn’t have tolerated Lin Hairu for five years. What Luo Chengzhang liked was her fragile vulnerability, like a vine growing dependent on him. As long as she didn’t cross his bottom line, he would continue to cherish her.

Only vulgar merchant families elevated concubines to wives – it could never happen in the Luo family. Concubine Qiao had never entertained such notions. She’d been nervous when Lin Hairu first arrived before Xuan’er was born. She’d watched Lin Hairu’s belly anxiously, growing more tense with every bout of nausea or vomiting. Only after Xuan’er was born two years later, with still no movement from Lin Hairu, did Concubine Qiao finally relax.

Luo Yilian didn’t want Concubine Qiao to fight for anything. She just felt frustrated that all the good things went to Luo Yining. No matter how much she humbled herself, she could never obtain those things. Luo Yilian gazed at a beautiful red coral branch displayed on a high table. The children of concubines differed from those of the main wife – things were never simply given to them. If they wanted something, they had to fight for it themselves.

That night, Luo Chengzhang came to rest in Concubine Qiao’s chambers.

She dismissed the maids and personally wrung out a cloth to help Luo Chengzhang wash his face.

Luo Chengzhang had spent the day discussing matters with Lin Hairu. Despite Luo Yihui and Yining’s support, he still felt full of pent-up frustration. He naturally enjoyed Concubine Qiao’s gentle manner. Later, in bed, Concubine Qiao nestled close and said, “I heard Miss Mei received items from the old madam that can serve as her dowry. I’m happy for her. As the daughter of the main wife, it’s natural the old madam favored her. It’s a pity about Miss Lian though. She always served the old madam respectfully and grieved for so long after her passing…”

Luo Chengzhang held Concubine Qiao’s waist, comforting her, “What was left to Mei’er ultimately belongs to the second branch. Don’t worry. I raised Lian’er myself. She has such a gentle nature. When the time comes for her to marry, I won’t let her be shortchanged…”

Though Concubine Qiao received no concrete promise, this revealed Luo Chengzhang’s attitude. He valued his daughter as the main wife, but also cherished Lian’er, born of a concubine. Concubine Qiao leaned against Luo Chengzhang’s shoulder, her soft arms encircling him, becoming even more gentle and pliant.

The bed curtains fell, though the lamp in the room remained lit.

Lin Hairu and Madam Chen had a fierce argument, leaving both red-faced and fuming for days afterward.

Madam Chen felt Lin Hairu had humiliated her and maintained a dignified silence. But Lin Hairu was no stranger to arguments. Less sensitive, she quickly moved past the incident. Only Madam Chen continued to stew.

When Luo Yixiu returned from playing with Yining, Madam Chen greeted her with a cold stare.

Old Master Luo finally couldn’t help but scold her: “You know Lin’s background. Why bother arguing with her? You’re her elder sister-in-law, yet you show less magnanimity than her. If word spreads, who do you think people will criticize – you or her?”

This angered Madam Chen. Recalling how Old Master Luo had left midway through the earlier confrontation, her eyes reddened. “I was only thinking of all of you! If I only had to feed myself, why would I fight Lin Hairu over such things? I wouldn’t starve either way! Yet you all take her side. Am I not allowed to be upset?”

Seeing her parents argue because of her mistake, Luo Yixiu quickly swallowed her sticky rice balls and tried to mediate.

Old Master Luo knew Madam Chen had always been strong-willed. To have reduced her to tears, she must have endured much humiliation lately. He sighed and began placating her. One brush stroke can’t write two ‘Luo’ characters – the family division was done. They couldn’t keep clashing in the future.

But Madam Chen, having suffered such indignities, refused to let it go. She demanded that Old Master Luo’s 17-year-old concubine be sent to serve her, so she could properly teach the girl manners. Old Master Luo readily agreed, and only then did Madam Chen swallow her anger and let the matter rest.

After likely tormenting the young concubine for several days to vent her frustrations, Madam Chen finally managed to face Lin Hairu calmly again. With this, the two branches could proceed more quickly in arranging the old madam’s funeral affairs.

A month later, it was time for Grandmother’s burial.

The funeral procession stretched into the mountains. The wake lasted three days, with managers from the Baoding estate and shops all returning to the Luo family. Yining watched with her own eyes as Grandmother’s memorial tablet was carried into the ancestral hall.

The last time she’d knelt here in punishment, she’d seen the plaque praising ancestral virtue. Now she gazed silently at her grandmother’s unfamiliar yet familiar tablet. Someone who had once lived beside her was now just a cold name on a tablet.

The thought filled Yining with sadness.

After winter’s arrival, even sunlight no longer felt warm. As the last rays of sunset spilled across the ancestral hall floor, Lin Hairu came to take Yining’s hand. Calling her “Mei’er,” she said, “For now, no one will live in the main hall. Your aunt wanted to move in, but your uncle disagreed…” As she spoke, she led Yining from the hall. Like Grandmother’s former residence in the main hall, Yining would likely seldom come here in the future.

Yining finally met the Marquis of Dingbei’s heir, Fu Zhengqing – her elder sister’s husband.

He was tall and handsome, with a warm and friendly smile. Upon arrival, due to his high status, he was repeatedly invited to converse with Old Master Luo, Luo Huaiyuan, and others. He treated Luo Yihui exceptionally well. Perhaps due to his fondness for her, he was also remarkably kind to Yining. At meals, he always placed Yining’s favorite dishes before her and bought her candied treats that children enjoy.

