HomeThe Rise of NingShou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce - Chapter 58

Shou Fu Yang Cheng Shou Ce – Chapter 58

“Yining.” Luo Shenyuan gently pulled away the head buried in his embrace.

Yining finally saw his face. His thick eyebrows remained imposing, but the space between them had grown more composed and somber. The youthful handsomeness had transformed into a scholarly elegance befitting a young man. His shoulders seemed broader, his stature taller.

Yet she had grown taller too, now reaching his chest. Looking up to speak with him was still a strain.

Yining was no longer a little girl; perhaps it was time to maintain some distance.

Luo Shenyuan observed her maturing features. Her round, almond-shaped eyes were clear and alluring. Though still somewhat childish, they possessed a compelling vivacity. Her cheeks retained their baby fat, fair and delicate, with a childlike charm. Her height had increased noticeably.

Two years had passed without seeing each other.

Luo Shenyuan gripped her wrist a bit too tightly, relieved to find nothing amiss. After a moment, he released her hand and said with a frown, “How is it that you’ve grown older, yet your behavior hasn’t matured? You shouldn’t be so reckless in the future. Did you truly recognize me?”

Yining smiled at him sweetly. She was certain she would never mistake him for anyone else.

She took his large, warm hand and led him towards the main house, chatting as they walked. “Mother has prepared Fengxie Hall for you to stay in upon your return. I’ve practiced the music you asked me to learn. Though my playing is… average, Fourth Sister says it at least has a tune now. Master Song has been teaching me to play Go, and I can now hold my own against him. Perhaps we could play a game sometime?”

Yining thought to herself that Luo Shenyuan couldn’t possibly excel at everything. She rarely saw him play Go, so there was a chance she might win.

Seeing the little girl’s eager expression, Luo Shenyuan’s lips curved into a smile as he softly replied, “Alright.”

Yining was overjoyed, her steps becoming more spirited. Whenever her hand began to slip away, Luo Shenyuan tightened his grip. Though he said little during their walk, he never once let go of her hand.

The servants and guards following behind them took his luggage to Fengxie Hall. Luo Shenyuan led the little girl to pay respects to Lin Hairu.

He knelt, lifting the hem of his robe, but Lin Hairu hurried to help him up. He was her son, the top scholar—it wouldn’t do to have him kneeling so casually.

Luo Shenyuan sat down, and a servant brought him tea. He asked Lin Hairu, “Has Meimei been well-behaved?”

Yining sat beside him, resting her chin on her hand with a sigh. When Luo Shenyuan was away, she always felt like the true Luo Yining. But as soon as he returned, she reverted to being a child in his eyes.

Well-behaved? Lin Hairu was puzzled. Over the past two years, Yining had managed to subdue Concubine Qiao completely. Whenever Concubine Qiao claimed illness, Yining would send Qingqu to examine her. Each time, Concubine Qiao would send Qingqu back with a livid expression, while Qingqu remained utterly bewildered. When Luo Chengzhang brought back a set of fine jade from Zhangzhou, said to be extremely rare and precious, he gave it all to Concubine Qiao and young Master Xuan.

In response, Yining opened the private storage left to her by Old Madam Luo and placed a statue of Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy, in her room. She instructed Concubine Qiao to burn incense daily and preferably cry before the statue about her misfortune and helplessness. When Luo Chengzhang saw this, he said nothing and left quietly. The next day, Lin Hairu received a beautiful set of jade cups and bowls, while Concubine Qiao, in her anger that night, punished two of her maids and was subsequently reprimanded by Luo Chengzhang…

The more Lin Hairu thought about these incidents, the more pleased she felt. She replied, “Meimei has been very well-behaved.”

She continued, “Your eldest brother is married now, and I hear your second brother is to wed your eldest aunt’s niece. You’re not getting any younger yourself…”

Luo Shenyuan set down his teacup.

Lin Hairu said with some regret, “I thought Miss Gao next door would have been a good match for you. She’s the eldest daughter of the main wife, with an outstanding appearance and personality. She was even interested in you, and I thought it was a fine match. It’s a pity you didn’t like her… Now she even has a child. Why don’t you tell me what kind of girl you prefer, or if you’ve taken a liking to someone? I could help arrange things for you.”

