HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 56

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 56

That afternoon, Yining watched as Lin Hairu directed servants to move the long-absent nanmu luohan bed into her room. Perhaps due to the unfamiliar bed, Yining tossed and turned for a long time before falling asleep on her luxurious new bed that night. Early the next morning, Luo Yixiu pulled her out of bed. Yining clung to her quilt, unwilling to rise. Luo Yixiu chided her impatiently, “Your two cousins are having a poetry gathering with Second Brother. Aren’t you going? Your Sixth Sister arrived early.”

Yining thought, “Let them have their gathering. I don’t like composing poetry anyway.”

Luo Yixiu pinched her cheek. “Luo Yining, get up quickly!”

Why was she using her full name?

Yining finally opened her eyes halfway. She saw that Luo Yixiu was wearing a sapphire blue embroidered jacket, her hair in a bun adorned with two pearl flower hairpins, and jade drop earrings that made her face appear especially fair.

The girls had been in mourning for two years, and now at their blossoming age, it was natural for them to start dressing up. Yining wasn’t used to seeing this sudden change. Chen Shi was currently looking for a suitable match for Luo Yixiu and wanted to give her daughter a complete makeover.

Luo Yixiu usually didn’t care much for dressing up, but adorned like this, she looked quite stunning.

Yining yawned and waved her hand. Snow Branch and other maids approached, smiling, “Fifth Miss, please wait in the west side room for a moment. The young miss will be ready soon.”

Pine Branch escorted Luo Yixiu out of the warm room, while Snow Branch led several maids to attend to Yining. A small maid carried a red lacquer tray with a scarlet floral jacket. Yining shook her head and asked them to bring a pea-green cloud-patterned jacket instead, finding its fresh color more pleasing. After helping Yining change, they offered her hot towels and fragrant hand cream. As Yining sat before the mirror, Snow Branch asked softly, “Young miss, shall we style your hair in a hanging chignon?”

Snow Branch thought that Yining was growing up. In ordinary families, it would be time to start discussing marriage. Yet Yining still seemed so childlike.

Yining had grown tired of her usual hairstyle.

She had heard that when Snow Branch served her eldest sister, her hairstyling skills were unparalleled, effortlessly creating various intricate styles. But after being assigned to Yining, she could only do the same simple style day after day. Such a skilled hand must have felt idle. Whenever she saw Yining’s simple hairstyle, her fingers would itch to do more.

“Alright,” Yining finally nodded in agreement. “Just keep it simple.”

Snow Branch immediately brightened up. She asked a maid to bring rose water and began her meticulous process. First, she moistened the comb with rose water, then gently massaged Yining’s scalp. With a few swift movements, a beautiful chignon was formed.

Yining’s hair was extremely soft and fine, making the chignon look even more attractive. Her clear, pretty face was still plump and rosy, combining a young lady’s charm with a child’s innocence. Pine Branch was momentarily stunned, then sighed, “It would look even better with that scarlet floral jacket. The young miss’s clothes are too plain.”

Snow Branch smiled and shook her head. “The young miss chose simpler attire because Fourth Miss is dressed so brightly.”

“Fourth Sister is about to be engaged. Great-aunt is looking for a suitable match. I’m content being the plain backdrop,” Yining said with a smile.

Seeing her emerge, Luo Yixiu grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the main hall.

They were indeed holding a poetry gathering in the pavilion, writing poems on red paper with the theme of “summer.” Gentle waves rippled on the water, and a cool breeze of late spring and early summer caressed their faces. The young men were all handsome, creating a picturesque scene.

Luo Yiling stood to the side, wearing an apricot-white jacket that accentuated her slender figure. Her hair was loosely pinned up with a jade hairpin, and she wore small white jade lilac earrings. Her beauty was so striking that it immediately made Luo Yixiu appear common in comparison.

Luo Yixiu instantly recognized the difference between herself and Luo Yiling. She squeezed Yining’s hand and said, “Your half-sister is… annoyingly beautiful.”

