HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 57

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 57

Chen’s directness caught Madam Chen off guard, leaving her at a loss for words. She realized how hypocritical it was to treat her niece affectionately when needed, but like an enemy when not. It was indeed somewhat petty.

Years ago, the Gu and Luo families had little contact, and she thought they had grown apart. Now, seeing Gu Jingming as a charming young man of excellent qualities, she naturally harbored hopes. Even if it was just a trial, what if Gu Jingming took a liking to Xiu’er?

Looking into Yining’s clear, gentle eyes, Madam Chen suddenly felt her thoughts were too calculating.

She smiled, “Mei’er, your sister Yixiu’s marriage is naturally a concern for your aunt.”

A servant came to inquire about banquet arrangements, and Madam Chen covered her teacup to speak with her. Luo Yixiu finally approached the group of ladies, taking Yining’s hand excitedly, “You seemed to be having a pleasant conversation with Mother. What were you talking about?”

Yining simply shook her head with a smile.

She didn’t believe the Gu family would let Gu Jingming marry a concubine’s daughter, nor did she think Yixiu had a chance. But her fifth sister treated her so well, how could she say anything to hurt her? Better to let it pass.

Lin Hairu took her back to the main room, telling her not to leave yet. She had maids bring several outfits for Yining to see. The first was a water-red embroidered silk jacket with linked pearl patterns. The second was a moon-white jacket with scattered red cherry blossoms and intricate silk cords at the cuffs.

“What do you think? Aren’t they lovely?” Lin Hairu held them up to Yining, pinching her soft cheek affectionately. “When you accompany your aunt to Xiangru Studio, we can have two outfits made for you. I noticed your aunt is having clothes made for your fourth and fifth sisters. We can’t leave Mei’er out, especially now that you’re growing up.”

Yining felt a flutter in her heart at these words. She knew her stepmother cared for her, but it always warmed her to hear it. Seeing Lin Hairu’s clean, plain face in the candlelight, she smiled, “Haven’t you gotten anything new for yourself?”

As time passed, Luo Chengzhang naturally spent more time with Concubine Qiao. But since Yining stayed with Lin Hairu, he still spent seven or eight days a month there. Now, apart from mourning clothes, Yining hoped Lin Hairu would give her a little brother.

Lin Hairu waved her hand, indicating she didn’t need anything, then said to Yining, “I’ve noticed your sixth sister seems to have taken an interest in your cousin Jingming…”

Yining grabbed a handful of boiled peanuts from the table, shelling them one by one into a small celadon dish. “As long as she doesn’t do anything to disgrace the family, why should you worry about her?”

If things went too far, someone would surely put her in her place. Yining wasn’t concerned.

Lin Hairu fretted, “Your cousin Jingming is quite good, but he’s a bit older than you. Though that’s not an issue. If you two were to get engaged, he could wait a few years for you.” Lin Hairu nodded thoughtfully, deeply absorbed in her considerations.

Yining choked on a peanut, coughing violently. The maids and servants rushed to bring hot water, patting her back and helping her recover. Rubbing her chest, Yining said with difficulty, “Mother, please don’t say such things. How old is cousin Jingming, and how old am I?”

“What’s wrong with that?” Lin Hairu leaned closer, saying, “I have a niece who was engaged at ten. Her husband was six years older, and she married him after coming of age. Being older, he doted on her even more. Fearing her unhappiness, he didn’t even take a concubine. Everyone says my niece is fortunate and married just to be pampered. In her early twenties, she still looks like she’s fifteen or sixteen.”

Yining countered, “But how many cases like that are there?”

Fortunately, Lin Hairu was just talking. Engaging Yining too early would make her feel like she’d leave soon, and Lin Hairu wanted Yining to stay with her for a few more years. Yining was her favorite in the household; she almost wished she could go with her. What if her future in-laws mistreated her? What if she didn’t have enough money? What if her husband tried to take advantage of her dowry?

The mere thought terrified Lin Hairu. When the time came for Yining’s marriage, she would have to keep a close watch.

As Lin Hairu pondered Yining’s future, Yining yawned and went to bed, leaving her stepmother to her thoughts.

Early the next morning, Yining was roused again. The sky was still dark, with only early-rising servants sweeping outside. A few stars still lingered in the sky as Yining covered her mouth, yawning. Lin Mao stood before her, full of energy, declaring, “Cousin Yining, you said we’d explore the back mountain today.”

Yining had just gotten used to her new bed and slept soundly. Hearing this, she wanted to strangle him.

The sky wasn’t even light yet—what back mountain exploration?

Seeing Yining’s sleepy expression, Lin Mao found her even more adorable. She reminded him of the puppy he once had, always curled up sleeping in its basket, with the same drowsy look. If he teased it with his finger, it would suckle, thinking it was drinking milk—utterly charming.

Lin Mao patted her soft, rosy cheek, urging, “Wake up, cousin! We’re going mountain climbing!”

Yining finally sprang up, gritting her teeth, “Xuezhi, have the kitchen make a bowl of noodles for cousin. Wake me when he’s finished eating.”

She returned to her warm room, kicked off her satin shoes, and burrowed back into her bedding, quickly falling asleep again.

Who knew this girl had such a temper when waking up?

Lin Mao looked at the confused Xuezhi and said, “Your young mistress said she wants to treat me to noodles. I’d like pork noodles with two spoonfuls of sesame paste.”