Luo Shenyuan smiled faintly. “Mother, I have my plans. Please don’t interfere.”

Lin Hairu was puzzled. What plans did he have? And how was she interfering?

Luo Shenyuan needed to meet with Gu Jingming, so he left Lin Hairu’s quarters with Yining. Observing his resolute jawline and slightly pursed lips, Yining sensed he was lost in thought. She tugged at his hand and asked, “Third Brother?”

Luo Shenyuan had intended to reach up and pat her hand, but instead placed it on her shoulder. He smiled and asked, “Have you met your Gu family cousin yet?”

Yining nodded, wondering if Luo Shenyuan knew Gu Jingming.

He led her to Zhu Garden. Luo Yixiu had already left, but Luo Yiliang was still in the courtyard having tea with Gu Jingming. Seeing Luo Shenyuan approach with Yining, Luo Yiliang stood up and called out softly, “Third Brother.”

Gu Jingming smiled and cupped his hands in greeting Luo Shenyuan, saying, “Brother Shenyuan, it’s been half a year since we last met in the capital.”

So they did know each other!

Yining had heard of Gu Jingming, of course. Though not as famous as Luo Shenyuan, he was considered one of the Emperor’s favorites and would later become the Minister of Ceremonies. She was surprised to learn they were acquainted.

Yining glanced at Lin Mao beside her, knowing he would become Luo Shenyuan’s right-hand man in the future. She noticed Lin Mao was also looking at her, a lazy smile playing on his lips. “Cousin Yining, now that your brother has returned, have you forgotten about us?”

Luo Yiliang smiled and said, “Seventh Sister has always been close to Third Brother. It’s been two years since they last saw each other.” Her hands were clenched tightly inside her sleeves.

Luo Shenyuan’s status in the Luo family was now exceptional, and she had never neglected him. When he was in the capital, she had heard that it was particularly cold there and sent him some thick clothing. However, Luo Shenyuan had always been indifferent towards them, and even now, he barely glanced at her.

Though they were both his sisters, Luo Shenyuan’s treatment of them was unequal.

Luo Yiliang maintained a gentle smile on her face, for what else could she do? Could she pretend not to notice Gu Jingming’s perfunctory attitude towards her? Could she ignore Luo Shenyuan’s indifference? But no one would hand these things to her; if she didn’t fight for them, she would have nothing.

Gu Jingming and Luo Shenyuan went inside to talk, while the maids of Zhu Garden brought some cakes and preserved fruits for Yining to eat.

Luo Yiliang turned away, thinking that if she could choose, she would choose Luo Yihui’s birth. The noble birth of the eldest daughter of the main wife, favored by her father and doted on by Old Madam Luo. Married into a first-class noble family, having given birth to a son and secured her position as the heir’s wife, even the heir himself showered her with affection.

When Luo Yihui returned home for a visit, who in the family dared not respect her?

Although Luo Yining was also born of the main wife, she could never compare to Luo Yihui. After all, their grandmother was gone, and she was raised by Lin Hairu.

What was wrong with wanting to marry Gu Jingming? Though he came from a good family, her beauty and talents were not lacking. Why couldn’t she aspire to such a match?

Luo Yiliang took a deep breath, then excused herself and left Zhu Garden with her maids and servants.

Yining watched Luo Yiliang leave, understanding what these concubine-born daughters were thinking. There were generally two types of concubine-born young ladies: those who grew up obedient and submissive, accepting the arrangements made by the main wife. While they might not end up in particularly wealthy marriages, they could at least marry into respectable families. For example, Luo Yixiu’s two concubine-born sisters had married into ordinary but well-off families as principal wives. The other type was those with lofty ambitions, hoping to marry above their station. If successful, they would gain wealth and status; if they failed, they would be despised by the main wife and lose all prospects of a good marriage.

Judging by Concubine Qiao’s personality, Luo Yiliang was certainly not the first type. Moreover, Luo Yiliang was favored by Luo Chengzhang, and despite not being born to the main wife, she was not inferior to Luo Yining in any way. She received the same education and monthly allowance and was treated as an equal to the two daughters of the main branch.