Yining winced and pulled her hand away, whispering, “I was about to ask why Sixth Sister is here. And why did you come?”

“Your great-aunt sent me,” Luo Yixiu said casually. “She spent half an hour dressing me up and told me to talk to your Gu family cousin. But what do I have to say to your cousin…”

Yining was startled by her words. A ridiculous guess suddenly formed in her mind. Could it be that Chen Shi had her eye on Gu Jingming?

“Which one is your Gu family cousin?” Luo Yixiu asked.

Yining pointed to the one in the middle wearing a moon-white robe, who was currently writing. Then she whispered, “Fourth Sister, what exactly did Great-aunt say?”

Luo Yixiu didn’t answer. She had already pulled Yining over with her maids and servants.

Just as Yining was wondering how to make introductions, Lin Mao turned around. He smiled as soon as he saw Yining. While other young ladies dutifully rose early to pay their respects, he had wanted to invite her to join the poetry gathering earlier but found her still in bed. He couldn’t help but tease, “Cousin Yining has arrived. You’re up so early.”

Yining forced a smile and replied, “Greetings, Cousin Mao. I heard you couldn’t find your alchemy furnace last night and came to ask Mother for it. Yet you’re still able to rise so early. I’m impressed.” They had barely met twice, and she hadn’t provoked him, yet Lin Mao always spoke to her in a mocking tone. She found it puzzling.

Gu Jingming smiled, looking exceptionally handsome and gentle. He mediated, “Cousin Yining, don’t mind him. He just has a sharp tongue.”

The two cousins seemed quite familiar with each other. Gu Jingming was gentle and modest, while Lin Mao appeared carefree and roguish, creating an odd harmony.

Just as Yining was about to sit down, her hand was suddenly pinched hard.

She almost cried out. Luo Yixiu had used such force!

She glared at Luo Yixiu, who glared back.

Yining finally realized that she wasn’t truly brought here by Luo Yixiu to join the poetry gathering. She was here to make introductions. So she introduced Luo Yixiu to Lin Mao and Gu Jingming. To her surprise, her fourth sister, who usually seemed like Lin Hairu’s own daughter, lowered her eyes and greeted Gu Jingming softly.

Gu Jingming was handsome and of high birth. He was probably used to people trying to curry favor with him since childhood and was polite and gentle to everyone. But there was also a sense of lofty indifference that others might not notice, but Yining could see clearly.

Yining wasn’t skilled at composing poetry, and Luo Yixiu was even less so. Only Luo Yiling excelled at it. After writing, she handed her poem to Gu Jingming, saying in a soft, melodious voice, “Cousin Ming, please take a look. I feel the tones in the last line might be off.”

Gu Jingming took it without hesitation and replied patiently, “The tones are correct. It’s indeed a fine verse.”

Yining grabbed a handful of melon seeds to crack. Luo Yixiu sat beside her with a gloomy face, whispering, “Look at your Sixth Sister—she’s practically leaning on Young Master Gu.”

Yining sighed, letting Luo Yiling be. She didn’t care. Luo Yiling was quick-witted and had such a delicate, pitiful air about her. But so what? Even if Gu Jingming did like her, would the Gu family, with their status and position, allow him to marry a concubine-born daughter? Gu Jingming was born when his mother was thirty, raised personally by Old Master Gu, and was even more precious than little Yining.

“Fourth Sister, would you like some melon seeds? I taught the servants how to roast them with star anise and Sichuan pepper. They’re especially fragrant—” Yining hoped she would eat more and talk less to avoid mistakes, so she offered her handful.

Unexpectedly, her hand was immediately grabbed. Lin Mao leaned close to her, smiling, “Thank you, Cousin Yining. Cousin Mao won’t stand on ceremony.”

He leaned against the railing, seemingly unintentionally putting some of his weight on Yining. He cracked melon seeds while watching Gu Jingming teach Luo Yiling how to compose poetry.

Yining took a deep breath, her little fingers cracking audibly.

“Cousin Mao, are the melon seeds fragrant?” Yining asked with a smile.