Xuezhi, being good-natured, smiled and curtsied before going to instruct the kitchen.

When Yining emerged again, she found four people sitting in her courtyard. Xuezhi approached, smiling, “Young Master Gu came by earlier, smelling the noodles, and asked for a bowl. Then the Sixth Young Miss came, smelling the aroma, and asked for a bowl as well… Now the Fifth Young Miss’s noodles are being prepared. It seems our small kitchen’s noodles are especially fragrant. Would you like a bowl, miss?”

Yining declined.

“Cousin Yining is up,” Gu Jingming set down his chopsticks, smiling politely, his features exuding a refined handsomeness. “I heard you’re taking Fifth Brother Lin to the back mountain today. May I join?”

Luo Yilian raised her head to look at Yining, smiling faintly, “Come to think of it, I haven’t been to the back mountain in a long time, not since Grandmother passed.”

Didn’t we just go for the ancestral worship? Has Miss Yilian developed amnesia again?

Yining said nothing about this, instead smiling, “Cousin Mao, do you still want to go?”

Lin Mao, picking at the meat in his bowl, immediately raised his eyebrows, “Of course! How could I not?”

As dawn broke, the Luo family’s back mountain excursion began.

Lin Mao practically dragged Yining along, leading the way. Used to roam mountains and waters at home, but this was nothing to him. He found Yining too slow. Gu Jingming followed steadily behind, also appearing at ease. Luo Yixiu wore a beautiful phoenix-tail skirt, ill-suited for mountain paths. Luo Yilian wore a moonflower skirt, walking with rippling grace as if lotus flowers were blooming with each step.

Being pampered young ladies, Luo Yilian soon claimed fatigue, her eyes, soft as water, gazing at Gu Jingming. In the morning light, he looked even more handsome, making her heart flutter. She spoke in a soft, weak voice, “I’m truly tired. Could you slow down and wait for me, Cousin Ming?”

Luo Yixiu coldly remarked from the side, “I remember during the last ancestral worship, Sixth Sister, you walked quite sprightly. How are you tired now?”

Luo Yilian’s face reddened slightly, but she smiled again, “I don’t understand what Fifth Sister means. But Fifth Sister’s skirt today is so splendid. I think it would be perfect for our brother’s wedding day. Isn’t it too early to wear it today…”

Yining’s mouth twitched at their level of bickering, but being the youngest, she could only try to mediate. As she was about to intervene, Lin Mao’s arm blocked her, whispering in her ear, “Why interrupt when it’s so entertaining?”

Suddenly, Yining bit Lin Mao’s blocking arm, quite hard. He let go in surprise, seeing two neat rows of small tooth marks on his arm. Yining’s round eyes were full of mischief, “Cousin Mao, isn’t this fun?”

Lin Mao watched her walk down, the light green silk ribbon in her hair fluttering in the breeze, her fine hair looking very touchable. He suddenly pressed his arm, feeling the pulse throbbing, realizing it hurt a bit.

His smile gradually faded, his expression suddenly becoming more serious.

Yining approached without mediating; her two sisters were still at odds, and it wasn’t wise to get involved. She smiled directly at Gu Jingming, “Cousin Ming, there’s a beautiful lotus pond at the foot of the back mountain. Why don’t we go there instead?”

Hearing this, Luo Yilian also smiled, realizing going up the mountain had been a mistake. She suggested, “The water lilies are just blooming now. It’s perfect for Cousin Ming to see.”

Luo Yixiu laughed, “Sixth Sister, you’re so quick to call him ‘cousin.’ I didn’t know he was your cousin. He’s Yining’s cousin, what does that have to do with you?”

Yining felt overwhelmed listening to them. Gu Jingming, naturally giving some face to his real cousin, agreed that seeing the lotus pond would be good.

As the group descended the mountain path, Yining told Gu Jingming about the various water lilies in the pond and when each type bloomed. Gu Jingming walked with his hands behind his back, attentively looking at Yining, who was more than a head shorter than him. Luo Yixiu and Yilian were still coldly distant. As Yining was speaking, a maid ran towards them from afar, looking excited. She curtsied before Yining and said, “Seventh Young Miss, the Third Young Master has returned! He came back with the Eldest Young Master. Their carriage has arrived at the screen wall. The Madam sent me to inform you!”

The little maid’s eyes had always been rather dull, but Gu Jingming noticed they seemed to light up at the mention of the Third Young Master. Yining eagerly let go of his hand, forgetting all about water lilies.

For the past two years, Yining had constantly heard news about Luo Shenyuan—how he was appreciated by the Official Sun, how he became well-known in the capital, and how his writings were praised as exquisite. He never mentioned these things in his letters; Yining had only heard them from others. These stories only formed a vague, distant image of Luo Shenyuan, not her third brother. Now that he was finally back, how could Yining not be overjoyed?

She ran towards the screen wall, leaving Lin Mao and Gu Jingming behind without a thought.

Two carriages were stopped at the screen wall, with servants unloading items from the rear one. Sunlight shone on the wall. A tall, straight figure stood with his back to her, wearing a cape, seemingly looking at something. His silhouette had become somewhat unfamiliar.

But Yining recognized him instantly.

A smile spread across her face as she ran forward, hugging him from behind around the waist, exclaiming happily, “Third Brother!”

The person she embraced stiffened slightly, then slowly turned around.

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