Growing up like this, how could Luo Yiliang tolerate being considered inferior when it came to marriage prospects?

As for herself, Yining was still young, but who knew what would happen in a few years?

Yining chewed on the preserved fruits while lost in thought.

Lin Mao watched her for a while before suddenly asking, “You seem deep in thought. What are you thinking about?”

Yining glanced at him, noticing his unusually serious expression, and replied equally seriously, “I’m thinking about my two sisters’ marriages and wondering what will happen to me in the future.”

Lin Mao looked at her with a smile, his narrow phoenix eyes quite handsome, with an indescribable charm. “Are you worried about your marriage prospects?”

Yining silently finished her candied kumquat, deciding that for the sake of her peace of mind, she should avoid talking too much with Lin Mao in the future. She smiled and said, “I just remembered I haven’t practiced my music today. I should head back now. Goodbye, Cousin Mao.”

Lin Mao wanted to tell her there was nothing to worry about, but she had already walked away, surrounded by her entourage of maids and servants.

Luo Shenyuan watched this scene from inside the room. After a long moment, he lowered the curtain and said to Gu Jingming, “Lin Mao is a fickle person.”

“He’s certainly clever, with a knack for unconventional methods,” Gu Jingming chuckled. “He’s just a bit unpredictable—always teasing Cousin Yining. He likes her very much. If anyone else spoke to him that way, he’d lose patience long ago. It’s only with Yining that he shows such tolerance.”

Luo Shenyuan silently gazed at a pot of narcissus on the table, then said quietly, “How does he treat Yining?”

“Today he even got bitten by Cousin Yining, but he didn’t seem angry. Cousin Yining has a good nature; she must have been pushed to her limit to bite him.” Gu Jingming shook his head and added with a smile, “You and Cousin Yining seem quite close. I thought you weren’t particularly close to anyone in the Luo family.”

Luo Shenyuan’s expression remained unreadable. He said, “I’ve returned from the capital this time because His Excellency informed me that the Emperor is in poor health. I’m telling you this first, as few people know about it yet. Lu Jiaxue has dispatched elite troops to guard Qianqing Palace, suggesting the situation might be critical.”

Gu Jingming’s expression grew solemn.

He had once been the Crown Prince’s study companion, and his grandfather had been the Imperial Tutor, naturally aligning the Gu family with the Crown Prince’s faction. However, the Crown Prince was young and frail, while the current Grand Prince was more vigorous. Yet the Grand Prince was not the Crown Prince…

“Thank you, I’ll send word to my grandfather,” Gu Jingming said in a low voice.

Luo Shenyuan nodded slightly and left Zhu Garden without further comment.

Yining had said she was going back, but having just reunited with Luo Shenyuan, she wanted to talk more with him, to ask about his time in the capital and how her eldest sister was doing. She wanted to know even more—about the Lu family’s situation, Cheng Lang’s current status, and even the Lu family’s eldest sister-in-law… But she knew she couldn’t ask about these things.

Yining waited for Luo Shenyuan in Fengxie Hall as the sky gradually darkened.

Worried she might catch a cold, a servant from Fengxie Hall brought her a cloak and draped it over her shoulders, then served her a bowl of pear water. Having eaten too many preserved fruits, Yining was glad to drink the sweet pear water to quench her thirst. She hugged a pillow and gazed at the cold night stars, thinking it was almost time for dinner. She wasn’t particularly hungry, so she sent a little maid to inform Lin Hairu not to wait for her.

Leaning against the pillow, Yining felt drowsy and had a hazy dream. Then she sensed someone carrying her. She woke up groggily to see her Third Brother’s handsome, resolute jawline and smelled his familiar scent.

“Third Brother,” she murmured, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I feel like you’ve gotten thinner. Have you lost weight?”

Still half-asleep, she wasn’t fully aware of what she was saying.

Luo Shenyuan clenched his fist before finally holding her close. He whispered in her ear, “Meimei, Third Brother is back…”

He said nothing more, but Yining felt his tight embrace and could smell his breath.

Feeling drowsy, she closed her eyes once again and drifted off to sleep.

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