Lin Mao leaned down, his features suddenly appearing exceptionally handsome. He said in a low voice, “Cousin Mao wants to ask you, how were the tangerines?” His breath inadvertently brushed Yining’s ear, and he smiled before sitting up straight.

This little girl wasn’t one to remember favors. Back when Aunt had ordered all the brothers to send gifts to Yining, he had searched for a long time in Hangzhou to get her a box of tangerines. Now she was getting upset over him eating some roasted melon seeds?

The roasted melon seeds weren’t the point. Yining felt she had grievances she couldn’t express. What was the use of arguing with someone as unconventional as Lin Mao?

Fortunately, Gu Jingming had grown impatient with Luo Yiling. He smiled slightly at Lin Mao and said, “…The master has invited us for lunch. It’s about time. Why don’t we head over?”

Luo Shanyuan accompanied them. Seeing Gu Jingming leave, Luo Yiling had no interest in staying with Yining and Luo Yixiu. Claiming she wasn’t fully recovered, she left.

Maids brought up a plate of lotus cakes. When Yining inquired, she learned that Miss Yiling had risen especially early today to pay her respects to Lin Hairu, very diligently. Then she had “coincidentally” encountered Gu Jingming and Lin Mao, who were also paying respects to Lin Hairu. It was all a beautiful accident.

Thinking of Luo Yiling’s graceful demeanor, Luo Yixiu felt uneasy. She murmured, “Why is she, a concubine-born daughter, trying so hard… Does she think Young Master Gu will fancy her?”

Hearing this, Yining stared at Luo Yixiu: “Fourth Sister, could it be that you like… Cousin Ming?”

Luo Yixiu’s face reddened slightly, but she shook her head. “I wouldn’t say I like him, but your Cousin Ming is truly handsome.” Her eyes sparkled as she spoke, showing a girlish radiance. “Anyway, we all have to marry someday. Might as well choose someone good-looking! If I end up with someone who’s neither handsome nor capable, it would be unbearable to look at him. At least with a handsome one, I’d enjoy the view.”

Luo Yixiu’s marriage manifesto made sense.

Yining poured herself another cup of tea, admiring her fourth sister’s insight. If Chen Shi were to hear this, Fourth Sister would surely receive a lecture.

Luo Yixiu stayed for lunch at Yining’s place. The cook here was skilled, especially at making sweet and sour fish. She ate an entire fish.

After the meal, the two had the maids bring out a Go board and play in the courtyard.

Despite years of practice, Luo Yixiu’s Go skills hadn’t improved much. Yining, however, had learned much from Master Song—the white-bearded old Hanlin scholar—and discovered she had some talent for the game. Master Song had stroked his beard in amazement, finally finding something he could teach the seventh young miss just when he was about to give up. Otherwise, he would have been taking Lin Hairu’s triple tuition fee for nothing.

Luo Yixiu was utterly defeated, with most of her stones captured or dead, and very few live stones remaining.

Yining twirled a white jade Go stone and said, “Fourth Sister, just tell me if you want me to give you a handicap.”

Luo Yixiu pinched her cheek, laughing despite her annoyance, “Is my game that poor?”

Lin Mao had just walked in from outside when he saw Luo Yixiu pinching Yining’s cheek. He immediately felt regretful. Others could pinch her, so why couldn’t he? The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was unfair. Why couldn’t he pinch her? After all, Aunt was accompanying Great-aunt to look at the wedding trousseau today, so who would stop him?

Yining saw Lin Mao standing at the door with a smile. She put down the Go stone in her hand and asked, “Didn’t Cousin Mao go to Great-uncle’s place?”

“I’m new here and not very familiar with the Luo mansion. I’d like to walk around. Would Cousin Yining be kind enough to show me around?” Lin Mao had already extended his hand in invitation.

Lin Mao had come from afar, and she indeed should accompany him to look around. The household had been too busy these past few days, and they shouldn’t neglect him. His passion for alchemy had already been nipped in the bud by Lin Hairu. Yining thought that compared to alchemy, walking around seemed quite refined.