He once told Luo Yihui, “Whenever I see Mei’er, she seems familiar, but I can’t recall where I’ve seen her before. Perhaps in a past life, she truly was my sister. So by marrying you, Mei’er has become my sister again…”

Luo Yihui pretended to glare at him. “So you only married me to find a sister?”

The room erupted in laughter as Fu Zhengqing took Luo Yihui’s hand to soothe her. Yining watched from the side, smiling. She’d heard of Fu Zhengqing in her past life – he was known for his amiable nature, rare among generations of noble families.

Luo Chengzhang called Fu Zhengqing away again. After he left, Nanny Xu said to Luo Yihui, “This servant sees how well the young marquis treats you, miss. Because he’s good to you, he’s even good to little miss. I trust there are no other women in his household now?”

Sipping her pregnancy tonic, Luo Yihui replied, “He has a kind nature, so he treats me well. There are two serving girls in his chambers, but they always take medicine after attending to him.” Lowering her eyes to her round belly, she smiled and added, “If this child is a boy, those girls won’t matter. If it’s a girl, I fear the medicine will have to stop.”

Nanny Xu understood. These grandfamilies had even stricter requirements for offspring.

It wasn’t easy marrying into noble families. She only hoped the young miss would bear a son this time, securing her position in the Marquis of Dingbei’s household. Fortunately, it was the eldest miss who had married in. If it had been any other Luo daughter, they likely wouldn’t have had the necessary skills.

Luo Yihui continued slowly, “Nanny Xu needn’t worry. Life is quite good now. The Marquis of Dingbei’s household is simple – I can manage it well.”

Yining watched her elder sister’s serene face from the side. She said, “Elder Sister, don’t worry. You’re so wonderful, who wouldn’t like you? I certainly do.”

Luo Yihui stroked her sister’s hair, finding her increasingly pure and lovable.

Fu Zhengqing’s visit was not only to pay respects to Old Madam Luo but also to bring Luo Yihui back, given her limited mobility.

Before leaving, Luo Yihui spoke at length with her father, warning him of the consequences of favoring concubines over wives and urging him to visit Lin Hairu more often. She also went to Lin Hairu personally, saying, “Daughter has long had an idea I haven’t shared. It doesn’t matter if Father doesn’t favor you. If there are loyal servants in your household, it wouldn’t hurt to elevate one to concubine status. There are many ways to deal with concubines – no need to act yourself.”

Lin Hairu felt somewhat embarrassed hearing this. She mentally reviewed the women in her household and indeed found two or three second-tier maids whose looks rivaled Concubine Qiao’s.

She began seriously considering her eldest daughter’s suggestion.

When it was time for Luo Yihui to leave, she held Yining for a long time, reluctant to let go. Once again, she wanted to tuck her sister into her luggage and take her along. She whispered to Yining, “If you ever need help with anything important, you can ask your Third Brother. You can also write to me. Remember that, Meimei?”

Seeing her reluctance, as if entrusting an orphan, Lin Hairu pulled Yining to her side. “You can rest easy! Even if I’m not the best, I can still take good care of Yining.”

Fearing too much worry might harm her sister’s child, Yining reassured Luo Yihui, “Meimei remembers everything.”

Only then did Fu Zhengqing help Luo Yihui into the carriage, which gradually disappeared into the distance.

Not long after Elder Sister’s departure, heavy snow fell in Baoding. The first snow of winter came down so heavily that when Yining woke early, she found the courtyard blanketed in white. Servants were sweeping snow from the bluestone paths. The water in the rockery pond had frozen, trapping two turtles inside.

Torn between laughter and dismay, Yining had maids bring hot water. After swimming in the warm water for a while, the two turtles miraculously revived. She played with them for a bit before a servant dressed her in a fur-lined padded jacket. Bundled up like a little ball, she went to see Lin Hairu.

Since Grandmother’s death, Yining’s appetite had been poor. But under Lin Hairu and her elder sister’s supervision, she couldn’t eat less. She’d even developed a double chin, growing increasingly plump. The padded jacket felt a bit tight. Nanny Xu smiled, saying, “Miss Mei has grown up. If the old madam could see her, she’d be overjoyed!”

Yining felt she had grown taller, as the jacket seemed a bit short. She’d just turned eight, now nine by East Asian reckoning. Still in mourning, Nanny Xu had the kitchen prepare a bowl of longevity noodles with an egg for a simple birthday celebration.

Lin Hairu mysteriously presented her with a box. Opening it, Yining found it full of unpolished gemstones of various sizes. She was at a loss for words! Who gives a child a whole box of gems for their birthday?

She ran to confront Lin Hairu, saying, “…If others find out, I fear thieves will target my room.”

Only then did Lin Hairu take back the box of gems, replacing it with an exquisite longevity lock pendant.

It had been some time since Yining had seen her Third Brother. After the family division incident, Luo Shenyuan rarely visited this side of the compound.

Just as Yining emerged from a covered walkway, she glimpsed a tall figure in a dark robe and cloak passing through the corridor – it seemed to be Luo Shenyuan, and he appeared to be leaving.

She took a few steps forward, wanting to catch him before he left. Afraid he might walk out, she called, “Third Brother, wait for me!”

Luo Shenyuan stopped and turned. He saw an exquisite little plump ball rolling towards him.

What did she want?

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