However, she ended up being pulled along by Lin Mao. He was tall, and one of his strides equaled two of hers. He also walked quickly. Yining followed behind, panting, while he waited for her ahead, saying energetically, “I heard there’s a hill behind the Luo mansion where you can see the pagoda of Daci Temple from the top. Can you take me there?”

Yining felt somewhat helpless: “Cousin Mao, can’t we just tour the front courtyard today?”

“You should fulfill your duties as a host,” Lin Mao earnestly persuaded her. “Cousin Yining, I’m a guest here. You shouldn’t neglect me.”

Yining gritted her teeth and straightened up, accompanying him for another stretch. Seeing Yining walking slower and slower, he finally asked, “Tired of walking?”

Yining said quietly, “Cousin Mao, how do you think I’ve done in my duty as a host…”

Her cheeks had a thin layer of powder, looking beautifully pink and white. Though her face still had some baby fat, her almond eyes had already developed a young lady’s charm. Lin Mao had been resisting the whole way, only walking quickly to avoid pinching her. Now that they had stopped, he felt an even stronger urge.

He finally reached out and pinched her cheek, saying with a smile, “Let’s stop here for today. I’ll come to play with you again tomorrow.”

Soft and tender, it felt so good to touch! Lin Mao had to forcefully control his excitement to maintain his smile.

He thought with some regret that if only Yining were a little Pekingese, no matter how expensive, he could buy her. How fun it would be to take her home and raise her. She could frolic in front of him all day, begging for food. When feeling affectionate, she would circle his feet.

His touch wasn’t forceful, but gentle. However, the unfamiliar sensation made Yining pause.

This wasn’t quite proper, as she wasn’t a child anymore. But thinking that it was Lin Mao who pinched her, Yining felt it didn’t matter much.

She could understand anything Lin Qingtian did.

Lin Hairu returned in the afternoon. The twenty-four trays of betrothal gifts had all been delivered to the Luo family. The gifts included sacrificial animals, cakes, pastries, dried seafood, and everything else that was needed. The mansion was already decorated with lanterns and streamers. By evening, guests from Madam Chen’s family started to arrive, making the mansion even livelier.

Yi Ning was called out by Lin Hairu to accompany the guests, specifically the second miss of the Gao family next door.

The eldest miss of the Gao family had initially intended to marry Yi Ning’s third brother. However, he had to observe a three-year mourning period, and the young lady couldn’t wait that long. Moreover, Luo Shenyuan was like a cold stone that couldn’t be warmed no matter how much effort was put in. It didn’t take long before the eldest miss of the Gao family married the son of a local jinshi. Now, she had a healthy and chubby child.

The mansion was bustling, and Madam Chen was all smiles, leading Luo Yixiu and Luo Yiyu around to greet the visiting ladies.

Miss Gao’s second daughter kept her eyes on the food, not saying a word to Yi Ning. Noticing this, Yi Ning placed a whole plate of walnut and jujube cakes in her hands. In return, she received a grateful look from the girl.

Yi Ning felt touched. This girl was much easier to deal with than the eldest Miss Gao.

After a while, Madam Chen called Yi Ning over, her smile a mix of three parts joy and seven parts flattery. She asked, “Mei Jie’er, your aunt wants to know if your cousin Ming has a marriage arranged yet?”

Yi Ning glanced at Luo Yixiu and shook her head. Madam Chen was about to feel happy, but Yi Ning added, “I don’t know.”

Madam Chen held Yi Ning’s hand and sighed, “It was wrong of your aunt before. Now that we are one family, we shouldn’t dwell on those things. Do you still hold a grudge against your aunt?”

Yi Ning just smiled.

Of course, she wouldn’t forget how right after her grandmother’s death, Madam Chen wanted to move her out of the main hall. Nor would she forget how Madam Chen wanted to use the things her grandmother left her to settle the second household’s share of the family property. But after all, that was in the past, and now the first and second households appeared harmonious on the surface.

“Is Auntie planning to propose Cousin Ming for Fourth Sister?” Yi Ning asked directly.

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